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Knowledge that can save the world Give a thought and viral it.

By John paily - Grace New Age Research

The world is endnagered by acclerated climate change and increased natural catstrophes. It is very evident that and no body can close their eyes on it any more. It is not only earth's climate that is unstable, even human mind at individual and colleceive levels are unstable manifesting in to voilence and revolt. Nations are turning aginst nations with all the weapons of mass destruction in hand. Every thing points to a self destrcution because of ignorance. It is time we assess the knowledge on which we have founded. True knowledge should have brought peace and happiness to life at all levels. One look at the world shows that there is some thing fundamentally wrong in the knowledge on which we the modern people exist and govern our life and Nature. It is time we ask What is wrong? What we should do to correct the situation? Common sense tells us that any system that is unilaterally heated will break down. The principle and design of earth and her functioning suggest that when environmental heat is increased unilaterally then earths environment unwinds. Earth reacts to this force by winding. We are goverend by two opposing forces - sun that heat up and and earth that cools [rain/snow]. These forces give way one another smoothly forming day and night and climatic cycle which sustains life with information renewal. We have failed to understand the energy cycle and the information cycle of earth in which we live. What we have failed to note is the parallel world Design of earth that helps the system ot balance it self. When one part peaks in heat another part simultaneoulsy peak in coldness. The exponentially increasing heat of the environment by human activity and his intrusion into night cycle and recekless felling of forest is upsetting this design leading to acclerated climate change and huge destrcution from forces of nature. The earth produces the

winding force to oppose the force of heat that unwinds. This is resulting in flash floods, extreem snows and cold conditions. This also is the cause for increased earth quakes. Eventually it would end in huge volcanic eruptions. Scientist are speaking this now. Watch out for yellow stone. There is hope for humanity provided he awakens to the principle and design on which earth functions and develop management of energy of earths environment. We also need to invent anti-gravity and a second space- time reality that opposes the material world - A vision that Einstein strived to invent. This would bring life, specailly human and his mind and his self into the picture of understanding nature. This will unite science and spiritual knowledge and take us to higer level of knowledge giving us true freedom - some one has take this message to the world. What I speak is the product a life time research from a point of freedom after I left a lucrative career in science to enquire into nature from a point of freedom. The two fallowing article breiefly presents observations and knowledge synthesized by Grace that can help humanity understand nature and evolve into Green Age - some one should take it to the worlds attention. It has potential to make nature simple and comprehensible to all and can open simple technique and technologies that can influence every field of human interest and help him live in harmony with nature. - Will some orgnaization take it up, explore and give me a chance to explain it in detail http://www.scribd.com/doc/114273537/Climate-Change-and-ItsRelation-to-Energy http://www.scribd.com/doc/112583263/Reinventing-Gravity-andNew-Space-Time-Reality

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