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Creating 3d Solid Terrain In Autodesk Land Development Desktop

In this view will be explained in detail and step by step tutorial. It could also menampilakan in 2D and 3D display handily. A 3D Terrain model is a combination of points that relate to each other within the model. Many of the steps can be taken to create a terrain model. For the first time you create a surface using Land Desktop we shall describe in a very easy and simple. 1. From the menu select Terrain Terrain Model Explorer.

2. right click will display a menu from the Terrain Model Explorer (TME). Right-click on the Terrain folder in TME and select Create Surface. 3. rename / rename the surface with right-click the surface name (default name Surface1) who named in accordance with your job eg EG. 4. when we click the Terrain folder in TME on the right will display the name surfacenya See dikolom status. In this example the Status column will display "No Data" for your surface. 5. Click left on the surface in the TME to display other commands to add data tin surface. The data in the TIN will be no category Point Files, Point Groups, DEM data, etc.

6. in this example we retrieve data from the point. Right-click within tin dlmTME data and select Add Points from AutoCAD Objects> Points. Select the object [Entity / Layer] <Layer>: 7. select the object points of the image layer. 8. Build EG Surface samples with right-click on the surface within TME (Terrain Model Explorer)

9. exit the dialog box that is used to select the type of data would in the process. click OK to create the surface. The process of making surface such as illustrated above. Now it is time to visualize what you created earlier.

First of all look at Quick View. This will display the vector on the screen. pan, zoom, or redraw will clean look of tin on the screen. Viewing the display in 3D will help when there are errors in the surface. Accuracy is a terrain model akuarsi what data you entered earlier.

We use the command Elevation Appeal to help visualization of the surface

. Surface Elevation Shading Settings dialog where you adl interchangeable use Prefix.nama surface layer will be used as the first character within the name of layer for use in Elevation of Appeals and other commands in the menu TME. Rules Terrain Modeling in Land Desktop.

There is only one surface at the same current. all command in the Terrain pull-down menu for the active surface. Terrain Model Explorer to make its main surfaces. Select the Auto-Range button. dialog box appears displaying the upper and lower elevational limits of the active surface.

Elevation Contours of Appeals hearkens back on track but has a lower and upper elevation limits and not just one path elevation. Surface Range Definitions dialog box is used to change the elevation values in select colors reply. For the layer name let alone what it is. Box dialog box displays the results of antecedent Range Layers created with the command. Click OK to exit the Surface Range Definitions dialog box and return to the Elevation Shading Settings dialog. click OK and your focus to the command line and answer YES to delete the object in the Layers Range. Range Statistics dialog appears and next. click OK. colored triangles should appear within the image. This is the antecedent spesikasikan 3D faces with color and layers. Now the interesting part and, disposable 3D orbit command to rotate the view / view you and use shading to give your terrain model of a solid picture of the 3D Orbit command .. can be found dipulldown menu.dgn 3DO typed on the command line will activate this command. use the 3D Orbit command such as using a joy stick ps.mulai with the cursor position in the middle of the green circle on the screen. Press and hold the left mouse button while slowly pull / drag kurson on your monitor screen.

It takes practice to use a 3d orbit. press ESC to cancel the 3D command of your screen. To return to the plan view type PLAN at the command line. type W to return to the plan view. Back to the 3D Orbit command and right click on at the moment within this command. Modes select Shading> Shading Gourard. See the results, you can control the settings jg shading from the View pull-down menu. And select Wireframe to turn off shading.

By choosing the right colors and elevations will be easily understood form of 3d terrainnya. DWS

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