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Technologies for the cost-effective Flood Protection of the Built Environment Duration: Start date: Projectcoordinator: 48 months Nov. 1st 2009 Deltares (NL), Derk van Ree

The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Communitys Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013 under grant agreement no. 243401.

The team (14 partners from 7 EU Member States)

Website: www.FloodProBE.eu Contact: FloodProBE@Deltares.nl

European research strategy

Three axes for a research strategy
Recovery plan Europe 2020 Sustainable
Development strategy legislation

EU policies

Environmental technologies Monitoring technologies

Monitoring for built environment technologies

Environmental ETAP ERA

T & e , S nc RA elle E c ex

European competitiveness on the global markets

Source: European Commission DG Research and Innovation

Problem descrip@on for EU

In the EU 1000 people killed by oods in the period 2000-2010 40 bn euro per year is spent in EU on ood mi<ga<on and recovery 75% of the damage is in urban areas 3 bn euro per year is spent in EU on large scale ood defence structures 80% of popula<on lives in urban areas and economic values (poten<al damage and casual<es) are growing climate change (more severe rainfall, increased river discharges, more severe storms and sea level rise) will likely increase these numbers Need for assessing the expected risk reduc<on of cri<cal infrastructures (power supplies, communica<ons, water, transport, etc) and high value assets, including direct and indirect damage Assessing and upgrading technologies for weak links in ood defences increasing ood-resilience of protected buildings and infrastructure Strategies for balancing ood defences and ood resilience in urban areas

Flood damage poten@al

This map presents riverine ood damage poten@al for a 100-year return period, current climate and no defences; catchments and sub-catchments of less than 500 km2 are not included Source: EC JRC, 2010 hOp://ies.jrc.ec.europa.eu/

EU water policy
Water Framework Direc@ve (Oct. 2000)
Protec@on of: inland surface waters, groundwater, transi@onal waters and coastal waters. Objec@ves, such as preven@ng and reducing pollu@on, promo@ng sustainable water usage, environmental protec@on, improving aqua@c ecosystems and mi@ga@ng the eects of oods and droughts. Integrated water management at river basin scale (plans to be implemented by 2012) Good ecological and chemical status by 2015

Groundwater daughter Direc@ve (Dec. 2006) Floods Direc@ve (Oct. 2007)

Assessment and management of ood risks Preliminary risk assessment by Dec. 2011 Floodrisk mapping by Dec. 2013 Development of oodrisk management plans (2012-2014), to be published by Dec. 2015.

Example of the Rhine river basin

Source: Thesis Aline te Linde

Flood Risk Management: what we add


Assesment of ood defences and vulnerability of Built environment (direct and indirect consequences) Protec@on and mi@ga@on technologies Adding on exis@ng DSS for more eec@ve FRM strategies, geang the balance right

Pro-active timing of retrofit

Decision Support System

Receptors (Vulnerability)

Flood Risk Management

Building damage estimation Infrastructure networks Landuse related damage

. Structure transitions Erosion processes Geophysics Remote sensing Data integration
Failure mechanisms

= new/upgraded

Exposure analysis Flood defence Inundation simulation

Pathways (Reliability)

Geophysical exploration


Hydrology Meteorology

FloodProBE Pilot loca@ons

ROLES FOR PILOTS Developing new knowledge Testing/validating solutions Demonstrating added value IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE STAKEHOLDERS

Key ndings and perspec@ves

FloodProBE outputs related to project focus and aims: Built environment Methodology to assess ood-resilience of cri@cal infrastructure (power supplies, communica@ons, water, transport, etc) and high-density value assets including direct and indirect damage Urban ooddefences Framework to evaluate erosion risk and risk of failure at transi@ons in urban ood defences incl. performance of vegeta@on (grass cover) under condi@ons of climate change. Supported by rapid and cost-eec@ve characteriza@on methods (geophysical techniques and remote sensing). Construc<on technologies Assessing and upgrading technologies for weak links in ood defences; ood- proong hotspot buildings (e.g. ood proof hospital) , integra@on of sheltering func@on to buildings and mul@func@onal ooddefences.
Outlook: improved engineering guidance and decision support on ood defence reliability evalua@on using combined informa@on sources Outlook: incorpora@on in building codes in ood prone areas

Outlook: cost-eec@ve concepts and technologies for ood risk reduc@on in urban areas

Key ndings and perspec@ves con@nued

Decision support and guidance documents Strategies for balancing investments in ood resilience (buildings, cri@cal infrastructure) and ood protec@on (ooddefences) for cost-ecient ood risk management in urban areas. Integra@ng the research and newly developed knowledge into exis@ng decision support models or systems and the produc@on of industry guidance

Outlook: support of decision makers to determine how to upgrade ood defences and increase ood resilience of protected buildings and cri@cal infrastructure and to assess the expected risk reduc@on from these measures.

Communica<on and Dissemina<on ac<vi<es Learning, tes@ng, demonstra@on RTD results through stakeholder-involvement to aOain user friendly, relevant guidance documents and the interac@on and integra@on of pilot site studies across Europe. Partnering to 2012 interna@onal ood risk conference aimed at aOrac@ng a wide range of stakeholders and na@onali@es Science policy interfacing to communicate outputs and key ndings
Outlook: Stakeholder consulta@ons to gain common understanding and buy in

Thank you for having me here. Hope to see you in november.

Paper submission closed Draft preliminary program coming weeks http://www.floodrisk2012.net/

Partnering FP7 projects: Urbanflood FloodProBE SMARTeST IMPRINTS CORFU

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