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Q3) Looking at the other activities of PSI, is water important to them in terms of Person Year of Protection and Disability

Adjusted Life Years (DALY)? Ans: Table 1

PYP PYP addressed Addressed by psi as % DALYs by PSI in of total Addressed 2005 portfolio by PSI 2005 29.3190313 2258326 1.395015148 4838988 58.11648014 1715553 11.16947341 182722 100 8995589 DALYs addressed as % of total portfolio 25.10481526 53.79289783 19.07104693 2.031239978

Activity Family Planning HIV /AIDS Malaria Water related disease Total

Global DALY lost per year Deaths

115991000 2996000 11414458 70796000 2552000 543106 39961000 1207000 22625854 58697000 1777000 4348489 38931907

Table 2
Expenditure as a % of total expense in 2005 by PSI 0.11 0.5 0.24 0.04 280916000

Activity Family Planning HIV /AIDS Malaria Water related disease Total

Activity wise expenditure 30900760 140458000 67419840 11236640

Cost per PYP 2.707159639 258.6198643 2.979769957 2.584033212 266.8908271

Cost per DALY 13.68303779 29.02631707 39.29918808 61.49582426 143.5043672

From table 1 we can easily interpret that PYP in case of water related disease is approximately 11% of the total PYP addressed by PSI in 2005. When ranked on activity wise performance in terms of PYP; the water related initiated come third (preceded by malaria related initiatives i.e. 58% and family planning initiatives i.e. 29%). However if you include the cost incurred (from table 2) on each of this activity; then the results overturn. Thus on the basis of cost per PYP the water related initiatives incurred the least cost among all the activities i.e. $2.58 per PYP, followed by family planning ($ 2.7), malaria ($2.97) and HIV ($258.61). Thus the performance of water related initiatives is terms of both PYP and cost per PYP is far better than its highly paid initiatives like HIV/AIDS. Similarly the performance of water related initiatives as a percentage of total DALYs addressed by PSI is ranked third i.e. 19%, preceded by HIV initiatives (53%) and family planning initiatives (25%). In term of cost per DALY the water related initiatives has the worst performance and incurs cost of $61 per DALY, preceded by family planning initiatives ($13), HIV ($29), Malaria ($39). Thus if we take on performance of water related initiatives in terms of PYP and DALY the water related initiatives contributes significant portion of the total portfolio. However cost incurred on per PYP/DALY should also be considered before assigning the relative importance to various activities.

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