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APRENDIZAGEM Tcnico de Controlo de Qualidade Alimentar Ao n. 1 1 Perodo Comunicar em Lngua Inglesa (2.2.

. Conhecer os Problemas do Mundo Atual (50 horas)

INSTITUTO DO EMPREGO E DA FORMAO PROFISSIONAL, I.P. Delegao Regional do Centro Centro de Formao Profissional de Aveiro

SOCIAL EXCLUSION AIDS A. Look at the following picture. What impression does it make on you? To be burdened with hurt and sadness To be overwhelmed with joy and gladness To be confused and dismayed Broken promises being played Always leaving yourself wide open To the words never spoken Always wishing upon a star To have been everywhere and Not gone a far Traveling life's light-years Bringing smiles and bringing tears Seeing the way in and no way out Full of reason and foull of doubt Loving life with all its sorrows Living today with no tomorrow.

B. 1. Now read the poem. Give a title to it. 2. What is the poem about? What does it suggest? 3. Describe the different feelings expressed in this short poem. 4. What feelings do you have as you read the last stanza? 5. In your opinion, is the above picture effective to illustrate this poem? Justify. C.
Formadora: Ana Daniela Fonseca

1. Tick (v) any of the following words you think describe the tone of the poem (look up any you dont know in a dictionary). Add others. resigned sorrowful persuasive resentful pessimistic hopeful sad 2. Underline the words which rhyme. 3. Why do you think the poet repeats the words "to be" and "always"? 4. What tense is used several times? What effect does it have? 5. Is this poem written in British or American English? Give an example. D. Discussion points - Why is there a call for social tolerance regarding those who have AIDS? - Do you think that World Aids Day is an effective way to promote social tolerance? Explain. - The U. N. says that poverty is a "powerful factor" in the spread of AIDS. Why do you think this is so? - In spite of advancements in technology and medicine, the battle against AIDS appears to be extremely tough. Why do you think this is so? E. Research Work In groups conduct research on the following: - How does Aids attack the bodys immune system? - What is HIV? - How is it transmitted from person to person? - When was the AIDS virus first discovered? - When was the first World Aids Day observed? - What prominent international organisations endorse World Aids Day? - In what parts of the world does it appear that AIDS is out of control? - Why is the death rate from AIDS down among European nations when compared to the the that of the developing countries? Share your findings with the class. Check out the following sites:
Formadora: Ana Daniela Fonseca

aggressive angry cynical

http://www.pta.org/events/wad.htm http://www. drgreene. com/infectious_diseases.html. http://www.infoweb.org/ http://www.aidsinfosource.com http://www.aidsquilt.org/aidinfo/ F. Role-play In groups, you are going to act as World Health Organisation Teams and devise strategies for stopping the AIDS epidemic in developing nations. First, each group has to identify and research some of the problems associated with prevention and treatment of HIV in developing countries. Next, each group brainstorm a list of practical strategies aimed at stopping the AIDS epidemic in these countries. Then a mock WHO conference is held in your classroom in which each group presents its ideas. Discuss the kinds of resources that would have to be allocated to implement group plans and the possible long-term consequences to the international community if it refuses to act now. How would student WHO representatives attempt to convince leaders of their respective nations to contribute to their efforts? Vocabulary Box compassio n infection rate toleranc e hemophi lia AIDS pneumo nia HIV progno sis immune system discriminatio n therapy abstinen ce death rate

Formadora: Ana Daniela Fonseca

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