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Document Date: Mon 20 March, 2006 Prepared by: VMS Incorporated, 35, Lane Avenue, BTS, 65003, Republic of BSM. www.vmsinc.com Author: Abdulazeez WR Yusoff MIS Manager, VMS Inc.


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1. PURPOSE OF DOCUMENT 1.1 The purpose of this document is to provide the User Requirements descriptions for the proposed Satellite Vehicle Tracking (SVT) System for VMS Incorporated, a company involved in the management and logistical support for vehicle fleets in Malaysia. 1.2 This document shall not be construed as final. It is meant as a reference document for further discussions to define the final scope of user requirements for the system.

2. INFORMATION GATHERING 2.1 This User Requirements document is based on several sessions of interviews and discussions with relevant personnel at VMS Inc to establish the basic functionality and operational requirements of the SVT. 2.2 Information in this document has been compiled by staff of the Management Information System (MIS) department of VMS Inc. for the express purpose of communicating the requirements of the system with to the consultant and the vendor.

3. BRIEF OVERVIEW OF THE SATELLITE VEHICLE TRACKING (SVT) SYSTEM 3.1 The objectives of the proposed SVT system for VMS Inc are summarized as follows: To have a real-time and on-line system that can track and monitor the locations of all vehicles under the administration and control of VMS Inc on a 24-hour basis. To be able to track all vehicle status (moving or stationary) and their average speeds on a 24-hour period To be able to receive notification alerts for vehicles exceeding speed limits within the marked speed limit zones on a 24-hour period To be able to generate and produce management reports via on-line, softcopy and hardcopy on scheduled and on-demand basis. To have the capability of permanently storing all information in the SVT for a minimum period of 5 years.

4. SCOPE OF USER REQUIREMENTS DOCUMENTATION 4.1 The scope of this User Requirements documentation is to describe as best as possibly can, the known requirements of VMS Inc, on the proposed SVT system. All information in this document shall be taken as the Terms of Reference (TOR) for the consultant and vendor to subsequently undertake the actual system design and implementation. 4.2 This user requirements documentation is deemed incomplete. It is the responsibility of the consultant and the vendor to provide all the necessary information and recommendations in order to ensure that the final design and implementation of the SVT system meets all the stated needs and requirements of VMS Inc.


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5. SCOPE OF WORK FOR THE CONSULTANT AND VENDOR 5.1 The scope of work for the consultant and vendor for the Satellite Vehicle Tracking (SVT) system are as follows: To ensure that a software system for the Satellite Vehicle Tracking (SVT) will be built that is fully operational and fulfils all the stated requirements in this document To provide all the necessary services including system design, software design, software coding, installation, testing, commissioning and deployment To provide all the necessary software and project documentation (e.g. design, codes, test reports, project schedule, configuration) including the conduct of training to ensure that VMS Inc will be able to maintain and support the software in the future.

6. SOFTWARE FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS The functional requirements of the Satellite Vehicle Tracking (SVT) system include but are not limited to the following: 6.1 Vehicle Register 6.1.1 Every vehicle in the system shall be uniquely identified against the vehicle operator (owner) through the Ministry of Transport (MOT) registration number. This requirement is mandatory. VMS Inc manages the location and speed tracking services on behalf of the vehicle owners. 6.1.2 Each vehicle will be fitted with a satellite black box (SBB) with a unique SBB registration number. The SBB boxes are removable and are not fitted permanently to the vehicle. This allows for the SBB to be removed from one vehicle, repaired and maintained and fitted into another vehicle. The movement of these SBB shall also be tracked. 6.1.3 The number of vehicles to be catered by the SVT system shall be unlimited. However, for this first phase of implementation, the system should be able to cater for a minimum of 500 vehicles. 6.1.4 There shall be a register to track the driver on each vehicle on the road. Like the SBB the drivers and vehicles are interchangeable. The drivers shall be uniquely identified by their identification card numbers. The capacity for the total number of drivers shall be unlimited. 6.1.5 The accumulated mileage for each of the vehicle shall be monitored. This information is required for scheduled services like maintenance and inspection. The system shall provide the required functionality with user flexibility to schedule services at any total accumulated mileage. For example, maintenance at 5,000 KM for a full set changes of tyres, maintenance at 20,000 KM for transmission change, etc. The number of scheduled settings shall be unlimited.


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6.1.6 Each vehicle will have a record register. The information in this register comprise the usual particulars for a vehicle, which include but is not limited to the vehicle make, vehicle manufacturer, model, engine number, chassis number, etc. 6.1.7 Each vehicle owner will have a record register. The information in this register comprise the usual particulars for a company, which include but is not limited to the company name, company registration number, address, telephone, email contact, website address, person in charge, etc.

6.2 Vehicle Location Data Validation 6.2.1 The SBB of the vehicle shall transmit raw data to SVT database at specified intervals. The scope of work for providing the data into the SVT database is on a separate contract provided by a separate vendor. The SVT system begins its process from this raw data. The regularity of receiving raw data is a variable that can be set in the SBB. 6.2.2 The raw data record structure provided to the SVT database from the SBB transmission is as follows: SBB ID: varchar(10) Vehicle registration: varchar(10) Data date: date Data time: time with time zone Latitude: double Longitude: double SBB Message: varchar(50) 6.2.3 The SVT system must validate and verify that each raw data record received comply with the data structure in Item 6.2.2 above. In the event that any field data does not comply, the entire record shall be considered corrupt. 6.2.4 A separate register of all corrupted records must be maintained in the system. This register will be used to track faulty SBB or bad communications between the SBB and the SVT database. 6.2.5 A suitable test data set must be prepared for the raw data for the SVT system. It must be as real as possible to the operational case of the SVT system. The test data set must provide both static and dynamic vehicle location data covering all the fields as specified in Item 6.2.2 above.

6.3 Vehicle Location Tracking 6.3.1 The location of any vehicle can be tracked on demand. The display shall be on the last good record received in the SVT database. 6.3.2 The user shall have the flexibility to select a range of date intervals and time intervals to retrieve location records of any vehicle on demand. 6.3.3 The user shall have the flexibility to display the locations and movements of any selected vehicle in a graphical plot or in tabular format.


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6.4 Vehicle Speed Tracking 6.4.1 The system shall provide a display of the speed of the vehicle from a range of date and time intervals selected by the user. 6.4.2 The system will have to calculate the best guess estimate for the average speed using the latest intervals of the good vehicle location data. 6.4.3 The system shall be able to track any vehicle which exceeds its set speed limit. A separate register shall be provided for vehicle exceeding its speed limit.

6.5 Reporting Requirements 6.5.1 There shall be two types of reporting for the SVT system: Web based reporting on-demand, and the production of specific text reports. 6.5.2 Each report shall be appropriately time stamped. 6.5.3 Text based reports are exception reports generated based on specified settings, for example, automatic reports when a vehicle exceeds its speed limit. These text reports are to be stored in a specific directory accessible to the SVT administrator. 6.5.4 Web based reports are reports accessed from the SVT system through the web browser on demand based on specified templates. This includes reports selected between a range of date and time intervals. 6.5.5 The web based reports shall provide the user with flexibility to select a range of date intervals and time intervals to retrieve location records of any vehicle on demand. 6.5.6 The web based reports shall provide the user with flexibility to select a range of date intervals and time intervals to retrieve speed records of any vehicle on demand. 6.5.7 The web based reports shall provide the user with flexibility to display the locations and movements of any selected vehicle in a graphical plot and/or with data in tabular format between a range of date and time intervals. 6.5.8 The web based reports shall be formatted to be suitable for both screen display and printing to paper. 6.5.9 There shall be a specific report to text and the web browser for the number of corrupted records (faulty SBB) coming from the vehicles between a range of date and time intervals. This is used for maintenance monitoring. 6.5.10 There shall be a specific report to text and the web browser for the number of faulty SBB (failures) coming from the vehicles between specific date intervals. The administrator and owners need to know which SBB are working and which are not working. 6.5.11 There shall be a specific report to text and the web browser for a list of vehicles with three (3) consecutive daily failures of SBB (faulty). This report shall be automatically generated daily.


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6.6 Future functional Requirements The SVT system must be designed with the capability to easily accommodate and adapt to the following future requirements: 6.6.1 Mileage tracking reporting There will be a need to track and report the total mileage traveled for each vehicle for purposes of scheduled inspection and maintenance. 6.6.2 SMS notification There will be a need to have the SVT system to automatically provide SMS notifications on vehicle locations to the administrator and vehicle owner when certain specified conditions are violated. Examples are the violations of speed limits and reaching specified total mileage requirements. 6.6.3 EMAIL notification There will be a need to have the SVT system to automatically provide EMAIL notifications on vehicle locations to the administrator and vehicle owner when certain specified conditions are violated. An example is the speed limit. 6.6.4 High transaction volume It is envisaged that the system in the future will provide vehicle owners direct access to the SVT reports through the web browser. The system must therefore be scalable to high transaction volumes, estimated to reach up to 5000 vehicles. The speed and response cannot be compromised. 6.6.5 SVT Response - The speed and response of the SVT system to produce reports on the web browser shall be less than 2 seconds. This includes the requirements for the full scaled up version in the future. 6.6.6 Mapping The SVT system must be designed to be able to integrate and work smoothly with geographical databases in the future. This requirement specifically includes the PostGIS mapping database. This will allow vehicle locations and speeds to be displayed on actual land maps.

7. SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE REQUIREMENTS 7.1 The informational records and all data in the SVT system shall be permanently stored in a persistent store like in a database. 7.2 For data storage integrity, the database shall be an industrial strength relational database management system running on a unix operating system. The database and operating system proposed by VMS Inc are PostgreSQL database version 8 or later, and Linux Fedora Core 4, respectively. 7.3 The web engine proposed by VMS Inc is Apache web-server version 2.50 or later running on Linux Fedora Core 4. The scripting engine for the SVT web based reporting system can be a mix of perl, php and jsp (Apache-Tomcat) programming languages. 7.4 To cater for future high transaction volumes, suitable database pooling connections may be proposed. VMS Inc strongly prefers an open-source transaction server providing the middleware transaction layer for high transaction volumes.


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7.5 The SVT system shall be constructed as a multi-tiered system. The separate layers must be independent or each other and can be easily taken out to be used in future requirements.

8. SOFTWARE VALIDATION REQUIREMENTS 8.1 Each of the functionality of the proposed Satellite Vehicle Tracking (SVT) system shall be validated against this user requirements document. Any ambiguous functionality shall be discussed and agreed with VMS Inc before incorporating into the system. 8.2 A suitable test data set must be prepared for the raw data for the SVT system. It must be as real as possible to the operational case of the SVT system. The test data set must provide both static and dynamic vehicle location data covering all the fields as specified in Item 6.2.2 above. 8.3 VMS Inc requires that the prepared test data be also stored permanently in a separate section in the SVT database so that the data can be used again and again when required.

9. DELIVERABLES - INSTRUCTIONS TO CONSULTANTS AND VENDORS 9.1 It is extremely important that the speed, distance traveled and vehicle location calculations are verified to be correct. It is the responsibility of the consultant and the vendor to demonstrate this to VMS Inc. 9.2 The validity of the speed, distance traveled and vehicle location calculations must be demonstrated using the prepared test data as described in Item 8.2 above. 9.3 Prior to the actual software coding for this SVT, the consultant and vendor are to provide to VMS Inc all the necessary diagrams (UML and non-UML, etc), drawings (architecture, ERD, EFD etc), tables (data tables, testing tables, etc), and write-ups that translate this user requirement document into a fully functional and operational design for the Satellite Vehicle Tracking (SVT) system.

End of Document

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