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94. - .....

1 oR,..
..... . .. A. the. Z?th of. the
.fi?Uttdl.l':lg C'omm1ttee to Saye Elys1C!p. Par}{ is.,planned fo]f
.... I'J!a:;r:ch 2J, at<Htmg Kong. Low Restaurant .in Chinato!Wn. The restaurant
il; irl ;tJ'l. Mall, at 425 Gin Lil1g way. .. .. . . .. .. < . . . .. ,.. .. . . .
.... .. .. \ .. 'l'HE:':AF'FAIR'will start at 7 pm.,. ahd'LarryEmme:ol'lceagain:;;wilLserve
. as master of cer.emorixes. > ...... . . . .. . . ... . . . . . .. . .. . . ..
COMI\'IITTEE Vic-e President Marion Siu.iS in charge of the pl<i.TJ.ning and
hasbeen;eqrJ.sultingwith the maitre de of the restaurant to see to it that
this is the be>st banq;t1et that we have eYe!", offered. . ..
. . . . THE NINE. COU,RSES include a gourmet platter of. Chinese delicacies,
wintermeTon soup in 't;he shell, stuffed crabs legs, Peking, d.uck, tOO Birds
Reuniol:l;, .J\II.dngqlian be-ef, .:fried oysters and Yang. Chow fried rice.
.. . . RESERllATIONS SHOULD be in the mail. by March 15. Che;eks for $17. 50
per person should be )llade out to the Citizens Committee to Save Elysian Park
and mailedtq MarionSiui 14'71 Avon Park Terrace, L.A. 90026. If you want to
be seated j'ri'.the section, please inform us at the time you make your
reserva:!;io:r:I:s Those making reservations for a group should give the names of
all: the people in the ;group who will be at the same table or tables.
Irifonnat:Lon.1. 661-3373
:> .. __-::. ; .. _ .... __ ><_:.. :::.. _ .. .. _::< .. :::< .. ;:-... _, ... : ....:.- _: ... :.-:w:_ -:_-:_ -n- __ -:_ . -.. -,._ ._ . .-_ ._ .: -.- _,_,_ ... _-.,_ - -_ -. <- --- -- . -,.-: -- - - .
.. . i/ .. .. ; h1l.ve, fought off the lates.i attempt it an antic- ark.
c;;ty Cha!:'ter This latest attempt was made by COuncilman
F:mn given, control over the Recreation and Parks. Department
the Council. . ... . .. ..... . . . . . . .. .. . . .. .... ... . . .
\ > . . the has a good job. P.nd tl,::e 9ouncil
.J'tas .a record when comes :to use park land The commlSSlon
shoUld l:"el!lain in control of the department; so p<3,.rk land can reniain inviolate
:f'orever ..,. as. th:e.. .states. . . . . . . . . . . . ..
. . ..... w. E .. N ... E<E"o. T... N o w .
< < mv ... .. - . . . .. . . .. ..... .. ... m . . ... !
.. .. ...... J!J.L;f'sl}cN PARK WATER. And the .. Committee is planning
to .mak<t;? tna.t fhe main focus during the comir:.gyea.r,. now that we do not have
to.speli?- a:l,lourtirne .ifghtingthe Finn anti-park ballo.t .. me.asure.
.. .. . .. :... ONLY 4 .SMALL of th,;park is irriga:ted, and despite inigation
.monies. beil1cpr()vided by the state, the. Recreation <4'1d Parfcs Department has
the need . ()f providing irrigation .. in mo:re .areas .. of. the pa!"k
. . .. .,,:... / >AS of you' kno1, .we had a disasterous fire .that .. destroyedhalf
Of' the park irid:he .::;Uillfuer oft981 Some,ll,OOO trees.were .lost . Significantly,
.where there .irrigatior1, very little da.'!lage was . done . Even today, very little
. has beendprie, .to correct the damage f'rom the. fire .... . ..
.. . .. .. W;E: URgEa11 .. of. you to take s.ome. of our petitions, .. writtenin both
English .ro:rd Spanish, e!p.d get the names and addresses of cor.cerned
about seeinc- tp lt .that. Elysian Parlr is again ,green. In .add:. tlon, we ask
you :tb b'r.irig.gp.thfs vital issue with any organization with which you are
a member With C()ncerted effort, .it is possible that we can get the water
that; is n'e,css'axy for the paz-k . . . . . ....... .. ; .. ..... .. . .. .... . .
.:, .. ..., . IF ;ypu'wouTa. like tc contact us about :Lt; you can reacn us at
.(213) 222..:.?0$0
.......... , ....... ........... "tre;e .. Planting in the. Spt-ihg .
.. ,.. .. . . 'WE the .next tree p]._anting for Saturday, April 20, at. t-
2 p . m:.. C:d!nlllitie secretary Sally Ne::'baue: has been work.mg. on the
toge.ther with the D!!p.artment . The . s:. te >,'/111. be the as ng,
n...the .pa;rJ..I: A6alien:y<Road betwetemt tn; 51.
Recreation c-enter Th;ose who wan ree. .. . ..
' ' ';,., _.__,.: . ._.,',,'
.. Must Fihd New Shooting Site
.. tb the. use of.Ely;ian Park. While
,ized it, possibility of expanding the
.. . . > ... .... .. . . 1, 500 officers threatens to dramatically
.... .,.: ... ..... erJlollu:tionand parking problems inthe park Everyofficer
the:;.p?lice :fot:c.e mu.st qualify for. shooting every two months. As it is
... re is,.cdhE;t'il:ht shoo,ti:hg at the Police Academy almost every day of the'
v"'"''" f'rnn.f. ,._m, Adding up to 1,500 officers to the 7,000
"! force will be highly destr.ucti ve to the peace and
,., _ -. . ..-: city yark. . . . .
.. 9. "''''-':.J.',NECES,SARY E2ysian lf'arkis not the only place in L.A. where
b'f.fc:eJ:-E! 9a1:1 p!:Fct:..ce ,shooting. Los Angeles. resid.ents pay their full
sJ1'are o:( including the .. . sheriff's Department But we get
'Virtua::J.:lvnothine:. is no reason why some of this shooting cz.n' t be
'7-reas whez:e there is .. little population. We think the
.... . .............. ..... . provisions .for prz.c.ticing shooting for any additional
'icerstoi.:take':the load off Elysian Park.
nf':fi.,ers usi ,;,. the Academy also means more need for parking
.... .. . . . . . . / .. ken. p'ark land, .leveled it and marked it. off for
..: p<l:.rkiJ:Ig; ,lo:tt; .is. full:. We . think _the Ac',ldemY .. ,does have
s,pa.ce for t!;le .. people .usmg the park, the .pohce ._
shpuld rent sp;aces from Dodger Sta:d1um .across !he street
.m"ore .Park land; They .cannot use par; We .w::.ll opppse ths
+"''""' a,ttemp;t t< -
'86 Park Centennial
S .OLDEST PARK, will reach its cente:mial in
under the guidance of Judit;h Ja.-nison, is working on
c.elebration. Each .frirmd of. the park is in vi ted
suggestions are encour&;ged as well .as .info rmatio:1
e park.and Write or phone Judith
L.A. 900261 (21)} 2228050.
.. DUES, MEMBERSHIP ($1); j)on;3.tion,. a.>1y..arnoun.t. .; .$ __ ;.__ __
2otH ANNIVER ...... . s. .. .. ARY
. ' ' - ' ''. '
:; ...,
'' -.' :' .. :.:' ,:.:.: <i.::: . . '
. TO:: ;$'AiYE: 'EIYJjslfAN PARK
.. ... ..... > : ...
. oA.rED
.T... ..... l.JfAiR. ..... f')a.
r\rlffl- !; -. __ .. -_ ..t:.

"% &iZ4
Bulk Rate
Los. Angeles, Calif.
Permit N,;. 30167

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