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Everyday Socks

the st from the row below the first instep st to prevent a hole. N1 - 26 (28, 31) sts total. With another ndl, work across 16 (17, 19) instep sts N2. With another ndl, work across the rem 16 (17, 19) instep sts - N3. With free ndl, pick up and K the st from the row below the first heel st to prevent a hole. Pick up and K16 (17, 19) sts along the right side of the heel and work across the rem heel sts. N4 - 27 (29, 32) sts total. Shape Gusset Rnd 1: N1 Work to 3 sts from end, K2tog, K1. N2 (instep) Work even. N3 (instep) Work even. N4 K1, ssk, work to end. Rnd 2: Work even. Rep these two rnds until there are 64 (68, 76) sts rem. Foot Cont working until foot meas 712 (8, 8)". Complete sts on N4. Shape Toe Rnd 1: N1 (heel) Work to last 3 sts, K2tog, K1. N2 (instep) K1, ssk, work to end. N3 (instep) Work to last three sts, K2tog, K1. N4 (heel) K1, ssk, complete rnd. Rnd 2: Work even. Rep these two rnds until 32 (36, 40) sts rem - 16 (16, 18) rnds. Work Rnd 1 only until 20 sts rem. FINISHING Work sts on N1. Sl sts from N4 to opposite end of N1. Sl sts from N3 onto N2. Holding N1 and N2 tog, graft sts on N1 and N2 tog using Kitchener St. Weave in ends on inside of sock. Work Second Sock.

SKILL LEVEL: Easy YARN WEIGHT: DK/3 SIZES Socks are sized to fit Womens Show Size 6 (8, 10) Small (Medium, Large). MATERIALS 2 (2, 2) 50g (220 yd) balls Universal Yarn Ditto (75% superwash wool, 25% polyamide) Set of 5 Size 2 US double pointed needles OR SIZE NEEDED TO OBTAIN GAUGE darning needle for Kitchener St GAUGE 36 sts and 44 rows = 4" over 2x2 rib. TO SAVE TIME, TAKE TIME TO CHECK GAUGE. ABBREVIATIONS N1, 2, 3, 4, 5 needle 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 BOR beginning of round DESIGNER NOTES This sock is knitted from the cuff down to the toe. SOCK CO 64 (68, 76) sts loosely. The designer recommends casting on onto 2 ndls. Divide sts on 4 dpns as foll: N1 16 (17, 19) heel sts. N2 16(17, 19) instep sts. N3 16(17, 19) instep sts. N4 16(17, 19) heel sts. Join, being careful not to twist the sts on the ndls. BOR Rib Cuff Est 2x2 rib (*K2, P2; Rep from * around). Work in 2x2 rib for 16 rnds (112"). BOR Work in St st for 56 (60, 66) rnds 5 (512, 6)". Complete sts

on N3. Heel Flap Sl N4 sts onto N1 32 (34, 38) sts. With RS facing, work back and forth as foll: Row 1: *Sl 1 pwise, K1; Rep from * to end. Row 2: Sl 1 pwise, P to end. Rep these 2 rows until 32 (34, 38) rows are complete 3 (3, 312)". Turn Heel Note: Sl 1 = sl 1 pwise. Round Heel style Row 1 (RS): K18 (19, 21), ssk, K1. Turn. Row 2: Sl 1, P5, P2tog, P1. Turn. Row 3: Sl 1, K6, ssk, K1. Turn. Row 4: Sl 1, P7, P2tog, P1. Turn. Row 5: Sl 1, K8, ssk, K1. Turn. Row 6: Sl 1, P9, P2tog, P1. Turn. Row 7: Sl 1, K10, ssk, K1. Turn. Row 8: Sl 1, P11, P2tog, P1. Turn. Row 9: Sl 1, K12, ssk, K1. Turn. Row 10: Sl 1, P13, P2tog, P1. Turn. Row 11: Sl 1, K14, ssk, K1. Turn. Row 12: Sl 1, P15, P2tog, P1. Turn. Row 13: Sl 1, K16, ssk, K1. Turn. Size Small Only: Row 14: Sl 1, P16, P2tog, P1. Turn. Work 9 sts. BOR. Size Medium Only: Row 14: Sl 1, P17, P2tog, P1. Turn. Work 10 sts. BOR. Size Large Only: Row 14: Sl 1, P17, P2tog, P1. Turn. All sizes: Row 15: Sl 1, K18, ssk, K1. Turn. Row 16: Sl 1, P19, P2tog, P1. Turn. Work 11 sts. BOR. Heel Gusset Cont with the same ndl, pick up and K16 (17, 19) sts along the left side of the heel. Pick up and K

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