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GORDONS FUNCTIONAL HEALTH PATTERNS BEFORE He does not have any vices because according to his knowledge, it could

lead to severe illness. He does not visit his doctor for annual checkups. He had been compliant with medications prescribed by the physician after his total hip replacement because he was diagnosed with diabetes and hypertension. As verbalized by the patients son. He eats all the food that is being served to him except fatty foods. His favorite food is stew. He usually have his breakfast at 9am, lunch at 1pm and dinner at 6pm. As verbalized by the patient's son. He has a brown soft formed stool and eliminates once every two days. Four diapers he usually consumes every day. As verbalized by the patients son. I take care of him, assist him in his daily routine. I usually turn him in bed every two hours and transfer him in the wheelchair every morning. I also massage his extremities. As verbalized by the patients son. Not applicable He usually takes a nap every late morning, around 10am; take afternoon sleep for about 3-4 hours and sleeps at night around 10pm until 8 in the morning. As verbalized by the patients DURING Not applicable

Health PerceptionHealth Management Pattern

The client is on NGT feeding and has a diet of DM Renal (full low salt, low fat, low carbohydrates).

Nutritional Metabolic Pattern

Elimination Pattern

The client has a brown soft stool and eliminates once a day. He uses folley catheter for urination. Urine output was monitored every hour.

The client is being positioned every 2 hours to prevent bed sores and to promote circulation.

Activity exercise Pattern

Sexuality-Reproduction Pattern

Not applicable The client is equipped with Mechanical Ventilator to aid for his breathing. He is able to sleep as long as the mechanical ventilator is attached and a high fowlers position is maintained to facilitate

Sleep-rest pattern

Coping-Stress Pattern

Role Relationship Pattern

Sensory-Perceptual Pattern

Cognitive Pattern

Value Belief Pattern

son. Not applicable Before he had his total hip replacement last year, he was an earner and a provider to us, for the family. He was an electronic engineer. But after the surgery, he was not able to work and fulfill his duties and responsibilities in the family. As verbalized by the patients son. He reads with the help of his reading glasses. His other senses were good. He can hear, he usually listens to the radio. He also respond to pain through verbalizing it. As verbalized by the patients son. He is a graduate of Electronic Engineering. He knows how to read and write. As verbalized by the patients son. He is a Roman Catholic. He attends mass on TV every Sunday morning. He believes that God guides and helps us in our problems. As verbalized by the patients son.

breathing. Not applicable The client is not physically fit to work therefore, he is not anymore earning for his family. However, he still has a good relationship with his them.

The client responds to pain stimuli. He also responds to verbal instructions and communications through raising his eyebrows. His left extremities were weak and still able to feel.

The client is able to response whenever the nurses calls his attention.

Every morning the family of the patient allows the Chaplain to visit him.

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