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KARAITE RECKONING: Bob's in a Pickle

This study is a systematic rebuttal of Bob Pickle's attempt to justify the Seventh-day Adventist fallacy of the Day of Atonement falling on 22nd October in 1844. Since 1844, tens of millions of Seventh-day Adventists have been duped by the glib, unsubstantiated statements of the lying false prophet Samuel Snow, who is the inventor of the majority of the dates in the SDA chronology of the 70 Weeks of Daniel, and the 2,300 Year-days. It is high time this arrant nonsense was thoroughly debunked and those millions held in spiritual bondage to belief in Samuel Snow's false gospel, were undeceived. To the entire evangelical church, 22nd October 1844 has no significance whatsoever. The majority of Christians have never heard of the SDA doctrine of 1844 and the Sanctuary, which bears no resemblance to any Biblical concept. We have no need of it. Faithful missionaries, preachers and humble believers have lived and died spreading the gospel throughout the world before and since 1844, seeing a fruitful harvest of countless hundreds of millions of souls rescued from a Christless eternity, with never a thought given to Seventh-day Adventism's peculiar doctrine based on defiant date-setting and the misinterpretation of the Old Covenant. To Christians living in the liberty of the Holy Spirit under the New Covenant made in Jesus' blood on the Cross, the date of the Jewish day of Atonement in any year is irrelevant and has no bearing on their salvation or relationship with God. But in 1844, this dated doctrine was God's supreme gospel of salvation sent exclusively to the localised handful of William Miller's myopic, dog-in-the-manger followers in New England, disregarding the millions of souls elsewhere who had never yet heard about Jesus Christ. Eventually, after some years of closeted activity, the shut door of salvation was prised open within the Millerite ranks, and their strange message was dispensed also to the wider world. But if it had been a true gospel preached by true prophets in the first instance, surely it would never have been withheld from anyone. During the years that the New England Millerites jealously kept their other gospel to themselves, countless selfless evangelical missionaries were giving up their lives in harsh and hostile foreign lands, to bring the good news to millions of lost souls. Therefore Seventh-day Adventism's different gospel should be thoroughly exposed for the fraud it is. If 22 October 1844 is a false date, falsely attributed to true Caraite Reckoning, then millions of Seventh-day Adventists are deceived and trusting in a false gospel with no power to save. They are tithing their incomes to an organisation which has perpetrated a monumental scam since 1844 through the use of those funds obtained under false pretences and spiritual blackmail. If 1844 has no salvific

significance, then this amounts to fraud and corruption on a grand scale. The gospel of Jesus Christ given freely to all men, has been hijacked for shameful gain. The SDA Church must then be identified with Babylon as surely as any false church ever was. Despite the majority of false prophet William Miller's ludicrous Time Proved in 15 Different Ways having been quietly jettisoned by the following ranks of Adventists, they managed to bestow the illusion of continuity and therefore divine authority on themselves by maintaining at least the Millerites' Greatly Disappointing date, though not the prophesied event which failed to eventuate on it. Of course, it was actually the discredited megalomaniac lunatic false prophet, Samuel S. Snow who came up with this exact date. He appeared in 1839 from the ranks of lapsed Congregationalists, and from employment as an agent on an atheist newspaper, after conversion to Miller's theories. He become a full-time Millerite preacher in 1842. From 16 February 1843, Snow was publishing articles about the Second Coming on the Jewish Day of Atonement. He enthusiastically preached from July 21st 1844 onwards, that the tenth day of the seventh month (Caraite), 22 nd October 1844, was the date when Jesus Christ would come again. He published a 4-page paper falsely named The True Midnight Cry on 22 August 1844, to disseminate his new theories. Jesus would definitely appear on the Jewish Day of Atonement, calculated wrongly according to the calendar of the Jewish Karaite sect, as imagined by the deranged Samuel S. Snow. Miller was one of the last to reluctantly accept this new development, and was one of the 50,000 Greatly Disappointed on that date. Miller henceforth repented of his defiantly unscriptural date-setting, although because he never rejected the false premises on which his conjectures were based, he was never able to see where he had gone wrong in his calculations. Most of his followers abandoned his nonsense entirely in disgrace and disgust; many went insane and there were numerous suicides. There was widespread bankruptcy among those who had relinquished all the cash, clothing, food, homes, furniture, possessions, vehicles, property, farms, livestock and businesses which they would no longer need come 23rd October 1844 after they went up. Scandal plagued them. The justifiable ridicule heaped upon the tiny core of stalwart Millerite fanatics who stubbornly refused to admit defeat, was enough to sour them against every wise evangelical Christian church and preacher who had warned where such defiance would lead. This vitriolic reaction against all who disagree with their wacky beliefs was honed and perfected in their prophetic figurehead, and is still evident amongst Seventh-day Adventists to this day. Samuel Snow very quickly abandoned the little knot of Millerites, and established his own congregation in 1845, the Church of Mount Zion. He proclaimed himself Elijah the prophet, and announced that all power to reign over the earth had been given to him by Jesus Christ. The world rulers of whom he demanded that they hand over all their realms to him, appear to have ignored him. In this they demonstrated greater discernment and wisdom than any Millerite or Seventh-day Adventist ever possessed.

The Sabbath-keeping Millerites who would become the Seventh-day Adventist Church, soon rejected Snow, but mystifyingly clung tight to his failed date, to which they still refer as the Midnight Cry, which was to give power to the second angel's message (E.G. White, Early Writings p. 238); as the fulfilment of Jesus' prophecy in Matthew 25:6; also as the fulfilment of Revelation 14:8. They contrived to place the blame for their repeated failures on God who had apparently held His hand over a mistake in the figures in order to test their faithfulness by telling them lies and sending them false prophets. Thus the tiny remnant of the Adventist band emerged unrepentant of all their false prophecies and the chaos they had caused in the lives of countless people. From that time to this, the date of the Great Disappointment has been memorialised as the unimpeachable firm foundation of the Seventh-day Adventist doctrines, the reason for its very existence. Despite constant critical evaluation by the evangelical church, and even the muttering of disbelief behind closed doors in its own ranks, the SDA Church ever defends its pivotal date, the processes and the personalities which led to it. In the 1930s, a Historical Research Committee chaired by SDA theologian LeRoy Edwin Froom spent years investigating Samuel Snow's dates for the Investigative Judgement and of the Crucifixion; what was euphemistically referred to as The Millerite Time Problem. This was a tacit acknowledgement of the many who had proven that the Millerite calendations and calculations were fatally flawed; the Research Committee was the SDA Church's attempt to sweep their valid objections under the rug of bureaucratic busyness. Thousands of pages of internally contradictory research later, Froom crowingly pronounced that their studies, condensed in the six Research Committee Reports found within the Grace Amadon Collection, had thoroughly vindicated the SDA Church's firm foundation. Today, other staunch SDAs quote Froom et al as though that face-saving exercise was not performed under duress of protecting their own reputations, livelihoods and pension plans. To study that Research Report alongside today's computerised astronomy programs is to discover the deadly quicksand of duplicity and deceit on which the SDA Church is actually founded. Couched in verbose and conflicting scientific jargon, referencing reams of obscure scholars and astronomers, while failing to produce the methods actually used by Samuel Snow to arrive at his false dates; making dogmatic claims which are confounded elsewhere by equally dogmatic yet diametrically opposed statements; drawing illogical conclusions, fudging dates and falsifying methods of calculation, substituting the spirit of error for the Spirit of Truth the Research Report manages to bamboozle the average SDA. Most have probably never heard of it; others assume that because of Froom's high profile and glorified reputation, everything he wrote must perforce be infallible. Therefore they accept his conclusions and save themselves the hard graft scripturally mandated, of testing the spirits of the prophets. But the Historical Research Committee Report is riddled with error, lies and deception, bound together in the conceit of the Seventh-day Adventist movement being God's one true church for all eternity. LeRoy Froom and his SDA associates lied shamelessly, to maintain the prophetic illusion and keep the money rolling in.

Image from www.Cybersky.com. Location: Jerusalem. The position of the sun on the false Seventh-day Adventist date of Passover, Friday 27 April 31 AD. The sun was then in the constellation of Taurus, 9 days after it had left Aries. This was 35 days after the Vernal Equinox, on the 16 th day of the lunar month.

Pickle Reckoning

Pickle Reckoning Repudiated A Study of Bob Pickle's Defense of True Caraite Reckoning' Was this the RIGHT Question, or Was it the WRONG One?
By Lorraine Clarke.

Karaite Reckoning vs. Rabbanite Reckoning Was October 22 the Right Date, or Was It September 23?
by Bob Pickle

The RIGHT date for what? And are there only 2 choices? Or could there be many more questions that beg to be asked? Bob Pickle's title follows the hackneyed SDA format of posing Either/Or leading questions which funnel the gullible student towards indoctrination with the preconceived false answer. Rather like the delusion of democratic elections. People imagine that if they vote, they will get the president of their choice. How wrong they are. Whether or not they vote, one of two pre-selected candidates out of 300 million (neither of whom anyone except their wives would have chosen for themselves) will take power. The recent choice between a closet Muslim and a Mormon as President of the USA (In Whose False God Do We Trust?) highlights the irony of this farce. The SDA agenda means the date refers to the fictitious Investigative Judgement,

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supposed by them exclusively, to have begun in 1844 AD as the crucial element of their accursed other gospel of salvation. The unbiblical doctrine of the Investigative Judgement gradually evolved during the decades following the date selected by the Millerites as the Karaite Day of Atonement on which they expected Jesus Christ to return to earth and painfully incinerate every Christian on earth who rejected their absurd, minority opinions. The fact that these New England residents were Greatly Disappointed not just once, but 3 times (they admit to 3 times, but there were actually many more hushed-up Disappointments after 1844) by Christ's failure to honour their predictions, should have buried the shameful matter for all time. But they were nothing if not persistent and adaptable. The most resilient core of them rose phoenix-like from the ashes of failed false prophecies, fanaticism, scandal, financial ruin, insanity, public humiliation and ridicule, to develop and sanitise the reputation of one of the major Christian cults at large today. 19th century USA spawned numerous cults, all generated by leaders steeped in Freemasonry, with similar prophetic figureheads, angelic visitations, tours of heaven, paranormal manifestations, extra-biblical literature, legalism that denies the liberty and work of the Holy Spirit; alterations to the Christian gospel once for all delivered to the saints; all boasting doctrinal infallibility on a level with the pope, each laying exclusive claim to the true interpretation of the Scriptures and to the kingdom of God. Every member in each of those cults knows that his church alone has THE Present Truth which, if rejected by anyone, will result in eternal damnation. The SDA Church is just one of the consequences of overweening religious conceit in the Last Days. Certainly this in itself is a fulfilment of Bible prophecy which predicts, not a great revival before Jesus returns, but a global apostasy running after a multitude of false prophets, signs and wonders, and false Christs. The preposterous doctrine of the Investigative Judgement beginning in heaven

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on October 22, 1844 (Boston, Massachusetts time!!) as the culmination of 2,300 years (artfully contrived from the Bible's 2,300 evenings mornings) from a non-existent decree by a king called Artaxerxes Longimanus (who never appears in the Bible) in 457 BC (Persian time!!) ... is the unimpeachable firm foundation, the raison d'tre, the crowning glory and most distinguishing feature of Seventh-day Adventism. The fact that as of the year 2013, the SDA 2,300 Year-Days has now blown out to 2,469 years and still their prophetic interpretation remains unfulfilled still the sanctuary is not 'cleansed' should sound clanging warning bells to all who encounter this cult, and to all discerning, educated, intelligent members of it. Yet they cling tenaciously to this aberrant doctrine, and weave fanciful rationalisations about it to insulate it from scrutiny by those in the evangelical church whose clearer, more orthodox, objective and better-informed research exposes this sham for the fraudulent false gospel that it is. Shockingly, SDA pastors who cannot find any scriptural way to support the IJ, will avoid rocking the boat by not voicing their doubts which would result in expulsion from their secure career path. Such insincerity privately rejecting the preposterous doctrine which is the firm platform on which their religion is built, while protecting personal pecuniary interests is a testimony to the moral spinelessness and spiritual corruption rife among those lumbered with teaching the 1844 doctrine. Bob Pickle is obviously an intelligent man with good research skills and a resolute faith in the Millerites and Seventh-day Adventists who have gone before him. In response to valid objections by unbelievers of the 1844 IJ doctrine, he quotes for instance SDA's esteemed theologian LeRoy E. Froom, as though his duplicitous statements were sacrosanct and as if he was unconcerned with protecting his employment status and retirement plan.

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Mr Pickle quotes several articles written in 1843 1844 by unidentified Millerite authors, as though the inaccurate calendrical calculations and dogmatic, unreferenced conclusions in these were beyond dispute and not influenced by anecdotal reports. He discusses one Samuel Snow, a delusional megalomaniac Millerite preacher whose invention of the October 22, 1844 date according to true Caraite reckoning was his crucial contribution to the 7th-month movement before he quickly abandoned it and was discredited by them. Mr Pickle mistakenly claims that it was not Samuel Snow who authored at least some of the afore-mentioned unreferenced articles or concocted the 1844 scheme, although both the SDA Encyclopedia and LeRoy Froom testify that it was. He quotes the inconclusive testimony of an obscure converted 19th-century Jewish rabbi, Mr E.S. Calman, as though this solved the problems of the 1844 date in favour of the SDAs. Perhaps this rabbi was a source of Samuel Snow's false claims about the Karaite calendar. Froom states,

The evidence found in Buhle's old Economical [or Agricultural] Calendar of Palestine was one of the determining factors, together with Calman's then-recent observations. LeRoy Froom, p. 9, Research Committee Report # 2, 1939
Mr Pickle also selectively quotes Nehemia Gordon, the 21st century spokesman for the Karaite Jews and their biblical calendar, claiming that his evidence of the annual Aviv Barley Searches in Israel, corroborates the SDA dates and doctrine, Samuel Snow's outrageous speculations and Froom's selfserving confirmation of them. Yet when the Karaite evidence actually condemns the SDA doctrine, the Karaites (who, Snow stated, were undoubtedly correct) are then accused of having

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reverted to the false Rabbinic method of determining their own calendar, and it is maintained that only the SDAs have in fact gotten it right (although they have never participated in any Aviv Barley Search in Israel, do not live according to the undoubtedly correct Karaite calendar, nor ever had a single prophecy fulfilled). Curiously, in this defense of the 22nd October 1844 date, Bob Pickle has either unwittingly overlooked, or deliberately ignored, the evidence of his own True Prophet of God on the subject. She published a correct single-line sentence in one of her books, which implodes the entire teetering SDA edifice. (This statement she clearly plagiarised from numerous entries in the book The Temple Its Ministry and Services, by the erudite converted Jewish historian Alfred Edersheim.)

The [Passover] feast was held near the close of March or the beginning of April.
E.G. White, The Story of Jesus, 1896, 31.5.

This should have been the final nail in the coffin of the 1844 Investigative Judgement doctrine, and the death-knell for the Seventh-day Adventist Church for it utterly rebuts the SDA Crucifixion date, the date of the Day of Atonement in 1844, and all foundational doctrines. If this EGW statement is correct, then her prior statements are false and vice versa. Either way, she has exposed herself not only as a thieving plagiarist, but as a false prophet, therefore to be abandoned, renounced and rejected failing the biblical remedy of stoning to death. But die-hard SDAs will contrive some excuse for this insoluble conundrum posed

Pickle Reckoning
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The Problem Of Karaism and Calendars October 22, Karaism, and Snow Yom Kippur, 1999 Concocted by Snow? Mr. E. S. Calman One Month Too Early Karaites in Palestine Conclusion

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by their True Prophet of God, as well.

The Problem
A number of critics today question the conclusions of Millerites in 1844 that the Jewish Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) that year would occur on October 22. Indeed, the present author perhaps 15 years ago perused an 1844 almanac in the Auburn University library, and discovered that it listed September 23 as the date for Yom Kippur. But that is to be expected. Millerites in 1844 used the reckoning of Karaite Judaism to come up with the date of October 22. Karaism typically kept their feasts a month later than other Jews. However, the critics claim that the Karaites were no longer using their special form of reckoning in 1844. Is this true? And even if it were true, what would be the correct date for Yom Kippur in 1844, biblically speaking? Just because Samuel Snow said that he was using true Caraite reckoning, is no proof that he was correct or even honest. Given his mental state and his outrageous actions (e.g. writing to the world leaders and demanding control over their realms, claiming to have been given all authority to reign over the earth by Jesus), how could anyone suppose that anything he said can be trusted? It is inaccurate to extrapolate from such generalisations as Karaites typically kept their feasts a month later than other Jews. This is not the case. There are TWO isolated instances recorded that I know of in the past 12 centuries, where this was true; there are several recorded instances where the reverse is true. In the great majority of years, Rabbinic and Karaite Passovers fall either on the same day, or with either 1 or 2 days separating them. It is deceitful to call the Karaites as a friendly witness only on the occasions when their records suit the SDA dogma, and to reject them whenever their evidence is fatal to the SDA case. But this is ever the SDA habit, commonly known as SPECIAL PLEADING. The disc0ncerting fact for the SDA Church is that all records reveal that All

Pickle Reckoning
We begin by discussing the reasons behind the differences of the Karaite Jewish calendar.

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Karaites, everywhere, observed the Day of Atonement in 1844 on 23 September, not October. All records give September 23, 1844 as the date for both the Rabbinic and Karaite Day of Atonement. So of course that is to be expected on perusal of any 1844 almanac, anywhere in the world! The Third (Correct) Alternative Modern Karaite leader Nehemia Gordon provides evidence that some Karaites in 1844 were using a flawed method of dating the first day of the lunar months. According to true Caraite reckoning, the Day of Atonement in 1844 was September 24th, not 23rd. The First Visibility of the new moon was after sunset on September 14; therefore, the following Gregorian date, September 15, was 1 Tisri; 9 days after this was actually the Karaite Day of Atonement, 10 Tisri: 15 + 9 = September 24, 1844. According to Nehemia Gordon, the Karaites (even in Israel) used the Rabbinic calendar many years prior to 1844, and observed their feasts on Rabbinic dates. They all observed the Day of Atonement on September 23. However, using their own method correctly, the actual Karaite date should have been September 24. Samuel Snow chose October 22 as the date for the Jewish Day of Atonement, 10 th Tisri, one lunar month less one day later than both Rabbins and Karaites. Using true Karaite reckoning, had Tisri begun in October that year, the Day of Atonement would have been October 23rd, not 22nd. First Visibility of the moon was at sunset on October 13, 1844 The next Gregorian date was day 1 Luna, October 14th Another 9 days was day 10 Luna 14 + 9 = day 10 Luna = October 23rd.

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So exactly where were did Millerites get their false true Caraite reckoning from? Not from any Karaites anywhere in the world, for they all observed the Day of Atonement 1 month earlier. Not from any Karaite calendar, for LeRoy Froom states that they did not possess one. They probably never had an actual Karaite calendar before them for the year 1844, for they make no allusion to possessing or using such. LeRoy E. Froom, p. 5, Research Committee Report # 6. No mention is made in the Midnight Cry or Advent Herald of an almanac for Jerusalem. In fact, it was said, 'We have no certain means of knowing,' when the Karaite Passover month really commences there {Jerusalem}. [Advent Herald, Sept. 11, 1844, p. 45] Grace Amadon, p. 46, Research Committee Report # 5. Not from the Rabbins, who were observing the same dates as the Karaites. Not from true astronomical calculations, because all computerised astronomy programs prove the Millerites were mistaken. Despite claiming to use the correct method, Samuel Snow could not manage the basic arithmetic, and came up with false dates. Not from observing the aviv barley in Israel, because none of the Millerites ever travelled there. Not from any source which was ever referenced. Not from correctly applying the Karaite principles, even if in the wrong month.

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It is clear that SAMUEL SNOW INVENTED IT ALL. SUNSET 13 September 1844: Sunset 5:48 Moonset 6:05 Threadlike moon above western horizon after sunset for only 17 minutes during twilight, therefore not visible against the bright sky. Moon 2% illuminated. Images courtesy of PLSV (Planetary, Lunar & Stellar Visibility), free astronomy program downloadable from www.alcyone.de .

SUNSET 14 September 1844: New Moon 6% illuminated (quite significant) Sunset 5:46 Moonset 6:44 Moon potentially visible for 58 mins after sunset, so this must be First Visibility. Thus 15 September 1844 is 1 TISRI, and 24 September is 10 TISRI.

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Karaite records report that the Karaites incorrectly observed the previous day, 23 September, as 10 Tisri. Nehemia Gordon states that some Karaites were using a false method of beginning the months in 1844; he also states that even in Israel, the Karaites were not conducting the aviv search in those days, nor for many years previously. Therefore he says, both Rabbins and Karaites kept the Day of Atonement on the same day : September 23, 1844. However, Nehemia Gordon also confirms that this was the wrong date; he says according to true Karaite calendation, 10 Tisri MUST have been September 24, 1844. Mr Gordon also states that in October, 10 Luna was 23rd, NOT 22nd.

The Chart below (per PLSV), is the computed list of first and last visibility of the moon at sunset for every month during 1844, in Jerusalem. The day following first visibility is the Gregorian date for Crescent New Moon. Not only does this prove that the Karaite month of Tisri 1844 should have begun on September 15, meaning that the true Karaite 10th Tisri, 1844, was 24th September, not 23rd September but it also proves the SDA date for the Day of Atonement, 22 nd October 1844, is false, because even if October had been the month of Tisri, the 10th lunar day was the 23rd, not the 22nd as Samuel Snow claimed.

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Of Karaism and Calendars

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Toward the end of the 8th century AD, a back- Nehemia Gordon's website, www.karaite-korner.org tells us that the Karaites are to-the-bible movement in Judaism arose in those Jews who were once known by other names such as the Sadducees. They opposition to Rabbanite Judaism. It is called did not suddenly emerge in the 8th century. Karaism (or Caraism). Exactly how often do the Karaites keep their festivals in different months from The Rabbanites followed the traditions of the other Jews? Talmud in addition to the Scriptures, but the When their year begins in a different month from the Rabbins', is their Nisan a Karaites abandoned all such traditions and month earlier or later than the Rabbinic Nisan? went just by Scripture. What proportion of their years begins earlier? What percentage begins later? This necessitated differing from other Jews in the In how many years do they observe their festivals in the same month, even if manner in which they kept their calendar, and this separated by 1 or 2 days? meant that they often kept their festivals in How often do Rabbinic and Karaite Jews begin their months on the same day? different months than other Jews. Alas, Bob Pickle does not provide these essential data, although he could have, had he bothered. (See TABLE 1 at the end of this study, which provides current evidence from the 14 Aviv Barley Searches from 1999 2013 AD, conducted annually in Israel by Nehemia Gordon. The Aviv Reports are archived on his website www.karaitekorner.org. TABLE 1 answers all the above questions.) But if Mr Pickle had taken the trouble to do the research I have done, which he suggests that others do, then he would have discovered that Nehemia Gordon's official Karaite barley search evidence explodes the very premise which he is trying to defend. Samuel Snow and the other Millerites, and the Research Committee headed by LeRoy Froom, also did not provide any evidence to support their false claims that the Karaites usually kept their festivals one month later than other Jews. They could not provide such evidence because in their days, there was none.

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There were no barley searches in Israel at that time, and the Karaites even in Israel were observing the same calendar as the Rabbanites. Anything that the Millerites did quote as evidence was actually misinterpreted information, or unsubstantiated anecdotes. They probably never had an actual Karaite calendar before them for the year 1844, for they make no allusion to possessing or using such. LeRoy E. Froom, p. 5, Research Committee Report # 6. No mention is made in the Midnight Cry or Advent Herald of an almanac for Jerusalem. In fact, it was said, 'We have no certain means of knowing,' when the Karaite Passover month really commences there {Jerusalem}. [Advent Herald, Sept. 11, 1844, p. 45] Grace Amadon, p. 46, Research Committee Report # 5. The Lord commanded the Jews to begin their year in the month of aviv barley, in order to offer the wave-sheaf as the firstfruits of their grain crops for the year, when they were in their own land, Israel. He did not require them to follow this instruction when they were in exile. Nor could they offer the wave-sheaf when there was no high priest, and no tabernacle or temple. Nor did He require anyone except the Israelites to abide by this commandment, anywhere on earth. It has nothing to do with Bostonian Gentiles. It's none of their business. Exo 12:2 "This month shall be for you the beginning of months. It shall be the first month of the year for you. Exo 12:25 And when you come to the land that the LORD will give you, as he has promised, you shall keep this service."

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The Passover, Feast of Unleavened Bread and Wave-sheaf were exclusively for the Israelite nation, living in their own land of Israel, worshipping at their Temple in Jerusalem, under the Levitical priesthood. Hence, when the Jews were in exile, and it was impossible for them to observe the aviv barley in Israel, the commandment was waived. They did the best that they could in the circumstances. Knowing perfectly well in which season the barley usually ripened in their own land, they commenced their year at that same season by standardising the calendar to commence at the time when the barley was most often ripe. Occasionally inclement weather delays the ripening of barley, but the rapidly increasing day length approaching the Vernal Equinox is the trigger that forces barley to the state of aviv, which means green ears of grain. It is an acknowledged agricultural fact that it is increasing day-length which stimulates barley to ripen. Barley is the fastest-maturing cereal grain, which can be harvested when still containing a high percentage of moisture in the kernels, without diminishing the dry-matter yield. If barley is allowed to stand in the field for too long before harvest, the seed shatters or falls out of the heads, and is lost on the ground. Thus it is vital to harvest it as soon as possible after it has reached hard dough stage. For the Jews, the earliest possible date for Passover was a matter of survival, as they were not permitted to begin their harvest until the first sheaf of aviv barley had been presented by the high priest at the temple during the Feast of Unleavened Bread. If this wave-sheaf offering was unnecessarily delayed to the following month, and the over-ripe grain had begun to fall from the heads, then the entire nation's food source was at risk. In an agrarian society, this was catastrophic. The people and their livestock depended on the barley crop being harvested at the end of winter, when all other food supplies were becoming exhausted.

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The grains of aviv barley are fully filled and past the soft dough stage; the dry matter content is complete but they are not yet completely dry, and still retain some of their colour. Hence Bible references to parched grain. The new grain with its high moisture content, was roasted over the fire before it could be ground for flour. This speaks of the urgency of the earliest possible barley harvest.

The Julian and Gregorian Calendars are solar calendars. They are tied to the number of days that it takes for the earth to revolve about the sun. Moslems, on the other hand, have a lunar calendar, one that is tied to the number of days that it takes for the moon to revolve around the earth. While the earth revolves around the sun once every 365.242199 days, the moon revolves around the earth once every 29.530588 days. In a lunar calendar, about half the months are 29 and about half are 30 days long. 12 of such months would add up to about 354 days, about 11 days short of a solar year.

When the Children of Israel were in the Wilderness, they could not begin their calendar years according to the ripeness of the barley. They had no barley for 40 years! In the first year, they carried all their flour on their backs as they went out to sacrifice to the Lord. They had no idea that they would not eat grain again for 40 years. They could not grow and harvest barley in the wilderness, therefore the Lord sent manna for them to eat, 6 days every week, for 40 years, until the day that they entered the Promised Land at the time of the Passover, and were able to eat the old stored barley, and harvest the new season's barley growing there. How did the Israelites tell when the year began, during those 40 years? Those who insist that the Vernal Equinox had nothing to do with it, and deny that the Sun in the constellation of Aries was used to determine the season should think again. The Israelites had lived in Egypt for hundreds of years, where astronomy was highly developed. Certainly the Israelites would have understood astronomy, the constellations, how to ascertain the Equinoxes and Solstices. They would have known when the barley ripened, relative to the time of the Vernal Equinox.

The Julian and Gregorian calendars keep in time with the seasons through an intercalary day (Feb. 29) every 4th year, commonly called a leap year. The Gregorian calendar skips three of these Every night for 40 years, the glittering sky above them was their calendar. How every 400 years, and is thus more accurate than the else could they have calibrated their months and seasons, except by the lights in Julian calendar. the heavens, which were given for signs and seasons by God at Creation?

The Islamic calendar uses no intercalation. Thus When there was no ripe barley to announce the beginning of the it falls behind the seasons 11 additional days every month Nisan after the Exodus , how did the Israelites determine when year. After 33 years or so, their months have rotated to intercalate the 13th month? During that period of 40 years, they must

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through the seasons until they are back to where they were before. The Jewish calendar uses an intercalary month. In a leap year, which occurs about 7 times every 19 years, the 12th month Adar is followed by a second Adar, and this postpones the beginning of the first month of Nisan till the following month.

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necessarily have intercalated more than 14 second Adars (assuming that the lunar cycle was the same then as it is now.) Only by observing the position of the Full Moon nearest the Vernal Equinox, when it must necessarily be in the same constellation as it had been at the Egyptian Passover, could they determine that this was the same month of the year which the Lord called Aviv. In 1450 BC (the approximate time of the Exodus) the sun was in the constellation of Aries at the Vernal Equinox on 3 April. As the Full Moon is invariably exactly opposite the sun every month, this moon was therefore in the constellation Libra, at the Vernal Equinox. How very appropriate! The ram lambs were sacrificed when the sun was in Aries, the sign of the Ram; the Israelites were set free on the night that the Full Moon was in Libra, the sign of justice and freedom.

Moslems and Karaites begin their months when the new crescent moon is first visible. This may occur, weather permitting, 18 hours or more after the astronomical new moon. Sightings are attempted soon after sunset. If the new crescent is large enough, and is far enough away from the setting sun, and at the right angle, then it will be seen and the new month will be declared to have begun. The Bible specifies that the Passover must be celebrated during the first month.

Commencing the month according to the first visibility of the crescent moon, is not actually specified in the Bible. Perhaps the Koran provides details, but the Bible is silent on this subject. The Karaites do use this method, but there is no express commandment for it. LeRoy Froom and his Research Committee were duplicitous about using the observance of the first visible crescent to begin the lunar months. In some cases they insisted that this is the correct method; in others they rejected it and substituted various convoluted theories to force their impossible chronology into shape. However, the Talmud (tradition) does contain references to this practice; therefore, observation of the new moon before declaring the new month on the next day, is originally a Rabbinic practice, is it not? This fact however proves that Snow was a liar and a fraud, because Samuel

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Snow did not use this method to set the dates of the Crucifixion in 31 AD and Day of Atonement in 1844. The scientific term astronomical new moon is the moment of conjunction of sun & moon. This leads to some confusion when using USNO data, as they count from the astronomical new moon. It seems the Ephemeris Tables used by the Millerite inventors of the 1844 doctrine, were also dated from astronomical new moon. This explains some of their many calendrical errors.

Limestone Sundial found at Qumran

Karaite Nehemia Gordon claims that the ancient Jews had no way of determining the Equinoxes or the time of conjunction of sun and moon, since the moon cannot be seen at this time, and that they were therefore obliged to use the visual observation of the first crescent before declaring the following day to be the first of the new month. However, the Essenes were familiar with astronomy. They had a device for determining the Vernal Equinox, using the angles of the shadow made by the sun on a vertical post standing in a calibrated stone disc. The apocryphal Books of Jubilee and Enoch (many copies of which were discovered among the Dead Sea Scrolls in the 1950s) contain detailed calendars, which describe exactly how their year was determined according to the Vernal Equinox. The Millerites had no knowledge of the Scrolls, but they were familiar with the books of Jubilees and Enoch. Ellen White's early visions contain multiple plagiarised passages from them. The Essenes designated the Pharisees (Rabbins) The Wicked Priest who had perverted God's true calendar. While the Essenes claimed that only their calendar abided strictly by God's commands, their feasts fell at quite different times from those commanded in the Bible. Their year also was very different from the Karaite. The Essene records of the Pharisees' lunar months alternated strictly between 29 and 30 days. Their own solar calendar had 30 days every month, except for the 3 rd, 6th, 9th and 12th months, which had 31 days each. This made a solar year of 364

"It could have been used to handle the discrepancy between 365.25 days and a calendar year of 364 days. It allows the determination of the cardinal points and fixing a

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calendar whose seasons are as near as possible to the signs of sun, moon and stars."
Uwe Glessmer and Matthias Albani, "An Astronomical Measuring Instrument from Qumran", The Provo International Conference on the Dead Sea Scrolls, Technological Innovations, New Texts, and Reformatted Issues, edited by Donald W. Parry and Eugene Ulrich (Boston: Brill, 1999), p. 442.

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The Millerites, and later LeRoy Froom and his Research Committee, made a big mistake in supposing that this Pharisaic (Rabbinic) practice of regular alternating months of 29 and 30 days, was astronomically accurate. Because (as Bob Pickle's article states) the lunar cycle is somewhat more than 29 days, there is not a regular sequence of 29 / 30 / 29 / 30 days throughout the year. There are frequently 2, 3 or even 4 consecutive lunar months with the same number of days, either 29 or 30. Therefore the Karaites, who only announce the new month after several witnesses have physically observed the first crescent of the new moon from Jerusalem, have months which vary in length from the Rabbinic months. This explains how the Karaite months can begin either 1 or 2 days before or after the first day of the Rabbinic months. * See TABLE 2, at the end of this article, for proof of this irregular monthly sequence. * See TABLE 3 for the standardised Rabbinic months. The Millerites knew nothing of the Essene calendar, as the Dead Sea Scrolls were not found until a century later. They dismissed the Pharisees as the Rabbins who supposedly perverted God's true calendar. Samuel Snow claimed, the Caraites are undoubtedly correct in their calendar.

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But Snow did not use the Karaite method of beginning the months after the observance of the first visible crescent. The fact that he used the Rabbinic fixed length of 177 days between 1 Nisan and 1 Tisri, is proof that Samuel Snow had no clue about how true Caraite reckoning works. Bob Pickle also falls for this delusion when he counts from the false SDA date for Passover in 1844, to their false date for the Day of Atonement. Another thing Snow did not realise is that the Karaites (so named since the 8th century AD) are actually the Sadducees of the Bible. Jesus condemned the legalism of both the Pharisees and Sadducees, and warned His followers against their teachings. Mat 16:6 Jesus said to them, "Watch and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees." So which is God's true calendar the Pharisaic or the Sadducee? The Rabbinic or the Karaite? Or is it the Essene calendar? Or none of the above? Or does it even matter? Especially for Gentile Christians who are not bound under the Old Covenant, who do not grow barley, do not have a Levitical priesthood, do not live in the land of Israel, and do not worship at the Temple in Jerusalem?

It also specifies that on the morrow after the Interesting that Mr Pickle here mentions the conundrum of the date on which Sabbath after the Passover (differing Wave-sheaf falls. interpretations identify this as either a Sunday or the 16th of Nisan), a sheaf of ripe Josephus, the Pharisee priest, records that it is invariably on 16 th Nisan. barley was to be waved before the Lord (Lev. 23:10-

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However, Karaites strongly refute this false claim, and observe the Wave-sheaf on the Sunday which falls during the Feast of Unleavened Bread. The Essenes also invariably observed both Days of Firstfruits on Sundays but they had fixed dates as well. Their Wave-sheaf was Sunday, the 26 th of their first month, every year. 49 days later, the Feast of Wheat Firstfruits (Weeks; Pentecost) also falls on a Sunday, after 7 weekly Sabbaths have passed, as God commanded. Lev 23:15 "You shall count 7 full weeks from the day after the Sabbath, from the day that you brought the sheaf of the wave offering. Lev 23:16 You shall count 50 days to the day after the 7th Sabbath. Then you shall present a grain offering of new grain to the LORD. The Millerite articles condemning the Rabbanite calendar and claiming to use only the Karaite calendar, hypocritically also used the Rabbanite date of 16 Nisan for the offering of barley firstfruits. This demonstrates perfectly that those Millerites did not know what they were talking about. They knew nothing more of the true Caraite reckoning of the calendar, than a few lines they read in some article about the calendrical dispute between the Karaite and Rabbinic sects of the Jews, and inaccurate information about the season of latter rain in Israel, which supposedly prevented the barley from ripening before late April or May. They also applied the growth cycle of barley in Boston, MA to that in Israel. Because their false understanding of the Karaite calendar superficially appeared to allow more time to elapse before the prospect of a third Great Disappointment, Snow pretended to have chosen the Karaite calendar and rejected the Rabbinic. There had already been two major Disappointments, with humiliating excuses having to be made for the wrong dates chosen for the Second Coming. To allow

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Jesus plenty of time to fulfil his prophecy, Snow stretched the third date out to its limit. They probably never had an actual Karaite calendar before them for the year 1844, for they make no allusion to possessing or using such. LeRoy E. Froom, p. 5, Research Committee Report # 6. No mention is made in the Midnight Cry or Advent Herald of an almanac for Jerusalem. In fact, it was said, 'We have no certain means of knowing,' when the Karaite Passover month really commences there {Jerusalem}. [Advent Herald, Sept. 11, 1844, p. 45] Grace Amadon, p. 46, Research Committee Report # 5. Samuel Snow's false True Midnight Cry was published on August 22, 1844. Had he selected the true Karaite date for the Day of Atonement on September 24, there would have been only 4 weeks for his publication to reach the lost world. This hardly warranted the trouble and expense of printing a paper. Much better to push the date out the extra month and get his money's worth. However, the Millerites did not realise that by dating the Wave-sheaf to 16th Nisan, Snow was using the Rabbinic calendar, the calendar of the Pharisees, which they claimed to absolutely reject. 16 Nisan can fall on any day of the week. Only in some years does it fall on the day after the weekly Sabbath in the Rabbinic calendar. The Karaites, abiding by the letter of scripture, invariably observe the Day of Barley Firstfruits on the Sunday that falls during the week of Unleavened bread, whichever date that may be, from 15 21 Nisan. Samuel Snow was a charlatan. He actually used the Rabbinic calculated calendar; postponed its beginning for an extra month on the basis of false weather assumptions and ignorance of the barley growth

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cycle, then chose dates out of a hat and called this true Caraite reckoning! LeRoy Froom stressed in his Research Committee reports that the reason barley could not possibly be ripe in time for the Passover before late April or early May was that the latter rains in Israel invariably fall throughout March. Froom of course had never been to Israel; nor had any other Millerite or Seventhday Adventist. This information was based on hearsay from other people who had never been to Israel. Bob Pickle quoted a snippet of information from the 1999 archive on www.karaitekorner.org which appeared to vindicate the SDA position; but he sneakily ignored other vital information: One characteristic of Karaism throughout the generations was that it always clung to the Biblical precept to "Keep the Month of the Abib". Till this very day every Karaite takes an oath when he/she gets married "to keep the holy Holidays of Hashem according to the observation of the moon and the finding of the Abib in the holy Land of Israel". Throughout the Middle Ages great effort was made to send messengers to Palestine to check on the state of the barley crops and it was not uncommon that the Karaites celebrated the holidays one month after the Rabbanites. As late as 1641 we learn from a Karaite pilgrim from the Crimea that the Karaites of the Middle East still followed the Biblical calendar and that in that year they celebrated all the holidays one month after the Rabbanites. Most Karaites today have adopted the Rabbanite "19-year cycle". Instead of fixing the First Month according to the barley crops (Abib), the 19-year cycle arbitrarily sets every 2nd or 3rd year as a leap year. Those Karaites who adopted the Rabbanite 19-year cycle did so with the belief that it accurately approximates the Abib in the land of Israel. Indeed the "19-year cycle"

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was invented to approximate the state of the barley crops at a time when the Rabbanites had difficulty getting reliable reports from the Land of Israel. After all, the Rabbanites do not deny that it is the state of the barley crops which determines the date of Passover (see Sanhedrin 11a). Yet actual observation of the barley crops has proven that the "19-year cycle" is often in error and does not always give the Month of Abib as the month for Passover. This year {1999} several of us in Israel investigated the state of the barley crops and discovered that the Rabbanites and most of those who call themselves "Karaites" were celebrating the Biblical Holidays one month too early! Nehemia Gordon, Karaite Korner Newsletter #6 Tue Aug 31, 1999 Biblical Holidays 1999. In 1999, Nehemia Gordon had just conducted the first modern Karaite Aviv Barley Search in Israel. His decision was that the barley was not aviv at the time of the Search, which must have been conducted a couple of days prior to the end of Adar, about 16 March. Therefore the month of Adar II was intercalated, and the 1 st of Nisan was declared to be 18th April 1999. Thus the date of the Wave-sheaf fell on Sunday 2nd of May in that year. Mr Gordon set the date for Passover on 1 May, which delights Bob Pickle and other Seventh-day Adventists, as this gives a date for the Day of Atonement in 1999 almost as late as that chosen by Samuel Snow in 1844, who never saw any barley in Israel. In 1999, Nehemia Gordon set the Day of Atonement on October 20th. It should be noted that although Mr Gordon stated in 1999, the 19-year cycle is often in error, this does not mean what SDAs suppose. In every 19-year solar cycle, there will invariably be 7 extra lunar months, whether in the Rabbinic or Karaite calendar. The difference is that the Rabbins determine in advance in which

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year to intercalate those extra 7 months; the Karaites wait for the confirmation of aviv barley in Israel. Therefore on occasion, either the Karaite or the Rabbinic year will begin 1 month sooner than the other. In the years 2000 2013, both calendars always began in the same month except for 2005, when the Karaite Passover fell one month before the Rabbinic; not after it! The Millerites and SDAs mistakenly assume that the inaccuracy caused by use of the 19-year Metonic Cycle always results in the Karaite Passover falling one month later than the Rabbinic. This is not borne out by any of the historical documentation, except for the single ONE record quoted by Nehemia Gordon, dating from 1641. In fact, the opposite is the case. In the years 1335 and 1479, the Karaites recorded the extraordinary event of the Karaite Passover being in a different month from the Rabbinic and in both cases, the Rabbinic Passover was 1 month later than the Karaite. The SDAs would have us believe that this is impossible; that the Karaite Passover is invariably 1 month later than the Rabbinic. Without personally consulting Mr Gordon, I would not presume that he got it wrong on his first Barley Search in 1999. However, he admits in later years that he was still on a learning curve as to the identification of the correct stage of ripeness which is aviv. He also admitted that he could not distinguish wheat from barley while it was in the grass stage. (Wheat leaves are straight; barley leaves grow in a spiral, like barley sugar candy.) It was not until some time after 1999 that Ruthanne Koch, a Certified Crop Advisor from Colorado, joined the Aviv Search Team. Nehemia Gordon wrote of the assistance she gave them, in the days when their Aviv Search was much less accurate I often write about the two days of Aviv Search at the end of the 12 th Month. These two days are the last chance for the barley to be Aviv. If Aviv is not

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found by the end of the 12th Month, then the following month must be counted as the 13th Month (and not as the 1st Month of the following year). While these two final days of the 12th Month are key in determining the beginning of the biblical year, in reality the Aviv Search spans more than a month, tracking the barley from its early stages of ripening before Aviv all the way through its harvest-ripe stage after Aviv. It is only by doing this every year on an ongoing basis that we can hone and refine our understanding of Aviv barley. While the basic definition of Aviv Barley was recovered by 1997, there have been a number of major issues in recent years that have helped us make better and more accurate readings. Several years ago Ruthanne Koch, a certified crop advisor from Colorado with 23 years of hands-on experience, was invited to join the annual Aviv Search. Ruthanne has brought to light two crucial issues which I had not known about, making the Aviv Search much more accurate. Nehemia Gordon, March 14, 2005, www.karaite-korner.org. It seems that the 1999 Aviv Report giving such a late date for the Wave-sheaf, may have been in error for some reason. I can find no documentation on it in Mr Gordon's archives. The search was not dated, and I cannot tell whether a preliminary failed search was conducted one month previous to the undated one at which aviv barley was found. Nor is there a definition of aviv barley in that year's report, so we cannot determine whether what was called aviv in 1999, was the same as found in the following years. We do not know whether there was some extraordinary climatic condition which prevented the barley from ripening in 1999, or whether the search was begun too late, or even whether the searchers truly knew what they were looking for on their maiden Aviv Search. We do know that, in November 1999, the Karaites sowed barley seed in several fields simulating the practice of bible times, to assist them in identifying the maturity stages of barley:

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In order to learn more about how barley grows in the Holy Land we have been following its progress from infancy in a number of fields which we planted this year. We also carried out an Abib Expedition on March 12. Although based on last year's findings it was too early for the barley to be Abib, the Expedition was important for learning more about the barley's rate of development. Nehemia Gordon, Abib Report, March 29, 2000. www.karaite-korner.org As the 1999 result is aberrational, with no supporting evidence, statistically it ought to be ignored in favour of the 14 following consistent, consecutive Aviv Reports, which prove that barley is aviv as early as March 8th in Israel. See TABLE 1 at the end of this paper for all 14 Karaite Aviv Barley Search data. Nehemia Gordon gives us another nail in the coffin of the 22 October 1844 date, which Bob Pickle has ignored. The SDA line has always been that the Passover cannot possibly occur in late March or early April, because of the latter rains which invariably fall in March, thus preventing the barley from ripening before late April or early May. Karaite Korner Newsletter #22 Abib Report 2000 (#1) On Sunday January 23, 2000 I inspected 2 fields of barley near Shechem with Bruce Brill. One field was of "baladi" (indigenous) barley, the strain of barley traditionally grown by local Arabs. The other field contained a modern strain of barley. The baladi barley had been planted in early November before the first

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rains and was coming up nicely, having the appearance of tall grass. The length of the blades of barley were about 14cm. The field of modern barley was only planted a few weeks ago, after the beginning of the current heavy rains and the blades were about half the length of the Baladi barley. Here is evidence from a modern Karaite Jew, engaged in the annual Aviv Barley Search in Israel. He tells us that the early rain comes after early November. This waters the growing barley. He tells us that the winter rain comes about the beginning of January, and continues for some weeks. This is 2 months before the barley harvest. Israel also has the latter rain, which comes after the barley harvest, in April. This ripens the later wheat, and all the fruit and vegetable crops. From International Standard Bible Encyclopedia: The rainy season from October to May may be divided into 3 parts: the former; the winter, and the latter rains, and they are often referred to under these names in the OT. The former rains are the showers of October and early November. They soften the parched ground so that the winter grain may be sown before the heavy continuous rains set in. The main bulk of the rain falls in the months of December, January and February in these months the rains are frequent and heavy The 'latter rains' of APRIL are the most highly appreciated, because they ripen the fruit and stay the drought of summer. They were considered a special blessing.

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These heavy rains of winter are described and dated in the Bible: Ezra 10:9 It was the 9th month, the 20th day of the month. All the people sat in the open square before the house of God, trembling because of the heavy rain. Ezra 10:13 But the people are many, and it is a time of heavy rain; we cannot stand in the open. This was 20 Kislev, the 9th month, around the Feast of Dedication (Hanukkah), which now falls between about 27 November 25 December. The ISBE has told us that the heaviest rain season is in December January February. Nehemia Gordon told us that barley is planted in November, before the heavy rains. Jer 36:22 It was the 9th month, and the king was sitting in the winter house. This is compatible with John's description also John 10:22 At that time the Feast of Dedication took place at Jerusalem. It was winter. The consistent evidence of Nehemia Gordon's Aviv Searches every year from 2000 2013 is that the barley is aviv from early March until early April. This means that the Karaite passover is observed from late MARCH to mid-late APRIL; that is, at the first full moon after the Vernal Equinox. (In 2000 2013, the Karaite Passover fell from 5 32 days after the Vernal Equinox.) Another crushing blow for the SDA Sanctuary Doctrine:

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Nehemia Gordon states that the Karaites decided, when they were not in their own land, that they would adopt the Rabbinic dating because it almost perfectly equates to the time that barley is actually aviv in Israel!

The Millerites based their entire chronology on a flawed perception of the rain cycle in Israel. They believed there were only 2 seasons, the Early and the Latter Rains; whereas in fact, there are 3 rainy seasons the Early, the Winter and the Latter Rains. They assumed that barley ripened after the LATTER RAIN; whereas in fact it ripens after the WINTER RAIN, before the Latter Rain. They repeat their flawed perception today as though it proves something. Their false information has never been updated, nor tested in the land of Israel, nor substituted with the truth. Yet millions gullibly accept this lie which underpins their faith.

JOSEPH SAMUEL C. F. FREY 1771 - 1850 Jewish Rabbi; Christian Missionary to his Brothers, the Jews
Joseph S. C. F. Frey was an 18th century German Jewish Rabbi who became convinced that Jesus was the Jewish Messiah, when he was 25 years old. He spent the remainder of his long life as a missionary to the Jews. He wrote and preached prolifically, first in England, then contemporary with the Millerites, in America. LeRoy Froom records, The writings of the Christian Jewish scholar, Joseph Samuel C. F. Frey,

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exerted a marked influence upon Snow and his associates in fixing upon October 22 1844, as the precise 10th day of the 7th month fulfilment of the atonement autumnal type, in parallel to the death of Christ as our great antitypical Passover Lamb, accomplished historically on the exact year, month, day and even hour specified in prophecy. LeRoy Froom, p. 13, Research Committee Report # 2. Froom gives the false impression that Snow had obtained his dates directly from Rev. Frey. Although one of Frey's books has proved elusive, I have accessed most of them, some of which republish Essays and Lectures from his earlier books. The content of these books makes it clear that Frey definitely did not set dates. Although he was convicted of the truth of the New Testament by the fact that Jesus came at the time prophesied, as Froom mentions, this has nothing to do with the year of the Crucifixion. In fact, Frey's theology was very different from Snow's. While he discussed the 70 Weeks of Daniel, and quoted various theories proposed by other scholars, he did not commit himself to dates. His premise was that, according to Daniel 9:24 27, the Jewish Messiah must have come and died before the Temple was destroyed in 70 AD; or else Daniel was a false prophet. Far from terminating the 70 weeks at 34 AD, Frey believed that the 70 th Week still remains to be fulfilled in the future. In Frey's opinion, the 69th Week terminated before Jesus died. Both the Cross and the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple occurred in a gap between the 69th and 70th Weeks. This if course is exactly what the Bible says. Dan 9:26 And after the threescore and two weeks shall an anointed one be cut off, and be no more; and the people of a prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary ... (Jewish Publication Society Bible.) This highly educated Jewish Rabbi also discussed the timing of the Appointed

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Feasts. He stated that the month of Nisan is equivalent to our MARCH; that the 7th month Tisri is equivalent to our SEPTEMBER. Clearly, Samuel Snow cannot have been strongly influenced by Frey's information as Froom claims, or he would never have set the date of 27 April 31 AD for the Crucifixion, nor 22 October 1844 for the Day of Atonement. Frey also stated that the ripeness of the barley in Israel identifies the first Jewish month, as the Karaites do. However, he used the Rabbinic date of 16 Nisan for the Wave-sheaf, even though the date 16 Nisan never appears in the Bible. ESSAYS on the PASSOVER # 1. 24. The first and seventh days of the feast, i.e. the 15th and the 21st of the month, were holy convocations, and more solemn than the rest. The reason assigned is, because on the 15th day they came out of Egypt, and on the 21st day they had gone safely through the Red Sea, whilst Pharaoh and his host were drowned. On the second day of the festival, i.e. on the 16th day of Nisan or Abib, the sheaf of the firstfruits of the barley-harvest, which was usually ripe at this season, was brought. See Leviticus 23:9-14. 26. To perpetuate the memory of these glorious events, the month in which the first passover took place was distinguished by a change in the order of enumeration of the several months of the year. They had hitherto reckoned the beginning of their year from the month of Tishri, which answers to our September; which, as they supposed, was the time when the creation was begun and completed; but they are now positively enjoined to begin to reckon from the month Abib or Nisan, that is, March, in memory of a new creation. Exodus 13:4; Nehemiah 2:1. Rev. Joseph Samuel C.F. Frey, ESSAYS on the PASSOVER # 1, 1837. These 2 Essays are found at the end of the LONDON edition of Frey's book, JUDAH and ISRAEL. For the reader's convenience and enlightenment, full transcriptions of these Essays are located here:

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http://www.scribd.com/doc/115553811/JOSEPH-S-C-F-FREY-ESSAYS-on-thePASSOVER While Froom provides no specific quotes, his implication is that Rev. Frey used true Caraite reckoning to identify the time of the Passover as late April early May, and that this is the source of Samuel Snow's calendations. Obviously nothing could be further from the truth. Samuel Snow got the wrong end of a good many sticks, of which this is but one. He got nothing else right; nor did he correctly calculate the Karaite dates of the Appointed Feasts. Rev. Frey was a most wonderful, humble, godly man, a true scholar educated in the classical style, with an encyclopaedic knowledge of the Hebrew scriptures and culture. He had been able to fluently read the Hebrew scriptures since the age of 6; he wrote a book of Hebrew-English grammar; he spent several years apprenticed to a shoemaker in a German district hostile to Jews, purely for the privilege of being instructed in the Christian faith. He was fluent in several languages including Biblical Hebrew and Greek. He endured many hardships for the pure joy of preaching his Saviour Jesus Christ to his brother Jews, in the earnest hope that some might be saved. Samuel Snow by contrast, was a conceited, grasping, fanatical self-taught exatheist who brazenly claimed to be the promised Elijah the prophet, to whom all kingdoms on earth had been subjected by Jesus. He assumed authority he had never been given; he gave false prophecies; he lied and made unreferenced, outrageous statements about the Jewish faith and the Karaite calendar, of which he was entirely ignorant. They probably never had an actual Karaite calendar before them for the year 1844, for they make no allusion to possessing or using such. LeRoy E. Froom, p. 5, Research Committee Report # 6.

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No mention is made in the Midnight Cry or Advent Herald of an almanac for Jerusalem. In fact, it was said, 'We have no certain means of knowing,' when the Karaite Passover month really commences there {Jerusalem}. [Advent Herald, Sept. 11, 1844, p. 45] Grace Amadon, p. 46, Research Committee Report # 5. There is simply no truth whatever in Snow's statement that the barley ripened in Israel only in late April or May; therefore his dates for both the Cross and the Day of Atonement are shameless works of fiction. All the evidence condemns Samuel Snow and his lies. Frey's life of humility, loving self-sacrifice and missionary outreach glorified his Messiah Yeshua. Snow's life of lies, deceit and self-aggrandizement brought shame on the gospel. Seventh-day Adventism happily admits that Samuel Snow was guilty of excess after the great Disappointment in 1844. So I find it appalling that they fight tooth and nail to support Snow's false dates in 31 AD and 1844 AD, as well as the other dates he invented; 27 AD for Jesus' baptism, and 34 AD for Stephen's martyrdom. Especially concerning is the extreme lengths that LeRoy Froom and his Research Committee went to in the 1930s, in their attempt to vindicate Snow's dates and sanitise his reputation. This Committee was commissioned by the SDA Church, and it emerged after two years, claiming to have proven exactly what the church needed to believe. Who can tell what proportion of the tithes donated by deceived church members was expended on this farce?

Up until the 2nd century AD, Rabbanite Judaism added their intercalary months in such a way that there was always ripe barley for Passover.

This author has his dates wrong by over 200 years. Hillel II fixed the calendar in 358 AD, the 4th century, not the 2nd century.

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After that point, they relied solely on mathematical calculations tied to the equinox, and totally disregarded whether the barley was ripe or not. Thus they were not following the Scriptures in the matter of when to begin their years.

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The Millerites themselves were guilty of not following the Scriptures in the matter of the date of Wave-sheaf (Barley Firstfruits) and Shavuot (the Feast of Weeks). It is not as simple as a difference of interpretation over whether the Wave-sheaf is always offered on the Sunday during the Feast of Unleavened Bread; or on 16th Nisan. Bob Pickle recommends the website www.karaite-korner.org and quotes many excerpts from the Karaite authority Nehemia Gordon, when they appear to support his opinion and the SDA doctrines. But he neglected to quote this discomfiting evidence: In late Second Temple times a debate arose between the Enthusiasts and the Pharisees about whether the "morrow after the Sabbath" [Heb. Mimohorat HaShabbat] refers to the Sunday during Hag HaMatzot [Feast of Unleavened Bread] or the second day of Hag HaMatzot (i.e. the 16th of Nissan). Like the Enthusiast and Ancient Israelites before them, the Karaites count the 50 days of the Omer from the Sunday during Hag HaMatzot and consequently always celebrate Shavuot on a Sunday. Nehemia Gordon, www.karaite-korner.org/shavuot. The Sunday option is clearly the biblical commandment. The Karaites always observe both Days of Firstfruits on Sundays. As Samuel Snow, quoted by Mr Pickle, duplicitously stated, The Caraites are undoubtedly correct. The date of the Wave-sheaf is nowhere stated in the Bible. Nor is the date of Shavuot (the Feast of Weeks; Pentecost) specified. However, Shavuot falls on the day after the Sabbath, exactly 7 Sabbaths, identified as 7 full weeks, after Wavesheaf. [Leviticus 23:15,16]. If these 2 feasts invariably fell on the same dates each year, this would be clearly specified, as is every other feast date. 16 Nisan is the Rabbinic date for the Wave-sheaf. That is, the method used

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by those Rabbins who calculate the beginning of Nisan according to the Vernal Equinox, for which the Millerites condemn them. Here both the ignorance and hypocrisy of the Millerites is demonstrated. They did not understand what they were talking about. They condemned the Rabbins for fixing the date 1 Nisan; yet they blindly accepted the false Rabbinic fixed date of the Wave-sheaf on 16 Nisan. They also used the false Rabbinic method of invariably having 177 days between 1 Nisan and 1 Tisri every year, to arrive at their false date for the Day of Atonement.

When Karaism arose, it reverted back to the Bob Pickle is not only very selective with his quotes from Nehemia Gordon (the original way of calculating the beginning of the year. Karaite Jew who conducts the annual aviv barley searches in Israel); he is also niggardly with the details of Mr Gordon's evidence. You can read more about this matter at www.karaite-korner.org. To preserve the illusion of SDA infallibility in the matter of the Karaite calendar, Mr Pickle gives the impression of appealing to a current official Karaite source, (Particularly interesting are Abib (Barley), Abib while steering his readers from the whole incriminating truth. Nehemia FAQ, and Ancient Abib Reports. Gordon's evidence is all fatal to Mr Pickle's arguments. Therefore Mr Pickle has selected a few favourable quotes, or passages which are informative but not actually concerned with the issue of the true date of Passover according to the aviv barley search in Israel. Nehemia Gordon's Aviv Barley Search Reports are archived from 1999 2013 AD on www.karaite-korner.org . These contain accurate, current information lethal to the SDA firm foundation of 1844, which Bob Pickle conveniently neglects to mention.

October 22, Karaism, and Snow

Beginning in the summer of 1844, Millerites in general, though not William Miller himself, became convinced that Christ would return on October 22 of that year, what was considered the Day of Snow began preaching on July 21, 1844, that Christ would return on the 10 th day of the 7th month of that year, according to the reckoning of the Karaite Jews. Where did he get the Caraite idea? It certainly was not from the Karaites, for they all unanimously record that they kept the Day of Atonement on 23rd

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Atonement by Karaite reckoning. This idea was first presented by Samuel S. Snow.

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September 1844, the very same day as the Rabbinic Jews. He did not get the idea from a Karaite calendar, for LeRoy Froom states that he never had one.

Critics today deny that the Karaites were still using their special reckoning in 1844. Thus, it is claimed, this Millerite date, and the subsequent date used by They probably never had an actual Karaite calendar before them for Seventh-day Adventists for the beginning of the the year 1844, for they make no allusion to possessing or using such. antitypical Day of Atonement, is flawed. LeRoy E. Froom, p. 5, Research Committee Report # 6. No mention is made in the Midnight Cry or Advent Herald of an almanac for Jerusalem. In fact, it was said, 'We have no certain means of knowing,' when the Karaite Passover month really commences there {Jerusalem}. [Advent Herald, Sept. 11, 1844, p. 45] Grace Amadon, p. 46, Research Committee Report # 5. Since Samuel Snow was not a Karaite; he did not know any Karaites; he did not use a Karaite calendar; and he had never been to Israel to search for barley it is obvious that Snow just made up this date to suit his own purposes. Snow did not even select the correct date for the 10th day of the wrong lunar month, October 1844; his date was 1 day too early. Yet his date for the 14th of the wrong lunar month in April 31 AD was 2 days too late. Snow could not even keep his errors consistent. Hence the extraordinary subterfuges and self-contradictory claims made by the SDA Church through the Research Committee Report in 1939, in their attempt to reconcile those 2 false dates with true Caraite reckoning. After two major Disappointments, Snow needed to allow the maximum amount of time for Jesus to show up without having to provide another humiliating

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explanation if the first option for 10 Tisri" failed. In fact, Froom reports that Joshua Himes recognised their critics would use any means to discredit the Millerite dates; obviously it was in their interest to extend the time as long as possible! And Himes, after the Spring Equinox, says the Jewish year has not yet expired: 'After its [the Jewish year 1843] commencement, he [Miller] gave it as his opinion that the Lord would come some time between the 21 st of March 1843, and the 21st of March 1844. This time has now passed by, and we are a few days beyond the time to which he believed the days might extend ... Although the Jewish year has not expired, but extends to the New Moon in April, as we explained in our last, yet our time will be regarded by our opponents as having passed by.' J.V. Himes, Midnight Cry, April 4, 1844, p. 297. Research Committee Report # 2, p. 6. The Millerites were already into damage control here, adding an extra month to make the Jewish year end later than all their hecklers believed. They feigned a true Caraite calendar which existed only in their imaginations. All the documented Karaite evidence unanimously proves that they kept the Day of Atonement in 1843 and 1844 on exactly the same date as the Rabbins. Therefore, they also observed 1 Nisan on the same days in both years. In 1843, there were two new moons in April. First visibility of the new crescent occurred at sunset of 1 April and 30 April. Himes obviously refers to the second of these, as his article is dated 3 days after the first new moon. Therefore he is saying that the Caraite year would begin after the new moon at the end of April. However, we know that the Karaite date for 1 Nisan was 1 April, the same as the Rabbinic. (It should really have been 2 April, the Gregorian date following observation of the first crescent.)

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Both Rabbins and Karaites had already intercalated a second month of Adar before 1 Nisan in 1843. Adar II ran from 3 31 March 1843. But Joshua Himes, in his desperation to buy a few more weeks for fulfilment of their false prophecies, inserted TWO extra months!

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Image above from www.kaluach.org. Nisan 1843 AD on the Rabbinic Calendar. This fell after the intercalated month of Adar II. The Karaite 1 Nisan should have been 2nd April, 1843. The Millerites declared 29 April as 1 Nisan, even though it was 2 days before the Karaite date for the 1st of Iyyar on 1 May.


1. EGYPT 1844 Former Seventh-day Adventist E.S. Ballenger wrote to the leading Karaite Rabbi to ascertain the date of the Day of Atonement in 1844, and received the following reply: "The defenders of the {SDA} creed declare that while the orthodox Jews may have celebrated the Day of Atonement on Sept. 23, the Karaite Jews observed it on Oct 22. We have made careful investigation, and we find that this is a false claim. The leading Karaite rabbi of Cairo, Egypt, Youseff Ibrahim Marzork, in reply to an inquiry as to the day on which they celebrated the atonement in 1844, wrote: "As to the dates of the Passover and Yom Kippur they are the following: "According to the Karaite Jews in the year 1843 the Yom Kippur is on Wednesday the 4 th October, and just the same date according to the Rabbinical. "In the year 1844 it is on Monday 23rd September for the Karaite and Rabbinical." The Gathering Call by E. S. Ballenger, May-June 1941, pp. 14-15.

2. NEHEMIA GORDON quotes Karaite evidence from 1860: Clearly in the time of Shlomoh ben Afedah Hacohen (c. 1860) all Karaites everywhere had for many years been using the 19 year Rabbinic cycle. Therefore, Yom Kippur must have been celebrated by the Karaites in late September 1844 in accordance with the 19 year Rabbinic cycle and not in late October 1844. While late September may or may not have been the correct month in which to celebrate Yom Kippur (only a crop report from that year would decide that issue) it was undoubtedly the month actually observed by Karaites everywhere. Nehemia Gordon, letter to Robert Sanders, www.truthorfables.com/Day_of_Atonement_of_the_Karaite.htm

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3. RUSSIA 1844

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A tombstone in Russia dates the death of a Karaite Jew in 1844 according to several different calendars. The Russian Empire at this time still used the Julian calendar. The dates can be cross-referenced to give the Karaite Day of Atonement, as Nehemia Gordon shows. 'That Yom Kippur 1844 was celebrated by the Karaites in September and not October is confirmed by a Karaite Tomb Stone inscription cited by Abraham Firkowitz in his book "Avnei Zicharon." Read full quote by Nehemia Gordon at : http://www.truthorfables.com/Day_of_Atonement_of_the_Karaite.htm In 1844 in Russia, the Karaite Day of Atonement was on 23 September (Gregorian), the same date as the Rabbinic.

4. JOSEPHUS 100 AD Josephus the educated priest and Pharisee, stated (Antiquities of the Jews, Bk 3:10:5) that in his day (3 centuries before the Jews fixed their calendar in 358 AD), Passover was observed when the sun was in the constellation of Aries. This was between 24 March and 18 April. Therefore, the barley must have been ripe at the time of the first full moon after the Vernal Equinox. Below, the sun enters the constellation of Aries on 24 March, 50 AD. It has passed the point of Vernal Equinox (to the right) two days earlier on 22 March. The sun left Aries on 19 April. According to Josephus, at the time of Christ, Passover fell between these dates. Therefore the barley must have been aviv over 2 weeks previously, before the new month of Nisan was declared at the observance of the following New Moon. Image courtesy of www.cybersky.com .

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Josephus tells us (Antiquities of the Jews, Book 17:6:4) about the events surrounding the death of Herod. A few months prior to his death, Herod burned alive some protesters very shortly after that very day which the Jews observed as a fast. This by definition, is the Day of Atonement. On the night following their execution, there was an eclipse of the full moon. There was a total lunar eclipse in Jerusalem, ~ 10:30 11:30 pm, on 15 September, 5 BC. This is the only eclipse which is close to the Day of Atonement. All other eclipses for several years either side of this date, are in late November, March or January. Therefore, the Day of Atonement must have immediately preceded the eclipse of 15 September, 5 BC. 3 September was first visibility of the new crescent moon. 4 September was 1 Tisri. 13 September was 10 Tisri. The night beginning on 15 September, and the following day, 16 September, was 13 Tisri. The new year must have been declared 6 months previously at the sighting of the crescent moon on 9 March, 5 BC. Therefore 1 Nisan, 5 BC must have been 10 March, and Passover 14 Nisan, 5 BC, must have been 23 March. Aviv barley must have been found by 8th March, before the end of the 12th month Adar. Vernal Equinox was on 22 March in 5 BC.

Josephus confirms that in 5 BC, the Day of Atonement was 13 September, which is 39 days earlier than Samuel Snow's false date in 1844. Josephus also proves that in 5 BC, Passover was observed on the day following the Vernal Equinox; therefore the barley must have been found aviv by 8th March at the latest. (This is exactly the same date on which aviv barley was found in 2005 AD by Nehemia Gordon and his team of Karaite searchers in Israel.)

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Josephus dates the first Passover to the exact month, which can now be demonstrated with computerised astronomical images. He was a priest and a Pharisee, with access to many Jewish and historical texts which have since been lost to us. The Romans allowed him to keep the books which were rescued before the Temple was burned. ANTIQUITIES of the JEWS Book 3 Chapter 10

5. In the month of Xanthicus, which is by us called Nisan, and is the beginning of our year, on the 14th day of the lunar month, when the sun is in Aries, (for in this month it was that we were delivered from bondage under the Egyptians,) the law ordained that we should every year slay that sacrifice which I before told you we slew when we came out of Egypt, and which was called the Passover. At the Exodus therefore, the sun must have been in the constellation of Aries. In ~ 1450 BC, Vernal Equinox was 3 April. The sun was in Aries from 14 March 9 April. The Exodus occurred about 1450 BC. Therefore 15 Nisan at about 1450 BC, must have fallen between 14 March and 9 April. So the barley must have been ripe at that time. As Vernal Equinox was then 3 April, it seems that it was possible for the Passover to be observed perhaps as much as two weeks before the Vernal Equinox. No wonder the Research Committee performed such extraordinary contortions to obliterate Josephus' damning evidence. They simply could not allow this, for their false prophets had told them that barley could not possibly ripen less than 4 6 weeks after the Vernal Equinox. Their livelihoods depended on the truth of this lie.

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Example of the sun in Aries on the day of First Visibility of the New Moon, 20 March, 1436 BC. Passover would have occurred 14 days later, on 3 April, the day of Vernal Equinox. Image courtesy of www.Cybersky.com .

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Barley was aviv on March 8 in both 5 BC and 2005 AD. The date by which aviv barley must have been found in 5 BC, is precisely the date on which aviv barley was found by Karaite Nehemia Gordon and his team in 2005. Wed Mar 9, 2005 7:05 am Karaite Korner Newsletter #194 Aviv Found! On Tuesday March 8, 2005 Aviv was found in Israel at Alon Junction and Ein Mabua near Jerusalem. Large quantities of Aviv barley were found near Ein Mabua and smaller quantities near Alon Junction. Ein Mabua is located 15km east of Jerusalem. The Aviv examination on March 8, 2005 started out as a field trip to teach Aviv Searchers about what to look for during the main Aviv Search on Thursday-Friday March 10-11, 2005. During this preliminary examination we immediately found that the barley in the region was in an advanced stage of ripening. The main Aviv Search, which will cover the Northern Negev and Jordan Valley regions, will still be carried out on March 10-11. However, the vast quantities of Aviv Barley already located east of Jerusalem are enough to establish the coming month as the Month of the Aviv. In light of this discovery, the New Moon on Friday March 11, 2005 will be the beginning of the coming biblical year. Chag HaMatzot (Feast of Unleavened Bread) will fall out on Saturday March 26, 2005 and Shavuot (Feast of Weeks) will fall out on May 15, 2005. [The Karaite Day of Atonement was 15 September in 2005.] The following people participated in the Aviv examination on March 8, 2005: Nehemia Gordon, Ruthanne Koch, Devorah Gordon, Glen Cain, Karl Bloodworth, Ferenc Illesy, Avi Marcus, Dina Marcus, Avi Gold, Terry Fehr, and Yosef Ruach. Pictures of Aviv Barley fields found on Tuesday March 8, 2005 are posted at: http://www.Karaite-Korner.org/aviv/2005/ Happy New Year! Nehemia Gordon.

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8. ARISTOBULUS ~ 200 BC. Aristobulus was deceitfully roped in by LeRoy Froom as a witness for the defense of the SDA dating of the Cross in 31 AD. Eusebius quoted Aristobulus: 'Aristobulus,' it is there said, 'maintained that at the Paschal festival the sun as well as the moon must necessarily have passed the equinoctial point; that the day of the Paschal festival began on the 14 th of Nisan after the evening, when the moon stands diametrically opposed to the sun, as any one can see at the time of the Full Moon. The sun then stands in the sign of the Vernal Equinox.' Eusebius Pamphilius, Ecclesiastical History. LeRoy Froom, p. 19, Research Committee Report # 2. Without going into the complex rationalisations concocted by Froom, it is obvious that Aristobulus stated that at the Passover, the sun is in the sign of the Vernal Equinox. Froom completely ignored this devastating sentence. From long before the time of the Exodus, until about 70 BC, Vernal Equinox fell when the sun was Aries. In 200 BC, Vernal Equinox was on 24 March, the second day that the sun was in Aries. Therefore, the sign of the Vernal Equinox is ARIES, as far as Moses and Aristobulus were concerned. The sun was in Aries during Aristobulus' days, between 22 March 17 April. Aries is one of the smaller signs, and the sun passes through it in only 25 days. Hence a few extra days were allowed for a full lunar month. Therefore in about 200 BC, Passover must have fallen before or immediately after 17 April; that is, at the first full moon after the Vernal Equinox. The SDA date for the Crucifixion is Friday 27 April, 31 AD. On 27 April 31 AD, the sun was 35 days beyond the Vernal Equinox, and 9 days past the constellation of Aries. (Below left.) So according to Aristobulus and Josephus, this must have been the month of IYYAR, not Nisan.

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The moon, 2 days past Full, on the SDA false date for Passsover 14 Nisan on 27 April, 31 AD. Image courtesy of www.alcyone.de .

Aristobulus also stated that the full moon must necessarily have passed the equinoctial point at the Passover. The Autumnal Equinox in 150 BC was 27 September, when the sun would be in the constellation of Virgo. When the sun had passed the Vernal Equinoctial Point (24 March 150 BC), the full moon must be directly opposite the sun, so would also necessarily have passed the Autumnal Equinoctial Point in Virgo. So Passover would fall when the full moon was in the latter part of Virgo or the first part of Libra. Cybersky image below, the night after the false SDA date of the Cross on 14 Nisan, 27 April 31 AD: The waning moon is in the constellation of Sagittarius, 3 constellations beyond the Autumnal Equinoctial Point in Virgo.

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CONCLUSION: On Samuel Snow's false Crucifixion date, 27 April 31 AD, the moon was 2 days beyond full, and had already passed 3 constellations beyond the Autumnal Equinoctial Point, into Sagittarius. The sun had already passed 9 days beyond the constellation of Aries, into Taurus. Samuel Snow's dates for the Cross in 31 AD, and the Day of Atonement in 1844, were both one month too late, according to astronomical science applied to all the documented evidence.

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As LeRoy E. Froom stated, there is no evidence that the Millerites ever possessed or used a Karaite calendar, nor that they had any personal dealings with Karaites in 1843/44, and they left no reference to the method they used to determine their true Caraite reckoning. They probably never had an actual Karaite calendar before them for the year 1844, for they make no allusion to possessing or using such. LeRoy E. Froom, p. 5, Research Committee Report # 6. No mention is made in the Midnight Cry or Advent Herald of an almanac for Jerusalem. In fact, it was said, 'We have no certain means of knowing, when the Karaite Passover month really commences there {Jerusalem}. [Advent Herald, Sept. 11, 1844, p. 45] Grace Amadon, p. 46, Research Committee Report # 5. So the actual practice of the Karaites in those years bears no relationship to what the Millerites (read, Samuel Snow) asserted about them. Samuel Snow stated that the Karaites in 1844, did still begin their year according to the aviv barley; the Karaites from that day to this, prove that Snow was a liar. The Karaites cannot be held responsible for what this deceitful madman said and did. The reason that the SDA date is flawed, is independent of what the Karaites may have done in 1844. Even if any Karaites had observed the Day of Atonement in October (which all records deny), true Caraite reckoning would place it on the 23rd October, NOT the 22nd. True Caraite reckoning is based on beginning the year when the barley is aviv. It also requires that the first day of the new month is the Gregorian date after the sunset at which the first crescent of the new moon is observed.

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Modern evidence provided by Nehemia Gordon on www.karaite-korner.org proves that barley in Israel is aviv as early as e.g. 8th March 2005 11th March 2001 12th March 2010 14th March 2002 18th March 2007 11th March 2013. * See TABLE 1 for all Aviv Reports 1999 2013. Therefore 1 Nisan (Karaite) fell as early as 12th March in 2005, and the Karaite Passover, 14 Nisan, fell on 25th March 2005. That is, using the true Caraite reckoning, beginning the month of Nisan only after the barley is aviv, Passover can fall just 5 days after the Vernal Equinox; or earlier (1 day after, as in 5 BC). Passover can even fall earlier than the Vernal Equinox, as the Karaites recorded in 1335 and 1479 AD. Exactly as calculated by the Rabbins, Passover usually falls at the first Full Moon after the Vernal Equinox. The Karaite barley search gives almost the identical result obtained by calculating the 1st of Nisan as the New Moon closest to the Vernal Equinox. The only difference is that in the Rabbins' calculated 19-year cycle, the months are intercalated on a mandatory scale, whereas in the Karaite method, the extra 7 months are only intercalated according to the ripeness of barley in late Adar. Obviously, Hillel II was fully aware of this fact in 358 AD, when he fixed the

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Hebrew calendar. Only severe weather will prevent the barley ripening to the stage of aviv in time for Passover within one month after the Vernal Equinox. Of course, it was impossible for the Jews in the Diaspora to account for inclement weather in Israel; therefore they did the next best thing, and standardised their calendar according to the known 19-year Metonic Cycle of the moon, and the known season of ripe barley in Israel; thus Jews around the world would be able to observe God's Appointed Feasts in unison. There is nothing unbiblical in this. When the Jews were not living in their Land, they could do nothing else, and nor did the Lord require them to do otherwise. The annual aviv barley search specifically applied to the Land of Israel, when there was a High Priest to offer the Wave-sheaf at the Tabernacle or the Temple. How often the climate varied sufficiently to retard the ripening of the barley in Israel during the many centuries after 70 AD, has not been recorded. Any claim that the Karaite Passover was invariably one month later than the Rabbinic is false. There is one documented report of this occasionally happening. To extrapolate one isolated report into the normative occurrence is deceitful. To claim that such false extrapolation is the firm foundation on which a church is built, is monstrous fraud. To claim that belief in this firm foundation is Christ's gospel of salvation, is heresy and blasphemy.

A key piece of evidence that is used is this quote, written in 1860: And for some time now the quest for the Abib has been abandoned even in the Land of Israel and they [the inhabitants of Israel] intercalate years using the above mentioned system [i.e. the 19 year Rabbinic cycle] like we

This quote from www.karaite-korner.org does not support the SDA claims. It does state that the Rabbinic calendar intercalates months to make the years keep track of the seasons. Whichever method is used, Rabbinic or Karaite, there must be 7 extra lunar months intercalated somewhere, every 19 solar years, or the seasons will fall in the wrong months. Each period of 19 solar years contains {19 x 12} + 7 = 235 lunar months, no matter who is counting. The only difference is that the Rabbins calculated this process in advance as the

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do outside of Israel, [this is] against the legal decision of the Rav [i.e. Baschyatchi] and the Hachamim [mentioned in the above quoted passage of Aderet Eliyahu] perhaps in order to unite with all the communities and so that we will not have a disagreement between them and us in fixing the year. (From "Gefen Ha'Aderet", Shlomoh ben Afedah Hacohen, Israel 1987, pp.22-23 (written in 1860). [Translation from the Hebrew by Nehemia Gordon, square brackets added by translator for clarity.]

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most expedient method for the Jews of the Diaspora; but the Karaites living in the Land waited until the end of the 12th month each year, then determined whether the barley was aviv; if not, a 13th month was intercalated. The end result is the same; there will always be 235 lunar months in every set of 19 solar years. It is God who created this soli-lunar cycle; the Rabbins did not invent it themselves; they merely observed it and accounted for it with mathematical precision. This quote DOES NOT state that the Karaites always observed Passover one month later than the Rabbins. Because barley is aviv in March in Israel, it is possible for the Karaite Passover to PRECEDE the Rabbinic Passover by one month.

Bob Pickle has been very selective here, in quoting Nehemia Gordon. He quotes a That Karaites afar from Palestine were using single recorded instance of the Rabbinic and Karaite Passovers falling Rabbanite reckoning long before 1844 is in different months, in 1641 AD, when the Passover of the Karaites in the indeed true. And at some point prior to land of Israel was one month later than that kept by the Rabbins and the 1860, apparently even Karaites in Palestine Karaites who lived elsewhere, thus being unable to search for barley. were as well. But how long before 1860? The history is difficult to trace back from our day. The point is this: If the barley was aviv in Israel, and the Karaites tried to notify their brothers around the world that the month of Nisan was to begin with the following new moon it would undoubtedly have taken several weeks or even months, before this message could reach them all, hundreds of years ago. Then, they would be at the very least, one month late for their Passover anyway. The Karaites of the Dispersion were forced to calculate their months, exactly like the Rabbins. This is not a problem biblically. The Lord only mandated this aviv observance for the Jews IN THE LAND of ISRAEL. The Lord made provision as recorded in scripture, where those who are not in Israel at the time of Passover, are required to observe it in the following month. This is the correct thing

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for them to do, on divine authority: Num 9:6 There were certain men who were unclean through touching a dead body, so that they could not keep the Passover on that day, and they came before Moses and Aaron on that day. Num 9:7 And those men said to him, "We are unclean through touching a dead body. Why are we kept from bringing the LORD's offering at its appointed time among the people of Israel?" Num 9:8 And Moses said to them, "Wait, that I may hear what the LORD will command concerning you." Num 9:9 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying, Num 9:10 "Speak to the people of Israel, saying, If any one of you or of your descendants is unclean through touching a dead body, or is on a long journey, he shall still keep the Passover to the LORD. Num 9:11 In the 2nd month on the 14th day at twilight they shall keep it. So the Lord ordained that the Passover could be kept in two consecutive months by the whole house of Israel, depending on their circumstances.

As late as 1641 we learn from a Karaite pilgrim from the Crimea that the Karaites of the Middle East still followed the Biblical calendar and that in that year they celebrated all the holidays one month after the Rabbanites. (Karaite Korner Newsletter #6: Biblical Holidays 1999).

In 1641 AD, the Rabbinic Passover fell on 25 March. The Vernal Equinox was on 20 March. It is quite possible that the barley may not then have been aviv, in this particular year. The barley search would have been conducted 2 days before 1 Nisan; that is, by 10 or 11 March. Even if it became aviv just one week later, the month of Nisan could still not be declared for another 3 weeks. One swallow does not a summer make. This makes the Karaite Passover fall on 25 April for that year, 1641 AD. This is not out of the ordinary. Both Rabbinic & Karaite Passovers can fall this late.

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Both Passovers can also fall at the Vernal Equinox. This is the only documented historical instance quoted by Bob Pickle, of the Karaites in Israel observing Passover 1 month later than the Rabbins.

1335 AD & 1479 AD:

The Evidence of KARAITE JEWS:

Bob Pickle has quoted selectively from Nehemia Gordon's following evidence which appears to corroborate his point, but has sneakily omitted that which is lethal to the SDA argument. From a letter Nehemia Gordon wrote to former SDA pastor Robert Sanders, found on www.truthorfables.com/Day_of_Atonement_of_the_Karaite.htm , we see that Karaites in the Dispersion were calculating their calendar exactly like the Rabbins, while Karaites in the Land of Israel were using the appearance of aviv barley, up to at least the 15th century: At first it was only Karaites in the distant lands of the Dispersion who followed the Rabbinic 19 year cycle. They claimed that it was difficult to receive reports of the state of the Barley crop in Israel from so far away. As late as the 15th century though the Karaites of the Holy Land continued to follow the Abib even though their compatriots in the Dispersion accepted the 19 year Rabbinic cycle. The 15th century Karaite Hacham Elijah Baschyatchi writes: "Having explained that the beginning of the year according to the law of our Torah is according to the Abib which is found is the Land of Israel in the conditions which we have mentioned, because of our great sins we have been distanced from the Holy Land and we do not have the capability of

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finding the Abib, we have been forced to follow the Calculation of Intercalation like that done by our brothers the Rabbanites " "And the Hacham R' Aharon also said** that in the 269th cycle we heard that in the 4th year of the cycle [i.e. 1354/1355 C.E.] what was for US the month of Elul was for the PEOPLE OF THE LAND OF ISRAEL the month of Tishrei ...' (**information from the original book by Hacham R'Aharon, written in 14th century.) (Note: Nehemia Gordon has made an error here. He has dated this year 1354-55 AD; the Hebrew calendar www.Kaluach.org lists Year 4 of Lunar Cycle 269 as 1335 1336. 1354- 1355 is Year 4 of Cycle 270.) ... And this has also happened in our [Baschyatchi's] times in the year 5240 [i.e. 1479/1480 C.E.], the 15th year of the cycle, people went from our community to the Holy City [i.e. Jerusalem] and said that the 14th year of the 276 cycle, which we are in, which was FOR US an intercalated year [i.e. 13 months] was FOR THEM a regular year [i.e. 12 months]. And our faith should not be weakened by this because they [in Israel] go after the observable and we [in the Diaspora] go after approximation ... Here we have documented evidence written by two Karaite Jews of the Dispersion, concerning the years 1335 AD and 1479 AD, in which the Karaite Passover in Israel fell in a different month from the Rabbanite Passover. Apparently this must have occurred very RARELY, not generally as the SDAs suppose, for these two instances are particularly remarked upon as an extraordinary occurrence. Baschyatchi wrote his book in the 15th century yet he records ONLY 2 INSTANCES! 144 years apart!! The SDAs would use this evidence to support their claims, of course, extrapolating rare instances into the normative occurrence, and making dogmatic statements

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about them. They would assume that because the Karaite Passover differed in these 2 years, it must always differ from the Rabbinic. However, they would be wrong. The quotes actually repudiate the SDA position. The Karaites of the Diaspora and the Rabbins had intercalated these 2 years that is, they added a 2nd Adar before their month of Nisan whereas the Karaites in Israel did not, for they had found aviv barley earlier, at the end of the 12th month. BASCHYATCHI'S EVIDENCE ANNIHILATES SNOW'S CHRONOLOGY: Using the Hebrew calendar program www.kaluach.org, and the astronomy programs www.alcyone.de and www.cybersky.com, the dates of Karaite and Rabbinic Passovers in the years given by the Karaite rabbi Baschyatchi can be determined as follows: 1335 AD Vernal Equinox Karaite Passover Rabbinic Passover Vernal Equinox Karaite Passover Rabbinic Passover 12th March 11th March 8th April 12th March 9th March 5th April

intercalated year

1479 AD

intercalated year

In both these years the Karaite Passover, according to the aviv barley found in Israel at the end of the 12th month Adar, fell one month before the Rabbinic Passover, and 1 or 3 days before the Vernal Equinox. So barley was aviv up to 18 days before the Vernal Equinox, in 1335 & 1479 AD. This demonstrates how ignorant of true Caraite reckoning Samuel Snow really

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If this proof of the fraudulent basis of the Millerite chronology concocted by lying deceiver Samuel Snow were to be taken to its logical and honourable conclusion, and if the Seventh-day Adventist Church possessed the integrity of the Worldwide Church of God which repented of its heretical doctrines in the 1990s, then the SDA Church would dismantle itself in sackcloth and ashes.

For now, we will say that at some point between 1641 and 1860, Karaites in Palestine started using Rabbanite reckoning.

Nehemia Gordon continues, 'In 1860, the Karaite Hacham Shlomoh ben Afedah Hacohen paraphrased the work of Baschyatchi (above) and added,

Yet regardless of what the Karaites were or were not doing in 1844, what was the true date for the '"And for some time now the quest for the Abib has been abandoned Day of Atonement, biblically speaking? even in the Land of Israel and they [the inhabitants of Israel] intercalate years using the above mentioned system [i.e. the 19 year Rabbinic cycle] like we do outside of Israel, against the legal decision of the Rav [i.e. Baschyatchi] and the Hachamim [mentioned in the above quoted passage of Aderet Eliyahu] perhaps in order to unite with all the communities and so that we will not have a disagreement between them and us in fixing the year." 'Clearly in the time of Shlomoh ben Afedah Hacohen (c. 1860) all Karaites everywhere had for many years been using the 19 year Rabbinic cycle. Therefore, Yom Kippur must have been celebrated by the Karaites in late September 1844 in accordance with the 19 year Rabbinic cycle and not in late October 1844. While late September may or may not have been the correct month in which to celebrate Yom Kippur (only a crop report from that year would decide that issue) it was undoubtedly the month actually observed by Karaites everywhere. Nehemia Gordon, letter to Robert Sanders. Therefore, long before 1860 AD, all Karaites, both in Israel and in the Diaspora, were using the Rabbinic 19-year cycle.

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Bob Pickle believes that in 1844, the Karaites in Israel were still using aviv barley to begin their year. Samuel Snow based his mighty seventh month movement on the supposition that this is what the Karaites were still doing. Seventh-day Adventists are all now locked into accepting this false statement from a lying false prophet, for fear of having to face up to the fact that their faith is a scam founded on something other than the Rock that is Christ. But if the Karaites were correct, then the Millerites were WRONG, for September was undoubtedly the month actually observed by Karaites EVERYWHERE (Karaite Nehemia Gordon quoting Karaite Hacham Shlomoh ben Afedah Hacohen), yet the Millerites claimed that 22 October 1844 was the Day of Atonement based on the Karaite Passover falling on 3 rd May. If the Karaites, who were undoubtedly correct, were still observing aviv barley in 1844 as Samuel Snow claimed, then their Passover must have been on 3 rd April, since they kept the Day of Atonement on 23 September. But Samuel Snow's date for the Caraite Passover in 1844 was 2 May. As Nehemia Gordon has shown that the Karaites in Israel in 1844 were NOT using aviv barley, Samuel Snow's claim is proven false. The leading Karaite Rabbi in Egypt; the tombstone in Russia; the Karaite Hacham Shlomoh ben Afedah Hacohen; all confirmed that in 1844, all Karaites everywhere observed Passover on the same day as the Rabbins, on 23 September. As that is true, the Millerites were WRONG. They claimed that the Karaites observed it on 22 October. Where did they get their false information? Most certainly not from the Karaites, and not from any Karaite calendar. They probably never had an actual Karaite calendar before them for

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the year 1844, for they make no allusion to possessing or using such. LeRoy E. Froom, p. 5, Research Committee Report # 6. No mention is made in the Midnight Cry or Advent Herald of an almanac for Jerusalem. In fact, it was said, 'We have no certain means of knowing,' when the Karaite Passover month really commences there {Jerusalem}. [Advent Herald, Sept. 11, 1844, p. 45] Grace Amadon, p. 46, Research Committee Report # 5.

The question is difficult to answer without detailed crop reports from that year, but we know what the barley crops are like in recent years, thanks to Karaite leader Nehemia Gordon.

Yes, indeed we do know what today's barley crops in Israel are like, thanks to the indefatigable efforts of Nehemia Gordon and other Karaite Jews who now conduct annual aviv barley searches in Israel every February March, whether in drought or snow, sometimes in danger from Palestinian terrorists. * See TABLE 1 at the end of this paper, for the Karaite Aviv Barley Search Reports from 1999 2013. These Reports confirm exactly the opposite of what Bob Pickle and the Seventhday Adventist Church tell us. Barley ripens in Israel in early mid March; therefore Passover can fall as early as the Vernal Equinox. Nehemia Gordon's evidence proves that Samuel Snow, the Millerites, Ellen White, LeRoy Froom, Horn & Wood, the entire SDA Church have been hoodwinking Seventh-day Adventist members for 169 years now. Bob Pickle should be ashamed of himself for making this true statement, while simultaneously misleading his readers by omitting to produce the evidence of Mr Gordon's aviv barley searches, which is freely available from the archives on www.karaite-korner.org. Most committed SDAs will not trouble themselves to check this evidence. They will smugly accept Pickle's comforting insinuation that Nehemia Gordon's Karaite data fully support the original SDA position.

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That is a fatal error. Never ever take someone else's word for anything as crucial as the doctrines of your salvation! Someone else's false opinion, no matter how sincerely held or convincingly expressed, can not save you.

Yom Kippur, 1999

In 1999 Nehemia Gordon's newsletter declared: April 1999 was the first modern Aviv Barley Search. In November 1999, Karaites ceremonially sowed the fields on the Mount of Olives with native barley seed, for the first time in centuries. This was after their first Aviv Barley Report. Perhaps this explains the very late date for Passover in 1999 the lack of barley having been sown before the previous winter in 1998! If winter barley seed is not sown in the proper season, it cannot be expected to ripen at the right time.

According to the Abib (barley) and the New Moon the Biblical Feasts and Holidays in 1999 fall out on the following dates: * May 1, 1999 Passover 14 Nisan * October 11, 1999 Yom Teruah (Day of Shouting) * October 20, 1999 Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) Alfred Edersheim, the 19th century Jewish Christian historian, tells us that every * October 25, 1999 Hag HaSukkot (Feast of Booths) autumn, the Jews sowed a field of barley close to Jerusalem, to be harvested for * November 1, 1999 Shemini Atzeret (Ibid.) the Wave-sheaf. October 20 is awfully close to October 22. But the average Jew kept the Yom Kippur in 1999 a whole month earlier.

Already, on the 14th of Nisan, the spot whence the first sheaf was to be reaped had been marked out by delegates from the Sanhedrim, by tying together in bundles, while still standing, the barley that was to be cut down. Though, for obvious reasons, it was customary to choose for this purpose the sheltered Ashes-valley across Kedron, there was no restriction on that point, provided the barley had grown in an ordinary fieldof course in Palestine itselfand not in garden or orchard land, and that the soil had not been manured nor yet artificially watered (Mishnah, Menach. viii. 1, 2). * * The field was to be ploughed in the autumn, and sowed seventy days before the Passover. Alfred Edersheim, The Temple, its Ministry and Services. This fast-maturing crop was expected to be aviv just 10 weeks after planting.

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Whether or not barley elsewhere in Israel was aviv at this time, was immaterial. As soon as the Wave-sheaf had been offered at the Temple,, the population was permitted to begin harvesting their own crops as soon as they became ripe. If the Wave-sheaf was not observed at the earliest possible date, then the entire nation's barley harvest would be delayed for another 30 days, even if it had been ripe for several weeks. Those genuinely interested in understanding the facts about the barley growth cycle according to 21st century agricultural experts rather than ignorant 19th century religious charlatans, can find all the information required here: http://www.extension.umn.edu/distribution/cropsystems/DC2548.html http://www.sarep.ucdavis.edu/cgi-bin/ccrop.EXE/show_crop_3 There are two types of barley winter-sown barley and spring-sown barley. Winter-sown barley ripens before spring-sown barley. When searching for aviv barley, it is winter-sown barley which is intended. At some time after 1999, the Karaites were accompanied by Ruthanne Koch, a Certified Crop Advisor from Colorado, who assisted them in their determination of aviv barley. There is an international scale for determining the ripeness of barley, called the ZADOKS SYSTEM. Of course, ZADOK is the name of several Jewish priests, and the Zadokites are equated with the Sadducees of the New Testament; hence with the Karaites today. Perhaps this is a valid connection with the barley ripening scale. Since 2000, aviv barley has been found as early as 8 March, which suggests that the 1999 report was possibly deficient in some way. Clearly, their understanding of aviv developed during the following years.

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http://www.extension.umn.edu/distribution/cropsystems/DC2548.html Winter barley must be planted so that seedlings will be exposed to cold (vernalized), which enables it to later produce heads and grain normally. Winter types usually mature somewhat earlier than spring types. Germination The minimum temperature for germination of barley is 34 36

F (1 2


Pollination flowering Pollination usually takes place in barley just before or during head emergence from the boot. This event occurs 6 to 7 weeks after crop emergence. Kernel development and maturity Once head emergence and pollination have occurred, kernels begin to develop. The length of the barley kernel is established first, followed by its width. This helps explain why thin barley developed under stress conditions is usually as long as normal grain, but is narrower. The first period of kernel development, designated the "watery ripe" and "milk" stages, lasts about 10 days. Although the kernels do not gain much weight during this phase, it is extremely important because it determines the number of cells that will subsequently be used for storing starch. Kernels crushed in this stage initially yield a watery substance which later becomes milky. Kernels that are storing starch and growing rapidly are characterized by a white semi-solid consistency termed "soft dough." This period usually lasts about 10 days following the milk stage. Finally, as the kernel approaches maturity and begins losing water rapidly, its consistency becomes more

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solid, termed "hard dough." This is when the kernel also loses its green colour . When kernel moisture has decreased to about 30 40%, it has reached physiological maturity and will not accumulate additional dry matter. The final yield potential has been established at this time. An easily identified field indicator of physiological maturity is 100 percent loss of green colour from the glumes and peduncle. Although the moisture content of the grain is still too high for direct combining, it can be swathed and windrowed. When kernel moisture has decreased to 13 14%, the barley kernel is ready for combining and threshing. http://www.sarep.ucdavis.edu/cgi-bin/ccrop.EXE/show_crop_3 Summary: Winter-annual grass Many cultivars mature in early spring. Seeding Dates In general, barley requires reseeding each fall. Seeding dates range from October January. Winter varieties may be sown from September through February. Days to Maturity Barley produces a greater biomass and does it quicker than do the other cereals . Hockett found that barley matures faster than other cereals. Establishment A temperature of 17.6 degrees Fahrenheit is required to kill seedlings of barley. Barley is easy to get established even during cold weather, and seedlings have excellent vigour.

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Harvesting Barley is usually harvested by direct combining or by swathing prior to combining. Barley is physiologically mature when kernel moisture declines to about 40%, but kernels are largest if harvested at 35%. Storage should be at 14% moisture or lower. However, allowing barley to stand until the safe level is reached typically leads to shattering; shatterresistant cultivars are especially important in the Southwest, where relative humidity can drop quickly following maturation. See TABLE 1 at the end of this document, for the archived AVIV BARLEY SEARCH REPORTS for 1999 2013, from Nehemia Gordon's website www.karaite-korner.org . The information in these Reports is damning for the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It exposes the lies on which the false date of 22 October 1844 was based. It reveals the fraudulence of the SDA date for the Cross. It exposes their entire 457 BC 1844 AD chronology as a sham.

Concocted by Snow?
Back to the Millerites of 1844. Some critics have claimed that Samuel Snow concocted the idea of Yom Kippur being in October so that he would have longer for his message to take effect. L. Richard Conradi was a long-time respected SDA minister personally acquainted with Ellen White etc, before he came to his senses. He was perhaps one of the first to publish in his well-researched and revealing 1939 expos, that Snow invented the October 22 1844 date, using Caraite reckoning to justify it, and thereby gaining more time for his prophecies to be proven false: From March 22 until October 22, 1844, S. S. Snow, gradually gaining a mighty influence over all Adventists, stressed, not only that all unbelievers of his message were fallen Babylon; but, by misinterpretation of Mark 13:32, {"But concerning that day or that hour, no one knows, not even

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the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father}; claimed that the Father had revealed to him that the 22nd of October, 1844, was the definite date of Christs coming to exchange the righteous and to destroy the wicked. A tarrying of six months (in reality over seven) was caused, as Ezra did not arrive in Jerusalem before the fifth month, and needed several months to start the rebuilding; but that the great date of delivery was the jubilee year of the atonement day. That this jubilee year was still years in the future, and that the Jewish day of atonement was on the 23rd day of September, did not matter to him. In order to gain time, he adopted the reckoning of the Karaites, a small sect in Crimean Russia. After this new failure, he fixed the atonement day of 1845 as the right date. L. R. Conradi, The Founders of the Seventh-day Adventist Denomination, 1939. Do you believe that the Great Jubilee was in 1844? Do you believe that Samuel Snow was Elijah the Prophet? Do you believe that God the Father revealed to Samuel Snow, that Yom Kippur in 1844 was the date of the Second Coming? Do you believe that the Second Coming occurred in 1845? No? Well then, you are a doomed unbeliever, a citizen of Fallen Babylon, according to Seventh-day Adventism's false prophet, Samuel S. Snow. Since Samuel Snow has cursed you to Hell for disbelieving him, why would you accept anything he ever said?

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Only a fool would imagine that he can safely pick and choose from the toxic mix of a false prophet's failed prognostications and deadly concoctions. This is why the Lord God commanded Israel to unite in stoning false prophets to death, showing no mercy and offering no second chances. So you shall purge the evil from your midst. The SDA Church however, has always defied this commandment, and is proudly founded on the idolatrous tombstones of false prophets and the rotting carcases of their failed prophecies. Deuteronomy 13:5 But that prophet or that dreamer of dreams shall be put to death, because he has taught rebellion against the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt and redeemed you out of the house of slavery, to make you leave the way in which the LORD your God commanded you to walk. So you shall purge the evil from your midst.

This is not true, for Millerites were well aware of Karaite reckoning before Snow came around with his message the summer of 1844:

Bob Pickle's next Quote is found on p. 6, RESEARCH COMMITTEE REPORT # 2, where it is identified as from p. 123, Signs of the Times, June 21, 1843. There, the author is not named. Bob Pickle admits it was Samuel Snow himself who wrote this, but he has the year wrong. Snow was preaching this message from 16 February 1843, according to the SDA Encyclopedia Volume 10 p. 1357. Snow did not come around with his message the summer of 1844.

Now there is a dispute between the Rabbinical, and the Caraite Jews, as to the correct time of commencing the year ... The Caraite Jews on the contrary, still adhere to the letter of the Mosaic, and commence with the new moon nearest the barley harvest in Judea

BARE-FACED LIE # 1. THE TRUTH: NO Karaites anywhere in the world in 1844, were using the aviv barley search to determine their first month of the year. They were all using

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the Rabbinic calendar which almost invariably coincided with the barley search, anyway.

... and which is one moon later than the Rabbinical year.

BARE-FACED LIE # 2. The TRUTH: In the 14 years 2000 2013 of the Aviv Barley Search in Israel, there is only 1 year in which the Karaite and Rabbinic Passover dates fell in different months. This was 2005; and in this year, the RABBINIC Passover was 1 month later than the KARAITE.

The Jewish year of AD 1843, as the Caraites reckon it in accordance with the Mosaic law, BARE-FACED LIE # 3. therefore commenced this year with the new moon on the 29th of April THE TRUTH: In 1843, the New Moon (visible crescent) was observed after sunset on 1 MAY. So this lunar month began on 2 May, not 29 April. It was conjunction which occurred on 29 April; this is called Astronomical New Moon, and is not used by the Karaites. They strictly observe the first crescent; the following Gregorian date is then the first day of the month. Therefore, the date quoted by this writer, 29 April, 1843, as 1 Nisan, was wildly inaccurate. The first day of this lunar month was 2 MAY, 1843. So Samuel Snow was 3 days EARLY for his first day of the month; and his Nisan was 1 month late. This proves how utterly ignorant Samuel Snow was of true Caraite reckoning.

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There is no evidence whatsoever of the Karaites ever commencing their month of Nisan as late as 2 MAY. The Egyptian Rabbi Youseff Ibrahim Marzork, confirmed that all Karaites everywhere, observed exactly the same calendar as the Rabbins, in both 1843 and 1844. Therefore, the Karaite 1 Nisan in 1843 was 1 APRIL, not 29 April; and not 2 May. In the only documented case when the Karaite year began 1 month later than the Rabbinic (1641 AD), the Rabbinic Passover was 25 March, and the Karaite Passover was 25 April. The Karaite 1 Nisan was 12 April, one month after the Rabbinic 1 Nisan on 12 March 1641. So Samuel Snow's 1 Nisan on 29 April 1843, was 4 weeks later than the Rabbinic, which is absurd, as the Rabbinic 1 Nisan on 1 April 1843, already followed an intercalated 13th month.

Egregious Lies and Shameless Deception: the Firm Foundation of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
... and the Jewish year 1844, will commence with the new moon in next April, when 1843 and the 2300 days, according to their computation, will expire. (Signs of the Times; June 21, 1843; p. 123) All evidence proves that no Karaites, anywhere on earth, were using the aviv barley criterion in 1843 and 1844. The Karaites confirm that in both 1843 and 1844, they all observed Yom Kippur on the same day as the Rabbins did. In 1843, the Karaite year began on 1 April. In 1844, the Karaite year began on 21 March. According to Karaite computation, 1 Nisan 1843 should have been a day later, on 2 April; while 21 March 1844 was the true date for 1 Nisan.

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Samuel Snow here insinuated that the Karaites had something to do with computation of the expiry of the 2,300 days, and that the Karaites confirmed 1844 as the correct year for the end of the 2,300 days, which is nonsense. This short quote from Samuel Snow is replete with egregious LIES. Yet this is the quality of information on which the entire Seventh-day Adventist Church is based! Snow's abysmally inaccurate chronology is claimed to be: the wondrous, infallible time-message of the spheres the commissioned Sanctuary truth the main pillar of the Advent faith the great immovable way-marks the pillars of truth that stand as firm as the eternal hills, unmoved by all the efforts of men combined with those of Satan and his host, LeRoy Froom, Research Committee Reports. Intelligent people should be ashamed of themselves for believing such drivel from proven false prophets.

While Miller himself never espoused such dating, See above. SDA Encyclopedia; Conradi; Samuel Snow's own claims that God principal Millerite leaders did. Thus the idea showed him these dates. of using Karaite reckoning wasn't something concocted by Snow. It has been shown that it was Samuel Snow who concocted the true Caraite reckoning. Notice also that if the Jewish year of 1844 began with the new moon of April, Yom Kippur, a little over six months later, would NO IT STILL WOULD NOT. (Of course Bob Pickle actually means, the New Moon of MAY 2, which was mistakenly dated as the second new moon in April, at conjunction on 29 April 1843 AD, by Joshua Himes and Samuel Snow.)

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land on October 22, not September 23.

Pickle Reckoning Repudiated

Yom Kippur would land on OCTOBER 23rd, as Karaite Nehemia Gordon shows. Remember, the leading Egyptian Rabbi confirmed that the Karaite year of 1844 began on the same day as the Rabbinic year, 21 March. Therefore Karaite Yom Kippur was 23 September 1844 (even though it ought to have been 24 September.)

In a discussion of the 70 weeks of Daniel 9, we read: This anecdotal information is obviously false. In an "Economical Calendar" of Palestine, which has been prepared with the greatest care, is the following remark under the month commencing with the new moon of April. "Wheat, zea or spelt and barley ripen." (Signs of the Times; Dec. 5, 1843; p. 134) The Exodus occurred just after the divine hailstorm which destroyed the Egyptian BARLEY which was already in the ear (aviv); whereas the spelt & wheat were NOT DAMAGED, as they ripen later . Exo 9:31 The flax and the barley were struck down, for the barley was in the ear and the flax was in bud. Exo 9:32 But the wheat and the emmer were not struck down, for they are late in coming up. The Feast of Wheat Firstfruits was held invariably 7 weeks after Barley Firstfruits, as this is how much longer wheat took to ripen. Therefore it was impossible for the wheat to ripen in the same month as the barley. (Except for modern varieties of wheat which have been bred to ripen very early.) If the wheat was already ripe when the barley harvest began, then much of the wheat crop would have been ruined, sprouted, moulded, fallen, lodged, eaten and otherwise lost by 7 weeks later, when the Wheat harvest was first allowed to begin. The only way that barley might ripen at the same time as wheat, is when it is

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spring-sown barley. This is planted several months later than the winter-sown variety, and is harvested later than the winter barley. However, the aviv rules in the Bible apply to winter barley, and the earliest grain harvest of the year. Not to spring-sown barley. And not to genetically-modified wheat.

In this article is a good bit of material dealing with the Karaite form of reckoning. Much of this was repeated, with some additions, in the March 20, 1844, issue, after the Signs had changed its name to the Advent Herald and Signs of the Time Reporter. But the Signs a.k.a. Advent Herald wasn't the first journal to publish comments along these lines: In an article on the Jewish year, published in the Cry of April 27, 1843, Bro. Whiting says: It is not just capricious rabbinical calculation which places 1 Nisan nearest the Vernal Equinox. The inescapable agricultural scientific fact, borne out by thousands of years of barley growing in Israel, is that this is the exact time when winter-sown barley becomes aviv in Israel.

"The rabbinical calculation makes the first day of Nisan commence with the new moon nearest the day on which the sun enters Aries, on the Jewish eye-witnesses Aristobulus and Josephus tell us that the Passover occurred vernal equinox. near the Vernal Equinox, ever since the Exodus, and up to 100 AD. This is why the rabbins of the Diaspora structured their 19-year Metonic Cycle around this date. The Karaites objected to this when in Israel, as on a few occasions, the calculated date would not coincide with the ripe barley. It ought, however, to be observed, that the This claim is obviously false. It could never have come from any Karaite, because Caraite Jews maintain that the rabbins have Karaites do not observe Barley Firstfruits on 16 Nisan. They denounce changed the Calendar, so that, to present the this as a false Rabbinic practice. The Karaites strictly observe the Bible instruction

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first fruits on the 16th of Nisan would be which invariably places the Wave-sheaf after the weekly Sabbath, on the SUNDAY impossible if the time is reckoned according during the week of Unleavened Bread. to the rabbinical calculations, since barley is not in the ear at Jerusalem till a month later. Therefore this writer was deceiving his readers. If he would lie about the Karaites supposedly presenting the Wave-sheaf on 16th Nisan, then he might also lie about The accounts of many travellers confirm the fabled many travellers who confirmed the Karaite position. the position of the Caraites. (The Midnight Cry; Oct. 11, 1844; p. 117). Another lie he told here is that the Karaites claim it is impossible to offer the Wave-sheaf until a month after the Rabbinic feast. So well over a year before Snow got going, Millerites were talking about Karaite reckoning, and even claiming that "many travellers" to Israel had confirmed the fact that the barley is not ripe for Passover the way the Rabbanites calculate the beginning of the year. Snow was a Millerite preacher from 1842, and began publishing articles with this message from 16 February 1843, according to the SDA Encyclopedia Volume 10 p. 1357. This was well over a year before Bob Pickle thinks Snow got going. How many travellers? What were their names? What exactly did they say? According to Bro. Whiting, these travellers confirmed the Karaite position, not merely Samuel Snow's misinterpretation of it. Bob Pickle is here taking a liberty with the quote.

Mr. E. S. Calman
Now we need to investigate the question of what were the Karaites doing in 1844. We have the testimony of Shlomoh ben Afedah Hacohen that long before 1860 the Karaites of Palestine has given up their form of reckoning the commencement of the year. This must be balanced with the following, from an article which was quoted in part by the Dec. 5, 1843, issue of

Calman is a man mentioned by Froom in Research Committee Report # 2, as one of the influences on the Millerites. We have already investigated this question at length, and determined that all the documented evidence from the Karaites themselves, proves that all Karaites everywhere, including in Israel, were using the Rabbinic calendar for many years perhaps centuries before 1844. We have determined that Samuel Snow and the other Millerites lied shamelessly about the Karaites and their calendar.

Pickle Reckoning
Signs and the March 20, 1844, issue of Advent Herald: The following is a communication from Mr. Calman, written as long ago as 1836 . . . (American Biblical Repository, April 1840, p. 398) This Mr. Calman was a converted Jewish Rabbi who at the time of writing was about to return to Jerusalem from Beirut where he was recovering his health. Before going to Beirut: Having left England, under the patronage of a few private individuals, as a missionary to the Jews in the East, he had proceeded first to Baghdad and then to Jerusalem ... (p. 400)

Pickle Reckoning Repudiated

Now Mr Pickle brings anecdotal, hearsay evidence which contains no specific dated examples for anyone to check up on. He assumes that he knows exactly what Mr Calman meant, while ignoring anything that confutes SDA chronology. The American Bible Repository was a series of large volumes published at intervals in the early mid 19th century. Some of these are have been published online, but thus far, the volume mentioned here with Mr Calman's comments, is not available. We are at the mercy of Bob Pickle's selected but vague quotes of LeRoy Froom's research of the Millerite journals which again, selectively quoted and misappropriated any source which could be twisted into the semblance of support in the desperate bid to substantiate their eccentric beliefs.

If Mr Calman was a converted Jewish rabbi, then certainly, he ought to have known what he was talking about. Maybe he didn't though. These piecemeal quotes just do not tell us exactly what he wrote or meant. We would need to study the articles in their entirety to ascertain the context and content. Otherwise we would be doing as Mr Pickle has done jumped to conclusions on the basis of Calman's article is critiquing a book written by third-hand hearsay or misinterpreted information. This is a characteristic of a Ridley Herschell, with which he differs on some Seventh-day Adventists. points. Mr Calman is not the only Jewish rabbi who knew what he was talking about. You must not, for a moment, suppose that I mean This discussion has quoted from several other Jewish rabbis whose comments to charge Mr. H. with falsehood. Far from it; for I contain specific dated information which has been checked against the Rabbinic must acknowledge that before I became calendar, or specific doctrinal evidence; this has all been found to contradict the acquainted with the Judaism of the East, or SDA assumptions. These knowledgeable rabbis and Karaites are: rather, before I had thoroughly looked into the state of religion and morals among them, in consequence Hacham R'Aharon of my labors here for the benefit of their souls, my Elijah Baschyatchi own views were nearly like those of Mr. H. (p. 410) Shlomoh ben Afedah Hacohen Youseff Ibrahim Marzork Judging from his learning, and his personal Joseph Frey acquaintance with Jewish affairs in the Middle East, Nehemia Gordon one would think that Mr. Calman should

Pickle Reckoning
know what he is talking about.

Pickle Reckoning Repudiated

From all their evidence, the only documented case of the Karaite year having begun in the month following the Rabbinic year is 1641 AD. In this year, the Rabbinic 1 Nisan was especially early (12 March; 8 days before Vernal Equinox) so it is not surprising that in this isolated year, the barley was not yet ripe; consequently the Karaite 1 Nisan was delayed to 12 April. This is still 15 days earlier than Snow's date for the crucifixion on 27 April 31 AD; it is 20 days earlier than Snow's date for Passover in 1844; it is 30 days earlier than Snow's date for Passover in 1843. This is proof that Samuel Snow certainly did not know what he was talking about. Samuel Snow was an ignorant liar, a false prophet and a deceiver. And terrible at arithmetic.

One Month Too Early

Notice carefully what the very first point he covers is, in the lengthy remainder of his article: I will begin by stating one fact of great importance, of which I was totally ignorant before I came to this country, which will prove that the seasons of the festivals, appointed by God for the Jewish nation, have been annulled and subverted by the oral law of the Scribes and Pharisees, which is now the ritual of the Jews. (p. 411) As we do not have access to the entire letter written by Mr Calman (I have searched online without success), we are unable to determine exactly what he wrote. Therefore it is wrong to assume beyond what is quoted here. However, Mr Pickle necessarily makes several assumptions to force his point. He assumes that Mr Calman knew exactly what aviv barley was. He assumes that he could distinguish barley from wheat. He assumes that when Mr Calman writes corn, he means barley as distinct from wheat. He assumes that barley was at that time planted before winter around Jerusalem. He assumes that Mr Calman conducted a systematic aviv barley search every year. He assumes that the festivals appointed by God for the Jews in Israel,

Pickle Reckoning
Mr. Calman considers the issue of "great importance," and learned of it only since arriving in the Palestine. What immediately follows is a short description of the biblical requirement that the year begin when the barley is in a certain stage of ripeness. Then he says: But, at present, the Jews in the Holy Land have not the least regard to this season appointed and identified by Jehovah, but follow the rules prescribed in the oral law, namely, by adding a month to every second or third year, and thus making the lunar year correspond with the solar. And when the 15th day of Nisan, according to this computation, arrives, they begin to celebrate the above-mentioned feast, although the chedesh ha'abib may have passed, or not yet come. In general the proper season occurs after they have celebrated it a whole month, which is just reversing the command in the law, which directs that the chedesh haabib precede the festival, and not the festival the chedesh haabib. (pp. 411, 412)

Pickle Reckoning Repudiated

have something to do with Gentile Christians in Boston, Massachusetts in 1844. These quotes do not even mention barley!! Mr Calman here uses the term corn, which to an urban dweller unfamiliar with agriculture, could mean anything. He also uses the term chedesh ha'abib, which presumably means chodesh ha'abib, as we spell it today that is, the new moon of the green ears of grain. Most importantly, Mr Calman states ... although the chedesh ha'abib may have passed, or not yet come. Thus, Mr Calman proves that the Rabbinic Passover could just as well fall one month LATER than the Karaite, as one month before. Yet Mr Pickle, LeRoy Froom, Samuel Snow and the Millerites, used Mr Calman to prove that the Karaite Passover generally fell one month after the Rabbinic. This is frank deception. Mr Calman says, in general the proper season occurs after they have celebrated it a whole month ... but gives us no specific instances, no dates, no examples to check. Perhaps this was purely his own personal opinion as to when the Passover should have been observed. This is all inadmissible evidence. We know from the official evidence of Karaite rabbis, that the Karaites, even in Jerusalem, were using the Rabbinic calendar at this time. However, Mr Pickle uses the vague, hearsay testimony of Mr Calman to balance their specific, dated evidence that for many years prior to 1844, all Karaites everywhere were using the rabbinic calendar. This is nonsense. Take an unbalanced lever. Add a balanced weight to each end. The result will still be an unbalanced lever, because you need a compensating imbalance to correct an imbalance. Mr Calman's

Pickle Reckoning

Pickle Reckoning Repudiated

evidence however is balanced. He said that the Rabbinic Passover can be either one month late OR one month early. We do not know how many years Mr Calman spent in Israel, nor when his observations began and ended. We do not know how far he travelled from Jerusalem in the month of Adar, in his search for aviv barley. From these quotes, it seems that he did not venture outside Jerusalem at all. The evidence we have from the inaugural modern-day aviv barley search is that the inexperienced searchers pronounced in 1999, that the Karaite 1 Nisan was to be one month later than the Rabbinic. We know that they then sowed barley in several fields in November of that year, and that since that time, the Karaite Passover has never fallen later than the Rabbinic Passover. Nor has it ever fallen anywhere near as late as they determined in 1999. However, in those 14 years, the Rabbinic Passover has fallen later than the Karaite. This shows the value of understanding exactly what barley is; what aviv means; and how it is not possible to find aviv barley at the correct season if it has not been planted at the correct season. Mr Calman's unqualified, anecdotal evidence as presented here is worthless.

Nothing like ears of green corn have I seen around Jerusalem at the celebration of this feast. (p. 412)

Note carefully what Mr Calman says here that he has NEVER seen green ears of corn around Jerusalem at the time of the Passover. Not at the time of the Rabbinic Passover nor at the time of the Karaite Passover! Yet he has just told us that the Jews celebrate Passover whether the new moon of the Abib has already come or not yet come.

Pickle Reckoning

Pickle Reckoning Repudiated

So apparently, there was no barley growing round Jerusalem at all, in any month, ever, and Mr Calman never searched anywhere else.

Mr. Calman has thus informed us that "in general," Jews around 1836 were keeping their feasts one month too early. Therefore, just this point makes a good case for October 22 being the correct date for Yom Kippur in 1844, regardless of what the Karaites were doing.

Mr Pickle is grasping at barley straws. Calman's vague references are invalid. We do not have any independent evidence as to Calman's qualifications to determine whether or not barley is aviv; we do not even know if there was any barley growing around Jerusalem; and if there was, whether this was winter-sown or springplanted. Calman has given us no dates. He has provided no evidence of national aviv barley searches at the end of the month of Adar every year. This is no proof at all of October 22 being the correct date for Yom Kippur in 1844. As we have seen from previous astronomical proofs, October 22 1844 was not the 10th of any Jewish month. 22 October 1844 was the Rabbinic 9 Cheshvan. As all Karaites everywhere used the same calendar as the Rabbins in 1844, 22 October was also the Karaite 9 Cheshvan. Even if the barley had been somehow delayed from ripening by 20 March which is practically impossible the true Karaite Yom Kippur could still not possibly have fallen on October 22 1844. It would have been 23 October. Samuel Snow made multiple errors in his pretence of using true Caraite reckoning, which were confirmed by the pretended visions of a hysterical uneducated teenager. LeRoy Froom and other SDA scholars then spent years constructing a tangled web of mutually exclusive rationalisations for these deceptions.

Pickle Reckoning
Especially is this so when one considers the range of dates in which Rabbanite Jews were celebrating Yom Kippur at that time. Between 1800 and 1844, the earliest date for Yom Kippur was September 14 in 1842, and the latest date was October 14 in 1815.

Pickle Reckoning Repudiated

We have the evidence of Nehemia Gordon, which Mr Pickle uses to confirm his denominational bias, but which actually demolishes it. Bob Pickle has used just one year's anomalous result, and extrapolated this 1999 result way back to 1844. How deceitful. Had Bob Pickle used any of the other 14 results since 1999, he would be forced in all honesty to admit that Samuel Snow's true Caraite dates were nothing but hocus pocus.

If "in general" the Rabbanite dates were a month too early, then certainly September 23, 1844, There is no evidence of any aviv barley searches from ca. 1844. falling in the first third of this range of dates, should have been a month too early. From 2000 2013, the KARAITE YOM KIPPUR fell in the range 15 September 11 October.

The Rabbinic Yom Kippur fell in the range 16 September 13 October. Therefore, according to the official Karaite aviv barley search 2000 2013: the Rabbinic calendar fell in a later range of dates than the Karaite; the Karaite Yom Kippur never fell later than the Rabbinic; the Rabbinic fell one month later than the Karaite date in 2005. * See TABLE 4 at the end of this paper. Nehemia Gordon's annual Aviv Barley Searches refute all Mr Pickle's claims.

Karaites in Palestine
. . . regardless of what the Karaites were doing. But what were they doing? LeRoy Froom tells us what the Karaites were doing in 1844. He confirms what all the other witnesses tell us that they were not using true Caraite reckoning. He wrote: Painstakingly studying the Karaite protest in the Middle Ages against the

Pickle Reckoning

Pickle Reckoning Repudiated

Rabbinical perversion of the calendar, they at last deliberately and irrevocably accepted, restored, and applied to their time-prophecy problem, the earlier calendation championed by the Karaites. And this they did in defiance of the whole body of Rabbinical scholarship and the general current practice of Jewry p. 3. It was incumbent upon the Millerites, as God's appointed heralds of the time of the Judgement Hour, to discover and correct, at the time appointed in 1843 and 1844, this error in calendation long ago pointed out by the Karaites (but which protest had now largely ceased). p. 4. We had the uniform witness of Jewry on our side, stretching back across the multiplied centuries to guide in determining the paralleling seventh and first days, while the Karaite protest against the calendar perversion had virtually ceased by 1780 AD. p. 5. LeRoy Froom, Courageous Action of the Millerites on the Jewish Calendar Problem, 1938. Where is all this great quantity of uniform witness stretching back across the multiplied centuries that LeRoy Froom claims? He did not quote a single year of Karaite evidence in the entire Research Committee Reports. How intriguing! If there was many centuries of evidence proving that the Karaites always observed their Passover a month later than the Rabbins why did he not document at least a few examples? Empty vessels make the most noise. Friendly fire kills as surely as enemy fire. The truth is that LeRoy Froom was a lying deceiver. But at least he did confirm that by 1844, the Karaites in Israel had long since abandoned the aviv barley search. Bob Pickle still claims the Karaites were using the aviv search in 1844.

Pickle Reckoning

Pickle Reckoning Repudiated

The dogmatic false statements made in the absence of any evidence by Seventhday Adventists in general, is staggering to those raised in more honest churches.

The Caraite Jews observe it later than the Rabbinical, for they are guided by Abib, and they charge the latter with eating leavened bread during that feast. I think, myself, that the charge is well founded. If this feast of unleavened bread is not celebrated in its season, every successive festival is dislocated from its appropriate period, since the month Abib, is laid down in the law of God as the epoch from which every other is to follow. (p. 412)

Finally Mr Calman mentions the Karaite Jews. However he does not name any of them. Nor does he provide dates to substantiate his claims. In contrast, we do have the documented evidence of Karaite rabbis which state that in certain years which are dated, and can be astronomically confirmed: the Karaites in Jerusalem were not observing the aviv barley in 1843 or 1844 (Rabbi Youseff Ibrahim Marzork); Shlomoh ben Afedah Hacohen wrote in 1860 that all Karaites everywhere had for many years used the Rabbinic calendar; the last documented date we have for Karaites using aviv barley is 1480 AD, quoted by Baschyatchi. In 1335 AD, Hacham R'Aharon revealed that the Karaite Passover was before the Rabbinic Passover, and before the Vernal Equinox. In 1479, Baschyatchi proved that the Karaite Passover was before the Rabbinic Passover, and before the Vernal Equinox. Nehemia Gordon tells us that the last documented evidence of Karaites using their form of reckoning, was in the 15th century. LeRoy Froom says it had virtually ceased by 1780 AD. Other rabbis tell us that in 1844, they were NOT using Karaite reckoning, even in Israel; and that they had not been, for many years. Mr Calman's evidence is unsubstantiated hearsay.

Though the Karaites of Palestine may have abandoned their form of reckoning by 1860, they were still at it in 1836. So says a knowledgeable former Rabbi who was there at the time. Thus it is entirely possible that they were still at it in 1844.

Pickle Reckoning

Pickle Reckoning Repudiated

Mr Pickle should quit his false assumptions.

The case the critics have made today against The evidence against 22 October being the correct date for Yom Kippur the idea that October 22 was the correct date in 1844 is colossal, monumental, and absolute. for Yom Kippur in 1844 has vaporized. Samuel Snow was a lying deceiver, a false prophet, and an ignorant madman. Why any church would choose to perpetrate his deceptions and promote them as the true gospel of salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ, is a mystery from the pits of Hell. 1. The idea that Snow concocted the idea of In fact, the contemporary documents quoted by Mr Pickle were mostly written using Karaite reckoning is utterly false, as by Samuel Snow himself. This recently-converted atheist claimed to be Elijah can be seen from contemporary documents. the Prophet, and that God had personally revealed this idea to him. According to the SDA Encyclopedia, Snow commenced writing articles for Millerite papers on the Karaite calendar, from 16 February 1843 not in the summer of 1844, as Mr Pickle supposes. The Encyclopedia also confirms that it was Samuel Snow who introduced the idea of true Caraite reckoning: "SNOW, SAMUEL S. (1806-1870). A Congregationalist, then a skeptic, later a Millerite minister; initiator of the 'seventh-month movement.' Beginning with an article written Feb. 16, 1843, he emphasized the tenth day of the Jewish seventh month, Tishri, the Jewish Day of Atonement, as the true ending date of the prophetic 2300 years. Later he set forth the specific day as Oct. 22, 1844, our calendar equivalent of the tenth day of the seventh month in that year according to the old Karaite Jewish calendar. At first there was but little interest or response, but when Snow preached on July 21 in the large Boston Tabernacle

Pickle Reckoning

Pickle Reckoning Repudiated

on the text, 'Behold, the bridegroom cometh [on the tenth day of the seventh month]; go ye out to meet him,' some began to be roused." The Seventh-day Adventist Encyclopedia Volume 10, p. 1357.

2. Generally speaking, Jews in Palestine at Bob Pickle has again turned an anecdote into a generalisation. that time were keeping the feasts a month too early, for they were starting their years so early There is no evidence that barley has ever ripened so tardily as to force Yom that there was not enough time for the barley Kippur out to 22 October. to ripen before Passover. Josephus and Nehemia Gordon's evidence spans 2,010 years, and shows that in the year of Jesus' birth, and up to our day, barley in Israel was aviv on March 8 th. Actually, Josephus' evidence goes all the way back to Moses in about 1450 BC and the result is still the same. Barley in Israel is aviv near the Vernal Equinox. Agricultural science confirms this: http://www.sarep.ucdavis.edu/cgi-bin/ccrop.EXE/show_crop_3 Summary: Winter-annual grass Many cultivars mature in early spring. Samuel Snow pretended in 1843 44 that barley cannot ripen close to the Vernal Equinox in Israel, but he was lying. He knew nothing about barley or Israel, apart from a couple of unsubstantiated articles that he had read. But on the strength of these, he made the most egotistical false claims which have been absorbed as God's Truth into the fabric of the Seventh-day Church ever since. SDA lemmings have unthinkingly trotted after Samuel Snow's false doctrines from 1843 to this day. Not only do they refuse to jettison Samuel Snow as a false prophet as the Lord commands, but they turn themselves inside out trying to save face by rationalising his infeasible chronology.

Pickle Reckoning

Pickle Reckoning Repudiated

3. While the Karaite Jews in Palestine were 1860: Bob Pickle wrangles the evidence again. What Nehemia Gordon actually likewise keeping the feasts too early in 1860, said was: they were not in 1836, leaving open the possibility that they were also not in 1844. Clearly in the time of Shlomoh ben Afedah Hacohen (c. 1860) all Karaites everywhere had for many years been using the 19 year Rabbinic cycle. This is very different from Pickle's claim that Jews were keeping the feasts too early in 1860. As it happens that both Rabbinic and Karaite Passovers almost invariably fall in the same month and often, even on the same day, then the Karaites cannot be accused of keeping the feasts too early. The truth is that, in the past 14 years of the reinstated official annual Karaite Aviv Barley Search, both Rabbinic and Karaite Passovers fell on the exact same day, 4 times. The Karaite Passover was never 1 month later than the Rabbinic; but the Rabbinic Passover was 1 month later than the Karaite in 2005. 1836: mere anecdotal hearsay, trounced by documented, dated evidence from Karaite rabbis. 1844: Guesswork and supposition, desperately proposed as justification for a false prophet's lies. 4. Karaite records of what they were doing in other localities are not necessarily helpful, since those afar were using Rabbanite reckoning long before those in Palestine ceased to observe the barley harvests. Of course this comment makes sense; but we do also have the evidence from Jewish scholars, rabbis and priests spanning thousands of years in Israel, which surely trumps Samuel Snow's ignorance and conceit. ~ 1450 BC: Josephus states that the Exodus occurred when the sun was in Aries; therefore the barley must have been aviv at the end of Adar, between about 26 February 24 March (from 36 6 days before the Vernal Equinox on 3 April), as 15 Nisan (date of the Exodus) must have fallen between 15 March 10 April.

Pickle Reckoning

Pickle Reckoning Repudiated

~ 200 BC: Aristobulus' evidence proves that the barley was ripe for Passover between 23 March 16 April, when the sun was in the constellation of Aries, the sign of the Vernal Equinox (which was then 24 March). Therefore the barley must have been aviv by 8 March 1 April (from 16 days before the Vernal Equinox.) 5 BC: Josephus' evidence of the lunar eclipse following Herod's execution of the protesters, proves that the barley must have been aviv in this year by March 8 (14 days before Vernal Equinox on 22 March), and that Passover fell on 23 March 5 BC, just 1 day after the Vernal Equinox. 1335 AD: The Hacham R'Aharon recorded that in the 4th year of the lunar cycle 269, the Rabbinic Tisri came 1 month later than the Karaite Tisri. Therefore Rabbinic Passover was 1 month after the Karaite Passover. (Note: Nehemia Gordon has made an error here. He has dated this year 1354-55 AD; Jewish calendar www.Kaluach.org says Year 4 of Lunar Cycle 269 is 1335 1336. Year 4 of Cycle 270 is 1354 1355 AD.) 1479 AD: Baschyatchi recorded that in the 14th year of the 276 lunar cycle, the Rabbins intercalated a 13th month, Adar II, whereas the Karaites in Israel did not intercalate this extra month. (Vernal Equinox 12 March). 2005 AD: Nehemia Gordon and his team found aviv barley in several sites in Israel, on 8 March, 12 days before Vernal Equinox. Nothing has changed. Barley in Israel today is aviv about 2 weeks prior to the Vernal Equinox, the same as it has ever been, since the Exodus.

5. Even if the Karaites were using Rabbanite reckoning in 1844, it is still apparent that Rabbanite reckoning was almost without question a month too early that year.

This is a baseless assumption. The only reason for flouting all the thousands of years of concrete evidence from historians, priests, rabbis, scholars, agricultural scientists, computerised astronomy programs and modern-day Karaites, is to pander to a crazed deluded false prophet's crackpot ideas, and to save face due to having been duped by him and his blighted schemes.

Pickle Reckoning
Any continued criticism against the validity of the date of October 22 for Yom Kippur in 1844 is sheer speculation, unless of course someone turns up an 1844 crop report for Palestine. If such a crop report did turn up, and if it showed that the barley had entered the Abib stage by March 20 in those cold, pre-global warming days, then and only then would the matter be settled that September 23 was the true Day of Atonement for that year.

Pickle Reckoning Repudiated

On the contrary, Mr Pickle the date of October 22 for Yom Kippur is sheer speculation, as all authoritative witnesses and scientific evidence prove. The fact is, there is no crop report for 1844, because the Karaites in Israel were using the Rabbinic calendar then. As for the temperatures in Israel in 1844 Mr Pickle makes more assumptions. He assumes that global warming is true; and he assumes that temperatures in Israel in 1844 were especially cold, resulting in barley ripening at an exceptionally late date. The Millerites transposed the snowy winter weather of Boston, Massachusetts to the sunny clime of Israel, and decided (in the absence of personal experience or genuine knowledge) that since barley could not ripen near the Vernal Equinox in Boston, therefore it also could not possibly ripen in Israel before late April or early May. Gullible souls have meekly believed this lie ever since. Since global temperature records only began in 1861, Mr Pickle's comment is sheer speculation. Josephus proves that the barley was aviv in Israel in 5 BC by March 8. Nehemia Gordon proves that the barley in Israel was aviv in 2005 by March 8. There is no good reason, and certainly no evidence, that the barley in Israel (if there was any sown in autumn 1843) was not aviv by March 20 in 1844. There is no documented evidence that the Karaite Yom Kippur has ever fallen as late as 22 October.

A major difference between Seventh-day Adventists and evangelical Christians is that, no matter when barley ripens in Israel, we know that our salvation and atonement for our sins, is sure in the Lord Jesus Christ as a present possession.

Pickle Reckoning

Pickle Reckoning Repudiated

Seventh-day Adventists, with their accursed other gospel of an atonement not yet completed until Jesus has finished housekeeping in the heavenly sanctuary at some unknown future time, and after Satan bears all their sins ... will never know whether all their calculations and machinations have saved them, until after death. By that time it will be too late to change their minds or investigate the truth about the Investigative Judgement. But in the meantime, these endless speculations take their minds off the awful prospect of having believed in a false gospel and thereby missed the mark of eternal life through the perfect atonement of Jesus Christ completed on the Cross.


ISRAEL AVIV BARLEY REPORTS 1999 2013 AD. 1 NISAN Karaite 13 month added?

Summary of results listed on

www.Karaite-Korner.org First Full Moon after Vernal Equinox: 27 March 6 April 19 April 29 March 9 April 21 March 20 April 2 April 13 April 25 March 5 April 16 April 28 March 8 April 18 April 31 March Karaite 14 Nisan = Days after Vernal Equinox: 7I 17 29 11 21 32 14 24 5 16 28 9 20 30 40

Date AVIV BARLEY found 11 March 23 March Not 6 March 12 March 26 March Not 4 March 23 March 18 March 28 March 8 March 21 March ??? 14 March 11 March 4 April ???

14 NISAN Karaite

14 NISAN Full Moon Vernal Rabbinic @ sunset Equinox: of:

New Moon [Conjunction / 1 Luna ] nearest Equinox: 11 / 14 March

2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999

14 March 24 March 5 April 18 March 28 March 8 April 21 March 31 March 12 March 23 March 4 April 16 March 27 March 6 April 18 April Karaite BOTH Karaite Rabbin BOTH BOTH

27 March 6 April 18 April 31 March 10 April 21 April 3 April 13 April 25 March 5 April 17 April 29 March 9 April 19 April 1 May

25 March 6 April 18 April 29 March 8 April 19 April 2 April 12 April 23 April 5 April 16 April 27 March 7 April 19 April 31 March

27 March 20 March 6 April 19 April 9 April 20 April 2 April 13 April 5 April 16 April 7 April 18 April 30 April 21 March 20 March 20 March 21 March 20 March 20 March 21 March

20 March 22 / 24 March 20 March 3 / 5 April 16 / 18 March 7 / 9 March 19 / 21 March 29 / 31 March 10 / 12 March 21 / 23 March 1 / 4 April 14 / 16 March 25 / 27 March 4 / 6 April 17 / 19 March

29 March 20 March 20 March

20 March 26 / 28 March

25 March 20 March

28 March 20 March

November 9, 1999

Native barley seed sown on Mount of Olives by Karaite Jews for the first time in the modern era

1999 was the first Aviv Barley Search conducted by the Karaite Jews in the land of Israel, in the modern era. The details for this inaugural Aviv Search are less comprehensive than for later years. The 1999 result is anomalous when compared to the succeeding 13 years' results. This could have been due to inexperience, inaccurate definition of Aviv Barley, extreme weather conditions; who knows? Perhaps the 1999 Report would have been different, had the searchers known then what they know now, after many more years of study, practical experience and familiarisation with the Aviv Barley Search procedure.


KARAITE DAYS between 1 Nisan 1 Tisri

Using a random selection of 24 years from 26 AD 49 AD: Numbers of days per month according to the Karaite method of announcing the first day only after observation of the first crescent of the New Moon at sunset of the previous day. Some years have 12 lunar months; some have 13 months. The first 6 months of the Jewish calendar, Nisan Elul, are bordered in blue. The column far right is the actual TOTAL days in the 6 months from 1 Nisan 1 Tisri, per true Karaite reckoning. There are either : 176, 177, 178 or 179 days in these 6 Karaite months. The SDAs have duplicitously used the Rabbinic calendar by insisting that there are invariably 177 days between 1 Nisan 1 Tisri; or between 15 Nisan 15 Tisri; or invariably 173 days between 14 Nisan 10 Tisri. Their chronology is based on this falsehood, while they hypocritically claim to use true Karaite reckoning. The Rabbins have fixed the number of days in the first 7 months of their calendar, from Nisan Tisri. The Rabbinic calendar strictly alternates the days in these seven months to 30 / 29 / 30 / 29 / 30 / 29 / 30, every year. Therefore, their first 6 months invariably total 177 days : 3 x 29 + 3 x 30 = 177 days. {average 6 x 29 = 177 days.} All the Lord's Appointed Feasts are held within these 7 months. This ensures their Appointed Feasts do not fall on awkward days, such as the Day of Atonement (when they must fast) next to a Sabbath (when they cannot prepare food.) Because this is astronomically incorrect, they must then alter the number of days in either/both Cheshvan and Kislev, between 29 and 30 days, according to a predetermined scheme. In years when a 13th month is intercalated, Adar I is altered to 30 days, and Adar II has 29 days. Thus the calculated calendar of the Rabbins is corrected over the course of the 19-year Metonic Cycle. One of the Millerites' multitudinous errors, is their supposition that the sequence of alternating days per month is regular. They used the false Rabbinic, calculated 177-day count from Nisan Tisri, to find the number of days between Passover and the Day of Atonement in 1844. Beginning from their false Caraite Passover, they used this false Rabbinic count to confirm their fake version of true Caraite reckoning. They falsely estimated that as 1 Nisan 1 Tisri was invariably 177 days; therefore 14 Nisan 10 Tisri was 173 days. They presumed that the new moon in BOSTON, Massachusetts, was the one which the Lord is interested in. They ignored the Lord's command, When YOU [Israelites] are IN THE LAND [of Israel] YOU [Israelites] shall keep this service.

AD 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

1 29 29 29 30 29 30 29 29 29 29 29 29 30 29 29 30 29 30 30 30 30 30 29 29

2 30 30 30 29 30 29 30 30 29 29 30 30 30 30 30 29 30 29 29 30 29 29 30 29

3 29 29 30 30 30 30 29 29 30 30 29 30 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 29 30 30 29 30

4 30 30 29 30 29 29 29 29 29 29 30 29 30 30 30 30 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 30

5 29 29 30 29 30 30 30 30 29 29 29 30 29 30 30 29 30 29 29 29 29 29 29 29

6 29 29 29 30 29 29 29 29 30 30 29 29 30 29 29 30 29 30 30 29 29 30 30 30

7 30 30 29 29 30 30 30 30 29 29 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 29 29 30 30 29 30 29

8 29 29 30 29 29 30 30 30 30 30 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 30 30 29 29 30 29 30

9 30 29 29 30 30 29 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 29 30 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 30 30

10 29 30 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 29 30 29 29 30 29 30 30 30 30 30 30 29 29 29

11 30 30 30 30 30 30 29 29 29 30 29 29 29 29 30 29 30 30 29 29 29 30 30 30

12 30 30 30 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 29 29 30 29 29 30 30 30 30 29 29

13 30

1 Nisan 1 Tisri 177 days 176 days 176 days


176 days 177 days 177 days

29 30

179 days 178 days 177 days 177 days 177 days


177 days 178 days 178 days


178 days 178 days 177 days

30 30

177 days 176 days 176 days 176 days 177 days

30 29

177 days 178 days

TABLE 3. Days per Month in the Fixed Rabbinic Calendar 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 Nisan Iyyar Sivan Tammuz Av Elul Tisri Cheshvan Kislev Tevet Shevat Adar Adar I Adar II 30 29 30 29 30 29 30 29/30 29/30 29 30 29 30 29 Never varies Never varies Never varies Never varies Never varies Never varies Never varies Variable Variable Never varies Never varies Varies only in Leap Years 7 Leap Years /19-year Metonic Cycle: Adar II added.

TABLE 4. YOM KIPPUR DATES COMPARED YEAR 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Range: KARAITE 8 October 28 September 18 September 7 October 25 September 15 September 1 October 23 September 11 October 30 September 20 September 9 October 27 September 17 September 15 September 11 October RABBINIC 9 October 27 September 16 September 6 October 25 September 13 October 2 October 22 September 9 October 28 September 18 September 8 October 26 September 14 September 16 September 13 October

TABLE 5. WHAT NEHEMIA GORDON'S KARAITE EVIDENCE REALLY PROVES Bob Pickle published Karaite Reckoning in 2004. In it, he quoted only the information from 1999. By 2004, there were 5 NEW Aviv Reports from which he could have quoted. However, for some reason undisclosed, he did not mention any of these. 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 Rabbinic 5 April 16 April 27 March 7 April 19 April Karaite 5 April 17 April 29 March 9 April 19 April Passover Month SAME DAY SAME SAME SAME SAME DAY

In the ensuing years, there have been another 9 NEW AVIV Reports. Yet Mr Pickle has not corrected his out-of-date article to reflect this damning evidence against Samuel Snow, all other Millerites, LeRoy Froom, and the entire Seventh-day Adventist chronology. 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 Rabbinic 25 March 6 April 18 April 29 March 8 April 19 April 2 April 12 April 23 APRIL 5 April 16 April 27 March 7 April 19 April Karaite Passover Month 27 March SAME 6 April SAME DAY 18 April SAME DAY 31 March SAME 10 April SAME 21 April SAME 3 April SAME 13 April SAME 25 MARCH RABBINIC Passover 1 month LATER 5 April SAME DAY 17 April SAME 29 March SAME 9 April SAME 19 April SAME DAY One has to wonder ...WHY???

TABLE 6. The MEGALOMANIAC PRESUMPTION of LYING FALSE PROPHET SAMUEL S. SNOW Snow Fixes The Jewish Atonement Day in 1845 as the Blessed Day of Christs Advent By what means Snow extended the advent beyond October 22, 1844, his notes on Daniel 12:11,12, show: Paganism was removed when the barbarians turned Christian in name, and began to unite in giving their power in support of the papacy. Clovis, the king of the Franks, was the first of the kings who was baptised into the Romish religion. He was made consul of Rome by the pope in A. D. 510, and from that time onward the kingdom of France had been called the Eldest Son of the Church. Daniel 12: 12. This period dates from the same point as the other, for that is the only point given. And from 510 A. D., the latter reaches to 1845. And what then? The next verse informs us what then begins; namely, the manifestation of the Children of God, of whom there are two classes the First fruits, and the full ingathering of the harvest. This great work of manifestation began in the autumn of 1845, when the leader of the living church {Samuel S. Snow}, who is sent in the spirit and power of Elias to prepare the way of the Lord before him, was first made manifest to the true Israel of God A 144,000 living saints will stand on Mount Zion, singing the new song, which none can learn to sing but they; and all will be waiting for the blessed Jesus. The Voice of The Prophet Elijah, New York, 1864, pp. 79-80. Therefore this sealing process speedily followed the close of the gospel age. Or, to be more definite, all the times given in prophecy had closed in the seventh month of 1844 with the single exception of the 1335 days of Daniel 12:12, which ended at the commencement of the seventh Jewish month 1845. Within the year elapsing between those two points of time, the sealing was accomplished; and then immediately began the manifestation of those sealed ones who are to be alive and remain until our Lords personal appearing. The Voice of The Prophet Elijah, New York, 1864, p. 157. L. R. Conradi, The Founders of the Seventh-day Adventist Denomination, 1939.

Samuel Snow claimed to be a true prophet. In fact, he claimed to be the prophet Elijah. He said that God gave him the date of Jesus' Second Coming the Day of Atonement according to the Karaite reckoning, on 22 October, 1844. Either this is true or it is false. If it is true, then Samuel Snow may have been a true prophet. (He could also be a false prophet in spite of an apparently true prophecy, depending on other criteria.) If it was false, then Samuel Snow was a false prophet. If this was true, then why did Jesus fail to return? If it was true, then why did Samuel Snow set another date for the Second Coming, on the Day of Atonement in the following year? Clearly, this was a false prophecy and a false date, so Samuel Snow was a false prophet. If his second date was true, then why did Jesus again fail to return in 1845? This was his second false prophecy about the Second Coming, which confirms that Snow was a false prophet. In 1844, Samuel Snow said that anybody who refused to believe his date for the Second Coming, 22 October that year, was fallen Babylon. Snow believed it himself, therefore he was one of the 144,000 saved saints but it never eventuated. So were millions of faithful Christians therefore fallen Babylon because they refused to believe in a lie? Was Samuel Snow a sanctified saint because of believing his own monstrous lie? Which serpentine deceiver condemns Christians who reject his lies? In 1863 Snow wrote a self-titled book, The Voice of the Prophet Elijah. In this book, he repeatedly claimed to be Elijah. This was either true or it was false. Clearly it was false. Therefore Samuel S. Snow was a liar and a deceiver. There was no truth in him. How can Samuel Snow's date, 22 October 1844, be true, when he is a proven liar? How can Snow's 1844 date be true when he himself acknowledged it was false, by setting another date for the following year?

How can any honest person surreptitiously reject all the lies Samuel Snow told, yet perpetrate selected dates that he concocted (27 AD baptism; 27 April 31 AD Crucifixion; 34 AD Stephen's martyrdom; 22 October 1844 Second Coming)? How can any conscientious scholar claim that these are the commissioned Sanctuary Truth to the world; the all-embracing, redemptive plan of the ages; the ultimately accurate positions of the seventh month movement; a heavenly message and a divine mandate, etc etc etc? (LeRoy Froom, Research Committee Report # 6, 1939.) What kind of church chooses a lying deceiving false prophet as a figurehead and upholds him as the originator of the chronology on which their soteric doctrines are founded? What kind of church spends vast amounts of tithes from its members in covering up the lies of false prophets with pseudo-scientific mumbo-jumbo? What kind of church terminates the employment of its own ministers who are honest and brave enough to speak out about the deceit and corruption which forms the foundation on which it was based?

What happens to all liars?

Rev 22:14 Blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they may have the right to the tree of life and that they may enter the city by the gates. Rev 22:15 Outside are the dogs and sorcerers and the sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.

TABLE 7. How the Millerites Went Wrong with their True Caraite Reckoning. The Millerites imagined that true Karaite reckoning consisted of True Karaite reckoning requires not only observance of aviv barley

merely postponing Nisan for a month after the Rabbinic Nisan. They sometimes paid lip-service to the Karaite method of determining the first day of the month, but at other times contradicted themselves and invented other way-out techniques to accommodate their prophetic failures.

before the end of the 12th month Adar, in Israel; but observance of the first crescent of the New Moon in Jerusalem before declaring the following day to be the first (Gregorian) date of the new month. It also rejects the Rabbinic practice of placing Barley Firstfruits arbitrarily on 16 Nisan, or Wheat Firstfruits on 6 Sivan. These must fall on Sundays: Barley during the Feast of Unleavened Bread; Wheat exactly 7 weeks later. Atonement 24.9.1844 JD 2394834

BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS New Moons (per Millerites) JERUSALEM New Moons (TRUE KARAITE RECKONING) Passover 2 May 1844 Julian Date 2394689 = 173 days. Atonement 22 October 1844 Passover 3.4.1844 to JD 2394862 JD 2394660 to = 174 days.

Both these Millerite dates were not just 1 month late, but 1 day early, compared with genuine Karaite dating. Using Karaite reckoning, they would be: 3 May (14 Iyyar) 23 October (10 Cheshvan). The Millerites counted 173 days (just as the Rabbins do) from their false date for Passover to their false date for Day of Atonement. Samuel Snow did not use Caraite reckoning in any form. He had no clue at all! BOSTON SDA 1 Tisri = 14 October

Counting from the true Karaite 14 Nisan to 10 Tisri, according to the first visible lunar crescent, gives either: 172, 173, 174 or 175 days between these 2 dates, depending on the lunar cycle in each year. The Rabbinic (177 days 4 days) = invariably 173 days, which is the false method used by the SDAs who only pretend to reject the Rabbinic calendar. JERUSALEM 1 Nisan = 21 March, 1844 1 Tisri = 15 September

SDA 1 Nisan = 19 April

Both these dates are false because they apply to the Both dates apply to the Gregorian date after the evening evening when the lunar crescent was first seen, whereas when the first crescent of the moon was observed. the following day is the Gregorian date for the first day of This is true Karaite reckoning. the Jewish month. They are also 1 month late, and not in Jerusalem.

BOSTON Lunar Months 1844 AD

JERUSALEM Lunar Months 1844 AD

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