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A. Background Social networking is the act of interacting and networking with others in a social online environment via the use of website which in practice usually aims to expand the number of ones business and/or social contacts by making connection through individuals. Lusted (2011, p. 6) affirmed that from millions of American today, social networking has become a part of their daily routines. The pull of Social Networking technologies cannot be ignored, as they have attracted a millions of user in a short amount of time since their introduction (Kurosu, 2011, p. 475). Social networking is not only used to expand the social networks but can also be used as a media of learning. (Tatnall and Jones, 2009, p. 321) assumed that Social Networking has a place in teaching and learning by investigating how the students use these sites and whether they find opportunity to discuss study related activity with their peers. Almost everyday and every minute, students use social networking and sometimes students use social networking to discuss or finish students exercises and homework. One of technologies improving learning and teaching in education is blogs. Learning English especially writing is more interesting when students use blog (Pardede, 2011, pp. 1-21). 1

2 In addition to the use of social media for learning writing, social media is also having an influence in other disciplines, the vocabularies, such as those found in a newspaper discourse in harian-Jakarta.com GeonewZ (2012) quoted by saying that "There are a lot of new vocabulary that appeared in Social Media online can be learned by the students ". Based on the above findings, the researchers are attracted to conduct research within the scope of those in the Christian University of Indonesia. Therefore, the title of this research is Social Networking and English Vocabulary Learning Achievement: a Correlational Study at the Christian University of Indonesia.

B. Research Question Based on the background of the above problem, the research question is: How social networking significantly does correlates with the students English vocabulary learning achievement at the Christian University of Indonesia?

C. Research Objective The goal of this study is to discover whether there is significant correlation between social networking and English vocabulary learning achievement.

D. Research Significances The researcher wants this study could give useful information and contribution to students, teachers and other researchers.

3 1. To students, the result of this study will hopefully motivate students to use social networking for study. 2. To teachers, the result of this study will hopefully be motivating teachers to give exercises and homework in media social networking, not only in paper. 3. To researcher, the result of this study will hopefully expect to trigger researcher to conduct more research, particularly research on education. 4. To other researchers, the result of this study will hopefully provide a basis for conducting further researchers on the same area.

E. Research Scope Due to the researchers time and budget constraints, the participants in this study will be limited to the students of 6th and 8th semester, all of whom were the students of the faculty of education and teacher training in Christian University of Indonesia on 25th 29th June, 2012. Sample will be taken by using stratified sampling technique. In addition, the data will be collected through a survey (questionnaire) questionnaire and web or email.

F. Operational Definition 1. The social networkings are Facebook, Twitter and Blog. 2. The English vocabulary learners are interested learning new vocabulary using social networking and share it to friends in social networking, too.

4 3. The achievement is the desire to do on vocabulary tasks and enthusiastically attending the vocabulary class in campus. 4. Correlation is students opinion about the relationship between the usage or of social networking with the English vocabulary learning. 5. Students is students who had finish vocabulary lesson in Christian University of Indonesia

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