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Using Qwizdom Clickers with Study Island:

Things to Do - Before you can start: Before you access Study Island, you must plug in the USB receiver that is inside the case of the clickers. This device is how the clickers communicate with the computer. Once it is connected, it will install any needed software on the computer and when it is ready to use you will see a flashing yellow light on the receiver. Your computer must have Java Script installed on the computer and allowed to run inside your browser. This is an add-on so if you have it turned off, you will have to allow it to run when prompted.

Getting Started: 1. Go to the website http://www.studyisland.com and login. a. Only teacher accounts can use the clickers student accounts will not work. b. You must have a class setup with students assigned in the class to use the clickers. If you do not have a class setup, go to the Class Manager and follow the steps to set up a class. c. Remember, a student can be assigned to more than class and more than one teacher.

2. If you do have a class established, with students assigned to that class, then click the menu for PA Programs and choose a subject area to work on. 3. Once you have chosen the standard(s) or skill(s) to work on, you are ready to click on Start Studying. 4. You will now have 4 options for studying: Practice Mode, Classroom Response System, Game Mode, and Printable Worksheet. Please click on Classroom Response System. Then press next. 5. In the drop down box next to Default Response System click inside and choose Qwizdom. 6. Then click on the button that says Next Tab - Options. 1 of 2

Online Video Tutorial http://tinyurl.com/SIwQ2ClickersVideo

7. You will now be prompted to Choose the Class that you will work with. Once you choose the class name, the students that you have assigned to this class will be listed on the screen. You MUST Assign a Number to each student and tell the student what their number is. Have them write it down because they will need this number in a few minutes. 8. After assigning each person a number, click the button Next Tab Sessions. 9. Choose New Session and press Start Session. 10. Once the setup loads on the screen you will have two options Teacher Led or Student Led. Choose Teacher Led and your first question will appear. 11. Click on the button Start Polling. 12. Now DO NOT answer the first question yet but rather students must first submit their assigned number. They only need to do this once. a. Steps for Students: i. Press and hold down the power/enter button for a couple seconds until the clicker turns. It will show U on the screen when it is ready. (This button is located to the left of the zero.) ii. Then type in their assigned number and press the power/enter button to submit that assigned number. iii. Now they are ready to submit their answers. 13. Once all students have submitted their answers to this question, click Stop Polling before moving on to the next question. 14. Once the next question appears, click on Start Polling and students can begin answering. Once everyone is done answering click Stop Polling and continue on through the rest of the questions. 15. When you have finished answering questions, click on End Session to see the overall results and finish the activity. 16. When you have finished using the clickers, students should hold down the power button to turn them off before putting them away. 2 of 2

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