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Sweet Water (Southeastern Wisconsin Watersheds Trust, Inc) Steering Council Meeting Minutes Wednesday, June 9, 2010 1:30-3:30

pm Technology Innovation Center Wauwatosa, WI Attendees: Nancy Frank-Chair, Susan Eichelkraut (for Sharon Gayan), Susan Greenfield, Tom Grisa, Mike Hahn, Henry Hamilton, Andy Holschbach, David Lee, Jeff Martinka, J. Scott Mathie, and Dan Stoffel. Guests: Julie Bucheger, Kimberly Gleffe, Ben Gramling, Dennis Grzezinski, and Kate Morgan. Support: Marilyn Goris. 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Review and approve the 4/14/10 Steering Council meeting minutes. The minutes from the 4/14/10 Steering Council meeting were unanimously approved. 3. Election of new SEWRPC Representative: Mike Hahn Holschbach moved to elect Mike Hahn as the SEWRPC representative to the Steering Council, replacing Ken Yunker. Grisa seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Update concerning SWWTs 501c3 application The 501c3 application is almost completed and will be submitted to the IRS in the next few days. Martinka will keep the Council updated on the status of this application. 5. Consideration of $4,000 in funding to match of the 1000 Friends of WI's Coastal Zone Management grants public outreach project. Kate Morgan, 1000 Friends of Wisconsin and Communications Committee staff, gave background for a request of $4,000 from Sweet Water funds as a match to grant from the Wisconsin Coastal Management Program for a phone survey of three watersheds to determine a baseline of stormwater runoff knowledge from the residents within these watersheds. The phone survey is estimated at a cost of approximately $26,000. 1000 Friends has received $18,000 from Coastal Management, is seeking $4,000 from Sweet Waters committee support funds and will raise an additional $2,000 from other sources such as the municipalities. Action: Lee moved that up to $4,000 from committee support be earmarked for the survey; Grisa seconded. 1000 Friends will put out an RFP and try to get the cost reduced. The municipalities will be approached to help support the survey. Motion was passed unanimously. 6. Update on first round of GLRI grants Martinka reviewed the list of Great Lakes Restoration Initiative grants that will be awarded for projects that will support Sweet Waters efforts in the southeastern Wisconsin watersheds. MMSD was successful in its funding requests in large part because of its affiliation with

Sweet Water. Sweet Water will act as both a work and financial partner for some of these projects, such as the Menomonee and Kinnickinnic River TMDLs. Sweet Water will need to integrate these projects with the work under the watershed restoration plans. 7. Public Policy Forum's Public-Private Cooperation Award for Sweet Water on 6/17. Kevin Shafer, MMSD, nominated Sweet Water for the Public Policy Forums Public Private Cooperation Award. The award will be presented at a breakfast from 7:30-9:00am on Thursday, June 17th at the Italian Community Center. Steering Council members are invited to participate. Molly Flanagan from the Joyce Foundation will also be attending. 8. Policies and procedures matters a. Discussion concerning establishment of Finance/Development Committee (Nancy Frank). Action: The Steering Council created a Development Committee whose main purpose is to develop and seek funds for Sweet Water work. Kevin Shafer will chair and David Lee and Dan Stoffel agreed to be on the committee. The Committee will also include some members outside of Sweet Water. Members will be well connected individuals with tentacles in the community identifying funding opportunities and ensuring Sweet Water applies for these funds. 9. Adoption of Menomonee and Kinnickinnic River Watershed Restoration Plans. Action: Grisa moved to adopt the Menomonee and Kinnickinnic River Watershed Restoration Plans; Hahn seconded. It was noted that the watershed restoration plans are the basis for all of Sweet Waters work. The motion passed unanimously. 10. Watershed Restoration Plans Implementation progress and Watershed Action Teams report (WAT Co-chairs) Ben Gramling, Sixteenth Street Community Health Center and Kinnickinnic River WAT Cochair, provided an update on the WRPs and WATs. The WATs have reviewed the details of the WRPs and are following a process to identify a list of priority actions that Sweet Water will either lead or assist in implementing over the next few years. The group is on target to have the implementation plans completed by November (this also coincides with the Joyce Foundation grant deliverable.) The format of the MOU should be revised to be more user friendly and assist in obtaining more MOUs signed with the municipalities in the Kinnickinnic and Menomonee Rivers. 11. Report by Executive Director Jeff Martinka a. Report on Joyce Foundation Project Team. The Project team will be meeting to assess where we are with the workplan-to-date and what resources need to be re-aligned to for the grant work going forward. b. April-June 2010 progress report Marinka reported on work towards a watershed restoration plan in the Root River. The Sweet mini-grant program for green infrastructure projects deadline is August 15th. The grant awards will be announced at the Clean Rivers/Clean Lakes conference in September.

Martinka requested Steering Council members to volunteer to be on the grant review and award committee. The forum on the new phosphorus rules produced by Sweet Water on May 27th at the UWM WATER Institute was well-attended. Sweet Water is planning a field trip to Chicago to meet with the Joyce Foundation and Chicago Wilderness sometime in August. c. 2010 work plan update Martinka presented a spending summary for the year-to-date and will provide this on a regular basis. Discussion of financial statement line items and reporting will be included on the Steering Council agenda for August. 12. Status Reports: a. Conference Committee (Jeff Martinka) The Clean Rivers/Clean Lakes Conference will be held on September 15th at the Radisson Hotel in Wauwatosa. Cameron Davis, EPA, will be a keynote speaker. b. Policy Committee (Dennis Grzezinski, Midwest Environmental Advocates) -Update on meeting with DNR on water quality trading Grzezinski reported on the meeting the Policy Committee members had with the DNR on Sweet Waters water quality trading recommendations. (See trading meeting summary). Overall, the recommendations were well received and the DNR will work with Sweet Water on regulation or rule changes needed for a pilot trade to be possible in southeastern Wisconsin watersheds. The next steps are to include a broader group of stakeholders, particularly from agriculture in the process and continue to work through outstanding issues. The DNR staff will soon be releasing white papers on water quality trading and watershedbased permitting. Approval of phosphorus rules will drive the demand for a trade. Grisa advocated that Sweet Water move quickly on this or the municipalities will just move ahead and spend their money to stay in compliance. Stoffel suggested finding other models out there for working with rural partners and monitoring and establishing credits. b. Science Committee (Jeff for Val Klump) The Science Committee will meet on Tuesday, July 13th 3-5:00pm at the Great Lakes Water Institute. c. Communications Committee (Kate Morgan) Morgan offered a summary of recent Sweet Water communications efforts, including webpage and Facebook updates, quarterly newsletter progress, press release and press briefing efforts, and pending publications. 13. Other matters There were no other matters discussed.

14. The meeting was adjourned at 3:45pm.

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