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A Boost PWM Soft-Single-Switched Converter Without High Stresses of Voltage and

J. A. Lambert
J, B. Vieira Jr.

L. C. de Freitas

M. S. Vilela

V. J. Farias

Universidade Federal de UberlAndia Departamento de Engenharia Eldtrica Campus Santa Mbnica Bloc0 E
Ab,$tract-This paper presents a new Boost PWM soft-singleswitched converter which, having only a single active switch, is able to operate with soft switching in a pulse with modulation way without high voltage and current stresses. In addition such converter can work in high switching frequencies for wide range of load. In order to illustrate the operating principle of this new converter a detailed study, including simulations and experimental test is carried out. The validity of this new converter is guaranteed by the obtained results.

To overcome these draw-back a new Boost PWM Soft Converter without high voltage and current stresses is being proposed in this paper. Its main characteristics will be illustrated through a detailed study described in the following sections.


Figure 1 shows the Boost PWM soft-single-switched converter. The inductor LRZis used to provide ZCS turning on of the switch SI. is magnetically coupled with LI. The Lz turns ratio between Ll and L2 must be large enough to induce voltage in L2, making null the current of Lm before the next turning on of the switch SI,when D2 is conducting.

High switching frequencies are necessary to reduce the size and the weight of the DC-DC converters. However, this yields high switching losses and, consequently, low efficiency in hard switching converters. To solve this problem the quasi-resonant converter (QRC) were proposed in [l]. However, some of their characteristics such as load limitations and control difficulties due to variable frequency operation restrict the practical use of these converters. Since the pulse-with-modulated quasi resonant converters (PWM-QRC)operate with fixed switching frequency they do not present the control problem like the QRCs [2]. On the other hand they present all the other disadvantages of the QRCs which limit their applications. Nowadays there are many converters which do not present the limitations described above. An example of such converters is found in the reference [3]. Although this converter presents several advantages, such as other modern converters, it is not perfect. The most part of the PWM sofl switching converters proposed until now have two active switches and those which have a single active switch present high stresses.


I - Boost PWM softsingle-switched converter.

The branch composed by L R ~D1 and CRis used to charge , CRwith voltage V, before the switch SIis turned off. Thus, this switch will open in a ZVS way. Since the capacitor charges due to resonance between LRI and CR, the maximum voltage that appears in the CR terminals is twice the input voltage V,. This limit the output voltage at the same value, when a soft switching is desired.

0-7803-3044-7196 $5.00 0 1996 IEEE


The operating stages are presented in Fig. 2, and are described as follows.
First Stage [to, tl] -Power transfer stage

During this stage occurs the transference of energy f o rm source to load, across diode D2.
r I




s s,

First Stage [to ,tl]

Sixth Stage [ts , k]




Second Stage [tl ,t2]


Seventh Stage [b,t7]

Third Stage [t2,t3]

Eighth Stage [t7, ts]

Fourth Stage Its ,t4]

Fig. 2 - Stages o operation o the Boost PKW soft-singlef f switched converter.


Second Stage [tl, t d - Linear variation stage of current in the LR2

Eighth Stage the Lm


td - Linear variation stage of current in

When the switch Si is turned on, the LRZcurrent increases linearly and CRbegins to charge through the circuit with V , , LRI,DI , CR and si.

When the capacitor CRvoltage becomes zero, the diode

D4is turned on. The LRZ current goes down linearly due to
induced voltage in Lz. This stage finishes when the LRZcurrent becomes zero, starting another switching cycle. Supposing, that the diodes of the Figure 1 are ideal and transient effects are disregarded, the main waveforms are presented in Fig. 3.

Third Stage [t2, t ~ -Resonant stage ]

This stage begins when diode D2 is turned of. In this moment all the current flowing Ll crosses Lz. This current is given by the expression Z,J(Z-K). Where Z is the current , that was in Ll before SI is turned off and"K" is the t r ratio un between LI and Lz . We can observe that the current in the switch Si increases with "K ". Thus its value must be chosen as small as possible, in order to satisfy the necessary conditions for L R discharge. ~

. . .

. . . .


. . . .


I; + t
i ' t

. , . . . .. . :. .

. .

. .

. : . . . . . . . . . . . .


Fourth Stage (t3, t4] -Linear variation stage of current in the LZ

. .. . . j :. . . : . . i ..

. . .

This stage begins when diode D3 is turned on. This occurs when the voltage in CRbecomes equal to output voltage. In this stage the L R current decreases linearly until ~ becomes zero.

Fig. 3 - Main waveforms for circuit in Fig. 1.

Fijih Stage


, tj]

- Magnetization stage

At time t4 the current through LRI becomes null and the diodes DI and DJ are turned OE The duration of this stage will define the converter static gain.
Sixth Stage [tj , t6/ - Linear variation stage of CR voltage

The resonant current between L R and CR can be reduced ~ by increasing value of L R ~without disturbing another circuit , parameter. Since the branch composed by LRI and CR does not belong to the principal branch, the capacitor CR can be charged during all interval that the switch Si is conducing. Figure 4 shows the state plane for PWM soft-singleswitched converter. It is observed that maximum value of the CR voltage is equal to the output voltage V , which is reached at the beginning of the fourth stage [t3, t4].

The switch Sl is opened with null voltage and current flows through Ll ,Lz , CRand D3. In this stage the capacitor discharges in a linear way.

Seventh Stage (ts , t 7 ]

- Resonant stage
v o
Fig. 4

When the capacitor C, voltage becomes smaller than induced voltage in the Lz, the diode Dz is turned on. In this stage the induced voltage is fixed at K ('K,-VJ and L R ~ current goes down due to the resonance between CRand Lm,

State plane for Pu7M soft-single-switched




b) Interval [t, , td

Figure 5 presents the model used for static gain determination.

vp =vo- y


At, =
Fig. 5 Boost converter model for static gain determination.


(1 - K ) [V#Q- K)- KV,]



To determine the converter ratio of the P W Boost converter. presented in this paper, the following considerations has been made: - the current I, and voltage Voare ripple-free. - all the components and switches are ideal. Furthermore the following definitions were used:

At, = t , - t ,

At, =

oo(1- K)[G(l- K)- K ]


c) Interval [ t I ,

vP =-v,
d)Interval [
t , tsJ ~


vp( t 5 )= -yI




At, =

Vo(l-K)+KV, (1-K)CR
1 0

NI = transformer primary turns N2 = transformer secondary turns

a) Interval [ t o , tJ

where At5 = t, - t ,

At< =

(1 - KXG (1 - K)+ K ]


e) Interval Ita, to]

vp =v, -VI


CR = 30 nF (resonant capacitor) RI = 100 R (load resistance) f = 100 KHz (switching frequency)

From the preceding equations we can determine the static gain.

The active components are considered ideals. The waveforms obtained by simulation are presented in Fig. 6.

2 r.r










Fig. 6 Simulation results for the PWM softsingleswitched converter.

From equation (15) it is observed that the converter static gain depends on: the turns ratio (K) between LI and L2 , the duty-cycle (D), resonant frequency ( , , ratio (a) the a) the and period of switching frequency.

As it is observed from Fig. 6, the SI switch commutes without losses. The SI switch is turned on under zerocurrent and turned off with zero-voltage. The maximum level voltage in the switch is equal to the output voltage, that must be lower than twice the input voltage value.


5. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS In order to illustrate the feasibility and operation, the

proposed circuit shown in Fig. 1 has been simulated with the

following parameters:

vi = 30 V (input voltage) LI = 300 pH ( transformer primary inductor)

L2 = LRI = Lm = CI =
10 p H ( transformer secondary inductor) 20 pH (resonant inductor) 2 WH(resonant inductor) 330 pF (output capacitor)

A prototype circuit was constructed to verify the waveforms predicted above. The values and specifications of the components used in the circuit are given below, in reference to Fig. 1. The values of LI, Lh L R I , LRZ, C I , C and RI are the same , specified in the simulation results. The switching frequency is 100 KHz. The switch used was the MOSFEZT IRF640,and the diodes DI, D3 and D4were used the MUR 1620. Dz,, Figure 7 shows the waveforms of voltage in the resonant capacitor CR and the current in the resonant inductor LRI. As seen in this photograph, the voltage waveform arrives 60 Volts, that is the double of input voltage.


Figure 9 shows the switch waveforms for voltage and current. As it is observed, the swith is turned on under zero-current and turned off with zero-voltage.

Fig. 7 - Waveforms of voltage in the resonant capacitor

CR (upper trace) and current in the resonant inductor L R ~

(lower trace), respectively (1OmA/div); 2,5 pec/div.

(20Vldiv) and


Figure 8 shows again the waveforms of voltage in the resonant capacitor CR, together with the current in the resonant inductor Lm. Note that the inductor current i m has linear slopes upward and downward that occurs respectively in the second and eight operating stages.

Fig. 9 - Voltage (upper trace) and current (lower trace) waveforms in the switch, respectively vs (2OV/div) and is (IOmA/div); 2,5 p e d d i v .


A new Boost PWM Soft -Single- Switched Converter has been presented . This converter with only a single switch can operate in a soft switching way in a wide load range without high voltage and current stresses. The experimental results obtained validate the new proposed converter.

[l] LEE, F.C. High Frequency Quasi-Resonant Converter Technologies, ofthe IEEE, vol. 76 N. 4, April 1988. prg 121 BARBI, I.; BOLACEL, J.C.; MARTINS D.C.; LIBANO F.B. Buck Quasi-Resonant Converter Operating at Constant Frequency: Analysis, Design and Experimentation, IEEE-PESC89 record, pp. 873-880. [3]HUA G.; LEU C.S.; LEE F.C. Novel Zero-Voltage Transition PWM Converter, IEEE-PESC92, Record, pp. 55-6 1.

Fig. 8 - Waveforms of voltage in the resonant capacitor C (upper trace) and current in the resonant inductor Lm , (lower trace), respectively (I OOmA/div); 2,5 p e d d i v .

(2OV/div) and



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