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Preface ‘Thin exposition ofthe theory af materiale has it origins inthe lctres ave af the uivecsites of Darmtadt and Kase from 1978 onward. [Research projects carried out during the ame period have been the source of eensve refinements to the subject-matter. The reason for adding yet nother book to the existing wealth of volume dealing with continuum Inechanicr waa ayy derive to describe the phenomenological theory of ‘hater properties from may own pont of view. An a rel, iti without oubt a eubecively inapiced and incomplete work This particularly appli to the selection of quotation from the erature ‘The text hasbeen influenced and enhanced by the numerous discussions 1 had the privilege of holding with student and expert lle should ike to ‘hank them all sincerely fo thei eontibutione and encouragement. My special thanks goto my academic teacher Rudolf Trot and Hubertus J Messe? whose emulating lectures convinced me a the time that ‘oningum mechanics ea field of science worth pareuing. I greatly apprecinte the long and amicable collaboration with, Babs Taskmabs and Manfred Kore, during which a numberof indispensable fur ‘damental aspects emerged ‘Valuable inepiration regarding the development of the thermomechanical theory of materials was given by Romen Bonn, Markus Hor Mare Karlah nd Alzander Lion Tt was Lior's ail that provided the lnk between the theoretical moslling and experimental investigation of matrial behaions, "The fac that he received acive support Srom the Init of Mechanics! ‘are: poe. 64,00, Ween 8 val Price ‘own laboratory is mainly due to Lothar Sobre, who supplied etficint Greuremart techniques and the optimization procedures required fr the Tiparmentalidenifeation of material parameters. Stfon Hofmann, sod cer aire investigated the properties of constitutive models and related field equations interme oftheir aurericlelatons Tem grateful o Rolamlon Huter for his etcal perusal of an ealer version Une manuscript This led to many improvements and encouraged me to bmi his work for publication My young cllegues who checked the final version proposed a tot of te chal reification. I daly thank Sion Hartmann, Dirk Helm, Thomas Merson Alesnder Lom, Anion Metenmll, thar Schrader and Konstantin, Selon Th putida, 1 would Hike to thank Me Joan Kurth for undertaking the Iubergus task of translating the work into the "language of madera (iioncs which abe did ith considerable sensitivity and ferbearance Finally, wish to express my thanks to Springer-Verlag for agreing to publinh the book and fer their kind cooperation, easel, Aga 1999 Peter Haupt Contents troduction 1 Kinematice PY Matera Bot 1 Material and Spl Reseentatin 4 Detonation Gradient 4 Siain Tessore 4 Convective Cortina 1 Veloety Gradient 4) Sain Rate Tenors 1 Sin Rates in Canretire Coordinates 4. Geomelsi Lineariation 40 Tncompatisle Cofgeations Tint Bacldeas Seace Iban 2 Non-Bucdeun Spaces LIES Conditions of Compatibiiy 2. alance Relations of Mechanics 21 Pesiminary Remasis 22 Mas BE patance of Mase: Global Form 322 Balance of Mas: Local Form 2.3 Linear Moment and Rotational Momestam EST Balnae of Liner Momentum, Bai fottinal Meent: Clobl Formation 3.2 Seer Tensor 3. Stee Tenor in Convective Corda $4 eal Parmalat of the Balance Ptbnese Momentum aad Rotational Momestar, 4.3.5 Initial and Boundary Conditions os a B contents content lchonial Material Behaviour 2 214. Conclusions rom he Balance Baton of Mechanica rt 1 gener Tay of cane Ma as PET Blane of Mechaseat Brees 205 EE" Gena Price ea 242 ThePrincpleot dale ° 1 naa Btn we ae ey : rao the General CatiiveBguation 283 2.4.4 Innes For ofthe Penile of @Alembert us Ea Rel Frm oi Gens ome Bs = ‘2 Dalanee Relations of Thermodyparice a TEA Pramelftenc ad Observer invariance 10 ae 2 19 open fate Srey mm 22 Ene aaa TOT The Concept ofthe Symmetry Group m 2. Temperate and Batons i TE} Client of Simple Matera nto lide and Solids 278 Sale eee a 1 Kinematic Gondiions of Internal Consrint 2 25 Balance Relate for Opn Ste i ine Connect i RE 1 Taneper Te, a TLD. Special Contin of fotrnal Constraint bes os ee ee 4.5 Fornlaton of Matera Mode 2a fer Sytema with Time Dependent Mast us Ferman of Matera a 8. Balance Relations Conservation Lams ra TEE. Repemntatn by Meus of Pca Eo Se ay eae ee ca TES. Repevefatin by Means of Internal Vasales a 4.88 Malt-Conpooen Syteme Qtr iat TAS Rowenta ey 6 Summary: Bai Relaone of Thermomecbaies 183 ie “ i 1 Dual Vorinbles Pa 4 Obincivty ie Di aerated Broiton Equation = 1 Frames of Reerence lee ee 4.2 Aline Spaces el S15 Ghee ime Decne f Objective Tensor Fy 2 Ghange of Prame: Pave Interpretation 188 era es 4 Change of Brae: Active nerretation ie £13 Bramele Meee i ip Harding oe 45 Objective Quan aa 2 The Concept af Dal arabes ae £5 brerecinvaan Relitons m 2 The Conc ts = 4 Ghascal Theories of Continuum Mechanies m £23. Stun and ses Tener (Samar) a 1 Inedacion am S23. Del Vasablen snd Doses 52 Ehe Psi ie 9 ume = 83 Usear-Vioms Fed a 1 Blatt and Hyperetastity Es ener i 2.2 trope lt Bate ws a ee - B21 General Coneiutve Hasaion 54 Petey Pane Sold a fer Blane ie sn Sle 2 Pty with Harden in ee fe ae ee £4 Vicinity wih Bot Range Ea 32:3 Inompeenle opi Bi Material us ae ee ee a S.C Gonrttutve Bntns of opi Baty amples) 5 {6 Experimental Observation nd Mathematieal Modeling oa aa Aaoneope Hyped Sai ee 81" General Aspects a 231 pment of be Genet Conta tin 8.2 Information fom Experiments Bs 8.3.2. Geneal Repreettion of the Sain Booey ms E21 Matsal Proper of Sel XN 8 2s 5.22 ayia! Linerinaon {622 Mate! Proprio Caton BacePiled Blstomess 28 ac a 3 Pour Categorie of Material Behaviour al 101 Repeesation ty Mean of Fonetoa ms 4 Bou Tose of Material Behaviow 21 ae tera 8 Contibaton ofthe Classical Teas 2 eves ree So 10.1.2 Confinaty Properties end Approximations =e SeeEUSEE SSE SISECESECESETESICESESESESESECRSESOTESOTESR TESTE SCTSERTSTCESTCOSERSSSS USES TCRSICSEECETISRTISECESECOSE CE MUUCESITESTIESETESETESTIEEES® xu 10.2 Representation by Meaneof Internal Variables 1021 General Concept 40.2.2 Ineral Variables ofthe Stain Type 10.2.8 A Genera Model of Pinte Vicoelastcyy 11 Plasticity 11 Ratedndependent Functions 1.2 Representation by Means of Internal Variables 113 Bhroplaaticy LT Proliminary Remarks ULL2 Suearfree Intermediate Configuration 113 KestopeElatty 1124 Yield Function and Evolution Bqssione 1.35 Consistency Condition 12 Vineoplaticity 12 Preliminary Reavis 12.2 Vicoplartity with Baste Doesin 1221 A General Canetti Model 12.2.2 Ayplleston of he Intermediate Cnfguraion 12.8 Panty a8 Limit Cae of Veopaetiety 12°31 The Difrenial Bqaton of he Ved Function 12.2.2 Relasation Propery 12.3.8 Slow Deformation Prcames 12.3.4 Elanoplaeticty and Arclength Repesntation 124 A Concep! fr General Vaeopastia'y Bab) Motivation 24.2 Balin Sree and Oversee 4.3 An Example of General Viseplaticty 124.4 Conclusions Regarding the Modeling Uf ecanical Materia) Bebavinr 18 Constitutive Models in Thermomechance 121 Thermamechaical Coniteney 12.2 Thermoclatety 1221 General Theory 12.2.2 Theroslstie Pid 12.2.3 Linear Themerlarte Soh 18.1 Thermoviraelaricty 11.01 General Concept 1.4.2 Thermoeastity a 9 Limit Case t Thennovincocaticsy 13.3.3 livernal Variable of Sain Type 122.4 Incorporation of Anaotopie Baticty Properties 13.4 Thermoriaoplastiiy with Blstie Drain 1241 General Concept 1.12 Applistion of the Intermediate Coniguation 123 Thermoplastic aa Limit Cane of Therizcoplaicis a wo aa Pe as a8 a rn “a " rd a “ sa 8 te sis = 2 2 1.5 General Themovinepsity SST Sina Dtrmatons Th.82 Pate Delonas {S83 Comune 13.6 Aniatope Material Propetin iret wotvateon Be? Ano Bac Aitony 16 Apeton n Themorbconlstichy $264 Comar Aes of Bani Aioropy 165 Chang Remake References Index sa Py 8 ser Notation Aur AB AB Ay Bios Av Ap Au ABA BAB Ay By Indies, seals constants Vectors ‘Tensor Components matrices Addition of vectors, roduet of welar and veetor Zero vector Scalar product of vectors ‘Vector produc of vectors ‘Tensor product of vectors Addition of tensors Prdut of scalar and tensor exo tensoe “Tranapore of A ‘Trace of A Determinant of A Deviatorof A Product (composition) of tensors Product of vector and tensor Sealar product of tensors

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