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Johns University College of Professional Studies Division of Mass Communication, Journalism, Television and Film NON-FICTION SCREENWRITING TVF 2302 CODE 13697


Tuesday: 7:10-10:00 Prof. Matthew Giordano

E-mail MatthewGiordano2008@gmail.com Office Hours by appointment

TEXT BOOK: Making Movies by Sydney Lumet (Recommended)

CRITERIA FOR EVALUATION OF STUDENT PERFORMANCE: Paper 1 Three Act Story Structure Paper 2 Plot Synopsis Paper 3 (Screen Play First Draft) Paper 4 (Screen Play Draft Midterm) Paper 5 (Final Screen Play/Presentation) Final Exam Attendance, attitude, participation TOTAL 10% 10% 15% 15% 20% 10% 20% 100%

A project/paper is late if it is turned in for grading or critique after the deadline. All the deadlines are THE BEGINNING of the class unless stated otherwise.

Attendance: We meet once a week; students are expected to attend all classes. If you miss 2 classes, you may be dropped from the class. You do not have any allowed absences. All absences must be substantiated by a valid note or a confirmed emergency situation. Lateness will not be tolerated. Any late entry counts as of an absence. If you work or travel from an outer borough and might be subjected to lateness due to unusual traffic conditions, please inform me in writing. All beepers, cell phones, and other devices must be turned off. If you leave class to answer a cell phone or beeper, I will assume it is an emergency; therefore, you will not need to reenter the class. Tests and Grading: The format of this course, and your grade, is based upon your examinations, papers, weekly assignments, readings, and class discussions. Students who miss an in class assignment will receive a grade of zero. Class attendance, participation, and discussion will count as 30% of your final grade. Papers/Exams/Assignments: Derived from your readings in the textbook, lectures, video, and audio presentations. You are required to read the assigned textbook pages and handouts prior to coming to class. 1

On all assignments reference your textbook, class lectures notes, visual presentations, and class discussions.
The paper due dates will be determined by me and should include a proper citation of sources!

Additional written assignments may be added throughout the term. Students who miss an in class assignment will receive a grade of zero. All take home assignments must be typewritten (12 pt. Times New Roman font; use MLA or the Chicago Manual of Style.) double-spaced, and attachments on 8 x 11 white bond paper. Use Spell Check, Grammar Check, and a dictionary. Staple and attach cover sheet to your work. Keep a copy for your records. When in doubt ask me for clarification. E-mail correspondence is okay, all assignments, however, must be presented in person. If you miss a class you are responsible for getting the assigned work to me at the due date. Papers: analyze the three act story structure in a Hollywood film, plot synopsis, screenplay draft, screenplay second draft, final screenplay. Some films used in Class in no particular order!: Die Hard, Pulp Fiction, Sideways, Star Wars, A Clockwork Orange, Thelma and Louise, Lost In Translation, Good Will Hunting. 01/29/13

Introduction to Non-Fiction Films

What is a screenplay? How to think visually? The characteristics of screenplays? What are non-fiction films? How do they convey a story? .


Narrative Storytelling: The Construction of Meaning Three Act Story Structure

Watch: Bowling For Columbine the three basic elements of narrative story and plot and how filmmakers may creatively manipulate this distinction The importance of storytelling in non-fiction.


Plot and Major Dramatic Question/ Research and Facts

How does a plot form the foundation of any type of screenplay? What is a major dramatic question? How do we engage viewers into the world of non-fiction? Should non-fiction films be entertaining?


Outline of a Non-Fiction Screenplay

How can we organize our screenplay around key concepts and ideas? How can we highlight the areas of our screenplay that we need to focus on? Utilizing an outline as writers. Making the most out of our detailed plan.


Narrative Storytelling: The Construction of Meaning

Watch: Nightmares in Red White and Blue The importance of narration in non-fiction films. How can narration ground our non-fiction story? How can the narrator spark an emotional connection with the audience?


Dialogue and Narration in Non-Fiction Films

Watch: The War Segment Documentary Storytelling For Film and Videomakers: (173-194). How do we convey images, emotions, and actions with words? Is it possible to capture the essence of real speech? How do we make real people engaging as characters?


Narrative Storytelling: The Construction of Meaning Three Act Story Structure

Watch: Cropsey Truth is stranger than fiction. Making reality believable. Organizing a film around a key concept and idea.


Ric Burns, Ken Burns and The Historical Documentary

Watch: The Dust Bowl Documentary Storytelling For Film and Videomakers: (197-207). What techniques are used by Ric Burns and Ken Burns to examine historical events? The unconscious importance of structure.


Narrative Storytelling: The Construction of Meaning Three Act Story Structure

Watch: The King of Kong The importance of characters in non-fiction films. .How to make real people entertaining. Conflict amongst characters strengthens any type of film.


Memorable Non-Fiction Films

Watch: BBC Planet Earth The influence and importance of Errol Morris. Compelling filmmaking with a lack of strong visuals. The Michael Moore equation. The BBC and Planet Earth.


The Importance of Creating a Narrative Structure To Make History Entertaining

Watch: The Rise and Fall of ECW Does focusing around a key concept lead us to fictionalize history? The importance of perspective. The importance of telling an engaging story.


The Concert, Stand Up Comedy, and Biography Non-Fiction Films

Watch: Killing Them Softly, Capturing the essence of a particular persons reality. Using cinematic techniques to enhance reality. Combination of the scripted and the unscripted.


Final Presentation of Screenplays and Screenplay Do.

Final screenplay do. Final presentations (Powerpoint Format). Suggestions for improvements. Wrapping up the techniques we learned.

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