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Emotional Intelligence Quiz 1. I am able to understand what makes me angry, upset , or frustrated . Yes _______ 2. I give up easily .

Yes _______ No______ No______

3. I can sense what others are feeling without any verbal cues from them. Yes _______ No______

4. I generally respond to a situation based on the first option that comes to my mind. Yes _______ No______

5. I have goals for my future and assess them from time to time . Yes _______ No______

6. I believe getting work done is more important than taking care of feelings of others . Yes _______ No______

7. When faced with a difficult situation I can motivate others . Yes _______ No______

8. I cannot tolerate people who are slow in their work. Yes _______ No______

9. I am able to share even my intense feelings with someone . Yes _______ No______

10. People can share their opinions, thoughts and feelings with me without fear. Yes _______ No______

11. I take efforts to mend relationships. Yes _______ No______

12. I am aware of my strengths and weaknesses Yes _______ No______

13. I get stressed when things don't go as I had planned. Yes _______ No______

14.I believe expressing my emotions makes me weak. Yes _______ No______

15. I have interests and hobbies that help me improve my mood. Yes _______ No______

Answer Keyfor items 1,3,5,7,9,10, 11,12 ,15 give yourself 1 point if you have marked Yes . for items 2, 4, 6,8,13, 14, give yourself 1 point if you have marked No Total the scores of all items. If your score 0-5-There is Definite room for improvement!! 6-10- Average EQ 11-15-High EQ

Questions1.Why is it important to pay attention to our EQ, what does low EQ imply ? Emotional intelligence is our ability to deal with emotions, not only of ourselves but also of others. We human beings are feeling beings, so emotions are a part of everything we do. Many of us believe that emotions are only important when we deal with family, friends or intimate relationships. However, even in the workplace or educational institutions we are dealing with people so emotions are bound to be involved. A person with high emotional intelligence is able to perceive and understand emotions of self as well as others. This person may also have empathy for other people and thus be able to deal with difficult situations ,conflicts as well as maintain relationships .Moreover, high EQ people are more likely to be goaldirected and show less of impulsive behaviours . On the other hand, a person with Low Emotional intelligence are less in touch with their emotions ,find it difficult to understand what they or others are feeling . Such people give less emphasis on emotions and feelings of others. Thus , they may not be considered as understanding friends or colleagues. Moreover, these people may tend to show poor self-regulation and more impulsive behaviours.

Q2. What is the difference between EQ and IQ Very often we see that students who do very well with academics don't do that well in the real world. This is because a lot of what happens in the classroom is about IQ vs what happens in the real world is based on our EQ. Emotional intelligence is a more fundamental element of human behavior that is distinct from your intellect. There is no known connection between IQ and emotional intelligence; you simply cant predict emotional intelligence based on how smart someone is. Cognitive intelligence, or IQ, is not flexible. Emotional intelligence, on the other hand, is a skill that is learnt learned. While it is true that some people are naturally more emotionally intelligent than

others, a high emotional intelligence can be developed even if you arent born with it. Q3. What is the importance of EQ in the workspace ? Testing for emotional intelligence is a growing trend in the corporate world today. If an employee has high emotional intelligence, he or she is more likely to be able to express his or her emotions in a healthy way, and understand the emotions of those he or she works with, thus enhancing work relationships and as well as performance.

Q4.How to improve EQ ? These are some of the ways in which you can improve your EQ 1. Make an effort to reflect on what emotions you are feeling at various times. 2.Once you start reflecting, you can understand the emotions better and also the immediate causes for your emotions . 3. A very important part of improving your emotional intelligence is about being able to spot stress triggers and recognize them for what they are and to bring yourself back to feeling calm and relaxed. 4.Be open to experiencing various emotions, even negative ones. Once you experience them without holding back, you can accept them more easily . 5. Learn to come up with healthier options for dealing with negative emotions. Yes, you may be feeling upset, doesn't mean you stop talking to people. 6. Observe non-verbal cues that people give, they give an insight into what they are feeling. 7. Before dealing with others, try to understand their emotional state. 8. Express empathy to others . Sometimes , just showing that you understand can act as support. 9. Constantly review your strengths and weaknesses. 10.Be open to criticism, however, analyze if the criticism holds any merit.

11.Be goal oriented. having short-term and long -term goals helps us deal with our self-management. 12. Arguments and disagreements are part and parcel of life, however try to get over them and not let then affect your relationships.

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