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The origin of the word yoga is from the Sanskrit word Yuj , which means to join. The Patanjali is to be the founder of yoga. In simple words, yoga is a way to join God. In other words Yoga is a union of Atma & Parmatma. Yoga has been practiced in India since times immemorial. Practice and importance of yoga has been referred to in our Vedas i.e. Athar Ved, Rig Ved, Yajur Ved and Saam Ved. The four path of Yoga are:1. 2. 3. 4. Karm Yog Gyan Yog Dhyan Yog Bhakti Yog


Indian cultural is very old and very wide. Yoga is a part of the old cultural heritage. It had originated in India many years ago. In ancient time yogas cultural values had no written records but it was inherited from generation to generation through Bhramins or Gurus. Yoga has been described in holy book Ramayana. In Geeta Lord Krishna had explained the importance of yoga in life. In many old temples there has been depiction of yoga asanas and pranayama. The cultural heritage of yoga was lost during the Mugal and British period.

According to Ashtang yoga from Patanjali, there are the following processes of yoga:1. YAMA: These are the basic principles for the benefit of society such as honesty, truthful, nonviolence, non steal. 2. NIYAM: These are the basic principles for self like a healthy body, hygienic habits, proper diet, sleep, rest, work routine etc. 3. ASANA: These are slow stretching activities performed to improve the whole body fitness. 4. PRANAYAM: This is a systematic control of breathing performed to improve the internal functioning of the whole body. Many types of kriyas are also practiced in these. 5. PRATYAHAR: These are performed to improve intellectual capabilities. It develops inner mental strength by controlling sense organs. 6. DHARNA: These are performed under the able guidance of a guru, who guides for maximum development and control of sense. 7. DHAYANA: It is the process of controlling the mind through meditation. It develops high level of concentration. 8. SAMADHI: It is the stage of super consciousness where dhayana reaches its climax. It is also the state of union with God.


1. TARR ASANA: In this asana, a person stands on toes. Slowly raises both hands as much as possible while coming on toes. BENEFITS:I. Develop legs muscles. II. Increases height in children. III. Relieves leg and ankle pain. 2. TRIKON ASANA: Feet apart, try to touch hand to foot while other hand is raised up and look up. BENEFITS:I. Improves trunk and legs flexibility. II. Reduces obesity. 3. PADMA ASANA: It is sitting with crossed legs in such a way that feet should touch the opposite hip while hands are on knees and the back is straight. BENEFITS:I. A very good meditation posture. II. Improves leg strength and flexibility. III. Cures arthritis. 4. VAJRA ASANA:- In this asana we sit with flexed legs with hands are over knees and back straight. Body is resting over the ankles. BENEFITS:I. Improves leg muscles and shapens legs. II. Cures gastric problems. 5. SHAV ASANA: It is a resting pose in a lying position. Hands and feet are motionless, face is upwards, control the breath without any disturbance. It is a relaxing pose. BENEFITS:I. II. III. Relaxes body. Stabalise the breathing. Reduces stress and tension.


ASANAS: These are slow stretching activities in which heart rate, breath rate and body temperature remain normal. The effects of yoga are internally felt and not observable. It increases concentration and controls our behavior. To show positive effects of yoga is a long process but the results are permanent. EXERCISES: Exercise is a fast activity in which heart rate, breath rate and body temperature increase. The effects are external and observable like increase in muscle mass. These effects are for shorter period and can be measured. It also improves physical fitness and wellness.


Yoga plays an important role in sports. The elements of yoga like asana, pranayam and dhyan are usually performed by sportsmen for various purposes in sports. Yoga benefits in following ways:I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. Develops Fitness Relaxes Body Improves Concentration Helpful During Off-season Improves various systems Increases Immunity Weight Control

PRANAYAM: Pranayam means control and regulation of the respiration. The practice of Pranayam is done by concentration and regulation of breathing. Pranayams are systematic breathing activities in which inhale, exhale and holding of breath (Purak, Rechak and Kumbhak) are controlled. Pranayama helps sportsmen to improve their vital capacity and breath holding capacity. Pranayam also helps in purification of blood which ultimately keep all the body organs health which is necessary to lead healthy life. MEDITATION Meditation means attention. When one sustains the attention or maintains the focus of attention through concentration unbound by time and space, then it becomes meditation. Meditation improves the concentration level of sports person and helps to learn techniques easily. It helps to keep the mind stable, it relaxes the stresses and tensions of the person.

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