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Ellie Griffiths FP1 Revision Sheet Complex numbers:

Complex numbers are in the form a + bi, where a and b are real numbers: The complex conjugate of complex number z: If roots and of a quadratic are complex, they will be a complex conjugate pair. If one root of anything is complex, another root will be its complex conjugate. Complex numbers in the form z = x + yi may be represented on an Argand diagram where (x, y) are Cartesian coordinates. The modulus of complex number z = x + yi, known as r or |z| or |x + yi|: The argument arg z is the angle between the positive real (x-) axis and the vector The modulus-argument form of z = x + yi: For complex numbers z1 and z2: Interval bisection: Find an interval in which f(x) changes sign. Take the mid-point as an approximation. Repeat using mid-point between previous mid-point and original limit where there is a change of sign.

Linear interpolation: Draw a sketch of function f(x) for given interval [a, b] Join a line between points on curve at x-coordinates a and b. Where this line intercepts the x-axis is your next approximation. Use similar triangles to find this point: ratio of heights is same to ratio of bases.

Ellie Griffiths FP1 Revision Sheet Repeat using approximation and one of the original limits where there is a change of sign between them. Repeat until answer found to required degree of accuracy.


Parabola: A parabola is a set of points which are equidistant from the focus S and a line called the directrix. The focus, S, has coordiantes (a, 0) The directrix has equation x = -a A parabola has Cartesian equation y2 = 4ax And parametric equations x = at2, y = 2at where a is a positive constant

Hyperbola: Has Cartesian equation xy = c2 where c is a positive constant Has parametric equations x = ct, y = where t 0.

Matrices: An n x m matrix has n rows and m columns. The identity matrix I does not change a matrix or object. The determinant of matrix A is det(A) = ad bc The inverse of matrix A is A-1 Standard results for series:

Ellie Griffiths FP1 Revision Sheet

Proof by induction: Basis: show general statement is true for n = 1. Assumption: assume true for n = k. Induction: show true for n = k + 1 using assumption n = k is true. Conclusion If you have a recurrence relation, check for more than one basic case of n to see if all are true. Assume that it is true for k equivalents to starting numbers. eg. Un+2 relation , given u1 and u2, check true for n = 1, 2, 3 and assume true for n = k and n = k + 1.

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