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Teacher: Jessica Tentinger

Date/Time of Observation: Oct. 18, 2011, 8th period 1:28-2:13

Evaluator: Christi Gochenour

Grade Level/Curriculum Area Observed: High School Geometry Class

Teachers Signature:_______________________________ Date:________________

Evaluators Signature:______________________________ Date:________________

NOTES AND OBSERVATIONS This geometry class is comprised of 17 students in grades 811; 9 girls, 8 boys, 2 eighth grade students, 2 students with Individual Education Plans. A paraeducator is assigned to the class to assist the IEP students. The students are arranged in groups of 4 in an L shape pod so they can all see the board, yet be able to discuss content as a group. The class began with the student independently checking their homework. Jessie had a copy of the assignment answers

displayed on the board using a doc camera and the brightlinks projector. Students were able to ask questions once the assignment was checked. Jessie worked through 2 problems, #17 & #18 and then when there were no more questions, requested the homework was collected. To begin todays lesson, Jessie had all students take out their notes, theorems, and a spare sheet of paper. Students were directed to draw a triangle of any size on the paper and then cut it out. As the students were working, Jessie asked, What do we know about triangles? Students listed several things they know: small/big, 3 points, all points dont have to be same size, different types of triangles (listed specifics), all angles equal 180 degrees, etc. Jessie asked a series of questions regarding parallel postulate and told them to put it on their theorem sheet. Once the triangle was cut out, she had them tear each corner and put them together for a straight line. As the students manipulated their angles, Jessie walked around the room to assist students and ask questions. Students identified that the sum of a straight line is 180 degrees and when the all three angles were put together they formed a straight line. This demonstration worked very well for the visual & kinesthetic learners. Next, students were asked to prove it. Students were led through a PowerPoint to prove the sum of the angels of a triangle is 180 degrees. Students were given a new vocabulary word, Auxillary Line, and were then given the first two with the proof. Students were then asked to complete the proof in their groups. Jessie walked around the room assisting students, and redirecting

those who did not stay on task. At 2:00 Jessie brought the class back together to work it through as a whole group. No assignment was given for the day. Under ITS 2, Demonstrates competence in content knowledge appropriate to the teaching position, Jessie highlighted Objective D to watch for in class. I found evidence of objective 1D, Understands and uses instructional strategies that are appropriate to the content area, throughout the entire lesson. Appropriate instructional strategies that were evident were, both whole and small group instruction, instruction with technology, instruction to meet multiple learning styles, instruction with guided practice. Under ITS 3, Demonstrates competence in planning and preparing for instruction, Jessie highlighted objective C & D to watch for during the observation. I found evidence of both Objective C, Uses students developmental needs, backgrounds, and interests in planning for instruction, and Objective D, Selects strategies to engage all students in learning in the way she had students grouped for collaborative learning pods and the chunking of instructional practices between whole and small group instruction; also the use of a manipulative to give the visual & kinesthetic learners a better understanding. Understand ITS 4, Uses strategies to deliver instruction that meets the multiple learning needs of students, you highlighted objectives B, C, & E to watch for during the observation. I found evidence of objective B, uses research-based instructional strategies that address the full range of cognitive levels, through

your use of whole and small group instruction, instruction with technology, instruction to meet multiple learning styles, instruction with guided practice. I found evidence of objective C, demonstrates flexibility and responsiveness in adjusting instruction to meet students needs as you altered your original instructional lesson to include the manipulative so students can see the proof of three angles equaling 180 degrees. I found evidence of objective E, connects students prior knowledge, life experiences, and interests in the instructional process as you tied the proofs needed to past learning experiences. Throughout the observation, I did not find any evidence that you did not meet the intended instructional goal and the intended Iowa Teaching Standards. As you continue your growth as a teacher, look through Outcome 6 of the Iowa Core which states, Educators implement effective instructional practices to ensure high levels of learning for each and every student. The thinking behind this statement is If content is challenging and relevant, and teacher routinely deliver instruction that demonstrates the characteristics of effective instruction, then student learning and performance will increase. There are six Characteristics of Effective Instruction: 1. Student Centered Classrooms; 2. Teaching for Understanding; 3. Assessment for Learning (Formative Assessment): 4. Rigorous and Relevant Curriculum; 5. Teaching for Learner Differences. I have attached the Iowa Cores description of each of these characteristics. As you continue refining your instruction, refer back to these characteristics and check for implementation in your instruction.

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