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Hello, and good day. Heres my application, hope you enjoy it.

Personal information
Email / ingame battle.net contact MSN Skype Residence vetroxbl@blic.net Vetrox_bl@hotmail.com Vetroxbl Europe, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Banjaluka

My name is Bojan, im 22 years old. I come from a small country of Bosnia and Herzegovina located in the southeastern Europe. I live in Banjaluka, the capital of the Republic of Srpska entity of the country. Im an IT Engineering student, 3rd year of college at the moment. I like to describe myself as a social, helpful person, but thats up on the others to decide, so Im not gonna be wasting any more words on this subject.

My character
Armory link Character name Class/Spec/Race Time played http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/sylvanas/healingstorm/advanced Healingstorm Goblin Shadow Priest Cca 88 days on this char. http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/2633/wowscrnshot033112024748.jpg Been playing WoW since Vanilla tho, this is my 3rd account. Havent played during Wrath only.

I was playing Discipline as MS, until July last year, when 20+ members left the guild, and all of a sudden we were lacking ranged DPS, so I swapped to shadow. I know that this may cause me to look as an inexperienced Shadow Priest, but since then I have been bustin my ass of practicing and reading about the class (shadowpriest.com, howtopriest.com, elitistjerks.com, etc.), that I believe Ive managed to bring my Shadow Priest gameplay close to perfection. Here is my WoL record from last Thursday: http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/rt-kgh4eia4o39b2hm4/ Dont mind the wipes in the report, that was me forcing the others to take at least some attempts, but they just didnt even bother, and died within the first few seconds each attempt I was comparing my DPS on certain fights with your Shadow Priests DPS (Insomni) and Ill try to explain differences in our parses.

Morchok HC DPS: http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/rtkgh4eia4o39b2hm4/sum/damageDone/?s=1387&e=1587 Would like to note that I was not multidotting, except for the first 20ish seconds, because the bosses were tanked more than 80yrds from each other. You can note that my dot-s had exactly half as many ticks as Insomnis. Yorsahj HC DPS: http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/rtkgh4eia4o39b2hm4/sum/damageDone/?s=2634&e=3070 What youll probably note is that my Mind Sear uptime/dmg is low. The reason is because, except I was doing Hymn of Hope, I was also forced to manage the mana void, simply because no one else wants to bother with it, nevermind that Im also on 0 mana because of the void and I have to time a perfect SW:D to regain some mana while the Void is sucking it away (while the warlock couldve just Life Tap and take care of it, one of the reasons I want to change guilds, but later about that). So I was forced to use my Sfiend/AA/Spike rotation on each mana void, therefore being unable to Mind Sear a lot. Ultraxion HC DPS: http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/rtkgh4eia4o39b2hm4/sum/damageDone/?s=8430&e=8745 Not much difference here, just the fact that Im using the Sfiend/AA/Spike rotation, because I had all reforged to mastery after reaching the 30% haste cap (to make Mana Void managing I mentioned above easier). I dropped out after Ultraxion so someone else can take my spot, because I dont need any gear from the next 3 bosses. Heres a SS of my UI: http://img85.imageshack.us/img85/4518/wowscrnshot031312173436.jpg Its LFR tho, so I had the raid UI hidden. Heres another one taken last night: http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/7907/wowscrnshot032912212636.jpg And heres another one, with all action bars shown: http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/7272/wowscrnshot033112034548.jpg The 2 bars on the left are hidden, because they only contain spells that dont have a cooldown. All heals, shield, PoM etc. are mouseover. I use 5-6 add-ons: Dominos for action bars, Quartz for the cast bar, SBF (Satrina) for buff/debuff tracking (shadow orbs, emp. shadow, volcanic pot, bloodlust, trinket procs, etc.), DrDamage for spell stat scaling formulas, Recount and DBM.

The CTRL+C bind is /click ExtraActionButton1 for the Heroic Will / Dream, as those buttons dont show up because of dominos, and its better to have them keybound anyways IMO. The Z bind is /cancelaura for Levitate, Mind Melt and Dispersion.

Guild history and raiding experience

Since Ive started playing on Sylvanas EU (February 2011), Ive been in my current guild only, Legacy of Kings. Never had it for those people who tend to swap guilds often, so tried to be as loyal as I can to the one I am in, but now I feel comfortable for a change. Mostly because I feel like Im carrying the entire guild, which can be noted from the WoL, while theyre just laughing it off. Most of them arent even trying to improve, sadly, and I feel like at this moment I have what it takes to progress further. My PvE experience as a Shadow Priests dates only from early FL, but my overall, lifetime raiding experience dates way back to Molten Core, when I was at the age of 16. This is prolly the worst part of my application, because I dont have much heroic experience, as my guild wasnt focusing on progress at all for most of the expansion. My raid role, as a shadow priest is, unlike the pure DPS classes, a lot more utility based, with abilities such as Dispersion, Hope and Divine Hymns, and an entire arsenal of healing spells to be used, if the situation calls for it. Was MS healer before, so as mentioned above, go t all my healing abilities macroed, and know how to use every single one of them.

Computer specifications

Internet connection

Source: Speedtest.net

I have a working headset (headphones + mic), and am able to use TS, Ventrilo and Skype, whichever is required.

Misc. information
As for my activity, I mostly play later during the day, because of college obligations in the morning, and in the afternoons on some days. I havent applied to any other guild except yours. I know that this may sound a lot like shooting for the moon all of a sudden, but Ive got bored, and if I may say, sick, of being stuck on mostly anything Im on lately. Even the DPS race feels dead, and kills my competitiveness. Ive been talking to one of your members (Kalorna) lately, and while doing some dungeons, s/he came up with were lacking spriests, just sayin, or something like that, so I decided to induce a further conversation on the topic, and it convinced me to apply. I really wouldnt expect an instant Madness HC raid spot, or anything like that, but would like to try to prove myself worthy through time. Thank you for your time spent reading this, looking forward to your reply. Bojan

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