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From the desk of Captain Rodney Stich

P.O. Box 4, Alamo, CA 94507; phone: 925-944-1930; FAX 925-295-1203 Author of books and crusader on government incompetence, corruption, and resulting tragedies Phone: 925-944-1930; FAX 925-295-1203 stich@rodneystich.com

January 28, 2013 Preet Bharara, U.S. Attorney One St. Andrews Plaza New York, NY 10007 Fax 212-637-2685 Ref: Report by former federal agents and insiders of criminal acts that occurred in your district, which were enablers of several catastrophic events, and are being reported under the federal crime reporting statute and President Barack Obamas Open Government Initiative To U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara: Under the mandatory requirement of the federal crime reporting statute, Title 18 U.S.C. 4, and President Barack Obamas Open Government Initiative, I, a former federal investigator and my long list of confidants, are providing partial information on serious federal offenses that were perpetrated in your district, and resulted in a series of successful al Qaeda attacks and enormous number of deaths. Evidence Discovered by Group of Former Federal Agents and Mole Much of this information and evidence is based upon information that I1 and a group of other former federal agents2 and insiders discovered, with the assistance of a former mole3 in a primary al Qaeda cell. This information relates to only a partial list of the criminal activities that we discovered during several decades, and relates primarily to the federal offenses that made possible several major al Qaeda attacks. At great risk to himself and his family, Gregory Scarpa, Jr.4 became a mole in the al Qaeda cell headed by al Qaeda operative Ramzi Yousef, the mastermind behind the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, and the planned bombings of a dozen U.S. airliners departing Far East locations. Scarpa deceived Yousef into believing that his Colombo Mafia family also wanted to harm American interests. Yousef then provided Scarpa with various al Qaeda secrets, and over a period of time, advance information of planned al Qaeda attacks against U.S. targets. These attacks did occur, with heavy casualties. The attacks and loss of life could have been easily preventedif the advance information had been acted uponinstead of being covered up by high-level personnel in the Department of Justice. Courageous Mole Obtaining Advance Information on Major Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Scarpa and his attorney, a former CIA legal counsel, provided this ultra-important information to FBI agents in the New York City area. Local FBI agents considered the information provided by Scarpa and
1 I was a former federal airline safety inspector, given the assignment to correct the corrupt practices at a major airline during the period when airline crashes were often occurring every few months. During this assignment, I also discovered a pattern of corrupt and criminal acts by key FAA officials that prevented correction of unsafe and felonious conduct that enabled years of preventable airline disasters to occur. My evidence presented to various DOJ personnel, as a government agent, resulted in repeated cover-ups, which in turn permitted the offenses and the consequences to continue. This continuing culture by FAA and DOJ personnel played key roles in the easily preventable hijackings of four U.S. airliners on September 11, 2001. 2 Among the people providing information and evidence were former personnel of the CIA, FBI, DEA, INS, U.S. Customs, former drug smugglers working with DEA and CIA agents, former Mafia personnel, and others. 3 Former New York City Colombo Mafiosi, Gregory Scarpa, Jr.3 His sudden disappearance is another story with links to even more corruption at the state level. 4 Scarpa provided me with FBI documents showing his reporting to FBI agents of planned terrorist attacks, and considerable information in dozens of letters during a ten year period.

his attorney of major importance, and even set up a fictitious Mafia organization that enabled Yousef to make phone calls to an apparent Mafia corporation, staffed by FBI agents, who recorded Yousefs phone calls to other al Qaeda operatives in the United States and overseas. The information that could have been obtained from these calls also was not acted upon. (These calls probably included those made to Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, who has been charged with being the mastermind behind the hijackings of four airliners on September 11, 2001. An interesting comparison could be made about the role played by Mohammed, as compared to high-level DOJ personnel, as 9/11 enablers.) Protecting Murdering FBI Supervisor in Exchange for Subjecting The Nation, the American People, and Innocents Abroad, To a Series of Continuing Catastrophic Events Despite the enormous value of the information on the planned terrorist attacks, high-level Department of Justice personnel continued to deep-six it. Those acts prevented DOJ personnel and other government departments from taking actions that could have prevented the series of catastrophic terrorist attacks. The reasons for withholding the information were to protect a scheme by high-level DOJ employees to discredit Scarpa when he was expected to provide sworn testimony in several murder trials concerning the series of murders orchestrated by his fatherwith the help of a key FBI supervisor; to protect that supervisor from being charged with involvement in a series of murders; and to prevent other personnel in the Department of Justice from being criminally charged with covering up for the murders. Scheme Required Criminally Discrediting the Sworn Testimony of a Mole inside a Major Al Qaeda Cell Courageously Providing Advance Information on Series of al Qaeda Attacks Gregory Scarpa was scheduled to testify in several murder trials about the series of murders that his Mafia capo father, known as The Killing Machine, committed with the help of a key FBI supervisor in the New York City FBI offices. If the immensely valuable information on planned al Qaeda attacks had been made known to various government entities, Scarpas credibility would have been recognized, and the scheme to discredit him would fail. Also, Scarpas testimony would require criminally prosecuting the FBI supervisorand other Department of Justice personnel that had criminally covered up for the murders. There was a continuing price to pay for the scheme. After the first forewarned al Qaeda attack occurred, the continued cover-up of the other planned attacks greatly increased the death toll resulting from the scheme. Great National Tragedies from the Scheme Surely Recognized The scheme by high-level DOJ employees, intended to protect the FBI supervisor from being charged with participation in a series of murders, could be expected to have grave consequences. The immediate consequences in the series of al Qaeda attacks were people killed in each subsequent forewarned attack.5 That was just the beginning of the consequences that now has no foreseeable end. Two wars based on serial lying by key government personnel and their shills followed the easily preventable hijackings of four airliners6 on September 11, 2001. The approximately 4,000 deaths in the forewarned attacks increased many times over with the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq. The wars against the people of Afghanistan and Iraq were followed by the world record increase in people wanting to kill Americans. Incredibly, these calamities had their birth in the scheme to protect the FBI supervisor and other DOJ personnel from being charged with complicity in murders.
5 The forewarned al Qaeda attacks included the downing of TWA Flight 800; the bombings of U.S. embassies in Africa, and the hijackings of U.S. airliners and flying them into buildings. 6 Culture of documented corruption among high-level employees in the FAA played a major enabling role in those hijackings, an extension of the corruption that I documented in various government records after I had been given the assignment to halt the corrupt air safety actions at a major airline, and which I reported earlier to Department of Justice personnel, followed by the standard cover-ups.

Earlier Role of Documented High-Level DOJ Employees in National Disasters Evidence indicates that a series of earlier criminal acts against me for exposing multiple areas of corrupt and criminal acts in overt and covert government operations had their origin in top offices of the U.S. Department of Justice. The corrupt conduct and criminal conduct that I was exposing made possible a long series of preventable airline disasters and other harm. These federal offenses included years of retaliatory actions taken to silence me and other former government personnel. The bizarre scheme to halt my exposure of major criminal acts started in 1982, and involved several dozen attorneys and law firms, California and federal judges, and personnel of the U.S. Department of Justice. If this scheme had not occurred, the crimes against the United States that caused or enabled to occur a continuing series of catastrophic events, could have probably been prevented. These and other federal crimes are fully documented in federal actions that I filed, and in over 6,000 files at www.defraudingamerica.com. My Earlier Assignment to Halt Air Safety Corruption at Crash-Plagued Major Airline The obstruction of justice tactics were initially taken while I was an FAA inspector, carrying out an assignment to halt the corrupt airline safety actions at United Airlines, aided and abetted by the corruption of high-level FAA management. These offenses were taken during the period when airline crashes were occurring every few months. Evidence can be found in a 4,000-page FAA hearing transcript, during which I acted similar to an independent prosecutor. Evidence Indicates Earlier Silencing Scheme Orchestrated by High-Level DOJ Personnel The scheme to block me and my group of former federal personnel from revealing the various areas of high-level criminal activities continued for many years. The scheme to inflict great harm upon me, and cover up for the corrupt and criminal acts used in the process, required massive and repeated violations of dozens of California and federal statutes and controlling case law, and violating important constitutional protections. The perpetrators had to be protected at the state and federal levels. The only people powerful enough to do this, and corrupt the legal protections, were high-level employees in the U.S. Department of Justice. That is the same group responsible for deep-sixing advance information of al Qaeda terror attacks so as to protect a key FBI supervisor and other Department of Justice personnel. Documented Complicity of Federal Judges 7 Federal judges then become implicated when the federal causes of action that I filed required them to either perform their duties by hearing the cases, or cover up for the enormity of the issues. Federal judges and Supreme Court Justices became complicit when I filed federal actions under the federal crime reporting statute to report federal crimes to a federal judge. Initially, federal judges admitted the gravity of the crimes, but stated it was not their responsibility to act on them, despite the clear wording of Title 18 USC 4.8 Initially, Department of Justice personnel filed papers to block me from reporting these criminal activities. Later, the obstruction of Justice was apparently done secretly, by the judges themselves. Federal Judges Blocked Our Group from Reporting Other Areas of Crimes Harming National Interests Over a period of many years, as my crusader activities became known nationally, I continued to receive information and evidence of other criminal activities. As I sought to report them, the attacks upon me worsened. These were federal offenses raising federal causes of action, for which federal judges had a mandatory duty to hear and act upon. Instead, they covered up by immediately dismissing the action, not
7 In addition to over a dozen California judges. 8 Title 18 U.S.C. 4. Misprision of felony. Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the
United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

only obstructing Justice but in blatant violation of due process law. Concurrent with the illegal dismissal, federal district and appellate judges issued unlawful and unconstitutional orders permanently barring me from filing any papers in federal district and appellate courts. I therefore could not seek relief from the ongoing federal offenses inflicting great personal and financial harm9 upon me, and could not report the criminal activities that I and my group of other federal personnel and insiders had discovered, which were continuing to inflict, or enable to be inflicted, great harm upon the United States. Supreme Court Justices Complicity Supreme Court Justices first became implicated in the late 1970s when I filed papers with the U.S. Supreme Court reporting the federal crimes related to a series of airline crashes. The Justices were continuously informed over the years of the harm-resulting criminal acts, the gross constitutional violations being inflicted upon former federal agents, and the involvement in the civil, criminal, and constitutional violations by federal judges, over whom the Justices had supervisory responsibility. Revealing Response by U.S. Supreme Court Justice Byron White In August of 1991, I submitted to U.S. Supreme Court Justice Byron R. White an emergency petition addressing the criminal activities that I and a group of other former federal agents had discovered, and the gross constitutional offenses perpetrated against me to block my reporting of high-level corruption and criminality. The retaliatory actions taken against me included the retaliatory prison sentence and seizure of the assets ($10 million) that had funded my crusader exposure activities. In response to that petition, an unprecedented personal letter (Oct. 28, 1991) from Justice Byron R. White apologized for not being able to provide relief requested in that emergency petition. Dear Mr. Stich, As a single Justice, I can be of no help to you. I am returning your petition. Sincerely, Justice Byron White A copy of that letter from Justice White is at www.defraudingamerica.com/white_letter.pdf. Significance of Personal letter Reply, its Apologetic Tone, and Gravity of the Issues Raised in My Petition for Emergency Relief The significance of that letter by a Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court to an emergency petition is rarely, if ever, done. Further, a Supreme Court Justice does not apologize because other Justices do not assist. Justice Whites personal response apologized for not being able to address the high-level criminal activities that were stated in the emergency petition without cooperation of other Justices. Something serious was reflected by his highly unusual response. Sampling of Other Locations for Supporting Information
9 The harm included, for instance, criminally seizing the $10 million in assets that funded my exposure activities; DOJ charging me with criminal contempt of court for filing papers under the federal crime reporting statutes to report major criminal activities continuing to inflict great harm upon the United States; converting me into a person without a country by voiding for me the right to file any papers in any federal district or appellate court seeking to halt the great personal and financial harm inflicted upon me. These judicial orders still exist, barring me from reporting high crimes against the United States that I and my unusual group of former government agents discovered, to where I can again be criminally prosecuted for reporting federal crimes to a federal judge, and inn a Catch-21, simultaneously be guilty of withholding information of a federal crime. Im limited to reporting federal crimes to the very same people committing them or protecting the perpetrators.

Much of my detailed information on a series of criminal activities and related major national consequences can be found in the 6,000 files at www.defraudingamerica.com. The criminal activities that I bring to your attention in this communication are the federal crimes that enabled to occur the series of al Qaeda terrorist successes upon the United Statesand those people and groups that criminally covered up for the criminal acts. Great national tragedies could have been blocked if the DOJ high-level employees had not acted in a criminal manner. Extent of the criminal involvement is astounding. My Credibility I am a former U.S. Navy Patrol Plane Commander, an international airline captain, and a key federal airline safety inspector who had been given a one-man assignment to correct the corruption at a major airline during the period when airline crashes were a common occurrence. The corruption I discovered and documented, and the high-level FAA cover-up, amidst the continuing deadly crashes, caused me to use the law in such a way that I acted similar to an independent prosecutor. That role produced additional evidence in a 4,000-page FAA hearing transcript. During that role and its cover-up, three additional major airline disasters occurred that further validated my charges and findings. Sampling of Crimes by Other DOJ Personnel: Planting of Evidence, Protecting the Guilty, and Prosecuting Innocent Parties in Bombing of PAA Flight 103 over Lockerbie Sampling of other areas of criminal activities involving personnel in the higher levels of the U. S. Department of Justice would include the fraud involving the DOJ investigation and prosecution following the bombing of Pan American Flight 103 that protected the actual people and groups involved in that bombing, and corruptly charged two Libyans and Libya with the crime. Details of the criminal activities involved in this cover-up can be found at www.defraudingamerica.com/lockerbie_index.html. Far More Intrigue Involved There is much more to the above matters, and many other people are implicated, either in the role of perpetrators, or cover-up enablers. More details of the above series of events are available: More information on the al Qaeda matter at www.defraudingamerica.com/al_qaeda_index.html. 6000-plus pages at www.defraudingamerica.com. The following sampling of not-for-profit books: Crimes of the FBI-DOJ, Mafia, and al Qaeda; History of Aviation Disasters: 1950 to 9/11; Defrauding America, all of which are being updated. www.wikipedia.org/wiki/rodney_stich. Google search using the following search words: Rodney Stich. The intrigue behind the sudden disappearance of Gregory Scarpa, the letter from the Brooklyn District Attorneys office praising Scarpa for his assistance, and the additional area of intrigue surrounding that matter. As long as mainstream media personnel, members of Congress, and high-level personnel within the Department of Justice continue to cover up, these tragedy-enabling crimes will continue. The historic standard response to being informed of deeply engrained conduct has been to cover-up.

Rodney Stich cc: President Barack Obama, Fax: 202-456-2461. Internet locations, including www.defraudingamerica.com. 5

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