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This is to certify that this dissertation entitled "A comparative study of academic achievement of 9 grade students in relation to anxiety and intelligence" submitted by Pioki-Agarwal, a student of M.Ed, to Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Education for the session 2010l

2011, has been carried out by the candidate herself and is original. The present dissertation,
which is an outcome of her own sincere effort is complete in all aspects and is fit for submission and evaluation.


Mr; Sunil

Education is an old an human race. It is never ending process of inner growth and development and its period stretches from cradle to the grove. Education in real sense is to humanize humanity and to make life progressive culture and civilized. We have come a long way from the stone age. The present day would has an array o f scientific tools which enables man to accomplish almost anything within his imagination even then in all fields including education .To tackle in the direction of decision making in academic fields, government industry, social life etc. What different factor contribute toward academic achievement etc. The achievement of the child depends upon his conceptual learning and understanding in class. If further depends on numerous factor like child interest and motivation in the subject that they study. The device and method adopted by teacher in class family setup and situation study habits of variable. It is pertinent to mention that economic, social and cultural factor makes their contribution in academic achievement high or low for the student The achievement of the child depends upon his conceptual learning and understanding in class. It further depends on numerous factor like child interest and motivation in the subject that they study. The concept of life long education was given by UNESCO in its meeting in 1965.The basic principles wras define as "the animating principal of the whole process of education regarded as continuing throughout an individuals life from his earliest childhood to the end of his days and, therefore, calling for integrated

organization. The necessary integration should be achieved both vertically throughout the duration of life; and horizontally to cover all the various aspects of the life of individuals and societies."

1.1 ANXIETY Anxiety isN timeless the capacity to experience, fear, anxiety is an heritance from our infra human ancestors. These emotions are as old as human existence and belong to no particular era or culture. It is not only-today that fear and anxiety have become fundamental human emotions, the university of these emotion was recognized by many renowned philosophers and thinkers of anxiety times according to when(1969).It is clearly are frequent references to fear in the Bible. Perhaps the earlier recorded recognition of the importance of anxiety as a determinant of behavior is an 11 century treats Spence's theory holds that Anxiety will enlarge on strengthen each of the habits in the hierarchy in the proportion to the initial strength of the habit. The relationship is multiplicative. A simple mathematical formula describes the effect of anxiety on any response tendency. R=D x H (Response) (Drive) (Habit Strength) Theories of the anxiety in the human organism are in a relatively rudimentary state because the available care of definitely established facts is quite small. The available care of definitely established facts is quite small. The arise of the origin of anxiety have came primarily from two sources:-

1-Psychologist and 2- Learning Theorists. Psychologist was a brain product of the renowned psychologist Sigmund Freud who was a keen observer and a vastly imaginative thinkers Freud's concept of Anxiety is central around his psychologist notions of "The Pleasure Principle" and "The reality principle". The desire to achieve high, puts a lot of pressure on students which causes tension and anxiety in a way is the most intimate experience to man .It enters into man's life with the first breath and ends with the last. It is the main causes of all mental disorders. The word 'anxiety' comes from Latin word 'anxious'Experience of varying blends of uncertainty, agitation and threat.The credit to induce the word is psychology goes to freud(1884).He expressed that anxiety result due to suppression of somatic sexual tensionlibido.Tillich,defmed anxiety as a "reaction to threat of nonbeing."while according to kierkegard anxiety is a natural outcome of the central thesis of existentialism the onto loigical freedom of man." According to freud(1936) "Anxiety is a special state of unpleasure with acts of discharge along particular paths." According to K.Horney (1936) "Anxiety is a threats to what she called the "core of essence' of personality.lt is a reaction to threat to what the individual holds essentials to his existence as personality .According to her,individual develops some pattern as the basis of one's safety anything whichis likely to jeoparadize the individual's specific protective pursuits may provoke anxiety.

Anxiety different from fear according to K.Horney ,fear is a reaction to specific danger to which specific adjustment atleast in theory can be made while anxiety is chatacterised by differences and uncertainly.In the fear situation the threat is to be the physical organism and hence such a threat is clearly and specifically located.The fear situation as well as what is threatened are objective realities.In anxiety situation,the threat does not exisf'out there". It is only imagined and subjectively apprehended. The situation involving anxiety occurs because of individuals own choice and hence it is own creation. On the basis of this analysis we can hold that fear is a perceived threat to the biological self; anxiety is a subjectively apprehended threat to the psychological self. Sullivan(1953) expressed that "Anxiety is a state of tension arising from the experience of disapproval in interpersonal relations." Spielberg(19 60) stated that "Anxiety can be defined as a state of arousal caused bv threat to well beina" Fischer(1970) examines the concept of anxiety from various view points and offers integrative "vie of anxiety" He defines anxiety as "the experiences of being impelled to actualise for which abilities have already been".

1.2 TYPES OF ANXIETY He distinguishes there main types of anxiety 1. 2. 3. Objective Anxiety Neurotic Anxiety Moral Anxietv

All three types represent weakness in the part of ego to elements made on the individual by reality, the Id and the Superego- objective anxiety is the consequence of weakness towards the external world. Neurotic anxiety terms from weakness towards the id and moral anxiety from weakness towards the superego. 1 .Objective anxiety :-The individual confronted by heavy demand arising form the environment becomes arising this first occurs birth when the suddenly overwhelmed by massive stimulation form the environment. The "birth,trauma". 2. Neurotic anxiety :-Neurotic anxiety may be truly considered as a special form of objective anxiety in neurotic anxiety the individual fears the possible repercussions of giving into the demand of thee libido. The real basis of fear . however is apprehension about the objective consequences of his or her own behavior specifically, he or she is afraid of the social consequence of engaging in forbidden sexual behavior . 3.Moral Anxiety :- the third form of anxiety moral anxiety is also based on objective anxiety because the superego is developed as a result of interested moral prohibitions and restrictions from the parents , the original sources of all moral anxiety or guilt is environmental and consequently objective may be understood as a derivative of the original childhood fear of losing the love and goodwil of the parents ,and possible of being punished. Spielberg(l 962) divided the anxiety into two types. 1. 2. Trait Anxiety State Anxiety

1.Trait Anxiety :- Trait anxiety is a personality trait of someone. The person having this type of trait perceives low dangerous situation as a high dangerous situation this type of anxiety is permanent. 2.State anxiety :-State anxiety is a temporary one of the moral life this types of anxiety is of normal level but to stimulation of a dangerous or exceeds.


Socio-economic Status Rural and urban life Frustration Emotionality Family set up School

atmosphere Sex Intelligence Self concept Educational achieving are several factor affecting anxiety.

According to dutt (1974) "Anxiety constitutes particular unpleasant psychological and physic logical reaction of an organism to extrinsic or /and intrinsic threat which amounts to disintegration or extinatism of the organism, "he has classified anxiety into nine components -Insecurity ,loneliness Repression, self

consciousness inferiority complex ,guilt proneness ,orgictension ,paranoid suspiciousness ,emotional instability. Hypochardical tendencies and somatic realty. The term anxiety seems diffused if one looks at the various definition because it locks singular operational references nevertheless ,there is substantial convergence of opinion on its general nature and the multitudinous ways in which it is manifested.



Academic achievement is the first social study in detail as a form of (MCC lelland et.al. 1953) academic motive.refers to the motive which inspire on a person to work in such a way so that he can get maximum success. Munk(1972)defmed achievement motive as , " a desire for attaining some specific standards of excellence ".People having high degree of achieving motive strive for getting utmost success in every walk of like. The level of achievement motive is not same in every individual Atkinson(1964) on basis of the series of studies on achievement motive has concluded that: People who have higher degree of achievement motive usually undertake

difficult task as it leads to success. People with high achievement motive performance well on such difficult

task so that can be compare with other people and their personal characteristics intelligences can be expressed. The level of aspiration increases with the level of success. People desire to work under such condition which promises high success

and can be controlled by them. The achievement motive in unequally distributed among men and women

where usually have a low achievement motive then men. Academic achievement in the actual accomplishment of an individual in

the examination and other test based on subject matter and contents. Scholastic achievement is one of the primary responsibilities of schools and

teachers. The three R's of reading ,writing and arithmetic have been cardinal objective of our school since the beginnings^of formal education ,which

increasing with the increasing levels in creasing levels in terms of class ,age and subject. Academic achievement has been defined variously ,academic achievement

as defined by goods ,in dictionary of education in knowledge obtained' or skills developed in the school subject designated by test or marks assigned by teachers. The world is becoming more and more competitive academic achievement has become the key factor for personal progress, parents desire that their children's climb the ladder of achievement to as high a level as possible. This desire for a high level of achievement puts a lot of pressure on student ,teachers and in general the educational system itself. The achievement of student in our country is measured in terms of his/her performance in the examination. This is not at all a very desirable permutation but there can not be any reenningaway from this standard formula of achievement of the school going boys/girls . In fact it appears as if the whole system of education revolves round the academic achievement of student. The important of scholastic or academic achievement has raised several question for education researchers what factors promote academic achievement in student ? Howr far do the differences factors contribute toward academic achievement etc. The achievement of a child depends indeed on his conceptual learning and understanding in the class. It further depends on numerous factor like child interest and motivation in the subject that they study ,the devices and me thou adopted set up and the situational study habits of the variable.

It is pertinent to mention that economic, social and culture factors do make and inroad in the academic achievement high or low, of the student as such his gradation does not basically relate to his personal attempts in achieving the goal. Besides, the mental make up personality factor and surroundings do play an important role in shaping the performance or achievement of the bovs and airls. The variable may be highly anxious to achieve high performance but the factors enumerated above do have a direct or indirect effect on his performance at different stages of his education. The ability of the variable to get experience and derive benefits from them is another factor to reckon with. It may mean the intelligence of the students in the definition of a psychologist .The experts in the field believe that intelligence cannot be increased as it is inborn but recent studies carried out by the behavioral psychologist have established that intelligence is not the inborn ability but something influential by proper reinforcement .A correct and detailed analysis of this concept will be dealt with in the chapters of this humble study. Academic achievement the anxiety factor has a deep and serious effect on different categories of student. The effect of anxiety is variant in student with various levels of learning capacity and achievement

capacity of the student.

Man has been called

homosapian that he is superior to all other living beings at the earth. He can reason out, grasp, adapt and focus a situation and act accordingly

.But again one individual differs from another in intelligence and anxiety factor effects variously the students with different levels of educable capacity learning and achievement. The achievement of the student largely depends on the guidance available to them. The teacher is the first source of guidance far the students. He can guide the students properly only when he understands student thoroughly in respect of their personality characteristics and environmental conditions in which they happen to be. As discussed above there are several factors and it is not possible to control and study them in the research work of his type which has constraints of time and space, with in such constraints the investigators has no alternative but to delimit his study to two variables which are said to be intimately related to child achievement. These two factors are intelligence and anxiety. Intelligence is said to be directly related to learning and achievement and Anxiety try is said to be variously and anonymously in the sense that its effect in not uniform. Sometimes it is seen that some children's at very low level of anxiety may work in the direction of higher achievement where as in the case of other students higher level of anxiety may work in direction of lower achievement. The brief account will form the core basis of my study in the presentation of my description. This brings me to conclude they my topic of investigation will fit in the brief account dealt with in these paragraphs and therefore the topic of study chosen by me is "A comparative study of academic achievement 4 grade students of anxiety and intelligence." Inn the era of tough competitive it is performance of the student on the basic of which they are bracketed good or poor, intelligent or slow which further decides

their fate or luck. So it becomes increasingly important in examination to progress in life. Achievement is something gained by some person in his field of Endeavour. Various people academic, sports, economic, politics etc. Good(1973) in his dictionary defines achievement as academic knowledge attained or skills developed in the school subjects usually designated by tests scores or by marks assigned by teacher or by both. An achievement test is used to measure nature and extent of students learning's in a particular subject. How far a particular student has been able to learn or has been benefited from guidance given to him is ascertained with the help of these tests. In the different aspects of life there are various parameters to measure the achievement .In the present study achievement denotes the scores obtained by the student on achievement test in life science. Academic achievement can be defined as excellence in all academic.


Various factor and conditions affect the achievement of a particular student in particular field out of which intelligence is one which affects the most but it is not the sole factor determining the academic achievement of the student. Sometimes quite able student may not achieve as can be expected on the basic of their abilities. Because the student may eke interest in the field of endeavors for various reason. The teacher's methodology of teaching also plays a significant role in the

academic and family set up also affect student's performances directly or indirectly. In addition to all these are certain factors associated with affective domain of the child. These factors may be genetically determined or environment based among these the factor of primary important are emotional factors. The emotionality of the child also known as proneness of anxiety may occur in various forms and various levels so it is very difficult to see its effect on academic achievement. The generally accepted view7 indicates enhancing effect of low or mild anxiety on academic achievement as it may act as motivating factor but anxiety exceeding a particular threshold level may disturb child's emotional functioning and may also be hurdle to concentration and motivation to achieve. According to Random House Dictionary of English language."Academic achievement has been defined as something accomplished especially by superior ability and specially by superior ability efforts."Achievement is the success in competition with a standard of excellence."(MC clelland 1995) Academic Achievement of a student in any school subject upon a number of factor. This depends upon a number the innate qualities of an individual as wrell as learning experiences provided to him. These include his socioeconomic background, gender, residence like rural or urban intelligence, perso nality, characherisitics interest in the subject achievement motivation and appetite for the subject of study attitude towards the subject and study methods.


In our da}T to day conversation we often comment that a particular child or individual is very based or is not intelligent. All such comment are of the individual concerned in comparison to either of his group. In psychology this is termed intelligence in ancient India our great riches and seers named it Viveka. Intelligence is the aggregate or global capacity of an individual to act. Purposefully to think rationally and terminology and language used in defining intelligence apart ,there seems to be some agreement amongst the psychologists. They agree on the following -


Intelligence must be understood as the mental capacity or mental energy available with an individual at particular time in a particular situation.


This mental capacity helps him in the task of the cortical as well as practical manipulation of things . objects or events present in his environment in order to adopt to or face new challenges and problems of life as successfully as possible .

III. His capicity or the fund of mental energy available with hm can be judged only in terms o fthe quality of his behaviour or performance. The main propagator of this theory was E.L Thorndike as its name suggests this theory ,also called the atomistic theory7 of intelligence considers intellgence to be a combination of numerous separate element of one ability.there is themno such things as genral intelligence (a single factor )and there are only many highly independent specific abilities which go into the accomplishment of different task wide individual lifference exist among individuals with regard to intelligence ,truly speaking ,no two individual ,even identical twins or individuals nurtured in identical environment are endowed with equal mental energy . The assessment of intellgence bv various tests has given reson enough to belive that not only does tend to vary in the same individual form age to age and situation to situation. Many\- studies have been conducted to find out between men are more intelligent then women and vice varsa but no significant has been found . It ma}' therefore be stated that diffrence in the sex does not co$tribut towards difference in intelligences.Intelligence may be understood to be a mantal energy available with individual which enables him to cope with his environmen in terms of adoptation and dealing with novel situation as effectivelly as possible .

Intelligence can not be mesured in the same way as we mesured a pice of cloth or the temperture of our body.it can only be assessed this assessment is carried out through intelligence tests categorized as individual and group tests involving the use of vertal or non-vertal material. All human beings are not alike and perform veriously on a similar test there are several factors like interest ,attitude, desire knowledge ,skill which counts towards this diffrence but still there is somethings that contribute significantly towards this diffrence in phychology it is called ' intelligence * .it is a multifactor concept .It mesnd intellect up to use. A variety of deffmation have been given by psychologists but as matter of fact each can be classified into ane of three groups . one group of deffmation is placed the emphesis upon adjustment or adoptation of the individual of his total environment ,or to limited aspects of it. According to deffmation of this type . intelligence is genral mental adoptability to new problems and new situation of life ; or otherwise stated it is capacity to reorganize one's behaviour pattern so as to act more effectively and more appropriately in novel situations. A second type of deffmation state that intellegence is the ability to learn .According to this type of definitions then ,a person's intelligence is a matter of the extent to which he is educable in the broadcast sense.The mere intelligent the individual is Nthe more readily and extensively is he able to learn. Other have difmed intelligence as the ability to carry on abstract thinking.This means the effective use of concepts and symbols dealing in dealing with situations especially those presenting a problem to be solved through the use of verbal and numerical symbols.Binet's concept of intelligence belongs largely to

this category for he maitained that it is the capacity to reason well to judge well and to be self critical. According to Washsler "Intelligence is the aggregate or global capacity of the individual to act purposefully, to think rationally and to deal effectively with his environment ."The definition specially states that an individual's intelligence's reaveled by his behaviour as a whole("global").,


Intelligence tests may be classified broadly as follows : 1 .Individual tests in which only one individual is tested at a time. 2.Group tests in which group of individual is asked at the same time. On the basic of administration of test intelligence test divided ino two group. 1. 2. Individual group - The test which are given to one individual at a time. Group Test - The test which can be administered on large number of

individual at a time.

Intelligence test are again divided into two group. 1. Verbal Test - The test in which language is used to give response to a question. 2.Non verbal Test- The test in w7hich language is used onlv for giving necessary instruction to the subject.The test involve such activities in which the use of language is not necessarv.



Intelligence is the ability to undertake activities that are characterised by difficulty, complexity,abstractness,economy,adoptiveness to goal social value and the energence of original and to maitain such activities under conditions and a resistence to emotional forces. Some psychologist believe that several kinds of intelligence should be distinguished from one another networthy among them is E.L. Thrndike who has divided the intelligence activity into there types,social intelligence or ability to understand and deal with person.Concrete intelligence or ability to understand and deal with things as in skilled traders and scientific appliances and abstract intelligence or ability to understand and deal with verbal and mathematical symbols. Spearman (1921) postulated the existence of general factor common to all mental activities and possessed by all individuals, and specific factors each of which is specific to a particular type of activities hence intelligence of a person depends upon his general intelligence as well as specific ability. Cattell(1968) has made a difference between two types of intelligence crystalized and fluid intelligence is that form of general intelligence which is largely innate and which adopts itself to all kind of materials regardless of previous experences.Crystalized intelligence is a specific factor largely in a type of ability learned at school representing the post applications of fluid intelligence. According to Rex and Mergret Knight


'intelligence is a factor that is common to all mental abilities".In this way intelligence is a mental or cognitive ability which helps the person in solving his actual life problems.


A comparative study of academic achievement of 9th grade students in relation to gender and intelligence.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. To study the anxiety level of 9 grade boys and girls students. To assess the intelligence of 9th grade boys and girls students. To find out the academic achievement of 9th grade boys and girls students. To compare the anxiety level of 9 grade students. To study -the relationship between anxiety and academic achievement. To study the relationship between anxiety and intelligence.







(1) Anxiety:- Anxiety can be defined as a state of arousal caused bythreat to well being. "Anxiety is a state of tension arising from the experience of disapproval in interpersonal relation." (2) Academic Achievement:- Academic Achievement refers to the degree of success and proficiency attired in some specific areas. (3) Intelligence:- Spearman (1921) postulated the existence of general factor common to all mental activities and possessed by all individuals, and specific factors each of which is specific to a particular type of activities hence intelligence of a person depends upon his general intelligence as well as specific ability.



There will be no significant differences in the anxiety level of boys

and girls of 9th grade. 2. There will be no significant correlation of anxiety and academic

achievement of 9th grade boys and girls student. 3. There will be no significant correlation of anxiety and intelligence of 9 th

grade boys and girls.

1.11 DELIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY - The personal study is

delimited to the three variables namely1. Academic achievement

2. 3.

Intelligence Anxiety

Of these academic achievement is dependent variable while the rest are independent ones.The sample comprises of 100 9th grade students both Male and Temale drawn from Harayana Board School.The present investigation is confined to school in Rohtak.



Research takes advantages of the knowledge which has accumulated in the past as a result of constant movement Endeavour. It can never be undertaken in isolation of the work that has already been clone on the problems which are directly or indirectly related to a study proposed by a researcher. A careful review of the research of the journals, books, dissertation, these and other sources of information's on the problem to be investigated is one of the important step in the planning of any research study.


Review of the related literature, besides allowing the researcher to acquaint him with current knowledge in the field or area in which he is going to conduct his research, serves the following specific purposes 1. The review of related literature enables the researches to define the limit of this field. 2. By reviewing the related literature the researcher can avoid unfruitful and useless problem areas. 3. The review of related literature gives the researcher an understanding of the research methodology to know about the tools and instruments which proved to be useful and promising in previous studies. 4. It also provides insight into the statistical methods through which validity of result is to be establisher.


5. The final and important specific research for reviewing the related literature is to know about the recommendations of previous researches listed in their studies for further researcher. 6. The present study is devoted to the review of related literature on academic achievement and academic anxiety to gain experience from similar studies,

Reddy(1983) studies the achievement and intellectual capacity of high school

student. The result shown that class 10th means scores on achievement were significantly higher than class 8th and 6th means scores. Students from government and private schools did not show significant differences further boys and girls studying in the same class did not show significant differences.

Spielberger(1962) reported that anxious student in the middle rangest of

ability obtained lower grades than non anxious students of comparable ability .Student of low ability got poor grades irrespective of their anxiety level for very superior students it seem that anxiety had actually facilitated performance. Jidal and pandas(1962) said that low achieving boys had a high level of general anxiety ,low achievement irrespective of sex, were more anxious than high achieve girls in general irrespective of achievement level possessed more anxiety than boys. Sarason(1963) reported a low negative but significant correlations between anxiety and achievement .Negative correlation was stronger for females than males. Lunneborg(1964) also reported the negative correlation between these two variables when he gave three anxiety scales(TASE,GASE,MAS) to 213 boys

and girls in grade 4th to 6th for each grade the negative correlation between. Anxiety(TASC) scores and achievement scores tender to be larger than was the case for other two general anxiety measures but Stevenson and adorn's studies(1965) revealed that negative correlation between anxiety and achievement was equally strong for boys and girls. Sinha (1967) in his studies revealed that intelligence and academic achievement of school were correlated significantly in the same study high and low achievers were significantly discriminated on intelligence. Shrivastva(1974) found that less intelligent more intelligent traits of personality significantly influenced the academic achievement. According to Rai(1974) anxiety as a personality trait has a changing role in scholastic achievement .The low level of anxiety7 helped in

achieving high where us very high level of anxiety was detrimental to academic achievement.

Das(1975) in his studies noticed that anxiety measurements could not significantly differentiate between the students who passed and those who jailed in general sciences. In the study made by Gupta(1977) on intelligences, creativity, interest and frustration as functions of class achievement sex and age, his findings were that scholastic achievement promotes intelligence both in boys and girls through the age of 13,15 and 17.

Bisht(1979) reported that academic achievement of high, moderate and low anxious students were significantly different and the correlation between the two variable was negative. Verma(1984) reported that anxiety and school achievement are positively correlated students having high level of anxiety were found to be high achievers than student having low level of anxiety. Jencks(1972) and Munsinger( 1978)."These studies demonstrate a positive correlation ranging from 10 to 50 between adopted children and their real parents in contrast to a very small correlation of 10 to 20 between and adopted children and adopted parents. Hussain(1977) recorded the academic performance of the group with moderate and anxiety was significantly better than those of the high and low anxiety academic performance. Low anxiety also should a lack of drive and motivation in the students. Bouchard and colleagues( 1984,1987) "Located a number of identified turns who were separated from their parents only a few days offer their birth and record in different homes and subjected them to intelligence tests." Mithlesh Dixit(1985) designed a comparative studies of the academic achievement and intelligence of adolescent boys and girls. The result indicated that there was no difference in academic achievement of intellectual superior and very superior boys and girls.All other intellectual levels,the academic achievement of the girls was superior to that of boys in general.

Mangant(1988) conducted a study of relationship of vocational maturity intelligence, SES and academic achievement he found the socio economic status is the best predictor towards the total dependent on the independent measures of intelligence, SES and academic achievement. Daguar,B.S.(1988) has analyzed the concept of anxiety and concluded that it is a distressing psycho. Physiological reaction ensuring of apprehended uncertainly of one's moral integrity, competence and embeddings. Misra G(1991) have used an innovative approach to analyze the subjective construction of anxiety in Indian students.

Singh A and Broota A(1992) found that girls were more test anxious, worrisome and emotional than boys. Parents's pressure and the parent's professional back ground also influenced the degree of test anxiety examined stress symptoms in children. Mangant Dolly(2000) studied the relationship of vocational maturity intelligence SES and academic achievement. In this study a sample of 525 students was taken who were studying in B.A. /B.Sc final year from Patiala. The findings shown that socio-economic status is the best predicator towards the total maturity. Further positive and significant correlation exist between intelligence and six measures of vocational maturity. The total attitude is not dependent on the independent measures of intelligence SES and academic achievement.


Antony(2002) Collected qualitative data from lectures and student order to identify what contributed to student success. His research revealed the both student and lectures identified motivation as the most important factors in academic achievement. M.Mathur,S.Dube and B Malhotra(2003) studies, interrelationship of attribution taking responsibility and scholastic achievement of adolescent and found that all variables have miner impact over scholastic achievement of adolescent. Mohan Sundaram(2004) found that there is no significant correlation between emotional intelligence and academic achievement on language subjects, social science subjects science subjects. Vijay laxmi(2004-2005) Academic achievement of B.ed Student and adjustment finding that student in who have better adjustment will better in academic achievement. WEAC(2007) The impact of parent support and expectations convert be overlooked when considering student academic success. Kaur and kaur(2007) stated that males working in private sector and working women are living under the state of high anxiety due to multidimensional responsibilities. Jadhav.S.G(2008) studies the effect of yoga on state trait anxiety. He states that states anxiety in high and significant among boys in both the group than the girls whereas trait anxiety level and significant among girls than the boy in both groups.


Tiwari S and sinha,N.K.(2008) found that Hindu females have low anxiety is comparison on other hand Muslim have more anxiety towards family education society etc.

A review of the studies showed that there was conflicting evidence as to the nature of the relationship between anxiety and intelligence at school level. This was not very surprising because a number of extraneous variables like differences in age, social-economic status, cultural background, educational system, and actual differences in the criterion of achievement tests used, all effect the study. All these variables cannot be controlled at the same time, the result being that there were numerous evidences of conflicting and biased results. For example, Indian students who are examination way show different anxiety achievement relationship than their counterparts in western countries(Sharma, 1970).

Another limiting factor could be that from the beginning, the study of human anxiety has been handicapped by the absence of a consensual operational definition of the construct. The multiplicity of definition makes for confusion and difficulty in understanding conflicting experimental findings. When the results of two investigations, similar except for the construct definition are in conflict, there is always the possibility that the conflict could be a consequence of the differences in definition. It is also essential to differentiate between GE (general emotionality)and anxiety. Anxiety as a concept implies direction as well as level, where as GE may imply level of arousal (without any specific directionality). Inspite of these factors, the

research review's most consistent finding was that there is a negative correlation between different measure of anxiety and various measures of achievement. It has also been found that found that specific anxiety scales eg.(TASC,TAQ,AAT) are better predictiors of academic success than the general anxiety scales.

There is evidence that supports the proposition that anxiety and intelligence here interactive effects of performance. A low negative correlation between intelligence and anxiety has been found by the majority of investigation. The relationship is higher and more consistant in the studies of children when TAS or TASQ is used (Ruebush ,1963). It is also been established that low negative relationships between anxiety and intelligence are a result of timed tests (Matarazzo et al, 1964;Siegman, 1956).

The relationship between anxiety and academic achievement are complex and can not be ascertained easily. The researches reviewed in this chapter are how ever consistant on one basic issue, i.e. HA has a debllitative effect on the academic achievement. Spielberger(1966) proved that the inconsistency of these result was because individual differences in intelligence were not considered at the outset. Subsequent studies established without a shade of doubt that the intelligence of the individual affects his academic achievement.

Most of the researches reviewed have involved the use of various correlation techniques. While these methods of analysis have distinct advantages in terms of

ease of communication, they do have definition weaknesses. Firstly, cause-effects generalizations can not be made. Further, correlation average out the relationships over the whole sample, ignoring possible differences between sub-groups. It would be better if multivariate experimental designs are used while analyzing various experimental studies(e.g .spietherger,1962,Gaudry and fitzgerald, 1971).

It was clear that anxiety factors also played a considerable role in learning and anxiety achievement. A number of questions arise after the review of various findings. How far can remedial measures, counseling and systematic desensitization reduce the debilitating effect of test academic achievement? Dose the negative relationship between anxiety and intelligence indicate that those who are intelligent are more capable of coping with their environment and are more capable of coping with their environment and are more capable of coping with their environment

and are, therefore, less anxieous? Dose this relationship indicate that anxious people have a greater difficult attending to and retaining information, specifically information that is incidentally learned? Does anxiety interface with intelligence test -taking per se, that is dose anxiety lower performance on the tests that would have been higher if anxiety had not been present?

To conclude, the area of anxiety-learning-achievement has great significance for psychological theory and educational practice. Anxiety can impel a men to self impoverish his existence. The urgent need is to acquire the knowledge to utilize anxiety constructively, to be its master and not its slave.



"A method is the means or manner of determining whether a theoretical construct or proposition is true of false. Each of the specific discipline has developed criteria and conventions about constitute legitimate tests of theory and what lines of development researchers are to follow as they move from data to knowledge claims, Methodology has a much as do with rezoning as it does with data. There are rules for testing knowledge, and it is the set of rules that define methodology in a discipline"-Rychlak(1968) 3.1 Method and Procedure Research methodology is a way systematically investigate the research problem. It gives the various steps in the conduct of the research in a systematic and logical way, both empirical and replaceable. It is essential to define the problem and state the objectives and hypothesis clearly at the outset. The research design provides the details regarding what, where, when howr much and by what means concerning an inquiry. The plan and procedure spell out the description of the sample, the measures used and the steps taken in carrying out the investigation. A


detailed description of the sample is needed in order to the reader to assess the general stability of research findings. This is also helpful to determine the degree to which the research sample is representative of the population. The population from which the sample is drawn should be defined clearly and a detailed description needs to given of the procedure for selecting the sample. Plan and procedure basically highlights the details of the work carried out by the investigators and determine in turn, its destiny. It is the character of the technique on which the degree of precision, objectivity, reliability and validity of results depends. The selection of the technique and devices by an investigator is determined by the nature of the problem, objectives of the study, cost, time, function, availability of the subjects and other resources at the disposal of the investigator, followed by a presentation of the steps of the procedure adopted for the conduct of the study. The statistical techniques to be used at various stages of the study need also to be briefly described.

Research design
Research is a systematic activity and as a process, it employs a scientific methodology. A research design provides a framework within which the activity is conducted. According to Johada and Cook(1957),"A research design is the arrangement of conditions for the collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure". As a blue-print of the research design involved in this study, the following components would constitute the format of the investigation. Methods of the study.


Sample of the study. Tools of the study. Data collection.

Techniques used for Data Analysis. 3.2

Method of the Study:

The decision about the method to be employed for accomplishment of aims and objectives of research depends upon the nature of the problem selected and kind of data necessary. In practice the following methods have been accepted in the field of educational research, namely: 1. Historical. 2. Descriptive. 3. Experimental. 1. Historical research describes' what was'. The process involves

investigating, analyse and interpreting the events of the past for the purpose of discovering generalization that are helpful in understanding the past and the present and to a limited extent in anticipating the future are dealt with this method. 2. Descriptive research describes what is describing a recording and interpreting conditions of that exist. It involves same type of comparison or

contrast and attempt to discover relationship between manipulated variable. 3. Experimental research describes what will be happen when certain variables are carefully controlled or manipulated. The focus is any variable relationship as defined here, deliberate manipulation is always a part of experimental methods. The decision about the method depends upon the nature of the problem and objectives to be achieved. The problem here under investigation is "A comparative study of Academic Achievement of 9th grade student in relation to anxiety and intelligence." The present study not deal with the past, nor is concerned with what will happen in certain variables. For this study the investigator used the descriptive survey method. This method is useful in finding out the facts of the situation in a most precise way. In this study the investigator enquired about the personality and teaching aptitude of govt, and private secondary school teachers.

Descriptive Method
"Descriptive research is concerned with hypothesis formulation and testing, the analysis or relationship between non-manipulated variable and the development of generalization."-Best and kahn Descriptive research methodology has been classified differently by various authors. According to Best and Kahn, Descriptive research includes case studies, ethnographic studies, follow-up studies and casual-comparative approaches.

Koul(1984) classifies descriptive studies as survey studies, interrelationship studies and developmental studies. Survey studies are conducted to give an accurate description of the existing phenomenon so as to justify current conditions and practices. Developmental studies refer to those investigation which research into subject or a phenomenon over a period of time. Inter-relationship studies describe not only the existing phenomenon but also attempt to ascertain relationship among variables. Inter-relationship studies can be further classified as follows: Case study which attempts to examine an individual unit in detail and analvses the various factors/dimensions of the unit. Casual comparative or ex-post-facto studies attempt to ascertain the relationship between two variables where on may be the cause of another. Correlation and prediction studies usually attempt to find relationship among variables with the help of co-efficient or correlation, on the basis of which predictions are also made about the variables. Cross-cultural and comparative researches compare to simultaneous phenomena or societies on a particular aspect/factor/dimension.

The Method Followed:

The present study the descriptive follows the descriptive survey method of research. Descriptive research is concerned with the present conditions, situations, events and practices and deals with relationship among variables.

Survey studies are conducted to given accurate description of the existing phenomenon so as to justify current conditions and practices. The present study attempts to enquired about the personality and teaching aptitude of govt, and private, sec. school teachers. Therefore it follows the descriptive survey method of research. 3.3 Variables of the study : Variables of a study are of two types : A. Dependent Variables: The dependent variables are the conditions or characteristics that appear, disappear or change as the investigator introduces, removes or changes independent variable. In this study, there are two dependent variable.

1. Bovs 2. Girls B. Independent Variables: An independent variable is the condition or the characteristics that the investigator observes or controls in attempt to ascertain its comparison to observed phenomena. The independent variable of the study refer to various, conditions, characteristics and factors related to1. Anxiety 2. Intelligence

3. Academic Achievement The present investigation attempts to study the Anxiety and Intelligence Of Academic, achievement school students.

3.4 Sample of the study : A sample refers to the sub-group of a larger population under study from which inferences are drawn about the larger population. The present study aims to describe personality and teaching aptitude of teachers. Therefore, it requires that data be collected from the concerned categories of all teachers who from the population of the study.

The present study was conducted on 100 students of 9 grade school of Rohtak city will be taken. Sampling Techniques : According to Vockell(1983)"Sampling refers to the strategies which enable the researcher to pick a sub group from a large group and use this as the basis for making judgments about the large group." The various types of sampling techniques that can be generally employed to obtain a representative sample are as follows: Simple Random Sampling Here individuals are chosen in such a way that each unit has an equal chance of being selected through the use of random number tables or the lottery techniques.


Stratified Random Sampling : When the units in a sample are proportional to their presence in the population the sample is said to be stratified. The population is a sub divided into smaller homogeneous groups or strata and inviduals are then chosen at random from each of the sub groups to get a more accurate representation from each stratum. Systematic Sampling : When the frame of the population can be listed as infinite ,the researcher starts by selecting a unit at random from the first K unit and then every subsequent unit is selected. Cluster Sampling : When the population is infinite or spread over a vast geographical area, this method is used where the entire area is divided into smaller groups and simple random sampling is done from each of the sub areas. Incidental Sampling This is a non-probability sampling technique where the subjects that are readily available are included in the sample.

3.5 The Sampling technique used: In the present study ,the random sampling technique was used to select the subject the subject from the population. 3.6 Tool Used: (A) Diseription of Sinha's combrehesive anxiety test (SCAT)

Sarason and Mandler (1952) gave a detailed description of anxiety questionnaire and presented finding on the relation of test anxiety to certain psychometric and social class data . Taylor (1953) developed a personality scale for measuring manifest anxiety which has proved to be a useful device in the bands of researchers and practitioners. Martin(1959 ) reported that anxiety factor was relatively independent of intelligence ,motivation in psychological experimentation and paper and pencil test. Item Analysis Before undertaking the work of item analysis, the remaining 245 items were tried out on smaller samples several times and necessary modifications made in them to ensure that the items were intelligible to the students. Finally the test was administered on 100 college students wrho approached to psychological assistance complaining of one or several symptoms of anxiety. No time limit was imposed. The subjects were required to respond to each item in terms of "yes" or "no". The "yes" response to any item was indicative of anxiety and was given score of one. A score of zero was given to a "No" response. For item analysis, the point biserial correltions were computed. The criterion of a coeffient, being significant at .001 level was fixed for the inclusion of an item in the.

The coefficient of reliability was determine bv using the following two methods . :-


1. The test-retest method (N=100) was employed to determine the temporal stability of the test . the product moment correlation between the test and retest scores was 0.85.

2. The internal consistency reliability was ascertained by adopting add-even procedure (N=100).using the spearman brown formula. The reliability coefficient of the test was found to be 0.92. Both the value a high reliability of the test. VALIDITY :-The coefficient of the validity was determine by computing the coefficient of correlation between scores on comprehensive anxiety test and on Taylor's manifest anxiety scale. It was .62 ,which is significant beyond .001 level of confidence. INSTRUCTION FOR ADMINISTRATION 1. The instruction printed on the test form should be made clear by test administrator to the testee. 2. No time limit is fixed for completing the test. However usually an individual takes 15 to 20 minute in completing The test form. 3. It should be emphasized that there is no right or wrong response to the statement. They are designed to study individual reaction to different situation.

4. It should be pointed out that each item has to be responded in either positive or negetive terms, i.e yes or no ,and that no statement should be left out. 5. It is undesirable to tell the testee about the aim of the test. SCORING The inventory can be scored accurately by hand no scoring key or stencil is provided so far. For any response indicated as "yes" the testee should be awarded the score of one , and zero for "No" the sum of all the positive or yes response wrould be the total anxiety score of the individual. NORMS Norms for the test have been prepared on a sample of 400 college students of B.A. classes consisting of both the sexes-200 boys and 200 girls. Percentile norms are provided in Table 1 for boys and girls separately.These should be considered as a reference points for interpreting the test scores. However,it is advisable to large scale users of the test to develop their own norms based on their own population. The individual may be classified into five categories on the basis of scores obtained on the inventory. An individual with an extremely high score or above the 75th percentile may be regarded as hyper anxiety individual. His personality is complicated and he may be in need of counseling and psychotherapy. The extremely low scores, below 25th percentile.

(B) test:

Description of Jalota" s Genral mental Ability

Jalota first prepared a test of general ability in 1950, with 100 items. The items were mixed and arranged in an empirically determined order of increasing difficulty. This test has been in use since 1951 ,in a variety of school situation in the Hindi speaking areas of north India. The test result appear to have been found satisfactory by many PhD. candidates ,who have used them in academic research studies. This test was revised in 1971 by Jalota. Jalota's general ability test is a reliable and valid test. It was found to be equally valuable and suitable to the assessment of the undergraduate classes in the college and universities of Hindi speaking areas . (C)

Academic Achievement:

Academic Achievement data consisted of aggregate marks secured in the annual examination. They were obtained from the record registers of the school concerned. The sample was representative of urban school of Haryana. The school had uniformity of school courses, methods of teaching, methods of conducting examination etc. In order to control teacher's bliss, the achievement scores of 8 grade were considered which were based on a uniformly conducted examination by the boaed of school education Haryana. The results of such examination have been found to be fairly reliable{Sharma 1970}. This data for achievement was analyzed to determine the main effects

of anxiety and intelligence and also their interactive effect on school performance.

3.7 Statistical Technique Used :-(A) For the analysis of data The following statical technique were applied for the analysis of the data of value and adjustment such as mean, standard deviation. The obtained data was submitted to further statistical analysis . the investigator has followed the shortcut method for computing. The mean the formula is given bellow. iX Mean : x~= Ar Where x = the arithmetical mean YX = the sum of scores N = the number of individuals (B) Standard Deviation (S.D) :

" Standard deviation is the sequence root of the arithmetic mean of the square of deviation taken from their arithmetical mean ". The formula used for standard deviations

Mean : x=
X= indidual score M= mean of the given set of scores

N = total no. of score X = deviation of each score from mean.


T- Test The T-test is applied to know the significance of the difference between the independent mean of two groups . thus it is a device to test hypothesis. Formula of T-test is SED=& + \ x xT=


Ml = Mean of first group M2 = Mean of second group Ql ^Standard deviation of first group Q2 =Standard deviation of second group N = Number of cases SED= Error in standard deviation



Correlation analysis deals with the association between two or more variables - Simpson and Kafka Formula of r is -

S-vy r=

or Mean - x , y Deviation of x , y
A2 v?3 Deviation of two series = X ' Z-

Multiplied of Deviation = X


CHAPTER -4 ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION The next and the most important step after collecting the data, is that of analysis. The data as such has no meaning unless it is analyzed and interpreted by statistical technique so as to arrive of certain reliable and valid conclusion however, valid, reliable and adequate the data may be. It does not serve any worthwhile purpose unless it is carefully edited, systematically intelligently interpreted and rationally conducted. Analysis of data means, categorized ordering and summarizing of data for obtaining answer to the research questions. The purpose of analysis of research problem can be studied and stated. It involves breaking up of the complete factors in to simple parts and putting them in new arrangement for the purpose interpretation, so, it needs the applications of some statistical meaning lying against the collected data. Hence, in t his chapter, the data gathered so far has been analyzed through proper statistical techniques and result has been interpreted . Data means studying the tabulated material in order to determine present facts of means, it involves in breaking up. The complex factor into simplex part and putting part together into new agreement for the purpose of impression. According to F.N kerliger (1973) "analysis means categorizing collecting manipulating and summarizing of data to obtain answer to research question . the purpose of analysis is to reduce data into intelligible and interpretable form so that the relation of research problem can be studied and test. Analysis of data can be done on the basis of hypotheses set earlier.

Interpretation is the most important step in total research process . it calls for a critical communication of result of one's analysis in the right of all the limitations of the data gathered . According to Good Borr and scales , the process of interpretation is specifically tree of stating what the rellise show . This chapter includes the result related to the various objectives of the studv , academic achievement of 9th grade student in relation to their anxiety and intelligence . the interpretation of result and their discussion has been included in this chapter. Objective -1 To study the anxiety level of 9th grade boys and girls student. To test this objective mean ,S.D test were calculated for male and female student of 9th grades. The value obtained are depicted in following table



45.96 34.8

S.D 17.05 20.8

The above table shows the anxiety levels of 9 grade girl student. The mean value of 45.96 for girls is higher than mean value of boy student 34.8. It indicates that the eirl student are more anxious than their counterpart boy student. Above Graph showing anxiety level of 9th grade Boy and Girl students.

5 0

4 5 4 0 3 5 3 0 2 5 2


0 15 10 50 girls/boys

Objective -2 To study the intelligence level of 9th grade boys and girls student. To test this objective mean ,S.D test were calculated for male and female student of 9th grades. The value obtained are depicted in following table


The above shows the intelligence levels of 9 grade girl students mean value of 121.46 for girl is higher than mean value of 116.40 for boy student . it indicates that the girl student are intelligence high than their counterpart boy students.
122 121 120 119 118 117 116 115 114 113




Graph showing intelligence level of 9 grade girl / boy students Objective -3


To find out the academic achievement of 9 grade boy and girl students. To test this objective mean, S.D test were calculate for boys and girls of 9 th grade . this depicted in following table .
I )


TABLE 4.3 TABLE SHOWING THE ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT OF 9 GRADE ,BOY AND GIRL STUDENTS. SNO 1 2 Group Girls Boys " No. 50 50 Mean 61.42 57.12 S.D 15.23 13.06

The above shows the academic achievement of 9 grade girl students mean value of 61.42 for girl is higher than mean value of 57.12 for boy student. it indicates that the girl student are academic achievement high achiver than their counterpart boy students.



Above Graph showing academic achievement of 9 boy/girl students. Objective -4 To compare the anxiety level of boy and girl 9th grade students. HYPOTHESIS 1 There will be no significant difference in anxiety level of boy and girl of 9 th grade students.


To test this hypothesis mean S.D ,and t-value were calculate for boys and girls student of 9 th grade. The values obtained are depicted in the following table. TABLE 4.4 THE TABLE SHOWING THE COMPARISON, OF ANXIETY LEVEL OF STUDENTS. SNO. Group N MEAN S.D t-VALUE LEVELOF SIGNIFICANCE S

1 2


50 34.8 50 45.96

20.8 17.05


The null hypothesis is not accepted. The mean value of 34.8 for boys student is less than the mean value of 45.96 for girls student. From this it seems that the girl student possess relatively higher level of anxiety i.e they are relatively more anxious as compared to the boy students.

5 0 4 5 4 0

girls/boys 3 5 54

3 0 2 5 2 0 15 10 50


Above Graph showing anxiety of 9 boy/girl students.

Objective 5:To study the relationship between anxiety and academic achievement of 9th grade students. HYPOTHESIS 2 There will be no significance correlation of anxiety and academic

achievement of 9 grade students. To test this hypothesis mean ,S.D and r-value were calculated for

anxiety and academic achievement of 9 grade student . the value obtained have been depicted in the following tableTABLE 4.5 THE TABLE SHOWING THE CORRELATION OF ANXIETY AND ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT OF 9th GREDE STUDENT.

Variables Anxiety Academic Achievement

No 100 100

Mean 40.38 59.27


NO 1 2

18.92 0.772 14.14

LEVEL of Significance S

It can be clearly seen from the table 4.5 that the value of coefficient of

correlation 0.772 for academic achievement 9 grade students is significant at 0.05 level of significant. Therefore the value hypothesis is rejected in the case of 9th grade student. The value of coefficient of indicates that there is very low positive correlation between the two variable . it can be also interpreted the anxiety affects academic achievements of student . i.e academically low anxious student have better academic achievement.
70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Anxity/Academic achievement

Above Graph showing anxiety and academic Achievement level of 9 th grade student.

Objective 6 To study the relationship between anxiety and intelligence of 9 grade students.

HYPOTHESIS 3 There will be no significant correlation of anxiety and intelligence of 9 th grade students. TABLE 4.6 TABLE SHOWING THE CORRELATION OF ANXIETY AND



NO 1 2




LEVEL of Significance S

Anxiety intelligence

100 100

40.38 118.93

18.92 0.186 25.54

It can be clearly seen from the table 4.6 that value of coefficient of correlation for anxiety and intelligence 9th grade student is significant at 0.05 level of significant . therefore the null hypothesis is rejected in the case of 9th grade student. The value of coefficient correlation indicates that there is very low positive correlation between the tw?o variables . it can be also interpreted the affects intelligence students, e.i academic achievement low anxious student have better academic achievement.
140 120 100 8 0 6 0 4 0 20 0 anxiety/intelligence

Above Graph showing anxiety and intelligence level of 9 th grade student.


CHAPTER -V FINDING, EDUCATION IMPLICATION AND SUGGESTION FOR FURTHER STUDY 5.1 Main Findings On the basis of data analysis regarding the various hypotheses concerning anxiety, academic achievement and intelligence the main finding have emerged as follows. Objective -1

To compare the anxiety level of boy and girl 9 grade students. The mean value of 34.8 for boys student is less than the mean value of 45.96 for girls student. From this it seems that the girl student possess relatively higher level of anxiety i.e they are relatively more anxious as compared to the boy students. HYPOTHESIS: 1 There will be no significant difference in the anxiety level of 9 grade boys and girls student. Girls student have been found to possess higher anxiety then their boys counterparts as the mean value of girls students is higher then that of mean value of boys student. Objective- 2 To study the relationship between anxiety and academic achievement of 9 th grade students.

It can be clearly seen from the table 4.5 that the value of coefficient of

correlation 0.772 for academic achievement 9 grade students is significant at 0.05 level of significant. Therefore the value hypothesis is rejected in the case of 9 th grade student. HYPOTHESISE There will be no significant correlation of anxiety and academic achievement of 9th grade boys and girls student. As far as the 9th grade student are concerned it has been found that the value of coefficient of correlation between anxiety and academic achievement is very low positive.which is significant at .05 level of significant ,thus the hypothesis is rejected in the case.it has been found that there is significance relationship between anxiety and academic achievement 9th grade students. Hence,the anxiety effects academic achievement of students that is academically low anxious students have better academic achievement Objective -3 To study the relationship between anxiety and intelligence of 9th grade students. It can be clearly seen from the table 4.6 that value of coefficient of correlation for anxiety and intelligence 9th grade student is significant at 0.05 level of significant . therefore the null hypothesis is rejected in the case of 9th grade student. HYPOTHESISE

There will be no significant correlation of anxiety and intelligence of 9 grade boys and girls student.


As far as the 9th grade student are concerned it has been found that the value of coefficient of correlation between anxiety and intelligence is very low positive.which is significant at .05 level of significant ,thus the hypothesis is rejected in the case.it has been found that there is

significance relationship between anxiety and intelligence 9 grade students. Hence,the anxiety effects intelligence of students that is academically low anxious students have better academic achievement 5.2 EDUCATION IMPLICATION The present study has adequately dealt with the idea of relationship of anxiety, academic achievement and intelligence of 9 grade student on the one hand has shows the difference between anxiety, academic

achievement and intelligence of the 9 grade girls and boys categories on the other hand . The finding of the study are likely to prove of immense importance to the educational thinkers ,teacher,psychologistis and other who are concerned with the sphere of education. It is felt that in academic achievement the student need extraordinary attention. In their case the teacher ought to take academic achievement in each and every students awards or rewards and scholarships should be a regularly recurring feature in order to fiercely engage the students in the educative process and it is help to remove the anxiety. The school administration should take steps to improve the quality of education through introducing various subjects like agriculture, fine arts and home science which are vary much liked by the rural students .


5.3 SUGGESTION FOR FURTHER STUDIES A comparative study can also be conducted by taking the student from two different universities. A studv can also be conducted to see the relation of anxietv on the intelligence of B.ED pupil teachers. A comparative study can be made possible to examine the anxiety level of B.ED pupil teachers. A similar study could be possible on large sample taken from rural and urban students. A similar study related to this topic can be conducted on CBSE school students.


SUMMARY INTRODUCTION Anxiety Anxiety is timeless the capacity to experience,fear,anxiety is an heritence from our infra humanancestors.These emotions are as old as human existence and belong to no particular era or culture.lt is not only today that fear and anxiety have become fundamental human emotions,the university of these emotion was recognised by many renowned philosophers and thinkers of anxiety times according to vhen(1969).It is clearly are frequent references to fear in the Bible.Perhaps the earlier recorded recognition of the importance of anxiety as a determinant of behaviour is an 11th century treats spence's theory holds that Anxiety will enlarge on strengthen each of the habits in the hierachy in the proportion to the initial strength of the habit.The relationship is multiplicative.A simple mathematical formula describes the effect of anxiety on any response tendency. R=D x H (Response) (Drive) (Habit Strength) Theories of the anxiety in the human organism are in a relatively rudementary state because the available care of difmitely established facts is quite small. The available care of definitely established facts is quite small.The aries of the origin of anxiety have came primarily from two sources:1 -Psychologist and 2- Learning Theorists.


Psychologist was a brain product of the renowed psychologist signmund freud who was a keen observer and a vastly imaginative thinkers freud's concept of Anxiety is central around his psychologist notions of "The Pleasure Principle" and "The reality principle". The desire to achieve high,puts a lot of pressure on students which causes tension and anxiety in a way is the most intimate experience to man.It enters into man's life with the first breath and ends with the last.It is the main causes of all mental disorders.The word 'anxiety' comes from latin word 'anxious'-Experience of varying blends of uncertainity, Types of Anxiety He distinguishes there main types of anxiety 1. Objective Anxiety 2. Neurotic Anxiety 3. Moral Anxiety ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT Academic achivevement is the frist social study in detail as a form of (MCC lelland et.al. 1953) academic motive refers to the motive which

inspire on a person to work in such a way so that he can get maximum success. Munk(1972) defmed achievement motive as , " a disire for attaining some specific standards of excellence ".Peole having high degree of achieving motive strive for getting utmost success in every walk of like.The level of achievement motive is not same in every individual at kinson(1964) on basis of the series of studies on achievement motive has concluded that :-


People who have higher degree of achievement motive usually undertake difficult task as it leads to success. People with high achievement motive performance well on such difficult task so that can be compare with other people and their personal characteristics intelligences can be expressed. The level of aspiration increases with the level of success. People desire to work under such condition which promises high success and can be controlled by them. The achievement motive in unequally distributed among men and women where usually have a low achievement motive then men. Academic achievement in the actual accomplishment of an individual in the examination and other test based on subject matter and contents. Scholastic achievement is one of the primary responsibilities of schools and teachers. The three R's of reading ,writing and arithmetic have been cardinal objective of our school since the beginnings of formal education ,which increasing with the increasing levels in creasing levels in terms of class ,age and subject. Academic achievement has been defined variously ,academic achievement as defined by goods ,in dictionary of education in knowledge obtained or skills developed in the school subject designated by test or marks assigned by teachers. Intelligence In our day to day conversation we often comment that a particular child or individual is very based or is not intelligent. All such comment are of the

individual concerned in comparison to tither of his group. In psychology this is termed intelligence in ancient India our great rishis and seers named it Viveka. They agree on the following I. Intelligence must be understood as the mental capicity or mental energy available with an individual at aparticular time in a particular situation. II. This mental capacity helps him in the task of the oretical as well as practical manipulation of things . objects or events present in his environment in order to adopt to or face new challenges and problems of life as successfully as possible . III. His capacity or the fund of mental energy available with hm can be judged only in terms of the quality of his behavior or performance. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM

A comprehensive study of academic achievement of 9 grade students in relation to anxiety and intelligence. OBJECTIVE 1. To study the anxiety level of 9 grade boys and girls students. 2. To assess the intelligence of 9th grade boys and girls students. 3. To find out the academic achievement of 9th grade boys and girls students. 4. To compare the anxiety level of a 9th grade students. 5. To study the relationship between anxiety and academic achievement. 6. To study the relationship between anxiety and intelligence.

HYPOTHESIS OF THE STUDY 1. There will be no significant differences in the anxiety level of boys and girls of 9th grade. 2. There will be no significant correlation of anxiety and academic achievement of 9 grade boys and girls student. agitation and threat. The credit to induce the word is psychology goes to freud(1884). He expressed that anxiety result due to suppression of somatic sexual tensionlibido. Tillich, defined anxiety as a "reaction to threat of nonbeing."while according to kierkegard anxietv is a natural outcome of the central thesis of existentialism the onto logical freedom of man." According to Freud (1936) "Anxiety is a special state of unpleasure with acts of discharge along particular paths." According to K. Horney (1936) "Anxiety is a threats to what she called the "core of essence' of personality. It is a reaction to threat to what the individual holds essentials to his existence as personality. According to her, individual develops some pattern as the basis of one's safety anything which is likely to jeopardize the individual's specific protective pursuits may provoke anxiety. Anxiety different from fear according to K. Horney ,fear is a reaction to specific danger to which specific adjustment at least in theory can be made while anxiety is characterized by differences and uncertainty. In the fear situation the threat is to be the physical organism and hence such a threat is clearly and specifically located. The fear situation as well as what is threatened are objective realities. In anxiety situation, the threat does not exist "out there".

3. There will be no significant correlation of anxiety and intelligence of 9 th grade boys and girls. DELIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY - The personal study is delimited to the three variables namely1. Academic achievement 2. Intelligence 3. Anxiety Of these academic achievement is dependent variable while the rest are independent ones. The sample comprises of 100 9th grade students both Male and Female drawn from Harayana Board School. The present investigation is confined to school in Rohtak. METHOD OF THE STUDY Descriptive survey method of the study. SAMPLE OF THE STUDY The present study was conducted on 100 students of 9 th grade school of Rohtak city will be taken. TOOLS USED IN THE STUDY Following tools were used in the study for the collection of data : 1. SINHA'S COMPREHENSIVE ANXIETY TEST(SCAT)by sarason and mandler(1952) 2. Academic Achievement of the students was taken from their 8 class result records made available.from the school authorities. 3. Hindi version of Jalota's General Mental Ability Test.by Dr.S. Jalota.

STATISTICAL TECHNIQUES USED To arrive at certain conclusion, various statistical techniques have been employed, According to the design of the study.The main techniques that been employed in the present study are t-test and pearson's produced moment method for computing coefficient of co-relation. Main Findings Girls student have been found to possess higher anxiety then their boys counterparts as the mean value of girls students is higher then that of mean value of boys student. As far as the 9th grade student are concerned it has been found that the value of coefficient of correlation between anxiety and intelligence is very low positive.which is significant at .05 level of significant ,thus the hypothesis is rejected in the case.it has been found that there is significance relationship between anxiety and intelligence 9th grade students. Hence,the anxiety effects intelligence of students that is academically low anxious students have better academic achievement have

i i

EDUCATIONAL IMPLICATION The present study has adequately dealt with the idea of relationship of anxiety, academic achievement and intelligence of 9th grade student on the one hand has shows the difference between anxiety, academic


achievement and intelligence of the 9 grade girls and boys categories on the other hand . The finding of the study are likely to prove of immense importance to the educational thinkers ,teacher,psychologistis and other who are concerned with the sphere of education.

SUGGESTION FOR FURTHER STUDIES A comparative study can also be conducted by taking the student from the to different universities. A study can also be conducted to see the relation of anxiety on the intelligence of B.ED pupil teachers. A comparative study can be made possible to examine the anxiety level between B.ED pupil teachers. A similar study could be possible on large sampling taken from rural and urban students. A similar study related to this topic can be conducted on CBSE school students.



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