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Notes of Meeting held on Thursday 31st January 2013 at the Derwenthorpe Super Sustainable Centre Present: Cllr. Fiona Fitzpatrick - Chair Steve Waddington Rita Sanderson Jacquie Dale Nigel Ingram Mark Warters Jenny Hubbard Barry Bothamley Sheila Wilkinson In attendance Ursula Berry

City of York Council City of York Council York Race Equality Network Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust Osbaldwick Parish Council Town Planning Consultant Chair, Tang Hall Residents Association Tan Hall, Residents Association Minute Taker


Representatives/interested parties from Meadlands Area, Osbaldwick Village and Tang Hall/Heworth Wards Apologies Vicky Japes Dave Meigh Richard Crossley 1.0 City of York Council City of York Council Advisor - JRHT

Welcome and Introductions Cllr. Fiona Fitzpatrick (FF) welcomed everyone and thanked them for coming to the meeting.

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Minutes of meeting 22 October 2013 Matters Arising MW stated in the minutes MW to mark up paths subject to flooding on plan. MW did not recall asking NI to look at the flood paths and it


was not clear what the specific points were. He said that in Metcalfe Lane there are two areas on the central Sustrans which flood. NI the minutes of the meeting held last Tuesday (Traffic & Transport) asked for a marked map on where these points are for the developers MW the request for support from JRHT for a stray, this was not asking for funding, it was asking for support in principle and it will be in a document to CoYC. MW under Any Other Business he wanted to confirm that he did not want to be part of the Community Fund process saying that he felt that JRHT should not be part of the process and this should be given to an independent body. FF stressed the sub-groups were clear about their different remits ensuring that the same items were not discussed at all sub group meetings. JAD confirmed that Kevin Hall has been invited to the next Partnership Advisory Committee Meeting to give an overview of educational provision and future plans. Community Facilities Action Plan JAD presented the paper which gave an update on the work Richard Crossley had been undertaking. FF - health and medical provision in the area need to watch this space at the moment, there are enough places available locally on GPs waiting lists. NI confirmed that JRHT have been in correspondence with CoYC regarding green waste collections l and have stated that if the council is not going to provide this service, JRHT would do it. JAD confirmed that within the last couple of days CoYC have indicated they are looking at short and long term solutions to the green waste. MW commented that residents who had contributed to council services through council tax, should be reimbursed by CoYC, if this service was not offered by the council.

NI confirmed that the scout lease has been signed and JRHT had received a signed copy of the lease on the 24th January. Development Update NI confirmed the community car park is now open for use. JRHT will be erecting signs to advise car owners they park their cars at their own risk. The car park is run on a first come, first served basis. MW asked why the car park was now being called the Community Car Park. It was felt to call it the Village Hall car park would be misleading as it is for the whole community, calling it the Community Car Park would be more accurate. MW asked when the advertising boards would be removed and trees planted by the end of March. NI confirmed these would be removed by David Wilson Homes, when their work was finished and that planting timetable would be considered. Meadlands Cycleway NI outlined the mitigation works which was confirmed by the group was not effective and confirmed that alternative solutions would be explored. Sustrans Cross-over There is a single road crossing Sustrans linking Phase 1 to the cross site access road and onwards to Fifth Avenue but this will only be for the required bus service, emergency vehicles, cycles and pedestrians. The restriction on any other traffic will require traffic control and this will be the responsibility of the developer of the Fifth Avenue quarter, to design and install a crossing having agreed details of the scheme with the Highway Authority. Bus Service


The options for the S106 from Derwenthorpe to the City Centre are currently under review. There was a consensus of opinion that there was an over capacity of buses through Osbaldwick Village and the Traffic and Transport Committee, and Derwenthorpe residents, should consider the proposal on the buses, before a decision is made. JH confirmed that JRHT are making a bid from the Green Bus Fund for an electric bus however consideration of the route was a priority. The bid is to be submitted at the end of March, but can be withdrawn, if required. JAD queried whether the route could be changed subsequent to the bid being submitted. JH confirmed that the only information available is that we have to be specific on day one but this can be changed once people start using the service. JAD commented that the opportunity to have input into the bus service route is a good and an interim meeting needs to be arranged to discuss this with the Traffic and Transport Committee and Derwenthorpe residents. A local resident commented that Osbaldwick air quality is being monitored each year and the figures are going up, especially as there is an industrial site with heavy good vehicles and the use of old diesel buses. This information could be used when looking for funding from the Green Bus Fund. MW- also suggested pictures of the buses going through Osbaldwick Village could also be used as part of the bid. Sustrans Corridor Planning Application JRHT met with Sustrans, CoYC and other interested volunteer representatives to review the proposed ten year programme of enhancements along the whole length of Metcalf Lane to Foss Islands Foss Islands to Wigginton Road. The group is due to meet again to review not only the capital costs but also how maintenance costs are to be addressed and how groups such as YWT might be best involved.

MW produced some figures indicating that there is 400k for enhancement works. NI could not recall this sum 400k but will confirm if correct and if it is, what conditions are attached. JAD confirmed that in the short term Sustrans are using volunteers and one of the volunteers is a Derwenthorpe resident. A clean up event is taking place on the 9th March, which JRHT is supporting. BW said he would be interested in helping with the Sustrans litter pick and would be willing to drum up some volunteers. NI confirmed that Sustrans are putting a maintenance proposal in to the CoYC and that Pete Huxford, Sustrans is attending the Environmental Committee. MW confirmed he would continue to make representations on behalf of the people who contacted him on this issue. It was noted that there were no signs to dissuade owners using the play area or to keep their dogs on leads. JAD agreed to take the signing forward. The pathway from the play area to the Community Car Park has a lot of surface water and suggested the drainage needed relooking at NI confirmed that these areas would be looked at. 5.0 Community Engagement JAD confirmed that the Community Fund had been launched, newsletters produced and the Derwenthorpe website and Facebook page was now live. In addition to the Derwenthorpe residents events. Residents Events The planned residents event in November was successful with approximately 20 plus residents and their children attended all of whom engaged with the various information stalls and event on offer. A further event took place in early January and was more focussed and was planned to explore with residents the ways in which they wanted to more formally engage with JRHT and other Derwenthorpe residents. This event attracted over 16 residents.


RS confirmed that the York Race Equality Network is looking at what they can offer in the area, in terms of providing opportunity of engaging in cohesion events and hope to have discussions with people in March and the residents of Osbaldwick Village. Hoping to promote a sense of ownership and encourage residents to engage in a wider community. 6.0 Community Fund Applications Report The Community Fund group had met at 6:00 pm to look at the application bids. The committee consists of Cllr. Fiona Fitzpatrick, Barry Bothamley and Sheila Wilkinson representatives of Tang Hall Residents Association, supported by JAD. MW reconfirmed that Osbaldwick and Meadlands did not want to be part of the Community Fund committee as they felt the process lacked integrity and had requested JRHT to consider handing the fund to York CVS. JAD confirmed that MWs comments had been considered, however, JRHT had made the decision to retain the fund. FF confirmed there were two applications for consideration; however, it was felt that the information provided by both parties was not adequate to enable a final decision to be made. Following further fact finding and consultation with the Chair it is anticipated that the funding will be confirmed prior to the next meeting. A local resident asked if the Community Fund had been advertised as she had not seen them in the local facilities she had visited. JAD confirmed that approx. 300 application packs had been sent out to local amenities in the area. JAD thanked residents for their feedback and said consideration would be given to looking at different ways to promote the fund prior to the April. BW confirmed that the York Community Church had received a letter and application pack. 7.0 Any Other Business

A local resident raised the issue of the previously cancelled meeting and members of the public not being informed. It was suggested that in future a notice was put on the gate. JAD apologised for this and agreed to look at ways that members of the public can be notified. JAD confirmed that the dates for all the sub-group meetings were on the Derwenthorpe website. A local resident raised the issue regarding a complaint regarding Mansells working out of hours. The resident said he had contacted Mansells to complain but they had ignored his request for them to stop working. The resident indicated that if this happened again, he would assume the property/vehicles were being stolen and would report it to the police, without first speaking with the contractors. NI confirmed this was contravening the planning agreement and that JRHT would like to be informed if any contactor breached the rules, as they are in effect working for JRHT. NI agreed to issue a contact phone number to report any future incidents. FF indicated that as councillors, she and MW could pursue this with the CoYC. SW confirmed he would also take this matter up with Mike Slater, Assistant Director Planning and Sustainable Development. 8.0 Date of Next Meeting Tuesday 9th April at 7:00 pm at the Derwenthorpe SSC


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