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Oracle Internet Directory

1uning and Coniguration

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OID Tuning and Configuration, A Quick Reference Page 2
OID 1uning & Coniguration, A Quick Reerence
OVLRVIL\...................................................................................................... 3
OID product ersions ...................................................................................... 3
Basic conigurations.......................................................................................... 4
OID Database Coniguration ..................................................................... 4
Database Initialization Parameters......................................................... 4
OID LDAP Serer Instance Coniguration.............................................. 5
Large Group Lntries ....................................................................................
OID Database Statistics...............................................................................
Adanced Conigurations................................................................................. 8
OID LDAP Serer Instance with Replication or DIP............................ 8
OID Replication Serer Coniguration ..................................................... 8
OID Garbage Collection Coniguration ................................................... 9
OID Cluster Coniguration with RAC Database..................................... 9
Password Policies And Veriier Proiles.................................................. 10
Using OID Serer Lntry Cache................................................................ 10
Speciic USL CASL scenarios....................................................................... 12
1uning lor OID Bulk Load Operation ,bulkload, ............................... 12
Database Initialization Parameter ........................................................ 12
1he Database 1emp 1ablespace.......................................................... 12
1uning lor OID Bulk Delete Operation ,bulkdelete, .......................... 12
Database Initialization Parameters....................................................... 12
Database redo logs` and UNDO 1ablespace.................................. 12
1uning lor Relatiely ligh LDAP \rite Operations Load................ 13
1he Database redo logs` and UNDO 1ablespace.......................... 13
OID LDAP Instance Coniguration ................................................... 13
1uning OID in OAM ,CORLid, and OIl deployments ..................... 13

OID Tuning and Configuration, A Quick Reference Page 3
OID 1uning & Coniguration, A Quick Reerence
Oracle Internet Directory ,OID, is Oracle`s LDAP3 Directory Serer that is
highly scalable, aailable and manageable. OID has multi-threaded, multi-process,
multi-instance process architecture with Oracle Database as the directory store.
1his unique physical architecture enables OID to be deployed on seeral hardware
architectures including SMP, NUMA and Cluster hardware. OID physical
architecture enables linear perormance scalability with hardware resources and
numerous ligh Aailability conigurations that is unmatched in the industry.
1he out o box OID coniguration is not optimal or most production or test
deployments. It is hence imperatie that some basic tuning and coniguration
changes are perormed ater OID installation to achiee optimal perormance and
1his paper intends to proide a quick reerence or such tuning and coniguration
changes. 1he content here is diided into two main categories iz. ,a, Basic
conigurations where the tuning requirements apply to most deployments and ,b,
Adanced conigurations where the tuning requirements apply to certain scenarios
only. It is strongly recommended that the OID administrator reiew and
incorporate the tuning recommendations beore deploying OID or any production
or test enironments.
1he paper intends to proide a jumpstart on OID tuning and coniguration
requirements. 1he ocus is on the what to tune` aspects and not necessarily on the
how to` part. 1he reader is urged to reer the OID Admin Guide or details
where required. Basic LDAP, OID and Oracle Database skills are assumed. 1he
paper also assumes that decisions on physical architecture, ligh Aailability
conigurations, platorm etc. are already made and does not dwell into these topics
or procedures or the same.
Most o the tuning and coniguration recommendations in this paper are alid or
OID releases 9.0.4.x, 10.1.2.x and 10.1.4.x. I an item is releant to a particular
OID ersion only, it is clearly called out.
\hile most recommendations here apply to OID 11gR1 as well, there hae been
signiicant changes in OID 11gR1 with respect to coniguration and some o the
OID Tuning and Configuration, A Quick Reference Page 4
tuning recommendations in this paper are handled out o box in OID 11gR1.
lence, or tuning and coniguration recommendations or OID 11gR1, one should
reer Chapter 33: 1uning and Sizing Oracle Internet Directory` in the book
Oracle Iusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Internet
Directory, JJg Release J (JJ.J.J).
1he requirements and recommendations in this section should be careully
reiewed and the out-o-box OID coniguration must be tuned in almost all
OID Database Configuration
Database InitiaIization Parameters
Some good minimum alues or Database Instance parameters are gien here.
sga_target, sga_max_size - A minimum o 1500M. A higher alue will be
required i the directory size exceeds 1 Million entries and,or a high rate o
I,O is obsered. One can go up to 60-0 o the RAM aailable or the
Database on the box.
pga_aggregate_target~300M |I a large bulkload` operation is being planned,
set this to 1-4GB or the duration o the bulkload` operation i suicient
RAM is aailable|
job_queue_processes~1 |or more. Note that this tuning applies to only OID
multi-master replication deployments|
max_commit_propagation_delay~99 or lower |tuning applies only to RAC
Database, RDBMS 10.1 only|

OID Tuning and Configuration, A Quick Reference Page 5

OID LDAP Server Instance Configuration
1he deault OID LDAP Instance 41 that serices the LDAP Application
1raic. Update the ollowing attributes in conigset0 entry iz.
cn~conigset0,cn~osdldapd,cn~subconigsubentry` to tune the number o
processes and threads in OID LDAP Serer. 1his has a major impact on
the overall performance -
orclsererprocs~|number o CPUs on OID node|
Note: I one needs to change any other attribute in conigset0, it is
recommended to create a dierent conigset entry and use it to start the
LDAP instance rather than changing conigset0.
A sample command line ldapmodiy on a Unix shell to achiee the aboe
update is as ollows ,assumes alues or a 2 CPU machine, -

$ORACLE_HOME/bin/ldapmodify -h <ldaphost> -p <ldapport>
-D cn=orcladmin -w <passwd> -v <<EOF
dn: cn=configset0,cn=osdldapd,cn=subconfigsubentry
changetype: modify
replace: orclmaxcc
orclmaxcc: 10
replace: orclserverproces
orclserverprocs: 2

LDAP instance needs restart or this change to take eect.
I other OID LDAP Instances are being used or other coniguration set
entries are being used or the LDAP instance, update the orclmaxcc` and
orclsererprocs` alues in the appropriate conigset entry.
I neither Replication nor DIP is being deployed and there are no other
Directory Synchronization products in the deployment looking at Change
Logs in OID, then OID Change Log generation can be disabled or better
LDAP write` perormance. An example oidctl` command to disable change
logs or the deault OID LDAP instance 41 is as ollows -
oidctl connect~conn serer~oidldapd instance~1 stop
oidctl connect~conn serer~oidldapd instance~1 lags~-l alse` start
I LDAP Reerral entries are not present in the Directory, then you can
perorm the ollowing tuning to improe LDAP Search perormance. LDAP
reerral entries are not common and it is more oten the case that this tuning
can be saely implemented. 1his has a major impact on performance and
hence is strongly recommended.
OID Tuning and Configuration, A Quick Reference Page 6
Set the attribute orclskipreinsql` to 1 in the DSA Conig entry. A sample
LDAP Modiy command to achiee the same is as ollows -

$ORACLE_HOME/bin/ldapmodify -h <ldaphost> -p <ldapport>
-D cn=orcladmin -w <passwd> -v <<EOF
dn: cn=dsaconfig,cn=configsets,cn=oracle internet
changetype: modify
replace: orclskiprefinsql
orclskiprefinsql: 1

Idle LDAP connections can be closed ater a gien period o idle time. By
deault, idle LDAP connections are not closed. It is recommended that the
idle LDAP connections be closed ater a conigured period o idle time to
aoid unnecessary LDAP connections build up on OID. lor example i 60
minutes is determined to be a good idle connection timeout period or the
gien OID deployment, then set attribute orclldapconntimeout` in the DSA
Conig entry to 60. 1he deault alue o 0 means no time out. A sample
LDAP Modiy command to achiee this on a Unix shell is as ollows -

$ORACLE_HOME/bin/ldapmodify -h <ldaphost> -p <ldapport>
-D cn=orcladmin -w <passwd> -v <<EOF
dn: cn=dsaconfig,cn=configsets,cn=oracle internet
changetype: modify
replace: orclldapconntimeout
orclldapconntimeout: 60

Detailed MatchDN inormation when the BASL DN o an LDAP Search
operation is not present in the Directory can be disabled i no LDAP client
or application speciically needs such details. 1he details are not usually
required and this tuning can improe the oerall LDAP search operation
Set attribute orclmatchdnenabled` to 0 in the root DSL entry. A sample
LDAP modiy command on a unix shell or this task is as ollows -

$ORACLE_HOME/bin/ldapmodify -h <ldaphost> -p <ldapport>
-D cn=orcladmin -w <passwd> -v <<EOF
changetype: modify
replace: orclmatchdnenabled
orclmatchdnenabled: 0

OID Tuning and Configuration, A Quick Reference Page 7

Large Group Entries
I there are group` entries that contain seeral thousand members, then it is highly
recommended that all basic tuning recommendations gien in the preious sections
are completed and then the ollowing tuning perormed. 1his tuning has a big
impact on the performance of LDAP operations on large group entries.
Recreate the ei_attrstore` index in the OID database schema as ollows -
Stop all OID instances
Connect to the database as ODS` user and execute the ollowing DDL
drop index ei_attrstore;

create bitmap index ei_attrstore on ds_attrstore(entryid,
tablespace olts_attrstore parallel nologging compute

alter index ei_attrstore noparallel;
Start all OID instances
OID Database Statistics
\hen LDAP entries are added into OID in bulk using LDAP protocol and OID
perormance is seen to become slower as a result o the bulk proisioning o entries
into OID, then >ORACLL_lOML,ldap,admin,oidstats.sql should be executed
as ODS` database user to update the database statistics. 1his is typically required
when entries are added in bulk or the irst time ater OID installation. I OID
bulkload` tool is used to add the entries, then bulkload` takes care o updating the
database statistics and oidstats.sql need not be executed.
1he database statistics are updated nightly automatically and hence periodic
execution o oidstats.sql is strongly discouraged. OID relies on the automatic
nightly statistics update in the database itsel i the database ersion is 10g and i the
database ersion is 9i then there is an OID database job that ealuates whether
statistics is stale and updates it i required.

OID Tuning and Configuration, A Quick Reference Page 8
OID LDAP Server Instance with RepIication or DIP
In case OID is being deployed with DIP or Replication, it is highly recommended
to hae a dedicated LDAP instance or Replication and DIP Serers. 1he idea is to
let the deault OID LDAP instance 41 sere the LDAP application traic and let
LDAP instance 42 cater to LDAP requests rom Replication,DIP serer.
Create an additional conigset ,say -
cn~conigset2,cn~osdldapd,cn~subconigsubentry, using the create like`
operation in ODM or using command line ldapadd` tool and ensure the
ollowing attribute alues in this entry
orclmaxcc: 10
orclsererprocs: 1 |or most deployments this should suice|
orclnonsslport and orclsslport: Values other than the ones in conigset0
Start LDAP instance 42 using conigset 42
Start RLPL and DIP serer instances to connect to LDAP instance 42
Note: In an OID Cluster ,rack-mounted,multi-box, coniguration, the RLPL
& DIP serers must be started on one hardware node only
OID RepIication Server Configuration
Replication Serer Conigset -
Orclthreadspersupplier ,deault 5,: I heay load is expected where all the
changes are happening on one node and the bottleneck seems to be the
supplier than this number can be bumped up to 10 on the supplier node.
I the bottleneck is at the consumer then this number can be bumped up
to 10 at consumer but remember that parallel processing does increase the
speed but at consumer it results in race conditions ,changelog applied in
random order, and thereore will result in more lIQ changes.
Orclchangeretrycount ,deault 10,: Decrease this to 4, i there is heay load
and thereore the new changelogs would get more resources. Note that
this could potentially increase the lIQ change logs i there are conlicts.
Replication serer agreement - orclagreementid~000001,cn~replication
orclupdateschedule ,deault 1,: Change this to 0` i it is desired that
replication serer should process changelogs immediately instead o
deault 1 minute cycle. Change aboe attribute at both supplier and
OID Tuning and Configuration, A Quick Reference Page 9
Orclhiqschedule ,deault 10,: Deault behaior o processing lIQ
changelogs eery 10min can be changed to 360` ,eery 6 hours, so that
most o the resources are utilized to process new changes. Recommended
in heay replication traic deployment
Note: I orclretrycount` is low and orclthreadspersupplier` is high, it will
result in more lIQ changes due to race condition. I orclhiqschedule` is
also increased then some changes which end up in lIQ will take more
time to replicate.
OID Garbage CoIIection Configuration
OID has out-o-box Database Jobs to purge seeral kinds o data like change logs,
serer manageability statistics etc. 1he out-o-box coniguration is to hae all the
jobs execute once at midnight, with each job starting 15 minutes apart at midnight.
1his out-o-box coniguration can be changed to suite the deployment needs. lor
example, depending on the load patterns one could choose to space out the jobs
suitably and also choose the start time and requency as appropriate
Lxample: Changelog garbage collection - cn~changelog
orclpurgetargetage ,deault 10days,: By deault only change logs that are
older than 10 days will be purged. I there is no requirement to retain
these, change the alue o this attribute to a alue less than 10.
Orclpurgeinteral ,deault 24,: By deault change log purge job kicks once
eery 24 hours. I there is a need to purge data more requently, change
this attribute alue to 12 or 6.
OID CIuster Configuration with RAC Database
1his applies to OID Cluster conigurations with RAC Database. 1he OID cluster
coniguration is also reerred to as rack-mounted, multi-box or OracleAS Cluster
,IdM, coniguration.
Database Connection String Used by OID -
OID`s DB Connections can either be load balanced between the RAC
instances or can be conigured in the ail oer mode
I a dedicated LDAP instance 42 is used or RLPL serer, then it may
proe beneicial to hae this LDAP instance`s database connections to
hae a ailoer coniguration i.e use connect strings that are deined in
tnsnames.ora with the ollowing:
lor bulk operations |like bulkload, bulkdelete etc.|, it is recommended that
the OID bulk tool connect to just one RAC database instance or the
duration o the operation.
OID Tuning and Configuration, A Quick Reference Page 10
A typical coniguration o OID instances should be as ollows -.
OID LDAP instance 41 is started,actie on all OID nodes and serice
the LDAP application traic
OID Replication and DIP instances i any should be actie only on one
node and on that particular node OID LDAP instance 42 should be
started and this LDAP instance 42 should be used by Replication and DIP
Password PoIicies And Verifier ProfiIes
OID has password policies and password eriier proiles enabled out o box. I
OID is not required to enorce password policies in a gien deployment, then the
password policies can be disabled. 1he password eriier proiles enabled out o
box control the generation o certain password eriiers required by Oracle
products like Lnterprise User Security, Oracle Collaboration Suite etc. I OID is
not being deployed or other Oracle products, one can disable all the password
eriier proiles.
Using OID Server Entry Cache
OID Serer Lntry Cache is a eature where in LDAP entries are cached on the
OID serer process heap or better perormance. 1his feature is beneficial for
small directory deployments only. Some o the tuning recommendations here
contradicts or oer writes the tuning in the earlier section. lence the reader is
strongly urged to reiew the applicability o entry cache to a gien deployment and
incorporate the tuning mentioned in this section only i all considerations
enumerated here are met.
Consider using OID Server Lntry Cache only when:
1he total number o entries in OID can be ully or mostly cached, usually
or deployments with less than 300K entries in OID on a 32-bit system
1he number o concurrent clients is low, typically less than 100
OID Cluster coniguration is not being used
1he beneits o a multi-process OID LDAP instance is not deemed to be
an absolute requirement
A ery low rate o updates are expected, especially on group entries
Replication or DIP is not deployed or a separate LDAP instance or RLPL
or DIP these is not deemed useul
OID is being deployed or a speciic or ery ew applications
Large binary alues or large group entries are not present and updates on
binary and group entries are not requent.
OID Tuning and Configuration, A Quick Reference Page 11
Benefits of using the entry cache
LDAP Search operations are aster, about 2x beneit or search operations
with subtree and oneleel scope, about 5x beneit or base scope.
1he aboe is true only when there is a cache hit, a cache miss is more
expensie than disabling entry cache, hence entry cache should be used
only when all or most entries can be cached
Applicable only when Lntry Cache is deemed useul as determined by
actors explained aboe
Update the ollowing attributes in conigset0 entry -
o orclmaxcc~10
o orclsererprocs~1 |Note: lor alues greater than 1, entry cache is
automatically disabled|
Update the ollowing attributes in root DSL entry
o orclecacheenabled~1
o orclecachemaxsize~1otal size |in bytes| o the directory, estimate
3 times the size o the entries in LDIl ormat
o orclecachemaxentries~1otal number o entries in the DI1
Update the ollowing attributes in conigset0 entry -
cn~dsaconig,cn~conigsets,cn~oracle internet directory`
o orclmaxentsize~Size |in bytes| o the largest entry in the DI1,
usually a group entry or an entry with binary attribute alues
Sample LDAP Modiy commands on a Unix shell or the aboe are -
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/ldapmodify -h <ldaphost> -p <ldapport> -D
cn=orcladmin -w <passwd> -v <<EOF
dn: cn=configset0,cn=osdldapd,cn=subconfigsubentry
changetype: modify
replace: orclmaxcc
orclmaxcc: 10
replace: orclserverprocs
orclserverprocs: 1
### For example if the total size of the DIT is 300K and
total size of 300K entries in LDIF format is 500M, on an
unix shell one can execute the following command -
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/ldapmodify -h <ldaphost> -p <ldapport> -D
cn=orcladmin -w <passwd> -v <<EOF
changetype: modify
replace: orclecacheenabled
orclecacheenabled : 1
replace: orclecachemaxsize
OID Tuning and Configuration, A Quick Reference Page 12
orclecachemaxsize: 1500000000

replace: orclecachemaxentries
orclecachemaxentries: 300000
### For example if the size of the of largest group entry or
entry with binary value is 10M, on an unix shell one can
execute the following command -
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/ldapmodify -h <ldaphost> -p <ldapport> -D
cn=orcladmin -w <passwd> -v <<EOF
dn: cn=dsaconfig,cn=configsets,cn=oracle internet
directorychangetype: modify
replace: orclmaxentsize
orclmaxentsize: 10000000
In this section, certain speciic use case scenarios are dealt with. 1he tuning
requirement called out here points to the ones mentioned earlier in this doc or
indicates additional tuning i required.
Tuning For OID BuIk Load Operation (buIkIoad)
Database InitiaIization Parameter
pga_aggregate_target: I a large bulkload` operation is being planned, set this to 1-
4GB or the duration o the bulkload` operation i suicient RAM is aailable
The Database Temp TabIespace
During large OID bulk load operations using the OID bulkload` tool, it is
required to hae a large Database 1emp tablespace to aid the sort requirements o
index creation. A good guideline is to hae at least a Gig o temp tablespace per
million entries being loaded in bulk. 1he additional temp iles added to aid better
bulk load perormance can be reed up ater the bulk load operation is complete.
Tuning For OID BuIk DeIete Operation (buIkdeIete)
Database InitiaIization Parameters
1. Lnsure that the SGA targets are tuned as mentioned in the section on OID
Database Coniguration` earlier in the doc.
2. log_buer~10M. 1his can proide additional perormance beneit.
Database "redo Iogs" and UNDO TabIespace
1. Lnsure that you hae at least three redo log iles with at least 100MB in size.
2. Lnsure that the UNDO tablespace is at least 1 GB in total size.
Please also reer to the next section or additional details about redo logs and undo
OID Tuning and Configuration, A Quick Reference Page 13
Tuning For ReIativeIy High LDAP Write Operations Load
The Database "redo Iogs" and UNDO TabIespace
I the LDAP operations load on OID inole a reasonably large number o writes,
then increase the size and,or number o the database redo log iles so that the total
size is at least 1000-1500 MB. Note that there are other considerations that aect
the total size o redo logs. lurther, depending on how the disks are conigured, it
may proe beneicial to isolate the redo log iles to a dedicated set o disks.
Increase the UNDO tablespace size by adding data iles to this tablespace.
Normally, 2-4 GB o total size should suice or most deployments.
OID LDAP Instance Configuration
1. Do not use OID Serer Lntry Cache. 1his is discussed earlier in this doc.
2. I OID replication and DIP is not being deployed, disable OID serer side
change log generation. 1his is discussed earlier in this doc in the basic
conigurations` section under OID LDAP Serer Instance Coniguration`.
Tuning OID in OAM (COREid) and OIF depIoyments
\hen OAM |CORLid Access,Identity| is deployed with OID as the
Directory, there is a mandatory tuning requirement. 1his is to add a ew
alues to the attribute orclinmemiltprocess` in the DSA conig entry. Note
that OID is strongly recommended or OAM deployments.
o I you are using OID, the ollowing tuning is
recommended ,a sample LDAP Modiy command gien below,
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/ldapmodify -h <ldaphost> -p <ldapport> -D
cn=orcladmin -w <passwd> -v <<EOF
dn: cn=dsaconfig,cn=configsets,cn=oracle internet directory
changetype: modify
: orclinmemfiltprocess
o I you are using OID, the ollowing tuning is
recommended ,a sample LDAP Modiy command gien below, -
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/ldapmodify -h <ldaphost> -p <ldapport> -D
cn=orcladmin -w <passwd> -v <<EOF
dn: cn=dsaconfig,cn=configsets,cn=oracle internet directory
changetype: modify
add: orclinmemfiltprocess
OID Tuning and Configuration, A Quick Reference Page 14

o I you are using OID, the ollowing tuning is
recommended ,a sample LDAP Modiy command gien below, -
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/ldapmodify -h <ldaphost> -p <ldapport> -D
cn=orcladmin -w <passwd> -v <<EOF
dn: cn=dsaconfig,cn=configsets,cn=oracle internet directory
changetype: modify
add: orclinmemfiltprocess

o Note: 1he lines in LDIl ormat in the aboe ldapmodiy
commands should not hae a space at the end o the line. I it
does, the tuning may not kick in.
o Note: 1he OID and based tuning results in a
more optimal perormance or OAM since we are able to use
more ilter alues in orclinmemiltprocess`. OID
howeer needs one-o patches or the ollowing bugs -
Bug 6919419 lIL1LR \I1l NO1 CLAUSL
1he aboe patches are not aailable or OID

\hen OIl |Oracle lederation| is deployed with OID, perorm -
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/ldapmodify -h <ldaphost> -p <ldapport> -D
cn=orcladmin -w <passwd> -v <<EOF
dn: cn=dsaconfig,cn=configsets,cn=oracle internet directory
changetype: modify
add: orclinmemfiltprocess

OracIe Internet Directory , Tuning and Configuration - A Quick Reference
JuIy 2009
Author: Ajay Keni
Contributors: Amit Sharma, Ramaprakash Sathyanarayan

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