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Release Notes

Software: Revision: HP Device Manager

Build Date: January 29, 2009 Introduction

This document describes the development release of HP Device Manager 4.0, the next generation of enterprise device management software. It specifies system requirements, gives installation instructions, and provides an overview of the main features of the software. HP Device Manager is an enterprise class application for managing and administrating thin-client devices on large and small scale networks. The system consists of four major components: Management Console The graphical application used by administrators to access the management system. Management Server The central server which consolidates and controls all management activities. Management Gateway The gateway which serves as the link between Agents and Management Server. Management Agent Client side software required for managing devices.

For more detailed instructions on how to use HP Device Manager please refer to the User Manual.

Component Version Information

This release provides the following versions of these components: Installer (HPDM.exe): Console and Server: 4.0.3610.5836 Gateway for Windows: 4.0.3630.5792 HP XPe Agent Build: 4.0.3660.5803 HP Debian 4 Agent Build: 4.0.3661.5803 HP CE 6 Agent Build: 4.0.3662.5849 HP ThinConnect Agent Build: 4.0.3663.5803 HP Debian 3 Agent Build: 4.0.3664.5803 HP ThinPro Agent Build: 4.0.3665.5803 Neoware NL4 Agent Build: 4.0.3640.5803 Neoware CE Agent Build: 4.0.3641.5803 Neoware XPe Agent Build: 4.0.3642.5803 Neoware NL3 Agent Build: 4.0.3643.5803 Maxspeed XPe Agent Build: 3.7.3650.2332 Maxspeed CE Agent Build: 3.7.3651.2814

System Requirements

Management Console
The Management Console can be installed on any number of machines. The following environment is required for running the Management Console: Operating Systems: Windows 2000 Professional (SP4) Windows 2000 Server (SP4) Windows XP Professional (SP2) Windows 2003 Server (SP2)

Third-party Software: Java Runtime: SUN Java Runtime Environment version 6 update 2 (bundled with installer)

Hardware: Pentium-III or greater 512 MB RAM 256 MB free disk space

Management Server
The Management Server should be installed on a single machine. The following environments is required for running the Management Server: Operating Systems: Windows 2000 Server (SP4) Windows 2003 Server (SP2)

Third-party Software: Java Runtime: SUN Java Runtime Environment version 6 update 2 (bundled with installer) DBMS - Any of the following are supported: o o Hardware: Pentium-III or greater 512 MB RAM 512 MB free disk space PostgreSQL 8.3 or later (bundled with installer) Microsoft SQL Server 2000 or later

Management Gateway
The Management Gateway may be installed on multiple machines. However, only one Gateway should be present on a subnet. The following environment is required for running the Management Gateway: Operating Systems: Windows 2000 Professional (SP4) Windows 2000 Server (SP4) Windows 2003 Server (SP2)

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Hardware: Pentium-III or greater 512 MB RAM 512 MB free disk space

Management Agent
The Management Agent should be installed on each device that will be managed by the system. The management agent is supported by thin-client devices. The following environment is required for running the Management Agent: Operating Systems: HP XPe HP CE 6 HP Linux Debian 4/3.1 HP ThinConnect HP ThinPro NeoLinux 4.0.1 NeoLinux 3 Neoware XPe 1.4.2 or later Neoware CE 8.1 Maxspeed XPe Maxspeed CE

Hardware: Thin-Client device supporting one of the above operating systems. 2 MB free disk space

Supported Devices: HP XPe HP CE HP Linux Debian HP ThinConnect HP ThinPro T5730, T5720, T5630 T5530, T5540 T5735, T5725 T5135, T5145 T5545

Additional Requirements
To support communication between the different components of the system the network must provide open access on certain ports. In addition to transfer large files between components, FTP servers must be accessible by the system. The following are additional requirements for running the management system: Network Requirements: The network should not contain any other running PXE servers. The network should permit free communication on ports used by HP Device Manager (see below).

Third-Party Software: FTP Server The following servers are recommended for use with HP Device Manager:

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o o o

Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) Rhinosoft Serv-U FTP Server 4.0 SCO UNIX OpenServer FTP Server 5.0.4 or 5.0.6 Table 1: Standard Ports Required

Port 67 & 68 69 4011 20 & 21 5900 5500


Purpose PXE Bootstrap. TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol). DHCP Proxy Service (this is an alternative to ports 67 and 68 if those ports are not available). FTP (used for Repository). VNC Server VNC Viewer in Listen Mode Table 2: Custom HPDM Ports Required

Receiver Port 1099 40000 40001 40002 40003 40005 40006 40008

Sender Console Server /Agent Gateway Console Serve /Agent Gateway Server Gateway

Receiver Server Gateway Agent Server Gateway Server PostgreSQL Gateway Controller


Purpose Console queries the RMI Registry. Server/Agent polls Gateway. Gateway sends task to Agent Console calls the remote objects on Server by RMI. Server sends task to Gateway; Agent sends report to Gateway. Gateway sends report to Server. The default database PostgreSQL listening port. Gateway notifies Gateway Controller there are other gateways running in the same subnet.

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Installation Procedure
Console, Server and Gateway
The server-side components of the system are installed using the HP Device Manager installer (setup.exe). There are a number of options during the installation: 1. Typical The Management Console, Server and Gateway will be installed with their default configurations. The PostgreSQL database will be initialized as Servers database. 2. Compact Only Management Console will be installed. 3. Custom Select which components to install and specify the configuration of each one. Console Does not require any configuration. Server The administrator can choose which database will be used for the Server. The optional databases are PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server. Gateway The administrator should configure DHCP settings and Gateway settings. The DHCP server is used by the PXE boot ROM to get an IP address as well as other basic networking information (subnet mask, default gateway, etc.).

Notice: HP Device Manager will create some necessary configuration and log files in
installation folder. Please make sure you have the write permission of installation folder and its subfolders when you install and run HP Device Manager.

Management Agent:
Send Update Agent task on Console to update the Agent (An old version of Agent should have been initially installed on thin client already).

Whats New in This Release

This release includes the following features: Hibernate Integration Use Hibernate library as the framework of database manipulation to provide better performance and database flexibility. Default Database PostgreSQL Change default database from Jet Engine to PostgreSQL to provide better performance and more powerful features (Port 40006 needs to be reserved on Server side for the default PostgreSQL database to listen to the connection). Full i18n support All components support internationalization/localization, currently available languages are English and Simplified Chinese. Enhanced Settings Wizard Provide the step by step wizard UI on Console for user to get all specific settings on device at once. Bundled JVM The Java Virtual Machine is bundled with installer and the user does not need to install the JVM manually prior to installing HPDM anymore. Reverse VNC Support Reverse VNC tasks, which provide the capability to shadow the devices behind NAT (Port 5500 needs to be reserved on Console side for VNC Viewer to listen to the connection). HP OneVoice Add HP OneVoice Look and Feel to Console UI. Additional Settings Add additional settings support (Currently support HP XPe, HP CE, and HP ThinPro). Now all supported settings are: o Network Settings;

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o o o o o o o

Time, Timezone and NTP; Display Support Multiple Monitors; Browser Settings (IE Settings); Keyboard Settings; Mouse Settings; Regional Settings; EWF Settings (not attached to Settings Wizard).

LDAP (Active Directory) Support - Import users and groups from the LDAP Server and login with LDAP account. Full Imaging Support PXE and PXEless imaging on all platforms with streaming IBR (DD support within IBR). NeoLinux 3, Neolinux 4, HP ThinConnect, and Maxspeed platforms do not support PXEless imaging. Gateway/FTP Simplification Make the repository management transparent to the user. The transfer of files between the central repository and Gateway FTP Server is automatic and auto mapped. Public Manual Group Make manual group public to other users but only the owner of the manual group can edit it.

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Fixed Issues (Built on January 29, 2009) QC Issues: 454: No VNC window pops up after successfully running "reverse shadow". 459: Updating image was not completed as expected on a ThinPro Device. (Built on January 23, 2009) QC Issues: 288: Fail to migrate jet engine db to PostgreSQL. 447: Fail to edit the existing rule after migrating Jet Engine to SQL Server database. 450: Rule: Filter cannot work for rule task. 451: DBSetup: When installing PostgreSQL on non-English version of Windows, the initialization process will fail due to permission problem of creating PostgreSQL Data folder. (Built on January 19, 2009) QC Issues: 413: Full Imaging - Error code 14020182 returned sometimes when doing Clone image task on HPCE or HP XPe. 421: Full Imaging - After pushing PXE image, the local Ethernet adapter cannot work correctly anymore. 425: Full Imaging - Cloning image was not completed as expected. 429: Full Imaging - The update image task was not executed when using .dd image. 435: Agent - Network info was wrong after get asset info from a NL4 device. (Built on January 9, 2009) QC Issues: 187: Agent - Failed to open the Agent Configure UI on the HPD3 device. 277: Server - OTS issue 0392310 Agent was manual grouped unexpectedly after restart. 285: Failed to resend Automap ftp task. 318: Console: Importing manual scheme will change the value of the extension properties. 339: Server: "Manual Group Path" criteria cannot work correctly. 347: OTS issue 0396256: After changing the OS, the rule was failed to edit. 388: Full Imaging - Failed to send clone image task to HPDebian3 device. 397: Error Code returned is not correct. 407: Full Imaging - Gateway address was lost when doing PXEless task on a HP CE(5530) device with static IP address.

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409: Server: The existing filter conditions cannot be removed from filter criteria. 410: Console - Failed to add HPTC image from local in the repository management window. 411: Full Imaging - Error code 14020322 returned when doing update image task on HP Debian device. 412: Full Imaging - The network info was not restored when doing update image task(PXEless & PXE). 414: _Update Image template cannot be saved correctly. 415: There are default values for _Update Image and _Push Image template. 416: After updating gateway, some files relating to PXE server were not updated correctly. 417: HP Debian - Fail to update agent with the error code -1504. 418: hpdmmc - after changing the hostname on HPDebian3, the hostname was not shown entirely on local host. 420: Full Imaging - When Pulling PXEless image from a HPDebian3 device with the static IP, the error code -1 was returned. 421: Full Imaging - After pushing PXE image, the local etherent adapter can not work correctly anymore. 422: Full imaging - Sometimes the PXE image task would not be executed because the device doesn't boot from the net. 423: HP Debian - Fail to shadow the t5735 device with HPDebian 4.0-D6ST0013. 428: The GUI of "Firefox Settings" need to be changed to be consistent with other settings' style. (Built on December 24, 2008) QC Issues: 160: Full Imaging - The image name field was empty in the result template of the PXEless task. 297: Agent (hpdmmc) - Failed to clone the display settings when no user login into the HPDebian3 device. 307: time displayed on right-below desktop isn't updated after a apply time setting task. 310: Agent (hpdmmc) - Keyboard layout of HP ThinPro does not make used unless I reboot the device manually. 377: Settings: Failed to execute the IE apply settings. 382: Server fails to start up although database has been created successfully. 384: Failed to do the PXE image task on Linux OS. 386: DBSetup: The content of filter doesn't be migrated to target database. 391: Full Imaging - Fail to update HP XPe image with error code 218. 392: Internet Explorer Settings (HP XPe or HPCE) - Proxy Port - If only set proxy port, the editor occurs a parsing error. 393: Full Imaging - Fail to update HP XPe image with result template. 399: After migrating database from MSSQL to PostgreSQL, a user account cannot log in. 400: DBSetup: DBSetup doesn't check the template compatibility while upgrade database. 401: If rolling back DBSetup wizard, the database was not installed correctly (Built on December 17, 2008)

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QC Issues: 159: Full Imaging - segmentation error occurred when send PXE task to Neo XPe device (M100). 167: Installation - DM server failed to start when restart the computer. 169: When executing PXEless imaging via Automap FTP server, the imaging task cannot be completed correctly. 172: Full Imaging - Error Code 149285670 returned when send PXE task to HP ThinPro device. 197: Full Imaging - Image operating failed when doing PXEless task on Neo XPe device. 205: Tools - Failed to do the PXE task when the device was shutdown. 232: Full Imaging - Network info was lost when pull image (PXE) from a HP XPe device with the EWF enabled. 234: Full Imaging - The WF was broken after doing PXE task on HP XPe device. 258: Full Imaging - Failed to push Neo XPe image to the device itself. 316: Console: Fail to import scheme when checking Overwrite option. 340: MetalFileChooserUI NullPointerException. 363: DBSetup: Need support for installation to existing user-specified empty MSSQL DB. 374: Settings: Failed to execute the monitor settings for HP CE device. 379: ThinPro - Because the dependencies are not correct, it cause Update Agent failure. (Built on December 12, 2008) QC Issues: 251: Fail to create database on the second instance of SQL Server via DBSetup. 252: Need to an error message when failing to access SQL Server via Domain User on a nondomain machine. 283: the display mode can't be set into a neat HP XPe. 297: Agent (hpdmmc) - Failed to clone the display settings when no user login into the HPDebian3 device. 298: Agent - Failed to get displayed info when no user login into the HPDebian3 device. 300: Console - OS selection box of the image should be added when doing PUSH Image task. 314: After migrating database from PostgreSQL to MSSQL2005, some data lost or have problem. 317: hpdmmc: mouse left/right switch not correct at the login dialog. 320: hpdmmc (HPCE) - Set Regional Settings - The time format on tray won't take effect immediately after regional changes. 321: hpdmmc (CE) - set display settings - Set the monitor mode to DVI only and hpdmmc reported successfully, but actually it's VGA only. 322: Fail to log in after upgrading MSSQL2K database from 3.9 to 4.0. 323: Console: Fail to filter device if one of the criteria is unavailable. 325: Agent (hpdmmc)-ThinPro: There are some unexpected logs in the task log window after applying a region settings task. 329: Agent - NL4 device failed to the apply snapin task. 333: Agent (hpdmmc) - HP XPE & HP CE, Internet Time-Use NTP-Server Address doesnt take effect.

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336: Server: Fail to filter device via "Device" criteria. 342: Agent (hpdmmc) HP XPe 5720 - Unsupported task was finished successfully. 344: The results of status snapshot cannot be shown. 348: dm_conf value field is not wide enough for the LDAP Search User value. 351: DBSetup: Doesn't check the previous database version correctly while upgrade database. 357: Win XPe - sometimes child process use 99% CPU when Agent is executing a copy file task. 358: Win XPe - Copy File - If the file path has Unicode characters, Agent cannot finish task correctly. (Built on December 5, 2008) QC Issues: 211: Agent (hpdmmc) - The task always failed when set "active monitor" on HPCE device. 259: Console - The dropdown box of the "PXE Image Name" could not be extended fully. 260: Agent - Failed to execute snapin task on XPe device. 261: Agent - Failed to apply snapin to NL3 device. 263: Agent (hpdmmc) -Failed to get the displayed info after set the "extend" mode on the HP ThinPro. 278: Server - Server configure the dynamic schema does not make used after restart the agent. 288: Fail to migrate jet engine db to PostgreSQL. 289: Fail to migrate jet engine db to MSSQL2005. 290: Agent (hpdmmc) - Wrong value of the keyboard layout settings was cloned from Neo XPe device. 291: Agent (hpdmmc) - Unexpected value of the keyboard settings (Repeat rate) was get from the HP ThinPro device. 292: Agent (hpdmmc) - The "Button settings" of the mouse does not make used unless restart the HP ThinPro device manually or open the "Mouse Preferences" window. 299: Console - Default NTP server address was not fit with the HPCE device. 302: Agent (hpdmmc) - HPCE the value of the "automatic configuration" in the IE settings was changed which is different with the expectation. 307: time displayed on right-below desktop isn't updated after a apply time setting task. 310: Agent (hpdmmc) - Keyboard layout of HP ThinPro does not make used unless I reboot the device manually. 311: hpdmmc - Set and get keyboard repeat delay and rate, the repeat delay and rate values got were wrong on HPCE. 312: Agent - WF policy doesn't take effect on the set connection task on HP XPe device. 313: Agent (hpdmmc) - Unexpected log was shown in the task log window when sending apply keyboard setting task to HP ThinPro device. 315: Console: Global Schemes cannot be imported as name is illegal. (Built on November 28, 2008) QC Issues: 57: Fail to import an existing authentication key file.

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158: LDAP - More error information should be displayed in the error box. 226: Agent (hpdmmc): Failed to set the "Display Settings" on HPCE device. 230: Agent (hpdmmc): An exception is thrown on device when the language package is not included. 235: Console - Current user was able to change the manual group that was created by other user. 236: Console - Failed to create the Manual Group Schema sometimes. 239: Console: The assigned privileges to a user of Standard group cannot be saved on the console. 241: HashMap concurrent modification exception. 242: Server - Failed to filter the fresh image (agent) with the "Globe Manual Group". 243: Console: Dynamic schemes cannot be shared by other users. 245: Agent - Failed to open the agent configure UI on HPDebian4 device. 247: Console: The command line path is not full when applying a setting template cloned from a device. 249: Agent (hpdmmc) - Failed to get mouse motion speed from a fresh HPCE device. 250: Agent (hpdmmc) - Empty template was returned when clone displayed setting on HPCE device. 253: Agent (hpdmmc) - Failed to get repeat delay in a fresh Neo XPe device. 256: LDAP Group shows up as local group, thus permitting illegal changes to the group. 257: LDAP DN of Search User not created properly for non-ad servers. 262: Fail to use the existing SQL Server database. 264: Building NL3 Agent: port layer Unicode conversion problems. 277: Server - OTS issue 0392310 Agent was manual grouped unexpectedly after restart. 279: Agent - Exist issue on OTS: 0398289 Agent failed to auto-start after factory reset HPCE device. 280: LDAP search and ftp logon passwords are stored in database as plain text. 281: Delete template cause error in other consoles. 284: Xml Parser (tinyxml) occurs errors when items have " or '. 285: Failed to resend AutoMap ftp task. 286: NL3 Agent cannot download/upload files under 3.1.2 image. 287: large quantity duplicate Server log. 339: Server: "Manual Group Path" criteria cannot work correctly.

OTS Issues: 392310: After agent restarted, the property of the global manual group was updated unexpectedly. 394224: DM server does not check the forbidden-character in startup message of the Agent. 398289: Agent failed to auto-start after factory reset HPCE device. 401505: Templates in HPDM Operations group don't execute in a Template Sequence.

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Know Issues
M100 device hardware does not support Wake on LAN. PXE imaging: Full image version checking is not available (i.e. XPe version 5.1.502 is compatible with BIOS version 786A1 but not other BIOS, etc.) Shadow is not supported for HP XPe for now because there is no VNC Server installed in the OS. We will release add-on later to add the VNC Server into the images. PXE imaging cannot work with the Agent in the HP ThinPro image due to some changes on folder name. Please update the ThinPro Agent to the latest version (equal to or newer than 3.9.3665.4266) or the one in this release folder before you want to do PXE imaging.

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Portions of Device Manager are licensed under the terms of the Gnu Public License, version 2, or the GNU Lesser Public License, version 2.1. Source code for these components may be found at: ftp://ftp.hp.com/pub/device_manager or by contacting HP Support.

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