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1. What is the meaning of science? 2. The following are procedures involved in scientific studies. Arrange them in a correct order.

. Controlling variables Collecting data Making a report Interpreting data Analysing data Identifying problem Making conclusion Planning investigation Making hypothesis 3. Below diagram shows the set of apparatus used in an experiment carried out by a group of students to study the factors affecting the period of oscillation of a pendulum.

a) State one problem, which need to be identified in this experiment. b) What is the hypothesis of this experiment? c) State the variables involved in this experiment: i) Constant variable: ii) Independent variable: iii) Dependent variable: .

d) What is the meaning of period of oscillation? e) Predict the time for 20 complete oscillations if the length of pendulum is 80 cm. .. f) Can the hypothesis in question (b) be accepted? g) What conclusion can the students make from this experiment? . 4. Determine the physical quantities used in each of the following measurements. Then identify the S.I. unit for each physical quantity. Measurement Physical quantity S.I. unit a) The mass of a sack of rice is 10 kg. b) The length of the cloth is 3 m. c) The water in the kettle takes 360 s to boil d) The temperature of object X is 400 K e) The amount of electric current flowing in the wire is 10 A. 5. Write the value of each physical quantity in the prefix form and standard form. Value of physical quantity Prefix Standard form a) 8 000 g b) 0.000 005 m c) 6 000 000 K d) 0.004 A e) 300 000 cm

6. Give the symbols for the following prefixes: (a) Micro: .. (b) Mega: (c) Giga: (d) Centi: (e) Kilo: (f) Milli: . (g) nano: .(f) Tera: ... 8. (i) Diagram below shows three types of balances.

. .. (a) Name each types of balance. (b) Which balance measures weight and mass respectively? Weight:. Mass: .. (c) Name the measurement unit used by each balance.

P: .. Q: . R: . (ii) An astronaut has a mass 72 kg and a weight of 720 N. Calculate his mass and weight on the Moon. [The gravity force on the Moon is 1/6 of the gravity force on the Earth.] .. 9. Determine the volume of regular and irregular solid objects. a) Regular shape of solid object i) State the number of marbles. ii) State the volume of marbles. iii) State the volume of 1 marble.

. b) Irregular shape of solid object

i) State the volume of stone: . ii) State the volume of cork: ... 10. Find the estimated area of each diagram below.


11. Name the labelled parts of a typical animal cell and a typical plant cell in diagram below.

12. Complete the table below.

ff 13. Based on the structures of the animal cell and the plant cell in question 1, complete the above diagram. rence

14. Classify these organisms as unicellular or multicellular organisms. Starfish Amoeba Mushroom Earthworm Hydra Paramecium Euglena Yeast Cat

Chlamydomonas Bacteria

Unicellular: . Multicellular: .. 15. Identify each organ and state the system that it belongs to.

a) .. b) .. c) ..

d) . e) f) . 16. State the order of cellular organization in organisms. 17. Figure below shows the diagrams of organisms X, Y and Z.

. .. (a) Name the organisms shown above.

(b) State whether organisms X, Y and Z are multicellular or unicellular organisms. Explain your answer. ... (c) Can organisms X, Y and Z be seen with the naked eye? If not, state a tool that can be used to look at the organisms. .. (d) State three cell structures that are present in all the organisms shown above.

.. (e) Are tissues and organs present in the bodies of organisms X, Y and Z? Explain your answer. ..

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