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KURSUS: Thinking and Working Scientifically

Week 1 Topic/ Content Introduction to the unit Course Overview Primary Science Teaching Lecture (1 hour) Overview of course expectations, and assessments Pretest

Kod: SCE3106

Kredit: 3 (3 + 0)
Tutorial 2 (1 hour) Discuss how Ten Myths of Science opens up your minds about the misconceptions that you might have. Give an example of a misconception that portrays each myth. Practic al ISL (2 hours) Find the 5-E instructional Model and prepare a ppt. presentation. Remarks

Tutorial 1 (1 hour) By referring to the article Higher Order Thinking discuss how we implement HOTS in Primary Science teaching

Course Works: 50% Examinati on: 50%

Manipulative skills

Types and units of measurements Use and handle science apparatus Draw diagrams and apparatus accurately

1. Tour the lab and identify apparatus for measuring length, mass, temperature, current etc. that are used for science experiments. 2. Find out how to use the apparatus above correctly

1. Draw and name the

apparatus that are usually used for primary science teaching

Access the internet to gather information on the Virtual lab. How is it different from the normal science room? Present it to your peers. Write short notes on the handling, cleaning and storing of science Task for ISL Wk 5 to be given this

Manipulative skills


1. By referring to the
Primary Science Curriculum Specifications for Level

specimens properly and carefully Clean science


1. In groups, you are given the task of cleaning dirty apparatus correctly 2. After cleaning and/or

All tasks should be compiled into a portfolio which will be submitted at the end of the semester.


Topic/ Content

Lecture (1 hour) apparatus correctly Store science apparatus and laboratory substances correctly and safely

The Basic Science Process Skills Observing The Basic Science Process Skills Classifying


observation Quantitative observation Importance of classification in life Types of classification: serial, binary, multi-stage classification etc. How to classify Various tools of communicating: interpreting graphs, charts, drawings, oral and written reports, discussion, tables etc.

Tutorial 1 (1 hour) II, list (a) 3 living specimens and (b) 3 non-living specimens needed for the suggested teachinglearning activities. 2. List the manipulative skills necessary to handle the specimens listed. (Activity 1) In groups, carry out the Candle Activity. Discuss and present your answers (Activity 3) Carry out the Classifying Button Activity. From your experience, discuss what other things in our lives that need classification?

Tutorial 2 (1 hour) drying replace the apparatus to their proper places for storage.

Practic al

ISL (2 hours) apparatus.

Remarks week.

(Activity 2) Read the article Elephant Observations and answer the questions. Presentation of role-play on classifying animals.

Read the article on Working Scientifically and prepare a concept map. Go through the ppt. presentation on classifying animals and carry out the tasks during tutorial session (Wk 5).

The Basic Science Process Skills Communicating

In groups, select one Communication tool and demonstrate it to your peers.

1. Select a topic from this

course and prepare a concept map (in pairs) 2. Discuss how your concept map can facilitate / simplify learning. 3. Present your concept map to your peers

Gather information to compare how people communicate at present and in the past according to chronological order. Present during tutorial session.

Week 7

Topic/ Content Basic science process skills Predicting

Lecture (1 hour) Importance of Predicting How to make predictions

Tutorial 1 (1 hour) Perform the Sensational Slime Activity. Present your finding during the next tutorial.

Tutorial 2 (1 hour) Present your finding to your peers.

Practic al

ISL (2 hours) Access the internet to gather information about the differences between inference and prediction. List down the differences. Read the article Did You Know (Facts on numbers). Discuss and identify how numbers affect our life.


The Basic Science Process Skills Measuring and using numbers

Making estimation and measuring by comparison Compare and contrast different units of measurements

List down the types of measurement and the units used for each type. Compare imperial units to the metric system

(Activity 4) Carry out the Mixing Water activity. Discuss how understanding of measurements enables you to make better and more informed decisions in your daily lives.

9 Mid Semester Break 10 School Based Experience2 11 Basic science process skills Space-time relationship The Sun Clock Activity (Activity 5)

1. List down topics from

the curriculum specification that represents space-time relationship (Group activity) 2. Plan a suitable activity from the list.

Carry out the planned activity.

Write short notes on the history of measuring time according to chronology.

Identify the scientific terminologies used in Primary Science Education 3

Week 12

Topic/ Content Basic science skills Inferring

Lecture (1 hour) Analyzing critically Identifying main ideas using information in other situations Three Kinds of variables Using Variables in Research Questioning

Tutorial 1 (1 hour) (Activity 6) Carry out the Inferring Exercises and discuss the answers in class (Activity 7) Do the Identifying and Controlling Variable Activity. Discuss your experimental results in class (Activity 9) Exercises on operational definitions. 1) Find any data from newspaper, magazines, internet on any topic. 2) Identify independent and dependent variables from the collected data. 3) Draw a graph to represent your data.

Tutorial 2 (1 hour) Present a situation to your peers and let them make their inferences. Comment on their answers. (Group activity) (Activity 8) Carry out Helicopter Happening experiment and compare your results with your peers.

Practic al

ISL (2 hours) Further reading on ways of making inferences and prepare a summary Examine the textbooks for year 1-5 and list down alternative terms (for variables) that are currently used



Integrated Science process skills

Identifying and
Controlling Variables

Defining Operationally 14 Integrated Science process skills Interpreting Data

Defining variables operationally Interpreting Data Do Data Three Ways Exercise.

Discuss on operational definition exercises (1) Individually bring some food wrappers to class (2) Carefully, identify each food label and by using a table categorize the ingredients. (3) Do you find any ingredients that you do not recognize? Do you think processed foods are good alternative in our lives?. Explain. (Activity 10) Choose five experiments from the curriculum specification, construct a hypothesis for each experiment. Complete the exercises given. Remind students to bring data for tutorial 1


Integrated Science process skills Formulating and Testing Hypothesis

Formulating hypothesis Testing Hypothesis

Do Writing Hypothesis Exercises

Further reading on Formulating and Testing Hypothesis Prepare a concept map.

Week 16

Topic/ Content Integrated Science process skills Experiment

Lecture (1 hour) Experiment

Tutorial 1 (1 hour) (Activity 11) Do The Pendulum Experiment

Tutorial 2 (1 hour) Discussion on the Pendulum Experiment results

Practic al

ISL (2 hours) Read Guide to Science Experiments and plan your own investigation. Read Skamp (2004), Appendix 2.3 pg 83

Remarks KKP due date: Weeks 16




(Activity 12) 1) Based on the materials given, plan and conduct your own experiment. 2) From the data collected, construct a graph and explain your result.

Post Test

Analyse data from your experiment and prepare your report.

Lecturer provide materials for students to plan and conduct Activity 12

18 19 20 21 22

Conducting Your Own Investigation REVISION REVISION



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