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Houston Dem Precinct Chair: Stop Gun Violence by Shooting NRA Me...



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17 Dec 2012, 11:47 AM PDT



Over the weekend, Houston Democrat Precinct Chair John Cobarruvias tweeted (http://www.libertarianrepublican.net/2012/12 /democrat-party-office-holder-says.html), "Can we now shoot the #NRA and everyone who defends them?"
This, apparently, is part of what he calls "hard-hitting political commentary" on his blog "Bay Area Houston." Prior to the asinine tweet broaching the subject of shooting NRA members as a solution to gun violence, Cobarruvias had spent some of his "hard-hitting political commentary" mocking conservatives -- or as Cobarruvias himself put it, by "laughing and puking on GOP Tea Baggers." Among the other messages in the group in which Cobarruvias' tweet appeared were those which "advocated for the murder of NRA president Keene and all NRA members." Liberal tolerance at its best.

Former Adam Lanza Babysitter: Nancy Told Me 'Never Turn My Back' (http://www.breitbart.com /Big-Government/2012/12 /17/Newton-Connecticut-babysitter)
240 comments 2 minutes ago

Radio Host on Tim Scott: 'Black Only in Skin Color' (http://www.breitbart.com /Big-Journalism/2012/12 /17/Indianapolis-Religious-RadioHost-on-Tim-Scott-Black-Only-inSkin-Color)
210 comments 0 minutes ago



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12/17/2012 7:11 PM

Houston Dem Precinct Chair: Stop Gun Violence by Shooting NRA Me...


REAL-TIME UPDATING IS paused. (Resume)

Starting national, political conversation on gun

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What is his home address?

A LIKE REPLY 9 minutes ago F


What a Bag of shyte this Moron is,It seems every Prog Mouthpiece in the world is shooting off his or her Mouth.Why dont we discuss Treating and Diagnosing Mental Illness and having Armed Security at schools instead of wishing folks dead. I guarantee far more results if you did.
A LIKE REPLY 11 minutes ago F


e-mail address SUBSCRIBE


Let's see.... He owns a gun he is going to shoot you with, because you are fighting for the right to own a gun also!!!! Very revealing!!!
A LIKE REPLY 14 minutes ago 1 Like F


REPLY 15 minutes ago F

He should be careful, someone might take his threats seriously.



He's from Texas? Ought to move to Kalifornia with all the other stupid, uselesss, Liberal pieces of crap.
A LIKE REPLY 20 minutes ago 1 Like F


go to Austin, you'd be surprised. Not everyone in that state is Rick Perry.

A LIKE REPLY 17 minutes ago in reply to unapologeticone F


I feel threatened and am now afraid for the safety of my family, myself and our property. Tell Cobarruvias thanks for the alert.
A LIKE REPLY 22 minutes ago F


Isn't that just like a Democrat? Advocate murder in order to stop murder.
A LIKE REPLY 26 minutes ago 1 Like F


So the libbie answer to stopping violence is to threaten violence...is anyone surprised?

A LIKE REPLY 27 minutes ago 1 Like F


Im in Ohio...I'll be waiting.
A LIKE REPLY 30 minutes ago F


Not the smartest thing to say in Texas.. What a dumbsh*t...

A LIKE REPLY 31 minutes ago 2 Likes F

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Houston Dem Precinct Chair: Stop Gun Violence by Shooting NRA Me...



Awwww---the liberal mind at work! It is truly a disgusting dirty thing to behold. But with this comment we see how nasty, dirty, perverted their mind is. Kill us because one of theirs killed children, men and women. John Cobarruvias , please tell me why you want to kill me. I'm a father, a grandfather, married to the same woman for 37 year, still working, not so much as a speeding ticket in the last 15 years and a proud member of the NRA. And I own guns and never shot a single person or even wanted to. Now your perverted SOB liberal, tell me why you want to kill me again? You libs are absolutely beyond disgusting. ps--stay away from my guns. I also know how to use them. :)
A LIKE REPLY 34 minutes ago 3 Likes F


if this guy was republican, he would have been forced to resign his position. the msm would have a field day with this. so when is this nasty hater going to resign his position? even decent democrats should be ashamed of this. birds chirping.
A LIKE REPLY 43 minutes ago F


What's he gonna kill them with? A baseball bat? I think the NRA can deal with him.
A LIKE REPLY 46 minutes ago F


Asinine ....totally moronic.

A LIKE REPLY 48 minutes ago 2 Likes F


Hey John, Let's Dance. Cmon boy your 10 feet tall in the media but you would not make a pimple on an NRA members derrier.
A LIKE REPLY 51 minutes ago 1 Like F


Typical democrat--playing God over life and death of their foes. Check with Samuel L. Jackson, who tweeted he was very sad the hurricane in FL didn't kill all the Republicans at the convention...
A LIKE REPLY 55 minutes ago 1 Like F


Where are the recent photos of Adam Lanza? Doesn't anyone find it odd that there is a very Trayvon Martin-esque flavor to this absence of adult photos? Why is he repeatedly portrayed as a little boy or young teenager? Are we to believe there are NO photos of this 20-year-old young man?
A LIKE REPLY 55 minutes ago F


NRA members do not not need the corrupt doj and it's bigoted leaders to protect them from this bloviating a++hole. Feel froggy, Cobarruvias? Then jump!
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 1 Like F


John Cobarruvias, we know where you live. Party hack for the State Democratic Executive Committee; District 11. http://www.txdemocrats.org/sde... Phone 281.486.5203 Home address is

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John Cobarruvias 14646 Cardinal Creek Ct Houston, TX Home phone Phone 281-486-5203 e-mail johncoby@sbcglobal.net Age 50-54; Wife Patricia, age 50-54; daughter Ashley, age 18-24. OOOH!!! OOOH!!! This is too good! Updated: NASA employee suspended for partisan blogging http://blog.chron.com/techblog...
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 1 Like F


Hey, Johnny boy! I'm your huckleberry... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v... I'm sure you're no daisy at all.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago F


Get wise people. This is the true face of the Democrat party. The party of civility, tolerance, and caring. This is the party that would shove the peace sign up our #sses then talk about necessity. This is what you should realize is the enemy to freedom and our families for the future. This is the party that many members, would love to back up to new boxcars, to the conservative collective, for short trips to anywhere that can be controlled and patrolled. Don't laugh and doubt it but look at what's going on. Look at your celebs and politicians and listen to them. It's really there.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 1 Like F


The FBI should be knocking on this RAT's door. But don't hold your breath with Holder.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago F


Leave it to the unhinged Lefties to rattle off death threats. Hey John, what cowardly hole are you hiding in after running your mouth ?
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago F


If coba-virus wants to shoot NRA members, then I suggest he get doing it. Talk is cheap john boy. Do it! You're a big dog, aren't you?
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago F


When the sh*t hits the fan one of these days, you pu**y libs better stay the hell away from my foxhole!!!!!! I won't help you. You will not be baggage for me and my family.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 1 Like F


Ok lefties, just ban guns. Do it. You had a super majority for 2 years. Just do it. Why do you need our consent to do something. Every thing you do is force anyway. So why talk about it. Just do it. Bring the fight. C'mon. Your arguments are stupid. You can't reason anything out and you're so willing to have some lame gov person tell you what you can or can't have so by all means make it happen.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 1 Like F

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Houston Dem Precinct Chair: Stop Gun Violence by Shooting NRA Me...



Come on Big John! I am in the Bay Area outside of Houston. I have a 44 revolver if you want to come over and try and take the first shot at this NRA supporter. You won't be laughing, but you could possibly puke.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 1 Like F


Im calling my local FBI office tomorow and i am telling them about him. At the moment im just a paying supporter member of the NRA i dont even own a gun (too busy with school). What he said scared the hell out of me, this is a real threat. Anyone who is an NRA member should get off their as*hole and call their local office immediatelly.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 2 Likes F


Why has he not been arrested yet?

A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 3 Likes F


Now how can you POSSIBLY understand Liberal Logic like this? Stop Gun Violence by KILLING MORE PEOPLE? No wonder it is impossible to understand where these loons are coming from! But since he is a "Liberal" nothing will be done or said about the fact he just broadcasted the Call to action and MURDER of Innocent Americans!! People that go on Shooting sprees are NOT law abiding citizens! Law Abiding Gun Owners are NOT shooting anyone!! We sat a Loaded gun on the table and for the LIFE of me It never Jumped up and Started SHOOTING up my house!!
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 7 Likes F


I'd like to be a Liberal for about five minutes just to see what it is like to have a mind devoid of any reason or logic!
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to Lynda_TX 2 Likes F


Trust me. I was a progressive once. Its all emotions, false good intentions and a raging hatred for the other team.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to MarkS101 4 Likes F


Who in the HE77 is this schit a@@. He needs to be shot! What afreakin dumb liberal. Houston you better get ready!\
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 2 Likes F


Mr. Cobarruvias asked a question. I would tell him NO, but i would advise him to sign the White House Gun Control Petition here. https://petitions.whitehouse.g... and to contact his representatives to support any gun control bills.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago F


How many signers so far? Are there more than the almost 1 million who have signed the petition to free themselves from liberals?
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to EV332 F


Only dumb fkn stoopid demoncrap liberals would blame the gun. Do they blame the alcohol manufactures for all the dui deaths every year, by the way those deaths are 100000 to 1. Do the IDIOTS that want our guns realize you can take them all and the only ones that still have them are the bad guys! Mexico is real safe with their anti

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Houston Dem Precinct Chair: Stop Gun Violence by Shooting NRA Me...


gun laws. The cartels are able tro take over and call the shots because the citizens are un armed peasants. Get a clue people. Start voting for ploticians that will send people to prison for a very long time if the y brake the law, make people responsible for their actions, make people respect one another. An unarmed man can only flee evil, evil is not overcome by fleeing.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago F


I hope his public threat is taken seriously, and he dies in a hail of gunfire from NRA members defending themselves against his terrorist threats. NRA members should be in fear for their lives due to his public comments, and act to remove the threat to themselves, and society at large, immediately.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 3 Likes F


Am I to believe that this guy has threatened the lives of NRA members? Wonder what Eric Holder has to say about this? A direct threat to our lives from a political hack. Go ahead sucker, we will most likely defend ourselves from a murderer.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 4 Likes F


The Taliban is a well regulated militia & 11 years mighty US Army have not been able to defeat them & they only carry a $20 standard regulation AK47s The founding fathers would be proud of them because they are fighting invaders What if the Taliban had Bushmaster M4A3 Patrolman's Semi Auto Carbine .223 Rem/5.56 NATO & some Glocks The US Army would have been toast



1 hour ago


What if the Army and Marines were allowed to actually fight them?
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to Deathvader F


They have been trying to find or create an excuse to ban guns for years. We see through you ghouls. Pounce on every good tragedy. Fast and furious and saint trayvon the young and pure failed so this is third try. Even holder of dead mexican famne is shooting off his mouth. Funny hel;l talk about this but sealed the documents on fast and furious. you dthink an antigun warrior like that trud would reveal everything on fast and furious. Whos next, reno, the barbequer of babies at WACO? The glorious senate said that was OK at WACO cause They were being forced to sing christian songs and pray. Had to torch em fast, billy clinton was getting embarrassed. Hiallarie would testify but she got drunk and passed out and hit her head, thats good for the next 4 years apparently.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 4 Likes F


How are lefties going to shoot NRA members if lefties don't have guns?
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago F


Like I said, the reason the lib's are so pro-crazy and anti-gun is because they and their followers are all certifiable.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 3 Likes F


Shouldn't we just shoot all shy, quiet 20-yr old men with Aspergers? There must be fewer of them than NRA members.

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Houston Dem Precinct Chair: Stop Gun Violence by Shooting NRA Me...


1 hour ago A LIKE

1 Like F REPLY


Who does he imagine the NRA member is? I'm a city dwelling woman with a family. I'm a professional. I'd wager to say that most NRA members are pretty much like me. Is he going to look me in the face and shoot me merely because I'm a member of a certain organization? THIS is what passes for a solution to our problems? THIS is what passes for "progressive" thought? Good God. . .can someone please tell me who took my country and where they're hiding it?
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 4 Likes F


Yes, that is exactly what passes for "progressive" thought. And ALL of them think that way, no exceptions.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to LeezaLee F


Leezalee I pee standing up (you don't know what you're missing). Otherwise I'm in agreement.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to LeezaLee 2 Likes F


By the way, Cobarruvias is, guess what, a hispanic. If ANY of you believe that we should make these filth legal, this is what you'll get; more Cobarruvias'. And just remember, in their countries they actually DO go out and shoot people that dissent from the leftist position; in fact, the governments of these terd-hole nations routinely silence any and all dissent at gun point. Of course, their people are not permitted to own guns as they have no 2nd Amendment protecting them so they are powerless to fight back even if they wanted to. This is what you will get with "amnesty"; your guns are now gone, your personal freedoms are gone, your money is going all to the government, what do you have left? Nothing. You are all now serfs and peasants. When you see your single white female daughter, make sure you thank her for ruining your lives and futures.



1 hour ago



So, he's a borderline psychotic hispanic homosexual.............sociopathy does not recognize race, color, or creed..............
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to cynicalrealist 1 Like F


Sorry but you don't know hispanics/south americans then. They are overwhelmingly leftist/socialists; overwhelmingly. Their societies thrive on the "struggle of the people" nonsense. Just read about their history sometime. If you believe for a half a second they will not transplant that crap here, you're drunk. In fact, just like at the vast majority of hispanic leaders in this country; what do they stand for? Capitalism? Personal responsibility? Personal freedom? Nope; they are for communism and socialism. It's about the culture of the race; the pre-dominant culture from which that race comes. Sticking your head in the sand won't change it.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to RJLigier 1 Like F


You may start it you little prick, but I guarantee we will finish it!
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 1 Like F


Same tragic crime, change choice of weapon from Gun to SUV and see how STUPID it is to ban SUV's cuz a nut ran over kids and teahers at recess today. We have to fight back with LOGIC people.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago F

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Houston Dem Precinct Chair: Stop Gun Violence by Shooting NRA Me...



You can start with that Banfield lady. She's an annoying one, isn't she? j/k
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago F


Go ahead you dumb b@st@rd try they will blow you away along with anyone you ever spoke to in you life @ ss wipe !



2 hours ago

1 Like


YOU IDIOT CONS ARE FALLING FOR IT AGAIN!!! this is how the right wing media machine operates. They take one extreme position from the left and highlight it as representative of th liberal position. You guys get all angry just like they want you too. meanwhile it keeps cons from having to answer the tough question that you cannot answer. Why do you ned assault rifles and extended mags to hunt? are the deer fighting back these days?
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to Carl Mertz F


we're making the point that his comment is troubling. If he's the chair of a *very* influential Texas precinct, what makes him think he can shoot his mouth off on Twitter like this?
A LIKE REPLY 9 minutes ago in reply to Steve F


There is no such thing as an "assault rifle". Anything someone can pick up can be used to assault someone or something else. Time to start banning assault butter knives, assault scissors, assault baseball bats, and Hands and feet. While we are on a slippery slope doctors and mothers to be should be brought up on charges for assaulting fetuses as well. Isn't abortion premeditated murder?
A LIKE REPLY 37 minutes ago in reply to Steve F


Why do you need a three thousand pound internal combustion engine? Did the Earth lose its gravitational pull? Time for you to give up the metric-ton-killing machine and start riding your bike, or get an electric golf cart. 750,000 people were killed in auto accidents in the past ten years, with women and children suffering disproportionally.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to Steve F


The jerk's attitude IS representative of the liberal position.

A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to Steve F


Thanks for your input, idiot. Do I need to explain the correct use of to/too? Nah, you won't get it anyway. If someone has to explain WHY we "need" assault rifles (which I'm assuming a pellet gun qualifies to a liberal), then you obviously won't accept the answer. So I'll ask you a question: Why should the officials I elect to represent ME have quantatatively more firepower at their disposal than the people they represent do? Why do said officials fear such firepower in the hands of law-abiding citizens? The correct answer is, they damn well should. It's what makes us citizens and not subjects. You liberals will never grasp such a balance of power because most liberals want ALL the power, and the only thing standing in your way is an armed populace.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to Steve F

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Houston Dem Precinct Chair: Stop Gun Violence by Shooting NRA Me...



Its libs like you that can't deal with the touch questions or answers like ITS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS WHAT WE OWN. Why do I or anyone else have to justify to you or some government why I should own something? Is that your definition of freedom... begging the government for things? We also don't need sports cars that go 125mph so should they be banned. Yeah banning things cause a group of busy bodies declare them unnecessary. Now that's freedom right there. So why do you hate freedom? Why do you hate your fellow man? If you distrust your fellow man with guns then what changes when that man becomes a government official. Why do you trust government people with guns? (You might want to google Hobbes's paradox.) If guns are unnecessary then why does Obama, Bloomberg, Pelosi, Reid and a large number of politicians have armed security officers? And who are you or anybody else to decide what people do or do not need? I don't think you need tattoos. Should we ban them? More people die in drunk driving accidents than guns so should we ban cars?



1 hour ago

in reply to Steve



I was left quadriplegic after being hit by an intoxicated liberal (who had just gotten out of prison for receiving stolen property) in her assault vehicle while I was walking home from somewhere in 2001. She got one year in jail and probation which she violated and didn't get penalized for. Why won't liberals take up more worthy causes instead of trying to take away peoples rights to defend themselves ultimately from liberals? they didn't even take away her license to drive.
A LIKE 23 minutes ago in reply to cb750 F


I'd say assaulting the COTUS and the Bill of Rights was pretty extreme.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to Steve 3 Likes F


Pictures please. I'd like to know who's coming to shoot me. Good luck! Mr. Cobarruvias needs to do this like he needs a hole in his head.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 4 Likes F


Does he have the balls to do this one on one? Bring it on. Self defense is legal here in Texas. His head will be a good place to start. NRA Life Member/22 Year Navy Vienam Vet.
A LIKE REPLY 48 minutes ago in reply to attackslack F


What's this lowlife's Twitter handle?

A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 2 Likes F


@BayAreaHouston He's already apologized via twitter.

A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to skspls F


Does this idiot realize NRA members have families, this is a typical Democrate response, go for blood kill people and they worry about gun owners, WHAT A FLIPPEN JOKE. It is the liberals we need to BAN all of

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Houston Dem Precinct Chair: Stop Gun Violence by Shooting NRA Me...


them NOW.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 6 Likes F


Whose guns are they going to use?

A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 2 Likes F


my thoughts exactly.
A LIKE REPLY 20 minutes ago in reply to alohamgm F


holder probably has a stash just for this fantasy created by the libs!!! they may have been shipped directly to him via mexico - the ones that still have the serial #'s on!
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to alohamgm F


Has he been arrested yet for calling for murder? Why does law enforcement let the left off the hook all the time?



2 hours ago


Here's a 'possible' answer.......... "In 2011, 7.6 million employees in the public sector belonged to a union, compared with 7.2 million union workers in the private sector. The union membership rate for public-sector workers (37.0 percent) was substantially higher than the rate for private-sector workers (6.9 percent). Within the public sector, local government workers had the highest union membership rate, 43.2 percent. This group includes workers in heavily unionized occupations, such as teachers, police officers, and firefighters. Private-sector industries with high unionization rates included transportation and utilities (21.1 percent) and construction (14.0 percent), while low unionization rates occurred in agriculture and related industries (1.4 percent) and in financial activities (1.6 percent). (See table 3.)" http://www.bls.gov/news.releas...
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to MirrorKrys F


If some liberal nut job follows this idiot's suggestion, I think we all know what would happen. This would be one of the rare instances where radical lefties would say that it's actually okay to "blame the victim." Good to see that the libs have taken Obama's advice about being more responsible and respectful with our rhetoric.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago F


Phuck u Boy, that was a spontaneous utterance which makes it more true than not. You made a threat, now begin planning, arrange recon, make recon, complete the plan, issue orders, and supervise (BAMCIS). You want to talk like a tough guy, start planning like one.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 1 Like F


If you think you are going to win anything with 20 kids shot dead you are delusional.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago F


All MSM outlets should be bombarded with this story, including the actual tweets. AWR, maybe FNC will run with it. They did with Jason Biggs after his potty-mouth tirade on Mitt and 8th grade girls. This type of behavior

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Houston Dem Precinct Chair: Stop Gun Violence by Shooting NRA Me...


needs to be thrown back in their face relentlessly.

A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago F


Brilliant. More liberal thought process on parade. This person needs to be removed immediately. Totally incompetent.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 2 Likes F


Inciting people to kill, this man needs to go to jail for this threat, he lives by Obama's words "REVENGE." This is the Democrate way of thinking, he better hope none of his brain dead followers carry out what he is saying.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to clearthinker 1 Like F

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