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Prioritatea 1 Modernizarea i dezvoltarea infrastructurii de transport trans-europene i a reelelor de legtur Prioritatea 2 Modernizarea i dezvoltarea infrastructurii de transport de interes naional

i mbuntirea serviciilor aferente Prioritatea 3 Dezvoltarea durabil a sectorului transporturi

Msura 1.1 Modernizarea i construcia de infrastructuri rutiere transeuropene Msura 1.2 Modernizarea i construcia de infrastructuri feroviare transeuropene Msura 1.3 Modernizarea i extinderea infrastructurii navale transeuropene Msura 1.4 Modernizarea i extinderea infrastructurii aeroportuare transeuropene Msura 1.5 Modernizarea i construcia reelelor de legtur la TEN Msura 2.1 Modernizarea i construcia de infrastructuri rutiere de interes naional Msura 2.2 Modernizarea i construcia de infrastructuri feroviare de interes naional, precum i mbuntirea serviciilor aferente Msura 2.3 Modernizarea i extinderea infrastructurii navale de interes naional

POS Infrastructura de transport

Msura 3.1 Promovarea intermodalitii Msura 3.2 mbuntirea siguranei traficului pe toate modurile de transport Msura 3.3 Reducerea impactului lucrrilor i activitilor de transport asupra mediului nconjurtor Msura 3.4 Punerea n siguran a infrastructurii de transport

Prioritatea 4 Asisten tehnic Msura 4.1 Asisten tehnic pentru gestionarea, implementarea, monitorizarea i controlul msurilor din POS Infrastructur de transport Msura 4.2 Alte cheltuieli de asisten tehnic legate de POS Infrastructur de transport

POS Infrastructura de transport

Prioritate 1: Dezvoltarea i modernizarea infrastructurii naionale de transport situat pe TEN - T Prioritate 2: Dezvoltarea i modernizarea reelelor de legtur la TEN-T

Aciunea 1: Construcia de autostrzi i drumuri expres pe TEN Rutier Aciunea 2: Modernizarea cilor ferate inter-operabile pe TEN Feroviar Aciunea 3: Modernizarea cailor navigabile interioare pe TEN Naval Aciunea 4: Modernizarea aeroporturilor de interes internaional Aciunea 1: Construcia i modernizarea cilor de acces la marile porturi i aeroporturi Aciunea 2: Construcia de legturi ntre centrele marilor orae situate pe reeaua TEN i infrastructura de transport exterioar (de discutat?) Aciunea 1: Construcia de autostrzi i drumuri expres i modernizarea drumurilor naionale Aciunea 2: Modernizarea cilor ferate inter-operabile Aciunea 3: Modernizarea cailor navigabile interioare Aciunea 1: Achiziia de material rulant pentru transportul feroviar public de cltori Aciunea 2: . ? Aciunea 1: Promovarea intermodalitii Aciunea 2: mbuntirea siguranei traficului pe toate modurile de transport Aciunea 3: Reducerea impactului lucrrilor i activitilor de transport asupra mediului nconjurtor Aciunea 4: Punerea n siguran a infrastructurii de transport Aciunea 1: Asisten tehnic pentru gestionarea, implementarea, monitorizarea i controlul msurilor din POS Infrastructur de transport Aciunea 2: Alte cheltuieli de asisten tehnic legate de POS Infrastructur de transport

Prioritate 3: Dezvoltarea i modernizarea infrastructurii naionale de transport

Prioritate 4: Achiziia de material rulant


Prioritate 5: Dezvoltarea durabil a infrastructurii de transport

Prioritate 6: Asisten tehnic

SOP Transport

Priority 1: Modernisation and development of transEuropean transport infrastructure

Operation 1: Modernisation and development of trans-European road infrastructure Operation 2: Modernisation and development of trans-European railway infrastructure Operation 3: Modernisation and development of trans-European inland waterway infrastructure Operation 4: Modernisation and enlargement of trans-European air infrastructure

Priority 2: Modernization and development of TEN T linkage network

Aciunea 1: Modernization and development of access ways to the large ports and airports Aciunea 2: Development of connection ways between the centers of large cities and the exterior transport infrastructure (?)
Operation 1: Modernization and development of national road infrastructure Operation 2: M odernisation and construction of national railway infrastructure Operation 3: Modernisation and development of national inland waterway infrastructure

Priority 3: Modernization and development of national transport infrastructure

Priority 4: Acquisition of rolling stock

Operation 1: Acquisition of rolling stock fo the railway passenger transport Operation 2: . ? Operation 1: Promoting the inter-modality Operation 2: Improvement of traffic safety on all transport modes Operation 3: Reducing works and transport activities impact on the environment Operation 4: Safeguarding the transport infrastructure
Operation 1: Technical Assistance for managing, implementing, monitoring and control of the SOP Transport Infrastructure operations Operation 2: Other expenditures of the Technical Assistance for OP Transport Infrastructure.


Priority 5: Sustainable development of the transport sector

Priority 6: Technical assistance

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