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Global CE-5 ET Contact Reports from January 21, 2012

Hello CSETI Friends! Thank you for your participation in our 17th monthly "Global CE-5 ET Contact" event which took place this past January 21, 2012. Below you will find the interactive contact reports from that event from our worldwide CE-5 teams! Through our cooperation here, we have established a powerful monthly rhythm of ET contact since we began this process in October, 2010. You can think of this as the "Peoples' Disclosure Movement" because our CE-5 teams are unitedly working from the grass roots to bypass governments and forge solid interactive links of Love communication with our ET friends. You didn't realize you were making history, did you? :-) From your living rooms and your lawn chairs? Bless you for sensing the enormity of this worldwide movement, for taking the time month after month to keep the momentum going...and building! Now for the reports from January 21... In the end, we had: 74 TOTAL locations (teams) 21 USA States 12 countries - an enthusiastic outpouring of heartfelt desire to interact with our Star Friends and to seek to cooperate with them to bring about Universal Peace. Some amazing experiences were recorded by you in numerous places, so read on and enjoy. In the Spirit of Peace, Kosta Makreas gmakreas@sanbrunocable.com Coordinator, "Global CE-5 ET Contact" Events

San Bruno, CA USA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JANUARY 21, 2012 "GLOBAL CE-5 ET CONTACT" REPORTS: Hi Kosta, Due to some unforeseen events, our little team of 3 was unable to meet on the night of January 21st for the Global CE-5 as we had planned. But overall the weekend's CE-5 was still a success. Even though the stars wouldn't have us meet on Saturday night, we all individually caught a beautiful wave of interaction with our ET friends the following day. Through out Sunday, I had some stunningly wonderful visits from a few white and indigo orbs. Even while indoors at work they never cease to amaze me. Then later that evening I saw a familiar sphere-shaped craft, emanating a magnificent light red/orange glow that appeared SE in the sky near my home. Unfortunately I still haven't received a full report on the interaction that the third of our trio experienced. But our other friend said he had multiple daytime sightings, of both metallic and white craft the entire weekend. Majority of the ETVs he saw were over Mt. Elden; which has proven to be quite a conductive location for sightings of our beloved ET light ships. It truly is amazing how the conscious frequencies of mere intent can literally interact with (or "vector" in) ET, once a solid platform of acknowledgment and appreciation has been thoroughly established. Thank you for your unrelenting support and all the work you do Kosta. I wish well-being, and successful Contacts to all. Infinite Love and Peace. Steven -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Kosta, Re January 21st: Not much appeared to happen except a very large tree nearby lit up for a few seconds. I also had some images of alien beings with large eyes. They were of a very gentle disposition. The impression I got was that further contact would occur.

Best Wishes, Geraint -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Kosta, I did the CE-5 contact protocols January 21. I had a remote view lock on with 5 different ETs that I have been making contact with over the last 20 years. I saw them all lined up standing together facing me. I got from them we are busy. When I get the busy signal. It usually means they are doing major containment for a geological event. As was told in the book CONTACT: Countdown to Transformation, the CSETI Experience 1992 to 2009. Last year, a year ago this month, doing field work with the New Zealand team. The busy came a day before the earth in Christchurch. The next day January 22. The larges solar storm flare since 2005 happened. I have no doubt that ET is shielding during the major solar storm activity now going on. This contact and solar activity is trending toward conformation toward a remote view I had in 2010. After watching a YouTube clip of supposed ET sphere craft as large as planets in the Sun's corona. I was doing a meditation one day. Then the video clip came to mind. Then I thought of the ETs and asked why would they have such large planet sized craft be in the Sun's corona? Then a view of the Milky Way popped into my head. I could see our solar system come into view. I saw it moving in apparent alignment with the center of the galaxy. Then the central sun and black hole in the center zoomed into view. The black hole was slowly rotating. What I could tell about it was that it sent out shallow dark matter gravity wave ripple pulses as it rotates. The ripples travel through the galaxy. I saw that the solar system was well within the ripple going up the face of it on a tangent. That the solar system would reach the wave crest peak in 2012. Like a surfer or swimmer going up the face of a wave hitting the top of the wave. The ripple has an effect on the Sun's electrogravitic field causing it to expand. The Sun's helium atmosphere expands with the field. Which decreases the pressure it exerts on the surface. This allows hydrogen to rise to the surface in plums forming sunspots. The fusion reaction cause the plums to from bubbles on the surface. The burst and become solar flares. To me it seems that the Sun's active cycle will have storm activity higher and more intense that ever observed. The ET craft around the Sun are acting like control rods in a nuclear reactor and in effect deflecting the flares away from the Earth. Other ET craft around the Earth are shielding us from the intense solar wind. After the solar system reaches the top of the wave crest it will transverse down the back side of the shallow standing wave.

I did not get the feeling that 2012 conjunction would have much significance other then a 25,800 year cycle end as we all know. I do now feel that it maybe the ripple wave sequence may occur in that time frame? Therefore, January 22 was the start of a strongest solar storm since 2005 and maybe the start of my remote view conformation? The first hint for me was the Northern lights being in seen farther down to southern latitudes. I guess I will see how the solar storm plays out this year and if I get further conformation? My reporting it may validate the RV conformation? Ricky -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi, Kosta, dear friend! The Roswell 4 had an incredible gathering last month and this little brief is for your round-up: "The weather was wet and so we gathered inside to work on raising our consciousness and taking in the love and wisdom of our star brothers and sisters. We remained open and envisioned a golden circle uniting the four us of so that our intentions could be purified and amplified. During our meditation we were graced with feeling of profound love and acceptance. I saw the four of us in a ship. I realized that we were in two places at once -- the four of us had bi-located and joined thousands of other CE-5 participants who had also been "beamed up" on a spiritual level. It was a party -- a joyful party! We all went our own way in this gathering of multitudes. I spent some good one-on-one time with Anastay and she sensed my "battle fatigue." I told her that living on Earth in human form was like receiving "a thousand snake bites" on a spiritual level and she nodded compassionately, reminding me that she, too, has incarnated in human form. She had a device that could see the energy patterns which I was referring to as toxins in my field and she gave me a good cleansing with that little hand-held tool. It might have been purely sybolic of something else that took place between us, but it made me feel better. We rejoined the party and as I looked around I could see my Roswell 4 friends each engaged in their own lively converstions with ET folk who had similar interests. When we "returned" we were astonished that two hours had gone by in Earth terms. We had lost track of time. We were all serene and radiant and I just said, "That was the best party ever." Hugs and love and laughter, Cathy and Anastay -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Kosta, After meditating, I opened my eyes and saw two 'alleged shooting stars'.

I said to our star family, "Thank you for that, but I would really appreciate a more pronounced show of contact." Which was followed shortly thereafter with 3 flashbulbs one after the other in very quick sequence. It's not the 'showy' sightings of some of the other teams, but hey, I'll take it. - Leanne in Colorado foothills -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Kosta, This dream occurred early this morning, Feb 1, 2012. I was literally moving back and forth along a physical timeline that reminded me of white bias tape. Anyone in the group who sews will know what that is, it's the binding strip along the edge of a bolt of cloth. Anyway, as I moved, I was running my thumb and forefinger along the top edge of this very solid looking white strip. Whenever my fingers would encounter a bump in the weave, a short scene , usually one of strife or some kind of violence, would play out while I worked to smooth out the bump. I continued to work back and forth in longer and longer stretches until I woke about 8 AM. What's funny is that last night, Bob and I were musing over the significance of 02/01/2012, and this evening, when I went to take out the trash, I noticed that four planets and the moon were lined up in an almost perfectly straight line! It was a very impressive sight! Janet Brook -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Kosta, thank you for all these exiting news! We always participate with joy in all the activities and news with our meditations and prayers. Until now, ETs and UFOs only appear in our dreams, even if we usually go out to the mountainside in a very beautiful place in the dark to be on the lookout to our brothers and sisters our there. Sergio dreamt a big Ufo above our house last time, that's all. God bless, Gabi -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Kosta,

I meant to get this in earlier, better do it before memory fades... In Auckland there were three of us, who have done this together quite a few times now. I went to Valera's place where he and Maree were waiting for me. It was quite cloudy, but a couple of stars peedked out later. We decided to use Dr Greer's CTS guided meditation indoors away from the mosquitoes, followed by a silent part to ask questions etc. We spent some time beforehand talking about the whole subject, and our particular interests and desires. During the guided meditation, at the part where we hold hands and start sending the energy around the circle, I felt strongly the presence of a fourth person in our circle, between Valera and Maree. After a while I managed to get a visual when I asked who it was. It was a female I had not seen before, and I also had the strong impression she was associated with Maree. Once again I wish I had artistic skills. When we came out of meditation and I shared that, it was great to hear that Maree had sensed a presence right there as well. Then we went outdoors onto the deck, from where there is an expansive view over Auckland city [at a distance thank heavens!]. There was not much clear sky, and we did not see any activity up there. However I thought we'd be joined on the deck, and after a while Valera sensed someone in front of his swing chair. After a bit of testing we all managed to detect an energy at that point. For me it was a new sensation, where my skin seemed to heat up in that confined zone. I had expected scintillations, but did not see any - but the palm on my right hand was instantly affected. I also tried with my left hand and had the same result. We did ask permission to do this, but I don't think any of us managed to get further information. We also tried to use a magnetometer, but Valera's place seems to have a lot of EM interference, causing the unit to go off in a variety of places where our bodies are acting as aerials, so we couldn't get any conclusive response from the place where we sensed the energy. So quite a gentle evening. Every time this happens I think of questions I probably should have asked, to try and increase communications to a higher level. I might have to start with written notes next time so I don't go off track. Hopefully more people will be able to join us next time. Cheers Doug -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Everyone, and Kosta our dear friend, FYI,

I am hoping to do these CE5's bi-monthly as a group and on my own between times - hope this is OK with everyone and I hope you are all on for the 24th March. If one or two want to join me here for the 'between times' you are most welcome, but no big arranging. I will send details nearer the time. Cherry I hope that we are all OK again for using your perfect land and thank you so much for all your hospitality. Hey folks, remember the little guy we found amongst the chairs? I am sure that it was a very rare English dormouse, another special occasion for our CE5. Actually I think they were brought over by the Romans. . . but been here long enough now to be native! We saw at least 10 'fly by's' that could not be explained by other means i.e. satellite, meteor etc. Plus the inspections of our new members of the group by the 'advance guard', the visit of the two Guardian Beings and the beautiful Little People of course, that I see so often these days. It was all very exciting and rewarding, such a beautiful night, and such wonderful company. Thank you. We stayed out until around 1:30 am and it was beautiful. Final attendance count was 8. A big thank you to our Drivers X Love to you all and hope to see you on 24th March. Hilarie X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------At 5:00 pm, eight of us gathered in my living room for a potluck dinner, followed by two indoor-meditations (i.e. meds). The first meditation was from Dr. Greer's CD (48 min), the second was my 'quick and dirty' meditation... up off the planet, meet ETs in the immediate space around earth and then return to our physical location (aprox. 10 minutes). The Tri-field meter alternated between chattering away intermittently (for 1-2 minutes) for both meds and then going silent for long periods. The radar detector did not respond in any way. An adolescent young man, E, has been working with an the ET guide for some time (a 'gangly' 12ft tall being). E reported that this being was present and ready to interact with us. Just as we were about to begin the first med, four of us heard a high pitched tone, and we agreed this was a signal from the ETs who were tuning into our group. As soon as we started, one member LG (an experienced psychic and medium), reported that the room was "filling up with high vibrational energy, coming in from the top, and and gradually filling to the floor." She directed me to hold the Tri-field meter up high and indeed it started chattering

away as soon as I did this. Her colleague, VW, reported seeing the energy of a small ET beside my left knee, and she told me this being is always with me. We started the meditation in earnest. LG later reported that an ET craft immediately entered the house and hovered below the ceiling. It looked like a ball of light. During the debriefing that followed, LG reported that she received some healing attention for the tail end of her cold...sinuses cleared, energies moved down to her throat, ETs laughing at her because she did not want to cough during the meditation but finally did so. Another woman, LGF, later reported that in her mind's eye, she watched the lights of an ET vehicle approach the house while it flew over Lake Okanagan. The colored light from this vehicle came through the front window but the vehicle did not enter. It just hovered outside the front window. She also saw a grid-like pattern that was surrounding the house and serving a protective function. Two weeks previous, LGF had slipped on an icy surface and broke her arm, during the med she reported alternating hot and cold energy, tingling and 'poking' sensations that continued throughout, as an 'ET' healing was being done on her arm. During the second med, LGF had an intense emotional reaction when guided to place herself above the Pacific Ocean, look down at the Earth with the sun at her back and then "to think about the love that ETs feel for Earth". As a mother of two children herself, she felt instantly that ETs love humanity with the same level of devotion for humanity and that ETs "... will never give up on humanity, they will always be here to support us". LGF shed a few tears as she described the overwhelming sense of love that she felt...she was not able complete the other tasks in the med...but just stayed with this energy, allowing herself to experience it. Three days later LGF had this to say "Thanks again for hosting such a wonderful evening. It was a great experience! It was incredible the emotion I felt, I could have babbled & sobbed for quite some time, however, my "humanity" took over. And it was very encouraging to me, when they assured me they wouldn't give up on us. I also was very excited that they chose to contact with J over something she so fiercely believes in, and shares, and studies. It was the link she needed, to believe the meditative part. I'm gonna frame it [the calendar image] (see below) & hang it in our bedroom, so she can see it as she goes to sleep, or in her quiet times, let the Catherine Wheel, take her into meditation." A man, LW, was very curious about CSETI, and this event was scheduled primarily for his benefit, to answer his questions about ET contact. On many occasions, he has witnessed anomalous lights in the skies, and actual lightships. During the first med, he saw building structures in a city, unlike any he has ever seen on earth. This was a new experience for him. His wife, VW, felt him go 'out-of-body', and said she could see the city as her husband described it, and was getting the message that ETs are the giving info to her husband in response to his curiosity about free-energy technology. While everyone was sharing their experiences, LW saw an "upside down mushroom shaped" craft above the hillside on the other side of the lake, it appeared only momentarily. Seemed to be shining a green light down to the ground. During the second med, he got a visual of an insectoid ant-like being, upper

torso only ... no communication or any other sensation. He found this experience unsettling. First time it has ever happened to him. Three days later, LW was still processing the experience and has added the following: "What he has been shown mostly was technology to do with energy sources. But as this energy source is so different from what you [we] use today it will take a while to fully understand it. Also talked about E (and I think it was JF too) comment to him about the Ant people he saw and found unsettling. LW said it was interesting indeed that this race is spoken of in Hopi legends. He also commented that the ship the ant people were on was incredible (that something like that could fly, let alone travel through space, was amazing to him). He had questions for the visitors we had that night and seems to have received the answers he was looking for." One woman, JF, has always had difficulty meditating. At other events, she has stated flatly that nothing happened during meditation, and when she did the second 10 minute med during this Jan21st event, again nothing happened, but during the first med (i.e. the longer one), she saw the crop circle known as the Catherine Wheel, and then said she may have fallen asleep. She did become unusually cold, and needed a wrap to warm up. Others in the group advised that she probably did not go to sleep, rather she most likely went into trance, but had no recollection of what transpired because it was a multi-dimensional experience, and human consciousness typically cannot retain memory of these experiences. As it happened, I had a calendar of crop circles in one of the bedrooms, and I got the message [from ETs] to go get the calendar and show the group so that everyone could see the Catherine Wheel. I showed it to JF, and she easily identified the design. I then got a message to give the calendar to her, so that she can use the image as a portal to travel thru as a support for her meditation practice. I then announced that I would give the calendar to her, and she accepted it, asking me where I got the calendar. At that moment I remembered ... in 2010 I had attended the CSETI training in Wiltshire (UK) and then stayed for a few days afterward. One day I was approaching the Roundaway Hill crop circle, and the children of the farmer were selling the calendars at the gate, and so I bought one. This detail seemed like a special connection to the crop circles. In any case, we may need to consider longer meds in the future for the benefit of JF and others. FYI....Crop Circle: The Catherine Wheel http://www.jref.com/forum/serious-discussions-188/%5E-%5E-pssst-heard-about-cropcircles-37251/ The woman VW, also experienced extreme cold after the first med, and needed a wrap as well. It took a while for her to warm up. Everyone else seemed comfortable with the room temp (70 degrees). VW reported hearing a "womp womp" like sound (a rotating ET craft?) at one point in the first med. During the second med, she went onboard a ship, met with some ETs and reported that it was very difficult to leave the group of ETs. She just wanted to be with them, but feels she can return to them at any point in the future.

The young man, E, got a message in the first med about the importance of humans doing this kind of contact. During the second med, he went on board a ship and met another group of very tall humanoids. During the meditations, I mostly just held the energy and circulated a ball of golden light thru the group in a counter-clockwise fashion, supporting group coherency. At one point during the first med, I was very hot from the knees up, but my feet were still very cold ... this is unusual for me. As people described their experiences, I often got a very clear visual. By 10:00 pm, everyone felt it was time to leave. I was my usual wired-after-ETcontact-self until 12:30 am. I consider the event a big success for a mid-winter CSETI contact event ... as it was -10 degree C outside, and I am very comfortable with ETs coming into my home. Cheers Deb Warren Vernon, BC -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kosta: It was a quiet night in Nashville. Well, sort of. There were 7 of us, so it was well attended. David came by after an absence of a few months. So it was real good to see him again. Some days before, Dina said she heard someone say "Hello" while she was asleep which woke her up. She asked her husband what it might have been. He said for her to say "Hello" back. Going back to sleep, she heard it again, "Hello". She responded back, "Hello". The night of the CE5 went along as usual. It was kind of cold, damp and foggy. A little after the meditation, Dina blurted out, "Dave, did you get the instructions? "What"? "Did you get the instructions?" He said he saw a series of flashes. During the post-mortem, Dina shared her "Hello" story. Then we began piecing it together. Dave drew some long rectangular blocks, which he was not sure what they meant. He did hear the word "Soon". Hopefully we'll get to find out what it all means. Andrew --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


On Saturday nite Jan 21 st. I think I had a contact, or it could have been awaking dream. I listened to Dr. Greer's meditation CD, and went to sleep, and after a comforting sleep and dream, I woke up to use the bathroom, as I was about to get up from my bed, I distinctly heard some one say "HELLO !" , it was telepathic. The sound was in my head. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello Kosta here is a update on what has been happening with us. On the night of the 21st Lynne and I meditated using Stevens guided field meditation, it was a very clear night here no clouds in the sky. We live in the foothills of a mountain on the outskirts of town and have a large decking area facing north with uninterrupted views for 30 miles or so. After meditating I continued to project our location and within a few minutes we has several streaks shoot across the sky, every night since the 21st we had had the same kind of streaks occur within minutes of walking outside and projecting our location.. We were very excited knowing that groups from all over the Earth were participating and focussed on connecting to you all, then we heard a very loud noise like a clap of thunder which was quite strange as there was no clouds anywhere to be seen. An hour or so later we heard the same noise again but then nothing happened after that for two hours. It was getting late and decided to call it a night, Lynne reached to hold my hand and said I think we have been trying too hard at that very moment a large slow moving star like craft appeared directly above us for a few seconds as if to reassure us that they were with us. That was the last event of the night. Over the past two nights we had seen several star like craft. About 15 minutes before typing this email I asked if they could do something different and a couple of minutes later there was a huge burst of light like searchlights had just been shined on us. It is getting very exciting of an evening around here We are hoping this can evolve into a more deeper communicationJ Something else that occurred on the evening of Christmas day (which coincided with your 24th of December meditation which we were not aware of at the time..) Lynnes parents were staying with us for the night, we have loaned Stevens books to them in the past so they are not closed to the concepts. We walked outside and were looking up at the stars and Lynnes dad pointed out a star to the left of Orion that was flashing on and off. It then disappeared and reappeared in a different spot flashing again several times. This went on for about 15 minutes or so. All four of us saw this happen. Peace and Love Greg & Lynne. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------San Bruno report:

There were 12 participants in the Global CE-5 Contact group that met in San Bruno on January 21, 2012. Three people were newcomers. The weather in the previous days in the Bay Area had been rainy and cloudy and changing by the hour, so everyone had their fingers crossed that the clouds would blow away and the rain would stop in time for a meeting under the stars. We did a meditation at Kosta and Hollis house before dinner where one member of our group intuited that we were joined by 5 different ET entities. This was the first omen of great things to come. After dinner, the weather cooperated beautifully with clear skies and no rain and we were able to make a trek to the outdoor temple in the hills where the group has assembled in the past. Two members of our group stayed behind at Kosta and Hollis house as they were told by their guides that they needed to act as an energy relay or conduit for the group that hiked up to the temple. The outdoor hikers sat in a circle in the chilly night air. One member of the group played the soundtrack of the crop circle tones. We also meditated along with Dr. Greers mantra meditation which is included in the iPhone app after Hollis got a message that we needed to do this. Shortly after the meditation soundtrack ended, one member of our group pointed out a flashing signal light coming from deep space. Everyone in the group saw the flashes, which occurred intermittently over approximately 10-15 minutes. We didnt keep count, but one of our group said she saw it 8-10 times. The flashes were seen in the skies to the north of where we were sitting. Hollis received a psychic message from the star craft during its signaling to us that it was participating in an energy recalibration and initiation for Earth and that is why it was in the vicinity. Hollis also heard from the ETs that they had heard our request for contact and wanted to acknowledge that they had received it, but they were unable to do more than signal to us because they were actively involved in their recalibration and initiation efforts on behalf of our entire planet. We cant wait to see what next months CE-5 event brings! Moira -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear Kosta, My brother Will and I met together yesterday (Saturday morning) joining with you and all the other groups on the planet. In our meditation time my brother saw, with his inner sight


,countless ET craft in the sky, similar to how the stars look when you're away from city lights and the sky is just totally covered with stars. My experience during our meditation was that first Kindness came in, then Sheri, and then the ambassador from the Andromeda Galaxy as guides and facilitators of our gathering. (these 3 have come to me very often in the past 2 years in my personal meditation times and the love I feel from them is so comforting and nurturing that I always feel uplifted and aided in being able to continue with my service to the planet----sometimes it has been extremely challenging for me as I have been targeted in ways very similar to Dr. Greer and Sheri) It felt so beautiful to have these 3 very close in our circle. Next, appearing directly in front of me came a beautiful being from the Sirius star system. They asked that our group pray and send our love and energies to Hillary Clinton as a representative of those in leadership on an international level who do know ,to some degree ,of our star family and world harmony being interfered with. I saw angelic beings gathered around Hillary. I felt and saw my spirit embracing her with love. I talked with her spirit about making a shift and helping others she's connected with to cross the bridge into peace and help bring others along. I saw and felt her mild "yes" response. I saw Dr. Greer come into the circle of our group and assist us. I heard the one from Sirius asking us to stay connected with Hillary. Then I felt the energies of those not in the physical receding from the circle and then knew that our service for that gathering was complete. We thanked everyone who contributed for the great good taking place. In deep gratitude, Analaraya -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Kosta, I am keen and enthused to take part even though on my own this Saturday Christmas Eve [CE V wise, not actually alone]. Here's one reason why - call it an early CE V result! for the final Global event of 2011! I have a colleague at work who has been open to discussing this stuff with me since I came back from Crestone, and he happily read one of Dr Greer's books and wanted to come out with me. Unfortunately he lives a long way north of me and his family committments [school sports etc] made it difficult - until Monday night, 19 December. I took all my gear to work and drove up to his place. Over the preceding couple of days I did some requests for my contacts to come and meet him. As I was driving north, about a 1 hr trip, I had two synchronous events which were a very good "sign" [they are too personalised to bother typing out as they are quite odd but recognisable to me].


When I arrived, the plans had come a little unstuck on him - his wife is not very interested / responsive and was supposed to be out, but came home. She was friendly enough to me but her comments about the cloud cover [I KNEW it would break open! I told him we'd open it ourselves and he believes me] showed some skepticism. She and the elder of their two daughters then left us alone. He and I meditated to a Dr Greer CD, briefly interrupted by the younger scientifically keen daughter, then proceded to his backyard to watch the sky darken. I showed the young girl several constellations, we had Venus and Jupiter to compare with Sirius, and she was amazed at my stabilising binocs and laser. Eventually we started to see satellites and she was very happy with all of that. When I figured it was time to get serious - I could feel the presence of my friends - we looked around and his daughter had tired of it and gone. I am sure they waited patiently! I did a CSETI triangle, and Mark saw not one but two flashbulbs which I missed. But I did not miss the fact that I had three alleged shooting stars right on top of my triangle, close to the flashes, in the south at about 70 degrees. One of which was a bit slow and strong for a normal shooting star. We discussed everything we saw, talked about ET and humanity and so on. I told him how frequently I have a "goodnight" event even on "slow fly by nights", and saw that it was 10:30 pm and I had a 1 hr drive to come, so I said "time to say goodnight" and did another triangle in the south where I was sure I was sensing our friends. Immediately, a very bright, slow lighted craft drifted about 2-3 inches at arm's length right where I had drawn the triangle! We were both staring right at the spot! Waaaay to slow for a meteor and Mark felt it had a slightly wiggly track. Wow....I never cease to be amazed, but I knew he was made of the right stuff so I feel they were absolutely confirming that. I have never had a "first timer" get such a clear response before, usually I see tons of stuff when they are looking "the wrong way". But wait there's more..... Mark just emailed me to say that during the meditation, this happened: During the meditation, briefly, i saw/felt this purple/maroon column that undulated and a being somewhat like your friend was in the middle of it. I can't draw that well, but it was the face of a being. I didn't try to say anything, but just looked. Can you believe that from a first-timer? Ha! That's why they turned up, I am certain they know his heart. He is well on his way. Cheers Doug


Global CE-5 ET Contact Reports from February 18, 2012

Hello CSETI Friends! Thank you for your participation in our 18th monthly "Global CE-5 ET Contact" event which took place this past February 18, 2012. The report from the March 24 event will be published in a few weeks. Please email me your ET Contact experiences from that event - thank you in advance! Below you will find the interactive contact reports from February 18 from our worldwide CE5 teams! Through our cooperation here, we have established a powerful monthly rhythm of ET contact since we began this process in October, 2010. You can think of this as the "Peoples' Disclosure Movement" because our CE-5 teams are unitedly working from the grass roots to bypass governments and forge solid interactive links of Love communication with our ET friends. You didn't realize you were making history, did you? :-) From your living rooms and your lawn chairs? Bless you for sensing the enormity of this worldwide movement, for taking the time month after month to keep the momentum going...and building! Now for the reports from February 18... In the end, we had: 57 TOTAL locations (teams) 20 USA States 14 countries - an enthusiastic outpouring of heartfelt desire to interact with our Star Friends and to seek to cooperate with them to bring about Universal Peace. Some amazing experiences were recorded by you in numerous places, so read on and enjoy. In the Spirit of Peace,

Kosta Makreas gmakreas@sanbrunocable.com Coordinator, "Global CE-5 ET Contact" Events San Bruno, CA USA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FEBRUARY 18, 2012 "GLOBAL CE-5 ET CONTACT" REPORTS: Hi Kosta, We had huge rain downfall with some flooding Sat. night. So it ended up being just Marilyn and I and we skyped, This is what happened for us: .. I feel like we had missing time or went to a different time line of reality. I know their [ET] energy that was coming over the speaker had something to do with it. After we hung up, my radar detector went off a couple of times with x-alert[Extraterrestrial alert]. I was in an altered state of reality the rest of the night. I could feel them everywhere, I knew there was a huge ship over my place. After awhile, I got so sleepy I couldn't stay awake. I went to bed and woke up only once but still felt disoriented. We sure did have a happening!!! Pam ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear Kosta: Had an abbreviated version of our Nashville CE-5. Tony and Dina were away in Taiwan. Dave and I wound up doing our own CE5 solo back in our respective homes because of the inclement weather. I started and completed several guided meditations by Dr. Greer, including crop circle tones. All of a sudden, I got really, really tired and woke up about 90 minutes later. As I was coming to, I envisioned about 5-6 ET's in the room with me, but it was like the meeting had just finished breaking up and we were all free to go on about our business. These folks I will humorously identify as "Chilbolton chaps", you know, like the spindly ET from the crop circle with an ET holding a CD with an encoded binary nessage. Nothing more

to report from my end of things. Dave went solo also. I called him on the phone right away. In his silent meditation he heard the phrase, "We are waiting". I asked him, "Waiting for what?". He said "Earth changes". Oh, OK. Not much more was reported. Will keep you posted. Andrew -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Kosta, Even though no one confirmed their availability ahead of time, one good friend was able to join me in meditation for our Feb. 18 Global CE-5 here in Flagstaff. We kept it indoors due to extreme winds and freezing temperatures. But our clear view of the cosmos and stars that weekend was immaculate none the less. Our main focus was to strengthen the inter-dimensional bond between humans and ET; as well as a transparent Disclosure. During the meditation I had a wonderful experience of the infinitely divine connection and oneness that all beings share. My friend said he saw pictures of ET craft that were being disclosed by the military or government in what was most likely the future, or a parallel reality. For all thoughts/ideas do independently exist own their own in one dimension or another. Neither of us witnessed a physical craft that night. But the following evening I did see what appeared to be an ETV signaling me above the San Francisco Peaks, while driving near my home. It was shimmering a silver and blue cosmic light brighter than anything else in the sky for about 30 seconds before fading out completely. It was stunning. I hope everyone else had a great experience with our Cosmic Friends. Thanks Kosta! Well-being to all, Steven -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello Kosta, I LOVED your email and everyone incredible experiences!!!! I am sending you my February results, which were actually the same as my January results. I had thought not to send them, but realized we all want to know how everyone is doing and learn what is working and what is not. Where our Star Friends are and where it may not be safe for them. So, here is mine.......

Hope your cseti weekend this past week was eventful! I had clear skies and comfortable temperatures! I had my night vision (gen 1), my new signal transmitter, and stereo to play the CSETI tones. I started with meditating and then watching the sky. I was out about an hour, but saw, heard, nor felt anything.:( Two planes passed over during the time. I will try for longer next month!:) Hope your time was more "involved", I think my inside transmitter is broken! lol Thanks again for sharing what others are experiencing, I live for hearing the blessings that others receive in great contacts. I send up positive energy for all our CSETI brothers and sisters, daily!! Keep the communication flowing Kosta, appreciate it and YOU! Benjamin -------------------------------------------------------------------------------As several members of our group were traveling on Sat Feb 18th, we held our CE-5 contact event on Sat Feb 11th.

At 7:00 pm, four people were in my living room: VW, LW LG and myself. All three people reported having continuing contact since the Jan 21st event. The Tri-field meter was circulated around the room, and there were no signals except when the meter was held up high near the ceiling. It was then placed on an ottoman in the middle of the group.

We agreed to meditate individually in the dark, reporting on events as they occurred for each of us, just allowing the contact to unfold. VW led us through an initial grounding exercise, throughout this exercise the Tri-field meter in the middle was silent. As soon as VW finished the grounding exercise the meter began to chatter away. VW reported being extremely cold just as she was on Jan21st. Prior to starting she had wrapped herself in warm blankets but still did not warm up, and reported that the feeling of cold was due to the energetic influences not the physical temperature in the room. I continued my usual circulating the golden ball of energy through the heart chakras of everyone in a counter-clockwise direction. The significant events that occurred in this first meditation were as follows: LG, an experienced psychic and medium, observed a light ship come in and hover below the ceiling, the Tri-field meter then chattered in excitement. LG observed the energy field of an ET being beside LW, she then lifted the Tri-field meter and located it inside the ET energy, the Tri-field signal became very loud and intense. LG gave us the name of Kite for this being and said that it was specifically working with LW,

and would continue to work with him in the future. LWs wife, VW, was able to see the ET being in her minds eye, and reported the following (in response to some of my questions). Kite was four feet tall, female, large round head, no hair, almond eyes, pink opalescent skin (the skin was also iridescent in the dark), no clothes, small undeveloped breasts and a very slim body. As VW confirmed the appearance of the ET, I was also able to see the image in my minds eye. LW was silent for most of the time, when I finally prompted him, he stated that he had been holding hands with the ET being for some time, and did not want to talk because the ability to connect with her began to fade as he focused on being verbal. Kite was healing a chronic shoulder pain, which was now at Level 2. His wife, VW, reported that LWs pain had been at level 10 just two hours prior. He then stopped talking to continue contact with Kite. We all felt the presence of a very loving energy during this contact. The Tri-field meter continued to chatter away in the middle of the group. At one point, I got the message, Kites fly high. We all laughed. This is what LW reported about his experience: "Med(1) ... Started my med with the intent to lift the group's vibration to make it easier to communicate with and be visual, and gain a clearer understanding. So, I started into prana yama breathing. (I have had the gift of vision this life). As I eased into my med I found vision to be my link. The picture was like a water-color painting with greens and blues, very pale, was of landscapes in fast forward [through time] and this city blew away, gone, then, a street scene, this changed and grew into a map of sorts, with a main continent and a cluster of smaller islands, in a flash the islands were gone and small red arrows with numbers were there [where the islands had previously been located]. At this point I felt a feminine presence. My left hand felt warm and I had a feeling of relaxation and peace, the pain in my shoulder was diminished greatly. (LG at this time said she felt the Being and also VW said her name to be Kite and she [Kite] would be with me for some time). I had to concentrate on the vision and the connection to maintain it, when I tried to talk the connection would diminish. At this point my vision changed into a full royal blue then with swirls of purple, very vivid, I felt the connection with Kite to be very strong with a healing and some downloads en masse. I was to "remember this connection and frequency for later times" .... ( as I write this I find a lot of emotion in me, ya!). Med (2) ... As I begin to relax in my mind's eye I see a grey smokey Being cross my vision and then nothing! I lost time-1-1.5 hrs. After this meditation a felt the smokey Being was me, my soul self. Thanks L." Before starting, LG had stated that she had some questions that she wanted answered from the ETs about Tibet and China, and this was part of her intent for the meditation. A dogheaded being appeared and she designated the name Anubis to make it more convenient to refer to him (she had previous contact with him during the Jan 21st CE-5). Initially, he answered her questions with one word: Yes or No. Then he gave her a more detailed download of images: the bigger picture each of us must be aware of our own

consciousness, future circumstances will be like a centrifuge, we will be flung out to various destinations based on the quality of our consciousness, best to concern ourselves with our own development rather than the political/economic situation of nation states. LG accepted this message with good humor. She appreciated Anubis cutting to the chase. There were two definite stages to this first meditation: the first stage was one of excitement with the meter chattering away. Once we had finished discussing the presence of Kite, the energies became very calm and the meter signaled only intermittently.

We then had a break. During the break, I spoke with LG about an arrival of ETs that she observed at a Questers Conference in the town of Salmon Arm on Sept 24, I had not been able to get the full details from her until now. During the conference, I had been sitting at the front of the room and had requested that ET beings arrive and intervene in one of the presentations. LG was at the back of the room. She felt the arrival of 8 or 9 ETs, and then turned around to see them at the very back of the room. They were all about 4 feet tall. She laughed and asked (telepathically), What are you guys doing here? They had arrived to intervene in the presentation. The intervention occurred and then after about five minutes they faded away, just as they had faded in when they arrived. LG felt that they had entered the hotel ballroom from the direction of the adjacent lake but had no other explanation for their arrival. LG and I did not meet each other until the next day, when she asked me about the ETs. I was amazed that she was able to confirm seeing them, as I had 'felt' a confirmation but had not seen anything visual. I told her about my request for an intervention, and that as soon as it happened I had bragged to my two friends about ETs responding to my request. It is interesting to note that I did not want to go to this conference, but during the Mt Shasta CSETI training in August, I got the message from the ETs that I was supposed to attend, and thus did so. During the second meditation (as described below), I made a point of connecting with these ETs and thanking them for responding to my Sept 24th request.

In the dark again, I guided the group through a quick-and-dirty-meditation. It usually takes between 15-20 minutes: a spiral of energy lifts us off the planet, we contemplate the beauty of Earth as we hover above the Pacific Ocean, ET craft pop into view, we ask to be invited on board and then we return. It works well for people who are experienced at meditation. The significant events that occurred during this second meditation were as follows: I thanked the specific ET beings for their Sept 24th intervention (as described above). LW reported being filled to the top from the previous med and was satisfied to be lowkey during this second med. VW reported being cold again until she merged with an ET. Just after she merged, I stated, You may wish to merge with the ET. VW confirmed that she had just done this, and that she had finally become warm as a result. She received the name Chryssa for this particular

ET. When the being un-merged she went back to being cold. And when it merged again, she became warm again. The being was demonstrating the effects of merging. VW also reported that since the August 29th CE-5, she has observed a steady improvement in her ability to experience celestial vision. LG asked if CSETI ever connected with hive-mind collectives. I said, Yes. Then I began to describe the celestial, god-conscious beings. LG confirmed that she was making contact with the celestials at that very moment. Their arrival had been presaged by colored lights dancing on the ceiling, accompanied by a drumming sound. LG was also detecting an industrial smell that was akin to something one would smell during a dental procedure. LG reported that this smell was associated with the use of trans-dimensional technology (creating a portal?), the result of an artifact that had been erected to facilitate communication with our group. Everyone felt the presence of the celestial beings calm, almost impersonal. [PS: the next day LG offered an advanced workshop about contacting spirit guides, and the celestial beings returned, then provided an intense channeling experience for her...the most intense she has ever experienced. A number of synchronicities had happened to ensure that this workshop was scheduled the next day after this Feb 11th contact.]

At around 10:00 pm, a sense of tiredness seemed to pervade the group and we understood it was time to wind it up. Everyone was delighted with the events of the evening and we immediately began planning for the next meeting in March.

In the middle of the night I had a somewhat disturbing dream (unusual for me). The dream was definitely connected to the CE-5. I was in a small car driving around a cityscape. There were machines everywhere tearing up the pavement and it was quite a chore to navigate around them, difficult but do-able. Then I found myself in an area of large concrete buildings, monolithic skyscrapers--windowless. All the buildings were being lowered down, very slowly but at a steady pace. It was as if they had been lifted off their foundations (by electrogravitic devices?), and were slowly being disposed of. As I was driving around, it was important for me to be aware that it was happening, and to make an effort to get out of the way--otherwise I would be squashed like a bug. At the end of the dream, there was a celebration of some kind with a manifesto being delivered. I do not remember the details but I felt a definite sense of relief.

Addendum: Feb 18th ... VW was in Hawaii for a workshop ... upon her return she reported the following

I wanted to let you know that on Feb 18, 2012, which was the date for the Global CE5. EG from Sweden,(whom I was rooming with in Maui) and I did your quick and dirty method of contact. She was very interested to know if I knew anything about UFO's and so I explained what CSETI was doing. We began the meditation at 8 pm with a grounding meditation and then moved on to going up the spiral into the outer regions of earth. Many ships became visible, as I held space and circled the golden light through our hearts, she became aware of being just outside a very large vehicle, shaped like a disc with many many colored lights all around the base of it. I told her she could ask to enter if she felt comfortable in doing so. I then held space for her and accompanied her as an observer. She became aware of the intense love and compassion that filled the whole ship, she felt that it was very busy and she may be intruding. At that time I connected with a large light being who seemed to just be observing everything that was going on. I could see little ones, possibly children, running to and fro having a wonderful time. We communicated telepathically that we appreciated all their help and thanked them for allowing us to visit. They replied "Anytime." We then returned to our space. I did not feel comfortable in calling the ET's in as we were in a very public area of Kihei, Maui, USA. We then evaluated some of what had happened. EG felt she had not seen any beings, until I mentioned the Light Being and she then said "I saw that!' The interesting thing was when we had finished she showed me her note book, she had written in English "I want to go onboard a UFO and meet an ET". She had written this 4 days before even meeting me! How the universe works!!! Thanks again for teaching us how to make this contact with such loving, compassionate beings. ... VW.

Thats all for now Kosta looking forward to next month.

Cheers Deb Warren Vernon, B.C. Canada -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Kosta, Here is the report from NZ.

Saturday 18 February a few people couldn't make it, so Valera and I got down to business. I was quite tired and not functioning at a very high level, but when I did the prayer bowl sound I felt as if I had hit the sweet spot! Steady and strong like I have not made before.Not wanting

to sound too proud I said nothing,,,,until Valera made a comment about how nice the bowl sounded that time! I hope someone else enjoyed it too. We had a clear sky, which is good as I was not feeling anything indoors. Valera was switched on though and more than made up for me, as he detected a couple of taller beings associated with me, and also a female right next to him he described as purple, quite short and stocky with an oval shaped head and no hair. When we went outdoors, both of us felt, without saying anything until later, that activity would be centred in the south east where the Milky Way hosts the Southern Cross. We did some laser signals there, and there were a few "alleged shooting stars". After a while, almost right on 10pm, there was a bright flash then a lesser flash, from an object travelling at about 45 degrees in the East, heading Northeast. Then it seemed to be regularly flashing, and moving very fast. I grabbed my binoculars and could immediately tell it was not any aircraft, so I tried to look at my [well prepared, thankyou Debbie!] satellite chart but my light wasn't good enough so we waited until we went indoors. There was no other response from this object to thought-requests. Valera saw a couple more shooting stars, then we decided to do a more sophisticated "goodnight triangle", as he suggested we trace this in opposing directions. It worked beautifully and looked like we were practised professionals. Immediately we finished, a medium intensity blue-white light traversed a short horizontal path right under where our lasers had shone - a little "zipper" at constant intensity. I am sure it was our friends. When we went back inside, we had a look at the chart printout and found a likely candidate: CZ-2C R/B. I assume that means "rocket booster". It was at maximum altitude at 10:03 pm, 44 deg SSE heading to ENE. I expect such an object would flash as it tumbles. It is a good idea to visit heavens-above.com before a skywatch - and they also predict Iridium flares, which are good to become accustomed to. Five nights later I went to a friend's house who could not attend the CE V. It was a wet, heavily clouded night. I took my Trifield meter, which had yet to spring into life during a CE V. Shortly after I set it up on the dining room table, well away from any walls, floor or electrical devices, where I had found no signals present, it chirped a few times. He was still cooking a meal, and I told him I thought that was a "hello". A little later when he came over to the table it did the same thing, after which I took it on a local tour and confirmed no signals anywhere nearby. Next, regrettably, we engaged in an hour of rather negative work related conversation before starting the meditation...and killed the atmosphere. Both of us felt fuzzy and lethargic during the meditation. We have noted this well and will NOT discuss dreary earth-based subjects at all in future, when our time had been dedicated to contact. I hope they recognise our human folly and will forgive us. I am sure they will return next time. Cheers, Doug --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Los Angeles Report for CE-5 Event February 2012 February was very cold, at least from my prospective. The sky was overcast, completely blocking out a sky view even though we chose a beautiful large expansive area. After we set up our camp the cloud cover cleared in one patch of the southeastern sky allowing us to see a 3 stared triangle. I felt like this was at least a Welcome! for us. The clouds took over shortly after. That was our only glimpse for the evening. As I climbed into my car ready to return home that evening, I felt a little sad that I didnt have any more perceptions of contact. Before I could formulate another thought in my brain my magnetometer, which had been on all evening, started sounding and sounding and sounding all the way home. Okay, I got it! I was being told that we had company the whole time that my perception isnt always accurate and maybe I need to just quiet my mind more and listen. Im sitting here writing this summary in a hotel room right now, as I am attending a weekend seminar in Oakland, CA. I turned on the magnetometer just to see if I was followed here. As I am typing this my magnetometer is sounding. I think Im getting an approval of what Im writing. It is registering mostly around 64-65 microteslas. Usually it doesnt sound until it reaches at least 66 microteslas. Has anyone else had this experience? Lynn -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Kosta, Lynn and I were up in the Mountains of San Gabriel, Wicchippeaka area. It was a misty chilly foggy night, but we were prepared to be and stay warm, brought our chairs, blankets and Lynn brought her lasers, I-Phone, magnetometer and our CSETI lights that go around us in a triangular fashion. We hiked up the mountain and found a place that felt right, set up and did our meditation with Dr. Greer. I kept feeling a presence especially in the back of me, which felt good. In the very beginning we saw three stars, CSETI and then got fogged over, there was not a-lot of sky vision that night, it became very misty, couldn't see the sky. But I do think we had star friends there with us. Thank-you! Peace & Goodwill to all. Lots of Love, Thrive, Light & Healing, Alyson -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello Kosta, Last month's meditation we felt a strong sense of global oneness.


I must quickly tell you of a recent event that we experienced. Lynne and I attended a weekend business conference interstate, it was about an eight hour drive from where we live. We were driving home late on the Sunday night and decided we would take a detour in our route home to go through a very remote area where we are interested in buying some property. We have always loved the feel of the area, its isolation and natural beauty. It was around 10 pm in the evening when we stopped at a roadhouse to re fuel before making our detour and we bumped into some business acquaintances on their way home too, we chatted briefly and went our separate ways. Another hour into our journey we were very close to the area we like and I was consciously meditating as I drove. I was asking if I should take this business opportunity (Lynne and I are not materialistic people we are more interested in spiritual wealth) ; should we buy into this area ; should we use the proceeds from the business venture to help fund Steven / Orion project etc. I projected our location out into space and asked for a clear sign that this was the right thing to do, I communicated that because I was driving I could not look up into the sky, any sign would have to be in my field of vision. I suddenly had vision flash through my mind of our business acquaintances driving on a highway some distance away and parallel to us, then my mind raced over to our location. Just as this happened Lynne spotted something low in the sky "in my field of vision" at first we thought it was a small aircraft coming into land near us but soon realised it was something very unusual. It was changing colours green to orange and seemed to hang in the sky. We watched it for several minutes right beside us (it seemed to be 300 meters or so away). Needless to say we were very excited.. It disappeared and we continued home. The next day we got a text message from our business acquaintances (these people do not know our interests or understandings of the subject and we have not known them for very long) The text said "Did you see the ghost last night?" We called and asked what they meant and they explained. A very bright light shot up behind their car followed them for a second then shot off and disappeared... The next evening there were television reports of a mysterious meteor over that area. Here is a link to one such report http://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/1631611/latest-from-wire/ The following weekend we drove back to the area to see the terrain in the daylight. What is interesting about this area is there are lots of strange natural rock formations not dissimilar to places in England and it is noted in that media report of similar sightings in England around the same time. I have attached a photo we took of the area on the following weekend. Anyhow, thank you for organising these monthly events we feel privileged to be a part of this. Peace & Love Greg & Lynne.


Global CE-5 ET Contact Reports from March 24, 2012

Hello CSETI Friends! Thank you for your participation in our 19th monthly "Global CE-5 ET Contact" event which took place this past March 24, 2012. The report from the recent April 21 event will be published in a few weeks. Please email me your ET Contact experiences from that event - thank you in advance! Below you will find the interactive contact reports from March 24 from our worldwide CE-5 teams! Through our cooperation here, we have established a powerful monthly rhythm of ET contact since we began this process in October, 2010. You can think of this as the "Peoples' Disclosure Movement" because our CE-5 teams are unitedly working from the grass roots to bypass governments and forge solid interactive links of Love communication with our ET friends. You didn't realize you were making history, did you? :-) From your living rooms and your lawn chairs? Bless you for sensing the enormity of this worldwide movement, for taking the time month after month to keep the momentum going...and building! Now for the reports from March 24... In the end, we had: 69 total team CE-5 sites located in: 21 States 13 Countries - an enthusiastic outpouring of heartfelt desire to interact with our Star Friends and to seek to cooperate with them to bring about Universal Peace. Some amazing experiences were recorded by you in numerous places, so read on and enjoy. In the Spirit of Peace,

Kosta Makreas gmakreas@sanbrunocable.com Coordinator, "Global CE-5 ET Contact" Events San Bruno, CA USA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MARCH 24, 2012 "GLOBAL CE-5 ET CONTACT" REPORTS: Tonight while meditating for the global CE-5 I saw in my mind's eye an African tribal leader preparing his people to participate in the event. Though wearing traditional tribal dress they were not primative. Their village had electricity and quite a few modern-day gadgets. I wondered if they knew of the CE-5 through technology or consciousness. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------"It was a perfect night for it, as the sky was crystal clear, though it was damp and got cold (for me), and M_____ had to tend the fire almost full time just to keep it going, because of the dampness and the park's firepit design, which was more for safety and containment than for a good fire. It was just M_____ and me for our group's first attempt at intentional Contact. But M_____ had previous Contact experience (though not planned) and lots of perseverance... And I had a lot of determination and had spent a lot of time in meditative preparation... So I'm very happy to be able to report that our outing was a SUCCESS!! :) The firepit (not actually the one where we thought at first we would be, near the bird blind and the footbridge), which proved to be too far to walk from where the car was parked) was in a field with quite a few campers around us, and under some newly budding trees, so our view directly overhead was a bit blocked, and it wasn't exactly secluded or private But there was a vast panorama of field and sky in front of us, which was where we were looking for the most part. and we could also clearly see the sky and stars through the branches overhead. Although as it happened, what we saw was overhead, Though it was unquestionably NOT actually stars or an airplane or satellite glimpsed through the branches.

I had been flashing a large flashlight in a regular pattern overhead, and I saw a very large, bright white light, though very soft in appearance, blink three times, in a similar timing pattern to my flashlight flashes. I told M_____ what I was seeing and pointed to the direction where the light was, and he looked and saw the last one of the three flashes. There were no other lights there other than the stars ( which of course, weren't flashing or nearly as bright), no airplanes or any other visible light sources. The light was flashing in sequence, it appeared larger and brighter than any other light in the sky, and it also had a unique quality. It looked more like it was shining through a hole that had been punched through space, rather than coming from an object in space. I've seen that quality before, in videos on youtube of people who have filmed their Contact experience while exchanging signals with UFOs. The light definitely has a different quality than light from stars or airplanes or satellites, which if I had to apply adjectives to, I would say it was warm and inviting... Perhaps it's normal for Contact to not quite sink in it first, because that's kind of how it was until after I got home and had a chance to put things in perspective. I know it's not because I've talked myself into believing, and M_____ can confirm that because he saw the light too, and I don't think he has any issues with what I'm reporting here. I think perhaps interdimensional Contact just acts on our brains differently somehow, which I think that was. But I am definitely excited now! Today I know that I've had an important spiritual experience; a subtle one, but subtle is good! I don't want to have to make those ET/EDs work too hard.. :) I'm feeling grateful and blessed. And I want more...! And hopefully you will be inspired too to make the effort to get out there next time, wherever the meeting place is. Inspiration shared is inspiration exponentially increased.

If M_____ and I succeeded last night, our first attempt, even with all the distractions, I imagine we could achieve something more dramatic and sustained in a more private location, with more focus and a little more knowledge now of how to prepare. I'm taking that initial success as a very good indicator that more will follow, and that this is a very good time for such an endeavor." Namaste N_____ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Kosta, Well, this has been a weekend for firsts. Starting Friday morning, Bob and I went clothes shopping. When we came out of the store, a starling was perched on the middle of the roof of our car at the end of the parking lot. That in itself wasn't unusual, except that, out of all the cars in the lot, he chose ours. Plus, neither of us had ever seen a bird perch on the roof like that. He stayed there until we got right to the car, then warbled softly and glided off over our heads in a leisurly fashion. It was as if he knew we were trying to remember exactly where we had parked! All day Saturday, I had the CE-5 protocols sort of running on autopilot in the back of my consciousness because we had a lot of errands to run during the day and a square dance that evening. We left the dance around 9:30 PM, and as I was exiting the building, a sparkle of what appeared to be a craft caught my eye in the eastern horizon. I saw it again when we got to the car and realized that for the first time in several years, the sky overhead was clear enough to see the Pleiedes, despite the proximity of city lights. Even though that was the source of the sparkle, I feel that the ETs were drawing my attention to it because the night before, I had made the comment that I missed being able to see the stars more clearly. Here's the capper. Last night (actually early this morning) I had a clear, lucid dream that I was visiting some friends at a beautiful two-story home at the end of a rather muddy dirt road. While we were there, a thirty foot disc appeared overhead, fully materialized and beamed a blue-white cone of light down over the front patio, like an inverted funnel. We all stepped into this light beam and were drawn up into the craft. I was surprised to see my brother there being drawn up as well, since he's never expressed any real interest in this stuff. When we got on board, I found myself in a cozy chamber bathed in soft light. I saw only what appeared to be two identical images of my own eyes shining back at me with the purest love I had ever felt. I also felt gentle waves of energy washing through me. After what seemed like just a few moments, I again slowly drifted down the light beam, but when I got about three to four feet above the ground, I hovered there! No matter how hard I tried, I could not get my feet to touch the ground. Instead, I discovered that I could float anywhere I wanted to simply by

willing where I wanted to go, which was a lot of fun! The antigravity effect eventually wore off and I walked back to where my brother was standing with a strange, peaceful expression on his face and his eyes shining with happiness. He gave me a big hug and said, "Now, I understand." That's when I woke up. Peace! Janet -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Kosta I was alone with my furry friend 'Gunther' in an open area near where I live. Nothing major happened out there but did receive some answers I was asking or pondering about earlier that week. I look forward to reading kore of what others experienced. I need one of those ET indicator things. Please excuse any spelling or type errors. Paula -------------------------------------------------------------------------------We had a smaller than usual group this time, five of us, and overcast skies, so I decided to spend more time in deep meditation. We started with some relaxation and breathing then stood and joined hands in order to send a column of energy into space and connect with all of the other CE-5 groups - and everyone on earth. Nancy and Amy both later reported perceiving swirling tendrils reaching towards the sky. Towards the end of this meditation, I had the perception that each of us had a different (ET) physical form. Not much detail, but distinctly different. Amy later reported that about the same time she perceived me as being VERY tall. When we started the meditation, the sky was solid overcast. When we opened our eyes at the end of this meditation, the sky was clear in the direction of Orion. In a later meditation Amy reported an encounter with a reptilian/saurian being who was very large. She was not at all threatened. This being was interested in our physical form and explained his perception of our energetic form. He also reached out and touched her arm (astrally). When she asked about his "ride", she perceived a very large saucer shaped craft in our vicinity. Also during this meditation, Jon perceived a small being on the ground to his right. I also perceived a presence in that area. Fun stuff!

Jeff Becker --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Hi Kosta, There were 3 of us in the end in Oxfordshire, it was a beautiful night sky and we saw several fly past events and one flash light event where a 'star' seemed to flash more brightly and then move at exceptional speed before disappearing. I saw this and totally felt their presence and contact. Nothing else exceptional occurred, but a wonderful evening was had by all sitting with some very special people. Much love Hilarie -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Kosta Our group was not at the same location but we imagined ourselves together. What I saw was in my imagination or perhaps remote viewed, hard to say. But interesting and quite vivid. I saw all the people worldwide and from elsewhere in the Universe gathered in a large stadium which was in the shape of a huge parabolic bowl, and our world was in the center but specifically at the focus of the parabola, and glowing with the energy that we all were focusing on her. In other words each of us was an element of a huge reflecting mirror which was directing energy in to our planet. Another thing was that I had a candle lit and between me and the candle was a quartz merkaba on a small improvised stand. Without any particular planning it occurred to me to align the merkaba so that it was pointing at me and in a place that it caught the candle light. When I softened my gaze I saw two parallel beams of light coming from the merkaba right into my heart. Coincidence, optical properties of the merkaba? I guess so, but it felt significant that I just happened to set it up so that it worked that way. It certainly felt powerful. ----Hi Kosta Hope its not too late to add a piece that I see I forgot! I talked of seeing the whole gathering in a huge parabolic bowl. What I forgot was that as a bowl in the shape of a giant wineglass, I realized that it had a natural frequency of vibration, and the gathering created a vast OM at exactly that resonant frequency! Very powerful.

Best, Stephen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Kosta, This last weekend's March 24th, Global CE-5 was quite extraordinary. My good friend and roommate who had committed to participating with me on Saturday, was unable to join due to work. I still carried on alone and had a wonderful experience that night. Plus he and I were able to follow up with another breath taking CE-5 the following evening on Sunday. Before I began my meditation within the comfort of my home, I had a number of brief visits from dazzling etheric orbs and ships no bigger than baseballs. They were primarily pure celestial white and royal blue. So it was nice to know I was already in good company even before I started my journey to the stars. As usual, I began my meditation by sending appreciation and unconditional love to our ET Families, fellow humans (of both light and dark), and all beings/aspects of creation. I then allowed my higher self to guide me through an astral plain I've visited before. It was there that I briefly met some amazing angelic-like beings of light. The interaction with them was quite enlightening. Shortly there after I joined with what seemed like an infinite amount of beings surrounding Earth, enveloping our gorgeous planet with profound cosmic light and love. The purest, most harmonized energy imaginable. During this event I truly felt I was in a non-local, zero-point state. And yet simultaneously everywhere at once. Quite a paradoxical feeling indeed. Much later that night after the CE-5 meditation (past 12 A.M.), I went to a friend's small birthday party to pay my respect and share my experience with those in attendance. All through the rest of the early morning while I was there we were repeatedly graced with even more magnificent orbs. They must have been in a festive mood. I'm not sure anyone else noticed them, but their majestic presence left me with an ecstatic charge all through the night into the following day. Then on Sunday evening my roommate and I shared exquisite energetic exchanges with not only ET, but our higher-selves as well. I cannot truly articulate into words what I experienced in the higher levels of consciousness. Though I can say we both perceived many craft present around our home during the meditation. We even found ourselves physically within a tangible, yet phased-out, craft that engulfed our house in its energy field. After our meditation, while discussing our experiences in the tranquil dark, we had a white craft very quickly flash us with direction oriented/contained light.

Afterwards I went outside and saw a massive translucent "V" shaped craft moving through the Orion Sector for just a split second. It was similar to the one Dr. Greer vectored in for the infamous Phoenix Lights sighting, but this one must have stretched miles across. I'm incredibly elated and appreciative for all of their unrelenting support through this period of historic transition. Our Star Families' compassion knows no bounds nor limits. And for that I will be forever grateful. I'm also extremely grateful for all you humans/star seeds who are helping illuminate the path as way show-ers. Eternal thanks and love, Steven -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Kosta: Here is the report for Vernon, BC ... we had eleven people. Cheers, Deb *************************************************************************** *** Eleven people met at a new site east of Vernon (two men and nine women--7:30-10:30 pm). We were located in a yurt which had no source of electricity...no wiring, electrical outlets or electrical appliances. No cell phone service in this region and so all mobiles were all turned off. LG scanned the room prior to everyone arriving. There was no signal. I showed new people how to use the Tri-field meter. Several people picked it up and walked around the room. Two different people got a very strong signal at the north end of the room. Several people were seeing flashes of lights in a variety of places inside the yurt but there were no meter signals at these other locations. In general, everyone felt a very loving connection to the ETs, a feeling that seemed to amplify greatly as the evening progressed. To start, LG felt the entire building "lift" as a transdimensional ship moved into position to surround the yurt. About half the group began reporting a feeling that we were surrounded by many, many ETs "It was like being in a shopping mall". Many beings were approaching individuals, very curious, they were reaching out their tiny hands and touching the person. LG reminded the group that it was possible for the ship to be vast in size, but in our dimension it was roughly the same size as the yurt (i.e. a null entropy field? as it has been called on Star Trek). Later in the evening, one of the men was pondering all the reports of 'tiny hands', when the energy of a very large hand (as big as his own body) seemed to sweep through him, with the message; "Not all of us have small hands."

A woman, L, who had had a profound healing experience at the event last August described the feeling of profound love that she has felt for the ETs ever since. Later she went on to describe to the whole group the message of transformation of humanity and how quick it will be. (As an aside, L, told me personally about reading Dr. Greer's book Hidden Truth Forbidden Knowledge, when she got to the part of Shari Adamiak's death she began sobbing uncontrollably and had to have her husband read it aloud in order to get through that part of the book). Both she and her husband have seen a lot of anomalous lights in the night sky on many occasions... a light buzzing chaotically around a specific star. One one occasion her husband, D, pointed it out to a friend who was standing right beside him but the friend did not see anything. I reviewed with the group that this is a very common experience. The ETs can interact with the consciousness of a specific person. We honor this as an initiation for the person and are careful not to be resentful that we are not having the same experience. We try to celebrate the fact that an initiation is happening. D reported that if he became afraid for any reason, the anomalous light activity stopped immediately. Later in the evening LG reported hearing ET vocalizations just outside the yurt-- they were from ET beings waiting to be invited in. We eagerly invited them in, and once again about half the group reported the feeling of being surrounded by many beings. One woman, S, got the message that LG was special because she was good at listening [for ET communication]. This woman, S, was the only person new to meditation. During the first part of the evening, I was guided to ask if everyone was in contact with the ETs, asking "Is there anyone not having an experience?" S reported that nothing was happening for her. She was the only one. I told her that I would focus on her and almost immediately she began to experience contact. As the evening unfolded she reported some of the richest experiences: images, touches (a tiny hand holding her finger], messages and overwhelming sense of loving connection. As most of the people were experienced at meditation, we simply connected as individuals at the start of the evening, and reported experiences as they happened. One of the new people reported the a feeling 'a great unity' among the group. At about 8:45 pm, LG reported that we needed to break, drink water and replenish electrolytes and that this would enhance our ability to communicate. When we reconvened, I did my usual 'quick and dirty' meditation, to meet ETs and invite them in. Several people reported that as I guided the meditation, that they were arriving at the locations before I spoke of them (i.e. they found themselves above the Hawaiian Islands, with the sun at their back before I said these words). Most people were invited on board a ship and met ETs. About three people seemed to enter a samadhi state, a state that felt great but did not offer any specific visualizations. This meditation takes about 15 minutes, and I always ask if it is too fast. Everyone reported it was just the right amount of time. I had warned people that the evening would end when there was a sudden drop in energy, that this was the signal that we were done. As soon as they began their journey home, they would regain their energy and would probably be quite hyper once they got home, thus not able to

get to sleep for a few hours. The sudden lethargy happened around 10:30, everyone acknowledged it and so we wrapped it up. That's all for now. Cheers Deb Warren Vernon, B.C. Canada -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey Kosta, I just wanted to share my experience with our last CE-5 and then with a Reiki healing/energy session that I did, in which our ET family came in to help. On the night of our global CE-5, I was sitting by our sliding glass doors looking out and connecting to our group. I kept seeing these little beings coming towards me from out on our deck. They seemed small and wispy, but had really sweet energy. I suddenly felt a very tall being behind me. "He" seemed to be of a very celestial nature and I saw him dressed in long white robes. He was VERY tall. he stood behind me and was generating a kind of healing energy that was going from the top of my head all the way into my chest. He was very gentle with this, as I believe he sensed that I could only take in so much at a time. I heard these chirp like noises coming from the front of the house. Not so much like a bird, but it seemed to me like an actual conversation. When I was ready to go to bed, I thanked everyone and went upstairs. On Monday I had a client come to the house for Reiki/energy work. I always ask my guides to come and help in any way they can, before I start. Well I sure got a surprise, and so did my client!! So many ET's came into the tx room and began to work with me. At first my client was a little concerned, as she had only heard negative things about them. I assured her that in no way would they harm her, and that they came from a pure place of love. Well after that it was so unbelievable, unlike anything I had ever experienced doing a healing. The tall being came and it was like he brought not only guards, but so many other beings. The energy in the room was incredible, and my client had an awareness/opening happen that really was truly amazing. It was like the ET's directed the energy to where it needed to go, changed time and space to create the ultimate healing experience, and we took off from there!! I must say, that this has never happened before, where so many light beings came and directed the healing/energy work. I'm still in awe of the whole experience. My client was brought to a level of total awareness of not only them, but the true structure of the universe. Pretty awesome stuff. I'm grateful that she was so open and when I called her the next day to check on her, she reported that she felt pretty great.


So, I just wanted to share this with you, and you may share it with who you choose. It just goes to show you how beautiful these beings are. That they would come in and help. To open up an awareness in someone who before had no concept but fear, and showed them their true nature in love and light. Suzie G -------------------------------------------------------------------------------From Auckland NZ On Saturday 24 March three of us assembled at Valera's on a very cloudy night. Our focus was definitely on the indoors for this one. For some reason I forgot to bring my singing bowl and crystal, and by the time I arrived and remembered this I was in the mood to try something different. I did bring my Trifield meter, and Valera had two similar instruments, all of which were inactive that night. I thought about a free-form meditation but didn't suggest it. Valera did and that felt just right. Without telling my friends what I was up to, and never having done this before, I set about establishing a "Merkaba" energy field around the three of us. Normally I do this around myself and then share energy around the group when we follow a guided meditation. Everything felt calm and settled to me, and I sensed at least one presence observing me. After we re-entered waking consciousness, we began to share what we had felt. Maree said "I felt as if I was inside a pyramid, with a beam of energy shooting up from the top". OMG! I was so glad I had said nothing! I had followed the Merkaba with a ring of energy around our group and then up into space as our contact beacon. Very easy for me to see how a spinning tetrahedron could look/feel like a pyramid. Some great confirmation thanks to me keeping my mouth shut for a change. After this intriguing event and inspired by Maree's sensing confirmation, Valera and Maree asked if I would run through this process again in a second meditation, but guided by me so they could actively participate and learn more. That was also a first for me....so I talked us through how I visualise these energy forms as I re-built them, starting with opening the 7 chakras and drawing in Earth energy. During this, I left as if I was being pushed/tilted towards the left, a strange sensation that I also experienced a few months ago in another global CE V. As my eyes are shut and we're in the dark, I don't know if I am actually leaning or it is some energy effect [I suspect it is]. Both my companions experienced strong energy sensations during this guided portion, which we discussed afterwards. Valera felt quite dizzy, and Maree said she had to pull back and re-ground herself at one point. So it was an interesting experience that I hope we can build on. I think some extra grounding with earth energies as a first step might help, as all of these sensations sound to me a bit like unbalanced energy. Also during this second meditation, I saw an ET face nodding, in a positive way, as if to acknowledge that we were doing something useful.


Always something new! And so much to learn.... Doug -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Kosta, My CE-5 Report for March 24, 2012 The night began in a new location. The sky was overcast with city lights in the distance. We were praying that the clouds would at least give us a glimpse of the sky before we were finished for the evening. Thankfully, our prayer was heard within a short period of time. Not only did the clouds part but they drifted all the way east leaving a beautiful starry sky. We immediately noted that in the western sky was a rather large light body 3-4 times the size of any other star in the sky. We took turns looking at it through binoculars. To me, it appeared to have a rainbow-like glow; the colors seemed to blend altogether. We closed our eyes and began the meditation portion of our evening. At the end of this our gaze returned to the same area of the sky where we had seen the large light body. It was now nowhere to be seen! All the other stars were in the same position in the sky except this one particular light body! We were happy to know that this special visitor had come to see us first thing in the evening. My magnetometer had been quiet for the whole evening. It wasnt until we returned to our cars that it started sounding. This seems to be the norm for the past four months now. It will sound all the way home no matter what location we use for our CE-5. The difference is this time I wasnt the only one to hear it go off. There was a restaurant fairly close to our CE-5 site that was still open at the end of our evening. We went in and had a meal there. While inside the meter not only sounded but made similar sounds that I had heard from it on the Christmas Eve CE-5. It was melodious, not the simple alert sound but a more organized sound of different notes that followed one after the other. Our waitress as well as other patrons present at the time heard and took note of the sounds coming from my cell phone. They never disappoint us; somehow they always seem to find a way to let us know that they are with us. They seem to know the night each month that we do our CE-5. It must be on their calendar also because they always show up even before we do the CTS. Peace and blessings to you, Lynn -------------------------------------------------------------------------------12

Hi Kosta, Lynn and I drove to our new CE-5 location. It is a park in Culver City, that I was just able to find out about recently... It was a nice night out, just the two of us, I took her to the high plateau back baseball field,. What is nice is that we are very high up, so it feels much closer to the sky ( better sky watching ) We set up and energetically this place just feels right to me, very uplifting spot! And felt very magical because the clouds just drifted away, to a big broad expansive sky filled with stars!!! Lynn and I kept seeing this one star that had kind of spokes coming from it, and it seemed to be turning around and around. Very interesting to look at, It was hard to figure out what exactly it was, but it did come in closer our way. We both felt very in sync when we did Steven Greer's meditation, in fact felt So Peaceful that i thought I was going to fall asleep. I did feel a peaceful ET energy around us, which was beautiful, and saw some flashes of light with lots of Stars in the sky! When we were putting things away in our cars, Lynn's magnetometer went off especially when it was inside of her car! Quite a nice tune it was playing! We decided to meet at Denny's close by, and I was So Shocked to see and hear Lynn's Magnetometer going off again, while we were sitting in the restaurant waiting for our food, with people close by! At very High milligauss. Quite fun and delightful indeed!! Alyson -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Greetings Kosta, I will once again be joining you on Saturday from 43/90 North Earth in Southwest Wisconsin, as will my friend from Chicago. I hesitate to say I had any kind of "experience" last month, but here's what happened: I did a double-meditation starting around 9:15 p.m. CDT on Saturday night (I have two, slightly different recordings by Dr. Greer.) Working inside, I sat up in my chair with my feet on the floor so I wouldn't fall asleep. One thing I did differently this time is, rather than sitting with my palms down atop my legs, I rested my hands on my legs with palms up with the intention of also activating the Reconnective Frequencies--one of the energy modalities I use. They did start "percolating" in my hands immediately. During the first, 18-minute meditation, I began to see luminescent blue filaments sweeping into my closed-eyes vision toward me and then down and away. Very beautiful. That lasted a minute or two (?). I've seen that before.

Later when Dr. Greer suggested moving out into space, I felt myself ascending, backing up and away from Earth into the darkness of space. I was reminded that I've also experienced that previously. Near the end, I had a new experience. Out in front of me, I saw a spot of white light that became diffused, and as it approached me (or I was going toward it?), it opened up, the light became a series of grayish-white ribs or rings around a dark hole, and I had a sense of moving through them as if going through a tunnel. It reminded me somewhat of the wormholes Jody Foster traveled through in "Contact." I was enjoying that, but unfortunately, the meditation ended, and when the player switched to the 2nd meditation, I couldn't get back into the tunnel. After I finished the meditations, I took my camera, LED flashlight and boom box outside to the patio and began playing the tones. It was quite cloudy earlier, so I was surprised and delighted that it had cleared, and the stars (and planets) were quite bright. I tried signaling upwards several times with my flashlight, just in case "anyone" was in the area, hoping my neighbors didn't notice the unusual tones and lights in my backyard. I thought I saw two, quickly consecutive "shooting stars" whoosh by directly overhead, traveling from the southsoutheast to the northwest. It happened so fast, I wasn't able to be sure if they were meteors or "something else." So I guess the best "new experience" during last month's event was the "tunnel," but I'm not sure if that was an "ET-connection." I did experience a little more of that when I did a meditation Sunday evening. I will see what happens on Saturday. Up, up and away! Aloha, Michelle -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Kosta, I will be participating in the upcoming event this weekend in Sydney, Australia.I really have very little to report from last month's event, at least from a scientific and tangible angle.However while in meditation I believe I made communication with beings from the Pleiades star system and have started to write down their messages.They have said that for a physical contact to be possible I would have to choose a more remote location. Hope the global contact goes well for all on Saturday. Best wishes, Geraint


Global CE-5 ET Contact Reports from April 21, 2012

Hello CSETI Friends! Thank you for your participation in our 20th monthly "Global CE-5 ET Contact" event which took place this past April 21, 2012. The report from the recent May 19 event will be published in a few weeks. Please email me your ET Contact experiences from that event - thank you in advance! Below you will find the interactive contact reports from April 21 from our worldwide CE-5 teams! Since last month almost 60 of you joined our email list. So you are new to this ET interactive event. Welcome to our dynamic global group! I think you will enjoy reading about the accomplishments of our current group members below. If you have any questions and/or want to form your own group or join one that might be near you, please contact me. Through our cooperation here, we have established a powerful monthly rhythm of ET contact since we began this process in October, 2010. You can think of this as the "Peoples' Disclosure Movement" because our CE-5 teams are unitedly working from the grass roots to bypass governments and forge solid interactive links of Love communication with our ET friends. You didn't realize you were making history, did you? :-) From your living rooms and your lawn chairs? Bless you for sensing the enormity of this worldwide movement, for taking the time month after month to keep the momentum going...and building! Now for the reports from April 21... In the end, we had: 72 total team CE-5 sites: 178+ Participants 1 Dolphin Pod 23 USA States 16 Countries

- an enthusiastic outpouring of heartfelt desire to interact with our Star Friends and to seek to cooperate with them to bring about Universal Peace. Some amazing experiences were recorded by you in numerous places, so read on and enjoy. In the Spirit of Peace, Kosta Makreas gmakreas@sanbrunocable.com Coordinator, "Global CE-5 ET Contact" Events San Bruno, CA USA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------APRIL 21, 2012 "GLOBAL CE-5 ET CONTACT" REPORTS:

Sitting in meditation tonight, I decided to ask for an ET ambassador to sponsor me in becoming a Universal citizen similar to how alcoholics take a sponsor when they join AA...someone to guide them in the next steps necessary to live a better life and to start being more effective as a human here on Earth. I heard a sub-audible voice give me a positive affirmation, a female with a name that sounds like Michaelia. I believe I would work best with a female ET as I am gay and sometimes feel a bit threatened by males. I found myself crying hard tears of gratitude as I felt welcomed and accepted for the faulted human I am. I sensed she still feels it would frighten me if she made her presence visible to me, similar to how I was frightened earlier in my life when I saw my passed-away grandfather's spirit in the physical realm several times through my life. Just as in a 12-step program, I know this will be hard work, but it is simple...in that I need to connect with this sponsor from the heart and be honest with her in all ways. This is one of the most real experiences I have had thus far in my CE5 work, because it felt personal to me and that I really will have a guide for as long as I want her support. I know she will not do the internal work for me, only I can change me, but I have a friend who will give me suggestions along the way. I just have never before thought of asking for one ET in particular to "sponsor" me. I regularly tithe and when I asked what I can do in cooperation with our star family(ies) to bring about a healing for our planet Earth, I got the message to help with global issues that will benefit the most number of people possible. To me this has little to do with seeing craft flying around in the sky, but about a change of heart and mind to be a cooperative member of a group already formed, plus to support those who are coming after me. I hope others had similarly powerful events this month.

Christopher Judge -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Kosta, thank you for coordinating the contact network, I want to share my experience of the 21 april 2012. I have been doing the contact meditation in 4 sessions, throughout the day. First session in the morning 10.30-11.00 a.m. (I connected with Australia's and Japan's groups) Second session early afternoon 1.00-1.30 p.m. (I connected with Australia, Japan and Europe) Third session early evening 5.30-6.00 p.m. ( I connected with everybody) Fourth session before going to sleep, about 10 p.m. (I connected with Europe and USA) I have structured the meditation into 2 parts. First I have said the Great Invocation (it's a universal prayer that I already use for meditation with other people) than I have simply closed my eyes, connected with you all and vectored our friends, and asked about cooperation. The first session was the most intense, even if all along the day I have felt a beautiful energy, also when I was not meditating. During the sessions I felt like a golden light rain pouring down on me and all around. During the first session I received some personal inspiration and I received some general messages. The main one was that they wait us to call them in order to be helpful. The help that they can do is the following: they can improve our perception of the prana in the universe (chi, zero point energy, what ever we want to call it) so that we can upgrade our frequency and align with mother earth and the universe evolution. It's not about receiving something, it's about being more open to receive what is already there. That was it:) In peace, anissa -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi dear brother of light Kosta. Nothing major while I was out in the field on Saturday, but for the First Time I dreamt about seeing craft on the Friday evening and I had the same dream or vision twice. There was blue

sky and some clouds and I was putposely looking up and saw 5 or 6 craft moving around very fast in the sky. They were quite close togetherI woke up and thought COOL I remembered! Went back to sleep and had the same vision again. It was like they were moving away from each other in formation I think this is the beginning of something wonderful Your light sister Paula -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Greetings Contact Teams: What a gloriously beautiful Colorado mountain evening; warm w/ clear skies. Sitting on the deck facing North, with a clear view of Northern, NEastern, and NWestern skies; no sooner was I comfortable and the Tri-field meter started screaming. I played around alternating between Radio/microwave, Electric, Magnetic and SUM; all channels screaming. The noise was so intense I found it difficult to get down into a meditative state so I gave up and just watched. Played around with the settings again, and the radio/microwave calmed down but the electric, and magnetic continued to screech. Well not only was it a new moon but the Lyrid Meteor Showers. I saw two brief meteors in the NE sky. Often times while I'm out watching, I'll get this inner nudge to look in a particular direction and then I'll see a flash-bulb. So off to the NW, I saw a bright (one blink) flash-bulb. I responded with a signal of hello with both my mind and the laser but didn't get a response. But then a few minutes later, directly in front of me to the North, was a light, quite bright moving s-l-o-w-l-y straight UP towards the zenith, then vanished! I then signaled that light, but nothing, no response. The tri-field meter continued it's thing, so I after my outside viewing was over, I took the meter inside and set it up next to my bed

It continued it's screeching until finally I shut it off to go to sleep. In the morning I checked the internet sites and there wasn't any coronal mass ejections or major solar events that day or several days prior to Sunday. I would have to say it was an eventful CE-5 for me. Yippee! Leanne from Northern Colorado -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Kosta, I''m not sure how to write this letter, but let me start by telling you from the beginning. Friday I had set up on our porch a medium size popup tent, because this is the first time I'm doing a CE-5 and I'm still learning how to meditate, I'm trying to teach myself, so I had downloaded several meditation books on my I pad...Anyway I had down loaded an I pod and my I pad with the CE-5 Contact tool from apple the only problem is I can't activate the instruments without it completely going without any sound so I don't play the instruments at all...Anyway I had played the crop circle tones for awhile the time was at least between 4-5:00 p.m but it was not for several hours...About 5:30 or a little later I had already turned off the crop circle tones and just read a little about the meditation and other information on the I pod...Then I had played the Meditation and CTS...I had laid down to rest a bit and just listen to what Dr. Greer is saying and I must have fallen asleep because I still had the Meditation and CTS still playing and the time on my computer was 5:30 a.m..So this is the big day, but I had to do somethings downtown with my mother and we had arrived home between 3:00-3:45 p.m...So I had gone upstairs on the porch and got my I pod out of the tent and left it out on the cooler with it connected to the outside power box..and gone and helped setup for dinner and took a shower and then had dinner, this was done while the crop circle tones was still playing on the porch, by then when I was ready to go in the tent I had turned it off and read a little about meditation that I had downloaded...I'm not sure what time it was but I know it was not midnight or later then 10:30 p.m.. Had no moon out and the sky was clear and the stars was so beautiful and I kept thinking to myself that if I make contact that I was afraid for out star brothers and sisters because there is a rumor that on Haleakala in the observation building where they keep the telescope they have a laser to shoot them down so I was concern for their safety..Anyway I always had this on my mind...So while thinking this, I had sent out in my thoughts not sure if this is how its done..I had gone back into the tent and played on my I pad Meditation and CTS meditation and started my meditation while I was doing my meditation in the background I can hear the chimes in the breeze playing softly while I was listening to Dr.Greer talking about Coherent thought sequencing and then gone into meditation he was on the part about expanding out to the outer region of our galaxy when I heard this very softly beeping sound but it did not sound like any mechanical sound but what was really strange was above our property and to both sides of us there is neighbors and we are spaced really far from each other. Our property is 31/2 acre. The neighbor above us their dogs had started barking, while this very softly beeping sound was going on and this was all happening while I

was meditating so I had just swept this out of my mind..It had started up again 20 minutes later and again our neighbors dogs above us was barking like crazy and started even howling and the strange thing is to the right of our property the bogs on that side would usually bark like crazy but they didn't..After this I did not think about it because I was still doing my meditation and just swept it to the side and then I just was really sleepy but in a very happy mood, so I turned everything off and had gone to bed... Today which is the 23 of April I had brought it up with my son and he had mentioned something that really got me because I had forgotten about it he said mom remember Croslynn and I had asked you to turn off the crop circle tones and you had said that you did not have it on because you was doing your meditation...So I had asked, you heard that sound to, he said you mean that softly beeping sound, yea it was keeping me up and the dogs was going crazy he was telling me and you didn't have your crop circle tones on either, what was that mom he asked., we have dogs too Kosta and they did not bark, at all that night. But what was even more surprising was that I had thought that I only heard it and no one else...I'm really new to this and I had never gone to any training with Dr. Greer but hope one day that I will and learn the correct way so that I do not endanger any of our special star brothers or sisters..Please Kosta can you enlighten me what was that experience that I had gone through...Well I hope this report was something to think about and maybe tell someone who can let me know what was that special event because when I think about it I was in a very happy mood and at peace, I've been under a lot of stress lately...Kosta Blessings to you and all of our special CE-5 group around the world..Take care until the next CE-5 gathering... Aloha from Maui Hawaii Arthurlynn Kanuha -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi, I thought you would be interested in what has been going on with me and ET. Cheers! Ricky Butterfass Marco Island CSETI April 2012 field report. ET fully manifest every night in the Mangrove trees. I asked for conformation from the ETs I reported about in my post forming an alliance with us in AZ last month. During a Marco CTS I had a remote view of them again and said I needed conformation and validation to prove they were real and their communication to me was real as well. They said the conformation would be in the light. I opened my eyes to see it. I saw that Emery and Dr. Greer had also opened their eyes during the silent meditation. Emery pointed to the west to my right. I turned my head to see what her was pointing at. A golden craft moved in and stopped. I felt it lock on to me and it flared up getting brighter. Emery took a photo of it. I thought this is the light conformation. Then the craft dimmed out. I told everyone about my RV and the ET craft was the conformation and Dr. Greer and Emery

validated it with the photo. Then there were more visible orbs/craft moving in and around the trees across the lagoon. Then in the middle of the lagoon. We were standing looking at the lights in the trees. I was standing next to Emery. He said I saw a light in the grass about 20 feet from us. I saw it at the same time and confirmed it. More lights at ground level appeared in the grassy area. Dr. Greer went into the area. The rest of the group stayed back. The lights came around Dr. Greer and they even flew through his hand. They were ET. Emery and Dr. Bravo photographed and filmed the contact. We all move up to interact with the lights. Dr. Bravo said she hoped the light she was filming was in the frame. I extended my aura to the light and call it to me. It came and was filmed. Then it move over to the woman next to me to her hand and arms. Later she said she wanted to hug the light close to her. These light appeared again one other night. We had demonstrative contact every night. That sums it up. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Kosta: On this day I was travelling back from the CSETI Marco Island training in Florida. A group of five people met east of Vernon, B.C. Canada. It's a real treat to see that they don't depend on me being there! Here is their report:

CE 5 - 4/21/2012 We gathered at the Yurt, I [Vicki] brought a EMF digital recorder. We tested it before we began and the readings were .00 to .01 on the Tesla scale. As we began Doug sensed something behind him and to the right, we checked with the meter and the number bounced up to .05 indicating to us that there was some activity in that area. We then did an opening/ grounding meditation to invite any ETs in that wished to come in. Lois sent a golden ball of light around the circle at the heart level, creating a golden curtain, serving as the connection to ETs and protection for them and us. Connecting with our hearts, opening to the being and encouraging communication. Lois, Vicki, & Doug felt a strong third eye connection; LaRee was getting lots of colors; Vicki got a flash of an entrance to a temple when she ask the meaning of this she was given the word Energy; A feeling of something hovering over all of us, with a tingling and numbness above the nose/ear level. There was a sensation of the whole Yurt moving. Lois noted that there was a change in beings from the small and large to a ball of energy, which was confirmed by Doug. Lois sensed an offer of healing for anyone who wanted. Healing energy was felt by each; Lois got a message If you only know how wonderful you actually are, if you understood the grace of being able to have this experience that you are all having, being on the earth at this time A lot of love coming through with the communication. Lois continued with the communication that we are no different than they are, in the true essence we are the same. A private message

was given to L & J. June experience an itching on the right side of her head. Shortly after, we moved the group up the hill to an outside location. When we settled we noticed a bright star?? In west at 2 oclock, which seemed to get brighter, dance & twinkle. Doug saw a tendril like filament come off of the star (the star is known as Naf the second brightest star in the Taurus constellation, according to the star chart on her phone). A bright object moving east was noted by Lois; After a quick contact meditation, LaRee noted an expansion of her heart area, which she has noted before during the presence of ETs. Towards the end of the evening, Lois saw a flash of light half way up the trees and behind them. The light was the size of a motorcycle light but there was no reason to be seeing a light at that level and in that direction. As I was transcribing the audio recording I noted during the time in the Yurt there was a pop every one to two minutes. This is not normal for this recording device and has not happened on previous recordings. Lois added the following: "That light that LaRee and I saw was amazing and will probably hold me over for a year of experiences... lol." Cheers Deb Warren -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello Kosta, Though initially I wasn't sure anyone would be able to participate with me in last weekend's CE-5, I had two good friends come through last minute to join in the fun and cosmic connection. My interaction with ET actually started the day before on Friday morning, while I was in Nogales visiting my sick grandmother. I was in a relaxed state looking over the desert landscape towards Mexico, when I saw a lowaltitude large white disk moving laterally, while angled in an awkward diagonal position. By my estimate it was about three miles away, and less than a thousand feet high. I watched it for about ten seconds before it completely phased out. Nearly a minute later it partially materialized again for roughly five seconds before slowly shrinking in size and moving back beyond the crossing point of light. I drove back to Flagstaff later that day, and arrived in the evening. Around midnight I went deep into a wonderful meditation for a few hours. Then at approximately 4:30 A.M. I routinely went outside to briefly gaze at the amazingly clear view of the stars and constellations we have up here. Even though I've seen it countless times, the

Milky Way was so prominently beautiful that night/morning I was literally stunned by its magnificence. As I was staring up towards the zenith to fully canvass the sky, I turned towards the SouthWest part of the Milky Way and saw a massive snake-like light ship. It must have been at least four to five miles long, and possibly a mile wide. The craft was shimmering a partially translucent energy comprised of white mixed with royal blue. I was blown away by its majestic size and glow. It stretched downward through the Milky Way, slightly curved like an elongated "S". From the instant I noticed it, the light ship began shrinking in both length and visibility. After a minute or so it was about a third of its original size, and resonating within the etheric realm. I could still see its energy and shape with my third eye for maybe a minute before it left. It was quite a joyous experience. For the following evening's official Global CE-5, I was unexpectedly joined by my good friend and roomate in the first part of the meditation process; while waiting for another friend to arrive at our home. He had to go to bed before the three of us could connect together in meditation, but I was still very appreciative for his energy contribution. I finally met up with my other friend a little bit before midnight. When I saw her she excitedly informed me that while driving on the freeway near my home, she witnessed a huge blue "thing" (she's fairly new to having ET encounters) directly in her line of sight for a few minutes. She had some difficulty describing it, but said the object was spherical and a few times bigger than the largest star in the sky. She couldn't tell me how far away it was, but after sensing her energy it was obvious from my perspective that she had just had a close encounter. We meditated indoors for about two hours, with a short break to look at the stars in between. Afterward we both agreed that we felt high-vibrational beings in our presence. There was undoubtedly much loving energy surrounding us. While outside, we saw an incessant amount of very large and beautiful (alleged) shooting stars. My friend asked me why we weren't seeing blatant space ships just out in the open to greet us. I explained to her that while I was outdoors waiting for her arrival after my roommate went to bed, I saw what appeared to be a black military helicopter flying extremely low near my house with its lights completely off. Which isn't terribly unusual. I went on to explicate the importance of our ET friends' safety, and the need for them to be cautious with how and when they present themselves in our thirddensity reality. Our ET guardians' level of consciousness and technology is obviously incomprehensibly many more times advanced than the most capable and effective weapons that the shadow governments have at their disposal. So the best thing we can do is to not worry, and keep ourselves on a protected loving frequency that transcends those lower level vibratory states of fear and control. I send infinite appreciation to all of you working in the light for this beautiful transition.

Best wishes, Steven -------------------------------------------------------------------------------I'd like to describe my "ET Hug" experience in Marco Island at the CE-5 intitative training. My name is Daphne and this was my first CE5 trip, and I hope it's not my last. It was Tuesday I believe, so we're at about the 1/2 point in the week which had nearly constant activity. We had been seeing white lights in the trees every evening at about 11:00 pm, more precisely between 10:30 and 11 which is when we were told they would be. On this night, the lights were on our side of the lagoon! Everyone was so excited and the mood of the group was light and joyful. Dr. Greer went into the "shrub" and was there interacting with the lights for about a 1/2 hour when we were given the go ahead to get closer to them and tell them we were ready and that we loved them and that they were welcome and we were there to embrace them. I was having deep feelings of pure happiness, I knew I had connected with a being. I explained to the being that my name is Daphne, I am from Planet Earth and when our people travel long distances on our airships that when we arrive we give each other hugs in welcome. Immediately following this thought, the little white light went around Dr. Greer, past a few other people directly to the area of my left ankle. The light then swirled all around me counter clockwise, all the way up to my chest and then off to my right. During the experience I had a long deep breath full of light and purity and joy. The entity stayed with me for about 5-7 seconds but it is a memory that I will keep close in my heart for a very long time. The mention of the incident on Dr. Greer's radio show this week gave me a thrill, it reminded me that it really did happen and everyone there saw it. I am continuing the work I learned on this trip. Ever since I've been home I have been seeing firefly's. I'm certain it was a firefly last night but I assure you, my friend is here with me. I hope we can have a real heart to heart someday very soon. To you, I send an abundance of gratitude -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey Kosta: The Sirius kickstarter is awesome. I hope it really kicks some serious ass. We had a somewhat quiet evening in Nashville. There were 7 of us. It was a cloudy and cool evening. We began about 7:30 pm with a DVD presentation from Dr. Greer's "Countdown to Transformation" DVD. Then

we did our 18 minute meditation from Dr. Greer's meditation CD. Oddly, after the meditation we all could hear a loud and persistent whip-or-will call for some 5 minutes or more. I think we were all anxious to see some physical evidence from our "visitors", but not much seemed to have happened. On the positive, personal side, I can report having the opportunity to do a CE5 after eye cataract surgery on both eyes being done. I now can see stars and sky as clearly as when I was a young teen-ager, before having to start to wear glasses. I can now even see the "old man in the moon" clearly for the first time in decades!! After the meditation, over about a 10 minute period, I saw 4, maybe 5 sharp, clear, distinct points of light in the sky. They came and went quickly. After several more minutes of meditation, I sensed and viewed a group of tall-hooded grays around our circle, a kind of one-on-one deal, just kind of watching us. That's all. No one else reported that, however. I had brought along a digital camera I had bought the previous week and asked the group if it would be OK to try and get images of orbs or whatever. THe problem was I really didn't know how to shut off the flash until after several photos had been taken. Oh, well. There seemed to be several orb-like images in some of the photos. But I'll just have to take more photos and get really good at handling the camera. We did our regular post-mortem and shared what each of us saw and/or sensed, as well as catching up on experiences from the last CE5. Tony and Dina reported seeing a slow-moving white object one evening while walking their dogs from their other home in a residential part of Nashville. It was a large-sized white light and was definitely not an aircraft. I reported seeing a full-moon sized pie plate, divided into 4 quarters, 2 red and 2 white. The "saucer" was slowly cruising along the sky right along a downtown interstate just above our professional football stadium. Over the last few nights I saw a total of 3 ships "power up" very low on the horizon in the west-southwest part of the sky. They made that quick flickering amber type light that indicate to me a scout ship. In addition, my meditations of late have been showing all types of ET faces and morphologies. Clifford Stone ain't got nothing on these

guys. .. Be well, my star brother, Andrew Campbell -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Kosta, .. Just wanted to add, that my friend who was supposed to do the protocol with me in the north of Switzerland the 21. April, didn't understand that it was a coordinated effort that specific day, so she made it one week later... but she had a result. In fact she simply asked for a sighting and not for a cooperation for mother earth. Now I have explained her better about the global cseti but she asked me to share with you her experience, since she is happy about it. I translated it from German. Thank you anissa -------------------------------------------------------------------------------For we nine San Bruno, CA attendees, the April 21, 2012 Global CE-5 event will be the one against which all others are compared! Besides being a magnificent evening in terms of ET contact, the evening was noteworthy because of the weather! We in the Bay Area often have to deal with climate conditions like fog, heavy winds and cold temperatures which make sitting out looking up at the stars a major challenge. In fact, the previous two Global CE-5 events were evidence of this. In February, the group was forced off our hill overlook due to high winds and in March, the event was conducted inside due to rain. But April made up for it in spades. The weather was, by San Francisco standards, positively balmy, the sky was clear and the group was in high spirits. We stayed out almost 2 hours staring up at the skies and our ET friends communicated with us in several ways that they had missed us and were very pleased that we were back. Every person in our group saw something that night. The evening started with a short but inspirational meditation where we linked hearts, which is not something weve done every time in the past, but might be something well be doing from now on given the wonderful contact we had. We reached group coherence right away (even though we had a new attendee) and many fell into a deep meditation. Several in the group who have this ability confirmed that we were joined in our meditation by our ET friends, who

communicated they really liked that we joined our hearts together. Our hosts home is a portal for ET travelers, and others in the group were invited to create similar portals in our own homes. The message was -- you only have to ask and it is done. After our meditation, we jumped into cars and drove to the trail head that leads to our outdoor temple site overlooking the San Francisco Airport. Once we trudged up the hill and set up in a circle, we didnt have long to wait before contact began. Several attendees said they saw a giant beam of light coming up through the earth at our feet and shining up into the sky. One person said she saw the light beam connecting with a ship that was far away. Those of us who cant see such things felt vibrations and energy at our feet and could feel the difference in the energy level in the circle when we walked away and then came back into the circle. It was like walking through a hidden wall of electricity. Another attendee felt a hot spot right near her body. Other people could feel the same hot spot by taking our hands and swishing through the space. We concluded it must be an ET being who had come to visit. Since this member has had visits from little Arcturians in the past, she felt it was one of her little Arcturian friends paying us a visit. We also had some great celestial displays in different parts of the sky. The first sightings occurred in the vicinity of the constellation Gemini. We saw multiple flashes between the twin stars of Castor and Pollux (we know this thanks to our member, Ed, who is our resident astronomer and tells us things like, Thats the twin stars of Castor and Pollux.) In the vicinity of the planet Venus (Kosta, I cant remember if it was Venus you might have to ask Ed) we saw one ET craft that was definitely not a satellite because it moved in an irregular fashion, flashed brightly for a second and then disappeared. Another person saw a bright flash for a second just below Venus. Other people saw flashing lights in the vicinity of Orion. As if that wasnt enough, that April evening was supposed to be the peak of the 2012 Lyrid meteor shower. We saw several alleged meteors. After one particularly bright flash of light in the sky that trailed right in front of us just a little above the ground and disappeared with lovely green and red sparkles, we saw within seconds 4 bright flashes in the sky right above where we had been looking. Even if the alleged meteor was not communication from our ET friends, there is no doubt that the flashing headlight-type lights were. The green and red sparkly alleged meteor was followed a few minutes later by another Nike swish of light, which may or may not have been a meteor, in the same general area. We also heard lots of sounds which may have been nearby insects or mammals, or sounds coming from our ET friends. We never determined for certain what the sounds were. Last, but not least, one of our members had on his radar detector through which his ET friend, Bobby, communicates. In the past, the radar detector has only made sounds during

expeditions with Dr. Greer. In April, Bobby made his presence known by chirping at certain points during our conversation, as if to confirm the truth of what we were talking about at that point. When someone said, Maybe its time to leave, Bobby confirmed it was indeed time to leave by sounding off. When we got back to our hosts home, we got to hear from New Zealand Doug firsthand what had happened at Dr. Greers San Marco Island expedition, as Doug was coming through San Francisco on his way back to New Zealand. The details of what happened at San Marco Island were unbelievably cool. All in all, it was a perfect evening for CE-5 contact. Moira -------------------------------------------------------------------------------this time i fallowed the instructions that u mailed us like asking our star friends what can we do about peace in the world, i didnt asked actually but i thought about asking ,actually we were not talking but understanding eachother,anyway i started to meditate but i couldnt go straight up to space this time, i made a half tour arround the world and went out from somekind of jungle to the space me and mystarfriend(this time only one face seethrought ovalshaped head and oval eyes)he showed me the world which i went out... than we flew abowe the earth from far away but not that far and he showed me or she i dont know ,he showed me a hairball(like a hairball black sphere but very black more black than space it was like smoke but actually a sphere ,i went near to it and put my hand in it try to feel it and it was like an air ,i took my hand out of it than first i saw my hand bones and than my hand was vanished i was like haaa and i looked to my starfriend he said its ok i looked back my hand again and it was there...he said(not actually said but i dont know i am writting that he said,i can stop it(the hairball) with my good thinkings and i tried ,went infront of the hairball from smoke and it poused for a second,i was happy and went near to my starfriend,he said if all our friends will do this ,this hairballs will stand still and doesnt move...than i think i asked about where does he live and suddenly we were sitting on a metal atmosphere of his planet i didnt want to look inside or ask more quetions i guess i didnt want to disturb so much i dont know,but he told me they built this for that hairballish things ,with this it can not go inside to their planet..and there was also something about water also..i thing they dont have enought?...i am not sure about this water thing but there was something about water,anyway than suddenly i felt we all have to stick together(people on earth) and by the way they will help us with this and we will help them with love and pozitive energy and being carefull about the plants animals and every living organizmas in the world taking good care of them... later i slept and wokeup during the morning time i saw mr greer just for a second in my room but i was not meditating and i have just saw him two or three times on internet..it was actually so surprising... after that i heard sirius project and i said to myself this was my starfriend was trying to say

thank u costa best wishes and greetings from istanbul tolga -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Kosta, that's a great request for the solar eclipse. Will surely ask our friends :-) Thanks for mentioning the shooting stars in the puja broadcasting :-D It was very nice hearing you and Dr Greer. A couple of months ago, I still had a nice shooting star experience. It was completely cloudy, but after a meditation of 20 min, right above my head, there had appeared a hole in the clouds layer. There I saw no less than 8 shooting stars in a timespan of about 20 min (very unusual in Belgium, especially at that time of the year and in that small a surface of the sky), many of which came exactly the moment I sent a thought, thoughts of peaceful contact, and thoughts that they are very much welcome here. It was like as if they were responding to my thoughts. It has been quiet lately regarding shooting stars, but 2 weeks ago, my girlfriend and I were playing the tones, and were signalling with the laser and sending welcoming thoughts, and kindly asked for a sign from them. Right that moment, a stationary light became visible between the stars, remained very bright for about 5 seconds, and dimmed out again. This was no iridium flash nor satellite and it appeared just seconds after our request. Ahhh... so heartwarming and so kind of them. Really, it is so beautiful to make this kind of contact. Will do my best to participate in the next global CSETI, much will depend on the weather here (oftentimes cloudy :-P) Thanks again for all your efforts!! Really, very much appreciated! Best regards, Karel (Carl) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Marco Island April 2012: an amateurs perspective


Just thought I would share my story of what we encountered each night. I made notes after our field work and have compiled them into the below account. Hope you enjoy. 04/15/2012 We arrived at Tiger tail beach with the whole group (22) about 8:30pm and stayed until 1:00am. Dr. Greer decided he wanted to do a Puja each night in the circle that he pioneered last year at Marco Island. I offered to help Dr. Bravo with the Puja setup and break down. I also carried stuff for her. We meditated checked out the sky, discussed what we saw in our meditation from earlier in the day. Dr. Greer told us tonight that he was given info that the way humans are running things will not be allowed for more than 12 months as of last March 4th 2012. We did the Puja ceremony and then more meditation. After this people saw some ships and beings with their 3rd /inner eye. A few people saw a light or two pop in and out. I saw one or two lights myself. We closed the night out as always with a prayer.

04/16/2012 What a night! We meditated checked out the sky, discussed what we saw in our meditation from earlier in the day. We did the Puja ceremony and then more meditation. Afterwards we started to see lights pop on and off, like last year, not as long or as many, but was very cool. I took a pic of Venus and when I zoomed in on my camera there was a blue light in lower left corner of my screen that I did not see when I took the pic!!Do not know what that was!! The lights continued later, much less, but a few here and there. People saw various lights around others in the circle of various colors. I saw many myself. We closed the night out as always with a prayer.

04/17/2012 This night was more intense than last night! We meditated checked out the sky, discussed what we saw in our meditation from earlier in the day. We did the Puja tonight and afterwards saw lights popping in out again and then..... we saw them on the ground!! Night vision showed them very bright, but naked eye could see them well!Everyone saw them! They looked almost like fire flies, except they were bright whitish blue and not yellow and there were only a few and not a large group of them, like fire flies would normally be! The feelings were soooo sweet, curious, pure, and beautiful! AMAZING!!!! They were in a grassy area on the beach that was normally off limits due to bird nesting. Dr. Greerwent over to them, played/communed with them for about 30 minutes. Emery, came over and asked us to come to the edge of the grassy area and observe quietly. We came to the edge of grassy area and a couple of the lights came over to several of us! It was the most amazing thing ever!!!! I and others held our hands and arms out making the universal symbol for peace as they showed us.


It was soooo magical!!! This went on for about 45 minutes or so. There were about 10 lights that I can recall counting and they were much larger than fireflies I have seen as a kid and an adult. These seemed more like the size of small leds floating in mid air. We did not touch them, but Dr. Greer did reach out to them and the lights seem to pass through his hand. At the end Dr. Greer came out of the grassy area and asked us to return to meditation. After this we did not see them any more. We closed night out as always with prayer I knew people would want to debunk this quickly, so when I returned to the hotel I started researching fireflies. What I discovered I sent Dr. Bravos email that morning. Here is what I sent.. Hi Dr. Bravo, Since we had such an incredible night, like last year, I remembered what you said about analyzing and proving what we saw before telling people, so I did some preliminary research last night before bed. I thought it might help you get a jump start on it. Here is what I found: The "blue ghost" was a little disturbing HYPERLINK "http://www.nps.gov/grsm/naturescience/firefly-flashpatterns.htm"http://www.nps.gov/grsm/naturescience/firefly-flash-patterns.htm HYPERLINK "http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/43776450/ns/technology_and_sciencescience/t/counting-firefliesscience/"http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/43776450/ns/technology_and_sciencescience/t/counting-fireflies-science/ This was from an entomologist at Florida state university, Dr. James Lloyd HYPERLINK "https://www.mos.org/fireflywatch/january_2012_featured_paper"https://www.mos.org/firefl ywatch/january_2012_featured_paper For Phausis reticulata, or the Blue Ghost Firefly, its mating season, the only time of year you can observe their pale blue glow in masses as they float around at knee-height above the forest floor. But the Blue Ghosts are different from your average firefly. HYPERLINK "http://www.blueridgenow.com/article/20070605/NEWS/70605004"http://www.blueridgeno w.com/article/20070605/NEWS/70605004 The blue ghosts seem close, but they are generally out in huge numbers, not small amounts like we saw. They also need a lot of moisture, which Florida has, but also a lot of tree cover. The beach does not supply a lot of trees in the area we were at. They also come out for 1 month each year in the cold. Cold for Florida would have been in February this year.

I do not think this is what we saw last night, BUT other people might try to use this as an argument against. If you would like me to check into this more, just let me know. Hope it The next day at the meeting house, Dr. Greer began the discussion with the big event and Dr. Bravo shared what I sent to him. He asked me to share what I had found with the group and so I shared the above. 04/18/2012 We meditated checked out the sky, discussed what we saw in our meditation from earlier in the day. We did the Puja ceremony and then more meditation. Afterwards we had a quite night with some people seeing lights in the circle. Dr. Greer said due to what had happened the previous night the military got wind of it and we had a lot more human air traffic than previously in the week. We still had a light pop in and out occasionally, but very little. After this we did not see them any more. No more blue lights either we closed night with some chanting that Dr. Greer wanted to try. We all held hands and hummed/sang one note, low for the men, high for the ladies. It was different, but enjoyable. Tens minutes later was prayer and leaving. 04/19/2012 We had another AMAZING night of contact! I also had visions before we went to the site in my meditations. We also saw from the camera that Emery shot a pic of a craft full of stars!! It was beyond what anyone, including Dr. Greer, had ever seen! This has been a super event!! We saw what was similar to sheet lighting for about an hour after the Puja ceremony. We did some chanting for a while and the lightening seem to intensify. We had the storm tracker on and it did NOT beep once! Emery told us that its range was 300 miles. This was obviously not lightening. 04/21/2012 We had a good night with more sittings of lights, but this time we had real lightening that came from the south and eventually Dr. Greer had to call it early as the storm tracker was going off and most everyone had early times to leave. We had the Puja ceremony, some meditation, and some chanting. An unfortunate quick ending to a great week! I hope you enjoyed this. I am sure it will spark questions as to what I left out. Tried to include all that I could from my diary of notes during the week. Take care, B


Global CE-5 ET Contact Reports from May 19, 2012

Hello CSETI Friends! Thank you for your participation in our 21st monthly "Global CE-5 ET Contact" event which took place this past May 19, 2012. The report from the recent June 16 event will be published in a few weeks. Please email me your ET Contact experiences from that event - thank you in advance. Below you will find the interactive contact reports from May 19 from our worldwide CE-5 teams. Since last month more of you joined our email list. So you are new to this ET interactive event. Welcome to our dynamic global group! I think you will enjoy reading about the accomplishments of our current group members below. If you have any questions and/or want to form your own group or join one that might be near you, please contact me. Through our cooperation here, we have established a powerful monthly rhythm of ET contact since we began this process in October, 2010. You can think of this as the "Peoples' Disclosure Movement" because our CE-5 teams are unitedly working from the grass roots to bypass governments and forge solid interactive links of Love communication with our ET friends. You didn't realize you were making history, did you? :-) From your living rooms and your lawn chairs? Bless you for sensing the enormity of this worldwide movement, for taking the time month after month to keep the momentum going...and building! Now for the reports from May 19... In the end, we had: 68 total team CE-5 sites: 170+ Participants 20 USA States 18 Countries - an enthusiastic outpouring of heartfelt desire to interact with our Star Friends and to seek to cooperate with them to bring about Universal Peace.

Some amazing experiences were recorded by you in numerous places, so read on and enjoy. In the Spirit of Peace, Kosta Makreas gmakreas@sanbrunocable.com Coordinator, "Global CE-5 ET Contact" Events San Bruno, CA USA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MAY 19, 2012 "GLOBAL CE-5 ET CONTACT" REPORTS:

i spent a little while outside last night. i saw a craft flashing in gemini around 915 and then about 15-20 minutes later an alleged satellite moving southward. when the alleged satellite got below the big dipper it brightened up for a few seconds before fading out and continuing on. nate -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Another great meeting and outing thanks to the combined efforts of everyone. We had a lovely Skype talk with Judy Carroll, followed by many tempting snacks. The outdoor session was well attend upstairs and down, with three new people joining the group tonight. You never quite know how things are going to work out when new members join the group for the first time, but several people commented on a positive energy boost. Immediately after I took the first chairs out and was setting them down, I saw a white light moving horizontally to the left a little below Venus in the west. I thought it might be an airplane, but then the light winked out. There were no flashing lights, as one might see if a landing light was turned off, and no airplane shape was visible as there should have been since it was still light enough in the west. Interesting start. It took a bit longer than usual to get settled in, get the new folks oriented, play with phone apps, tour the sky, pass around binoculars and a night vision scope, and that sort of thing. Our group meditation included a request for something to happen during the eclipse on the 20th to help people wake up to a greater reality. One person reported seeing ETs standing between each of us during the meditation with their hands on our joined hands. Beside at least a dozen satellites, we saw two separate repeating flash sequences of the ET variety in the vicinity of the Big Dipper. They each consisted of about six flashes, starting brighter and growing dimmer, and moving slightly between flashes. Everyone in the group saw one or the other, and many or most saw both. There were other possible events reported, but the repeating flash sequences were definitive. The sky was clear, but the high humidity resulted in a bit a background brightness, seen as sparkles in the night vision scope,

and a fair amount of dampness falling on us as the temperature cooled. It was a beautiful night with bullfrogs, tree frogs, whip-poor-wills, crickets, and other night creatures serenading us. Jeff in Bloomington, IN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------I had to work a high school graduation Saturday morning, but was in an area where I was able to see the western sky and mentally connect to the CE-5 protocols before everyone started arriving. When I got home Saturday afternoon, I took a quick nap and had a wonderful lucid dream that Bob and I were in our apartment kitchen with James, Lisa, Eric, and Grant, I believe. I was making tea with honey for everyone when a group of four or five antlike creatures suddenly appeared on the island bar and descended on some honey that had spilled onto one of the plates. When they finished, they all turned to look at us. We noticed that they were quite a bit larger than regular ants (about an inch or so long) with white heads and intelligent ET faces on black bodies. They reminded me of the ant people several of us had encountered in Crestone one year. Without any words being transferred, they conveyed the sense that they really loved the honey so I poured another drop on the plate and they quickly devoured that as well before they vanished. I woke up feeling a wonderful sense of connection that continued all the way through Sunday. This sense of connectedness really hit its peak during the eclypse. With my eyes unfocused on my back deck, which faces east, away from the sun, I could *see* the triple alignment and the Oneness of the Cosmic connection. A thought not my own came into my head, "Now is the time to manifest the life you choose for yourselves." Namaste, Janet -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Women's UFO Conference: Hi, It was a great weekend. A lot of wonderful people. We told everyone we are with CSETI and I gave out cards. They are going to have it every year. That is a really good thing. We went to the ranch where they had all the contact and it really was great. We did our ce-5 there sat. night. We had flashing contact, the radar kept going off every few seconds and the magnatometer went crazy. We could really feel them all around us. We did eclipse meditation the next day after the symposium. It was very powerful and I am still not totally in my body.

Love, Pam -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Kosta, Happy to report that in the 15 free minutes I was able to get away from kids Saturday night, I had an amazing sighting. It's certainly one of the best I've seen. I invited the ET's to come in after a short 10 minute meditation and within a minute or two, a craft appeared in the Eastern sky. It blew up into a huge bright white light and after acknowledging it shot back into space at rapid speed. I then noticed another craft following it at similar speed. Rachel and I were both out Sunday night for 20 minutes or so and saw a similar object come in after 5 minutes of requesting their presence. Very cool. Peace & Love, Andy & Rachel -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hope your cseti weekend this past week was eventful! I had clear skies and comfortable temperatures! I meditated inside via one of Dr. Greers guided meditations on youtube for about 20 minutes, then went outside. I was in my backyard with my night vision (gen 1) binocs, my signal transmitter working, and stereo playing the CSETI tones. I started with meditating outside for a few minutes and then watching the sky. I was out about an hour, but saw, heard, nor felt nothing.:( I had one plane pass over VERY low right over my yard! Thought it might crash in the front, but it pulled up. That was crazy!!!! The plane looked normal with normal running lights, so nothing unusual, except its altitude. Thanks for sharing all the stories you do from other people's reports, I ALWAYS love hearing them as it keeps me very excited to hear what our star friends are doing in other locations. Take care, always, Benjamin

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kosta: This time I flew solo in my noisy Nashville apartment. Tony and Dina were down in Gatlinburg. But this time I had a few "toys". I had bought a cheapie digital camera and used it to try a few pictures for orbs in April. After several pictures, the rest of the folks weren't too happy with the flashes being taken, so I tried using no flash for some more. Later on, the photos with the flashes showed several orbs, but the ones without flashes showed nothing but pitch black. Recently I purchased an EMF meter ("Ghost meter") to register changes in ambient EMF fields. Supposedly orbs and/or ETs can be one source of activation, like the radar detectors Dr. Greer used during his Orion transmissions. The night before the CE5, I played with the Ghost meter and got specific yes/no responses to specific questions, interspersed with signals from the red light on top of the meter, and Gauss readings (audio signals) pegged off the scale, in several specific patterns, some of which repeated themselves. During the night of the CE5, I played with the camera, filming the Ghost meter and was able to record several video sessions, in addition to taking a number of photos. It did not disappoint. There were several exact repeated patterns from the previous night, together with several different patterns. One photo with flash showed upwards of 9 reddish/orange orbs in the apartment. I'm still new at this and I'll have to experiment with camera settings, getting this stuff transferred to my computer, etc. The kicker was the next day, Sunday. I went to visit my wife at her nursing home some 30 miles away. As background, several months previous I had shared with her my idea for a presentation to my church group entitled "We are not alone". After sharing that idea with her, I came home later that night, stepped outside my car to go into my apartment, and, boom, I saw 11 UFOs. I was dumbstruck. I now realize she not only supports my UFO interest, but is actively in touch with them herself. We tried the Ghost meter and camera, got several repeat patterns as in the apartment the previous night, as well as several unique patterns. Somehow she was able to see orbs in the photos, whereas I had some difficulty. The next day, Monday, I had an extended dream how ET's are trained and

sent out to interact with the general population. It was very informational, to say the least. It just keeps getting better and better. Be well, Andrew -------------------------------------------------------------------------------OMG!! I just got back from Tulum 5 min ago. Every single night that I was there, the ET's showed up. My whole group was witness to this as our numbers grew by the day. I think you are right. It is safer for ET's to show up in Mexico! I can hardly wait to go back and see what's up. They showed up immediately and amazed us all. I thanked them repeatedly and as always sent prayers for our universal connectedness. cosmic love, AM ............ hi kosta!!! i am writing from tulum mexico to give you our amazing report from saturday night!! as soon as i laid back in the sand and looked up, ets were racing around the sky in all directions!! zooming, flashing and sparkeling! last night 3 of us went out under the stars and were all witness to the same activity! the et{s were hauling ass across the sky and turning 90 degrees and then disappearing! often they would leave a conical tail as they transdimensionally dissappeared. i was so glad to have witnesses to this! neither one of these people had ever seen anything like it! i think i will be able to get more of our yoga group out there tonight. i will write you again of our findings! hugs, ann marie lewis -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Kosta, Four of us gathered at my place for a cool, clear Saturday evening on May 19. I had also been contacted by three new people but decided to run a separate event for them which I did on Tuesday 22nd. I started us out, after playing the crop circle tones, with a meditation guided by me, based on building energy fields around us with a solid "grounding". I think the effort distracted me a bit from local sensing, but I did feel a stronger energy than I usually do alone. Mostly we reported our feelings about the energy, but there were definitely a couple of beings there with us. We went outside, anticipating a clear sky, and it was quite good. However there was no

visible activity of any sort up there. Maree pointed out a very "black" patch right next to the southern cross which would come into play later [I like it when they do things that relate to our earlier conversations!]. After a few minutes, Valera told us there were people out on the deck with us. As usual, he left it to us to decide exactly where, so I felt around until I sensed someone with my hand and he agreed that was where he had the feeling. For me the feeling was that of warmth on my skin as I moved my hand through this zone. I always ask the being for permission to do this but Valera reported that "they enjoy this interaction". I invited Mark to come over and try out this sensation for his first time with the group, and he felt it too. I think there were several beings present but we focused on this one mainly probably due to my limited sensitivity. No responses to various laser signals, but eventually Maree and I saw a quick light zip across that "dark patch" she had pointed out earlier. after that happened, Valera told us they had just said to him 'we are leaving now", so I think that was them saying goodnight. Valera then mused about what we should be doing with these interactions? I thought it was a good question! So I need some advice, and I see plenty of good ideas coming from others in these reports. Next time we will go back into a meditative state and connect our hearts.... On the Tuesday night I went to another property on the edge of the city to meet up with three newcomers. We mostly talked, but I established that one had a lot of experience with TM. There was a certain amount of "UFOLOGY Paradigm" subject matter about ET's that I tried to explain [Good vs Bad Et's....wrong answer!]. We went outside to a very clear sky, did a quick meditation guided by me, and then pointed out the various constellations. No activity in the sky and I did not detect any other communication at that point. However, one gent was intrigued by a particular large curve of stars in Scorpio and he painted it with my laser. After I left I got home close to midnight and as I am way out in the country the sky was a crisp black with a brilliant milky way. I stopped outside and closed my eyes and connected for a few minutes, and asked if our friends could work with these guys. As soon as I opened my eyes and looked up, a bright yellow light zipped horizontally, flashed brightly in the middle of its run then disappeared. Guess where....Yes! It went exactly across that "curve" in Scorpio the four of us had beem commenting on 1 hour earlier - from one side to the other. As usual, I am amazed by such contact and what it says about our friends connecting to us when we make the effort. I hope to bring these guys into more CE V's soon and see what transpires. Doug, NZ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Our group of three had a wonderfully successful CE-5. We began indoors at my home around midnight with a charged meditation. Our main focus was connecting with ET and fellow humans, as well as asking for safe contact/sightings during the eclipse. In the meditation I saw

Earth utterly immersed in scintillating light and healing energy; as so many humans were unifying on a cosmic level with both each other, and our ET families. After the meditation I could see such an abundance of colorful and sublime energy in my household, it was truly breathtaking. We each then grabbed a folding chair and went on a nice trek into the woods near my home. It was there that we made contact with multiple craft in the starlit sky. The first was a small crimson red ship, shaped somewhat like an oval saucer. It moved back and forth laterally in a playful manner for about 10 minutes. We were all captivated by the ETs' heartfelt display. While observing this beautiful craft, I peripherally saw a white flash from our left that engulfed us. Neither of my friends noticed it though. It was then that I was inaudibly told we were all receiving informational downloads, and that we should pay close attention to our dreams the next few nights. Soon after we walked a mile or so deeper into the woods and witnessed a relatively low ship at close proximity. It was considerably bigger than the previous craft, moving in a figure eight pattern. It began as what appeared to be one ship, then shifted to what looked like 3 connected red patches/balls of partially translucent light. When we first noticed this craft, a red basketball sized orb simultaneously materialized directly in front of us just long enough to get a good look at it. I believe it was a representation of some of the beings from the craft putting on the spectacle in front of us. While walking back through the tranquil woods, we were graced with a few more brief encounters of high-energy orbs and flashes of bright white light. Equally astonishing every time. I waited throughout the week to hear if either of my friends had any significant dreams to report. While neither could specifically recall any details, they both said they woke up feeling unusually elated and energized the next few following days. I personally have had very vivid dreams since the CE-5, riddled with enlightening revelations. Some have been completely lucid. I'm so grateful and appreciative for all my fellow humans/ETs who are proactively participating in this universal ascension. Thank you Kosta, our dedicated friend. Peace and love to all, Steven --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Hi Kosta, I thought I would send this drawing of an unusual ETI that I had a dream about almost two months ago. As I recall from the lucid dream I had astral travelled or projected myself onto their spacecraft rather abruptly. There were three of the dog face creature in the control room: one was at the control of the ship , another was standing behind the seated ET (pilot?) with his back to me and the third one was standing to the right shoulder of the pilot. This ET then turned and looked at me and said , "Well, here you are!", as if to answer an unspoken thought that I had which was, I wish I could get a ride aboard an ET spacecraft! This was not in response to the CSETI P&M session but, a dream that I had about two or three days before that time. Feel free to share it with the friends as I am curious to know if anyone else has had a similar RV of this particular ETI. This particular Dog face ET is similar to the Piccinini human dog hybrid sculpture found on Youtube, which I did see prior to having the dream of the same creature so, I may have been influenced in my dream by that same video. With that said, my lucid dream did seem real and was unique in its own way. All the best in all worlds, Terry -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello Kosta, I actually did filed work both Friday and Saturday nights until 1 AM both night. The weather forecast was for rain and thunderstorms for Saturday and Saturday night here in Denver. So I decided to do field work Friday night until after midnight. There were three new people going to do CE-5 contact Saturday night with me. Only one could make it Friday. The other two were disappointed. I told them I would meet with them Saturday night and show some video and photos and brief them on doing the CE-5 protocols and tell them what they could expect in the field. Also, if the weather broke we could go to the park across the street from one of the new ladies house where we were watching the videos. Friday night Rob another newbie and I after I briefed him and showed him some clips from the ET Contact Tool on my iPad did field work at my contact site near my house. I played the tones from my iPad ET Contact Tool and broadcast them over my walkie-talkie transceiver which worked great. I am so glad to have it. I don't have to lug around a boom box now. I highly recommend it.

Then we listen to one Dr. Greer's meditations doing a CTS. After which we watched the sky and talked about our remote views. He talked about his lucid dreams he had with ET. The main reason he contacted me after I did a Starseed Meetup group and talked about CSETI. I told him we could do another CTS a little later and that he should try to connect with the ETs in his dream inviting them here. I told him about my remote view of me addressing the Intergalactic Council of Worlds asking them to send their Ambassadors to Earth to meet with us. We took a break and I answered his questions about CSETI. The two of us did another CTS. This time I lead him through it. We held hand and formed a golden light orbs of truth and peace sharing in our hearts and passed it from left to right to each others heart bonding together in truth and peace. We accelerated the golden orbs visualizing them forming a golden ring. Then I had him raise the golden ring with me to our third eye chakra. As the ring reached our third eye we placed our contact intent into the ring. The intent being one of a peaceful relationship and cultural exchange communicating as citizen ambassadors from Earth, linking with the other global teams around the world. Then we visualized the ring extending up into space above the Earth as a golden vortex column of light. A vector beacon that ET could see from space. Then we saw the the top of the vortex becoming larger, opening wider, joining the other teams around the world. Like Tesla coil vortexes extending upward coming together at points of contact with he other teams around the world. Then I had the two of us ride up inside the vortex, in an astral projection to the top of the vortex. I could see all the vortexes coming together encompassing the Earth in an Earth sized orb of golden light with the bonded intent of all the teams on Earth. I could actually see down into one of the vortexes and see one of the other teams that was doing the same thing on the ground. From there we ascended upward to the Sun, extending the vortex with us as we went. We joined the vortex with the Sun using the Sun as a white hole/black hole tunnel through the event horizon coming to a place in local time and space outside the solar system and the Milky Ways arm of Orion. We were parallel to the solar system. We could see that the solar system was perpendicular to the arm of Orion and to us as well. We turned our gaze to the central sun of our galaxy and could see the other galaxies and star across the Universe. We projected our visitation call to all the ET that could hear us inviting the to Earth and asking if possible to make themselves seen during the Solar eclipse? Then I had us go into silent meditation for a few minutes. After the meditation, I asked Rob if he had made contact with the ETs in his dream. He said that he did but then all he could see was the number 40. He did know what that meant? I told him let it go and take the time to listen and he might get his answer. Then I saw a disc about an inch long at arms length fly in and out of the crossing point of light. Just long enough for me to see it in the South. Rob

looked at his watch. He laughed a little chuckle. He said I hope you would keep us in the field at least until 11:40 PM to see if we would see something. He said my watch said 11:41 PM and that was the you saw the disc. Just then he saw what he thought was a disc in the west behind me. He talked more and I said I guess the 40 was really 11:40 that you were hoping we would stay until the ETs in your dream would fly by and just because you watch said 11:41 PM it is close enough. It could be set a minute fast? By that time the thunderstorm was moving in and it was after 1 AM. We end our field work and by the time I got home it started to rain and continued raining until Saturday afternoon. Saturday night I met with two more new people to CE-5's both ladies, one an MD, Janet and the other an local artist Konnie. I arrived at Janet's house at 7PM and Konnie arrived at the same time. I answered all their questions, showed the videos from the CONTACT: Countdown to Transformation the CSETI Experience 1992-2009 DVD and some still photos from Boca Grande CSETI to the Universe Training 2010. I briefed them on the CE-5 protocols and what to expect. At 11:30 PM we went out into a Denver city park across the street. I had done a CTS with Rob the night before and we made contact. Saturday afternoon I did a CTS at home asking ET to follow me to Janet's house for out CE-5 field work. In the park, I played the crop circle tone and the Fibonacci sequence tones from the ET Contact Tool on my iPad. I told the two of them why we used the tones. I turned off the tones. I pointed out the directions, the Big Dipper, Polaris and Arcturus. Just then Konnie said ok look. I turned my head and an ET craft was flying in low and flared up signaling us. I knew it was Kindness. She was close by waiting for us to go out into the field. We had not even did the CTS. After she flew by. We did a CTS similar to the one I led with Rob the night before. After finishing the CTS Konnie saw two more craft do a flyby. By that it was close to 1 AM and cold and damp from all the rain. So we ended the field work. Ricky -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Kosta Although I usually don't have anything to report from my CSETI group events, this time I did experience something very different. During the twenty-five or thirty minutes, I was speaking to our star friends either silently or in a quiet actual voice. I went outside in my backyard about 10pm, sat in a chair, and had my small, older dog with me. I moved my chair from one spot to another after about 10 minutes, so then I was in my driveway facing south with a slightly better view of the sky. I first saw what must have been a

satellite moving from north to south (I used a green laser around it, with no response). I then put down the laser and ended up not using it again. Soon afterwards, I saw another satellite moving from south to north. After being outside for about twenty minutes, I was getting tired of holding my head up, due to sitting in a straight back chair, and was ready to go back inside the house. But I stayed a bit longer. All of a sudden, a thin white beam of light came down from behind me (from the north, northeast) from about 45 or so degrees above..........it came from above my left shoulder and kind of into my lap. It lasted just an instant, and really surprised me. I told them politely "yes, that scared me.......but thank-you." Has that type of thing happened to people before? Glad to share this with you! You take care, and thank you for all that you do! .........Christine Murphy - Redford, Michigan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Kosta, I'm so excited that this information is makng a great push forwardblective effort) into the consciousness of all ! Last night I sat out in my yard looking up. I noticed what appeared to be a sattelite move across the sky and when it was directly over my head it beamed 5 times brighter then went back to it's normal size and continued. I had a feeling that's the way the ET friends could make themselves known to me Another cool thing that happened is that it started to rain everywhere except within a 20 foot radius around me. Rain was literally falling all around me and I kept waiting for it to over take me but it didnt. Again it seemed like ET's making themselves known in a safe way. Many Cosmic Blessings to Kosta!!!!!!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Kosta. Saturday 19-5 2012 our group met in the afternoon ate dinner together and one from the group did i meditation and left a message to ETs that we would be out later that night. (she is our most experienced meditatior) we had found a nice open field in the forrest and we set up on a small slope here. it was quiet and nobody around to dispurb us.


The weather was part cloudy so we could se the stars sometimes. no wind and the tempuarture was 13 degress. at 23.30 we did one of Stevens meditations for 20 min. we had a radio transmitter that trasmittet some sounds recorded from early expeditions. The transmitter was sending out on numeros channels and it was scanning lots of channels at the same time. We had one laser but there was something wrong with it it lost power quicly..Dam.. We had 2 cameras on tripods and shot lots of photos that night, with open shutter for 15 sec and iso 3600. We did not see any unuseral in the sky but we got one photo of several orbs. They look like the one you sendt me from the picture taken on mount Shastra. I dont know if it is some optical thing but the orbs were very clear and it was very dark at the time the photo was taken. i will send you the picture later i dont have it on my PC. This was our fist trip. We did not expect to see anything so none of us was dissapointet. We know they are around and in time we will see them. Next time i bit more experienced. We wish all the best from the sealand group. Martin, Christian, Richard and Maybritt. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------And although it hasn't yet began, it HAS began... last night was the most amazing night of contact we've ever had. I don't know if it's me or not, but since our contact endeavors have been sporadic over the past year since the birth of our daughter (getting both of them to sleep at a decent time is tough), now when we do attempt to make contact it is almost certainly without fail. I think things are ramping up. Last night Rachel and I went underthe mostly clear skies here and peacefully invited them to join us. Arcturians, Andromedans,Pleadians, Syrians, Orion Council of Light... we called them all in. At first I noticed a wing like disc passing up above us certainly within our atmosphere, but very high. It moved at fast speed. Rachel was unsure. 5 minutes later, another and it had changed course near the end of our vision and rapidly sped off. I could still sense doubt with Rachel so I asked them to do something clear undeniable to help reassure her. No more than 10 minutes later, another wing shaped craft (these are dimly lit, but very visible) flew across the sky on the opposite side of us. I caught it first and Rachel excitedly said what is that, pointing right behind the craft... to both of our amazement there was a fleet of 5 of them in formation (again these are within our atmosphere). They were zigzagging around independent of one another as if to say look you can't deny this one! Unbelievable. I had a tear fall from my eye immediately after seeing them. 2012, this is the year!

Peace + Love, Andy & Rachel -------------------------------------------------------------------------------East of Vernon BC - May 19th 8:00 -11:00 pm (19 people - 8 men, 11 women) About half the people were attending their first skywatch. Two young women arrived with the intent to meet their star families, two young men sat beside them. As soon as we started, each pair began seeing anomalous lights in the sky directly across from them (behind my position. Each pair seemed be seeing a different view of lights, but within their pair they were seeing the same lights. At the break the two women took the Tri-field meter and walked out a distance from the circle. These women later reported success in meeting their star families. One woman, L. who had had a profound healing experience last August, reported that she got the message to walk outside the circle to meet ETs on her own. I permitted this but directed her to stay within site of the group. When she returned she reported that she had communed with the ETs and received an information download. One man, E, brought his fiddle and played for us at the beginning and during the break. I had previously invited him to do so, and this was the first time he was able to do it. As we started the event, he reported being in an altered state of consciousness, a first time experience for him. Three other women reported receiving messages, light touches on the face, a healing and ET contact similar to previous experiences at other Global CE5 events. When asked if there was anyone who felt they were not 'connected' to the ET activity happening, there was no response. About six people did not see any anomalous lights or experience any other ET activity. During my "Quick and Dirty" meditation, several of the new people reported meeting ETs and inviting them back to our location. At the very end, I looked up and saw a 'satellite' crossing directly overhead. I directed everyone to watch it. I had an inner 'knowingness' that it would get bright then announced to the group that it was going to get very bright, it did so. Some people commented on the fact that I had pre-announced occurrence of the satellite getting bright. During the evening, I saw pinpoints of light between myself and the surrounding trees, several flashes of subtle light, and an ET Craft 'blip' in, it was the length of one inch at arms length, about 45 degrees up in the Eastern sky directly across form me slanting at an angle.


We ended around 11:15 pm, as some people had a 1.5 hour drive to return home.

April 28th - Spring Festival of Awreness at Naramata, BC (30 people out on the dock at Okanagan Lake during an ET Contact skywatch - Friday and Saturday night) Description of a merging with an ET.... several people reported similar mergings on both nights I was at the Spring Festival of Awareness in Naramata, BC on the weekend [Apr 27-29] and spent time with you on the dock on Saturday night. Here is just a quick summary of what my experience was that day. During the day on April 28, 2012 I participated in some meditation classes and I experienced an odd breathing pattern. If felt like random gasps. My belly would jump up and down in an unpredictable way. I attended three different sessions that all had a time of meditation and had the same type of breathing occurred. Lying on the dock with your group we did a guided meditation and the same breathing was occurring. Afterwards I sat up talked with my friends about it. I then laid down and put my friends hand on my belly so that she could feel the breathing as well. At this time the gasps seemed to get stronger, then my body started to have large ripple movements travelling from my head to my feet. This rippling probably lasted about 5-8 seconds. My thoughts were completely clear throughout the entire experience. I tried to say something to my friends and I remember that the words were difficult to get out. At this time I became still and just began to laugh and laugh. I thought that the laughter only lasted for about 3 minutes but my friends said that it was at least 10. The laughter did not feel like my normal laughter more like it was squeezing my chest. I heard Deb say that one could merge with the visitor so through my laughter I held that intention. At this time I felt like huge black slanted eyes were placed over mine. Also when I was laughing my mouth felt smaller, like my smile was only 5 cm across. Then suddenly it was over. I sat up and was shaking, great big shakes. I took my friends hand and put it on me to feel the big shakes but when I did the shakes stopped. When I let go of her hand the shaking continued then lessened and stopped over a few minutes. I was left feeling quite joyous. Not in a "universal loving", peaceful type way, but more like I just went sky diving and was giving high fives to a bunch of friends. I feel like my alien buddy is out there somewhere and that we have a heart connection.When I think of my experience I feel that I have a friend out there in the universe. We would recognize each other if we saw one another. Looking back it seemed that the whole day was preparing my body for this encounter. Thanks Deb, Karen Fjestad May 26th, 2012 - Nelson, BC CSETI presentation (14 people) followed by Skywatch (8 people - 2 men, 6 women)


Six people came out for their first skywatch (the other two of us were experienced). We were on the city soccer fields and it was surrounded by street lighting. The people present wanted the wide open view of the skies but would have preferred it to be darker. We saw some anomalous satellites ... the fellow beside me saw a light shoot out behind one satellite. I saw the satellite get bright at the same moment Towards the end, one woman G. detected a large flotilla above us, about 100 miles. I encouraged her to be the 'telepathic' contact for the group as she directed them to come in closer, within minutes she felt they were surrounding us. We felt the usual peaceful/joy/bliss that comes when this happens. Right at the end, I saw a meteor directly overhead, leaving a coppery gold trail (similar to an ET ship at Mt Shasta in 2009), just at the moment I was telling the group to watch for a final flourish from the ETs as we left the site. Two separate groups of people may invite us to come back for more ET contact events during the summer. That's all for now. Cheers Deb Warren Vernon BC -------------------------------------------------------------------------------It's been amazing, Kosta. Lots of fly bys, atmosphere changes, scents. I've even heard tones and have had some interesting things happen on my security camera, which I have forwarded to CSETI. Recently I had my first RV experience... I was meditating and I felt like I "let go" of my mind's restrictions and I found myself floating in the air above my city for a few moments. Can't really describe it, but the moving pictures I saw seemed to fade into the next frame in a dreamy way. I was wide awake though. Shortly after this experience, in a waking meditative state, I had a lucid experience where I was shown a name which I believe to be an ET contact... the name I saw was "Acor". There was a second part, which I failed to retain, but it was longer and started with an "S". Earlier this year, I asked the ETs for help and asked them to come into my home and show themselves so I can get past my fear, and they did! They manifested a quarter in the center of the floor where I had been seconds before. It was a Texas quarter with a star symbol on it which I felt was their way of telling me this action was from them. My cat seemed to be running around playing with something during this time as well. Later that night, something woke me up at exactly 1:00AM and I immediately witnessed an amazing event. I had a small box with my digital camera stored inside... it moved across my bedroom floor and stopped close to me. Then a small beautiful orb (about the size of a quarter) manifested and hovered above this box... it was pulsating like it was alive. Unfortunately, my intellect and fear soon kicked in and it immediately disappeared. =( Since then, my fear levels have gone down and I am growing more accustomed. Hopefully one day, I will be able to experience their full form and not freak out... hehe.

I just want to say thanks for everything you do Kosta. Without you and the coordination of people around the globe, I don't think I would be where I am today with my experiences. Look forward to reading more reports and contributing as well. Have a great day! -William -------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have compiled a group of 3 -4 people that will be gathering late tomorrow evening in Denver. Last month myself and one other woman met with Ricky on the contact date. We went over videos he has from past contact, discussed the subject for quite some time then we went to a near by park to make contact at around 10:30. After we were settled in, Ricky did a short puja calling them in, then played the sounds around 10:45. Within I would say 5 minutes a star lit up large and moved a short ways. I believe all three of us saw this. Then shortly after that, close to where the first one lit up (kindness, according to Ricky), I saw a fast walker move from left to right and angle slightly, then several minutes later another one moved from left to right only slower this time. Several minutes after that, off in the distance behind Ricky I saw a very large bluish white fire ball come down from 30% in the sky getting larger then it looked like it landed behind the trees that appeared to be a half a street block away. I was the only one who saw the last three, but it was spectacular and I hope my small team will have some same or better results again tomorrow night. Thanks, K


Global CE-5 ET Contact Reports from June 16, 2012

Hello CSETI Friends! Thank you for your participation in our 22nd monthly "Global CE-5 ET Contact" event which took place this past June 16, 2012. The report from the recent July 21st event will be published in a few weeks. Please email me your ET Contact experiences from that event - thank you in advance. Below you will find the interactive contact reports from June 16 from our worldwide CE-5 teams. Since last month more of you joined our email list. So you are new to this ET interactive event. Welcome to our dynamic global group! I think you will enjoy reading about the accomplishments of our current group members below. If you have any questions and/or want to form your own group or join one that might be near you, please contact me. Through our cooperation here, we have established a powerful monthly rhythm of ET contact since we began this process in October, 2010. You can think of this as the "Peoples' Disclosure Movement" because our CE-5 teams are unitedly working from the grass roots to bypass governments and forge solid interactive links of Love communication with our ET friends. You didn't realize you were making history, did you? :-) From your living rooms and your lawn chairs? Bless you for sensing the enormity of this worldwide movement, for taking the time month after month to keep the momentum going...and building! Now for the reports from June 16... In the end, we had: 73 total team CE-5 sites: 208+ Participants 24 USA States 17 Countries - an enthusiastic outpouring of heartfelt desire to interact with our Star Friends and to seek to cooperate with them to bring about Universal Peace.

Some amazing experiences were recorded by you in numerous places, so read on and enjoy. In the Spirit of Peace, Kosta Makreas gmakreas@sanbrunocable.com Coordinator, "Global CE-5 ET Contact" Events San Bruno, CA USA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JUNE 16, 2012 "GLOBAL CE-5 ET CONTACT" REPORTS:

Hi Kosta, thank you! Well in April I did all my preparations and again nothing..so I was taking one of my dogs for a walk not thinking anything about this and I looked up.There was a MASSIVE cloud formation..I didn't think much about it, just that it was so big and low..just kind of hovering there. For some reason it was getting my attention, finally i stopped walking and looked up.It didn't take more than a second once i looked up, it was a mothership!!!I couldn't believe my eyes!!! I was standing on the street with my jaw hanging wide open lol!!!! I just stood there and watched it for awhile and then my dog wanted to go home so we had to leave. I must say thought that the whole time I was in its prescence I had the most peaceful and awe inspired feeling..it was beautfiul!! Sorry about my typing. I will add this to the group as well Lisa -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Kosta. This is the second sight in two days in Winnipeg. I didnt was hunting. I only looked at the sky ate the exact moment and exact position. They are hearing me? 40 years I was watching the sky and I have my first two sights in only two days! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5pj2rifTFU

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Kosta, This was our first contact event. I didnt have any expectations and two of my friends wanted to join in. We talked about CSETI, being a researcher, meditated and time just flew. After the meditation I saw a small white intense blink high up in a tree. I was facing a forest and my other two friends were facing a river. One of my friends saw several lights blinking and I could see one of them using the remote viewing technique without even looking in that direction. The same friend said he had witnessed several light beings (not ET) around me and they were standing really close to me. I could feel them and it was a warm sensation. We had such a good laugh because he said one of the beings kept walking back and forth behind me and I didnt really notice. The being was like.. hello, I am here... and I was just too busy thinking about something. It was so funny. We had a nice, warm and cozy time together. Love, Johan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------CE-5 Report, June 15-16-17 2012 15th - Meditated at 1:00pm and again at 9:00pm. Went out at around 10:00pm. Unfortunately, my site was occupied, so I had to search for a temporary one. I found one and sat out under the stars for a little over an hour. Had a lot of good feelings of peace and love. Saw a few small star size strobe flashes and the usual subtle energy strings of light. 16-17th Meditated for 20 minutes in the morning. Then did about an hour at 10:00pm. In meditation, I saw a white light with beams of rainbow light coming off of it. It was very beautiful. Soon after this image, I received an image of an ET being. It was human-like and no hair, the eyes were very round (almost complete circles) and there was some kind of curved line coming from the bottom corners of each eye, onto the skin. It seemed to be

wearing some kind of robe. Not sure if it was male or female. Seemed to have a blue tint quality to the skin. This is the first time I have seen a full form being in mediation! =) Went out to my site a little after 11:00pm and my mother decided to join in via meditation. Stayed out until 12:20am. My site was once again occupied by someone, but I stayed anyway. They were quiet so it was fine with me. I was asking the ETs to materialize for me and also for the other party at the site, in the name of planetary/universal healing and love. Soon enough, right above me, a whitish-blue round light dematerialized for a split second as it moved at high speed right above me. Felt a wave of great energy come over me. At this time, it felt like the air was warmer around me. I started asking for validation. A few minutes later, 3 round craft flew in formation right over me quite low. A size comparison would be twice the size of the planet Venus. They were halfway materialized and dim. The light had a very unusual quality to it. They were absolutely quiet as they flew right over me. Felt a lot of love. I watched them fade out, even though they were still close to me. It seems so incredible sometimes that I just had to ask once more for a validation that what I had been seeing was them, the ETs. Almost immediately, in the same spot above me as the first time, I saw the same whitish-blue light high up in the sky dematerialize and fly by very fast. Confirmed! I then received the impression that the first sighting I saw was the ETs flying in, they came in low when I saw the three craft, and they flew out back into the atmosphere from the same place they came in. I felt such wonderful feelings. I thanked the ETs and told them that I loved them. I mentioned the teams in Colorado and elsewhere and hoped they would stop by there too. I also invited them to visit me at home or in my dreams if they had a chance.

-William King -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Kosta, It was just me this time, out in the woods from about 7:30 to 10:15. I gave myself lots of time to settle in and meditate before it got dark. It was s beautiful, very clear night and the fireflies began putting on an amazing show as soon as it got dark. I was under a tree and there was quite a lot of tree canopy all around me, but there was one large, clear patch overhead to my right and one small one to my left. It was well after dark, around nine or so, when I saw something in the small clear patch of sky to my left. It was only visible for about 3 seconds, but I clearly saw a sort of cigar or tubular shaped, distinctly blue moving light. It seemed that the object itself was all lit, and there were no other lights on it. The blue light shone continuously; it wasn't flashing or

blinking. It went behind the canopy of leaves, but I did not see it emerge on the other side of the canopy where it would have appeared again if it continued on in the same trajectory. I have been hoping for a reappearance of the same bright, celestial white light that flashed in sequence the first time I went out on March,, but I was glad that I saw something, at least. I plan to go to the same spot again next month, as I think consistency probably increases the chances of Contact. Namaste, Natalie -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Kosmik Kosta, .. Well, i ended up heading to the Santa Monica Beach, and I had just received a new copy of Dr Greer's Zen Dome Meditation CD, so really wanted to play it. ( The CD really works for me, as it was playing in the car last year during my CSETI journey, when a craft had swallowed up our car and we were in a magnetic torsion field. Loved it!! ) ( My original one got scratched during one of our CE-5's ) I had read some of the passages from Greer's book, played the CD, and visualized a huge golden beam of light shooting up into the sky, which then became three huge golden beams of light, I used them like a lazer into the sky and created the CSETI Logo, and showed them in my mind's eye where I was,.......I felt a presence come in around me, more than one,....very exciting, I could feel they were looking at me, checking me out.......They seemed to like it when I used the 3 huge beams of golden light and pulsed it into the night sky. The sky was quite foggy, but yet the clouds seemed to part for me, showing me three stars like the logo. I loved feeling their presence around me.....Sooo cool!! Star Blessings for Truth & Peace, Alyson -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Geneva, Switzerland: 16 June 2012 Dear Kosta,

Generally my multi-dimensional experiences are usually very visual and filled with information. This experience was no different. After going into deep meditation in God consciousness/buddanature/nature of mind, I asked that visual confirmation be made to me of any friends since this was my first CSETI outing...Upon opening my eyes, I noticed a number of white light flashes in the sky....the first was like a thunder flash although it was unique, there were no other thunder flashes nor any rain that evening/night. This was followed by a white orb moving from the left in the sky horizontally to the right which I noticed with 'soft eyes'. The orb appeared twice. I then asked if I could see the visitors. In my mind's eye saw an oval shapped craft made of transparent, purple/violet colored materials with 5-6 beings inside...they were radiating golden light which made it hard to distinguish features. They were about 6.5-7 feet tall....slender, lanky bodies. I asked for guidance on my role in the Divine Plan and how I might best serve as this time as part of a community of lightworkers on Earth and in other dimensions and systems. Two of the beings came to me and joined me sitting in the grass in the public park in downtown, Old Town Geneva. I was given the following information through an inner voice (nonaudible): My role is to serve as a light-bearer among the international organizations in which I serve and have contact to bring hope, innovation, peace and harmony into the international efforts at peace-building, development and humanitarian assistance. I was told not to focus so much on the problems and the analysis of their origins but to go beyond and to visualize positive solutions, interventions and responses to the root causes of the development and humanitarian challenges which manifest in everyday problems. I was told to be the one that envisions the new and innovative to tapping into the wisdom mind and God consciousness for the knowledge and insights that are there, where past, present and future are one. I asked why the Earth and humanity is having such a hard time addressing the current challenges of poverty, climate change, political instability, clashes of religion etc? I was told that we are moving into the extremes of individuality and independence in our thinking and action....individualism, identification of single states and even our identification with our own planet as unique reference points are separating us to the limits from onenness with universal consciousness and global, even inter-dimensional solutions. It's a Catch-22 situation, the more individualized we let ourselves become, the harder it is to access univeral/God consciousness and the more separated we are from that COnsciousness, the deeper grows our alienation and separation and ability to act harmoniously, globally and effectively. After thanking them for the guidance, I asked if I could get more info about where they were from. I was told that they are from Alcyone. Alcyone is in a triangular relationship with the energies of the Orion constellation and Procyon and that there is a governing council of sorts that links them together on matters of mutual interest. Alcyone is a 6th dimension planet...I asked to visit it and I was given glimpses of a very verdant environment, lots of beautiful valleys and hills very lush. There was a sense of complete harmony and peaceful coexistence among all the life forms there in total balance. It seemed sparsely populated with no real

settlements to be seen. All decision-making was made by consensus among all the inhabitants and done telepathically...all communication and interaction was telepathic and everyone was conscious of each other's thinking and feelings at all times...which felt totally positive and nurturing. I came out of this experience invigorated, very clear and filled with light....it was a very positive, uplifting feeling even coming back into our 3-4D world. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Contact Report for 16 June, 2012 Copenhagen, Denmark Greetings to all of our fellow ambassadors, I'm happy to report that this month I had the opportunity to participate in the Global CE-5 event with a small group of 3 people. I've only previously been able to go out alone until this point. Leading up to Saturday, I did pujas and meditation during the week, focusing in on the healing of the Earth, our mother and in connecting with ETs in this intention. At the beginning of one of the pujas just as I closed my eyes to go into prayer, a bright flash of white light filled the room and I could see it through my eyelids. It was good to know that I would be joined in the prayer and meditation right from the beginning. During meditation I managed to sense the image of a being with a beard, after pondering this and reading about such a being in the 'Contact' book, I presume to have been connecting with the Avatar for the next era on Earth. I also connected with a craft and it's occupants, hovering outside the Earth's atmosphere over the continent of Europe. The craft was a sleek and seamless dark red craft of perhaps 50-70ft in length. The beings inside were 3-4 feet tall, with a somewhat stout build, and features which reminded me of a bat, except they had very small ears and did not have any hair. They joined with me in a prayer and meditation for the Earth. The forecast for Saturday was thunderstorms but nonetheless, we planned to go out to a great location in a natural area just west of Copenhagen. The location was this circular-shape field up between two constructed hills. We set up in the middle of a circle of large rocks and had the nice company of dozens of sheep. We went out at about 10:30pm. The sky was all cloudy but we didn't get any rain until after we did a guided meditation. Despite the weather, the location was beautiful and had a great energy around it, so it was easy to visualize it while doing the CTS. In meditation, we connected with astral, celestial, and ET beings in a prayer for the Earth and her children. I really felt connected with these beings and the people on Earth who joined us in bathing the Earth is this golden light of peace and enlightenment. I felt a certainty and assuredness that our vision for the Earth will come to pass.

As it started to rain, we decided to move into the car and after a quick snack we continued with meditation. During this second meditation I was able to go into a deeper state of consciousness and while somewhere out in the Milky Way I remote viewed a blue-green male-energized planet with intelligent life. The planet had a very wise energy about it. I invited the civilization on this planet to join us. I also sense the look of the beings on this plant. They were blue and resembled human quite a bit. They were thousands of years ahead of us in terms of consciousness and evolution, but not very far off. It was encouraging to connect with this planet and his people because it offered a clear vision for the future of Earth. They are aware of the Earth at this time and they understand the transformation that we are helping to ignite. I also sensed a silver disk-shaped craft, 40-50ft in diameter, perhaps a few miles up into the sky, in or above the upper layers of clouds above our group. I connected heart-to-heart with the occupants inside. They were small and slender, with large almond-shaped eyes and proportionally large heads. They were very happy to make contact with us but I sensed that their opportunity for pronounced contact was limited. Nevertheless, they joined us in prayer and smiled at us . Another group member also had the sense of being smiled at and he mentioned this before I mentioned that I had also seen them smiling. This was a nice confirmation of my own remote view. During the night, I also had a tingling sensation at my third eye which I have experienced before during CE-5s. As the rest of the group was somewhat new and one of them had a cold, they might have been little distracted and did not notice any unusual phenomena that pointed to ET contact. They did report being able to go into wonderful states of meditation and felt at peace. One group member also had an interesting sensation in his body but I can't recall exactly what it was. Before we prepared to leave, we decided to go out into the light rain for a few moments and get some fresh air. As we walked out, someone briefly played the crop circle tones on their iPhone. While one of the group members was locking up the car, I was talking with the other about 50 ft away. Suddenly I heard a very high-pitched tone which modulated between several frequencies. It was almost out of the range of human hearing, and I could not tell exactly what direction the tone was coming from, but it was loud enough for me to hear. It reminded me of the celestial-sounding tones that I heard during my first ambassador's training. I asked the guy I was standing next to if he could hear it as the tone continued for a number of seconds, but he could not hear it. It's funny because I could hear the tone very clearly all around him. I asked if he was playing tones on his phone again, and he wasn't (the tones I was hearing were much higher in pitch that the recorded tones anyway). Once the tone stopped, I realized that it was a more direct auditory confirmation of the contact that we had experienced that night and I immediately sent out thanks and gratitude for sharing it with me, it was exciting. I believe the tone came from the silver craft that I had remote-viewed earlier in meditation.

We then got in a a circle, held hands and chanted in harmony for a few moments. With that we ended the night and parted ways. I had to ride my bike home for 25 minutes through the pouring rain but after a night like I'd had, I was a happy camper. -AC -------------------------------------------------------------------------------SAN BRUNO, CA: 9:44PM - 75 South. Twelve flashes of diminishing brightness near the star called Spica; the first three to four flashes were quite bright; they had a light pale blue color toward the end; Tim spotted the first flash. Spica is the brightest star in the constellation Virgo; my precontact meditation indicated boomerang-shaped craft and v-related celestial bodies (ex. Venus, Vega). 10:35PM - As Eric and I walked back from taking a break in the South, he pointed out two faint orange dots on a hilltop across the water in the North. I said, jokingly, maybe they're a flying saucer. Then, in my mind's eye, I saw the image of humans physically boarding a craft for relationship building, experimentation, and vibratory upgrade/attunement. My heart felt light. A few minutes later, I told Hollis about this, and then a bright flying light in the sky shone search light beams toward the hill with these two orange lights. Its beam moved around, scanning the surface of the planet in various directions. Soon, the vehicle flew toward us, and the search light grew larger and brighter. My heart felt more lightness, and I mentally asked questions per the CE-5 protocol. After this, someone identified a green navigation light on the right side of the craft; it soon passed us, and we heard a chopper sound, indicating that it was a terrestrial craft. While this was not an ET craft, it got me in ready position for direct ET contact! 10:48PM - Three to four yellowish-white flashes near the North Star, identified by Moira, Nate, and Eric. Several minutes later, we felt a warm breeze, and my thermometer read 79-80F (after being out of my pocket for some time). The air temperature felt tropical! Some group members said this was the warmest weather they've ever experienced at the San Bruno contact site. Why go to a tropical island when you could do CE-5 contact work in San Bruno?! Best, Matthew -------------------------------------------------------------------------------June's CSETI-5 gathering in San Bruno was another one for the record books. We didn't think it was possible to experience perfect weather conditions again so soon after our noteworthy April gathering, but we did.

As of 6:00 p.m. when we met for our opening meditation, it was still in the low 90s or high 80s with no fog in sight! Anyone who lives or has lived in the Bay Area knows that the typical weather pattern this time of year is that when it's warm in the interior or valleys, the marine layer is pulled in from the ocean to cool things down. This results in a blanket of fog for the coastside communities. But, this night, for a rare treat, we coastal peeps got to experience the warmth without the obscuring blanket of fog.

For our meditation, besides the usual array of humans, including two newcomers, and felines (Beastie), we also had a new canine visitor, Annabelle. During the meditation, led by Hollis, Annabelle (Annie to her friends) started to breathe and pant heavily and spent most of the time looking up above her head and swiveling around to stare at corners of the room. Her actions suggested that she was definitely observing something above us in the room. Annie also spent quite a lot of time staring at our meditation leader, Hollis, as though there was some light or energy emanating from her that was interesting.

One member of our group, Matthew, who arrived a little after the group meditation started, did a private meditation in his car and said that he saw something with the letter V in his meditation. This would later prove to be quite symbolic as we saw some activity near the star Spica in the constellation of Virgo.

After we were fortified with good conversation and cookies, we finally set off for the trek up to the temple on the hill overlooking SFO airport. There was a glorious sunset in progress that colored the sky in various shades of pink and orange as we drove to the parking lot below our site. Our temple trek requires one to have some physical conditioning. I was touched and moved when I heard that a second time attendee, Mike, had been doing some physical conditioning after his first visit to be sure he could scale the hill a lot easier next time. That's dedication folks!

The night was still warm and balmy as we started the climb. When we arrived at the top, we set up in a circle and we didn't have long to wait before we saw a flashing light coming from near the star of Spica in the constellation of Virgo, just as Matthew had foreseen. Everyone saw this light as it continued for more than 10 flashes. And, Kosta was heard to exclaim, That's why we keep coming back. Or, You just can't make this stuff up.

Throughout the entire evening, we kept feeling hot balmy breezes that would blow over us periodically. It was like being on a beach on the big island of Hawaii. The hot balmy breezes alternated with cooler breezes that smelled like the ocean. Another regular member who didn't

happen to be there in person that evening, but who was with us in spirit, said she saw spiraling energy waves coming up from the ground beneath us. Other people in the group felt tingling in their feet. The consensus is that the warm breezes were a gift from the ETs and not the result of natural meterological conditions.

Earlier in the evening, one of our members had pointed out the location of the Northern Star, Polaris, which didn't look all that bright in the sky. After people had gotten up and walked around for a bit, we reassembled in a circle and this time we saw 3 or 4 flashing lights coming from just above Polaris. This light appeared just as the group came back together and just as I had completed the thought, We are all part of Divine Mind.

We can't wait for the marvels that await us for our July CSETI-5 gathering. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Saturday's weather here in Flagstaff was absolutely perfect. My week was so jam packed with work, traveling, and a family memorial service, that I hadn't even realized it was the day of the Global CE-5 Initiative until after I had made Contact. My Saturday started out somewhat challenging. Mainly due to unnecessary self-induced stress (of course all stress is both illogical and self-induced). It was midday and my mind was cluttered, so I went to the gym to get a work out in and let go of the weighing energies. This particular gym borders along Walnut Canyon and the Coconino National Forest. Which is quite convenient because forest trails are easily accessible from the parking lot. Once I arrived, I sporadically felt like meditating out in the sun for a while. So I did. I went to a nearby area I commonly use as a retreat, to find peace of mind before my work outs. During my meditation I experienced a very relaxing and much needed rejuvenation using amazing colors. Shortly there after I felt an immense amount of tension release from my vibration. Just as I started my walk back to the athletic facility, I looked up and saw a very bright spherical light ship. The craft was brilliantly illuminated to at least a fourth of the size of the sun. It was moving horizontally to the west, emanating a metallic/silver and electric blue hue. I instantly felt overwhelmed with joy and appreciation. Their ship may have been a mile away, but I felt absolutely saturated in their energy. As the ship shrunk and morphed into a white saucer, I noticed I was surrounded by hundreds of gold sparks of etheric energy. They were vibrating and dancing around me with such wonderful grace. I felt the epitome of elation and gratitude. Over the course of a few minutes I watched as the craft began moving further and further into the distance, slowly becoming a small dot; as though it was drawing out its goodbye.


My entire day was turned around after that meditation and ensuing ET interaction. I was awoken to how lovely of a day it was to be a part of existence. Just as all moments in this beautiful expression of life should be viewed. Thank you all for helping co-create this new magnificent reality, and embracing the field of unified consciousness. Great love and appreciation. Steven -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello, Kosta and friends, We had a total of 7 adults and 2 children for our June 16 contact meditation near Nashville, TN. The night sky was relatively clear. Briefly, after a few minutes of our initial individual meditations I happened to open my eyes (Tony) and saw an extremely fast streak of white light running North to South across my vision, almost too fast to perceive. A minute or so later, a similar streak, running South to North crossed my vision. It happened that Cheryl (as she mentioned later) who was sitting opposite to me noticed the latter (South to North) streak of light). Dina, sitting next to me, also saw the second streak of light, and noticed a blue tinge to the light. Dina, I and Jarrod were in a position to see another, very quick, flash of light crossing West to East, across my head toward the East, yellowish in color, which seemed to disappear into the nearby woods. All these streaks of light were apparently close to the ground. Meanwhile, Andrew saw two individual lights in the South that slowly brightened then faded. He'll be telling his story. It was Jarrod's first time to witness this evidence of contact. Tony and Dina -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey Kosta: We had a nice little group the other night for our CE5. There were 9 of us, including 2 children. We had to ad-lib our meditation since we didn't have a CD player on hand to play one of Dr. Greer's meditations. We saw fireflies here, there, and everywhere. There were the usual number of planes and satellites. Several of us saw a number of light streaks going from east to west and north to south. At one point I had asked for, then visualized "light ships" a la ECETI. Sure enough, about a minute later I saw just above the tree line 1 ship

light up, going maybe about 5 arc degrees across the sky for about 7 or 8 seconds, then dim down, then disappear, followed by another right in back of it, both going from a south to north direction. During the CE-5, I "played" with the EFT meter ("Ghost Meter"), and also took some flash photos toward the end of our CE-5, getting several photos with apparent orbs. I shared what happened the next night with my wife, Carol, who is in a nursing home. In her "talking" with the folks above, she shared with me these ideas. The streaks of light that several of the folks saw apparently are orbs in motion travelling along a particular path. In that book I brought along to the CE5, "Benevolent Contacts", the author had taken several photos showing streaks of light that were travelling orbs. Just think. We saw them without needing a camera!! Another thing that Carol shared that "they" brought up was a suggestion to look for a CE5 gathering spot further away from the house elsewhere on Tony and Dina's property. Apparently they have had a landing site where we would find a distinctive pattern of plant growth to show us that spot. They mentioned that they are on the ground with us when we go out for the CE5. This exploration should be done during the day and they said they would guide us to that spot. This would be done in the expectation that more and more folks would be wanting to come. I'll close with what they've told Carol to tell me and y'all. "You are loved!! We are family!!" Be well, Andrew -------------------------------------------------------------------------------I'd like to share my simple experience from that Saturday's CSETI contact. After my usual 20 or so minutes of speaking from the heart, and still expecting contact, I said to our friends..."not even a shooting star?" Shortly after those words, I saw what looked like a kind of hologram moving high in our atmosphere towards the east. It looked blurry kind of like a circle inside of a box and the entire shape was in motion as it moved......it only covered a short distance then I couldn't see it anymore. It was AFTER seeing that, when I saw what I would consider a shooting star going in the opposite direction.


This happened actually after midnight, when Saturday turned into Sunday, approximately 00:25. Although I always hunger for more, they satisfied my request for their presence once again....and I thanked them for that. Be well, Kosta! ..........Christine Redford, Michigan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear CE-5 friends, I didnt get a chance to break away from the wedding festivities on June 16 in South Padre Island Texas to participate in our contact night. BUT....when I returned to Pipe Creek, Texas in the Hill Country at my mom's house -which sits on the edge of a canyon, I had amazing contact every night fo 5 nights in a row. The ET's showed up immediately as blinking lights that would travel across the sky. Sometimes they would flash as single lights. One night my sister and I watched a ship manifest with 3 lights on it. It traveled for awhile and then transdeminsionally dissappeared! On another night I had a flash light and every time I signaled to the Cosmic Friends, they would flash back to me! Of course blessings and peaceful love vibes were sent off in their direction-and for all beings of our own planet. The skies have been so lively lately. Even as I am back home near Richmond, Virginia I have enjoyed seeing the Cosmic Friends zoom past. We are truly on the cusp of Global Awakening. Amen. -Ann Marie Lewis -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Due to heavy rain during the day, we located inside the yurt. Seven people attended (6 women and 1 man). We started at 9:00 pm Lois and Vicki are the hosts at this site. Both live on the property. At about 8:00 pm Lois was walking back to her cabin from Vicki's house. On the path, she saw three short Asianwomen, 5 feet tall, bobbed black hair, all three looking exactly the same -- clones. Lois recognized them immediately as three "healers" who had appeared to her (and others) in a healing in 2003. They "blipped' in momentarily, then faded, sending the message that they would be interacting with our group for the duration of the evening. On June 27th, Lois sent me this message and gave permission to include in this report:


"At the CE-5 contact night in June [June16th] I asked the healers who were there to help me with my lower back, and to focus on the secondary effects my injury has created, with the goal being I could do more exercise activities like hiking. I felt them put a gadget like I described on each side of my mid to lower back, then it was like they charged them up for the rest of the night. I didn't tell anyone what they did to my back during the meditation because I was waiting to see if there was going to be a result. Last night I slept through the night for the first time in over 6 years. No getting up to go pee 5 times, no need to rearrange my position because of pain. What dream did I wake up remembering? I was hiking all night in my dreams and lucidly thinking "wow I am doing so good - no pain and I can breath!". Yes of course this is just one night and there are other things I have changed too - but I am hopeful that it means I can get this to happen more often. :o)" We began the CE5 at 9:00 pm, Lois discussed the vision of the three "clones", and the fact that they would provide healing to anyone who wished to receive it. The yurt has no source of electricity and no electrical appliances. The Tri-field meter detected at ET ship about 2 feet above our heads, the entire circumference of the yurt. Also, there was a similar reading about 1 foot down for about half the circumference. I had brought my Tibetan bell, dorje/varja http://tibetan-rituals.blogspot.ca/2007/01/varja-and-bell.html and rose quartz globe, as I wanted to discuss Dr. Greer's use of his objects during a CSETI training. Lois agreed to energetically charge my dorje. She reported that it was functioning like a chalice and source energies were flowing into the infinite space of the 'chalice'. To begin creating coherency in the group, Vicki then provided a grounding meditation. One week previous, another member of the group had gotten a message in meditation that we were to begin with a Prayer for Peace for Earth... as Dr. Greer usually starts the skywatch with a Puja ceremony, I agreed this was entirely appropriate. I guided the meditation with a few brief statements of my vision of peace for Earth and then invited everyone present to make their own comments. All but one person, made a brief statement. The general theme of the comments was that this prayer was about universal peace not just for our planet alone. During this prayer, one woman, P, began to experience severe muscle spasms in her upper left arm. She was so agitated that she rose and stood outside the circle intending to "ground" herself as a way of reducing the pain. When we finished the prayer, she sat down and almost immediately was in tears due to the pain. Over the next 30 minutes, she explained the following: "She was interacting with an ET that was attempting to provide healing to her arm but the energies were going through her arm too quickly. She needed this healing because of the work she needed to do the next day (replacing stock in a retail setting). This species was blue in color and 8 feet tall. They had a fearsome look with two horns and many teeth. They transfer healing energy through their claws (like the claws of a bear). She had interacted with these beings before and recognized them. There was no gender apparent. With a desire to

procreate they would intend to become a certain gender, and then partner with another who chose the complementary gender. Once the child was born, the adults returned to an androgynous state. This species did not frequently visit the Galactic Command centre (near the constellation of Orion). They had a marginalized status for some reason." Everyone in the group immediately focused on communicating with the ET being asking them to slow the healing energies down for P. The severe pain began to decline by the end of the 30 minutes had reduced to almost nothing. We also focused on getting P, to communicate telepathically with these beings. She initially reported that she was not able to do this. We asked her to focus, and soon we were asking many questions and she was able to provide answers. She reported that she was merging with the ET. The Tri-field meter was sitting on a table in the middle of the group and it was very active and noisy as P was answering questions. We asked for a convenient name to call them. P stated the name "Chuwans". Myself and the one fellow present, D, confirmed the pronunciation. We agreed at the time the name was "Chuwans" and not "Chuwands". (A few days later I realized that the ET being was trying to be humorous and was suggesting the name "Chew-ons", because humans are instinctively afraid at the first sight of their fearsome-looking teeth. I later reported this change in spelling to the group.) When P stopped answering questions the Trifield meter went silent. By the end of the evening P was calm and no longer in pain. Once P had settled in after her initial spasms, three other people reported muscle spasms at their spine: Lois, Vicki and S. Vicki said it was like energy was being released from her spine. The only man present, D, reported a healing occurring at his 3rd eye chakra. His partner, L, reported feeling giddy and having a need to move her arms about flamboyantly, as if signalling a 'ta-da' in some kind of dance. We had a break, then did my "Quick and Dirty" meditation (15 minutes). S met some ETs in a lego-ship and invited them back. Lois did not come with group, but instead entered the ship that was immediately above our heads inside the yurt. She said the ETs beings were occupying themselves there with their version of "playing cards". She did however watch our group as we went off planet to meet other ET species. We finished around 11:15 pm. That's all for now, Cheers Deb Warren Vernon, BC Canada


Global CE-5 ET Contact Reports from July 21, 2012

Hello CSETI Friends! Thank you for your participation in our 23rd monthly "Global CE-5 ET Contact" event which took place this past July 21, 2012. The report from the recent August 18, 2012 event will be published in a few weeks. Please email me your ET Contact experiences from that event - thank you in advance. Below you will find the interactive contact reports from July 21 from our worldwide CE-5 teams. Since last month more of you joined our email list. So you are new to this ET interactive event. Welcome to our dynamic global group! I think you will enjoy reading about the accomplishments of our current group members below. If you have any questions and/or want to form your own group or join one that might be near you, please contact me. Through our cooperation here, we have established a powerful monthly rhythm of ET contact since we began this process in October, 2010. You can think of this as the "Peoples' Disclosure Movement" because our CE-5 teams are unitedly working from the grass roots to bypass governments and forge solid interactive links of Love communication with our ET friends. You didn't realize you were making history, did you? :-) From your living rooms and your lawn chairs? Bless you for sensing the enormity of this worldwide movement, for taking the time month after month to keep the momentum going...and building! Now for the reports from July 21... In the end, we had: 59 total team CE-5 sites: 152+ Participants 22 USA States 15 Countries - an enthusiastic outpouring of heartfelt desire to interact with our Star Friends and to seek to cooperate with them to bring about Universal Peace.

Some amazing experiences were recorded by you in numerous places, so read on and enjoy. In the Spirit of Peace, Kosta Makreas gmakreas@sanbrunocable.com Coordinator, "Global CE-5 ET Contact" Events San Bruno, CA USA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JULY 21, 2012 "GLOBAL CE-5 ET CONTACT" REPORTS: The theme from last night's CE-5 lucid dream was all about healing past wrongs done to us and by us. We did this by holding a piece of paper that the ET elders gave us, which would manifest the ego-related soul injuries onto the paper; then we would float these in a pool of water where they quickly dissolved. This was something we had to do before we could board the ship and take off. I woke with the most wonderful sense of joy and completion, like this was the final test we had to pass before we become full participants of the interstellar community. The message I got this morning was, "We're almost there." Love to all, Janet from Tulsa -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Kosta, July 20, turn on Tone recording at 10:00 a.m, while running tone recording did a field meditation...I left tone recording on till 2:00 p.m...After this I got dinner ready...At 6:00 p.m played CTS recording, and did my meditation....by 7:30 p.m clouds started to cover the sky and it started to rain...It got worse..So I called it a night...July 21, big day, very exciting...Played Tone recording from 9:00 a.m left it on until 2:00 p.m did a field meditation...Played Tone recording again at 6:00 p.m till 7:30 p.m, did field meditation then CTS, night sky was really beautiful till 8:30 p.m clouds started coming in and started to rain and it got worse to a point that a mist came in and could not see to well, yes Kula do have heavy rains and it mist a lot, to a point you can't see to well in the yard...So I had to call it a night...It has been raining a lot up here in Kula lately and its been getting really cold..Anyway this is my report till next time I will keep in touch thank you Kosta....Many blessing until next CE-5.. Aloha from Maui Hawaii Arthurlynn Kanuha

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dearest Kosta July 21, 2012 i did my meditation for global ce-5 , the day after on july 22nd 10:30pm i had a sighting. I was alone in my back yard watching the beautiful clear sky. I was talking with our star brothers in my head. I was saying my siblings please help our planet, help us make this transition, we need your presence. I was having a conversation in my head, than i thought my thoughts are not coherent enough for them to hear me but surely god will hear me.. so i continued with my conversation with god from the bottom of my heart. I was out to water my garden in the first place, minutes later i started the water my garden, i was going back and forth filling my water pan, watering the plants and for a split second my eye caught a fire ball in the sky. it was a little bigger than a quarter. it was reddish orange and looked like a fire ball no sound. i am a bit embarrassed to say my heart jumped from my chest, it was fast as a shooting star and disappeared behind my neighbors roof in a split of a second . i was so happy and felt validated, they can hear me (us) much love from didi rozwell4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well, here's solo experience - I played a meditative CD to get myself prepped then Dr. Greer's Universe and Contact CD. I went outside and surprisingly the stars exceptionly bright for having the light pollution we have in Indianapolis. Couldn't make out the smaller stars. I didn't notice activity in the sky but while meditating I did get an image (and felt the presense) of being watched (by one of our star friends I'm sure). I also worked with some of my cseti group of friends on remote viewing with each other. It will be interesting to what we came up with. Peace and love to all - Jon

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Kosta, We are back from the Bahamas. Once again, every night that I went out on the star deck, they showed up. They mostly showed up as bright flashes of light that would dim and go across the sky. Sometimes they would flash multiple times as they traveled. Then they would dissappear. Last night in my backyard here in Virginia, I saw 4 ships go by in a similar manner. One of them was different in that it had a halo of light around it as it went across the sky and a darker shadow underneath. Most unusual as I had not seen this manifestation before. I invited these beings to download me with any useful information that could be of service to others and our planet. Or if they want to manifest more fully so I can offer them a glass of wine or a beer -or milk maybe? lol. I am trying to make friends with them. They always show up when my mind is clear and my intentions for healing inwardly (and collectively) are pure. I am humbled and honored to witness this. And grateful to you for rallying the troops. zip zap, Ann Marie -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Kosta, I didn't see anything unusual on Saturday night, but I did feel better just for being out under the stars, and perhaps I was also having non-visual Contact. I was tired and didn't feel like staying up too late, so I quit watching at about 11:30. Also, since I was just watching from my front porch, not in a very secluded area, that may have had something to do with it the lack of visual effects, and I didn't hear of any visual Contacts from my other friends here. Have a great month....Namaste, Natalie -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Kosta: Saturday night here was very cloudy, there were just three of us this time, and only witness one (what we believe to be) star ship. Maybe the next time we will have more to report back. My boyfriend Robert came out with us for the first time and he kept saying that it was just a star. It moved around like crazy, but he had to be the non believer. Well that night he said he couldn't sleep because he had dreams of UFO s in his mind's eye. Serves him right don't you think! Your Friend,

Diane -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Kosta. Here's my CE-5 contact experience from last Saturday. Please share with anyone you feel appropriate. I would like feedback. Cheers, Adele ___________________________________________________________________________ I live on the west coast of Hawaii Island, just south of Kailua Kona. I have a clear view of the ocean from 1200' and 3 miles back. We have the RIMPAC operations going on in the vicinity of the Hawaiian Islands right now. The public was told that those operations would be conducted a 100 miles out to sea-but ..late afternoon, looking out over the ocean, I started to focus on asking for contact when I noticed an aircraft carrier sitting a few miles offshore. There was the typical build-up of vog in the air, along with (what some here believe is being used) military chaff. It was difficult to judge how many miles (3? 5?) out the ship was. I could just make out the faint appearance of structure on top of the length of the platform of the ship, and 3 groupings of lighting on it-very dim orange-ish yellow lighting. This was disturbing. I started a mental dialog with the personnel on board, questioning what they are involving themselves in and the implications of it to themselves and the life around them. I'm concerned about the dolphins and whales, some of whom, sadly, are probably getting caught in sonar and losing their lives. There were masses of dead juvenile crabs washing ashore on Oahu (and someone from Maui reported, also a beach there) last week. I'm aware that the navies are using an array of sonars & scalar/energetic/laser/haarp/? technology & systems around us. I also asked any off-world visitors nearby to intervene in anything being done that's damaging. Well, we can ask anyway. During this time I did experience flashes of 'brightness' visually--for a few minutes--almost to distraction. I went inside for a while, then back out to look again around dusk. The ship was moving south, parallel to shore. I came back inside again for 30 minutes or so and when I went outside to look for the 3rd time--there was this big deep orange colored crescent moon hanging low in the sky, casting a beam of orange across the water--with the ship back where it was when I first saw it. I could make out 3 dim points of yellowish lighting on it.

I'd been staring intently at this scene for a few minutes when there were 2 separate bursts of very intense white light (less than a minute apart) above the ship (by about hundred or so feet), near to the bow (but not on the carrier). The second one appeared to the right, and slightly higher and larger. These weren't points of light, but large circles of light. The light didn't actually illuminate the carrier or water below, that I noticed. So, each one initially appeared, in an instant, as perfectly round solid white light. It startled me how bright and perfectly white the light was in comparison with the distorted color of everything else in that atmosphere. Within seconds of each solid ball of light appearing, they each started expanding (and 'thinning'), in an instant, for a few seconds, and remained perfectly circular shapes. Then each one was gone, in an instant (seconds apart). When they expanded out they became very large compared to the scale of the ship (covering up about half the ships' length). A couple of minutes later the ship turned out to sea and headed WNW traveling at a pretty good speed. There were no perceptible sounds, vibrations, percussion, or atmospheric pressure changes, nor vapors or smoke coming from the balls of light. Earlier, mid-afternoon, I'd seen a hawk lite out of a tree just down-slope of me, gliding towards the ocean, in the same line of sight I had to where, later in the day and evening, the carrier was sitting. My first thought was, were those lights interdimensional craft phasing in and out? The only thing I've ever observed, anything like these bursts of light, have been of a much smaller scale, and what I (and so many of us) have taken to be interdimensional craft 'popping' in and out of the atmosphere. At about 11:30pm I looked out again and there were ships' lights in about the same place that the carrier had been earlier. The next day, Sunday about 5:30pm, a destroyer came cruising down the coast, only about 2 miles out, at a good clip. They slowed and then ended up stopping--straight out from my location again--creepy. If anyone reading this knows for certain what technology the navy is using, if any, that would create precisely what I witnessed and described here--please let me know! Adele Henkel ahenkel11@yahoo.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello, My report from Mexico, San Miguel de Allende:

On Saturday evening about 9:00 PM Central Time 2 people saw, rising from the Picacho Mountains, a large, warm glow as occurs before a full moon rises. The photo taken at this time shows a golden, peach-colored glow. Then a large, red/orange "light object" rose quickly straight up from the mts, made a 45 degree turn, and sped off quickly, disappearing from sight. One of the people put this sighting on what is called The Civil List to see if anyone else had witnessed this event. A woman responded that she, too, had witnessed the same phenomenon at the same time and would describe it in the same detail re color and manner of movement. I note that July 19 was the dark of the Moon, so there is no way it was the Moon. Also the "light object" was silent. An aside: the viewing area is an open terrace at a posh hotel, the Rosewood, where people go to enjoy the Moon rising over the mts. So a clever "cover" in using this area in the Picachos is that many people would just think it was the Moon getting ready to rise. Additionally, the 2 people who witnessed this event are "normies" and friends of mine. They are just regular folks who are not "UFO buffs". Another aside: I did not witness the above event, but the description reminded me of an event in England when Dr. Greer pointed out a light that made me turn to look. At this time, a large "Moon" appeared, rising from the hills. It then went back down behind the mts and arose again, then sped off. Dr. Greer, myself, and others of the group saw this "Moon" and almost immediately, military helicopters were scanning back and forth over the area for hours. So that "Moon's" presence had been made widely known! The full info of this is in Dr. Greer's 4th book. A 3rd aside: Mexico is very rich in UFO sightings. They are taken seriously and not hounded by the Mexican government or military. They are often reported on the news and lengthy reports are taken from the pilots and people who have witnessed them. Now that so many people have camcorders and cameras on their cell phones, it's going to be much harder to quash UFO sightings. Thank you! Over and Out! Kay Gibson

Hi, One additional report said that these "lights" are seen often in the area of Leon, Mexico. A second report from the countryside outside San Miguel de Allende, and in the direction of Leon, indicated seeing the red/orange lights and said that ultimately, there were 4 of them. Thanks, Kay Gibson

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello Everyone: On July 21st Deb was in the U.S. and not able to join in with our group. We started at 9 pm and had five people who attended. L who hosted the group, D, L - D's friend, and two new people Mr. C and Ms. C. L (host) started out by telling the group about [ET related events in her home] the week prior to the 21st. L had been in contact with a very high spirited and curious group of smaller ET's. Although L did not see them visually - they were very noisy. It reminded her of the movie "batteries included". Many things around the cabin were being moved, and played with. At night you could hear their foot steps and for several days in a row they let the cats out by opening the cat door or the patio door. Both L and her husband were experiencing interesting and detailed dreams during this time - but there are too many details to describe in this report. At one point L asked, "Why were they here?" and got back the answer that they were repairing the ship. L was hopeful that during our CE-5 night on July 21st we would experience their presence again. Unfortunately it didn't happen. L is not sure but it would appear that the repairs are finished and they moved on. L started with a meditation but it was apparent that we needed to wait for it to get darker before activity would start. As we were a smaller group we had some really interesting conversations while we waited - the result was actually an intense burst of activity near the end of the evening. L reminded everyone that when Deb is running the circle she would bring us back on track. L would also like to add that we should have started closer to 10 pm. Some of the things we experienced were: just before it got dark there was (fairy?) lights appearing around us; sightings of many craft - moving fast across the sky; several meteors; strobe like light effects; a sense of ET's being present; pulsating stars; and what Mr. C described as lights in the sky playing with us (this lasted several minutes). The evening concluded with a bang. We all witnessed an amazing sight in the western sky. D being the person facing that direction caught the entire event, and as it progressed, his reaction and the light that it gave off got the rest of us to see it too. What happened is something we have seen previously on video from the Ambassador trainings [i.e. DVDCountdown to Transformation] and heard about from Deb. A star suddenly grew in size and intensity so that it caught all of our attention. It appeared at that point to rotate - like a spot light so there was this flash of light. Then it began to move horizontally, as it moved the light dimmed and eventually it disappeared. It took about 6 or 7 seconds but was undeniable a intelligence communicating with us. D said "It was saying pay attention!" because at the time

we were just talking and not really looking around. All of us said "Thank YOU" when it was over. We wrapped up at 11:20 shortly after that OMG event. :o) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Our group of five had a lovely interaction with ET, for Saturday's Global CE-5 initiative. We camped out deep in the forest at the base of the San Francisco Peaks. It was there that we had a wonderful group meditation, and made brief, but beautiful Contact. It had been raining on and off that day with heavy overcast weather. But of course just before we began the meditation, the clouds parted perfectly at the zenith. We sat in a semi-circle to get the best angle of the only visible stars in the cloudy sky. Minutes before we started, I witnessed multiple smaller exoatmospheric craft quickly pass through the zenith. They ranged from whitish-blue hues, to ghostly translucent. While astral projecting, I saw each of us had a very tall and brilliant gold being of light standing directly over us. They were each scintillating with such vibrantly colorful auras about them. Their presence left me with an instilled feeling of unconditional love and guardianship. I opened my eyes a few times during the trance, and caught short but clear glimpses of indigo orbs around us as well. After the meditation we were all left in a deeply elated state. Also while trying to find my friends at the campsite earlier that evening, I experienced some interesting synchronisity. They picked a location that was barely visible from the road. And because it was so dark, I had trouble seeing them through the thickness of wilderness. When one of my friends saw my headlights from the campsite, he tried calling my phone to let me know I was there. But right as my blackberry started to ring it shut itself off, then began slowly rebooting like an old computer. I had a feeling that although I was close to them, I should continue further down the road anyway. While waiting for my phone to turn back on, I drove for another few minutes to a clearing and parked. The spot I was at had an amazing backside view of the Peaks. Right as I looked up at the tallest peak, I saw a gorgeous red/orange sphere-shaped crafted floating just above it. It was considerably large and well below cloud level. After a minute it descended out of view behind the mountain. Just as it disappeared, my phone "coincidentally" came back on. Only more examples of what our amazing trans-dimensional friends are capable of. I truly love and appreciate them with all my heart. I hope everyone else had joyous experiences as well. Eternal love and bliss,

Steven -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello Kosta Just turning in report for last Saturday's cseti group. We had 12 wonderful people attending our group. The night was spectacular as we saw at least 20 crafts and had several very bright power ups that responded to our thoughts and our laser. In fact after the brightest power up we saw right below Thera craft the most amazing squiggly shooter zig zag across the sky. We saw several bright flash bulbs as well. We also had a lot of activity register on the electromagnet meters and we had the three beeps from the radar detector (we are here) soon after we gathered in our circle. We also had an amazing thing happen with owls that night. Right after our break we had the most incredible chorus of owls right beside our group. It felt like it was in surround sound. I have heard owls out here before (we live in the hills and woods), but never like this. Although the beginning hoots sounded like owls, the ending of their calls sounded very ET. In fact I felt strongly we were with the owl ET beings. It was quite eerie and yet wonderful. This chorus lasted about 15 minutes and then came back during the meditation at the point where I was talking about welcoming the earth creatures into our circle! On the way home one four group members saw an alleged snow owl sitting in a tree!!! I don't think they even live around here. Many members had dreams and visions of ETs after the group ended and we have had crafts here every night since our group. We are all looking forward to our September gathering and feel all of our fellow cseti travelers with us! Hope this is not too long, Kosta. Much light and love to you! Marilyn M -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Just a quick quick update, LAC EDOUARD, a light ROD appeared to us.. FIXED LENGTH, and OFF WHITE in color. It appeared for about 1 second. Like someone turned ON and OFF a flashlight but no one turned on a flashlight! This is NOT from a PICTURE, but ACTUALLY seen by human eyes. I saw it more than once. I say that this IS a communication device.

Louis Yaksa LIGHT COMMUNICATION ROD: This light ROD is about 1.5 feet wide and about 4-5 feet in length. What is surprising about this, is that it's FIXED in length, has a definit start and end. The color is OFF-WHITE.....like when you shine a light bulb flashlight. It has appeard more than once, turns "ON" for about 1 second, seems to have lines and or patterns on it. This light ROD appears only once per CE-5 session or about 50% of the time. It usually appears during the meditation and on the average 1 or 2 persons see it. Louis. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Kosta, hope this isn't too long for you to include. Thanks once again for your efforts keeping this alive and growing. On Thursday 19th July I did a pre-global CE V to prepare the site and invite our ET cousins to join the whole group on Saturday. I managed to lose track of time in my meditation, did feel a positive connection and a message about "southeast". I assumed that was in reference to Saturday's event. As the sky was a fantastic pitch black with a very strong milky way, I then grabbed my laser and headed out onto the deck. Scorpio was directly overhead, so I did a CSETI triangle greeting facing north-ish and instantly had a feeling to look to the right. I did that and found myself looking directly at a very bright, very fast golden craft that started about 10-15 deg above the horizon, zipped left and down and flashed several times. A really obvious stunner! And it was in....the southeast. This craft had the same color and modus operandii [flash in the middle of fast run] as I saw a few months prior when I first met up with the three newest team members. Good start! Shortly afterward I felt a presence near me and went over to where I sensed this, and discovered I could feel a localised energy at a spot on my deck. This time it was much taller than others I have interacted with, which are often 2-3 ft. This went right up at least as tall as me. I invited this person to join us again in two days, and went inside feeling really energised and connected. I think I know who these beings are, in the gold craft and connecting during my meditation, but that's a personal feeling [same folk I met at Crestone 2011].


Saturday, 6 people joined me for the largest NZ CE V yet. I set out my magnetometer and moved it around to check there were no stray signals on or near the coffee table. It sat quietly until we started discussing ET's/ intelligence and other relevant topics. Several times it "chirped" at a very appropriate moment, something I have enjoyed witnessing at Ambassador trainings but a first for home [it also did this once with Mark at his house december 2011]. Then I heard a car door and told the others Valera must be here. The meter went very noisy for a couple of seconds, so I figure they were welcoming him. It was silent thereafter. We settled down to meditate, and connect with all the other CE V groups. As I was guiding this meditation and had at least one new team member I was a bit preoccupied with creating the right energy and did not sense much. When we came out and discussed it I was pleased to hear Valera describe sensing a being between he and Mark, and felt that it was touching their joined hands. Mark spoke up and told us that he confirmed this and had even sensed the touch physically, and showed us where he had felt it. The fact that all 7 of us had our hands joined means no humans were doing this! I mentioned that such involvement is reported commonly and is why we should invite more intimate contact, as the ET's have abilities to share with us energetically and lift our connection, if we ask. I had not told everyone that I invited the visitors to connect with any group member whose higher self agreed to allow "energy work", partly because I did it earlier and forgot. So I was interested to hear later in the evening when Ryan told me he had felt electrical sensations totally new to him during the meditation coming around his chest from the back, and up over his shoulders. I have a habit of trying such things experimentally and then listening for feedback, because it is great confirmation with no opportunity for us to mutually imagine things. Then once people report relevant experiences we can build on it from there. We went outside, to a very cloudy sky. Almost no stars visible at first, but a couple of people saw bright flashes. Eventually I saw a couple as well, and I am certain it was not an aircraft or a star appearing briefly. We quickly detected my friend in exactly the same spot on the deck. I had everyone circle this spot, hold hands and quietly welcome them. This proved a very interesting time, some of us felt electrical sensations when we interacted by placing our hands into this space, some felt warmth. After a while Brett said he could hardly see his own hand in there, so I tried this too - and agreed! It was a moonless night of course, but everywhere else we had no problem seeing our own hands, and we could see the decking material. Lars told us he could see an "Astral field" in this space and around our hands when they were placed there. Later he looked at the sky and felt the presence of a craft. He pointed out the area with my laser, and I agreed with him, I could sense something as well. It was definitely a positive night with plenty to work on. Doug, NZ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


There were 6 of us in the field Friday night July 20 and 3 of us in the field Saturday night July 21 during the global CE-5 event. We indeed had major contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence. It was the first time for the people who joined me doing CE-5 field work. However, they were all familiar with Dr. Greer, CSETI and the intent of the CE-5 protocols. They had all prepared well before field work. All arrived at my house by 8 PM. I briefed them on what to expect in the field and showed them a video clip from the Marco Island April 2012 CSETI Ambassadors to the Universe Training. We were set up in the field by 9:30 PM. I asked ET to follow us from my house. As I was starting to do the CE-5 contact protocols by playing the crop circle tones and broadcast them. Janet said she saw a light moving in the Zenith. Then she said it stopped. I gave her my laser pointed and she pointed it out. I asked for the laser back and I signaled to the alleged star. I told everyone we should go there in remote view and if it were an ET craft ask them to join us. Also, that since ET had arrived we still need to do the protocols. I had the ET Contact tool app on my iPad. I used the compass did the site orientation and pointed out compass direction. I used the magnetometer to measure a base line field around us. Between my chair and Lynn sitting next to me the flux field gave a higher reading. Lynn said an ET must be sitting in my chair. I knew it was a lock on step down transmission signal. Like the ones that come between Dr. Greer and Emery during CE-5 field contacts. After broadcasting the tones Charlie Dunlap saw two alleged satellites tracking together. He had a satellite position chart app on his cel phone. I had him check to see if they were on his chart they were not. Charlie was good doing field work and kept checking the sat chart. We also observed multipal stationary flash bulb craft though out the night and the next night as well. We decided to do Coherent Thought Sequencing, Remote Viewing and Remote Vectoring protocols. I lead the meditation. We all held hands. With our intent we created a golden orb of light in our hearts. We passed the golden light from left to right sharing our intent from heart to heart. We envisioned the golden light forming a golden ring of light energy. Also visualizing the golden orbs embedded in the ring still visible as an orb. As the orbs returned to us we accelerated it faster and faster growing with the energy of our intent forming a light body cocoon of golden light around each of us. Lifting the golden ring of light up from our hearts to our third eye we placed our vision of intent for all that the Earth can be, as was shown and taught to us by all the master teachers, Avatars, profits and those who lighted our way, Jesus, Buddha, Moses, Abraham, Mohammad, Zarathustra, Thoth, Ankenaten, Krishna, Bahama, Babaji, Tesla, Einstein, Higgs, Democritus, our ancestors and relatives who have crossed over into the astral heaven, the

Angels/Angelic realm, the concourse on high, the Celestials including the Extraterrestrials and their teachers, profits, ancestors, etc., all who are working with us in the transformation ascension of the Earth to its highest state of beingness. Raising the ring of golden light to our crown chakra with our included bonded intent we accelerated it faster and faster expanding it above us into a golden vortex of coherent intent. We saw the vortex going higher above the Earth. There merging with the other vortexes of intent from the other CE-5 teams around the world encasing the Earth in our global intent of bonded golden light the best humanity can truly be. Having done that, we did the mantra 'Im Na Mah' alining the energy flow through our chakras starting in our heart and raising to a high C tone into our third eye Im then dropping down to the Kundalini root chakra Na, then raising up to the heart chakra again Mah. There realizing that a triangle of golden light had formed, the base for a tetrahedron. We said the mantra two more times forming the other two sides of the tetrahedron. We said the mantra three more times forming another tetrahedron. We then joined that tetrahedron to the base of the first. We merged the two together forming a three dimensional "Star of David". We lifted the dual tetrahedron above our crown chakra. At that position we spun the top tetrahedron clockwise and the bottom one counterclockwise forming a merkaba. We expanded the merkaba around our light bodies rotating together within the golden vortex of light. We extended our light vortex to the Sun. Rising Up within our merkaba we lined up with all the global CE-5 teams vortexes of golden light intent that surrounded the Earth. We then expanded our merkaba to include the whole Earth and the golden light sphere surrounding the Earth and all that she is. We then took the Earth merkaba up our light vortex rising up to the Sun and tunneling trough the event horizon within the Sun. We emerged into a bi-located position between Sirius and Orion viewing the Central Sun of the Milky Way where the Intergalactic Council Assembly is housed and located. There we asked permission to address the Intergalactic Council. We then were permitted the audience address where we presented the intended morphogenetic field template of the ascended Earth, while asking to join the intergalactic community. Each of us asked the council to send their Ambassador craft to Earth joining us on Earth, in the field, as conformation acceptance of Earth's new state of beingness. Asking the Extraterrestrial Ambassadors to follow us, we then returned the way we had come tunneling back through the Sun and back to the CE-5 circle. Opening our eyes ended the CTS. I asked everyone to share their experience. I felt I should turn my head. As I did an ET craft turned a light on in a signal to me. I watched it dim down. I signaled it with my laser pointer. I told everyone what I had seen and was conformation from the council. I said I hope they well show themselves again so all of us could see the conformation. Then the others were seeing fast walker discs move across the sky. I signaled with my laser and a flash was returned. More

exoatmospheric flash bulb craft were signaling. There were at least six craft. One Ambassador craft had returned with each of us. Everyone saw them. Confirmation was made and validated. I told everyone to thank the ETs for coming to be with us and how I thought it was an honor to have them give up part of their lifetime to come to Earth and be with us. I had lock on with one of the flash bulb craft that I signaled to with my laser. I shined the laser on the ground outside the circle and ask that craft to land in the field by us. Everyone was excited to have their first real contact with ET. As we were talking, I look out into the field where I had signaled with my laser. A translucent mist had formed just above the ground and was disc shaped. I had seen this many times before. I knew an ET craft had landed. I asked everyone how they would feel about an ET craft landing. Everyone said they would be OK with that and not be afraid. I pointed to the mist that was about 45 feet across and about 30 yards away. Telling them that is was an ET craft in a form that we could see but would not draw attention. A road was about 300 yards away and car head lights would pass by now and then. Also the sight was 3 miles from a county general aviation airport. The team members were in awe taking in the sight. I told them to say seated while I approached the craft and make contact. I stood up. I could see over the top of the mist and it was indeed disc shaped. I followed protocol hands down palms facing forward. We visualize our hands and head forming a CSETI triangle and use light projection from our heart to the ET craft and communicate in thought through our hands, mind and thought like a transceiver. As I got closer to the craft it moved back. I move forward aging and the mist moved away again in a shifting motion, jerking action. I stopped and the ETs told me to go back to my people because they were not ready for that close encounter. I acknowledged and returned back to the circle. I told the team that as I got to the craft the mist moved back a couple times. Charlie said yes he saw that. It wasn't that they were afraid of the encounter but being their fist time in the field their aura energy fields hadn't had the tuning adjustments that mine had over the past 20 years. I sensed it was a matter of resonant field harmonics within time displacement and temporal shifts. The craft had come light years to be there as well from a different space time continuum. There is a coefficient of drag in time (delta T) for the craft to fully materialize and phase into our local space time as well. Our contact was a major event and on a par with CSETI core team CE-5s. It was getting late for some and we decided to break the CE-5 circle. As we packed up a hight pitched trilling sound came through the circle. I and the CSETI core team had heard this before. I felt it to be a signal that the craft was preparing for departure. Everyone was gobsmacked and charlie was so intrigued with the experience he say another 20 minutes with the experience. Four of us went to our cars and drove home. I told everyone I would go into the field again the next night and they could join me if they could.


The next day Janet called. She was so enthused about her experience. She and Sal wanted to do more that night. They came to my house again and we went to the site. We did the CE-5 protocols. They wanted to do a silent CTS and remote view and remote vectoring. We did. Afterwards Janet and Sal said they had remote view contact. Then they each had individual directional contact with craft that they saw and pointed out. That was conformation to their individual CTS and when we all saw each craft that validated their remote views. Great field training experiences for them. The disc shaped mist had returned in the field with two other disc shaped mists next to it. I did another guided meditation. Now that the golden vortex was part of the Akashic record of the site and still there we reenergized it. Again we went up on the vortex and tunneled through the Sun emerging just outside the galactic arm of Orion in position to view the central sun of the Milky Way. We thanked the ETs again, the council and the Universal Cosmology involvement for their diplomatic and spiritual interaction. Then I had us go beyond the Milky Way in vision to all the other galaxies that formed the cosmic egg of the Universal Singularity. Then making contact connecting with non local mind and the light of the God head. We brought the light back with us and let the light flow through our chakras and connect through us into the Earth and to the Earth's core her heart chakra. We had anchored the Earth through that site to the Universal Singularity and to all we and ET had done there putting into motion the undeniable ordained transformation. I closed the night having us stand in a circle holding hands. Then to add tonal harmony of transformative action we chanted some ohms and I finished with an advance chant. >> We drove back to my house. As we drove we talked more about the night. In the end I said, "Anyone can make contact. In reality there is no chosen one or chosen people. Many are called"... and before I could finish Sal said, "but only a few answer the call". I said, "yes, that's it". >> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Last night was a great CE-5. Carlos and his girlfriend Laura saw 5 craft before we showed up. After that, we didn't see physical craft. In fact there was noticeably far less human aircraft than normal last night.


However, we did have trans-dimensional interactions with beings and a craft that sent the magnetometer off the charts! It seems we have also primed the stone compass out at Prospect. There were a lot of interesting factors at play. Several of us left feeling a bit out of sorts afterward, but in a neutral/positive way. Last night, before going to bed, I had a very intense inner opening. This morning, I was told by a very observant friend that the stratospheric aerosols and harsh contrails we usually see being sprayed in the sky are disappearing almost as fast as they are sprayed. It is as if something is following behind and sucking them out of the air. I noticed how pristine the San Marcos sky is today. He also said that there are people around the world reporting the same thing. I have noticed a lot of craft around our planet lately, and it seems they are doing what they need to in order to help us out. We just need to be thankful and keep giving them permission, and doing our work. Times are changing! ;-)

Also, the three nights I have seen a large mothership near the earth where ETs are hurrying to prepare for something. I feel they were prepping to do what is necessary to get this shift completed. I saw all kinds of races I hadn't seen, and they seemed really shocked to sense me. Furthermore, there are three very profound Avatar intelligences that I saw descending into the planet, and it looked practically physical when I witnessed it. This was verified by my friend who was sensing them as well. You can share this as well. It felt as if there is an all out urgency on the part of these beings, and the wait is pretty much over. I would like to know if you have had any verifying messages/experiences. Thanks! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear Kosta, Sorry for the delay, but here it is. Our first "official" contact did not worked out as planned. My buddy, who I was meant to do the event with got sick suddenly and the weather didn't make me happy either. So we kind of did the meditation indoors separately. Anyway the following Monday around 1am I had the urge to go out with my binoculars and when I looked at the sky I saw bright flashing lights just hovering there. It stayed there for at least 1/2h and then disappeared. Also wanted to point out, that this past week we've been to our "spot" 4 x and 3x we had contact. It's great to see how easily can they be contacted if we just ASK them.


Hope that in the future we have even closer, more tangible contacts. With Love Tony -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Kosta, Bob and I had another "cloud" encounter this afternoon while out running errands. We were headed north and the radio started playing one of the Enigma songs right about the time my mind was reaching out to connect with our friends. Bob and I both looked up and the puffy, lenticular cloud directly in front of us solidified into a smooth saucer craft shape with a squarish dome at the top. It held that shape right up to the point where another song began, then the top began to collapse down into the cloud, which then morphed into the shape of an ET hand, palm up, fingers curled slightly, like waiting for me to place my hand in theirs. I held my hand out in the same position to acknowledge this, and a second or two later, the cloud began to collapse in on itself and poofed out. Jan


Global CE-5 ET Contact Reports from August 18, 2012

Hello CSETI Friends! Thank you for your participation in our 24th monthly "Global CE-5 ET Contact" event which took place this past September 15, 2012. The report from the recent September 15, 2012 event will be published in a few weeks. Please email me your ET Contact experiences from that event - thank you in advance. Below you will find the interactive contact reports from September 15 from our worldwide CE-5 teams. Since last month more of you joined our email list. So you are new to this ET interactive event. Welcome to our dynamic global group! I think you will enjoy reading about the accomplishments of our current group members below. If you have any questions and/or want to form your own group or join one that might be near you, please contact me. Through our cooperation here, we have established a powerful monthly rhythm of ET contact since we began this process in October, 2010. You can think of this as the "Peoples' Disclosure Movement" because our CE-5 teams are unitedly working from the grass roots to bypass governments and forge solid interactive links of Love communication with our ET friends. You didn't realize you were making history, did you? :-) From your living rooms and your lawn chairs? Bless you for sensing the enormity of this worldwide movement, for taking the time month after month to keep the momentum going...and building! Now for the reports from August 18... In the end, we had: 65 Total team CE-5 sites 203+ Participants 21 USA States 17 Countries

- an enthusiastic outpouring of heartfelt desire to interact with our Star Friends and to seek to cooperate with them to bring about Universal Peace. Some amazing experiences were recorded by you in numerous places, so read on and enjoy. In the Spirit of Peace, Kosta Makreas gmakreas@sanbrunocable.com Coordinator, "Global CE-5 ET Contact" Events San Bruno, CA USA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AUGUST 18, 2012 "GLOBAL CE-5 ET CONTACT" REPORTS: Dear Kosta, Last meditation day, I sat out in the garden. I went down to a meditative state, I visualized a laser of my mind searching for anything in the heavens that holds it, and at one point in my visualization, it stopped. Than I imagined I am in the Universe and I zoomed in like Google Earth to Milky Way, Solar System, Earth, Europe, Hungary and my city. I than still in a meditative state expressed to the brothers and sisters in the heavens that I love them, I would like change and I asked them for help and understanding. At a certain point I had enough of meditation ( :-) ) so I opened my eyes and watched the night sky if I see anything: I saw a light point moving slowly, I always think it is a plane, but when a low flying commercial plane flew across its direction, it stopped, waited, than continued and at the end of its visible journey, it increased its spead. Normal jets would never act like that, nor could they. At the end of my time there in a meditative, again closed-eyed state, I thanked them the being together, their continuous help and when I opened my eyes, a beam of wight light appeared in the sky, which could very well have been a meteor, but it was so fast and so similar to other observations on ET-meditation videos, that I am sure it was a saying 'hello' from them, in their usual manner. So, my first official CSETI experience was successful, I am happy that they listen to us and that I can belong to a greater society, to a higher order, where love, abundance and peace reside. And a big personal thank you to dr. Steven Greer for establishing the CSETI protocols and for doing the globally groundbreaking work he has given his life to. Thank you! And thank you for all participating in contact with ETs or as I like to call them, ExtraGaians. :)

David, Hungary -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Report #1 for Lumby (east of Vernon), BC Canada by Lois: Due to last minute changes in plans we "did not" cancel the August 18th contact night in Lumby - but instead threw it together at the last minute. There was five people in attendance Lois (host), Lou, Janet, Wendy, and Doug. We had a very quiet night which was surprising for all the activity we have had in the Vernon,Lumby and Cherryville area in the last two weeks. We gathered at 9:15 and had our main event as we were setting up the chairs, and air mattresses. Traveling from South west to North East in the sky was a bright light. All four of us watched it. It was too high to be a plane and too low to be a satellite. We watched it go right to the horizon in the North East where it stopped for a few minutes before going on. All of us commented on how there was no sound to indicate it was a plane. It was also traveling faster than a satellite. Doug and Lois saw a similar light on the night of August 12 when watching the meteor shower. Lois' friend also reported seeing a light just like that on the same night. We started a meditation and grounding at 9:15, and by the time we were done the clouds were clearing away. The connection was not as deep as it usually is at the Lumby location, and I speculate that one of the new members was a little bit frightened by the idea of ET contact. However it was very enjoyable to just be gathered on our air mattresses looking at the sky. After our break (about 10:15 pm) we did a meditation to go on board the ships. Lois was the one doing the meditation - as as she was watching the sky there was several meteors over head and some dancing star activity. By the time the meditation was concluded the sky had clouded over and we all felt it was concluded at that time. Deb referred Lois to two sites on satellites and Iridium flares so we can get some tracking and maybe charts. Some of the events we are experiencing are close to Iridium flare activity and we want to make certain of what they are. Also: On August 17 I (Lois) had a interesting event take place on the Lumby property. After waking up around dawn - a little before 5 am, I spotted a being through the window of our loft bedroom. It suddenly appeared in the middle of the main drive way to the cabin, about 4 feet tall , dressed in white from head to toe. I have not seen a ET before that was dressed as such (most of the time clothing is not involved). I moved to get my glasses but by that time the being was out of site in the trees to the west. This was the first night Robert - my husband

was on night shift. In hindsight the purpose of the event seemed to be an attempt of initial contact - it was over too quickly. Most of my experiences happen on a psychic or spiritual level. This was a fully formed physical being. ******** Report #2: Deb Warren was at Mt Shasta CSETI training on Aug 17th. Dr. Greer has given permission to add this to the Aug 18th Global-CE5 report. He also reported this event on the August 24th World Puja broadcast. On Friday Aug 17th at 11:30 pm, the whole group at the Mt Shasta location was on a break. Most people were inside the circle talking to each other when Dr. Greer went to take a bio-break. He first noticed a soft white light in the area, he then turned to return to the group, as he stepped forward with his right foot, a large white light exploded in front of him, like a very bright camera flash. He said stepping with his right foot symbolized "stepping into the future" (the left foot symbolizing the past). He reported that a celestial ET being was the source of the light. So the event was a positive indicator for the future .. stepping into the celestial light? While several people saw the light in their peripheral vision, I happened to be looking in the exact direction when it happened. I saw a brilliant golden light, roughly 4 feet in diameter, shaped concentrically or like a large spiral galaxy. That location of the field site is normally too dark to see anything, but the flash lit up Dr. Greer from just above his knees to the top of his head, and I knew there was no way he would be using a camera flash (as these are not permitted on CSETI trainings). The light had shape and was definitely in front of him, obscuring a 4 foot area of his body. I was very excited to see such a large and obvious manifestation of physical light, and immediately ran over to him to see what had happened, soon joined by Dr. Jan Bravo and others. I couldn't help yelling out loud, "OMG, what was that?" It was also cool that from my perspective, the color of the light was gold. Dr. Greer reported that this sort of thing happens to him all the time, but rarely is it witnessed by anyone else. For me, a CSETI training always boil down to "a few seconds of amazing"-- this was it, this trip. I'll be back next year! Cheers Deb Warren -------------------------------------------------------------------------------REPORT FROM STATE COLLEGE, PA AUG. 18, 2012: This was my first experience with a CE-5 event. Ive participated in several other global meditation events since 2007, focused on healing & collaborating with higher-dimensional benevolent entities, both alone and in groups. Many of these have involved the work of

indigenous spiritual elders from around the globe. This was my first involvement with the Disclosure Project. I did my meditation alone. A friend told me he was interested beforehand, but didnt follow through. There are many others in my community who may jump in on future eventstime will tell. So heres a brief summary of my experience: * I preceded the meditation with a walk to the woods, during which time I chanted a Sanskrit mantra Ive been told is useful to connecting with benevolent ETS. Once in the woods I played my guitar & sang for while, and a beautiful new lyric came to me, which I recorded. * During my meditation attempt to make contact, I was bitten several times by mosquitoes, which distracted me quite a bit. So I made my way back home to try it again inside. * Back at my house, I was able to expand my consciousness all the way out to the edges of the Universe, and to fill all that space with loving bliss, then ask for ET intelligences to vector in and communicate with me. It was quite beautiful. During this process of expansion, I found myself hovering at the Global level taken aback by the amazing complexity of all the lifesystems of our beautiful planet. After expanding out to the edge of the Universe and back, I was overwhelmed by the feeling of just how precious & special our particular planet actually is. * When I asked the ET intelligences how we might collaborate on the healing of Earth, a realization about healing swept over me. I had an insight about both the wounding and the healing process being part of the natural unfolding of life on Earth, and I was struck by a feeling that the healing that is required has more to do with ALLOWING the natural healing process to unfold that is does with MAKING the healing happen. I was also struck by the profound sense that the healing that is required must occur within the collective human psyche (made up of a composite of all our individual psyches) in order to occur in the external, shared space of the planetary landscape. These two wounded spaces are equal mirrors to one another. * When I asked the ET intelligences how we might collaborate on creation of universal peace on Earth, I was struck by the incredible complexity of all the different life forms existing here; the main insight I gained was that the approach we take toward this effort must be sufficiently complex also in order to be successful. In other words, an overly simplistic approach will fail. Subtlety and diversity of thought and action are absolute necessities. * This was a very positive experience for me, and I look forward to participating each month going forward.

Happy Trails to All, Cole -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Kosta, As always it is fun to read the CE-5 reports! Super cool how so many of our experinces are the same in terms of what we see......And truly fascinating to read how folks go about preparing for contact. It runs the full spectrum; from folks that go out, look up, and make themselves available to folks that engage in Grand Ceremony and creative visualization. Thanks for putting together such great reading material!! Here's my report from August in Emerald Isle, N.C The ET's showed up 4 out of the 7 nights we were there. On the most eventful evening, my 13 year old niece was with me(I spent time with her every night, mentoring about CSETI and this very important we do -holy, sacred work in order to bring about Universal Peace) we witnessed 4 different kinds of sightings in the 2 and1/2 hours we were out under the stars. They are as follows: 1. We saw the "flash bulbs" that would flash brighter than anything in the sky then dim and traject across the sky before disappearing. This happened countless times each evening and my neice would squeel with excitement! On one of the "flash bulb ships", I was able to put my binaculars on it while my neice guided my vision with the laser. I could see the shape of the ship!! It looked much like clam shell So cool!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2. We witnessed a ship that pulsated across the sky with 2 lights on it. My neice put a laser on it while I followed the laser beam with my high powered binaculors to the ship. It was ASTONISHING! I watched for a long time as it went past my visual ability and into outerspace. It made no noise as it pulsed across the sky and into the beyonds. We were sending out giant "How are y'all doin?, Where are Y'all from?" messages to them along with a "Thanks for stopping by"! 3. Also seen on this evening were 2 ships traveling together. They appeared like satellitesbut they were traveling close together until they poofed out of sight. 4. There was a neon blue colored disc that materialized right above the ocean and went horizontally across the sky for a short time then disappeared. When it disappeared, a gold flash appeared that brightened the sky ! I have never seen a ship that close. It was a first. And the gold fash after was equally mind blowing.

Well, that's the meat of the matter. It was very special to share this with my neice. Now she has this in her awarness and it will inform her on a deep level. She can pass it on to her generation. God Bless usOne and All, Ann Marie Lewis -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Kosta, How are you, hope everything is fine and great... Here is my report for our CE-5 Contact...On Aug 17 on my I-pod, at 9:00 a.m - 11:00 a.m I ran the Crop Circle Tones..While on my computer I had listened to a meditation recording of Om Mani Padme Hum the extended version, then I had played CTS recording...Then I went outside and turned off the Crop Circle Tones...Then later at 7:00 p.m I did the Crop Circle Tones, and played the CTS recording, then went into meditation with one of Dr. Greer's recordings, rested for awhile then did another of Dr. Greer's meditation recording, that is when it got overcast and it rained it was about 10:00 p.m when this had happened so I called it a night... Aug 18 on my I-pod, 9:00 a.m - 11:00 a.m ran the Crop Circle Tones...While the tones was running I had played Om Mani Padme Hum while cleaning the house...went outside turned off the Crop Circle Tones then did my meditation with one of Dr. Greer's recordings it was the Universe recording that I had done..at about 1:00 p.m I played the Crop Circle Tones for 5 minutes then did a CTS...Then later that night about 8:00 p.m my family had set up a sitting area to set up a gathering area for the family, we had brought out our portable fireplace, while everyone was sitting in this area..I had gone in the front part of the property in the front yard and sat on one of the lawn chairs and placed the I-pod on the second lawn chair and played the Crop Circle Tones for 5 minutes while it was playing I enjoyed the view, the stars was really pretty and had a bit of clouds rolling in, then I switched the I-pod to one of Dr. Greer's meditation, it was the Universe recording..while this was playing I had my eyes close, several minutes into the meditation there was this flash like a burst of light, I opened my eyes to take a peek to see what had flashed in front of me but nothing was there..I closed my eyes again to continue my meditation when it had happened again this quick burst of light...I opened my eyes to take a peek and nothing was there I looked to the right and then the left to see if next doors lights was on but everything was dark from across the gully...So I went back to meditate but then to my right side across the gully next door had turned on their flood light so I had ended my CE-5 Contact for that night this was about 11:00 p.m...So for the rest of the night I had joined my family on the opposite side of the our property for our get together fireplace gathering and enjoyed a hot cup of coffee and peanut butter cookies...Well this was a very

unique CE-5 Contact month for me...This is the end of my report Kosta...many blessing and catch you on our next CE-5 Contact gathering...If you have any questions just e-mail me... Aloha from Kula Maui Hawaii Arthurlynn Kanuha....

Global CE-5 ET Contact Reports from September 15, 2012

Hello CSETI Friends! Thank you for your participation in our 24th monthly "Global CE-5 ET Contact" event which took place this past September 15, 2012. The report from the recent October 13, 2012 event will be published in a few weeks. Please email me your ET Contact experiences from that event - thank you in advance. This is also a reminder to join our 'Sirius Film Community' group and Global CE-5 ET Contact' group respectively at:

www.siriusfilmcommunity.org (Support SIRIUS! Forum! Social network!) www.etletstalk.org (Find CE-5s near you! Social network!)

Below you will find the interactive contact reports from September 15 from our worldwide CE-5 teams. Since last month more of you joined our email list. So you are new to this ET interactive event. Welcome to our dynamic global group! I think you will enjoy reading about the accomplishments of our current group members below. If you have any questions and/or want to form your own group or join one that might be near you, please contact me. Through our cooperation here, we have established a powerful monthly rhythm of ET contact since we began this process in October, 2010. You can think of this as the "Peoples' Disclosure Movement" because our CE-5 teams are unitedly working from the grass roots to bypass governments and forge solid interactive links of Love communication with our ET friends. We are making history here. Bless you for sensing the enormity of this worldwide movement, for taking the time month after month to keep the momentum going...and building! Now for the reports from September 15... In the end, we had:

65 Total team CE-5 sites 203+ Participants 21 USA States 17 Countries - an enthusiastic outpouring of heartfelt desire to interact with our Star Friends and to seek to cooperate with them to bring about Universal Peace. Some amazing experiences were recorded by you in numerous places, so read on and enjoy. In the Spirit of Peace, Kosta Makreas gmakreas@sanbrunocable.com Coordinator, "Global CE-5 ET Contact" Events San Bruno, CA USA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SEPTEMBER 15, 2012 "GLOBAL CE-5 ET CONTACT" REPORTS: I went out to the Santa Monica Beach, and drew a five pointed star around me in the sand. I set my crystals out around inside the circle with my boom-box close by to play the tones and Steven's mantra CD. AS I meditated with the mantra I could feel and see a holographic field being created around me for protection. As I was meditating, I could see an orange red glow appearing in the center of my star shooting all the way up to the sky, with blue layers around the orange red. Very exciting! The sky was clear, with lots of stars out. After about 45 min or so,.. I could feel and see a number of beings come towards me as I was meditating, with a being touching the top of my head, feeling a warm glow of sparkly energy all around, a presence enveloping all around me, with the sparkly sensation touching my feet, arms, legs, like a ball of energy encasing me all around, sending me sparkly loving energy. When I was done with my meditation, looking up at the sky, I noticed the Stars had moved and seems to have shifted now closer to me, with one, flashing a little brighter than the rest. A Great Clear Night with Successful "Contact!" Thank-you!! Bless You!! Alyson --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Kosta, I just had to share my most recent experience with you. My friend Tina and I just got back from leading our first ever 5 day retreat in the Adirondack Park in NY called SACRED UNIVERSE, SACRED SELF. On one of the evenings we did star gazing on a beach and I lead a universe meditation. After the meditation we saw in quick succession three very bright flashbulbs from the same place in the sky. Then, from that same place, a brilliant ball of light streaked across the sky close to the horizon with a comet like tail. The people there were amazed. Some were crying and other said the strangely felt changed by what they had seen. it was really moving. We won't be able to do the global gathering this month but look forward to the next, Best, Maggie --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------..we are going to start being more active here at last.......we will see how it goes. oct. 12th brought orbs and a cobalt blue orb in the center of the circle.......beautiful! Barry -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------On Sept 15th, four of us met at the usual location (east of Lumby, BC): Lois, Victoria, Doug and myself. It was a clear warm night and so Lois and Doug decided to lay flat on the ground and watch the sky. Lois and Victoria reported that their recent use of the CSETI mantra has advanced their meditation practice significantly. Essentially, they are entering deep meditation almost the instant they begin using the mantra. Victoria in particular, says that she has to be careful not to think of the mantra while driving. I decided to play the 2 minute version of mantra and put it on continuous replay. And so we were listening to it for the duration of the CE5 event. It was lovely. About 10 minutes after we began the group meditation, Lois reported that the 12ft Arcturan was behind me. I held up the Tri-field meter and got a reading whenever I held the meter at a location inside the field, it stopped signalling every time I moved it out of the field. Lois and Victoria were very connected to the being and able to receive the following information: the name he designated for himself is "Trush", we used this name to refer to him, he was a healer and he was performing a healing on me, the purpose for the healing was to refine my abilities to be able to see ETs in the same manner that Lois and Victoria do.

Doug was able to detect beings and felt he was in contact, but most of the rest of the evening was spent with Lois interacting with three 3 foot tall ETs. She was able to see the energy of the first one, as it sat on top of her. She grabbed the Tri-field meter and it signalled with the typical ET chatter every time she placed the meter inside the ET's field. No one else saw the energies of the ET but we all heard the Tri-field meter signals. The ET then wanted to us to cooperate to see if we could get a photo. A few minutes later another two ETs of the same species showed up to assist Lois with this task and she was able to detect their presence, with both her intuitive inner sight and with the Tri-field meter. Again, she was the only one able to 'see' the ETs. Ordinarily I do not take pictures of the local group because I am too focused on creating coherency in the group during the CE5 but I always bring my camera just in case. In this moment Lois directed me to get my camera and set it up, and I did so. I took about 12 photos of Lois laying flat on the ground. Eventually we realized we had to use the following protocol: while the entire group entered a meditative state, we asked permission to have an image of the being, Lois would connect with the ET, and wait for the ET to signal then I would take the photo. When Lois received the signal from the ET, she would tell me and I would use the remote control device to open the shutter, so that there was not any touching of the camera that would cause a 'shaky' image. The shutter was always open for 30 seconds, and while it was open the Tri-field meter signalled very loudly with the usual ET-type chatter (i.e. not the monotone droning when it gets a signal from a machine). I have never seen the meter signal like this before when taking a photo, and I have had the camera for one year. Lois was very careful to be completely still while the shutter was open. Of the 12 photos, only one had an anomaly (see attached images) ...the image looks like a floating strawberry on the right side of the photo. In all the other photos the red light of the Tri-field meter could be easily traced to its source, whereas the floating 'strawberry' seems to be completely on its own. The Tri-field meter was the only source of light, and Lois had it positioned in such a manner that it should not have shone in that direction at all. For me the most astonishing thing was the way in which we (and the ETs) cooperated as a group to get a photo of an anomalous 'floating strawberry'. We started at 7: 30 pm and finished around 10:00 pm. Cheers Deb Warren Vernon, BC Canada -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Contact Report for September 2012 in the south of Sweden For the September 15th event I went out to this great location outside the city where there was a nice spot to set up near a large pond. It's also cool to make my way out there because there's this big astronomy observatory up on a hill nearby that looks like just like a flying saucer. As

I went into meditation I had a great sense of connection with our global group and really felt all the energy that we were sending out through our hearts. The earth was being bathed in this energy of peace and it was stretching out into the infinity of space. I got the sense that the ETs are aware of these monthly pulses that we're doing and they assist in directing this energetic flow and taking part in it as well. I had a sense of a kind of flux in the area around where I was located after doing the meditation. I noticed that my compass was also in a reverse position, saying that magnetic north was in the south and I got really excited - but then I realized that the compass was just reacting to the magnetic pull of my bicycle. Haha! After waiting to receive an email from another CE-5 participator up in northern Scandinavia, I finally got a message from this person and I was excited to see what was written. Just as this individual was sitting down to write to me, they noticed a flash of light outside the window and also some stationary star-like lights in the clear sky that were flashing greenand red. After they went out they also saw an object moving east to west in the north which seemed to phase out, and then later an object which looked like a shooting star coming straight down briefly. I can't confirm whether they were seeing bright stars, satelites or a meteor but this person feels that it wasn't a coincidence that this occurred after months of no activity and while they were writing to me. On Tuesday night of the 25th of September, while I was laying in bed after meditating, a bright flash of white light filled the room for a split second. It was very bright! Bright enough for me to see it very clearly through my closed eyes. It was also quite non-locally affecting and had an element of consciousness besides just being a physical manifestation. This is similar to something that happened during a prayer last June when a similar flash occurred. On the next night, a Wednesday, during dreamtime I met a tall female ET. She was beautiful with flowing clothing. I approached her and then just went in to hug her. She was tall enough for my arms to wrap around her waist while both of us were standing. I'm 5'7" so I'm guessing she was 8 or 9 feet tall. It was very comforting and assuring to be held by her so I just stood there in the embrace for a while. I also sensed that she was involved in the flash from the night before. It's amazing how graceful contact can be... -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Hi Kosta, I am happy to join the Global CE-5 ET Contact Group. I am located in...California. I got your email yesterday and it came right on the heels of one of the most incredible experiences I have ever had! I only started becoming interested in ET's just a few months ago. Some supernatural encounters have occurred to me throughout my life, including three near death experiences over the past 52 years. One when I was six years old, another in my twenties, and a more

recent event about three years ago when I suffered anaphalactic shock (twice) when I took some Tylenol for an injury. I did not take much at all. I did not know I was highly deathly allergic to it. Anyway, all my life I have had unusual experiences, many of them non-physical and many of them spiritual. Always I would try to fit these experiences into a religious context until I began to grow more and more spiritually and sort of grew out of the concept of religion and into a more universal understanding of God, love, and the oneness of consciousness. It was very difficult to overcome the fears and constructs of religious influence but I finally made the final hurdle and got free in a new state of mind. After "moving on" from the religious community (but still with a strong spiritual faith and inner relationship with the "being of the Highest Order of Life" I would call it), I was intensely drawn to the subject of UFO's - almost instantly overnight. A few weeks back, I got a strong "signal" or calling and started getting up at night, one, two or three oclock in the morning and started sitting out in the front driveway looking up at the stars. About the second night of doing this, I saw my first UFO. I had been in the middle of a prayer or communion and I saw it. I began to feel a communication on a very deep level and I can't explain it. It seemed to open up a part of my mind and heart, really open up, like a physical and mental sensation of opening. It was a distinctive physical sensation over my chest which spread to my whole body, catching me off guard. I could feel my spirit open up. I got a little concern by the sensation and didn't want to bite off more than I could chew and was ready for. I was still getting my feet wet with non-conventional open communication, especially to something that wasn't God/Jesus related. But I new I was moving in the right direction, the direction of being aware of my immortal spirit and about a bigger community of fellowship and friends that expanded beyond the earth prison. I went to bed and a super strong presence followed me into my room and stood at my bedside. I began to communicate with it rather sheepishly, sort of like when you see or talk to an angel for the first time. Anyway, we had this talk and it leaned over the bed (I could feel it very proximal to myself) and then it stood back up by my bed and sort of melded away, especially when I got an elevated heart rate and got concerned that it had drawn too close. But after that, my heart and mind stayed open and I began to get an education. the best education of my life. More and more truth began to come from inside me and it was like unlocking parts of the mind. Over the next few months, I really feel I have been guided, as there is no other explanation for the synchronicity of these events, and supernatural ones, to grow at such a phenomenal rate. I had an angel come into my room a few weeks ago and he seemed to unzip a fabric of space right before my eyes. He drew back the opening and I saw hundreds of amazing intelligent beings, life forms, aliens, angels, a whole heavenly host of creatures staring back at me. He asked me "Are you sure you want this?" "yes" I said but it was really not a very strong yes since I was so intimidated by all the beings. He asked me again, "are you sure?" and I replied "yes". After that, experience, big chunks of my memory of who I really am began to fall into place. It was then also that my

interest in UFO's began to skyrocket. Because an angel was showing me the smaller beings and the larger, probably unheard of life forms from all over the universe. I realize I am an Immortal Spirit Being. I know now why I've had so many unusual experiences, why I could easily slip in and out of my body so easily since I was a kid, why I always felt that I was not really part of this earth reality, and why when I looked in the mirror, it was not me looking back. I know I am pure Spirit housed in a casing of matter which has contributed to the amnesia of forgetting who I really am. The whole physical earth is a spirit trap. Full of sensations and sensory overload, it continually draws us away from remembering who we are and who we were. More things fell into place over the next few weeks. Now, up to date: Two days ago, I saw an earthly aircraft flying across the golf course and suddenly in the sky in the short distance away, to the rear and right side of the aircraft, perhaps a few miles, I saw a long shaped glowing light appear. It was like a cigar shape but flatter and more disc shaped rather than a round cylinder. As I watched it and asked in my head, "are you an Extra Terrestrial ship?" In response, the ship glowed really bright (right in the broad daylight) and then after about three seconds of this brightness, it returned to a normal glow and then faded out in about two more seconds. It vanished right before my eyes. So that night, after going outside to converse with "the Kingdom of Heaven", that is what I call "the Civilizations of the Stars", I prayed deeply for help in understanding where I came from and who I am really. I went to bed about 11:00pm. Around 1:20am, I was abruptly awakened by the strongest most powerful jarring and shaking energy pulse that seemed to surround only my head. It was like my head was in a chopper engine, vibrating with such a strong electromagnetic pulse that I thought my head was going to be shaken right out of my body. But I was awake! I am used to various phenomenon and sensations in the spiritual body, but this was absolutely the most intense, off the scale magnitude of vibration and electromagnetic battering I have ever experienced. It jarred me to full conscious awakening and I was wide awake, but unable to move. The jarring electromagnetic impulses continued through the whole event. Then the most amazing thing happened (as if that continuing magnetic pulse waves at rapid and powerful jolting frequency was not enough), I heard a voice loud and clear, definitely of a female kind. "Is now a good time to communicate?" 'YES!" I said. I knew immediately I was being visited. the words were clear as day, resonant, and all telepathic. "Your....contact.......Beall" (now I almost lost this part because I was so jarred by the battering of electromagnetic pulses and I began to analyze what was going on and this caused me to lose some of the communication. But I definitely got the name "Beall" out of it. I sort

of saw the word spelled out "b-e-a-l-l". The Communicators did not want me to lose consciousness so they kept my head vibrating within this magnetic field. "We will be in communication with you again tomorrow. Is 9:00 ok?" "More like 9:30 - that would be better" I replied. I don't know why I said that but that is what I said. "Ok, communication will resume at 9:30" After the communication, my head was still being "scanned". I immediately sent forth the thought that I suffered migraines and I wanted to know if they could do anything about it. After thinking this, the amazing jarring vibrations continued to pulse but a second pulse, like a scan moved through my head from back to front and then focused right on my forehead and temples, and a distinctive sensation at my forehead, like "opening" my head at the front, occurred. The pulse continued to scan, went down my neck, a little bit into my upper back and then some of the energy moved gently through my body, out the bottom of my feet. The second vibration scan completed but the initial first continuing vibration that was still jarring my head around continued for a few moments more before leaving. As the magnetic impulses were retreated, I said thank you THANK YOU VERY MUCH! Come back again! I want to continue with you! I began to hear the immediate astral sounds that are just outside of human flesh bound hearing. But instead of these sounds rushing in, they were blocked so that my connection and reorientation within my body and spirit could occur without any interference. The electromagnetic pulses they had given me nearly separated my spirit from my body completely. Once my head stopped jarring and I could orient myself, I sat up, still fully conscious and ran outside. I did not see any UF crafts. I ran inside and woke up my husband and told him what happened. He woke up groggy and as I explained to him the event, he looked at me like "can't this wait till morning"?. I asked my Friends to verify the event. Suddenly, the most loud sound exploded over the sky. It sounded like a giant "horn" or massive groan of machinery that came on. It bellowed a single tone blast that shook my husband almost out of his skin. It lasted one second and then just as suddenly stopped. Moments later, we heard some street activity, including the sound of a police car in background and some car alarms. My husband looked at me and we both broke up laughing. Then I made extensive notes which I am sharing with you now. The next day (yesterday), I spent the day in quietness with little distraction. I took the busy day off and continued to stay in a state of calmness and spiritual peace. I tried to contact my Friends at 9:00-9:30am last night but nothing happened. I repeated the effort in a quiet

meditation from 8:30pm onward but I suppose in my state of continual excitement, I did not get the connection. I remained semi conscious throughout last night with almost no sleep. I went outside around 11:25pm and looked up and saw a flash of light. It flashed five times, staying perfectly stationary for about 10 seconds, making sure I had a good look at it. then ascended distally, away from earth, and faded out in about three more seconds, it was gone. I stayed up at night from 11:30pm to 3:10am. I could not sleep! So today, I got your email about the October global contact. I am excited about it. Maybe I will be able to contact them again visually, but to be honest, they gave me something more. I feel like they gave me an orientation and adjustment. They readjust the energy consciousness in my spirit. I think I am in contact always now. Strange feeling to have an openess, a vastness of a new territory existing right in my own consciousness. I feel like the "One Who Is" is so freely accessible because I am free and part of Him and also a part of the the Civilizations of the Stars. My memory is coming back. Jesus said the "Kingdom of heaven is within you" and another quote, "the kingdom of heaven is in the midst of you". To me, it means, "The civilizations of the stars eminate within and around you". I look forward to more communication. it was absolutely amazing! Tina ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thursday (August 9, 2012) around 9 PM I was on the roof of my house doing my ufo sky watching, and for the last few nights I took a flashlight with me trying to do the same protocol as Dr. Steven Greer does of communicating with Et's with light when they appears, so this night (Thursday) I saw a a red/white light coming from the north-west on an altitude of around 3,000 Ft. and I begun flashing to it because it didnt flash like an airplane nor emmited any sound at all. It disappeared in the horizon to the south-east. I thought that was all to it. A minute later from the South quadrant came this big orb red/orange flying very low (300-400 Ft?) moving very slow, almost coming to my house but mostly in a perpendicular direction. It doesn't look metallic is more like plasma, I begun to flash it in different patterns & rythms and inmediatly the orb slowed down in his forward motion and moved parallel to the streets of my neighborhood and it begun to flash back to me in a subtle way, what I did then was copying his pattern of flashing with my flashlight and he/it respond it back with another set of flashing, then he begun to move away from my house area (it was like 600 ft away of my house) and then blinked out vanished/got invisible, then it appear three more times doing the same rounds doing the same flying pattern, same low altitude and same distance from my house, in the fourth round it stall for one full minute, and watched very carefully if it was metallic, but his form was a plasma-type object, and I know that it wasn't an helicopter either

because I have police helicopter flying in my area during the night and they make a very irritating sound. I was exhilarated to say the least, I feel I made contact. Carlos Cruz 51 yrs Old Carolina, Puerto Rico -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello Kosta Just a summary of our cseti night and note to you. I have enclosed a picture that was taken 2 nights ago by one of our cseti members as she was driving out to our house and was 2 miles from house and saw what we think was golden craft heading our way. Right when she took this those of us at house saw big white orb in house and then right after a military jet flew VERY low over our house! The video of golden craft at Saturday cseti night didn't really come out very well as craft was much much bigger to the naked eye. Thank you so much for your interest and enthusiasm! Here is summary: We had 27 people at our local group in upstate NY. The people came from all around NY state and from Massachusetts and where an incredible group of people. As soon as we sat in circle and shared we started to see craft. We saw several flashbulbs, flare ups and streakers as well as crafts moving across sky that were not on sat. Chart. Before we even had chance to meditate the golden craft came from behind the trees from the northeast. It was very low about 1200feet and was very slow moving to the south. It's path was directly over the circle and was glowing with golden light. It was close enough that several people could see the triangular shape of the craft. Unbelievable. Then 2 military jets flew over and craft activity seemed to stop, but we had lots of beings on the ground with us and some people took photos and felt they saw beings and orbs show up in them. It was a beautiful night with beautiful beings both humans and ET . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

September 23, 2012, 12:15 a.m. I could not get outside (weather and wild fire smoke) and we have no windows in the direction needed, so I simply told them that they would have to visit me. I lay down, closed my eyes, and a mixture of light colors came in . . . green, red and white . . . then a head with a hat (felt he was male) looking like a shadow. I repeated the code in whisper and waited. A beam went to my face and head. I started seeing white orbs swirling clock-wise in front of my face, but not directly over my eyes. I felt a tugging and connected sensation from my entire

head. I felt like I was being adjusted and felt him working on my ears, eyes, top of my head and right above my third eye chakra. I was lulled into sleep and woke up feeling pretty good! ~~~~~ Linda ;~) --------------------------------------------------Hi Kosta, How are you hope everything is well...I'm sorry for sending this report so late, my internet has been down these pass days, due to the tower been down... This is my report...Its been raining a lot because this is the fall and usually this is the time of our rainy season...The Weather has just been so not so good...But we need the rain... On September 14 at 7:15 a.m I had gone up stairs on the porch and turned on the I-pod and gone down stairs and did my meditation...10:00 a.m on the porch I turned off the tones and did the CTS recording....Later at 4:30 p.m I played the tones again until 6:30 p.m did a field meditation...At 8:00 p.m...I played the tones on the I-pod and used the I-pad to do field meditation I had ended the CE- 5 Contact by 9:30 p.m due to rain..Its been raining a lot up here in Kula.... September 15 at 6:00 a.m I had gone on the porch played the tones on the I-pod and on the Ipad I did a field meditation....I left the tones on and did a few things around the house and ate breakfast...At about 10:33 a.m. I had gone up stairs and did another meditation on the I-pad and left the tones playing on the I-pod....12:00 p.m. It started raining again....At 2:00 p.m I had turned off the tones....At 7:16 p.m. after dinner I had gone up stairs to play the tones on the I-pod and did a field meditation on the I-pad, I hope the rain will let up its been raining from 12:00 p.m. till now...I had ended my CE-5 Contact due to rain it had rain until morning the next day, and started up again... Maybe next Month will be more exciting... Kosta, you take care and until our next CE-5 Contact, many blessing to you and your family and all our CE-5 Contact Group.... Aloha from Kula Maui Hawaii...Arthurlynn Kanuha -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey Kosta,


The September 15th was extraordinary for the NY Working Group! There was about 27 of us at the event. There are several Working Groups in NY, but during the Global CE5's most of us gather for this greater calling. When arriving you could literally feel the energy shift from the groups coherence. The group sat together in a circle under the starlit sky. Most of the members have come before but there were a few new faces too, including 2 members from my Working Group who have never met up with the larger NY Working Group. Before the group had even gotten started with the CE5 Protocols there were crafts visible to the group. This is not uncommon once contact has initially been established. One of the members was using satellite trackers to cross reference between what we were seeing, and what was on the charts. There were many ET crafts visible to the entire group. We began with one of Dr Greer's guided meditations. After a few members shared what some of their experiences had been in meditation, we began discussing the SIRIUS documentary. And, as soon as we did a few others and I began to see a golden glow eminating from behind the trees. A few of us saw it, but because it was so low, and blatant, we thought it might have been a plane approaching head-on from where we were seated. After it rose above the trees it became very clear that this was an ET craft, it was taking its time floating over the group only about 1,200 FT above. The crafts trajectory was directly through the center of the group. I and others could see the structure of the craft. It was stunning. Someone in the group even managed to get a short video clip of this golden craft as well! While the craft was passing overhead there were multiple flash bulb crafts visible too. Throughout the rest of the night there were many more shared experiences, meditations, crafts and more. It was a wonderful gathering that truly captured the Spirit of what Global CE5's are all about. Namaste --------------------------------------------------------------------------------We experienced both synchronicity and probe contact in a twenty four hour period. Synchronicity: Although the group Id brought together practiced a few times, this was my first CE-5 global initiative experience. Bill was coming in to Reno for the air show, so I invited him to join me and the people Id brought together; Bill had a commitment for Saturday so we decided to take advantage of his experience and be okay with doing it a day early. Strangely enough, every member of my group (four others besides me and Jim) had a family crisis, and then Jim was called in to work that night (Friday). When I arrived in Reno to meet with Bill he decided this would not work for

him, and so there was no work done on that night. The following night however, Jim and I decided to join the global effort anyway and Carol and Rick (two friends of mine, both psychotherapists) were able to join us. It was a truly spiritual experience in more ways than one. We camped out on a Platte that overlooked hundreds of miles of desert. For us in the desert it was like sitting in a real planetarium where everything was in full view! I had recorded Dr. Greer doing the Puja in Sanskrit at the Mt. Shasta training. We started with a prayer to the 7 directions North, South, East, West, Above, Below and Center. We followed that by standing behind the Puja table we put together and played the recording of Dr. Greer doing the Puja. Carol led a meditation of protection for Steven Greer and his team for the seminar in Santa Monica on September 16th, we used Dr. Greers meditation to vector in, and Carol completed our evening with a guided meditation to bring beings in to aid Gaia in her healing and transformation. During the night we had experienced different anomalies, I reported seeing a light swoosh through the group, Jim reported seeing 3 flash bulbs and Rick had a vision during the meditation of seeing something that looked like a spinal cord with a feather on the end. The next day, Jim and I watched the video footage, and we were amazed and so excited to see that the infra red camera picked up spiral probes a number of times during the Dr. Greer meditation, and a full screen luminous glow toward the end of that meditation, and a flash bulb somewhere inbetween it all. We brought the footage over for Rick and Carol to seeits really amazing to have this footage---for what was really our first actual joining. As I look back on how this occurred, I realize it couldnt have happened any other way!! I have included some pictures of several Spiral probes, are Puja table and the flash bulb they are just like the ones Emery caught on camera at the CSETI Mt. Shasta training!! Namaste & Tahete to all, Doreen and her team, Fallon Nevada ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This past weekend was super charged with tons of exciting new energies to play with. Our relationship to nature and the cosmos is becoming ever more obvious. Although I was unable to meet with my team on Saturday for the Global CE-5, due to strange phone anomalies, I was still blessed with fantastic ET interaction. Both of my friends who had agreed to participate in the CE-5 were already camping on the San Francisco Peaks that day. We planned on meeting somewhere in the forest around sundown. But strangely, as sundown neared I couldn't reach either one of them via cell phone to see where they wanted to have the CTS protocols. The next day I learned that they both lost their cell signals while out in the thick of nature.


Perhaps my ET friends anticipated/sensed these eventual circumstances, because I had a wonderful experience with them the night before. At around 8:30 PM, I left my house to go workout at the gym. As I was driving down my street I saw a large amber light flashing not more than 10 feet above Caves Crater, directly in front of me. One of the trailheads to Caves Crater is literally at the top my street. So the light I was seeing at the summit was less than a mile from my position. I parked my car on the road and got out, while continuously gazing in awe at the amazing spectacle before me. As the initial light I had seen began changing in shape, luminosity, and color, a wonderful pattern of other flashing white and blue lights ensued at different points of the crater. The top craft, which appeared to be the conductor of this orchestration, shifted into the form of three smaller equidistant bluish-white lights. Then periodically continued changing back into just one ball of light. It was extremely beautiful. All of the ETVs spread around the crater, flashed back and forth harmoniously for about ten minutes. As they silently illuminated with such majestic grace, I felt an ecstatic surge of energy flowing though me on every level. Indescribable in many ways. But "appreciation", "bliss" and "love" would be at the forefront of words I'd use. I hope everyone else enjoyed this energetic weekend. Thank you Kosta, and all my sisters and brothers (human, ET, and spirit alike). Namaste, Steven -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------From Geneva, Switzerland, 15 Sept 2012 Global Contact After moving into a state of universal consciousness and making heart connections with other contact groups, I began experiencing in my mind's eye (4/5th dimensions) the suffering and conflict around the world at this time. I found myself asking the question of what can we do to alleviate suffering recognizing that some of this experience is inevitable as a result of cause-effect? I felt a strong sense of compassion. In the 4/5th dimension, I received an image of a large, round, pink face filled with compassion. I was instructed to maintain a heartcentered approach to my thoughts and actions and that this would give me the stability and the insights to act appropriately in these trying world circumstances and in understanding them more clearly to the extent it would be given to me. Our connection with the universal is through the heart and the unconditional love and compassion that we associate with it. I was given that the name of this presence is...Lovingkindness. GD


---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Eduardo Pogorelsky 5 members of the Winnipeg team, enjoyed a beautiful night outside the city, after sharing incredible experiences in a bar in the city on Friday . Unfortunately was very cold and we didn't was prepared for that. But Carole in her meditation saw two ships one triangle. The next day she did the EC5 meditation in her yard and after that and she saw a bright flashing light chasing a plane in zig zag. I am waiting her report to analyze the sight. In my case on Saturday I a in a patio of a restaurant and suddenly I look 90 degrees on top of my head and sow a goldball of light like a big meteorite, only for 2 seconds. I said Wooww! and the people that was having dinner with me that are not involved in the matter ( including my wife)Thought that I am still crazy . I didn't comment to them what I saw. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Friday Sept. 14, 2012 At 8:30pm (2 hours after sunset here) I saw a distinctly pink ship go by (glowing diffusely)! It was offshore (within miles) under a 1000' and at about 10 degrees on the horizon (looking from 1200'), and moving slowly north along the coastline. It was brightening up and dimming down and moving forward with a bobbing kind of motion. The ball of light was small, and when brightened to the fullest extent that I observed, about the size of a quarter. I saw them for about a minute or so. No sound from them. I didn't receive any messages. The sky was cloudy. At that time, all of the animals & people in the neighborhood were utterly quiet. I went inside & did some chores for an hour and a half, then went back out to the lanai to sit & watch for them as long as I could. After about 20 minutes, I became very tired & thought to myself, I've gotta go to sleep. It'd started misting; looking out into the yard, I saw that I was in a cloud. Shortly before seeing the pink glowing ball of light, I noticed a amall cluster of 'stars' moving around quickly near to each other, but they were so small & faint--only glimpsing them, looking through brief holes in the cloud cover. I couldn't tell if my vision was blurring from straining, or looking through atmospheric distortion, or what. The movement caught my eye several times. This appeared at about the edge of the zenith, WSW. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------My CE V session Sat 15th was a very quiet gentle indoor one with nothing substantial to report. We used a "new" heart centered meditation that I have just encountered and have been using for healing work.


Cheers, Doug -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------At about 12.30am Saturday, at the very start of 15th September I went to bed thinking about making contact at some point in the following 24 hours. I imagined my heart connected globally with all the other CE-5 members and then extended that beam of love to the stars. I might have spent 10 mins on this before falling asleep. I awoke soon after to a feeling of being disconnected with my body - like the start of an OBE (which I have never experienced before, but would love to!). I have only had this feeling a couple of times before. The feeling slowly faded and then I fell asleep. At about 9.30pm later that night I sat outside after downloading the ET Contact Tool for my Android. I followed the notes within the tool and listened to the first 33 minute meditation / introduction audio with Dr Greer talking about consciousness. During the last half of that audio, while picturing contact occuring, I pictured myself giving hugs to ET's and standing beside them with my arm around them welcoming them, and right at that moment, I felt a hug back! I felt my left arm being pressed from my shoulder to my elbow, and I felt a feeling of pressure in my lower back - just as if someone had come along and with their right arm, placed it behind my back and squeezed me closer. It may sound like a coincidence, but since it happened right at that moment of hugging THEM, I am putting it down to contact :) After this introductory meditation audio was over, I played the Crop Circle sounds for about 10 minutes and did half of the actual 20 minute meditation audio then sat quietly for another 15 mins before I became impatient and went inside - patience is something I am NOT good at. I have to do these sessions alone as I don't have a babysitter for my young children, but at some point I hope to stay outside for longer periods, and lose my impatience! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Contactees, While I attempted contact on the specific date, my contact and activity came a few days prior on Thurs. evening. During my meditation I sensed I made contact w/ and ET/ED. Doubting the whole affair, I asked for confirmation. Being drawn to the Corona Borealis, I signaled w/ the laser and requested confirmation. Immediately, a flash-bulb appeared. I answered with the laser, and it moved it's trajectory towards the zenith and flashed. I answered, it

then moved down towards earth and flashed again, I answered. It moved laterally, flashing again for a total of 5 times. Then an airplane was approaching so I stopped all activity. Resumed after it passed and no flashbulbs. So I asked, are you still there? And a beautiful 'alleged' falling star out of the Corona appeared. End of contact. -Leanne Bellvue, CO


Global CE-5 ET Contact Reports from Occtober 13, 2012

Hello CSETI Friends and Welcome New Members from David Wilcock's Community! Thank you for your participation in our 25th monthly "Global CE-5 ET Contact" event which took place this past October 13, 2012. The report from the recent November 10, 2012 event will be published in a few weeks. Please email me your ET Contact experiences from that event - thank you in advance. To our new members: I think you will enjoy reading about the accomplishments of our current Global CE-5 group members below. You are welcome to create your own CE-5 team for our next event on December 15, 2012. Please contact me so I can add you to our CE-5 team list. Through our cooperation here, we have established a powerful monthly rhythm of ET contact since we began this process in October, 2010. You can think of this as the "Peoples' Disclosure Movement" because our CE-5 teams are unitedly working from the grass roots to bypass governments and forge solid interactive links of Love communication with our ET friends. We are making history here. Bless you for sensing the enormity of this worldwide movement, for taking the time month after month to keep the momentum going...and building! Now for the reports from October 13... In the end, we had: 61 Total team CE-5 sites 216+ Participants 19 USA States 19 Countries - an enthusiastic outpouring of heartfelt desire to interact with our Star Friends and to seek to cooperate with them to bring about Universal Peace. Some amazing experiences were recorded by you in numerous places, so read on and enjoy.

In the Spirit of Peace, Kosta Makreas gmakreas@sanbrunocable.com Founder and Coordinator, "Global CE-5 ET Contact" Events San Bruno, CA USA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------OCTOBER 13, 2012 "GLOBAL CE-5 ET CONTACT" REPORTS:

It was October 27, 4:30 PM in the Philippines. I was on my way home after taking my major exam in Medicine. The sky was blue, weather was calm and cool and the clouds were scant. As I reached my place, the entire dorm was locked from the inside. I tried to call the landlord many times but he would not respond. I waited for about five minutes and while doing that, I looked at the big blue sky in awe. To my surprise, a pink, ethereal, transucent object appeared from the sky. It was flying very high that I thought it was just a glare created by an airplane, but when it went overhead I was very much convinced that it was a starship. It had two pink curves, as well as an oval shaped translucent sheath on its rear. From this point, I tried to communicate with it and said "Hi" to my star friends. One man passed by and I asked him to identify what I have been seeing. After several glances, he concluded, still with a bit of uncertainty, that it was a balloon. Another woman overheard us and also looked at it, but in the end she too was unable to identify it. When I was the one left looking at it(the craft), I tried to confirm by asking, 'Could you please identify yourself?'. Their response? The starship shone a yellowish light as bright as a night star, in the middle of the afternoon! The light shone for about three seconds, then it continued to move until it blended with the clouds. The very moment after that, the landlord arrived and opened the gate for me. I tried to look at my window when I got in and saw a blend of pink-and yellow clouds coloring the afternoon sky. I felt the peace and love resonating in the entire area. What an astounding experience! THE BOTTOM LINE: THEY LISTEN TO YOU ALWAYS, AND SHOW UP WHEN YOU ARE READY.They will make you feel special. Peace and Love, Kevin Below is a picture of the craft(optional). This was not taken by me but was seen in other states as well. I am a hundred percent sure this was the one. Thanks to Jon Lorber for giving me the link. http://www.google.com.ph/imgres?q=pink+UFO&um=1&hl=fil&sa=N&biw=1024&bih=439 &tbm=isch&tbnid=K92EwIaHjValzM:&imgrefurl=http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/ 29/ufo-shows-up-on-google-streetview_n_1924422.html&docid=TBQYe71avy5XGM&imgurl=http://i.huffpost.com/gen/79376 1/thumbs/o-GOOGLEUFONM570.jpg%253F6&w=570&h=456&ei=CLCeUJ_DCvDUmAWQ2YCADw&zoom=1&iact=rc

&dur=312&sig=105425354444146101645&page=1&tbnh=153&tbnw=216&start=0&ndsp=8 &ved=1t:429,r:3,s:0,i:74&tx=143&ty=22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kosta, We had 4 in our group: Me (Doreen), Jim, Carol & Rick... we decided to bring out the air mattresses, and instead of going up to the Platte we normally do, we went out into the desert and lay out in a sand bowl with the entire sky in full view. This cut down on the cold and wind tremendously!! Again, we video taped our experiences which proves to be very worthwhile... we started the evening with the prayer to the seven directions and Dr. Greer doing the Puja in Sanskrit, immediately after this there was lots of activity in the sky--- it seemed to be beaming with energy... first there were several flashes to the north, so Carol and I continued to ring our singing bowls to the North, there was also a slow moving object that was moving away from us but didn't look like a satellite or a plane; we continued to watch this until it just disappeared into nowhere. Then we laid down on our air mattresses in this desert bowl and meditated as the CSETI protocol says to, with Dr. Greers cd. During the meditation we all experienced different things. I was conversing with a being that told me to look towards the North at 11pm; well that seemed late as we were planning on being out till 10 maybe 1030... At the end of the evening we pushed through till 10:30 then started packing up... as we made our way out of the desert we pulled over at 10:55pm and looked to the North and waited and at exactly 11pm we saw what looked like a shooting star in the North sky... that was good enough for me!! As we watched the video back over the next week it is truly amazing the footage we got... we had some of the same probes as last time from our Star family... in addition, we experienced a snake shaped light that flew threw our group on several different occasions, but always during the meditation; as we meditated on 4 different occasions this night and did lots of vectoring in!! While we were up after meditation and sharing our experiences, we were just having such a fun conversation and were laughing a lot, we noticed in the video that during our laughter, there were orbs just falling over our group truly amazing and so beautiful.... weve drawn the conclusion that laughter raises our vibrational frequency, and makes it easier for beings to connect with us. Tahete, Doreen and her team!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Vernon BC Canada We were three people inside the yurt starting at 7:00 pm. The tri-field meter was turned on and silent in the middle of the group. There had been no discernible signals inside the yurt. As soon as Victoria mentioned her meditation, and her vision of beings accompanied by blue lights, the meter began signalling in the usual "ET voice" chatter and continued for most of the evening. Doug, Victoria and I are all experienced meditators, and so we just went into trance and reported what was happening. Doug was immediately transported to a platform with a clear dome, he was viewing stars and planets from a position in space (that he did not recognize). On this platform he was interacting with beings but had difficulty summarizing the content of their communication. As soon as Victoria or myself began reporting what was happening, he was "pulled back" each time to our location, where he could see what was being described by us. When V. spoke of a light blue being, he saw a blue crystal hanging overtop the group, hung inside a kind of web. When I spoke about a golden spinning disc surrounding our group, he was able to see this as well. Victoria and I seemed to be receiving a third eye chakra procedure for most of the evening. We both felt definite pressure in this area for an extended period. I felt like a transdimensional apparatus was attached to my forehead. Towards the end, the tri-field meter seemed to drone continuously like it was picking up a machine signal. At 9:00 pm we ended the event and went home. Lois (who lives very near to Victoria) was not able to attend the Oct 15th event, but a few days later she sent a question by email asking if anyone was having contact with blue light beings, as she was experiencing contact with them at that point...I told her about Victoria's meditation vision and CE-5 experience. Lois felt it was a confirmation of the ongoing contact that is happening in their neighbourhood. Cheers Deb -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Kosta, My name is Aaron and I participated in the Albany, NY group last October. Here is my report: -October 13, Albany, NY group.

We didn't see too much in the way of craft, mostly due to the overcast sky, but there was certainly quite a bit happening nonphysically in our group. I sensed a number of things throughout the night but will only report here about the ones that other people also independently corroborated.

Tall beings in the trees No sooner had we begun our circle-wide introductions when I noticed that there appeared to be very tall, seemingly elderly beings, dark in shadow, looming beyond our circle standing among the trees. They appeared to be about 15 feet tall and felt very old and not necessarily extraterrestrial but simply observing the proceedings or just acknowledging what we were doing here. After the introductions ended, 1 or 2 other people said they saw tall beings in the trees.

Presence This was something I was aware of but didn't hear anyone else bring up, at least the first part. Dwight's (I think?) tri-field meter began beeping very early in our first round of meditations--noises that people said they had never heard it make before, and I began to feel the strangest sensation of something attempting to enter or manifest into our reality, some force just behind our circle among the trees to the east. It was large and dark, fuzzy or blurry. I normally stay cool and try to communicate with things like this but it caught me off guard and ramped up in intensity so much I almost grabbed the guy next to me. It then faded and receded.

During the second meditation, I felt this presence slowly approach our circle again from the Northeast. It was a formless mass that hugged along the ground and entered our circle, remained in the center for perhaps a minute, then just as leisurely left the way it came. I decided to say nothing, since it was definitely on the unusual side, but during the review, someone said she felt a presence enter our circle, occupied the middle then left.

This was my first time to a CSETI expedition despite having followed Dr. Greer's work for years. I feel privileged, thanks for having me!

Aaron Mustamaa Brooklyn, NY

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------On October 13th, four of us assembled for our San Bruno, CA CE-5 expedition. While we were assembling in the parking lot for the hike up to our "temple," several of us saw flash bulbs. These would prove to be our only celestial sightings because when we got to the top of the hill, there was a cloud cover so the stars were only visible in brief moments. We formed our circle and Steve turned on Dr. Greer's Structure of the Universe meditation from the app. During this meditation, my dog, Annabelle, who has become a regular CE-5er, got fidgety and started sniffing the air. A sure sign of visitors! We then played crop circle tones for a few minutes. We finished up by listening to Dr. Greer's Crestone meditation. The meditation was playing flawlessly until suddenly there was lots of electrical buzzing and interference on the recording just as I've heard on some of the Skype meditation sessions, so I was sure that our friends were there. Just as Dr. Greer got to the part of the meditation where he says that we are all connected by Love, I felt a tremendous whoosh of Love envelop me and pass through me. I don't know if anyone else in the group felt this, but it was fantastic! I then dug out my phone and turned on the magnetometer included with the app to see if there was any reading. As soon as I turned it on, it began making little musical sounds that lasted for a few seconds before fading away. Our ET friends have learned to be creative since our local skies often do not cooperate. I can't wait until next month's adventure. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------I've been doing this for a while now and go with the protocols you email me with. i do this daily 4am-6am then outside to see if i can spot anything, i always get pulsating lights and the cseti logo triangle. however in the past 3 weeks or so there has been a big change in the prep mediation (BIG-TIME) this has turned into a LUCID-ADVENTURE WITH THESE FRIENDLY STAR PEOPLES unlike anything i've ever experienced (IN THE COSMOS) takes my breath away. i explained to them iam in my sixth decade now and what mite do to help while still in this life. what iam getting back is, for me to spread the word-give it out, AND THEY WILL LAND AND THE WORLD WILL WITNESS. as an ambassador i said yes. GOD BLESS . allen from downtown seattle. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello Kosta Martha asked me to write up our experiences last weekend at Stephenville Texas. :::: Earlier in the day we started our CSETI by going over ,and discussing how Samadhi, the protocols and puja ceremony is

ancient and important. We started meditating at the lake as the sun was setting. There were military jets that were very active during the day as well as in the evening. This was very unusual at this location we were told. In short, we had an airshow. ! As we meditated all around us there was also a light show of lightning. Our circle of 9 people did a short puja, listening to the Gayatri mantra , tones and music while meditating on the Oneness of all, and the boundless mind. Two of us had radar detectors that were silent during the Puja ceremony, afterwards they were constantly active .! Our visitors presence was registered on the radar detectors . These detectors appeared to be responsive to questions that were asked, as well as when the jets went by. yet we did not get an answer to where the star people were from. The detectors rocked !! Our star family were definitely with us the whole time, The sky was not very clear as the thunderstorm was approaching but we did see what was described as shooting stars, and the sky did open up many times. We also got pictures of brilliant orbs not visible to the naked eye. Later as many had gone to bed. two of us went out and started playing a native american drum, The drummers thought that a voice was talking with them from inside the cabin, this later proved to not be so. Also it appeared that native americans were singing in the background while the drum was being played. The presence of beings was shared with us in this way I felt a whirling display of multicolored lights as I lay down in my tent, and then remember seeing the stars as vividly and up close as possible, I think the star people with us this night were trying to show me where they were from, but I forgot. We then had a major rainstorm, and much later the coyotes and dogs started howling.. !! Peace and Oneness realization be with us all. Namaste Tom -------------------------------------------------------------------------------For the October Global CE-5, a very close friend (also my roommate) and I had a late night meditation with great success. It's been dropping below freezing here, so we had the meditation indoors. But that of course has never stopped us from connecting with our ET sisters and brothers. I had some wonderful experiences during the meditation. The profound presence of guardians, on and around our planet, is on the brink of an astonishing critical mass. If you were to gaze upon earth right now with your third eye, you would see that Gaia is utterly saturated in this divine light of love and ascension. Even if you haven't seen it yet, this unconditional love can

always be felt by allowing one's self to relax, and gently connect with the natural flow of all that is. Earlier that evening while at the gym I saw multiple beautiful, electric blue orbs hanging out with us. I'm happy to say I could feel my star friends present from the moment I woke up on Saturday. My roommate said he too was engaged with higher frequency energies and ET for most of the day. After the meditation I went outside into the frigid ambient as long as I could, but didn't spot any ships. Although, the overwhelming abundance of clear stars overhead was an amazing sight in of itself. I hope everyone else gained something positive from their experiences as well. Great love and appreciation, Steven -------------------------------------------------------------------------------A while back we were on a ce5 outing. It was a nice comfortable evening we were bundled up with hot and cold coffee and treats. We had a wonderful display in the night sky. Earlier I had walked around our area and felt the presents of our friends. Energy just coursed through my being, wave after wave through all my chakras. Half way through our three hour adventure I was drawn to the other end of the clearing we were in. I just got up and walked away from our group! As I headed off to the other end of the clearing my friend Laura came to follow me. I had left without saying anything to anyone! Laura and I headed off and as we came to the area I had been pulled to the energy from the earth was so intense. We stood alone amazed at our feelings Again waves of energy through all our chakras. I asked Laura to go and get the others. I walked a little way back as the others came to me. When I did so I passed through a barrier of energy. We gathered there I told the others what I was feeling and already we all were feeling the energy. As a group we passed back through the area I described almost everyone began to have similar experiences to my own. One of us said we were walking through walls. We ended up in a very powerful area we held hands and I felt we were surrounded my many of our friends inside a ship! One of our party began to vocalize communication she received from the ETs. What a wonderful night, thanks Kosta for a great experience. I cannot wait to go out again. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kosta, This was a short but satisfying contact. After about an hour of deep meditation follow by 15 minutes of CTS (Coherent Thought Sequencing) I vectored through imaging three sequences

from deep space down to my contact site. Alone, and not yet able to remote view, I supposed that the chances for contact would be slim. The night sky was intense with northern lights, not unusual here north of the arctic circle, but these lights repeatedly formed a bulls eye or fingerprint pattern around my contact site (that is unusual). After the third vector, two lights appeared in what appeared at first to be satellites moving in opposite north south directions moving away from each other. Both however phased out after covering a few degrees of arc. I was unable to reach out mind to mind, heart to heart, but still was ecstatic they showed up. I'm optimistic and look forward to the next, hopefully closer, contact. js -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello, Kosta and Group Saturday October 13, Dina and I (Tony) in Nashville, TN participated in the monthly Contact meditation. The night was relatively clear, with the faintest haze. Most stars were visible. We faced north or south. We observed two satellites (east-west and north-south) over a 2 hour period. I invited the ETs, if safe, to give us a sign they were listening and participating, a sign that Dina could also see, and that we could share with the global meditators. About 15 minutes before we finished our meditation for the night, we were both looking directly overhead. We both saw a very bright white flash, then a few seconds later (slightly different position) a fainter flash, and finally (slightly changed position) a third, fainter flash. This was clearly meant for all of us. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------October 13, 2012, 7:14 p.m. Despite the looming gloomy clouds and spits of rain, 12 of us from Continuum X, McCall, Idaho, were in loving and light communion, a feeling of joy with a party atmosphere. Ten of our group went up Warren Wagon Road several miles to a camp ground in the Payette National Forest along the upper Payette Lake where they simply sent their intent for communion from there. Approximately 6:50 p.m. after they returned to base where myself and one other member awaited (I had been monitoring the computer E-Mails, Facebook and such as well as telephone consultations throughout the day), I was urged to go look outside. We were awed at this unusual cloud formation. It felt like a representation of a huge mother ship. The trees which have gone into mostly the dull colors of mountain foliage seemed greener than ever. The reddish look to the mountains is the first I had seen it like that even with spectacular sunsets.

This cloud stayed long enough for me to get a picture of it and then promptly began to disperse, returning the scenery to that of a typical mountain town near sunset. We thank our family for their amazing manifestation and their loving attention not only to protecting our group but also that nature which sustains us from around us. Linda Irwin Continuum X Headquarters McCall, Idaho -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Kosta, How are you, hope everything is well...Here is my report for this Month... Oct 12, at 9:00 a.m..On my I-pod, turned on tones and left I-pod playing on the upstairs porch, I went downstairs and did a meditation on my computer...Then did house cleaning....I left the tones on till 1:00 p.m... Started to get dinner ready early...Played tones again on my I-pod at 4:45 p.m, and played the CTS recording on my I-pad...Then I had dinner and about 7:30 p.m turned the tones off on the I-pod and played the Structure of the Universe recording on the Ipod...after the meditation I had turned on the Making Contact recording and read up on the CSETI working group training materials...By 9:50 p.m, I had called it a night... Oct 13, 10:00 a.m...On my I-pod, I played the tones and left it on the porch and played on my computer CTS recording...Later after my CTS, I had played the Om mani padme hum meditation to relax me, for some reason I was really tense...At 1:18 p.m, I had gone on the porch and turned the tones recording off..At 6:12 p.m I turned on the I-pod and played the tones recording and left it on, at 7:00 p.m, turned on Making Contact recording...I had gone upstairs and turned off the I-pod recording of the tones it was about 8:20 p.m, a few minutes after that the electricity had gone off, so I had to end my CE-5 Contact because of it, and set up all the candles all around the house and check on the flashlights...But I used that time to read up more of CSETI working group training materials....Well, this is my report... I really was hoping that something exciting would happen but, the electricity going out for the night, got exciting when I had to try finding things in the dark and not remembering where I had placed everything:(( crying...Anyway, Kosta you have a nice night and many blessing to you and your family... Aloha from Kula Maui Hawaii Arthurlynn Kanuha -------------------------------------------------------------------------------ET Contact report for Saturday, October 13, 2012 in southern Sweden

At home, I did a meditation in the afternoon around 5:30 PM to put attention on our global CE-5 group and did some CTS to my location for later that night. At about 8:30 PM I went out to the site outside the city limits at a spot which is pretty well-secluded and surrounded by trees, bushes and a pond. Upon arriving at the location, I sat down and started playing the field-work tones. Aside from the usual nearby urban light pollution, it was a beautiful night with Jupiter hanging in the northeast in the midst of Taurus and Auriga. I got my camera out and started taking some long-exposure flash-less shots of the area around me and the sky as well. Just after taking a photo of the sky, what looked like a meteor passed right overhead just south of the zenith. I took some more shots but didn't have anything appear on the reel. I also used my high-powered green laser to signal in pulses towards the zenith and towards other areas of the sky that were important identifiable points for me. After turning off the tones I went into a meditation, first with the use of the recorded mantra meditation, then with a silent meditation on my own. With my inner sight, I used a golden light, infused with a positive energy of peace, as a beacon sending it out to deep space and into and across the Earth. I saw this light connecting the circuits of all the global CE-5 groups engaged with this effort. I also saw this light resonate with its own tone, and in a way, giving a tune-up to the resonant frequency of the Global CE-5 community and through us to the rest of humanity. After this, I did the CTS and felt I had a lock-on with somebody up there. After zeroing in on my location mentally, I felt the need to open my eyes and send out the green laser to clarify, real quickly, where I was. After flashing the laser towards the zenith a couple of times, I saw in the North at about 30 degrees, just east of the northernmost part of Ursa Major, a stationary light appear. It stayed lit for a moment and then faded out to the point where there was no light there. It was star-like in appearance and as bright as if not brighter than the stars of the Dipper nearby. This was at about 9:30 PM and immediately I got up to get a clearer view of that area of the sky to see if a cloud might have obscured a plane or satellite or something, but there were no clouds there and the entire sky was clear. This seemed really similar to some of the lights that have been captured by CSETI on film and posted on YouTube. As I felt that this may have been contact, I sent out a thought of 'thanks!' for this manifestation of light. I stood still for a moment with my hands and third eye making a triangle, and I let myself be open to connecting to whatever ETs might be in the area and aware of what I was doing. During these few minutes, I felt very steady and centered, and although it was cold, I felt a nice buzz of energy and warmth flowing through my body. After this I decided to take a little break and have a snack, and by the time I finished eating I decided that it was cold enough for me to head back home. So I packed my things up after another glance around the sky and quickly asking for the ETs to be with me at home as I meditate and dream during the night. I started walking up the path towards the road. As I was leaving I was thinking how nice it was for them to have lit up like that even though I'm just

one person doing the protocols. I looked up to the sky just as I was thinking this and I saw in the South-West at about 40 degrees a very quick and small flash of light near Sagitta and Aquila. This flash seemed to say We're with ya! or "Roger that!" This was at 9:43 PM. ---------------- --------------------------------------I have a few things to note that I've noticed since the last Global CE-5: After last month, I found that there is a bubble in my cheap compass that I don't remember being there before. (I really don't remember analyzing whether or not there was a bubble beforehand, but at least now I know that there is one.) Another thing I noticed that is notable because it's happened two months in a row now; There is a pond nearby my field-site and I know that there are some birds that hang out there during the night. After sundown the ducks and other birds are generally very quiet. BUT - whenever I'm coming out of a deep closed-eye meditation and becoming aware of some kind of energetic shift or presence in the area nearby, I hear the ducks splashing around in the pond for an extended period of a minute or two. I feel that they may be reacting to something related to the contact being experienced. Also, I've noticed that when I do ask for contact to continue into my dream-time, I find that my dreaming is very 'intellectual' and I wake up in the middle of the night feeling like I have a lot of ideas to write down. The dream-time almost feels like a kind of rehearsing for what I will further develop in thought and in writing during the next day. So in the morning after I get up I spend a good hour typing up whatever little epiphanies I've had. It nearly always relates to outlining the shifts that must be a part of this transformation towards a sustainable and enlightened civilization on Earth. (For example, this morning I wrote about how advances in breakthrough technology must also be accompanied by breakthrough advances in culture that will come about through education and the raising of awareness. I also wrote about how the current macroeconomic system can be characterized as a 'casino' culture of competition, gambling, and ignorance being enforced from the top down. Of course this system is nonsensical, dangerous and unfair to the whole of humanity and to the dignity of life itself. Now, let's continue forward with our work and create the better world our hearts tell us is possible!) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Kosta, I hosted a fabulous retreat in the mountains this weekend. Everything about it was in the Divine Flow. Although we didnt have any sightings on Saturday, I had an AMAZING sighting on the Thurday evening prior to our Contact Night. I right away posted it on The CE-5 group on Facebook. Here is a copy/paste of what I reported:


Y'all !!! I just saw a jet of some kind chasing down an ET ship in my backyard! My heart is racing. I went out at 8:20pm to send out the Love and Friendship vibe to our star brothers and sisters. I saw a few nice meteorites go by but nothing unusual. As I was about to head back (5 min ago), I sent out another message to come by if it was safe to do so. Nothing. Then I got up to walk across my big backyard and I heard a loud jet coming from the west. Right in front of it and going much faster was an amber colored orb shaped light hauling ass across the sky. It turned from amber to green to yellow then it all went past my treeline to the East and was gone. Just wanted to share this. I have a good deal of contact in my backyard but have never witnessed the "chase". Peace and Godspeed to One and All, Ann Marie- Chester, VA --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Global CE-5, 13/10/12. Madrid (Spain). Jaime and Mario

I was joined on this occasion by a friend, Jaime, for whom it was his first ce5. We did everything indoors, and we had different experiences. As he shared, for the first time he experienced a state of clear being inside the meditation (in which he is also beginning), where he saw circular and triangular interweaveing patterns on the upper left and lower right edges of his mind's eye vision, and a general most curious feeling (in his words hard to describe). He also felt distinctly tapped on his left temple. My own exprience (Mario) was that when contact was established, something wonderful opened up. I felt like my perception and energy were being shared, and there was an extraordinary presence in the room and in my consciousness. It wasn't an individual presence, but a collective presence. I later donwloaded that I was exeriencing a link with my fellow ce5ers around the world, and also the Ets participating in this gathering, and the experience was being facilitated through the Ets. It was a most wonderful, joyous, peaceful and powerful connection. I'm not sure if Jaime was experiencing this, since he was immersed in his own experience and found it difficult to articulate in words, but I got from the Ets that they understood we were a new group and that we should just share with one another, which is what we did. The feeling of connection with the global ce5 field lasted for hours (approximately 5hrs), long after Jaime and I parted ways. Telepathically, I suggested into the field and the Ets that this link be solidified and accessible, since it represents an enormous leap forward in the strength of what we do. On the sensation level, I felt the telepathic connection with our friends which for this occasion was not specific to the features and remote viewing of an et/ets but more like a strong feeling of the presence. Also a feeling of being touched on the right arm, and a while later on the left arm. Also, during the contact experience I noticed an energetic intense heat in my sex organs for a while, which I understand has happened to other cseti ambassadors. The next day I went more

deeply into this, and did an energy healing technique to harmonize and understand this energy work on the part of the Ets. From my session I gathered that it is an energy update intended for us to propagate it into the morphogenetic field. It involves an upgrading of the mitochondria of all the cells in the body, the gonads, and intuition-extra sensory perception/intrasensory perception. After the session, which I finished a while ago, I feel the same heat all over my body (I believe its the mitochondria upgrade).

I have to say regarding this linking energetically with others, its been one of the most joyful experiences in my life. I really do hope we can build on that, its extraordinary! And I believe we have the capacity to do it.

Mario and Jaime


Global CE-5 ET Contact and CE-5 Initiative Facebook Group Join Forces
Hello "Global CE-5 ET Contact" friends, Announcing the joining of forces of the "Global CE-5 ET Contact" group and the "CE-5 Initiative" Facebook group. Grant Haygood and James Iandoli, founders and moderators of the "CE-5 Initiative" FB group have cooperatively integrated their posting process with that of our "Global CE-5 ET Contact" events. Anyone reading this message who desires to connect with likeminded CE-5 enthusiasts should become a member of this FB group at:


James and Grant have successfully created a fun, informative, and friendly social space of human-tohuman contact. Our monthly Global CE-5 events will be announced to that group's 600+ members. By collaborating with cross-postings we increase our CE-5 participation and extend our network. As a combined community we are on the forefront of human-ET interaction. The synergy is amazing. Thank you James and Grant! Thank you to those here who beam on over to FB. All here will continue to receive the same communications from me. Joining the FB group doesn't remove you from our Global CE-5 community. To infinity and beyond! Namaste, Kosta San Bruno, CA

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