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RClngeS: Vqcuum,Compound,Receiver3-15PSI Pressure, psi 1.6inches of wqter column up to 60,000

McDcrnielAll Stcrinless Steel Gcru

AII Stoinless Construction Lqmincted ScrfetyGlass Lens Blowout Relief Grommet Fillcble Ccrse Accurccy: "1.5"/" on\Llz" gquges ASME 840.I Grade A "l"/o on 2" cind2' lr" gauges ASME 840.1Grade lA on4" cnd 6" gcuges "rlz"/o ASME 840.1Grcrde2A
PSI f 10,000 cnd below) Adjustcble poinfer stcndard on 4" ond 6" only

Choice of Filling
When you order a McDqniel fillcrble gauge you may choose to fill it yourself or you mcy order it fcctory-filled with the liquid o{ your choice. Thus, you can maximize inventory utility qnd minimize inventory cost. Glycerin f illing hqs o lower opercting tempercrture limit of 320F(OoC) undiluted. The mixture o{ distilled wcter in proportions up to 35% will lower the limit commensurctely, to -400F(-400C). Silicone cqn extend the lower tempercture limit to -600F(-50'C). The mqximum tempercture limit is not determined by the fluid but by the gcuge's synthetic cqse seql. At elevated temperctures the seal mcy bcrke qnd lose its elosticity. Wcrning:Glycerinlilled gcugesshouldnot be usedin cpplicctions involvingstrong oxidizing cgentssuchcs chlorine, (Reler ASME peroxide. nitricccidor hydrogen to 840.1)

Scfe clnd Relicble

McD an ie l d esigns and mcrnufqcture s it s g f o u g e s to m i nimize fcrilure qnd to pro t e c t personnel and property. The use of laminated scfety gloss, rather thcn plexiglcrssor single strength glass, prevents dangerous pressure build-up in the ccse; t!":.e glass breaks ct 60 2" psi, the 2'1,"at 40 psi, the 4" ct 15psi cnd the 5" ct 8 psi. The brittle glcss cracks uniformly cnd the lcminqte remqins intqct. Additionclly, the Iaminqted sclety glcss won't cro;ze discolor. or Every All Stqinless Steel McDcniel gcuge is designed to withstcnd: o 300%full scqle pressurewithout rupture of the bourdon tube. o I30%full scale pressurewithout loss of qccurqcy. o 15,000 cycles of pressure pulscrtionlrom L07" to 90% full scale ot a rcte of 60 times q minute. The gcuge is qllowed to rest for 5 minutes crnd then cqn hqve no grecter error thon l% above it's origincl cccurccy as stqted cbove; at any ploce on the diol.

Repcrir Feqture
If cny McDaniel gcuge requires repoir, downtime cqn be minimql becquse cll gcuges are field-repciroble -- quickly cnd easily -q screwdriver with only needed f or discssembly. II circumstqnces permit crnd factory repoir is preferred, we will make the repcir ct o nominql service chcrge. See "WARRANTY & REPAIR" IoT further detqils.

McDcniel worronls our pressure gquges to be free o{ deJects in moteriql qnd workmanship: tleplocement ol ony delective gcuge will be mode dt no cost to the purchoser. Gouge fcilures determi ned to be coused by obuse, over- ronge ond incompstibiilty with environment or process medio will not be considered under ihis worronty. Repcir / Relurbish We will repcir ony regular stock McDoniel gouge ior a cost of $15.00 4" cnd 6" sizes;$7.50on2t/2" ond smoller (excluding on Uiility Gauges). Dumcged sockek or bourdon tubes ccrnnol be repoired. (Speciol Units, contaet McDcrniel for pricing) Prices ore F.O.B.Boutte,Louisiono 70039 U.S.A.

Pul se/Vibrcrtion Protection

gouges for M cDcniel oflers liquid-filled applicotions involving vibrcrtion or pulsction. Glycerin is qn excellent dcmper ol bourdon tube movement. Emersion ol the entire mecsuring cssembly in c protective liquid envelope provides lubricction and shuts out corrosive or dirty ctmospheres -- thereby minimizing pcrts and wecr of moving prolonging gauge Iife significcntly.

4" Ies I'12",2",2'1r", clnd 6"

r..'qse Dtyfes
ll/2" (40MM)Filled or Fillqble M o d e l S -'l e -N P T *
-STANDARD- Also avcrilcble in t/n'NPT on Request. (Center-BcckConn. Only)
A a t. I


(50MM) Filled or Fillcrble Modet Q3 - rft-NPr"

.STANDARD- AIso qvqilqble in t/s" NPT on Request.

2tl2" (63MM)Filled or Fillable M o d e l K -rfi -N P T *

.STANDARD- AIso qvqilqble in t/s" NPT on Request.

* Rcrnse Selection ,jrl,:1;|;:r::JflT.',:,H:#llffi.;lllll1;ff":$3;,f,1;$l

3 5 6 l0 A B 0-3 0-5 0-6 0- l0 0-15 0-30 0-60 0- r00 0-160 0-200 0-300 0-400 0-600 0-800 0 - r.000 0 - 1,500 0 - 2.000 0 - 3,000 0 - 5,000 0 - 6,000 0 - 10,000 0 - rs.000 0 - 20,000 0 - 30.000 0 - 35,000 3 0 " H9 -0 Vc c u m Receiver 3-15psi Compound 15 30"H9-0- psi psi Compound30"H9-0-30 psi Compound 30"H9-0-60 psi Compound 30"H9-0-100 160 Compound 30"H9-0- psi psi Compound30"H9-0-200 psi Compound 30"H9-0-300

4" (100MM) Non-Fillcble M odelA -'[- N Pr M odelC -'l z - N PT 4" (r00MM) Filled or Fillcble M odetE - '[- N Pr M odelG -tl z " npr 6" 060MM) Non-Fillable M odelB -r [- N Pr Model D -rlz"npr 6" (l60MM) Filled or Fillcrble M odelF - 'ft- N Pr M odelH -'l z " npr

D E F G H I I K t M

30k 35k

v w x
Y 2k



Choice of Mounting Style

Mountings cre specified by using the following suffixes qs codes: P = Pcrnel mount/center-bqck connection (Models S cnd Q3) Pcrnel mount/lower-bcck connection (Models A, C, E, G, B, D, F, H, K) t= Lower-bcck connection* (Models A, C, E, G, B, D, F, H, K) Center-bqck connection (Model S) C ' = Center-bqck connection Model Q3 only U U-Clcmp lor pcnel mounting (Center-bcck on S and Q3) R Recr llcnge for wqll mounting (2rlz",4"cnd 6" gquges only)(Models A, C, E, G, B, D, F, H, K)
(' Mod e l Q 3 c e n t e r - b cck co n n e ctio n u se s "C" to d e n o te centerbqck connection not "L

SpecicrlConf igurqtion

Adder Codes
B K O S = = = = psiBcr (ducl sccle) psi/kPc (ducl sccle) O, (clecned for oxygen service) Solid front/blow-out bqck cqse ()rlz" & 6" gcruges only) ,4"

C = Model K cvcrilcrblewith center-back connection by specicrlorder for psi rcrnges.

(" inches of wcrter column ronges, 4 inch diol models A & C, hcve center-bock connection qnd still use "L" to desioncte. not "C")

Choice of Mounting Style

- 5lia-

Stcndcrd Bottom Connection

Solid Front/ Blow-out Bcck (S)

Rear Flcrnge (R)

U-Clcrmp Pcnel Mount (U)

Back Connection (I.)

I. Select ccse style. column, mercury, etc.).

Front Flcrnge PcrnelMount (P)

Choice of Scc1e
McDcniel oflers lrom inventory many dual sccle rqnges. These include psi/kPc with the psi sccle primcry and kPc secondcry; psi/Bcr with the psi sccle primcry cnd Bqr secondcrry; psi/kg/cm' with psi primcrry cnd kg/cm' secondcry; kg/cm'/psi with kilogrcms per cm'primcry cnd psi secondcry. A word cbout Non-Stcrndqrd Bcnges: McDqniel offers more rqnges cnd specicl calibrctions thcrn cny other manulacturer of gauges -- for only c nominql chcrge if cny. Consult your McDaniel distributor.

How to Order by Code Number

2. Select pressure rqnge (Describeif requesting inches of wqter 3. Add mounting style if other than c stcrndcrdbottom connection. 4. Add specicl configurctions iI needed - either by code or by
written description.

5. Add choice of filling. if crppropricte:

(GF = GlycerinFilled, SF = SiliconeFilled, or FF = FluorolubeFilled)



Scrnga Type of Code, Mouotiag 6L P

Tyne ol Specierl Conligrurction Fllling



A 4" secled gcuge with c scqle of 0 - 6000psi, pcrnel mounted/lower-back '/n"NPT connection. Iilled qt the fcrctorywith glycerin (E6kP-GF).



*# a(-


2Y2" , 4" qnd 6"

The best-known construction materiols ovoiloble ore used in the monufocture of McDoniel gquges: A. 304 Stcrinless Steel Heqvy Duty Cqse B. 316 Stcrinless Steel Hecvy Duty Movement C. 316 Stainless Steel Heavy Duty Connection, Socket c:nd Bourdon Tube D. Neoprene Gqskets E. Lcrmincted Scfety Glass Lens F. Polished 304 Stcinless Steel Bcyonet Ring

Spircl Bourdon tube


Pointer shclt Stcrinless sector gecrr

& 'l&i B1 t.

Spcn crdjustment Movement mounting screwa

Spircrl Bourdon Tube

Bourdon tube work hordening con couse premoture rupture in o pulsction type service, especiolly if thot service is qbove 800 psi, where heovy woll thickness ol the Bourdon tube is encountered. McDqniel, therefore, incorporotes on crnnealled spirol bourdon tube os the sensing element of oll gouge ronges crbove 800 psi to minimize bourdon tube f qilure possibilities.

Ccse qttcchment screw hole Stem gcrsket

q{ ,*s Fx q **

g g

Threcrds"rolled", not cut

Dimensionql Dcrtcr


{ '1 ,|
H -.

(om tlominol fttodel She Dhmeler Iilltl38.5 40 S lVz' In. 1.52 r58 frlfil 50 56 03 20 In. 2.00 2,20 I|lM 63 68.5 X TVz' In. 2.48 A,C fiIfilt00 il2 I,G [o In. 3.94 4.41 B,D, tllll 160 t73 [,H 6u In. 6.30 6.81 tlfil 62 64 1f 2y2o In. 2.44 2.52 ||lil 100 t0l [,Gl 4o h. 3.94 3.98 ilfil 160 t62 l,Hf 60 h. 6.3 6.$

34 28 38.5 41.8 t0.6 l0 1.34 I.10 1.52 1.65 0.42 0.39 50r1r30.5 49 49 t0.5 tt t.93 1.20 l.n t.92 0.41 0.47 57 3l 62 62 ll l5 2.24 1.22 2.44 2.44 0.43 0.51 88 48 99 100 1 l 2r.5 3.46 r.89 3.9 3.94 0.67 0.85
l l /0 )

49.5 160 160 4.61 I.95 0.J 6.3 5l 4l 62 2.24 t.6l 2.44 87 )v 99 3.43 2.32 10 il8 t6 160 4.65 1.99 6.3

1 7 21.50 0.67 0.85 l4 l5 0.55 0.51 t7.5 tt 0.69 0.87 l9 21.5 0./5 0,85

l4 6l 5l J.0 30 29 0.8 0.55 2.40 2.0r 0.1 r.18 I.t4 0.03 4 t{ n 65 4 30.5 22 2.5 0.55 3.03 2.56 1,6 1.20 0.89 0.r 0 l4 85 75 J.0 77 3l 0.55 3.3 2.9 0.1 1.46 1.22 0.1 4 2 22 132 lt 6 4.8 49 39.5 5 0.87 5.2 4.51 0,t9 1.93 1.56 0.2 196 l/ 8 5.8 56 38 4 0.87 7.12 7.01 0.23 2.2 1.50 0.1 6 l4 85 t5 2.3 4l 35 I 0,55 3.35 2.95 0.09 L6l 1.38 0.04 22 132 ll6 4.8 )t 54.5 I 0.87 5.2 q)t 0.1 2.32 , t ( 0.04 9 22 196 t78 5.8 t6 t2 I , 0.87 t.t2 7.0t 0.23 2.99 2.830.08

I6{') 58 0.63 2.28 IB 20.5r0 59 $ 0.81 2.32 I tl 0.71 0.98 2.80 34 360l il0 1.34 0.$ 4,33
$ $



2.05 1.69 6.tl

t8 2l 0.71 0.83
3l 2l 1.22 0.83 Btt{ Bt'4

(B (enler-Bork connertion only 8M Bollom connettion Mounl o'nly

(.059 = Solid - Blow-out (ose (l ] 30, I 00PSI = I 3.5 (0.53 front Bock 60, ronqe MM, Inrhes](4) 'y'' NPI l5 MM Inches) (2) 'i'NPI = 45MM (1.77 (5) r/i' t'|n=36 (1.42 Inches) MM Inckes) (3) '/,' NPI I l0 MM (6) '/i Nn= 16.5 (0.65 = (4.33 Inrhes) MM Inches)

(/)' l ' N n= 43MM(1nches) I . 69

Models 03are S& Cenler-Back = (*inches olwaler ranges,dial 4" A&Calecenler-back)

McDaniel qlso mokes gquges in other materiqls, in sizes and rcnges to lit c wide vcriety oI cpplicctions, ond in mcny specicl conligurctions.

Ask your representctive about McDcrniel gaugles with brass internqls, gcruges with Polycmid B cqses, qll brcss gquges, test gcuges, or other requirements.


. P.0. Box 187,Luling, 70070 LA U.S.A. 14148 Highway Boutte, 70039 LA 90, U,S,A. U,S,A. . New . (985) (504) (985) 758-2782 Orleans 467-1333Fax 758-1688 www,mcdanielcontrols.com

AS 609

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