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The Church Magazine of the Parish of Pangbourne with Tidmarsh & Sulham

March 201 3

Editorial Gift Day Children's Worker Noah's Ark The Way of the Cross Christian Unity The "IF" Campaign Quick Crossword page 03 page 04 page 06 page 07 Tony in Ghana CIRDIC Prayer Requests Christian Year News page 13 page 15 page 17 page 14 page 16 page 19

page 08 page 09 page 10 page 12

Worship in March Parish Directory

Back Cover

Front Cover A Cross at Lee Abbey, North Devon (stylised) one of 3 crosses on a hill overlooking Lee Abbey, a Christian retreat and conference centre on the magnificent north Exmoor coast. Their website tells us that, "Thousands of guests and and focus on Jesus". Standing alone beneath these realistically sized crosses can

community members over the years have found the Crosses to be a great place to reflect certainly focus attention on the events of that first Good Friday and all that means to us. This is the very core of our faith, and the cross continues to be the symbol of our faith; whether on a chain around our necks, held in our hands during prayer, or standing on

an altar as we worship. Often made from fine silver or gold, smooth and polished wood, the reality of the cross is a barbaric, cruel, humiliating, roughly fashioned implement of torture and death, and that is what these Lee Abbey crosses jolt into your awareness. But paradoxically, at the same time there is a sense of stillness and peace, of hope, and joy, and holiness. It just seems appropriate in Lent, in the approach to Holy Week, to look at the cross in all of its forms, and to reflect and focus on Jesus.

The 'vision' deadline is 15th ofthe month. Copy received after that date will be held over to the following month.
Hand written or printed copy can be left in the 'v' pigeon hole in St. James, or sent to: Mickey Haynes 28 Cleeve Down Goring on Thames Reading RG8 0HA Digital copy can be emailed to: ziggit@btinternet.com


Digital (pdf) versions of'vision' are available on request.

page 2

Well here we are, another issue already. Not a lot of feedback, but the little I got was generally positive thank you, apart from that about the size of the text! I have made it slightly bigger this month, so I hope that helps. I really do need your help. As a lot of you know I don't live in the parish so I am not always aware of what is happening, so please share your village and church news with me. I hope that everyone will find something of interest in this edition, but I would particularly like to draw your attention to Reverend Heather's article on the Gift Day, and to encourage everyone to come along. I would also encourage you to invite your friends, especially those who are not necessarily regular churchgoers. We have been left a legacy of 3 wonderful churches by our Christian ancestors, and if we are to pass on this legacy then we need to generate the income to do so. I would like to include a letters page in future editions, but to do that I obviously need ....... letters (or emails or texts). Let me know what you want to see in 'vision' (and what you don't!). I am interested in your opinions, please share them. There is so much happening in our churches, both locally and nationally, that there must be things we need to discuss. Let's start the debate. What are you reading? Can you recommend it? A lot of us read faith related books, papers, and magazines, so what are they like? Please let me have your recommendations, good and bad. Don't worry about the format, grammar, spelling, or any other aspect when you send anything to 'vision'. I will edit it, so any errors will be mine not yours. Go on, give it a try! Thanks for reading.



February Prize Crossword

Despite the Editors best efforts to mislead, a record entry of 10 competitors clearly knew their Betjeman, recognising Diana as the owner of ponies and not pansies, that had swallowed their bits. It did conjure up a rather charming picture though.....! From the 9 all correct solutions received, that of John Moore came first out of the hat. Congratulations go to him, together with a bottle of specially selected red wine.

Please keep the entries coming in and enjoy this month s Quick Crossword.
P.S. Sadly, the anonymous December correct entry remained anonymous.


page 3



The Parish churches In our parish we have three wonderful heritage buildings to maintain. They are a great asset and also very demanding on resources. Our three buildings, two welcoming Victorians and an early medieval gem, are showing their age. The ancient stonework, timber, lead and glass is vulnerable to weather, the years, and sadly, recently to thefts. Church Income Your parish church's income is entirely from planned giving and other charitable donations. As a charitable organisation we need to generate 100% of our income, and this comes from donations from our electoral roll (about 160), and activities supported by members of the parish. Our budget for 2013 is 115,000. With the help and good will of parishioners and friends the Christian community can continue the work of previous generations, and preserve the church for the future. Planned giving is crucial for this work. We invite all church members to join in planned giving, pledging to support the life and work of the church, and supporting fund raising events. Planned Giving Your charitable giving shares new life, new vision, new hope in our villages and beyond. It enables the ministry of the church, including regular Sunday and weekday worship, wedding and funeral services, Baptisms, Noahs Ark for Mums and Tots, JIGSAW afterschool club for primary children, youth groups, coffee and chat midweek, home groups, events and social activities, support development in Bunghoko, a mission partner in Ecuador, and via the Church Urban Fund an inner city parish, and to maintain our buildings and churchyards. It costs 2,200 per week to run our 3 churches in the Parish of Pangbourne, Tidmarsh and Sulham. We are holding a Gift Day on March 2nd. Please drop in to St James the Less between 9am and 2pm.

Pangbourne with Tidmarsh and Sulham Registered charity number 1127943 St James the Less Pangbourne

Fair Trade Breakfasts and Lent Lunches will be served. There will be childrens activities & music. Meet the Church Council and Ministry Team. Bring your prayer requests. Pledge support to help keep your village churches open now and for future generations. Find out about gift aid. Discover more about your parish churches' heritage.


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Christian Faith is a lifelong journey. As our thinking about Gods generosity and our understanding of his call changes so we develop our response. Christians are challenged to be generous in all parts of life offering hospitality, giving our time, using our skills in and through our church and for our community. Regular committed giving by church members enables the church to carry out Gods mission in the world. To keep the buildings we need the help of all our parishioners. Every contribution, however large or small counts, and enables us to keep the 3 churches open and welcoming to all. We invite our parishioners to give generously to help maintain the church buildings for present, and future, village communities.Please pledge your support by committing to a monthly, quarterly or yearly payment. If you would like to give a oneoff donation please make your cheque payable to, PCC of Pangbourne, Tidmarsh and Sulham, and send to; The Treasurer,


c/o The Rectory Pangbourne RG8 7AP

St James Close, Thank You.

Every 6 years the Church of England has a revision of its membership of the Electoral roll in each parish. This year we ask; every member of the parish, living in the villages of Pangbourne, Tidmarsh and Sulham and the surrounding countryside who considers themselves to be a member of the Church of England, or member of another church who lives in the parish and habitually attends worship in the parish churches or who lives outside the parish and habitually attends worship in the parish, to fill in the application for membership of the electoral roll in St James the Less, Pangbourne, St Laurence,Tidmarsh or St Nicholas, Sulham. Forms can be found in each of the village churches or are available from the Church Office in the Pangbourne Village Hall. Please contact the parish administrator Sarah Rasmussen admin@pangbournenchurches.info The closure date for application is Easter Day March 31st 2013. Please apply whether or not you are on the present roll as the roll must be completely revised this year. If you want to see the parish churches of the Church of England to continue to serve your villages with mission and ministry and be available for your significant life celebrations and seasonal services please give your support.

Public Notice


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Young Church

I have been involved with childrens work at St James for twenty years, and in January this year I became the Parishs first Childrens Worker. Thanks to a great team of people and a lot of hard work, we cater for children of all ages. All are welcome at our Sunday at Ten service at St James, where we have age appropriate childrens teaching; either in the hall with games, prayers, singing and craft, or the vestry, for a story and an activity. Our family services at St Laurence and St Nicholas are also inclusive, allowing children of all ages to participate. Noahs Ark is a friendly welcoming baby and toddler service for the under 5s and their parents/carers. The short worship time includes stories, songs and prayers, followed by refreshments and a chance to get to chat. Noahs Ark runs every Friday morning from 10.00 a.m until 11.30 a.m during term time with a special half term puppet show open to children of all ages. For children over the age of 9, we have a Sunday evening group the J.J.'s, who meet at Pangbourne Village Hall from 6.15 7.30 pm, and an over 13s group who meet regularly during the week. The groups have an opportunity to learn about the Christian faith within a fun and relaxed environment, usually with food !!. For a little over a year we have also been running a Wednesday after school club, Jigsaw (Jesus in games, songs and worship) at Pangborne Primary school for children between year 1 and year 6, which includes stories, games, and craft based around a bible character or theme. There are several events coming up in the next few weeks; activities for children during the Church Gift Day on Saturday 2nd March, the Mothering Sunday service on March 10th, and a Hot Cross Bun workshop for families on Good Friday ( 29th March) to help us think about the meaning of the Easter story. Recently, Revd Heather and I attended a diocesan training day for Childrens and Youth workers and Church Schools. The day was called, Good News for Young People, and talked of us not just telling but being the good news of Christ. We have a team of people involved in childrens work in our Parish in all sorts of ways, from the involvement of the children in the family service music at St Laurence to Youth Alpha at J.Js, from refreshments for toddlers at Noahs Ark to the craft at Jigsaw. In all these things, and many more, relationships are being formed with our children, young people, and their families. I hope as my role develops to build on this; through links with the preschool, school, and the childrens centre, working with the ministry team on family focussed worship, and looking forward to a schools day and a holiday club in the summer, all of which can strengthen and extend the good things that are already happening. If you have ideas as to how we can improve our ministry to children, would like details of any of the above, or would like to be involved in helping with any aspect of the childrens work, then please get in touch. Judith Sumner (07866614836) or judith.sumner@ntlworld.com



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Noahs Ark

Young Church

Noahs Ark began out of love to support mothers and others caring for very young children. God gives his love freely to all of us and there is no charge. However, the church depends entirely on the generosity of its members and in response to this, a box near the door is available for anyone wishing to make a donation to the work of the church. Judith Sumner 07866614836 or Rhian Healey 07971445451 Noah's Ark this month March 8th March 1st For more information about Noahs Ark, please contact;

followed by refreshments and a craft activity and toys for the children. All are welcome!

parents/carers. We have a worship time with a story, songs with shakers and a prayer,

Noahs Ark is a special service for children between the ages of 0 and 5 years and their

On Fridays at 10.00 a.m in St James the Less, Pangbourne

March 29th (Good Friday)

March 22nd

March 15th


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A popular Christian devotion particularly appropriate to the season of Lent, is to 'Walk the Way of the Cross'. It is a means of engaging actively with the path of suffering taken by Our Lord on the first Good Friday, when after his mock trial, scourging, and being crowned with thorns, he was forced to walk from Pilates House in Jerusalem to Calvary carrying the heavy wooden cross on which he was to be crucified. Originating in Jerusalem, pilgrims began to follow this route pausing for prayer and devotion at various points. In the late 14th century the Franciscans were given responsibility to erect tableaux at various points on the route (called Stations), to enhance the devotion of the pilgrims. In 1731 Pope Clement XII set these as fourteen, nine based on scripture and a further five based on popular devotion. Today in most Roman Catholic and high Anglican churches you can find the fourteen Stations depicted around the walls by pictures, paintings, or just by numbers. During Lent pilgrims are encouraged to walk the Stations, either corporately or individually, pausing at each Station to meditate and pray. In recent times the practice has become ecumenical and a revised selection of Stations based wholly upon scripture may be preferred. One such Order can be found in Common Worship : 'Times and Seasons' pp 228254. The traditional Stations are also listed in 'Times and Seasons' page 256. Ideally these are best followed using one of the many small booklets available. One of the best, entitled Remember Me, was written by the late Brother Ramon SSF, but now unfortunately is out of print. He wrote it particularly to encourage Christians of all traditions to engage in this devotion. Sadly few Churches are open these days, but even ones that are, like our three churches, do not have Stations displayed. However, one could still undertake the devotion by choosing fourteen points, seven on either side of the nave, and as is now the custom in many places, adding a fifteenth Station which could be looking towards the East end, and reflecting upon The Resurrection. If you have access to the internet you will find lots more about this devotion including pictures and devotional booklets that can assist you. At each Station it is customary to begin by saying: "We adore you O Christ, and we bless you." Response: "Because by your holy Cross, you have redeemed the world." If you feel the sorrow of Calvary as you complete this devotion, then give thanks for it, affirm your faith in the risen Jesus, and hold the sorrows of the world before God in love and prayer. (Brother Ramon SSF)

The Way of the Cross








Canon Norman Brown

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Why Pray for Christian Unity?

Wider Church

The Salvation Army sing: They shall come from the east, they shall come from the west, And sit down in the Kingdom of God. Both the rich and the poor, the despised, the distressed, Theyll sit down in the Kingdom of God. But to me line 3 should be: Both the Baptist and Brethren, the Methodist, the Anglican, Theyll sit down in the Kingdom of God. Now some people are startled when I tell them that I never pray for Christian Unity, not even in the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. The reason is found in Pauls letter to the Ephesians, 4:13: As a prisoner of the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. So it seems that this unity, this unity of the Spirit, has already been made by God Himself. Our job is not to try to create it but to keep it, to guard it as one commentator states, and it seems over the centuries Christians have not been very good at this. Differences over music, over translations, over doctrines, have been allowed to divide us; yet Christianity needs diversity, because we are a mixed assortment of people. For example, church music which you find uplifting may not inspire me. The language of a translation which a new Christian finds helpful, may not meet the needs of another, older Christian. Such differences have not been discussed or debated in a sympathetic manner, but have been argued about, even quarrelled over, with judgmental attitudes. However, such quarrels are not new, and go right back to the first century. My brothers, some from Chloes household have informed me that there are quarrels among you. What I mean is this: One of you says, I follow Paul; another, I follow Apollos, another, I follow Cephas; still another, I follow Christ. Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? (1 Corinthians 1:1113) So, Anglicans was Cranmer crucified for you? Methodists was Wesley crucified for you? Salvationists was Booth crucified for you? Brethren was Darby crucified for you? However, in spite of our differences, and in spite of those first century quarrels, Paul wrote: There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, you are all one in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3:28) Or, today, we should say: There is neither Brethren nor Baptist, Anglican nor Catholic, Methodist nor Salvationist. There is neither millennialism or a millennialism; neither Covenant theology, nor dispensationalism for we are all one in Christ Jesus. I do not have to work at being one with someone from a different denomination or who holds a different theological position. If we both believe Christ died for our sins and rose again on the third day, we are one, in a unity created by God. Neither do I need to pray that we may be one, for we are one ... and I need to recognise that I need to accept it and I need to behave accordingly. How? What was it Paul wrote at the start of Ephesians 4? Be completely humble and gentle be patient bear with one another in love. So although I never pray for Christian unity, I often find myself needing to pray for those Christian graces, to enable me keep and guard that precious unity of the Spirit. Michael Penny (Chair, Churches Together in Reading)


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IF Campaign Launches outside St Laurences Church in Reading Recently, a group of local activists from across Reading came together to help launch a new campaign to help reduce global poverty. The Rev. Robert Weston of Park United Reformed Church explained the reasoning behind the 'IF' campaign,

Global Church

"The world produces enough food for everyone, but not everyone has enough food. Hunger is the greatest scandal of our age. This year, with the G8 coming to Britain, we can make a real difference if we act together, and act now." The aim of the IF campaign is to tackle the scandal that sees 1 in 8 people in the world go to bed hungry. The food system is broken. Theres enough food, but its not going to hungry people who need it to live. We know we can change this. All this suffering and death is preventable IF we persuade our governments to act. Nearly 100 leading charities have joined together to demand an end to hunger. In June the G8 Summit comes to Britain. This is our chance to end the scandal of hunger. Our leaders will listen IF we act together and act now. The Mayor of Reading, Councillor Jenny Rynn gave her support for the IF campaign saying that this could be a major help in achieving the UNs Millennium Goal to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger. MP for Reading West, Alok Sharma, gave his full support to the IF campaign emphasising the importance of the governments commitment to ensure that 0.7% of the United Kingdoms GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is spent on international development and aid. This contribution helps to alleviate some of the worst poverty and hunger across the globe. Bishop of Reading Andrew Proud, reflected on his 9 years of ministry in Ethiopia, where he saw firsthand the impact of multinational companies on the lives of poor communities. The displacement of local farmers, to create vast fields of crops to produce biofuels is having a negative effect on the provision of locally grown food for people in Ethiopia, creating food shortages. Bishop Andrew encouraged the crowd outside St Laurence Church, saying that together we can make a difference and build on the success of the Make Poverty History campaign. MP for Reading East, Rob Wilson, also gave his full backing to the project and drew attention to the scandal of food waste, a contributing factor to the global problem of food shortage. Rob has been involved in an innovative local project using fruit grown in local gardens, parks and allotments to produce fruit juice, jams and other products. Additional Information: Hunger is the greatest scandal of our age. It kills more people than AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined. One in eight people on our planet are hungry. Two million children die each year because of malnutrition. Yet we produce enough food to feed everyone. The problem is not a shortage of food. There are deep inequalities and rigged rules in the food system that mean the hungry do not get the food they need to live. The forces keeping people hungry include tax dodging, financial secrecy, land grabs and too little investment in smallscale agriculture.


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Nearly 100 leading charities have joined together to demand an end to hunger. In June the G8 Summit comes to Britain. This is our chance to end the scandal of hunger. Our leaders will listen if we act together and act now. We need you to join us to end the scandal of hunger. There is enough Food for Everyone. IF we stop poor farmers being forced off their land, and use the available agricultural land to grow food for people, not biofuels for cars. IF governments keep their promises on aid, invest to stop children dying from malnutrition and help the poorest people feed themselves through investment in small farmers. IF governments stop big companies dodging tax in poor countries, so that millions of people can free themselves from hunger. IF we force governments and investors to be honest and open about the deals they make in the poorest countries that stop people getting enough food. We want our leaders to act on the four big issues that stop everyone getting enough food. Aid IF we give enough aid to stop children dying from hunger, and help the poorest people feed themselves. Tax IF we stop big companies dodging taxes in poor countries, so that millions of people can free themselves of hunger. Land IF we stop poor farmers being forced off their land, and use crops to feed people, not fuel cars. Transparency IF we force governments and big corporations to be honest and open about the actions they take that stop people getting enough food. The more of us involved then the greater the pressure we can put on world leaders to tackle these IFs in 2013. IF our leaders take action then we can start to have enough food for everyone. To sign up to the campaign go to, www.enoughfoodif.org
[Article based on an extract from a report produced by the Revd. Rob Weston, published by Louise Cole, Churches Together in Berkshire]

Global Church

The 'IF' campaign's website www.enoughfoodif.org as well as giving details of the campaign, also allows you to sign an online petition to be presented to the G8 world leaders meeting in the UK later this year. There is also the chance to email your MP wth encouragement to back the campaign. And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

Matthew 25:40 KJV


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Quick Crossword
1 2
3 4 5 6


11 12

13 16 17 18



19 20






1. Shakesperean Moor (7) 6. Small blow (4) 7. Small delicate build (5) 8. Mass departure (6) opening (8) 19. Role (4) 21. Stop (6) 22. Greek letter (5) 23. Not generous (4) 24. Explosive noises (7)

10. Excursion (4) 11. Directed course groups (8) 13. Marx man (6) 14. Nullify (6) 17. Musical

1. Much exaggerated (4,3,3) 2. Expelling air (7) 3. Not short (4) 4. No. 1 batsman (6) 5. O.T. Land for the Jews (8) 6. Animal life (5) 9. Necessities (10) 12. Slovenly female (8) 15. Not professional (7) 16. Public speaker (6) 18. Weird (5) 20. On the summit (4) Answers on page 18


page 12

As many of you will know, Tony Naden has been working in Ghana for nearly 40 years as a Bible translator, and is currently there on what is likely to be his final official engagement. He and his wife Di began working with the Mamprusi tribe in 1974, and the Mampruli New Testament was published in 2002. Can you imagine what joy it must be to read the Holy Scriptures in your own language for the first time? Indescribeable! Tony and Di also worked on a very successful adult literacy project which they handed over to the Mamprusis themselves in 1989. They also trained other missionaries in Dallas, Texas and in the UK. Since 2002 Tony has been a consultant on both linguistic and translation projects for the Ghana Institute of Linguistics, Literacy and Bible Translation, and has also worked with Ghanaian academic linguists. Whilst in Ghana Tony stays in a Benedictine Abbey, where he tries to observe all of the daily offices as well has doing his work. On this trip, despite severe difficulties with internet access he has been sending back an elog, and these are a few extracts from it. "Friday Jan. 18 : Set off at 0500, five passengers in a mediumsized saloon car. As the secondsmallest member, I got to share the front passenger seat with the smallest when the driver changed into top gear he ended up with his hand in my pocket!" "Monday Jan. 21 : Started working with the Akyod team on Gikyod Exodus. Working 09001200 and 14001700, a bit slow as we are just getting started. I had been asked to do a piece for Christian Unity Week and gave a short homily and intercessions during Evening Prayer." "Father Ambrose left early to drive Bro. Cyprian down to Accra before he flies out on Wednesday. The Superior being away the mice played to the unprecedented extent of digging out the television during the evening meal and watching Ghana qualify for the quarterfinal of the Africa Cup of Nations: Im sure St. Benedict would have forbidden it if he had the Latin for football and television!" "Tuesday Jan. 29th. : Another chapter or so done now in EXO 28. The Priests vestments do you know the three meanings of ephod ? Ive been under the weather with digestive problems something Ive never had before. I even dared to take a dose of Brother Patricks herbal Swedish Bitters, which claims on the leaflet to cure just about anything that ails, and to contain just about everything that has ever been used in herbal remedies, in a spirits base. Lily the Pink rides again! If ever you read this you will know it didnt kill me." To be continued next month. [Can you meet Tony's challenge and give the 3 meanings of 'ephod'? There's a

The Reverend Tony Naden in Ghana


'Real Easter Egg' for the first correct answer drawn on March 23rd]

page 13


A street collection in aid of SHELTER was held on the morning of Saturday 26th January in the centre of Pangbourne. The charity works actively to prevent homelessness, believing that everyone should have a home. More than a million people a year approach them for housing advice and support. The total of 223.35, raised by volunteer collectors from Pangbourne Action for the Homeless will go towards funding these advice centres. The committee would like to thank all those who contributed towards this encouraging result. Following the successful Upper Basildon Bridge Club charity supper we have also sent 1000 to LaunchPad in Reading, 425 to CIRDIC in Reading, and 250 to the FAITH Group in Reading.

Pangbourne Action for the Homeless

CIRDIC (Churches In Reading Drop In Centre) Update CIRDIC is just off Berkeley Avenue, and has existed since 1990, serving some of the most disadvantaged people in the local community. Fully open on 3 days per week, CIRDIC asks no questions of its guests, and provides many services, all free. These include main meals as well as soup, sandwiches, tea and coffee (proud holders of a 5 star rating for the kitchen from Reading Borough Council), a safe mail address, and telephone for emergencies, clothing, baths and showers, a listening ear and access to the following organisations that regularly use the premises to meet their clients and patients; NHS Nurses including a Mental Health Nurse, NHS optician, St Mungos Street Services Team who find shelter for the homeless, DAIS who help people with drug and alcohol problems, Nquire who help people with benefits claims and other official matters, and Arty Giraffe, who help people through art and drama therapy. CIRDIC also offers a limited service on Saturday evenings, and a breakfast and a quiet period on Sunday mornings. Its Midweek Club helps those guests who are ready to move on with gardening, both at the Centre and at the their allotment, arts projects, cookery, lessons on budgeting, and the occasional outing. To further this project, last year they introduced a membership scheme in which all who are active at CIRDIC, trustees, staff, volunteers and any guests who wish to join, will be seen to hold a stake in the Centre. Income comes from local churches and churchgoers, Reading Borough Council, and firms, organisations and individuals. Manager Mabel Boyd keeps running expenses to an absolute minimum, and in the year ending 31st March 2012, CIRDICs total expenditure was 52,000. Mabel is helped considerably by gifts of food, clothing and labour, provided by a great team of about 140 devoted volunteers, as well as churches, churchgoers and other sympathetic individuals, firms and organisations in the area. With so much going on they are now short of space and have drawn up plans to extend the building to provide disabled access, additional food storage and activity rooms. The application for planning permission has received a sympathetic initial response, so eventually we will need to launch an appeal to pay for the extension, which looks like costing about 200,000.

Judith Colgate


page 14

Tidmarsh, Sulham, and beyond, to pray for you, a loved one, or anyone or This page is for asking the whole of our Christian family in Pangbourne,

anything else needing our prayers (contact details can be found on page 1). Please pray for the success of the Gift Day. We pray for the support of the whole church family in making the day happen, for parishioners inside and outside of the church to respond, and for generous hearts. Please pray for Judith Sumner and her family as she prepares for ordination training. We pray that Judith balances her family responsibilities, her role as Children's Worker, her other church commitments, and the demands of her training, as she continues to serve the Lord amongst us.

FUNERALS 'We commend and entrust you' 22.01.13 Julie Symons (West Berkshire Crematorium) Followed by Service of Thanksgiving in St James the Less 24.01.13 Frances Evelyn Thomas (Reading Crematorium) Memorial Service on 23.02.13 in St Nicholas If you would like to book a Wedding or Funeral, or discuss a Baptism, please contact Reverend Heather Parbury on 0118 984 2928 or at rector@pangbournechurches.info

From the Registers


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Principal Feasts The Annunciation of Our Lord to the Blessed Virgin Mary is normally celebrated on 25th March, but because this falls in Holy Week this year, it is transferred to 8th April. Pincipal Holy Days Festivals

Seasons Lent began at Morning Prayer on Ash Wednesday (13th February) and ends after Evening Prayer (or Night Prayer) on Easter Eve (30th March). The last two weeks of Lent are known as Passiontide, with the final week being Holy Week.

Christian Year

Maundy Thursday and Good Friday are both Principal Holy Days (the other being Ash Wednesday). The only Festival in March this year is that of Joseph of Nazareth, which is celebrated on 19th March. There are 7 Lesser Festivals in March, including that of Patrick, Bishop, Missionary, Patron of Ireland, c460, which is celebrated on 17th March.

Lesser Festivals

Born in Britain, at 1 6 he was captured by pirates and sold as a slave in Ireland. He escaped back to Britain 6 years later, and went to France to train for the priesthood. He then went back to Ireland as a Bishop, and as a missionary baptised many thousands of people. He is accredited with writing the prayer known as St Patrick's Breastplate, which begins,
The strong name of the Trinity, and includes the verse, The Three in One and One in Three. Christ be with me, Christ within me, Christ behind me, Christ before me, Christ beside me, Christ to win me, Christ to comfort and restore me, Christ in quiet, Christ in danger, By invocation of the same, I bind unto myself today

Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ in hearts of all that love me,

Christ in mouth of friend and stranger. The full text can be found at, http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/St._Patrick%27s_Breastplate


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PANGBOURNE HERITAGE GROUP Ellie Thorne, an archivist at Berkshire Records Office, gave the group a talk on the history of the Newbury based engineering company Plentys. Originating in Cheap Street Newbury in the 1790s, they eventually moved out to Hambridge Lane in Newbury, where it stayed until the 1990s. Ellies talk was inspirational in showing how much can be discovered from detailed research, and how to flesh out the human side of the family, and not just their considerable achievements in the field of innovative engineering. If anyone in Pangbourne worked for the company or had any dealings with them, Ellie would be interested to hear from them. On the same note, an appeal from Jane Rawlins to add to her archive of Pangbourne photographs. If you have 60s, 70s, 80s or 90s pictures of Pangbourne people, events, or buildings, please lend them to her so she can take a copy and return them safely to their owner. This is living history and we are all part of it! The next meeting of the group on Wednesday 13th March is a members meeting. The following month's meeting on Wednesday 10 April will feature a talk by Sue Broughton entitled Understanding Military Genealogy. Details of the May/June meetings will be in the next issue of the Pangbourne magazine. If you would like more information about the group please contact Rosie Nurick on 0118 9842565. Lesley Crimp

Out of the 80 million chocolate Easter eggs sold each year in the UK, The Real Easter Egg is the first and only Fairtrade chocolate Easter egg to explain the Christian understanding of Easter. They also give a sizeable donation from profits and Fairtrade Premium fees, to their farmers, allowing them to invest in their community by buying everything from school books and solar panels to providing fresh water. The Real Easter Egg is now in its third year of production with more than 300,000 sold so far. This year the Real Easter Egg has a free activity pack in the box which includes the Easter story, activity poster, free iTune download, and a sticker set. The resurrection text from Mark can also be found inside the lid. Each egg costs 3.99, is made from 125g of high quality Fairtrade milk chocolate which has an approval rating of more than 95%, and with each sale they make a donation to Traidcraft Exchange (over 40,000 has been donated so far to this and other charities). As in other years we will be distributing eggs to our Children's Church little ones, and this year the eggs are also available in Garland's shop in Pangbourne.

'Real Easter Eggs'


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On 5th February the Bring & Buy / Coffee Morning proved to be quite a draw. The Embroiderers worked hard to provide a pleasant and worthwhile morning, with stalls for bricabrac, cakes, books, a very successful raffle, and of course, coffee, tea, and a selection of small cakes and biscuits. There was a lot of chat too always a good sign. It was very gratifying to see how many people came through the church doors. As a result, a grand total of 370.70 was raised, which will be put into a fund to buy and restore textiles for use in St. James' church. Many thanks to everyone who contributed in whatever capacity.

They Brought and Bought

Craft and Coffee at Pangbourne Library

Every 2nd Monday from 2pm4pm

Janet Goddard

Starting Monday 4th March 2013 Bring along your own crossstitch, tapestry, embroidery or other needlecraft and join this new group of friendly folk aiming to encourage craft in the community. See Poster in Pangbourne Library for further details or phone the Library on 9844117 Children gathered excitedly on Shrove Tuesday at the Rectory. After lots of stirring, beating and flipping, all that was left to do was to choose from the wonderful things waiting to fill their pancakes, and thereafter their tummies! The fun continued with toys in the Living Room and an impromptu puppet show, clearly enjoyed by everyone, especially the more mature children! A prayer of thanks rounded off a brilliant couple of hours shared with friends, old and new, for both the children and adults. My Children came skipping out of the Rectory with cries of that was fun and what a good time that was Mummy. So good in fact, that I had to do it all over again at home the following night! Laura Powell. The concert on Saturday 9th February featuring pianist Ikuko Inoguchi and cellist Maria Allbright, was very well supported and very well received. Their diverse repertoire included some more modern music that was fascinating if a little more testing to some. Overall, a very enjoyable event that raised a substantial amount of money via the retiring collection. Thank you to everyone who attended, and to everyone who contributed. Our thanks must also go to Len & Jill Palfrey who generously provided the refreshments. Across: 1, Othello 5, Puff 7, Elfin 8, Exodus 10, Trip 11, Seminars, 13, Engels 14, Negate 17, Overture, 19, Part 21, Arrest 22, Theta 23, Mean 24, Reports Down: 1, Over the top 2, Huffing 3, Long 4, Opener 5, Promised 6, Fauna 9, Essentials 12, Slattern 15, Amateur 16, Orator 18, Eerie 20,Atop

A Flippin Good Time Was Had By All !

Piano & Cello Concert in St James

Quick Crossword Answers


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Worship in March
Sunday 3rd Sunday 10th Mothering Sunday Sunday 17th Sunday 24th Palm Sunday Sunday 31st Easter Day

7:45am 7:45am 7:45am 7:45am 6am St James St James St James St James Dawn Service Holy Communion Holy Communion Holy Communion Holy Communion Rectory Garden Order 2 BCP Order 2 BCP Order 2 BCP Order 2 BCP Breakfast in Village Hall 10am St James Sunday at Ten Holy Communion With Children's Church 11am St Laurence 10am 10am St James St James Sunday at Ten Sunday at Ten Family Worship Holy Communion Come and give With Children's Church thanks for those who mother you. 11am St Laurence 11am St Nicholas 10am St James Sunday at Ten 10am St James

Palm Procession with the Donkey

Easter Celebration Egg Hunt for Children

for all the Parish

Family Worship Holy Communion Family Worship

6pm St James 6pm St James 6pm St Nicholas

Choral Evensong
4pm Rehearsal 5:15pm Tea

Quiet Service

The Passion According to Luke

Holy Week Services

Monday to Thursday Maundy Thursday Good Friday Good Friday 10pm 8pm 10am Compline in St James the Less Communion in St James the Less

Music and Meditation at the Cross

Hot Cross Bun Workshop and Worship for all ages

12noon 1pm 1pm 2pm 2pm 3pm

The First Hour in St Laurence

The Secod Hour in St Nicholas

The Third Hour in St James the Less


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