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KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH January 20th , 2013 11:00 am Minister- Rev.

Mark Gedcke Director of Music- Suzanne Strahan Guest Organist: Warren Gedcke Preparation for Worship - Prayer, Meditation and Quiet Visiting Prelude: Arios J.S. Bach Jesu, Joy of Mans Desiring J. S. Bach Welcome and Announcements: CALL TO WORSHIP: Leader: It is good to give thanks to you, O God. People: To declare your steadfast love in the morning. Leader: For you have made us glad by your work. People: At the work of your hands, we sing for joy.
(by Mary Sue Gast, Reprinted by permission of the publisher from Flames of the Spirit, ed., Ruch C. Duck. Copyright 1985, Pilgrim

OPENING HYMN: # 267 Rejoice, the Lord is king PRAYER OF ADORATION & CONFESSION AND THE LORDS PRAYER: Our Father, who art in heaven. Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen PASSING OF THE PEACE: Leader: The Peace of Christ be with you Congregation: And also with you. ANTHEM: Shepherd Psalm Hall/McDonald (Based on the 23rd Psalm,
the anthem captures the comfort and gentle character of Jesus, the Good Shepherd)

CHILDRENS HYMN: # 698 Saviour, teach me day by day CHILDRENS TIME: Shirley Weitzel

SCRIPTURE READING: 1 Corinthians 12: 1-11 John 2: 1-11 SERMON: Building Trust HYMN: # 600 When love is found OFFERING: OFFERTORY: Saviour, Like a Shepherd Lead Us Bradbury/J.Ray OFFERTORY PRAISE: #830 Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow OFFERING PRAYER: (together) Lord, we bring before you the common things of our common life; our money, our songs, our labours to be your faithful congregation, our needs and dreams, our joys and sorrows, ourselves. We celebrate all this with you, seeking the touch of your Spirit so that we will share more deeply what we are and have with all our brothers and sisters in our city and our world. In faith and gratitude we offer common things made miracles by your grace. Amen
(Source unknown, from Words for Worship, used by permission of Herald Press)

HYMN: #400 (v.1) Spirit Of The Living God PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE: (God hear our prayer, and in your love answer) CLOSING HYMN: # 746 What a friend we have in Jesus BENEDICTION SONG OF BLESSING: #755 Go Ye, Go Ye Into The World POSTLUDE: Sing the Glad Song Franklin Ritter

Pancake Breakfast for seniors only at Anne Hathaway Residence on Sunday, February 3, 2013 from 8:00 10:00 a.m. If interested, please speak to Lois Wells (519-271-7937). Call for reservations Barb Savelle (519-275-2125).

I am pleased to announce that Kathy Baker has accepted the position of Administrative Assistant at Knox. Kathy will be joining us on February 1, 2013. She will be working Tuesday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Kathy has been employed with the Avon Maitland District Board for many years in the capacity as Administrative Assistant. Kathys expertise and past experience will be instrumental in strengthening Knox church. Kathy will report directly to the undersigned. Please join me in welcoming Kathy to this position and give her your support as she makes the transition into her new responsibilities. Tim Pauli

Kintail on the Road: Our congregation has the opportunity to host Kintail on the Road for a Monday to Friday Vacation Bible School this summer. We are excited about offering this fabulous program right here at Knox, BUT we need someone to organize the event. There is support in place for volunteers; Camp Kintail does a great job of having staff which leads this full day Daily Vacation Bible School. However, there is a need for someone or a small team to head up this event. This means being the point person to organize the volunteers and to lead the preparations for this special event. We need this leadership to step forward in order to do Kintail on the Road. Please speak with Chantale Pitts, Nancy Rothwell or Mark Gedcke as soon as possible or we will have to pass on this opportunity.

A Group For Friendship and Learning: Please join us on Thursday, January 31st, at 10:00 a.m. in the Parlour. Our minister, Mark, will share a short film about a faith question by Rob Bell and then we can talk about it. It is part of a series of short films that feature the Christian leader, Rob Bell. The question for our meeting will be: Wheres God when life isnt going like we want it to? We will try it out together and talk about other possibilities for learning as well. Our gathering will last about an hour. GAMES NIGHT January 25th, 2013 7:00 p.m. Looking for something to do to get rid of the winter blahs? Join us for a fun night of games in the banquet hall! Bring your favourite game and snack. You can play your favourite game with your friends or learn a new one. Mark you calendars and be ready to have some fun with your church family!!!

Church Opening Today: Tim Pauli Church Opening Next week: Tim Pauli Ushers this week: Tim Pauli, Bill Forbes, Karen Savelle & John Sinclair Greeters this week: Marlene Coulthard & Jack Gibson Greeters next week: Graham & Sharon Ewart Coffee this week: Bessie Wilhelm & Kathy Baker Scripture Reader: Cathy Whelan A thank you to everyone who has signed up to set-up and clean-up coffee and treats on Sunday mornings. I still require 2 people for May and June. The Sign up sheet is in the church office or contact Anne Marie/Tim Pauli at either 519271-6718 or at timpauli@rogers.com. OUR WEEKLY MISSION - Dont forget to stop at
the Food Bank table and purchase an item. All food items have prices marked. Simply make your choice and place it in a box below. Then pay by putting the money into the cash box. So simple but each donation makes such a difference in the lives of those in need. House of Blessing has an opening for the position of Development Co-Ordinator. Please contact the House of Blessing for further information. INNERchamber is having its third concert of the season titled, Inspired to Greatness on Sunday, January 27, 2013 from 6:00 8:30 p.m. at Factory 163. The Factory Arts Ensemble will perform the quintets for piano and winds by Mozart and Beethoven. Visit www.innerchamber.ca for details. A light dinner is included for advance bookings before midnight Friday, January 25. Tickets are $39/adult and $10/student available online or in person at Fanfare Books. Minister: Rev. Mark Gedcke 519 575 8817 or by email at mgedcke@knoxstratford.com Director of Music: Suzanne Strahan Treasurer: Shannon Archer Office: 519-271-0373 knoxs@wightman.ca OFFICE HOURS 9am- NOON Tuesday through Friday

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