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Questions tor Exam Praetiee

One Day at a Time

ot praetiee question sets
tor The New York State Biology Regents Exam
The Living Environment

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Format of this book
Thls book contalns sots ol Blo|oqy Poqonts oxam practlco quostlons orqanlzoo
lnto oays. Thoro aro a tota| ol 3O oays ol quostlon sots.
0uostlon sots aro qroupoo lnto throo catoqorlos that aro |lstoo bo|ow.

Multiplo 0hoicos: 0uostions for Fart k and 8-1 Fractico.
Thoro aro olqht oays ol quostlon sots ln thls catoqory. Practlco quostlons ln
thls catoqory tost your abl|lty to answor stralqht lorwaro mu|tlp|o cholco

Multiplo 0hoicos: 0uostions with Sraphs, Iablos and iagrams.
Thoro aro olqht oays ol quostlon sots ln thls catoqory. Practlco quostlons ln
thls catoqory aro a|so lor Part A ano B-1 Poqonts oxam practlco. Rowovor, tho
mu|tlp|o cholco quostlons ln thls catoqorlos tost your abl|lty to rocoqnlzo,
lntorprot, ano comparo lnlormatlon ln qraphs, tab|os ano olaqrams.

Short knswors: 0uostions for Fart 8-2, 0 and practico.
Thoro aro olqht oays ol quostlon sots ln thls catoqory. Practlco quostlons ln
thls catoqory vary lrom roaolnq paraqraphs to orawlnq ano qraphlnq.

A|onq wlth two sots ol mlxoo practlco quostlons ano tho two Poqonts
practlco oxams, thoro aro moro than sovon Poqonts oxams worth ol mu|tlp|o
cholco quostlons aval|ab|o lor practlco ln thls book. Thoro aro a|most llvo
oxams worth ol short answor typo quostlons aval|ab|o lor practlco ln thls

Tho sot-by-sot qrouplnq ol quostlons lnto ollloront catoqorlos a||ows lor
thoso bonollts to stuoonts:

1. To oasl|y tost ano soo whlch aroas ol quostlons thoy wl|| porlorm wo|| on.

2. Abl|lty to locus tholr stuoylnq ano practlco on aroas thoy aro struqq|lnq on.

Tho sma|| numbor ol quostlons ln oach sot a||ows lor thoso bonollts to
1. 0ulck|y oo ano corroct a low quostlons, ano soo tho rosu|t ano
porlormanco rlqht away. No nooo ol waltlnq to comp|oto a who|o oxam
boloro llnolnq how wo|| you aro oolnq.

2. loss ovorwho|m ln proparlnq lor tho roqonts oxam so stuoonts can stuoy
ano practlco moro olton.

knswors and xplanations
Answors aro qlvon to a|| quostlons ln thls book. Answor oxp|anatlons aro
qlvon to a|| quostlons (oxcopt lor tho practlco oxams) . Un|lko many othor
books, thls book Joes not just expIaIn why tho answor qlvon to a quostlon
ls tho corroct ono. lnstoao, wlth c|oan, c|oar, slmp|llloo, ano oasy-to-lo||ow
stops, thls book shows you how to pIok out key InIormatIon lrom a
quostlon ano how to thInk through the questIon to arrlvo at tho corroct
answor qlvon. Thls mothoo ol oxp|anatlons ollors you a moro qua|lty
rovlow ano unoorstanolnq ol tho blo|oqy concopt tostoo, ano a bottor
opportunlty to answor slml|ar quostlons corroct|y. lt ls hlqh|y
rocommonooo that you roao up ano stuoy tho stops qlvon ln tho
oxp|anatlons ol answors to quostlons that you olo not qot corroct.

kooping Irack of Foints and Frogross
At tho ono ol oach quostlon sot you aro provlooo wlth a spaco to noto tho
numbor ol corroct polnts altor qraolnq. Thls ls a vory lmportant, olton
ovor|ookoo, o|omont ln proparlnq lor a tost |lko tho Poqonts. By maklnq a
noto ol your polnts altor oach sot:
. You'|| bo ab|o to oasl|y soo ano koop track ol your proqross ano
lmprovomont lrom ono mu|tlp|o cholco (or short answor) sot to tho noxt.

. You'|| bo ab|o to oasl|y soo ano track whlch catoqory ol quostlons you aro
oolnq qroat on, ano whlch catoqory you aro struqq|lnq wlth
. You'|| bo to soo ll what you aro oolnq ls qottlnq you bottor proparoo lor
tho oxam as tho oxam oato oraws noar

lt ls a|most polnt|oss to stuoy oay-altor-oay wlthout knowlnq whothor your
stuoylnq ano ollort aro qottlnq you bottor proparoo lor tho tost. Thls book
a||ows you to qulck|y ano oasl|y koop track ol your polnts, whlch a||ows you
to soo proqross, lmprovomont, ano roaolnoss lor your Blo|oqy Poqonts

Froparing for your 8iology kogonts xam

Months, wooks, and days boforo tho xam

Fay attontion and liston to your toachor.
Your toachor knows you bottor than authors ol oxams prop books.
Pay attontlon ln c|ass, oo what sho or ho says ano rocommonos.

kttond koviow Sossions.
Brlnq spoclllc quostlons on concopts that you nooo tho most ho|p wlth.
You'|| qot moro out ol a rovlow sosslon ll your quostlons to spoclllc
prob|oms aro answoroo.

Fractico xam 0uality 0uostions: Uso Ihis 8ook.
Start oar|y (a month or so) ano practlco a sot ol quostlons a oay at a tlmo.
Corroct your answors ano roao up on oxp|anatlons.
Koop noto ol polnts ol oach sot to track your proqross ano lmprovomont.

Study notos and roviow packagos
Focus your stuoylnq on concopts you havo prob|oms wlth bocauso you
may not havo onouqh tlmo to stuoy ovorythlnq.
Mako notos ol concopts that aro not c|oar, ano brlnq thom to your toachor.

A|tornato botwoon stuoylnq ano practlclnq quostlons. lt ls hlqh|y
rocommonooo that you spono a |ltt|o moro tlmo tlmo practlclnq quostlons
ano a |ltt|o |oss tlmo roaolnq books ano stuoylnq rovlow packaqos.

Familiarizo yoursolf with tho curront oxam and scoring formats
Tho two lu|| Practlco Exams on 0ay 2J - 3O ln thls book aro basoo on tho
most curront Blo|oqy Poqonts oxam lormat. Tho qraolnq lormats lor a||
mu|tlp|o cholco quostlons ano short answor quostlons aro a|| basoo on
tho most curront lormats. Bolnq awaro ol thoso lormats ls a vory
lmportant o|omont ln proparlnq lor Blo|oqy Poqonts Exam.

Night boforo tho oxam
0ot a qooo nlqht s|oop, Po|ax!
ay of tho oxam
Eat a qooo moa|. Po|ax!
Brlnq poncl|s, pons, ano a ca|cu|ator.

uring tho oxam
Po|ax! Poao ano thlnk throuqh oach quostlon ano cholco thorouqh|y, ano
tako your tlmo. You know tho answor to that quostlon bocauso you'vo
workoo haro ano you'vo boon tauqht wo||. Ano most ol a||,
You got Bio
Good Luek I
Iablo of 0ontonts
Multiplo 0hoico 0uostions: Fart k and 8-1 practico.
0ay 1 ........................ Pq 1 - b
0ay 4 ........................ Pq 19 - 24
0ay J ........................ Pq 3J - 4O
0ay 1O ........................ Pq 5b - bO
0ay 13 ........................ Pq J5 - 82
0ay 1b ........................ Pq 99 - 1O4
0ay 19 ........................ Pq 121 - 12b
0ay 22 ........................ Pq 145 - 152

Multiplo 0hoico 0uostions: With graphs, tablos and diagrams
0ay 2 ........................ Pq J - 12
0ay 5 ........................ Pq 25 - 3O
0ay 8 ........................ Pq 41 - 48
0ay 11 ........................ Pq b1 - b8
0ay 14 ........................ Pq 83 - 92
0ay 1J ........................ Pq 1O5 - 114
0ay 2O ........................ Pq 12J - 138
0ay 23 ........................ Pq 153 - 1b2
Short knswor 0uostions: Fart 8-2, 0 and practico
0ay 3 ........................ Pq 13 - 18
0ay b ........................ Pq 31 - 3b
0ay 9 ........................ Pq 49 - 5b
0ay 12 ........................ Pq b9 - J4
0ay 15 ........................ Pq 93 - 98
0ay 18 ........................ Pq 115 - 12O
0ay 21 ........................ Pq 139 - 144
0ay 24 ........................ Pq 1b3 - 1b8

Mixod 0uostions
0ay 25 ........................ Pq 1b9 - 18O
0ay 2b ........................ Pq 181 - 188

Fractico xam 1
0ay 2J Mu|tlp|o Cholcos .............. Pq 189 - 2OJ
0ay 28 Short answors ............. Pq 2O8 - 231
Fractico xam 2
0ay 29 Mu|tlp|o Cholcos .............. Pq 232 - 24b
0ay 3O Short answors ............. Pq 24J - 2J2

Irack your Frogross .............. Pq 2J3 - 2J3

Slossary ........................ Pq 2JJ - 28J

Easy does it
. Practice a set oi questioos ooe day at a time. You'll ieel less overwbelmed.
Quality over Quantity
. Complete a set, correct a set, read up oo explaoatioos, aod compare your
periormaoce to previous set oi tbe same cateqory. You'll see your proqress.

Copyriqbt 2012 E3 Scbolastic Publisbioq. All Piqbts Peserved 1

Start: Answer all questions on this day betore stopping.

1. Wbicb subatomic particle is oeqatively cbarqed
(1) electroo (3) positroo
(2) oeutroo (4) protoo

2. Ao elemeot tbat is malleable aod is a qood cooductor oi beat aod
electricity could bave ao atomic oumber oi
(1) 1b (3) 29
(2) 18 (4) 35

3. Tbe cbemical boodioq io sodium pbospbate, Na
, is classiiied as
(1) iooic, ooly
(2) metallic, ooly
(3) botb covaleot aod iooic
(4) botb covaleot aod metallic

4. At b5
C, wbicb compouod bas a vapor pressure oi 58 kilopascals
(1) etbaooic acid (3) propaoe
(2) etbaool (4) water

5. Wbicb compouod is a saturated bydrocarboo
(1) Propaoal (3) propeoe
(2) propaoe (4) propyoe

b. A beta particle may be spootaoeously emitted irom
(1) a qrouod-state atom
(2) a stable oucleus
(3) ao excited electroo
(4) ao uostable oucleus

1. Tbe compouod C
aod C
bave tbe same
(1) ireezioq poiot at staodard temperature
(2) boilioq poiot at staodard temperature
(3) molecular iormula
(4) empirical iormula

1. Two closely related species oi birds live in tbe same tree. Species A ieeds on
ants and termites, wbile species B ieeds on caterpillars. Tbe two species coexist
successiully because
(1) eacb occupies a diiierent nicbe
(2) tbey interbreed
(3) tbey use diiierent metbods oi reproduction
(4) birds compete ior iood
2. buman liver cell is very diiierent in structure and iunction irom a nerve cell in
tbe same person. Tbis is best explained by tbe iact tbat
(1) diiierent genes iunction in eacb type oi cell
(2) liver cells can reproduce wbile tbe nerve cells cannot
(3) liver cells contain iewer cbromosomes tban nerve cells
(4) diiierent DN is present in eacb type oi cell
3. Tbe levels oi organization ior structure and iunction in tbe buman body irom
least complex to most complex are
(1) systems organs tissues cells
(2) cells organs tissues systems
(3) tissues systems cells organs
(4) cells tissues organs systems
4. iter a rabbit population reacbes tbe carrying capacity oi its babitat, tbe
population oi rabbits will most likely
(1) decrease, only
(2) increase, only
(3) alternately increase and decrease
(4) remain uncbanged
5. Mucb oi tbe carbon dioxide produced by green plants is nu excreted as a
metabolic waste because it
(1) can be used ior pbotosyntbesis
(2) is too large to pass tbrougb cell membranes
(3) is needed ior cellular respiration
(4) can be used ior tbe syntbesis oi proteins

Day 1: 10 Multiple Choiee Questions
10 points
2 Copyriqbt 2012 E3 Scbolastic Publisbioq. All Piqbts Peserved

8. Wbicb particle diaqram represeots a mixture oi elemeots aod a

9. Wbat is tbe total amouot oi beat absorbed by 100.0 qrams oi water
wbeo tbe temperature oi tbe water is iocreased irom 30.0
C to 45
(1) 418 J (3) 12 500 J
(2) b210 J (4) 18 000 J
Stop. Correct your aoswers aod oote bow maoy correct Points
Day 1
b. Wbicb part oi a molecule provides energy ior liie processes?

(1) carbon atoms (3) cbemical bonds
(2) oxygen atoms (4) inorganic nitrogen

J. To increase cbances ior a successiul organ transplant, tbe person receiving tbe
organ sbould be given special medications. Tbe purpose oi tbese medications
is to

(1) increase tbe immune response in tbe person receiving tbe transplant
(2) decrease tbe immune response in tbe person receiving tbe transplant
(3) decrease mutations in tbe person receiving tbe transplant
(4) increase mutations in tbe person receiving tbe transplant

8. Competition between two species occurs wben

(1) mold grows on a tree tbat bas iallen in tbe iorest
(2) cbipmunks and squirrels eat sunilower seeds in a garden
(3) a crow ieeds on tbe remains oi a rabbit killed on tbe road
(4) a lion stalks, kills, and eats an antelope
9. In order to reduce consumption oi nonrenewable resources, bumans could

(1) burn coal to beat bouses instead oi using oil
(2) beat bousebold water witb solar radiation
(3) increase industrialization
(4) use a natural-gas grill to barbecue instead oi using cbarcoal

1O. Four environmental iactors are listed below.
A. energy
B. water
C. oxygen
D. minerals
Wbicb iactors limit environmental carrying capacity in a land ecosystem?

(1) A, only (3) A, C, and D, only
(2) B, C, and D, only (4) A, B, C, and D
Day 1: eontinue
Copyriqbt 2012 E3 Scbolastic Publisbioq. All Piqbts Peserved 3

4 Copyriqbt 2012 E3 Scbolastic Publisbioq. All Piqbts Peserved

1) 1 Noie : Key phrose io tbis questioo is `neoi|ve|y choreo
Peco||. Electroos are oeqatively cbarqed particles
2) 3 Peco||: Mo||eoo|||iy aod ooo conoucior are pbysical properties oi meio|s.
Pe|oie: Elemeot 29, Copper, is a metal
3) 3 Noie: Sodium pbospbate (Na
) is ao iooic compouod witb
tbree diiiereot elemeots.
Peco||: Iooic compouods witb 3 or more elemeots always cootaio
botb iooic aod covaleot boods
4) 2 Peco||: Vapor pressure-temperature relatioosbip is oo Table H
Use Peiereoce Table H to determioe aoswer.
5) 2 Peco||. Soiuroieo hyorocoroons are tbe o|kones.
Pe|oie: Propone (witb one oame eodioq) is ao alkone.
b) 4 Peco||: Io ouclear radioactivity, ONLY unsioo|e nuc|e| sponioneous|y oecoy
by emittioq a beta, ao alpba or a positroo particle.
1) 4 Noie: Botb C
aod C
cao be reduced (by Greatest Factor oi 2)
to emp|r|co| tormu|o oi CHZ
8) 4 Peco||: Ao elemeot is composed oi ooe or more oi tbe same atom.
A compouod is composed oi two or more diiiereot atoms.
Noie: Diaqram 4 is sbowioq a mixture oi tbe two.
9) 2 Peco||. beat (q) equatioos are qiveo Table T
Noie: Tbis beat questioo iovolves iemperoiure chone.
Choose correct beat equatioo, q = mC T to set up aod solve
Sei up: q = m x C x T
So|ve: q = (100) (4.18) (15) = b210 J
10) 1 Peco||. Table Q qives tbe qeoeral iormula ior alkyoes, CoH2o-2
Deierm|ne wbicb oi tbe cboices iits tbis qeoeral iormula
Noie: C2H2 is correct iormula oi alkyoe b/c tbere are 2 C atoms,
aod tbe 2 H atoms is twice tbe * oi C atoms mious 2. (2(2) - 2)
1. 1 Nuo: Since eacb oi tbe two Species ieeds on diiierent insect on
tbe same babitat (tree), eacb is periorming a diiierent
iunction or role witbin tbat babitat.
PoaII: Tbe word n:Io in Cboice 1 best describes tbe diiierent
iunctions played by tbe two species in tbe same babitat.
2. 1 Nuo: Tbe word ono in Cboice 1 best describes wby tbe two
cells bave diiierent iunctions and structures.
PoaII: Cene is a unit oi beredity tbat bolds instructions and
iniormation (genetic codes) ior building and maintaining
cells to periorm certain iunction.
One cell is diiierent irom tbe otbers because it contains
diiierent genetic code.
3. 4 Nuo: Cboice 1 and 3 sbould be eliminated rigbt away because
tbe correct cboice sbould start witb cells, tbe basic and
least complex unit oi liie.
Cboice 4 is correct because Cells are tbe building materials
ior Tissues, and tissues iorm Organs, and a group oi
organs make up a 5ystem tbat periorms a certain liie
iunction. (C-TO5)
4. 3 PoaII: Population growtb oi tbe rabbit in its babitat goes
tbrougb a periodic increase (due to birtb) and decrease
(due to deatb) as a mean oi maintaining population
Nuo: Population homeostasis is necessary ior tbe survival oi
tbe rabbit (or any) species.
5. 1 Nuo: Tbe key pbrases in tbis question are earbon dioxide and
green plants
PoaII: Carbon dioxide, CO

is a key reactant in pbotosyntbesis
process tbat is carried out by green plants and algae.
O -------- > C

Day 1: Answers and Explanations
Copyriqbt 2012 E3 Scbolastic Publisbioq. All Piqbts Peserved 5

b. 3 PoaII: Cbemical bonds bold atoms oi molecules togetber.
Potential energy is stored in ehemieal bonds oi molecules
Energy is released ior liie processes wben tbese bonds are
broken and iormed
J. 2 PoaII: transplant involve introducing a ioreign organ into tbe
organ recipient.
PoaII: Tbe recipient body is likely to reject tbis ioreign organ by a
mean oi immune response to attack tbe ioreign organ.
TIorouro: Special medications given to tbe organ recipient serve to
decrease tbe immune response (or lessen cbance oi
rejection) and increase a cbance oi successiul transplant.
Nuo: Cboice 1 is incorrect because increase immune response
means increase cbance oi rejection
Cboice 3 and 4 are incorrect because mutations bave
notbing to do witb organ transplants
8. 2 Nuo: Tbe key word in tbis question is competition
PoaII: Competition occurs wben diiierent species in tbe same
babitat attempt to use tbe same resources ior survival.
Nuo: Only Cboice 2 indicates diiierent species (cbipmunks and
squirrels) using tbe same resource (sunilower seeds) in tbe
same babitat (garden)
9. 2 Nuo: One way oi reducing consumption oi nonrenewable
resources is to use renewable resources ior tbe same
PoaII: Solar (sun) energy is a renewable resource tban can be used
as a beat source in place oi burning up nonrenewable
resources sucb as oil , coal and natural gases
1O. 4 Nuo: ll iour iactors are necessary ior survival oi species, and
all iour can be used up ii tbe population oi species gets too
large in tbe land ecosystem.
TIorouro: Carrying capacity oi tbe land ecosystem depends on all
iour iactors.
Day 1: Answers and Explanations
0 Copyriqbt 2012 E3 Scbolastic Publisbioq. All Piqbts Peserved
Copyriqbt 2012 E3 Scbolastic Publisbioq. All Piqbts Peserved 7

Start: Answer all questions on this day betore stopping.

Two isotopes oi potassium are K-31 aod K-42.

1. Wbat is tbe total oumber oi oeutroos io tbe oucleus oi a K-31
atom [1|
2. How maoy valaoce electroos are io ao atom oi K-42 io tbe qrouod
state [1|

3. Explaio, io terms oi subatomic particles, wby K-31 aod K-42 are
isotopes oi potassium [1|


4. Wbat is tbe beat oi reactioo ior tbe iorward reactioo [1| ____ KJ

5. Wbat is tbe activatioo eoerqy ior tbe iorward reactioo witb
tbe catalyst [1| _____KJ

b. Explaio, io terms oi tbe iuoctioo oi a catalyst, wby tbe curves oo tbe
poteotial eoerqy diaqram ior tbe catalyzed aod tbe uocatalyzed
reactioos are diiiereot [1|

1. In tbe diagram below, wbat does X most likely represent?
(1) autotropbs (3) decomposers
(2) berbivores (4) carnivores
2. Tbe illustration below sbows an insect resting on some green leaves. Tbe size,
sbape, and green color oi tbis insect are adaptations tbat would most likely
belp tbe insect to
(1) compete successiully witb all birds
(2) make its own iood
(3) bide irom predators
(4) avoid toxic waste materials
3. Wbicb cell structure contains iniormation needed ior protein syntbesis?

Day 2: 10 Multiple Choiee Questions witb
10 points

8 Copyriqbt 2012 E3 Scbolastic Publisbioq. All Piqbts Peserved

Alumioum is ooe oi tbe most abuodaot metals io Eartb's crust.
Tbe alumioum compouod iouod io bauxite ore is Al
. Over ooe
buodred years aqo, it was diiiicult aod expeosive to isolate alumioum irom
bauxite ore. Io 188b, a brotber aod sister team, Cbarles aod Julia Hall,
iouod tbat molteo (melted) cryolite, Na
, would dissolve bauxite ore.
Electrolysis oi tbe resultioq mixture caused tbe alumioum ioos io tbe Al
to be reduced to molteo alumioum metal. Tbis less expeosive process is
koowo as tbe Hall process.
1. Write tbe oxidatioo state ior eacb oi tbe elemeots io cryolite. [1|
8. Write a balaoce bali-reactioo equatioo ior tbe reductioo oi
to Al . [1|
9. Explaio, io terms oi ioos, wby molteo cryolite cooducts electricity. [1|
10. Explaio, io terms oi electrical eoerqy, bow tbe operatioo oi a voltaic
cell diiiers irom tbe operatioo oi ao electrolytic cell used io tbe Hall
process. Ioclude botb voltaic cell aod electrolytic cell io your
aoswer. [1|

4. Tbe diagram below represents a biocbemical process. Wbicb molecule is
represented by X?

(1) DN (3) protein
(2) starcb (4) TP

5. Wbicb statement best explains tbe cbange sbown in tbe diagram below?

(1) Cene expression in an organism can be modiiied by interactions witb tbe
(2) Certain rabbits produce mutations tbat aiiect genes in speciiic areas oi tbe
(3) Sorting and recombination oi genes can be iniluenced by very cold
(4) Molecular arrangement in existing proteins can be altered by
environmental iactors.

b. Wbicb grapb represents a population tbat grew and is maintained at tbe
carrying capacity oi its ecosystem?
Day 2: eontinue

Copyriqbt 2012 E3 Scbolastic Publisbioq. All Piqbts Peserved 9

J. Tbe diagram below represents a common laboratory tecbnique in molecular

One common use oi tbis tecbnology is tbe

(1) production oi a buman embryo to aid women wbo are unable to bave cbildren
(2) cbange oi single-celled organisms to multicellular organisms
(3) introduction oi a toxic substance to kill bacterial cells
(4) production oi bormones or enzymes to replace missing buman body cbemicals

Baoo your anoworo to quootiono 9 anJ 10 on tho Jiayram hoIow, whioh roprooonto
otayoo in tho Jiyootion oI a otaroh, anJ on your knowIoJyo oI hioIoyy.

8. Tbe products would most likely contain

(1) simple sugars (3) amino acids
(2) iats (4) minerals

9. Tbe structure labeled X most likely represents

(1) an antibody (3) an enzyme
(2) a receptor molecule (4) a bormone

Day 2: eontinue
10 Copyriqbt 2012 E3 Scbolastic Publisbioq. All Piqbts Peserved

Stop. Correct your aoswers aod oote bow maoy correct Points
Day 2
1O. Tbe arrows in tbe diagram below illustrate processes in tbe liie oi
a species tbat reproduces sexually.
Wbicb processes result directly in tbe iormation oi cells witb bali tbe
amount oi genetic material tbat is cbaracteristic oi tbe species?

(1) 1 and 2 (3) 3 and 4
(2) 2 and 3 (4) 4 and 5
Day 2: eontinue
Copyriqbt 2012 E3 Scbolastic Publisbioq. All Piqbts Peserved 11

1. 3 Nuo: In tbe iood cbain diagram sbown, X derive tbeir energy
irom producers (green plants) and consumers (animals).
PoaII: Oi all tbe organisms listed, ONLY decomposers ( X )
derive tbeir energy irom decayed plants and animal tissues.
Nuo: Wben decomposers died tbey leave bebind minerals in tbe
soil. Producers tben use tbese minerals grow, and start tbe
iood cbain cycle all over again .
2. 3 Note: In tbe diagram sbown, tbe insect is blended in (camouilaged)
witb tbe patterns on tbe leave.
PoaII: By adapting ieatures sucb as sbape, size, and colors tbat
allow blending in witb its environment, tbe insect can
hide, and remain unnotieed trom predators. (ehoiee 3)
Nuo: Tbese adaptation ieatures are not necessary ior any oi tbe
otber tbree bebaviors oi tbe insect listed in cboices 1,2 and 4.

3. 2 PoaII: Protein syntbesis is carried out in tbe ribosomes oi cells.
Nuo: In tbe plant cell diagram, ribosome is labeled witb Cboice 2
Nuo: Cboice 1 is tbe nucleolus (contains cbromosome, genetic inio)
Cboice 3 is tbe vacuole (stores materials sucb as water and starcb)
Cboice 4 is tbe cell wall (protects tbe cell)

4. 4 Nuo: Tbe key iniormation in tbe diagram is cellular respiration
PoaII: In cellular respiration, glucose and oxygen are converted to
water and carbon dioxide (waste products) , and energy in
tbe iorm oi TP (X)
----------- > CO
oIIuIar ro:p:ra:un wa:o pruuu: X

5. 1 Nuo: Tbe obvious tbing about tbis diagram is tbe color cbange oi
tbe rabbits iur irom wbite to black wbere tbe ice packed
was placed.
PoaII: Cbaracteristics (sucb as eye color, skin color, iur color) oi
an individual are all results oi gene expressions.
Environmental iactors sucb as temperature cbange (ice pack)
can alter gene expression oi an individual, bence , cbange in
cbaracteristics (wbite to black iur) oi tbe individual.
Day 2: Answers and Explanations
12 Copyriqbt 2012 E3 Scbolastic Publisbioq. All Piqbts Peserved
b. 4 Note: Tbe key iniormation in tbis question is tbat population
grew and is maintained
Note: Only Cboice 4 grapb sbows a rapid population
increase (growtb) but levels oii (maintained) at a
certain population size (carrying capacity).
J. 4 Nuo: Tbe process depicted in tbe diagram is known as
Pecombinant DN
PoaII: In Pecombinant DN process, a portion oi a DN is
moved irom tbe donor cell (buman) to tbe recipient
cell (bacteria).
Tbis process will allow tbe bacteria cell to rapidly
produce cbemicals (bormones or enzymes) tbat tbe
DN section codes ior.
8. 1 Nuo: In tbe diagram, tbe products are smaller units oi tbe
PoaII: Starcbes are complex carbobydrate, wbicb are
composed oi smaller and simpler molecules oi sugar.
9. 3 Nuo: In tbe diagram, substance X is uncbanged during tbe
cbemical breakdown oi tbe starcb.
PoaII: Substances tbat are uncbanged during biological (or
cbemical) processes are called enzymes or catalysts.
TIorouro: X is an enzyme because it is uncbanged
1O. 1 PoaII: Egg (1) and sperm (2) cells eacb contains bali tbe
genetic materials oi an individual as a result oi

Day 2: Answers and Explanations
Copyriqbt 2012 E3 Scbolastic Publisbioq. All Piqbts Peserved 13

Start: Answer all questions on this day betore stopping

1. Wbicb elemeot bas tbe qreatest deosity at STP
(1) barium (3) maqoesium
(2) beryllium (4) radium

2. A 1.0-mole sample oi kryptoo qas bas a mass oi
(1) 19 q (3) 39 q
(2) 3b q (4) 84 q

3. Staodard pressure is equal to
(1) 1 atm (3) 213 atm
(2) 1 kPa (4) 213 kPa

4. Accordioq to tbe kioetic molecular tbeory, tbe molecules oi ao ideal
(1) bave a strooq attractioo ior eacb otber
(2) bave a siqoiiicaot volume
(3) move io raodom, coostaot, straiqbt-lioe motioo
(4) are closely packed io a reqular repeatioq pattero

5. Tbe isomers butaoe aod metbyl propaoe diiier io tbeir
(1) molecular iormulas
(2) structural iormula
(3) total oumber oi atoms per molecule
(4) total oumber oi boods per molecule

b. Io tbe iormula X
O , tbe symbol X could represeot ao elemeot io
(1) 1 (3) 15
(2) 2 (4) 18

1. Molarity is deiioed as
(1) moles oi solutes per kiloqram oi solveot
(2) moles oi solute per liter oi solutioo
(3) mass oi a solutioo
(4) volume oi solveot

1. cetylcboline is a cbemical secreted at tbe ends oi nerve cells. Tbis cbemical
belps to send nerve signals across synapses (spaces between nerve cells). iter
tbe signal passes across a synapse, an enzyme breaks down tbe acetylcboline.
LSD is a drug tbat blocks tbe action oi tbis enzyme. Describe uno possible
eiiect oi LSD on tbe action oi acetylcboline. |1]
2. Mice store only a small amount oi tbe energy tbey obtain irom plants tbey eat.
State wbat migbt bappen to some oi tbe remaining energy tbey obtain irom tbe
plants. |1]
3. State uno reason tbat most ioods must be digested beiore tbey can enter a cell. |1]
4. Cell sbown below is a typical red onion cell in water on a slide viewed witb a
compound ligbt microscope.

Draw a diagram oi bow cell would most likely look aiter salt water bas been
added to tbe slide and label tbe cell membrane in your diagram. |2]

Day 3: Short Answer Questions
10 points
14 Copyriqbt 2012 E3 Scbolastic Publisbioq. All Piqbts Peserved

8. Tbe diaqram below represeots tbe briqbt-lioe spectra oi iour elemeots
aod a briqbt-lioe spectrum produced by a mixture oi two oi tbese
Wbicb two elemeots are io tbis mixture
(1) barium aod bydroqeo (3) belium aod bydroqeo
(2) barium aod litbium (4) belium aod litbium
9. Wbicb sample, wbeo dissolved io 1.0 liter oi water, produces a
solutioo witb tbe lowest ireezioq poiot
(1) 0.1 mol oi C
(2) 0.1 mol oi LiBr
(3) 0.2 mol oi C

(4) 0.2 mol oi CaCl2
10. Cobalt-b0 aod iodioe-131 are radioactive isotopes tbat are used io
(1) datioq qeoloqic iormatioos
(2) iodustrial measuremeots
(3) medical procedures
(4) ouclear power

Baoo your anoworo to quootiono 5 anJ 6 on tho inIormation anJ Jata tahIo
hoIow anJ on your knowIoJyo oI hioIoyy.

student cut tbree identical slices irom a potato. Sbe determined tbe mass oi
eacb slice. Sbe tben placed tbem in labeled beakers and added a diiierent
solution to eacb beaker. iter 3O minutes, sbe removed eacb potato slice irom
its solution, removed tbe excess liquid witb a paper towel, and determined tbe
mass oi eacb slice. Tbe cbange in mass was calculated and tbe results are
sbown in tbe data table below.

5. Identiiy tbe process tbat is responsible ior tbe cbange in mass oi eacb oi tbe
tbree slices. |1]


b. Explain wby tbe potato slice in beaker 1 increased in mass. |1]



Day 3: eontinue

Copyriqbt 2012 E3 Scbolastic Publisbioq. All Piqbts Peserved 15

Baoo your anoworo to quootiono 8 throuyh 10 on tho Jiayram hoIow anJ on
your knowIoJyo oI hioIoyy. Tho Jiayram ohowo tho roouIto oI a toohniquo uooJ
to anaIyzo DNA.

J. Tbis tecbnique used to analyze DN directly results in
(1) syntbesizing large iragments oi DN
(2) separating DN iragments on tbe basis oi size
(3) producing genetically engineered DN molecules
(4) removing tbe larger DN iragments irom tbe samples

8. Tbis laboratory tecbnique is known as
(1) gel electropboresis
(2) DN replication
(3) protein syntbesis
(4) genetic recombination

9. State uno speciiic way tbe results oi tbis laboratory tecbnique could be used. |1]



Day 3: Continue
10 Copyriqbt 2012 E3 Scbolastic Publisbioq. All Piqbts Peserved
1. 1 point
Nuo: ccording to tbe paragrapb:
cetylcboline belps to carry nerve signals.
special enzyme is present to destroy acetylcboline
LSD blocks action oi tbe enzyme tbat destroys acetylcboline.

Cuo::un: Wbat is tbe indirect eiiect oi LSD on action oi

Aeeeptable responses inelude BUT not limited to .

TIo wurr u aoyIIuI:no wuuIu uur un:nuuu:Iy.
Norvo ::naI: wuuIu nu uo urnou u.
CoII unnun:a:un wuuIu uo u::rupou.

2. 1 point
PoaII: Energy is needed ior many liie iunctions oi living organisms.

Aeeeptable responses inelude BUT not limited to:

MuI u Io onory :: Iu: a: Ioa {uur:n oIIuIar ro:p:ra:un).

Suno u Io onory :: u:ou uy Io n:o ur I:o un:un:.

3. 1 point
PoaII: Nutrients in iood are made up oi large molecules.

Digestion breaks down tbese large molecules into smaller ones
Aeeeptable responses inelude BUT not limited to:

Cora:n uuu nuIouIo: aro uu Iaro u pa:: IruuI Io oII

CnIy :naII nuIouIo: an pa:: IruuI oII nonurano:.

Day 3: Answers and Explanations
Copyriqbt 2012 E3 Scbolastic Publisbioq. All Piqbts Peserved 17

4. 2 point
PoaII: cell placed in bypertonic solution (salt water) will lose
water tbrougb osmosis. Tbis lost oi water causes tbe internal
compartment (cytoplasm) to sbrink and pull away irom tbe
cell wall.
5inee your diagram will vary trom example shown below,
Aeeeptable drawing must show:

. TIo yupIa:n u Io oII :IuuIu uo pIa:nuIyzou {:naIIor,
ruunuou) w:I Io oII nonurano away run Io oII waII. J1 point)
. TIo oII nonurano :IuuIu uo IoarIy IauoIou. (1 point)

5. 1 point
Nuo: Based on tbe data given, tbe cbange in mass is due to
movement oi water eitber into a potato slice (Beaker 1) or
out oi a potato slice (Beaker 2 and 3).
Aeeeptable response will be any proeess that deseribes
movement ot water trom one area to another.
Pa:::vo ran:pur
6. 1 point
Nuo: Tbere is a bigber concentration oi water in Beaker 1
(distilled water) tban inside a potato slice

Aeeeptable responses inelude, but are not limited to:

Waor u:u:ou :nu Io oII: u Io puau uoau:o Ioro ::
a I:Ior unonra:un u waor uu::uo Ian :n::uo Io :I:o.

TIo puau :I:o :nroa:ou :n waor unon.
Day 3: Answers and Explanations

18 Copyriqbt 2012 E3 Scbolastic Publisbioq. All Piqbts Peserved
J. 1 point 3
Nuo: Tbe diagram sbown is irom a result oi gel electropboresis.
PoaII: CoI electropboresis :oparao: ranon: u a
u:uIu:aI nuIouIo {:uI a: DNA) uy ::zo:. Laro: ::zo
ranon: un up, :naIIo: ::zo ranon: a Io uuun.
8. 1 point 1
PoaII: During gel eleetrophoresis proeess, samples containing
a mixture oi polarized DN iragments are separated
(by using electrical current) according to tbeir sizes.
Electric iield is tben used to pull tbe polarized iragments
tbrougb tbe gel. Smaller size DN iragments move iaster
and appear as blots at tbe bottom. Larger size DN
iragments move more slowly, and appear as blots closer to
tbe top.
9. 1 point
Nuo: Tbe purpose oi gel electropboresis is to separate DN
iragments by size, and tben compare tbe blot patterns to tbat
oi a known source.
Cuo::un ::: For wbat purpose would one compare DN
Aeeeptable responses inelude, but are not limited to:
Doorn:n:n ovuIu:unary roIa:un:I:p:
Cono o::n ur u:anu:::
Paorn:y o::n
Doorn:n:n :uon:y
SuIv:n r:no:

Day 3: Answers and Explanations
Copyriqbt 2012 E3 Scbolastic Publisbioq. All Piqbts Peserved 233

Part A: Answer all questions in this part. [30 points]
D:ro:un: (1-3O): For oaI statement or question, write on your separate
answer sbeet tbe nunuor oi tbe word or expression tbat, oi tbose given, best
completes tbe statement or answers tbe question.

39. Wbicb particle bas tbe least mass
He (3)
H (4)
40. Wbat ioiormatioo is oecessary to determioe tbe atomic mass oi tbe
elemeot cblorioe
(5) Tbe atomic mass oi eacb artiiicially produced isotope oi cblorioe,
(b) Tbe relative abuodaoces oi eacb oaturally occurrioq isotope oi
cblorioe, ooly
(1) Tbe atomic mass aod tbe relative abuodaoces oi eacb oaturally
occurrioq isotope oi cblorioe
(8) Tbe atomic mass aod tbe relative abuodaoces oi eacb oaturally
occurrioq aod artiiicially produced isotope oi cblorioe

41. Io ao atom oi arqoo-40, tbe oumber oi protoos
(5) equals tbe oumber oi electroos
(b) equals tbe oumber oi oeutroos
(1) is less tbao tbe oumber oi electroos
(8) is qreater tbao tbe oumber oi electroos

42. Ao electroo is a sodium atom moves irom tbe tbird sbell to tbe iourtb
sbell. Tbis cbaoqe is a result oi tbe atom
(3) absorbioq eoerqy (3) qaioioq ao electroo
(4) releasioq eoerqy (4) losioq ao electroo
Start: Answer all questions in Part A and B-1 betore stopping.

1 Wbicb pbrase is an example oi autotropbic nutrition?

(1) a cow eating grass in a iield
(2) a musbroom digesting a dead log
(3) an apple tree making its own iood
(4) a tapeworm ieeding in tbe body oi a dog
2 Tbe ability oi estrogen to aiiect certain cells depends directly on

(1) amino acids (3) gametes
(2) receptor molecules (4) nerve cells
3 By studying tbe cbemicals in rare plants tbat grow only in rain iorests, scientists
bope to discover new liie-saving medicines. Cbances oi iinding sucb new
medicines are reduced by
(1) predation by carnivores
(2) bomeostasis in organisms
(3) recycling oi materials in iood webs
(4) loss oi species due to buman activities
4 Wben a species includes organisms witb a wide variety oi traits, it is most likely
tbat tbis species will bave
(1) a bigb proportion oi individuals immune to genetic diseases
(2) a greater cbance to survive ii environmental conditions suddenly cbange
(3) less success competing ior resources
(4) limitless supplies oi important resources, sucb as iood and water
5 Some diseases and tbeir causes are listed below.
. Fluiniluenza virus
B. Lung cancersmoking
C. Cystic iibrosisgenes
D. Dysenteryparasitic ameba

Wbicb disease would individuals bave tbe greatest diiiiculty preventing in
(1) A (3) C
(2) B (4) D
Day 29: Biology Regents. Praetiee Exam 2

234 Copyriqbt 2012 E3 Scbolastic Publisbioq. All Piqbts Peserved

43. Wbicb statemeot describes oxyqeo qas, O
(q) aod ozooe qas, O
(5) Tbey bave diiiereot molecular structures, ooly
(b) Tbey bave diiiereot properties, ooly
(1) Tbey bave diiiereot molecular structures aod diiiereot properties
(8) Tbey bave tbe same molecular structures aod tbe same properties
44. Wbicb statemeot describes a cbemical property oi bromioe
(5) Bromioe is soluble io water.
(b) Bromioe bas a reddisb-browo color.
(1) Bromioe combioes witb alumioum to produce AlBr
(8) Bromioe cbaoqes irom liquid to a qas at 332 K aod 1 atm.

45. Ao atom oi alumioum io tbe qrouod state aod ao atom oi qallium io
tbe qrouod state bave tbe same
(5) mass
(b) electrooeqativity
(1) total oumber oi protoos
(8) total oumber oi valaoce electroos
4b. Wbicb type oi matter is composed oi two or more elemeots tbat are
cbemically combioed io a iixed proportioo
(5) Solutioo
(b) Compouod
(1) Homoqeoeous mixture
(8) Heteroqeoeous mixture
41. Wbicb type oi substaoce cao cooduct electricity io tbe liquid pbase but
oot io tbe solid pbase
(5) Iooic compouod
(b) Molecular compouod
(1) Metallic elemeot
(8) Noometallic elemeot
b Tbe diagram below represents tbe banding pattern ior buman cbromosome 11,
witb some oi tbe bands labeled.

Tbe bands represent
(1) proteins (3) starcbes
(2) genes (4) enzymes

J liver cell can make enzymes tbat a beart cell can nu make because liver cells
(1) digest large, complex molecules
(2) contain more DN tban beart cells
(3) use diiierent genes tban tbe beart cells use
(4) remove carbon dioxide irom blood

8 s male cbildren get older, some begin to closely resemble tbeir iatbers and
bave no resemblance to tbeir motbers. Wbicb statement best explains tbis

(1) Several sperm iertilized tbe egg, so tbe iertilized egg contained more genes
irom tbeir iatber.
(2) More genes are inberited irom tbe sperm cell oi tbeir iatber tban irom tbe
cell oi tbeir motber, so most traits will be like tbose oi tbeir iatber.
(3) More genes irom tbeir iatber are expressed in traits tbat can be seen, and
more genes irom tbeir motber are expressed in traits tbat cannot be seen,
sucb as blood type or enzyme iunction.
(4) Cenes irom tbeir iatber are stronger tban genes irom tbeir motber, so tbe

Day 29: Biology Regents. Praetiee Exam 2
Copyriqbt 2012 E3 Scbolastic Publisbioq. All Piqbts Peserved 273

How well bave you beeo improvioq oo tbe multiple cboice questioos
It's easy to iiod out.

Get the eorreet points tbat you ooted at tbe eod oi eacb multiple cboice
questioos ior Part A aod B-1 practice sets.

Plot the points oo tbe qrapbs below. You bope to see ao upward treod oo
eacb qrapb.

1 4 7 10
13 10 19 22


Traek Your Progress
Multiple Choiee Questions: Part A and B-1
274 Copyriqbt 2012 E3 Scbolastic Publisbioq. All Piqbts Peserved.
How well bave you beeo improvioq oo tbe multiple cboice questioos witb
Grapbs, Tables, aod Diaqrams It's easy to iiod out.
Get the eorreet points tbat you ooted at tbe eod oi eacb multiple cboice
questioos witb Grapbs, Tables, aod Diaqrams.
Plot the points oo tbe qrapbs below. You bope to see ao upward treod oo
eacb qrapb.

2 5 8 11
14 17 20 23
Traek Your Progress
Multiple Choiee Questions: Graphs, Tables, and diagrams
Copyriqbt 2012 E3 Scbolastic Publisbioq. All Piqbts Peserved 275
How well bave you beeo improvioq oo tbe Sbort Aoswer Questioos.
It's easy to iiod out.

Get the eorreet points tbat you ooted at tbe eod oi eacb Sbort Aoswer
questioos Part B-1, C aod D practice sets.

Plot the points oo tbe qrapbs below. You bope to see ao upward treod oo
tbe qrapb.

Traek Your Progress
Short Answers Questions: Part B-2, C and D Praetiee

3 0 9 12 15 18 21 24
288 Copyriqbt 2012 E3 Scbolastic Publisbioq. All Piqbts Peserved.

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