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Burdock Root Latin Name: Arctium lappa Other names: Beggars Buttons, Clot-Bur, Cockle Buttons, Foxs Clote,

Happy Major, Lappa, Love Leaves, Personata, Philanthropium, Thorny Burr Element: Water, Earth Planets: Venus Goddess/Gods: Venus, Gaea, Oshun Gender : Feminine Magickal Uses: Protection, healing, Earth magick, Wards away negativity when cast about the home, Uncrossing Medicinal Properties: Alterative, antipyretic, aperient, cholagogue, demulcent, diaphoretic, diuretic, tonic. Helps skin disorders, diaper rash, cradle cap, gout. Purifies the blood, restores liver and gallbladder function, kidney, and bladder disorders, syphilis, gonorrhea, diabetes. Relives inflammation. This herb is not narcotic. The decoction or infusion of burdock root is aperient, but not for all individuals; for some it may even be constipative. Both the tea and the tincture can be used for stomach ailments. Burdock is also said to neutralize and eliminate poisons in the system. The leaves are not generally used but do contain a substance that stimulates the secretion of bile. If they are to be used for liver problems, use fresh leaves only. A decoction of leaves also makes a good wash for sores and may be helpful for acne. The fresh, bruised leaves are sometimes used as a remedy for poison oak or poison ivy. The seeds contain an oil that is used medically, but only with medical supervision. Traditionally, root tea (2 oz. dried root in 1 qt. water) is used as a "blood purifier", diuretic, stimulates bile secretion, sweating, gout, liver and kidney ailments, nephritis, hypertension, edema, rheumatism, lumbago. Nicholas Culpeper, the famous 17th century herbalist, wrote that it "helpeth those that are bit by a mad dog." In China, a tea of leafy branches was used for vertigo, rheumatism, swollen lymph glands, impotence, and (in tea mixed with brown sugar) for measles. Externally, used as a wash for hives, eczema, and other skin eruptions. Seeds are diuretic; used for abscesses, canker sores, sore throats, fever, insect and snake bites, flu, gonorrhea, leprosy, scrofula, sciatica, backache; once used to treat scarlet fever, smallpox, and scrofula. Crushed seeds poulticed on bruises. Leaves poulticed on burns, wounds, ringworm, ulcers, styes, boils, sores. Japanese studies suggest roots contain compounds that may curb mutations (and hence cancer?) Medicinal Part : Roots, leaves and seeds, the whole plant Legends, Myths and Stories This easily-grown plant is quite invasive. Was used as a blood purifier as far back as Shakespeare's time; it is now used as a root vegetable, it has a taste that combines potatoes and celery. Once widely used in

cleansing remedies, burdock is familiar for its hooked burrs, which readily attach themselves to clothing. This property is reflected in the herb's botanical name, from the Greek arktos, or bear, suggesting rough-coated fruits, and lappa, to seize. Burdock was a traditional blood purifier, often combined in fold brews such as dandelion and burdock wine, and it was once popular for indigestion. In China, the seeds, niu bang zi, are used to dispel "wind and heat evils"; they also lower blood sugar levels. Sometimes planted in Japan, where it has been improved by cultivation for its enlarged parsnip-like roots, which are eaten as a boiled vegetable. Sometimes planted in Japan, where it has been improved by cultivation for its enlarged parsnip-like roots, which are eaten as a boiled vegetable. Burdock is a common European weed; was brought to America as a medicinal plant. It soon became widely scattered, because the burdock seeds attached themselves to colonists' breeches, clothes and the fur of animals. Millspaugh wrote, "the herb is so rank that man, the jackass, and the caterpillar are the only animals that will eat it." Warning Leaf hairs may irritate skin. Do not confuse leaves with the toxic leaves of Rhubarb. Care should be taken if anemia exists.

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