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Your Profile : Red : 11.


Blue : 13.3%

White : 65%

YELLOW : 10%

70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% RED BLUE WHITE YELLOW

Congratulations. You are WHITE. A. Summary WHITES are motivated by PEACE. They seek independence and require kindness. They resist confrontation at all costs. To them, feeling good is more important than being good. They are typically quiet by nature, process things very deeply and objectively with great clarity. Of all the colors, WHITES are the best listeners. They respect people who are direct but recoil from perceived hostility or verbal battle. WHITES need their "alone time" and refuse to be controlled by others. WHITES want to do things their own way and in their own time. They ask little of others and resent others demanding much of them. WHITES are much stronger than people think, but are not often seen for their strength because they don't easily reveal their feelings. WHITES are even-tempered, diplomatic, and the voice of reason; but can also be indecisive, unexpressive, and silently stubborn. When others interact with you, as a WHITE you respond to them best if they are kind, accepting and supporting of your individuality, and if they look for non-verbal clues to understand your feelings. Understand that no two WHITES are exactly alike. Although you share the same core motivation as many others, your personality is still unique to you alone. Once you begin

to develop a more accurate knowledge of who you are, you can leverage that knowledge to create more happiness, enjoyment, and success in all areas of your life. General Trait of Peacekeepers Peaceful and Diplomatic Doubtful and Dependent Tolerant and Patient Impressionable Withholds Feelings Blendable and Kind Unproductive dreamers Unmotivated Accepting Boring and Lazy Timid and emotionally unsure Gentle and even-tempered Aimless and misguided Indecisive Silent and Stubborn

B. Strength Weakness Analysis Strength The White Strength : As an individual Quiet, reflective, and peacefull Sincere and genuine lifestyle Appears to accept life comfortably Patient with self and others Enjoys lifes simplicity Compatible with others Kind to animal and people Blends into all situations The White Strength : As Communicator receptive to others' input negotiator and mediator on issues listens superbly strong empathy skills The White Strength : As A Goal Setter accommodates others easily handles bureaucratic environments Weakness White Limitations: As an Individual boring because detached takes passive approach to life unresponsive or not openly excited about experiences has problems becoming intimate bashful and unsure of self easily manipulated into changing plans ambivalent about "direction and goals to pursue often lazy and unwilling to take responsibility for self resists making commitments White Limitations : As communicator fearful of confrontation unable to respond quickly in conversation

well negotiates well calm under pressure prefers slower pace and "think" time sometimes puts self in dangerous occupations for excitement . nonconformist The White Strength : As a Parent flows well with crises takes time to enjoy each child agreeable with difficult children respected by children for gentle manner and style slow to react with anger supportive and considerate accepts companion's decisiondemonstrates unity . patient with deviant and inappropriate behavior accepts differences superbly The White Strength : As A Child very agreeable to established traditions and boundaries Non demanding willing to accommodate siblings and parents plays well by self accepts life with drama The White Strength : As A Friend patient and enduring through good and bad times tolerant of unkind behavior supportive and accepting listens with empathy relaxed in most situations likes most people liked by most people compatible with different personalities . enjoys observing others nondemanding of friendship

dishonest with felings-often agrees only to please others hesitant to engage others in conversation doesn't contribute openly accepts others' decisions without seeking best solution gives very little energy to conversation unless forced to refuses to take a stand on issues prefers to observe others interact White Limitations : As a Goal Setter takes a "wait and see" attitude to life experiences waits for a sign or for someone else to make decisions for them . lacks consistency in goal setting sees goals as demanding and therefore restrictive waits for others to set his or her goals and then criticizes the goals set for him or her White Limitations : As A Career Person low profile low energy . . directionless-requires leadership from others resents strong direction and leadership from others works at a slow pace . resists power dominance of other personalities difficult to motivate and inspire fears. change and risk taking willing to stay in same monotonous job easily manipulated by others when unmotivated or unconcerned White Limitations : As A Parent refuses to engage in conflict with spouse about children doesn't initiate activities and interaction with children poor disciplinarian

The White Strength : As A Committed Companion tolerant of others' tardiness can entertain self easily appreciates leadership qualities in others loyal and committed to relationship willing to accept beliefs and values of companion

works obsessively to maintain peace poor leadership and Clelegation with children easily abused by children when promoting unpopular ideas easily controlled or ignored by spouse or children White Limitations : As A Child resents being pressured to do things doesn't contribute much to conversations contributes quietly to family activities waits for parent to initiate ideas and then criticizes unacceptable suggestions prefers the comforts of home to the demands of the world indifferent to family dilemmas uninvolved in family action doesn't complete tasks White Limitations : As A Friend lacks creativity to make suggestions easily led by others' opinions won't express honest perception if controversial passive requires extra protection and a lot of support easily hurt and defeated White Limitations : As A Committed Companion prefers the other person to lead boring and indecisive too accommodating won't make suggestions for activities willing to let life and love pass him or her by may experience difficulty initiating relationships feels too inadequate to take a stand

and voice opinions not emotional about intimate relationships


Forest ranger Recreation leader Dentist Researcher Bureaucrat Homemaker Computer programmer Military Police officer service Preschool teacher Engineer Veterinarian F.B.I. agent Lawyer Truck driver Note: Whites and Yellows are usually the least motivated to succeed in the career world How to develop a Positive Connection with White DO: 1. Be Kind 2. Be logical, clear, and firm about the content you present 3. Provide a structure (boundaries) for them to operate in 4. Be patient and gentle 5. Introduce options and ideas for their involvement 6. Be simple and open 7. Acknowledge and accept their individuality 8. Be casual, informal, and relaxed in presentation style 9. Look for nonverbal clues to their feelings 10. Listen quietly DONT :: 1. Be cruel or insensitive 2. Expect them to need much social interaction 3. Force immediate verbal expression; accept written communication 4. Be domineering or too intense 5. Demand conformity to unrealistic expectations/behaviors 6. Overwhelm them with too much at once 7. Force confrontation 8. Speak too fast. 9. Take away all their daydreams 10. Demand leadership

Recommended Time-Management Tips for Whites 1. State verbally how you feel and what you perceive about yourself, current tasks, and others' behavior. Whites are vulnerable to wasting energy because they can't accurately identify how they feel and present it confidently to others. 2. Empower yourself by addressing issues rather than avoiding them. 3. Conflict can be enriching. Share your ideas and seek others' input, rather than taking their feedback personally. See them as enlightening and broadening your horizons. Time management in a vacuum can be limiting and dangerous. 4. Seek a sense of urgency. Whites can miss living passionate lives by refusing to get excited about projects and people. Don't let time pass you by. 5. Set proactive agendas, rather than merely reacting to agendas others set for you. Proactive attitudes will challenge your natural tendency to being passive-aggressive. 6. Don't be overly defensive when others seem demanding. Focus on what is being said rather than how it's being said.

PERSONALITIES WHO APPEAR TO BE WHITES ALBERT EINSTEIN: A genius and highly observant, he let his thinking, do his talking. Personally withdrawn, he was most comfortable in the world of ideas and intellectual exchange. He preferred quietly doing the research for his remarkable theories behind the scenes, rather than heralding their importance to the public. MICHAEL JACKSON: Multitalented professionally and yet personally selfeffacing, he listens well but verbalizes very little. Prefers quiet, limited personal connections. JIMMY CARTER: Better thought of as a world diplomat than a savvy political force, he exudes kindness and quiet dignity. He never displays zealous egotism, but walks softly and carries a big stick.

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