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MAX DANGEROUS Episode 1 "A Clear and President Danger"

by Zachary Moore

Green 11-28-12 Yellow 11-11-12 Pink 11-8-12 Blue 11-6-12 White 10-23-12

Shoot the Stars! The Film School at SFUAD 1600 St. Michael's Drive Santa Fe, NM 87505 Terry.borst@santafeuniversity.edu Zachary.moore@student.santafeuniversity.edu 505-473-6400 WGA Registered


We see a modern government building. There is a sign outside that says NATIONAL ACTION FORCE HEADQUARTERS. 2 INT. NAF HEADQUARTERS - HALLWAY - DAY Close on Feet running down a hallway. Other AGENTS move out of the way. Close on hands grasping a file folder with the words "TOP SECRET" on it as the person runs down office hallways narrowly avoiding other AGENTS who turn and gasp. Their expressions tell us this is important. This is AGENT JOHNSON (35), a nerdy guy in an ill-fitting suit, runs down a hallway past other AGENTS and OFFICE WORKERS carrying a file. AGENT JOHNSON rounds a corner and enters a large work room. Several other AGENTS are working at their desks. Some are on the phone. Others focused on their computers. Still others move around the room carrying files and stacks of paper. AGENT JOHNSON bursts through the large room. To avoid hitting another AGENT, he slides across the top of a desk, knocking several items off. AGENT JOHNSON leaps off the desk, rolling across the floor. The other AGENTS pause and gasp. AGENT JOHNSON looks up and gets to his feet. He takes a moment to gather himself and brush himself off. He then starts off again into a full run, with the intensity he had before. He heads out of the room and rounds the corner. 3 INT. NAF HEADQUARTERS - OFFICE - DAY 3 2

HOWARD J. JOHNSON (55), a tired-looking man with a 5 o'clock shadow and a cigar, sits at his desk in the sparsely furnished office, throwing darts at a picture of a Fidel Castro taped to the door. The room is dimly light by just the desk lamp shadowing HOWARD'S face slightly. Agent Johnson bursts into the room, just as Howard throws another dart. AGENT JOHNSON It's just as we fearedThe dart embeds itself in Agent Johnson's chest. He gasps in shock.



PINK 11-8-12 "Max Dangerous" 1A. 3 AGENT JOHNSON AAAAAAGGGHHH! HOWARD J. JOHNSON Good lord, Johnson! You just took a dart for Castro. AGENT JOHNSON I'm sorry, sir.

AGENT JOHNSON gasps from the pain of the dart, trying to gather himself. HOWARD J. JOHNSON What's the situation? Give it to me straight, Johnson. Agent Johnson sits down, wincing in pain a little bit. AGENT JOHNSON Mr. Johnson, sir, remember those robot clones of the President we had commissioned? Agent Johnson drops a file on the Chief's desk. It is full of pictures of the President. HOWARD J. JOHNSON You mean... Project Zero?



PINK 11-8-12 "Max Dangerous" 2. 3

AGENT JOHNSON No, Mr. Johnson. Project zero is the one... with the big zero... thing. AGENT JOHNSON makes a big zero shape with his hands. HOWARD nods thoughtfully. He too makes a zero with his hands. The two JOHNSONS look at one another through their hands. AGENT JOHNSON drops his hands and quickly continues. AGENT JOHNSON Anyway, his is Project Robot Clones of the President. Agent Johnson points at the words on the front of the file on Howard's desk. It says PROJECT ROBOT CLONES OF THE PRESIDENT. Howard looks at the file. HOWARD J. JOHNSON We really should stop coming up with the secret project titles before we come up with the secret projects. AGENT JOHNSON Anyway, the robot clones gained sentience about an hour ago, and they... kidnapped the president. HOWARD J. JOHNSON The robot president? AGENT JOHNSON No, sir. The actual president. HOWARD J. JOHNSON We've got to alert the secret service, Johnson! No, alert the army! Scratch that, alert... Team Zero. AGENT JOHNSON There's nothing we can do, sir. The robots have activated the White House Emergency Force Field... Agent Johnson rubs his chest where the dart is still embedded. AGENT JOHNSON This is actually really starting to hurt.



PINK 11-8-12 "Max Dangerous" 2A. 3

HOWARD J. JOHNSON For god's sakes, man, take that thing out, you look ridiculous. Yes sir. AGENT JOHNSON

Agent Johnson removes the dart. A squirt of blood spurts out of his chest. AGENT JOHNSON looks at the blood in shock. He doesn't know what to do. HOWARD is taken aback by the blood. HOWARD J. JOHNSON Damn it son, stick a finger in that hole! You'll mess up the new carpet. AGENT JOHNSON quickly brings his hand up, plugging the hole his chest with one finger. His eyes roll as he struggles to remain conscious.



PINK 11-8-12 "Max Dangerous" 3. 3

AGENT JOHNSON I feel kinda woozy... This goes unnoticed by Howard, who is thinking to himself. HOWARD J. JOHNSON If only we had an agent inside the force field... AGENT JOHNSON There is one operative... whoo, getting a little dizzy... there is one operative... still left inside, sir. Who? Who?! HOWARD J. JOHNSON

AGENT JOHNSON Max... Dangerous... OPENING CREDITS. 4 INT. WHITE HOUSE - LINCOLN BEDROOM - DAY SUPER: LINCOLN BEDROOM - THE WHITE HOUSE Stepping away from camera we see the sillhoette of a man wearing a badass leather jacket. He strikes a pose of confidence, framed in the doorway. This is undoubtedly... MAX DANGEROUS (37), a badass dude in every sense of the word. In the room just beyond MAX we see the SECRETARY OF STATE, a beautiful blonde woman. She turns slowly to face MAX while leaning back to rest against a high table near the wall. SECRETARY OF STATE So, Max Dangerous, what sort of negotiations did you want to discuss? MAX DANGEROUS I have a proposal I'd like you to consider, Madame Secretary. SECRETARY OF STATE Anything, Max. MAX moves in closer to the SECRETARY OF STATE. 4



PINK 11-8-12 "Max Dangerous" 3A. 4 MAX DANGEROUS I was hoping we could form a joint task force.

MAX grabs the SECRETARY OF STATE by the hips and hoists her up so she is sitting on the table. He positions himself between her legs. The SECRETARY OF STATE wraps her legs around Max's waist. SECRETARY OF STATE Motion carried. MAX and the SECRETARY OF STATE lean in closer to one another. They are about to kiss when... Max's cellphone begins to ring. His ringtone is an electronic version of the opening credits theme. MAX leans back. The SECRETARY OF STATE looks disappointed. MAX reaches into his jacket and pulls out a small flip cellphone. He opens it with a loud click.



GREEN 11-28-12 "Max Dangerous" 4. 4

MAX DANGEROUS This better be important. Max answers his phone. The Secretary of State picks up an American flag from next to her on the table and begins to lick it suggestively. As MAX talks she tries different antics with the flag to sway his attention. She holds the small flag down with one hand over each of her breasts. She places the tip of the flag over her nipple and begins to sway around in circles using the flag as a tassel. MAX DANGEROUS (on the phone) Max Dangerous... Johnson? Which one?... Oh... Again?... And he's being held hostage in the Oval Office?... Don't worry, Director Johnson, I'll save the President... Oh, and give my condolences to the family of Other Johnson. Max hangs up the phone. MAX DANGEROUS Sorry, Madame Secretary, but robot clones have kidnapped the president. Again? SECRETARY OF STATE

* *

Max gives the Secretary of State an "I know, right?" look. Max pushes himself away, as the Secretary of State looks on, disappointed. MAX DANGEROUS Looks like we'll have to initiate our peace talks another time, Madame Secretary. Max zips up his jacket and flips the collar. The Secretary of State slips off the table and seductively walks over to Max. SECRETARY OF STATE Be careful, Max. I wouldn't want our negotiations to fall apart.



GREEN 11-28-12 "Max Dangerous" 4A. 4 *

She kisses Max on the cheek, and playfully puts the American flag inside Max's jacket.



YELLOW 11-11-12 "Max Dangerous" 5. 4

MAX DANGEROUS Yes, ma'am. Max goes to leave, but pauses briefly before he walks out the door. He looks over his shoulder at the Secretary. MAX DANGEROUS Oh, and Madame Secretary? Yes, Max? SECRETARY OF STATE

MAX DANGEROUS I'm never careful. I'm Dangerous. CUT TO: 5 INT. WHITE HOUSE - HALLWAY - DAY Max sneaks down the hallway. WHITE HOUSE WORKERS run past him in the opposite direction. He turns a corner and sees an older man in a fancy suit. The man is facing away from Max. MAX DANGEROUS Mister President? You escaped? But... how? The man turns around. He is holding a machine gun, and he has an icy, emotionless stare. He is ROBOT PRESIDENT 1. ROBOT PRESIDENT 1 You have four score and seven seconds to surrender before you are exterminated. No... MAX DANGEROUS 5

AIDE 1 walks out of a doorway next to Max, clutching a stack of TOP SECRET files. Get down! MAX DANGEROUS

Max karate kicks the aide back into the room. Her papers go flying.



GREEN 11-28-12 "Max Dangerous" 5A. 5

Max notices an American flag next to him. He grabs the flag. ROBOT PRESIDENT 1 You have nothing to fear but your imminent destruction. The robot president fires at Max just as he unfurls the flag in front of him. The bullets ricochet off the flag. Max quickly folds the flag into a small triangle. He throws the triangle at the robot. It flies like a boomerang, and cuts off the robot president's head. The Robot President collapses. MAX DANGEROUS Looks like you've been decommissioned, Mister Robot President. *



GREEN 11-28-12 "Max Dangerous" 6. 5 *

Max grabs the machine gun and runs down the hallway. A large group of panicked White House workers run down the hallway towards Max. He stands still as they run past him. The hallway is cleared, revealing ROBOT PRESIDENT 2 standing at the end with his head down, holding a large CURVED SWORD to the ground. Robot President 2 slowly raises his head. ROBOT PRESIDENT 2 My fellow citizens, surrender or be destroyed. The Robot President twirls the sword dramatically. MAX DANGEROUS What was that old saying? Oh yeah; speak softly and don't bring a sword to a gun fight. Max quickly shoots the robot president, who falls to the ground. ROBOT PRESIDENT 3 appears behind Max, his arms raised Frankenstein-style. ROBOT PRESIDENT 3 Read my lips: Enslave all humans. MAX DANGEROUS Enslave this! Max pulls the trigger, the gun only clicks harmlessly. He is out of bullets. MAX DANGEROUS Enslave this! Thinking fast, Max swings his gun at the Robot President like a club. The Robot President catches it easily. He crushes it like it was made of clay, then throws it to the side. MAX DANGEROUS Enslave thiMax tries to punch the Robot President, who easily catches Max's fist. Max tries again with his other hand, but the Robot President catches it easily again.



GREEN 11-28-12 "Max Dangerous" 6A. 5

The Robot President smacks his head into Max's forehead. Max is stunned. The Robot President slams Max into the wall. The Robot President grabs Max, and throws him down the hallway into an adjacent room. Max slides into the wall next to an OFFICE WATER COOLER. The Robot President lumbers towards Max. Max frantically grabs a styrofoam cup and fills it with water. Just as the Robot President is about to tackle Max, Max flings the water on him. The Robot President shorts out, and collapses. Max stands up, fills the cup with water, drinks it, crushes the cup, then runs out of the room. MAX DANGEROUS (out of breath) Enslave... that... Max runs down the hallway. ROBOT PRESIDENT 4 lumbers out of a room. ROBOT PRESIDENT 4 Max, I am your friend, the President of the Americas. MAX DANGEROUS ...prove it. ROBOT PRESIDENT 4 Memory file activated: Remember when we went partying after the human UN Peace Conference and you blacked out and woke up on the giant piano keys in FAO Schwartz. As the robot president talks, we dolly behind him, revealing that he is holding a knife behind his back.



GREEN 11-28-12 "Max Dangerous" 7. 5

MAX DANGEROUS Oh yeah, I remember... agreeing to never speak of that again. The robot president throws the knife at Max. Max catches the knife, then throws it back at the Robot President. The Robot President catches the knife, then pulls out a second knife. He throws both knives at Max. An AIDE walks out, ducks, and is narrowly missed by the knives. Max catches both knives. Max throws both knives at the Robot President, who catches them both easily. Max pulls out the miniature American flag that the Secretary of State gave him. He throws it at the Robot President. The flag embeds itself the Robot President's head. The Robot President collapses, the tiny flag sticking out of his head Max salutes the flag, then runs down the hall. 6 INT. WHITE HOUSE - THE OVAL OFFICE 6 * * *

Max bursts into the Oval Office. He sees what appears to be a Robot President holding the President hostage. Nearby is a large panel labeled WHITE HOUSE EMERGENCY FORCE FIELD. PRESIDENT 1 Do not come any closer, Max Dangerous! MAX DANGEROUS Give up, robot clone of the president. Whatever your plan was, it's failed. PRESIDENT 2 Careful, Max. He'll do it! MAX DANGEROUS I've got perfect aim, Mister Robot President. You can't escape.



GREEN 11-28-12 "Max Dangerous" 7A. 6 PRESIDENT 1 You may have perfect aim, Max Dangerous, but which one of us will you shoot?

Max looks at President 1, who is holding the other president hostage with a gun to his head. Max looks at President 2, who is being held hostage and is shaking with fear. Max looks at both Presidents several more times. Max shoots President 2. Sparks fly out of his chest, revealing electronics.



GREEN 11-28-12 "Max Dangerous" 8. 6

PRESIDENT 2 Nooooo. How did you know? MAX DANGEROUS The real President of the United States would never allow himself to be taken hostage by a single robot. Max walks over to President 1, who is THE REAL PRESIDENT. The real President pours himself a glass of scotch. THE REAL PRESIDENT Good job, Max. I knew you'd figure it out. MAX DANGEROUS Are you okay, sir? The real President walks over to the White House Emergency Force Field panel. He presses the touch screen, which changes from red to green. THE REAL PRESIDENT I'm fine now, thanks to you. President 2, aka Robot President 5 (who Max just shot), suddenly grabs Max's ankle. ROBOT PRESIDENT 5 I know who killed your parents. Max grabs the robot President. MAX DANGEROUS Who was it? Tell me! It wasROBOT PRESIDENT * *

Suddenly the robot president goes dead. MAX DANGEROUS NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! THE REAL PRESIDENT Sorry about that, Max. We'll find out who killed your parents soon enough. MAX DANGEROUS Thanks, Mister President.



WHITE 10-23-12 "Max Dangerous" 9. 6

THE REAL PRESIDENT You've done a great service to your country today, Max. I'd like you to have these. The President reaches into his suit jacket and holds up two medals. THE REAL PRESIDENT This is the Medal of Honor and the Call of Duty. They are the two highest awards I can give. The President puts the two medals on Max's neck. MAX DANGEROUS It's an honor, Mister President. Suddenly, another robot President bursts into the room, holding a machine gun. ROBOT PRESIDENT 6 Get off my plane. The robot President's chest explodes, in a shower of sparks. Standing behind him is the Secretary of State, holding a smoking pistol. She blows off the smoke. THE REAL PRESIDENT Nice shot, Madame Secretary. SECRETARY OF STATE Thank you, Mister President. Now, if you're finished with Mr. Dangerous, he and I have some negotiations to finish. THE REAL PRESIDENT Sure thing. Go get'em, tiger. Yes, sir. MAX DANGEROUS

Max salutes, then walks off with the Secretary of State. Once Max is out of the room, the President picks up his phone and dials it. THE REAL PRESIDENT Hello, Johnson? This is the President of the United States... No, the actual President. (MORE) (CONTINUED)

WHITE 10-23-12 "Max Dangerous" 10. CONTINUED: (4) 6 THE REAL PRESIDENT (CONT'D) I have a secret presidential order for you. I need you to... kill Max Dangerous! FADE OUT.

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