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Adrian Lopez Per4 2/14/13

Cultural Etiquette

Country name Flags




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The people

The vast majority of Canadians claim European ancestry. Four in nine Canadians claim some British ancestry and a little less than one in three have some French ancestry. Eighty percent of the residents in Quebec have French ancestry. Eighty percent of native French speakers live in Quebec (the others are mostly in New Brunswick, and parts of Ontario and Manitoba). Other European groups include Italians, Germans and Ukrainians (especially in the prairie states).

Home to nearly five million immigrants from 160 countries, Australia is rich in cultural diversity. Australians, or "Aussies," enjoy an easy-going lifestyle and are generally friendly and relaxed. Modesty and equality are valued.

Russia has had a long history of totalitarianism, which has resulted in a rather fatalistic approach to living. The desire to work individually under personal initiative was suppressed by the Czarist and Communist states. With the advent of perestroika (restructuring), the Soviet/Communist value system has been scrapped, but the pace of reform has been slow and many are finding it very difficult to adap to the Western values of individualism and profit maximization. Older Russians are generally quite pessimistic and don't have much faith in a better life.

Meeting and greetin g g

Body langua ge Corporat e culture

In general, Canadians are more reserved and polite than Americans, and take matters of etiquette a little more seriously. Shake hands and introduce yourself when meeting Canadians for the first time. Always shake hands firmly when meeting or departing. Eye contact is important. Generally speaking, Canadians are more reserved than Americans. Canadians generally don't touch very much when conversing. Maintaining a certain amount of personal s space is important. Punctuality is demanded for business meetings and social occasions. If a conflict arises, you are expected to let your Canadian counterpart know immediately. That said, Canadians are not as obsessed with time as Americans.

Personal relationships are important in the Australian business world. Connections are valued. An introduction by an established representative may be helpful in establishing a relationship with a an Australian firm.

Russians appreciat punctuality. Business meetings generally begi on time. Under Communism there were no incentives for bureaucrats to perform well o to even be pleasant toward clients;

o beckon a waiter use a quiet hand m motion. When yawning, cover your mouth and excuse yourself. Winking at women is considered rude.

Russians appreciate punctuality. Business meetings generally begin on time.

Personal relationships are important in the Australian business world. Connections are valued. An introduction by an established representative may be helpful in establishing a relationship with an Australian firm.

Under Communism there were no incentives for bureaucrats to perform well o to even be pleasant toward clients; this meant that the usual answer to any question was "No."

Helpful hints h

Do your homework about Canada. Most Americans are appallingly ignorant of Canadian history, culture and geography. Recognize that important regional differences exist in Canada and prepare to adapt.

Aussies dislike class distinctions and have a history of "cutting down the tall poppy." This grew out of the Australian prisoners' hatred of their British overseers. Many Australian politicians have declined the designation of knighthood for fear .

Russians are very proud of their culture and enjoy opportunities to talk about thei music, art, literature and dance. Knowledge about art, musi and some Russian history is appreciated.

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