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Absence –=+

makes the work go faster

Where is the maker of makework, the adder of meetings?
Who shall now build walls, fling chaff, sow weeds, force detours?
That gate-guard gargoyle who sulked to open the way—
way—where is it now?
Does no one sit on all approvals, sit for days with ever-spreading butt?

Gone like smallpox.

The hallways, clear and calm!
The game plan, unreworked!
The email threads, untrolled!

Before us lie clear views, untrammeled roads, air rain-fresh and free of rancor.
We breathe deep; we test our bonds.
In this noiseless and heart-loosened space, until the management descends again,
now let us bring our thoughts to single-pointedness, and set to work.

Copyright ©2009 Ninjalistics. Photo copyright ©2005 gadgetdude (flickr.com/people/gadgetdude/). Text by Allen Varney. More certificates at www.ninjalistics.com

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