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Core Inner Game

Master The Real Secrets of Successful Hypnotists and Leading Persuaders

By Nathan Thomas

Disclaimer and Legal Notices

I am not a trained psychologist in fact, there is no reason why you should listen to me at all. These ideas are just that ideas. They may help you out, if you use them, they may not. Whatever you do with this information is 100% down to you. I accept no responsibility or liability what so ever for your actions or their consequences. I think these ideas and stories have helped me release my full potential and live life to the full. I hope theyll do the same for you. It is your job to think about and research this information before you use it. While I have worked like crazy to verify everything here, I may have made some big mistakes. It happens, Im only human, and as such I take no responsibility for any errors, inaccuracies or omissions. Use and believe this report entirely at your own risk. Any slights or people or organizations are unintentional, and any endorsements and references to other people or organizations reflect my opinions only. I have worked hard only to mention and reference resources which are truly valuable and have helped me in my personal journey, but this reflects only my personal opinion. Buy anything from any link within this report and Ill probably receive some form of compensation. This material is copyrighted Nathan Thomas. Thats me. You cannot distribute, share, send or copy any part of this report without written and signed consent from me. I worked extremely hard to research, analyse and present the information in this report, and me and my lawyers will not take kindly to any infringement of copyright. Your use of this material is fully subject to all relevant New Zealand laws.

2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved

I. No Lies No Hype No Secrets II. How To Tune Up Your Mind III. Its Time To Program Yourself IV. Unlocking The Hidden Power Of The World V. Looking To The Origins VI. Grab Your Failure By The Horns VII. How To Turn Failure Around and Use It VIII. Why Your Education 5 8 11 18 23 30 33

May Have Been Holding You Back

35 38

IX. Lessons X. Lets Finally Send Matching and Mirroring Into The Dustbin


2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved

XI. Are You Feeling Confused Yet? XII. Time To Break Down The Barriers XIII. DONT Be Serious... XIV. The Most Powerful Hypnotic Principle XV. Mind Altering Hypnotic Language Patterns XVI. These Beliefs Will Hold You Back XVII The Incredible Power Of H PLUS XVIII. How To Release Your Hidden Power XIX. You Already Have Everything You Need XX. How To Put Yourself In The Drivers Set XXI. YES You Really, Really are Free... XXII. How To Take This Even Further...

49 52 58 61 67 76 80 86 89 93 96 98

2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved

No Lies No Hype No Secrets, My Honest and Scary Warning To You...

2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved

ey, this is Nathan Thomas, and welcome to the Core Inner Game report.

Before we get into the meat of the content, and start breaking down your inner game as a hypnotist, persuader or NLPer, I need to give you a quick warning:

This Report Will Not Change Your Life

A book cant do that. Even if I wrote 10,000 pages of the best, most insightful, perceptive advice in the world, it still would not change your life. The only person who can really make a change to your reality, is you. You can read what I write here and decide that its interesting or useful, and still not achieve what you want to achieve. Success comes from making a commitment. The ideas here are powerful, and if you commit to them, and allow them to influence your reality, then you will notice yourself evolve. It will take practice at first, but the more you try on these ideas and attitudes, the more they will take hold, and begin to influence your life. As you read this for the first time, do so through rose tinted glasses. Pretend, just pretend, that everything you read here is true. Pretend that you believe every word in these pages, and that every belief I suggest, every attitude I discuss. Pretend that every philosophy I share is 6
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100% true. Just try it out. Take these learnings into the real world, and notice your observations. See what happens. Based on this, adapt, edit, refine and reconsider, until you have taken the ideas I am giving you now, and made them your own.

Big Warning Number Two:

Everything in this book is a lie. It is not even close to being true. You see, as Richard Bandler and John Grinder used to say all generalizations are lies. And this book is full of generalizations. Some sections may be confusing, even totally illogical. Youll experience some big aha moments, but some of the stuff were going into here is pretty deep. Read it, then carry on with your life! Continue to study this stuff, and when you have noticed some results and you have evolved more as a person, check back here, and notice how your perspectives on these matters have evolved.

2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved

How To Tune Up Your Mind and Squeeze Every Drop Of Power From These Ideas and Principles

2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved

he truth is, if you want to persuade, influence and hypnotize others successfully, you need to get over techniques.

Some of the NLP techniques are simply ingenious, and I still use them myself, but its not the technique that changes someone its you. All successful influence comes from within. The ideas I am going to share with you are meant to reflect a series of Aha! moments I had when I was learning this stuff, and many more realizations that I gained when I travelled the world and experienced new and wonderful cultures. You see, being a hypnotist and a healer is a demanding goal! When you have the power to use your words to heal others, and help them past their problems, you will be in demand big time! And, it can get quite draining. With these ideas behind you, Im hoping youll have the strength to live up to who you really are, and be the best person you can be, both for yourself, and for the people you interact with. Im also hoping that this will help you move beyond the surface level stuff you may have been focusing on until just now. Develop yourself rather than just your repertoire of techniques then you will be a truly persuasive, influential and hypnotic person, rather than someone who simply does a few techniques. This is key, so I am going to write it again:

2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved

Develop yourself rather than just your repertoire of techniques then you will be a truly persuasive, influential and hypnotic person, rather than someone who simply does a few techniques. Of course, theres also another key benefit of undergoing this journey of personal transformation. Apply these ideas, attitudes and realizations to yourself, and youll gain deep and real insight into not just your own mind, but the minds of the people who you help too. With these ideas youll not only see exactly how to achieve your own goals, but also how to help others to do the same. This stuff can get pretty deep so open your eyes, and your mind, and prepare to learn...


2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved

Its Time To Program Yourself For Real Success and Stop Your Mind From Drifting Like a Feather In The Breeze...

2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved


hether you are a professional hypnotherapist or NLP practitioner seeing a coaching or therapy client, or just a human being involved in a meaningful conversation, your every interaction will have an intention. Sometimes the intent is just to sit back, relax, and enjoy the company of a friend. Sometimes its to help someone to feel good, sometimes its to close a deal or make a sale. Particularly in important situations, you need to clearly define what that intention is. Rushing into a persuasion situation knowing you want to persuade them to do... something... is all very well, but really will not get you far.

In order to successfully lead any interaction, you need to clearly define three things: 1. How you want tHem to feel 2. wHat action you want tHem to take 3. wHat you want to learn

So, lets take the example of a sales person.

They want to get the prospect to... 1. feel excited and interested in tHe product 12
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2. take out tHeir credit card and sign tHe dotted line!

And they want to learn how to increase their skills as a saleman. Simple stuff and yet its amazing how many people new to the hypnosis / NLP / persuasion scene never clearly define their intention. Lets say you want to learn these skills so you can simply be a stronger person and help others overcome their problems. One of your friends wants to lose weight, so rather than just thinking I want to help X you need to make sure you have your intention clearly and specifically defined.

You want your friend to... 1. Feel confident about their body, and in control of their eating habits. 2. Eat less bad stuff, eat more good stuff, and do more exercise

Not exactly rocket science... yet ;)

Your Personal Goals

Oh no! 13

2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved

Not more goal setting! Relax, its OK. Im not going to have you get out a piece of paper, right out your life goals, and read them before you go to sleep every night. (Although if you did that youd probably find it pretty helpful!) This eBook is about the inner game of hypnosis, persuasion and influence so, where does goal setting tie in? As well as having a specific intention in your specific interactions, you need to have an overall guiding intention. Some people call this your purpose. This will require a little honesty on your part. It will also require you to be totally open. Your thoughts are private and no one will be judging you for whatever comes up. For some reason, you started down the path to learn hypnosis / NLP / persuasion skills. Many people do this out of a genuine desire to help others. For some its just curiosity, for others its the desire for power and control. Whatever comes up for you be honest with yourself. Also realize that its ok whatever it is! I know many great hypnotists who change peoples lives each and everyday and are confident, fulfilled people who originally got started down this path because they felt a feeling of emptiness and dissatisfaction, 14
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and thought learning these techniques would help fill that. Having an awareness of what this really is will help you to connect it to your own overall goal. What do I mean by this? Let me ask you what is possibly the most important question you have ever been asked: wHat is most important to you in life?

What were after here is just one or two words, so summarize. What is most important to you in life? For some people its freedom, for others its family, for others its fun, for some its to make a difference. Focus on that, and also focus on the feeling it gives you. This feeling is key. What is it for you? Remember your answer, because it is very important, and will act as your inner compass. This is really cool because it means that whenever you have to make an important decision, you simply need to ask yourself does it bring me closer to this overall goal? or when I think about doing this, does it bring up this feeling that I am striving for? If the answer is yes you know you are on the right track.
2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved


This feeling is also your key motivation, and if you examine some of the good decisions in your life, youll probably notice how this feeling was at play. For example, when I was still in high school I got a job washing dishes at a local deli. I wanted to money, but I hated the job. I mean it really sucked! It cut into my weekends, and the sharp pie tins cut into me! It was hot, smelly and uncomfortable, and I was working hard for what equals about $4.00 USD an hour. It really was not cool! So, I quit. But I still needed the money! So, I put in equally long hours trying to turn Keys To The Mind which was at the time just a collection of quick notes from me as I was learning hypnosis into a popular and profitable online hub. Whilst doing what I loved learning and writing about hypnosis, influence and the mind I earned enough money to travel Australia and Europe for a whole year, and still have cash to fall back on when I get home. My overall goal is freedom, and I knew that quitting the old job and putting in the hard hours online would bring me closer to that. What is it for you? And what are the decisions happening right now that you can apply this to? 16
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This will help you achieve clarity of mind, and will also help you better understand who you are, and what you are striving towards. If you want to be able to move and influence others, being certain about yourself is an absolute must so make sure you answer those questions if you have not done so already. As well as determining what this overall concept is, you also need to make sure that you believe you deserve it. Its amazing how many people will settle for a life of dissatisfaction not because they dont have goals, but because they dont feel that they deserve to achieve them. This leads very neatly onto the next section of this report...

2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved


Unlocking The Hidden Power Of The World We Live In This One Realization Will Give You The Key To Unlimited Success and Happiness... If You Let It!


2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved

ne of my favourite ways to understand people is to look through the lens of evolutionary psychology.

Its amazing how many of our behaviours and fears can be brought into stark clarity when we consider their origins. Lets take Street Hypnosis. On some of my other sites I show people how to approach total strangers, do a hypnotic induction, and lead them through some powerful hypnotic phenomena. This is a great way to spread the word about the power of hypnosis and of the unconscious mind, and is also a great way for new hypnotists to gain experience and confidence. Its amazing, though, just how terrified people get when it comes time to approach a group of strangers out on the street and ask Hey can I hypnotize you? People freeze up! If you have ever felt a fear of public speaking (which, as a human being, you almost definitely have) youll know exactly what I am talking about. A lot of people think this is merely fear of failure (and well get to failure soon) but the reality is its a lot deeper than that. When people fear embarrassing themselves in front of a group of people, what they fear is social rejection. We are hard wired to have this fear! Back in cave man (to use the professional term...) days, being socially
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rejected meant isolation from the tribe. In small tribes of less than a hundred people, word spread fast, and this meant that there was no one to go to for company / protection. In the harsh pre Walmart world, this very likely lead to death. Those who survived and passed on their genes to the next generation developed this built in fear of social rejection, which prevented them from taking risks, and therefore kept them safe. This relates extremely closely to this idea of goal setting and abundance versus scarcity. In tribal times, success was a finite quality. There could only be one alpha male, and food and water were scarce and limited quantities. Therefore, in order to have the lions share of power, mates and supplies, you needed to deserve it, and earn this through displays of high social status etc. This has left us with a lot of hard wired issues which may have been helpful 10,000 years ago, but just unnecessarily hold us back now.

tHis is important: I bet you heard this way back in primary school, but this is important so I am going to say it again. If you are reading this, you are very lucky indeed. The fact that you are alive is such a wonderful event it almost deserves 20
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the title of miraculous. This mere fact means that every single one of your direct ancestors going back through species and species all the way to the dawn of life itself, across all the millions of years, not only survived to adulthood, but found a mate who did the same, and successfully replicated and passed on their genes. Do you have any idea how lucky this makes you? The fact that you are alive right now means that you are at the very pinnacle of evolution. Whats rarer still is that you live in such a privileged world that you have the time, motivation and resources to work on improving yourself. What is deeply ironic is that everybody cruising the self help isle in your local book shop, often times looking very depressed, are actually among the luckiest individuals alive. Not only have you simply accomplished the massive feat of being born despite all the millions of years of possibility that could have prevented this, but your physical needs for food, shelter, safety etc are met so well that you have the time and money to work on your inner self. You can afford a computer, and have the time to use it for non essential things. You have the time to research weird topics like hypnosis, NLP and self improvement, and your have an internet connection! These facts alone mean you are in the luckiest, tiniest percentile of human beings alive right now.

wHat does tHis mean? It means you live in a world of abundance!

2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved


Just like you know that you will probably never go without food, you need not ever go without success and fulfilment either. The petty emotions that we all feel jealousy, schadenfreude. , envy, spite, bitterness, these are all built on the back of a scarcity mind frame. When you now wake up now to the reality of this incredible abundance, youll realize that you truly can celebrate other peoples success! You can enjoy and feel happy even when other people exceed you in certain areas, because you know that success exists in infinite qualities and there is more than enough to go around. Realize this, and youll find yourself filled with a lot more strength and power within you than you ever thought was there. This is so powerful I could go on about it for another 50 pages. But I wont. I think by now you should have the message. Success, happiness, wealth, love, affection, power are UNLIMITED. Whatever you want is there for the taking, and the more people who achieve this success, the better! Are you ready to take this a little deeper?


2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved

Looking To The Origins Or Humanity To Find The Keys To Effortless Influence and Successful Persuasion

2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved


ne of the easiest and the fastest ways to be successful with any form of influence and communication is to know and understand what other people are thinking and feeling.

We call this empathy.

Its not some weird magical power its basically just based on asking yourself if I was this person, with this persons background and this persons perspective, how would I be feeling if I was in this persons situation? In order to get a good, clear answer to this, you need to do something which has a very big side effect. The side effect is it will help you overcome many of your anxieties, and achieve a huge amount of inner strength. As I mentioned, I spent nearly all of 2010 travelling the world. As I travelled Europe, I saw some incredible things which highlighted both the good and the bad of humanity. I remember being in Lviv, a beautiful city in the Ukraine quite near to the border with Poland. My online business was going quite well, and in just one reasonably successful day I made a sum of money which would be utterly unremarkable in the United States or in England, but in the Ukraine amounted to an entire months wages. Not so much because of this, but just out of courtesy, I would often offer large tips in restaurants, and at the hotel I was staying in. The service was great, the food was wonderful, and they went out of their way to speak English for me, even though I was nearly always the 24
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only non Ukranian in the building! Despite the fact that the exchange rate and many other factors meant that the average tourist could live and give like a king very often I found my tips refused! People went out of their way to help me there and in many other places not for want of any gain, but simply to do it. On the flip side, I also remember witnessing many incidents of needless cruelty. Watching helplessly as a gang of youths abused an old homeless man at a train station in Poland, as security guards watched and laughed is just one example. Reconciling these wild and crazy behaviours which I know these examples dont even scratch the surface of can really do your head in unless you remember one simple fact:

people are just mammals!

No matter how hard we try to feel that we are somehow special or unique, and no matter how far we take technology or how many times we land on the moon, the fact remains that our DNA is still about 98% the same as chimpanzees! At a deep level every human motivation and behaviour lends itself purely to survival and replication. Now, people are smart, and with this abundance frame that we talked about, we really can achieve a huge amount more than a chimpanzee! But
2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved


remember not to lose perspective. Most of the reasons why we do things that even we dont understand are actually a lot simpler than we think. People are not inherently either good or bad. People are just people, in the same way that fish are just fish, and zebras are just zebras. Think on this. It may mean unravelling a few of this assumptions on which you base your conclusions about well, life! Remove your preconceptions, and eliminate all the old reasons you may have had and let all the bad things go! As Milton H. Erickson said People are not broken they work just fine! and this is completely true. As I wrote before, they fact that you are even alive is a huge feat. It really is amazing and in some ways it is so much simpler than you think. What makes you different is not that you happen to be of the species Homo Spaien Sapien, or that you happen to be bipedal with an opposable thumb. What makes you different is that you live in the world of abundance, and that means you have a choice. Its your life, and you can make of it whatever you want. Realize this, and not only your problems, but the problems you work to help others overcome really will shrink. Youll learn to accept people honestly, at face value, and see them for what they really are. 26
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When you can do this it is incredibly motivating, as you realize that all that really matters isnt all these preconceived values. For you, its that one word you determined when I asked you the key question at the start of this guide. Does feeling nervous about approaching and talking to a stranger and potentially making a new friend serve you? Why are you really feeling this way? When you cast any problem in the lens of human evolution, youll see just how simple it really is! If having that problem doesnt serve you, all you need to do is realize where it comes from, accept it, and keep going! In my opinion a lot of torment and suffering is caused by people trying to deny just how simple we really are. Trying to analyse basic evolutionary behaviours like aggression and jealousy as we discussed above, and drawing needless and harmful conclusions based on them. Because I secretly feel happy that my friend lost his job, it means I am a bad person and dont deserve success. That type of thinking is needlessly common. Realize your background as a human being, and recognize that many of your hard wired patterns of thinking are out dated, and no longer serve you. Realize this with a feeling of acceptance. All people feel this way and have these same patterns, that doesnt mean you are at the mercy of them.

2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved


This honesty and clarity will allow you to better understand and accept both yourself and others. If you feel a feeling or think a thought which is not productive, do not try and squash it or deny it. This only seems to lead to more suffering! Instead, accept it for what it is, realize where it comes from, and know that you have the knowledge and the power to move beyond it. Accepting everything about yourself is one of the keys to making yourself truly fulfilled. Accepting everything about other people will not only make you happy, but it will also make you an incredibly powerful, honest and insightful person. All people crave this acceptance. We are simple beings in a seemingly overly complicated world who tend to try and tackle our natural patterns head on, rather than being complete with them. Look at yourself and all people at face value, and accept it. This lesson alone will help you become a much stronger and happier person. Accepting it doesnt mean you think its good. It doesnt mean you cant change it. It just means you are being honest about where you are right now. One of the benefits of human beings is that we are incredibly adaptable. 28
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Accept where you are right now, and know with certainty where you want to be, and then all you need to do is take the right action and youll get there. (take the right action is a big phrase, I know but as you think about these principles and try them out in the real world, youll realize just how easy this really can be!) To summarize this rambling and confusing section: Accept yourself and everyone exactly as they are, and realize this is an easy and powerful path to deep and lasting change. Accept yourself and others with an open kindness, and youll find all your dealings with people become a lot more relaxed, and a lot more rewarding. Phew! Ok I know was deep, but are you ready to move on? Its time to look at everybodys favourite topic... failure.

2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved


Grab Your Failure By The Horns and Look It Fully In The Face


2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved

hat is your first reaction when something goes a little wrong? (whether you are doing a hypnotic induction, shooting for a business deal, or anything that you do does not succeed as you hoped).

For many people, the first response is to blame others, and make excuses.

The people who do this are normally also the first to claim credit when things go well. I used to play soccer (or football, if youre English). In one of the teams I played for we had a pretty decent goal keeper, who soon lost his place on the team simply because nobody got on with him. Whenever we were no goals down, it was all because of him, however whenever he let a goal in, it was because there was no bloody defence! Even if an upset or failure may not be 100% down to you, claiming some level of responsibility is important. This doesnt mean you go around moping everything my fault! and feeling guilty, and it also doesnt mean you beat yourself up even when things happen that are truly out of your hands your friend gets hurt in a car crash or something. However, when it comes to communication, influence and self development, claiming responsibility for both the good and the bad is extremely important.

wHy? If you go around saying its not my fault Im overweight, I was raised this way... or Its not my fault I dont make enough money, Ive had all this bad luck
2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved


and I come from a poor family then you completely disempower yourself.

if you accept responsibility over sometHing, you gain power over it.
Again, were applying this to communication and self development only. Claiming responsibility over the weather will not help you much! Once we claim ownership of everything good or bad that happens to us, we put ourselves in the drivers seat. As someone who wants to help motivate and move others, this is an incredibly important thing for you to understand. Really think on this, and you should find it deeply empowering. Why? Own your problems, and you have control over them. Accept them, and accept how your actions may have lead to them, and then you have the power to make whatever changes you want. Even when things happen that are totally out of your control you were born with a condition that put you in a wheel chair, the stock market crash erased your bank account or whatever you still have control over your reaction to it. Accept everything that happens, look it fully in the face, and then youll be, deeply in control!


2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved

How To Turn Failure Around and Use It To Motivate You and Fuel Your Drive To Succeed

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ery nearly every person I know who has mastered a particular field has the attitude that NLP founders Bandler and Grinder neatly summed up with the phrase...

tHere is no failure only feedback. When you get out there into the real world and try on these attitudes and mindsets, and practice the hypnotic and persuasive techniques and ideas youre learning, do not even think about failure think about learning. This goes hand in hand with the own it to change it principle we discussed before. If you accept a failure you turn it into a learning experience. So, particularly when you are just practising, make your goal in your interactions not to achieve a specific intention (ie to get someone to do something), make your primary goal just to learn. This means that your success is actually pretty much inevitable! Provided you get your attitude and mindset right, then no matter what happens you have been successful you have succeeded in learning something new, gaining experience, and increasing your skills.


2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved

Why Your Education May Have Been Holding You Back and Preventing You From Gaining The Success You Want

2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved


ost people I work with fear failure more than anything else.

When I am teaching hypnosis and instant inductions, one of the most common questions I get asked is what do you do if it fails? People even ask has this ever failed for you? They seem to feel that if I, as their teacher, have failed with a technique or induction in the past, it makes it ok for them to do so as well. Its almost as if they are asking for permission to risk failure! Like most things in life, from the economy, to why brussel sprouts just taste so bad, I enjoy blaming the school teachers. In this instance, however, I may be right. Not the teachers, per se, but the education system 95% of people reading this report will have been brought up into. At school, failure is bad. Its deadly. A mistake gets punished, failure causes shame. But relax. The real world is different. Here mistakes are a pathway to learning. Failure is the key to mastery. 36
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Or I should say, learning from failure is the key to mastery. Albert Einstein said: Insanity Is Doing The Same Thing Over Again and Expecting Different Results And Winston Churchill said: Success Is The Ability To Go From Failure to Failure With No Loss of Enthusiasm This means you must learn from your failures and keep going! This applies to learning hypnosis and persuasion particularly powerfully. When people fail they often put the blame outside of themselves, and blame the techniques. Oh I knew that induction would never work! etc. This is why it is so important for you to own and accept responsibility for whatever results you get. This means that when you fail its not the techniques that didnt work it was you. It also means that when you are successful its not the techniques that worked their magic it is you. See there is an upside! Owning your failures means you get to own your successes as well!

2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved


Lessons In Persuasion, Influence and Hypnosis From 007


2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved

hat is it that makes some people instant naturals, whereas others take months, even years, and still struggle to really grasp the principles of effective influence and successful persuasion?

The key is value and approval. Persuasive people give value, unpersuasive people seek approval.

These value vacuums subconsciously deter people from listening to them because they speak with no authority or personal power. This relates strongly to everything we have discussed so far in this report, especially the idea of intentions. This is why its so important to be clear, upfront and honest with your real, underlying intention in every interaction you enter. An unpersuasive person will more often than not have an underlying intention that even they may not consciously be aware of that is sabotaging their success. Rather than going into a situation to learn something and help someone, what they are really trying to do is prove maybe to themselves or to others that they can be persuasive. They are out to disprove their insecurities, and convince themselves that they arent as big a loser as they feared. Sometimes in a weird thought of way, they are out to prove their insecurities. They go in with the attitude that this stuff will never work and this negative attitude is reflected in their behaviour, and their suspicions are rewarded.
2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved


All these people seek approval. Their insecurities mean their self esteem is fully tied up in the reactions they get rather than being self sufficient.

They are essentially a dark chasm of neediness and weakness, and people are put off by just how emotionally draining they are to be around. Im sure youve known people like this. Heck, maybe youve ever been like that is the past. Its ok though. Now that Ive raised your consciousness, its easy to move past it. To be a successful communicator, hypnotist and persuader your self esteem and sense of personal worth needs to be fully centralized. This means that no matter what reaction you get positive or negative your self esteem remains unaffected, and you accept every reaction as a valuable learning experience. This you even feel grateful for! Your soul (sole but I do like the pun) intention in any interaction is not to gain approval or validation, and its not to prove anything to anyone. It is simply to give value, and to learn. You gain another opportunity to improve yourself by giving social value and helping others. This doesnt mean you go around handing out wads of cash you simply 40
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go around making people feel good. However even setting out to help people does not alone do the trick. If you are trying to help others so that their reaction somehow validates you then you are outcome attached. If you are outcome attached you will subconsciously seek approval, and these signals will totally offset the strength and power of anything you communicate. This means that if your self esteem and happiness is in anyway tied up with the result of an interaction you are in, you are going to lose! This is super important, and you really need to get it. To help you cement this inside your mind, imagine two people. One is James Bond. He is cool, powerful, collected, totally self sufficient, and totally unaffected by anyones opinions of him. The other is the biggest, most irritating loser you knew when you were at high school. Got two clear images? Ok, so imagine James Bond giving a compliment. You look smashing miss Moneypenny! Imagine the way he says it in detail, from his tonality, gestures, timing, eye contact, and watch what he does and how he reacts before and afterwards. Now imagine the school loser also giving a compliment to a beautiful girl who makes him feel nervous.
2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved


Watch the way he does it. Notice how your imaginary Bond gave the compliment purely out of a desire to make someone else feel good. He did not care about the reaction, and was totally unaffected by whatever the outcome was. He was just being himself ! Also notice how your school character waited for approval, and gave the compliment purely out of a desire to get a reaction, and to gain something. He was trying, feebly, to play a part. Now, which do you think was more manipulative? The person who is fully self sufficient, and acts fully congruently, who is fully authentic, and does not let other peoples reactions get him down, or the person who wriggles and twists and tries desperately to win the reaction and approval he so craves? Also ask yourself, who do you think most people would like to be around? When you are hypnotizing and influencing others, you should not be dressing up your real self in a desire to win approval or to gain a favourable reaction. You should simply be expressing who you really are. A pure unattached goal to make other people feel good regardless of their reaction whilst maintaining your own inner strength and integrity will make you particularly compelling. Rather than a value vacuum desperate for the approval of others you will become truly, powerfully charismatic. Your inner strength will inspire others, and when you do decide to give a compliment or use any technique 42
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to help someone it will be 10,000X more powerful because rather than coming from a place of need, it comes from a place of strength. The realizations in this section alone can and will change your life if you let them!

2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved


Lets Finally Send Matching and Mirroring Into The Dustbin... What Really Happens When Youre In Rapport?


2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved

ets dive away from the abstract and into the specifics, for the time being at least.

What really happens when you are in rapport?

Rapport is a concept that hypnotists, NLPers and persuaders love to bandy about.

its an unconscious connection, its a feeling of liking and trust, its wHen youre on tHe same wave lengtH, its wHen youre just vibing and in sync... It is all of those things. Bandler and Grinder observed that when people are in rapport they tend to mirror each others body language. They adopt the same posture, sit the same way, gesture at the same rate, and often even breath in sync. They therefore concluded that if you want to manufacture rapport with someone, you should match and mirror them! However, I feel they missed a deeper thing. I think that while matching and mirroring may signal rapport, it is definitely not what rapport is really about. I think that when people are truly in meaningful rapport, what is really happening is that they are each in a state of total acceptance.

2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved


When you are in rapport with someone you are not judging them, you are accepting them for exactly who and what they are. If youve ever been in a relationship where you felt free to truly be yourself, without any fear of judgement or rejection, then youll know exactly what I mean. This mutual acceptance is a powerful thing, and when you can experience it youll be able to have powerful deep level interactions which go totally beyond the shallow surface level conversations most people spent their lives obsessing over. When you are in this deep state of accepting rapport, then you can truly affect real change. If you are a hypnotist, this is when the real trance happens, and if youre area is therapy, this is when you can really make a difference. This is when people are at their most honest and most genuine, and you can truly find out what motivates them, and what needs to happen in order to move them to change their believes. Now this doesnt mean that this deep accepting rapport is a pathway to manipulation, because it by definition excludes manipulation and sly techniques! Unless youre a socio path, this real rapport is almost impossible to fake. Its when you are at your best, and in this state you bring out the best in others. Its not an underhand way to trick someone into doing something because in this state you wont have to! Ive found that in my interactions whether Im helping someone get over a problem or to commit to a business deal this state of acceptance is the most powerful way to operate, because it always leads to a win win 46
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outcome. In this state you find out what is truly, deeply important to people, and can therefore motivate them to achieve their real goals and accomplish what they really want to, and you can show them how the decision or action you want them to take is directly connected to this. In short, for really, lasting, powerful and genuine influence, this state of what Ill call honest rapport is the most powerful tool you could possibly have.

How do you trigger tHis state?

A clever technique wont help. Nor will matching and mirroring. Sure, all this stuff is great to practice, however it will not lead to this honest rapport that weve been talking about here. Actually, Ive already revealed to you the first step earlier on in this report. Any guesses? The reality is, the first thing you need to do in order to gain a deep, honest and influential connection with people is to accept yourself. Dont freak out! This is not airy fairy nonsense and if you actually make self acceptance one of your goals and work towards it consistently, youll realize why I am so passionate about this.

2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved


If you can accept yourself for exactly how you are, and be OK with that, then you can do the same for others. This means you look in the face everything about you and make your peace with it. Be fully accepting of where and who you are now, and also be aware of your goals, and and where and who you want to be in the future. This means you see everything that is you all your ideas, beliefs, attitudes, history, etc, and you accept it without judgement. Dont see yourself as a bunch of good things with some bad things just see yourself as YOU. Make your peace with it, and accept it. Then do the same thing with the person you are talking to! This even works in writing, or when you are speaking to an audience. Dont say, I hate how he does that, I wish he would be more intelligent.. or my audience is so quiet, I wish theyd participate more... accept them for exactly as they are, make your peace with it, and then you can lead them naturally into evolving into what you want them to be. This is pretty advanced stuff ! And you know what, this will only really take hold in your mind when you make it work for you. Im giving you the paints and the colours, you need to create the picture, and this picture will be unique to you.


2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved

Are You Feeling Confused Yet? A Contradictory Secret of Effortless, Lasting Mastery

2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved


ome people reading this will be experiencing a series of epiphanies the Aha! moments that click into place and suddenly let you see the world in your own way.

I was born with normalish vision which steadily got worse as I grew up.

This means that although my vision was nowhere near perfect, I didnt know it wasnt, because I had nothing to compare it to. I didnt get my first pair of glasses until I was about 13, and when I did, the whole world changed! Trees from a distance were no longer just a green blur they were a collection of beautiful unique leaves. Peoples faces were clearer, and the whole world was so much more vibrant and clear. For many people I hope that these ideas and principles will be creating the same effect. For some people (and often the same people!) you may be feeling a little confused. Some of these concepts are very deep, and some are very counter intuitive. But you know what, confusion is great! Actually, confusion is the pathway to deep, lasting learning. Once again, lets blame the schooling system for making us fear confusion. Confusion means your mind it working to make sense of what you have learned, and is applying it to your life and to your reality. 50
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SO if you are feeling confused, accept it! Feel grateful for it, and trust your unconscious mind to do its thing!

2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved


Time To Break Down The Barriers... Is This Stuff Even Hypnosis?


2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved

lot of new people reading this will be wondering is this stuff even hypnosis? are these even persuasion techniques?

My answer: who cares, as long as they help you to connect with others, and unlock your own inner master persuader. But, Im going to share with you an article I wrote when I was travelling Australia last year which I think will really help shed light on this for you. This article sparked huge conversations when it was live, and was extremely well received. Check it out, and think about how the content may just relate to what you are learning here...

lets break down tHe barriers Hypnosis in tHe real world

Id like to challenge your thinking a little Are you ready? Ok, let me ask you, what ISNT hypnosis? Have a think on that just for a second. You see, in order to know what hypnosis IS, surely we must define what hypnosis is NOT.
2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved


This creates an interesting little divide in the hypnosis world. People tend to sit in one of two camps. Camp one says Any meaningful form of communication is hypnosis. Camp two says If all communication is hypnosis, then hypnosis is NOTHING. Thats just silly. Hypnosis only occurs when... And then more divisions occur. So, lets dodge the politics and start thinking about ways you can actually improve and utilize your skill as a hypnotist by exploring what may not even be hypnosis at all.

Let me give you an exampLe. (NOTE: As you read this rather lengthy and, on the surface, trivial anecdote, bear in mind that it has a point, and relates directly to what you are learning now) Im currently travelling Australia overland. This, naturally involves some LONG bus rides. Soon I even leave for as 39 hour train journey from Adelaide to Perth. (Thirty Nine Hours!!!) Of course, these journeys present many opportunities to meet interesting people and share stories, but sometimes, you just need to close your eyes, plug yourself into your Ipod, and drift away on the strings of a guitar. So, as you can imagine, with the 39 hour railway epic just round the corner, I was shocked when last night I discovered my Ipod had died!


2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved

No amount of charging button mashing or glaring could fix it! Now, those of you a little beyond the Ipod generation may not understand the depth of the tragedy, but let me tell you, I wasnt happy. So, I wonder into an unfamiliar town with the quest of finding someone to help me. I found an electronics store in a local mall, had a quick chat with one of the staff, and after he played with the machine for a little while to no avail, we were both running up the escalators to the local Apple store. Soon three of four uniformed geeks were gathered around the tiny rectangle. Wires went flying, jargon rent the air, and after much effort, the machine glowed into life. No worries mate. The bloke at the store said. All I did was connect the gyrocopter to the forward facing throttle mouse and oscillate the non reticulatory isomorphic hard drive in a semi lateral direction whilst palpating the left hand fizwidget. Well, it was something like that. If I were selling a course on conversational hypnosis I guess Id use this tale to demonstrate the amazing power of these techniques. How two stores worth of employees across multiple floors gave up their time and expertise for free just to help out little old me. In truth, my negotiating tactics included little more than a smile, some presupposed gratitude, subtle flattery, and one of the most irresistible questions in the English language. Hey mate, you look like you know youre stuff - do you reckon you could help me out because Im kind of stuck here?
2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved


No fancy stories, pattern interrupts, or progressive relaxation, yet I accomplished my intention to the letter. The question I put to you is, therefore, was that hypnosis? If you think it was, fair enough. If you think it was not, then let me ask you, does it matter? I know many hypnotists who would have approached the same situation with a handshake induction on the store manager and an 8 hour long monologue complete with embedded commands and unspecified verbs lacking referential indices to boot! What I hope you are beginning to understand - or at least to consider - is that standard hypnosis as we in the business understand it, is not the only approach to a situation. Its not always even the best approach. If you relax your mental framework, and focus more on what you want to accomplish, rather than what technique you learned last week, youll find yourself discovering so many more ideas and opportunities! So, get out there, and be a hypnotist.

more importantLy, be confident, be successfuL,

and Have fun!

cHeers, natHan tHomas 56

2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved

PS Im sorry - no products to plug in this post. Yeah, I know, youre disappointed. Ill try harder next time, ok? Id like to re-emphasise that last bit... be confident, be successful, and HAVE FUN!

This is super important. Actually, its so important, that Im going to focus the entire next section on it...

2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved


DONT Be Serious... On The Incredible Power Of Having Fun


2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved

Do I?

o I really need to write to you and tell you to enjoy yourself ?

Well, sadly YES. Actually, it gives me an opportunity to extend my theme of knocking the schooling system. Most of us are taught that learning and enjoyment are separate even mutually exclusive. You go to your lesson to learn, and then you have a break to play. The pattern is even extended in most peoples day jobs, you work, then you take a break, if you want to enjoy yourself, use your weekends. This is why when most people are faced with the task of learning something new, they get, well, confused! They are motivated by the skills and benefits theyll gain from the new learnings, and also by this natural human compulsion to acquire knowledge, but also at some level think that in order for there to be real learning, there has to be suffering. No gain without pain has to be the biggest load of nonsense ever taught! Its true that, as Shakespeare put it, nothing comes of nothing but the something you put in does not need to hurt! Improving yourself and mastering persuasion, influence and 59

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communication is deeply rewarding, and should be tremendous fun! The truth is a lot of people actually fear self examination. They worry that if they look under the hood theyll open up Pandoras box, and discover things about themselves they wished they didnt know. This is why it is so important to practice the idea of acceptance, and is also why I have told you to accept yourself an estimated 9,874 times in this report so far! So, have fun! Do this be really letting yourself enjoy your successes. Did you feel a sense of relief or motivation when we discussed abundance and scarcity? If you remember your last conversion when you felt that true honest rapport we talked about, do you think it was a pleasant and rewarding interaction? Hopefully these are eliciting a bunch of Hell Yes! answers! Have fun, enjoy yourself, and make sure every element and aspect of this journey is deeply rewarding for you.


2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved

The Most Powerful Hypnotic Principle I Learned in 2010 and How You Can Use This NOW.

2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved


ne of the most powerful and useful principles of both inner and outer game experiences is the idea of focusing on the GOOD and letting the bad sort out itself.

Use this both when influencing others, and when working on yourself. Heres an article I wrote Christmas 2010 on this very concept.

Do not skip this one, as it is very powerful, very useful, and very important stuff...

a cool little Hypnotic trick to make people feel awesome

We hypnotists are funny creatures. We go through phases of trying out new techniques, and getting really excited by them. We use them, practice them, master them, and then we move onto the next shiny object. Even some of the celebrity hypnotists who Im sure youve heard of work this way. It helps us develop a powerful array of tools and principles that we can call up in the right situation, and also keeps life fun. What has my focus now is really really simple. So simple, in fact, that if youre looking for something long, complicated and difficult, youre going to be disappointed! 62

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BUT - if youre after something quick and effective which is EASY, and makes a big difference, then let me explain with a quick story... A couple of weeks ago I was chatting to a friend of mine who was going through a pretty major relationship issue. She thought things were pretty terrible, and had been working herself into a state for days. I came round and she told me the whole story. On the surface it seemed pretty bad, and my first impulse was to do what all friends do, and take her side! He shouldnt be doing that! Youre right to be mad etc... However every good hypnotist learns to NEVER take what the client says at face value. Whenever anyone tells you about their problem, they are presenting a very one sided perspective on what is actually happening - in NLP terms, they are presenting a very troubled frame. If you agree with them and say Oh yes, that sucks... then you are accepting their frame! That means you have let them win the frame war and validated and reinforced all the bad feelings they were creating! Instead, what I did was simply to say... Yeah, it sounds pretty bad, and I get why youve been upset - but you know what, youre taking this way too seriously! So what if there are a few issues now, in 5 years time youll barely even remember it! You might as well relax, and focus on the good things youve got going for you!
2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved


Its hardly complex stuff! No fancy language, no long Ericksonian metaphors - but that simple statement was enough to get her immediately relaxed about the issue, and to dissociate her from the negative emotions she was feeling. Christmas is often family time. And whenever people get together, people bring up drama! They like to talk about all the bad things that are going on. Just watch the news - and see if you can spot a cheerful story! People seem to naturally want to focus on the bad. Sure, in some situations that can be useful, but in most day-to-day life situations, youll be a lot happier, a lot more relaxed, and a lot more fulfilled if you focus on the good. Think of this as a matter of frame control - and never let the bad frames win. This is a secret that applies to learning hypnosis to. What are you good at? If you like debate and words and naturally gel with language patterns then focus on that. If you are direct and authoritative, and like to get straight to the point, focus on instant inductions. Before, and hopefully since, all the scandals about his personal life, Tiger Woods was regarded as the best golfer of all time - ever. Tiger knew he was NOT very good at getting out of the sand traps, but he was very good at his drives.


2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved

Rather than practising with the sand-wedge, he focused on what he was good at, and got his drives so honed that he rarely, if ever, needed to escape the sand boxes! In life, in conversation, in hypnosis and in therapy (not to mention golf!) focus on the good, and more often than not the bad will take care of itself.

Have an awesome Christmas - and Ill see you soon. Cheers, Nathan Thomas I was watching one of the new episodes of Dr Who the other day (yeah, I know, call me a closet geek). The Doctor went back in time to visit the artist Vincent Van Gough. At the end he talks about how people have both a pile of good things, and a pile of bad things. If you want to live a good life focus on your pile of good things! This doesnt mean ignore problems, but as my mentor Igor Ledochowski is fond of saying, What You Resists Persists. In the book Keys To The Mind How To Practice Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy Correctly by myself and Richard Nongard, we talk about how the useful therapy principle of using a clients own resources to overcome their problems. The good outweighs the bad.
2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved


Focus on the good things in your life, and in most cases the bad things will take care of themselves. In this world of abundance that we live in, Id go so far as to say most ordinary every day problems are self generated change your mind set, and most of them should soon melt away. If you do have a real problem, realize that there is more to your life than that, and use the resources and good things you have got to fix it. Speaking of good things...

Heres the link to the Keys To The Mind book on Amazon.Com

Here My Book on Amazon...

Great reviews, eh? HOWEVER since you bought this report and are obviously serious about becoming a master hypnotist and persuader, Im going to let you download the eBook version for free. Download the complete Keys To The Mind eBook here Enjoy but make sure you finish this report first!!


2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved

Mind Altering Hypnotic Language Patterns and How People Abuse Them

2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved


ets take a look at how you can apply some of the principles you are learning here to concrete persuasive processes like the hypnotic language patterns.

Just in case youre new to this or if, like me, you just love the hypnotic language patterns and could read about them all day, here are seven quick fire examples of powerful and practical hypnotic language patterns:

embedded commands
Slip a command into a perfectly innocent sentence, and it will be missed by the conscious mind, but followed by the unconscious. As you get a feel for these patterns, you may realize that they really are very good to use in your everyday life.

cause effect.
Because is the most powerful word in the English language, because people like to have reasons for what they do. Simply use this word (no matter what the reason is!) and youll be amazed by how quickly people respond to you.

tag Questions
Tag questions are great, arent they? By throwing a quick question (like arent they?) onto the end of a 68
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statement, you blunt the command, so people accept what you say without feeling like you are in their face.

conversational postulates
This is just a fancy term for something you use all the time, anyway. Can you close the window, for example, is an example of a conversational postulate. This is a way to phrase commands as questions, and get people to do what you want without realizing it.

lack of referential index

This is another fancy NLP term for something that is really very simple. If you make a general statement without attaching it to a specific person or object, people will naturally and unconsciously assume that, at some level, it applies to them. People can learn hypnotic language patterns very quickly, cant they

pHonological ambiguity
In comedy, these are simply called puns. When a word sounds the same but has two separate meanings, you can use it to send powerful subliminal messages without being caught. A common sales example is to simply say by now you may have realized
2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved


just how great this product is. Notice the ambiguity on the phrase by now to also mean buy now.

tHe linguistic bridge

Persuasive language is elegant language. The more smooth and fluid your sentences is become, the more influential you will be. Use words like and because causes and which means to effortlessly tie your ideas together in a powerful flow

How people abuse tHese patterns...

YES! Hypnotic language patterns are powerful, and YES, they do help create change. But the key word is HELP... I am using this example now because it applies to all persuasion patterns and techniques, from the hypnotic language patterns to anchoring and beyond. The techniques are useful but, as UK hypnotist Anthony Jacquin puts it, they are just a vehicle for delivering your intent. When people learn these patterns and techniques for the first time they get all excited, and think that its the techniques that do the persuading. It isnt! Its YOU. The techniques are just one example of one way you can express your hypnotic intent. 70
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So, with that said, do words really matter? If we have our inner game sorted, can we actually get away with talking complete gibberish? Well not really! While its true that your intent, confidence and congruence is the key, you still need a good vehicle in order to express this. You can have all the inner confidence in the world but just standing in a corner doing nothing wont help you much.

HOWEVER Heres another layer... Once your inner mindset and beliefs are sorted out, and once you finally get and understand all this deeper level stuff youve been reading about in this report, your behaviours and techniques tend to take care of themselves. If I had to choose between mastery of every persuasive technique known to man OR simply powerful, core confidence, Id choose the later. Truly charismatic and persuasive people often use these techniques to polish and refine the way they communicate, but the real meat of the meaning comes from within. Lets take a second to look a little deeper into the ever vexing question of do words really matter? and then well look at the power of an overwhelming positive intention.

2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved


do words really matter?

Words are the tools of our trade, yet many experts claim words alone are meaningless. Lets face it, words are getting a pretty bad rap these days, especially by us hypnotists. Researchers such as Ray Birdwhistell and Paul Rankin are often quoted as saying that verbal communication - ie the words we use - make up as little as 7% as the overall impact of our communication. This looks like a big condemnation, and its one many hypnotists and persuasion experts have leaped on as proof that what we say hardly matters - its all down to how we say it. In this post we get semantic, philosophical, thoughtful, and, occasionally, complicated. In other words, all the things most of us are constantly told not to be. So, engage your critical mind, and lets explore something deep! Obviously, theres some truth in this. Its not what you said, its the way you said it is not merely a chauvinist cliche, its the reality of how all of us often interpret what we hear. The words are, in many cases, just a thin skeleton to which the real emotional meaning can be attached. Actually, if we look at the stats, the numbers work out quite cleanly for us hypnotists.

words = 7%, body language + expression + tonality = 93% conscious mind = 7/8%, unconscious resources = 92/93% 72
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In reality though, I doubt its that simple. Can we really quantify something as deep and complex as communication into such neat little percentages? Igor Ledochowski, in his work on Advanced Covert Hypnosis has often raised the issue of language and reality. Put in simple terms, we think in words, and interpret the world in terms of these words, therefore if we cannot label something with a word, it is, in essence, at a level beyond reality. In terms of exploring advanced communication and hypnosis, this way of thinking can lead to a lot of important insights and discoveries, and is certainly one worth exploring, however for the purpose of this post, lets assume that this too, is missing something. Lets take the word love. What comes to mind? A feeling? Images, or sounds? People you knew, or wish to know? While this word acted as a trigger for these associations, the meat of your reality was concerned with the deeper mental processes that occur. If you were brought up without ever knowing the word love I daresay you too could experience the same feelings and ideas, you merely would have labeled it differently. All the food in out supermarkets would not suddenly disappear if the labels vanished - we may just have a little more trouble explaining to the cashier exactly what we want. I know hypnotists who claim that words are as good as irrelevant to the process or hypnosis, and I know hypnotists who churn out scripts as if the words were the only thing that mattered at all. Yet again, I feel the reality lies in that fuzzy gray area most commonly
2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved


known as truth While thoughts or feelings can exist without words, these words themselves can organize, and structure these thoughts. NLP is itself based on words or, linguistics, and how these can effect both how we think, and how we express and control these thoughts. And, if there are still any doubts in your mind as to whether words really do matter let me ask you what, exactly, you are reading? While words may be considered to compose only a narrow 7% of what we really mean - they can be like the wheels on a car. In terms of actual mass, the wheels may make up barely 10% of the complete car, and are far less expensive than the engine, but, without the wheels, the car isnt going to get anywhere - and, if even one tire is flat, you wont get to quite where you want to go! If people understood a little better the impact and perception of the words they used, then people would be much more effective communicators. One stray word, like one flat tire, can trigger bad associations and ideas, and totally throw off the vehicle of the communication. Continuing with this brilliant vehicular metaphor for a minute, we must remember that tires alone, without a car, are pretty useless too! Successful hypnosis occurs when the conscious and the unconscious minds are fully aligned towards the same goal. Likewise, real communication happens when both the words and the delivery are congruent. That is, when what you say, and how you say it, match.


2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved

Before you enter any significant interaction, ask yourself what your intention here really is, and allow yourself to choose words which perfectly fit your feelings and goals. With one last stab at the car thing, putting truck tires on your mini cooper will lead to a massive motor mess - likewise using words that dont express what you truly mean, leads to ineffective communication. So, if you take only one word from this article, let it be congruence. If your words, your body language, and your tonality are truly aligned, then your communication will have a phenomenally deep and irresistible impact. Thats all for now - just remember to watch the free covert / conversational hypnosis videos at The Persuasion Psychology, and Ill see you soon!

Cheers, Nathan Thomas.

Are you still with me? Good! The next section is extra doubly important, so lets keep rolling.

2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved


These Beliefs Will Hold You Back and Prevent You From Ever Achieving The Success You Want... Unless You Hunt Them Down and Erase Them From Your Mind


2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved

ne of the big super keys to successful influence and persuasion is busting limiting beliefs.

However, you may have limiting beliefs of your own that have been holding you back. The key to success comes when you distance yourself from these old beliefs. Rather than seeing them as over arching, undeniable truths that were intrinsically part of yourself, see them as temporary obstacles to success to be easily and quickly overcome. These beliefs may have been programmed into you by society, some limiting beliefs are almost universal. For example, do you believe there is no gain without pain? Why do you believe that? Really ask yourself where that belief comes from. Follow it to its source. Ask yourself, does it really serve you? Is it really useful? Is it truly of value? If not, ask yourself to think of counter examples. Ask your mind Why is (LIMITING BELIEF) not true?
2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved


You may have developed some of these beliefs as a result of experiences in your life. One bad failure may have let you believe you could never be successful. This believe did serve a positive intention. It did try and help you. It did try and protect you. The fact that youre alive now means it did its job, so dont hate it. Instead, thank it for being there, and realize that now is the time to move on. Its time to move on. When you find a limiting belief search for counter examples, all the experiences you have had that contradict it that are there, but that you havent been focusing on. Igor Ledochowski, who Ill talk a lot about in the next section, said where attention goes, energy flows. We spoke before about focusing on the positives. Your negative beliefs may have been forcing you to focus on the negatives. Its time to change that. Take those beliefs outside of yourself. Look at them objectively, and youll see them shrink, diminish and break. Then, quickly and powerfully replace them with its positive opposite. I cant be successful is seen for what it is, killed, and replaced with I deserve 78
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success, and am successful. You may want to pause and spend some time really thinking about this. Look up the sleight of mouth patterns if you want more insights on this.

2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved


The Incredible Power Of H PLUS What I Learned From The Most Successful Hypnotist Of The 21st Century


2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved

+ is a term originally coined by Igor Ledochowski, of Power of Conversational Hypnosis Fame.

As the time of writing, Im getting ready to go and assist at Igors massive certification event in Sydney, Australia, in January 2010. I met him and Anthony Jacquin who I mentioned earlier in London at their Street Hypnosis event. It was an incredible training! After three days shy people who could barely even approach the counter in coffee shop were approaching total strangers on the busy streets of London, and hypnotizing them in front of hugely growing crowds. I remember standing guard as one crowd got so large a huge police van rolled up to break up the action! One of the key secrets that helped these people make such a huge leap in their ability to communicate with strangers was to assume familiarity. Approach a stranger and treat them like a stranger, and people will through up all their blocks and barriers. Approach a stranger and treat them warmly, like you would an old friend, and all your nervousness will vanish, and youll sub communicate warmth, friendliness and comfort. Just imagine this for a second. Youre out in town, and you see a stranger out for a walk. You think Im learning hypnosis, I should approach and hypnotize this person! and youre likely to feel nervous, hesitate and make mental images of yourself
2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved


feeling embarrassed as they run in the other direction! See a good friend of yours, however, and you dont think! You dont go inside and think what opening line should I say? and you dont think what if he says no / gets annoyed at me? You just say hi! The key part of that is you dont think just act natural. This is another inner game trick that will sky rocket your persuasive powers! I met Igor in a peculiar way when I was still in high school. Id written to Clifford Mee to ask some hypnosis question or other, and Cliff had allowed me to join the online forums of Igors Private Hypnosis Club. Being young and enthusiastic I posted questions like a madman, and had soon attracted the attention of Igor Ledowchowski himself. He contacted me asking if Id like to be his first virtual intern. What this means is Id edit all of Igors master class recordings, and summarize the content into manuals, in exchange for free consultation sessions with Igor every month. It took me all of half a second to think carefully about that! So for well over a year I immersed myself deeply in Igors teachings, absorbing all his material and asking him as many deep and searching questions as I could think of.


2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved

The resulting process was an incredible journey of transformation for me! I mention these stories here not just to big up my mentor, but to show you the power of reaching out, and making connections. Had I not sent one email, none of this would have happened. This also provides the background for this section on H+, as out of all the wonderful ideas and concepts I gained from Igor, this is one of the ones that stuck the most. As I write this, Im living in rural Australia, on a property nestled into 100 acres of impossibly ancient native bush in a beautiful valley. Last night I stepped outside, and had a look at the stars. Its nothing like what you see in the city, here the whole sky was aglow. I imagined the earth as one of many tiny rocks hurtling around a ball of flame. I allowed my mind to zoom out still further, and see this solar system as just one of thousands inside the Milky Way galaxy. My mind zoomed out even further, and saw the thousands and thousands of galaxies in the universe. Imagine this now, and youll understand how I felt. At first theres a feeling of smallness. You are just one person of over 6 billion on one tiny piece of rock in a small galaxy in a universe which is large beyond reckoning.

2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved


Soon, however, this feeling grows into one of ultimate freedom. You find yourself liberated from your problems and lost in wonder, and when you allow your mind to return to the here and now you feel all you old limitations and set backs have just floated away. This feeling is inspiring, and fills you with a wonderful feeling of peace and happiness that you just know you want to share with the world.

tHat is H+.
If there is anyone in the world, a friend or loved one, who fills you with a profound, burning desire to make them feel good, then that feeling is H+. Its this overwhelming intention to make other people feel good! Youll remember we talked about how important it is to come from a place of inner peace, where you want to make other people feel good for them, not out of a desire to seek approval or validation for yourself. Capture this feeling, and use it to motivate you, and fuel your actions, and you will become totally charismatic. Someone who really has the H+ is irresistibly persuasive, and people will always want to take your advice and be around you! Its important for you to get that this doesnt mean you have to be the hyped up cult leader working yourself into a frenzy to spread the good word or anything like that! This H+ can be quiet, and in the background. 84
2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved

As long as its there, and that this positive feeling is within you, somewhere, then youll get the results you want.

2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved


How To Release Your Hidden Power and Unleash Your Incredible Persuasive Potential


2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved

mentioned earlier that soccer / football is a favourite sport of mine.

I often took the role of goal keeper (although hopefully a much more even tempered one than in my last story). Many time Id be staring vaguely at the action, my mind completely still, only to find that a second later the ball was in my hand! The best saves I did always happened when I was on autopilot whenever I consciously interfered and started to get logical I normally fumbled the ball, and let in the goal. As you know I run a newsletter with a large number of members (hopefully you are one of them, if not, join here). One of the many people I studied when looking at the idea of how to write newsletters that are actually interesting, provide value, and get people to take action, was Joe Vitale, author of Hypnotic Writing. He says that when he has a newsletter or an article or even a book to write, he doesnt think he just writes! He lets his mind go blank and just free flows. Afterwards, he edits what he has created. Its important that you learn to trust your unconscious mind, and your own mental resources. Train your mind (which is exactly what you are doing now by reading this report!), and practice letting go, and being in the moment. Some people say this is a challenge they really struggle with, but I bet there are times when you are totally in the moment, arent there?
2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved


Maybe its playing a particular sport, or having a really engaging conversation. There are times when you allow yourself to let go, and just be in the moment, and act without even having to think about it. You probably arent even aware of it at the time, since its such a natural state to be in. Even if you have found yourself blinking before a small object hits your eye you have experienced the power of trusting your unconscious mind, and letting it take care of you. Its essential to learn to do this. Your conscious mind is great for setting goals. Its great for figuring out what you did after the event, and determining how you can replicate and improve on it. Its great for rewriting bad habits, and beginning the process of creating new good ones. But in your persuasive interactions and especially when doing any form of hypnosis, it is your unconscious mind that does the talking. If you hvee eevr duotbed the pweor of yuor uncnosioucs mnid, tehn jsut reraed tihs sneetnce and try and do it cnoionscyly, and Ill bet youll find it a hgue aounmt hrdaer. Are you with me so far? Your conscious mind is a great resource, but in the moment its essential to just let go, and just be natural.


2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved

You Already Have Everything You Need In Order To Be Successful

2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved


snt this crazy?

I walk you logically and carefully through all the subtle internal things that you need to do in order to be truly influential, persuasive and hypnotic, and then I end it with Oh dont worry about any of that, just trust your unconscious, and do whatever is natural! Bonkers, right? UNLESS there was something deeper going on here. Maybe the key to mastery is to train your unconscious mind. To feed yourself information that helps you utilise the resources you have, and direct them towards your eventual goal. You see, you already have all the resources you need to be successful.

Let me say that again:

you already Have all tHe resources you need

to be successful

Everything you need is at your finger tips. You just need to identify what it is, unlock it, and apply it. Thats what this book is about. 90
2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved

This is why its not about techniques. YES techniques are useful, but focus on them and youll miss what really matters. The fact that you have got this far into this report says a lot about you. Its actually quite awesome. Very, very impressive indeed! This actually makes you pretty rare. An online marketing guru says that only 20% of people who buy stuff online actually make it all the way through the material. Maybe thats the reason why I reckon only about 20% of people really succeed in changing their lives. These people are willing to make the effort. To say to themselves I want to be more successful in this part of my life and to invest, take action, and commit to making that a reality. The fact that you have read this far means you are one of these people (if you skipped to this section, thats cool to, just make sure you read the rest as soon as you can). So, I have another challenge for you, since I know youre up to it. After you finish this book relax, get out a pen and paper (you could do this on your computer but I tend to find a pen and paper helps get more solid, meaningful answers), and write down 3 Aha moments or realizations you gained from this report. They need not be new things youve never heard before just anything
2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved


that has really caught your attention and given you a well needed shot of mental energy. Then, in 3 months time, come back a reread this report. And do the exercise again. You may be surprised to find your realizations and learnings are completely different. Come back to this in three years, and youll find even more new things jump out at you as you evolve, and view this information through different lenses and filters.


2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved

How To Put Yourself In The Drivers Set and Finally Give Yourself The Freedom To Be, Do and Think Whatever YOU Want!

2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved


s you have read some of this material, they may have been some bits where you thought I wish I could believe that but I just dont

I wish I could believe in an abundance frame, etc... But I want you to ask yourself... what was holding you back? Really ask that. You see, it is your mind. You make the rules. If you take only one thing from this report, take that. Its your mind. Whatever you want to think or believe, you can. Yes, it takes practice.

Success is a habit, and successfully embedding in you the mindsets of a successful persuader and communicator takes repetition. Success is a habit, and successfully embedding in you the mindsets of a successful persuader and communicator takes repetition. Success is a... You get it. That means there will be times when things dont seem to go right for you. This report is not a magic bullet to instant change. 94
2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved

Instead, its the roadmap for a journey you need to walk yourself. If you are open, positive, willing to try new things and to be YOU then you WILL be successful. It takes effort at first, but it pays off big time.

2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved


YES! You Really, Really are Free...


2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved

Yes!, its the end of this report! Wipe those tears away though, this report it yours! You can read it as many times as you like. Its time to take these learnings with you into the real world. Remember, if you want to get in touch and get your hypnosis questions answered by a host of hypno learners and experts, come see me on the Keys To The Mind Yahoo Group, or pop into the International Association for Youth Hypnosis Forums, both of which I co own. Its been a real pleasure talking to you, and I cant wait to read about your adventures and developments!

Cheers, Nathan Thomas www.KeysToTheMind.com

Get In Touch... nathan@effectivehypnosis.com

Use the subject line Core Inner Game and Ill make sure I personally open your letter! Want to send in a testimonial? Please include a photo, if you have one, and feel free to include a website link if you want some free promotion.
2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved


How To Take This Even Further...


2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved

epending on what you are interested in, there are a few must have resources that will help you take your hypnotic and persuasive powers to the next level and beyond.

The first thing you have to do is join my newsletter at www. YourFirstInduction.com if youre after hypnosis training, or at www. MasterHypnoticLanguage.com if youre more interested in persuasion skills and language patterns. I send out more free stuff than you can shake a stick at, so make sure you are on board. Next you need to make sure you are a regular reader of www. KeysToTheMind.com I fully believe that someone can read through the piles and piles of articles and listen to the dozens of hours of free audio downloads and interviews with some of the top hypnotists in the world, and become a very skilled hypnotist, just by using the resources at Keys To The Mind. After that you have to get your hands on Igor Ledochowskis seminal program, The Power of Conversational Hypnosis. While there are dozens of conversational hypnosis programs out there, this one is the original and the best. Youll discover all the outer game stuff that, combined with the great leaps in personal power and core confidence you made in the report, will make you into a truly irresistible persuasion powerhouse. You Can Get That Here. If your thing is more Street Hypnosis related, then the guy you need to keep your eyes on in Reg Blackwood.

2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved


He has just released a break down of his entire Street Hypnosis program here www.EffectiveHypnosis.com/reg

You really need to look into that. Finally there are hundreds of books and dozens of free blogs you should check out. Start with Rintu Basus The Persuasion Skills Black Book, which is an invaluable and indepth persuasion resource that you will really love. Make sure you get your hands on Influence by Robert Cialdini, and read some of the early NLP books like Patterns 1 (if you can get your head around it the reward it huge!), and Frogs Into Princes, which is an excellent read! Also get yourself down to The Persuasion Psychology, and check out the practical and indepth articles on inner and outer game persuasion skills. A surprising amount of the real cutting edge research in the areas of influence and persuasion actually come from the field of dating and attraction, so check out material by David DeAngelo and Real Social Dynamics. Some other names that need to always be on the tip of your tongue if youre serious about mastering this field are Jeff Stephens, Marcus Oakey (you need to get on his newsletter NOW), Judy Rees, and Jamie Smart. You also need to listen to all the Free Keys To The Mind Interviews Here.


2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved

There you have it! Spend a couple of days to explore all these links and absorb the material, and youll have filled your mind to the brim with all the knowledge you need to be a successful master persuader. All you need now is to get yourself into the real world, and score some real, practical persuasion skills.

Get moving! Get learning! And Get Living!!

2011, Nathan Thomas, www.CoreInnerGame.com all rights reserved


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