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A INCRVEL LISTA DOS 85 PHRASAL VERBS MAIS USADOS Ask out: ask someone to go on a date Bring about: cause

Bring up: 1) rear children 2) mention or introduce a topic Call back: return a telephone call Call in: ask to come to an official place for a special reason CALL OFF: cancel Call on*: 1) visit 2) ask a student a question in class Call up: call on the telephone CATCH UP (WITH)*: reach the same position or level as someone Check in*: register at a hotel Check into*: investigate Check out: 1) borrow a book from a library 2) investigate Cheer up: make (someone) feel happier Clean up: make clean and orderly Come across*: find by chance Cross out: draw a line through Cut out: stop an annoying activity Do over: repeat DROP BY*: visit informally Drop in (on)*: visit informally Drop off: leave something/someone somewhere Drop out (of)*: stop going to school or class Figure out: find the answer by logic Fill out: complete a form Find out: discover information Get along (with)*: to have a good relationship with Get back (from): 1) return from somewhere 2) receive again Get in, get into*: 1) enter a car 2) arrive Get off*: leave any vehicle Get on*: enter any vehicle Get out of*: 1) leave a car 2) avoid some unpleasant activity Get over*: recover from an illness Get through*: finish Get up*: arise from bed, a chair etc. Give back: return something to someone Give up: stop doing something Go over*: review or check Grow up*: become an adult HAND IN: submit an assignment

Hang up: 1) stop a telephone conversation 2) put up clothes on a line or a hook Have on: wear Keep out (of): not enter Keep up (with)*: stay at the same position or level Kick out (of): force (someone) to leave Look after*: take care of LOOK INTO*: investigate Look out (for)*: be careful Look over: review or check Look up: look for information in a reference book Make up: 1) invent 2) do past work Name after: give a baby the name of someone else Pass away*: die Pass out: 1) distribute 2) lose consciousness Pick out: select Pick up: 1) go to get someone 2) take in ones hand Point out: call someones attention to Put away: remove to an appropriate place Put back: return to original position Put off: postpone Put on: d ress Put out: extinguish a cigarette, fire Put up with*: tolerate Run into: meet by chance Run across: find by chance Run out (of): finish a supply of something Show up*: appear, come to Shut off: stop a machine, equipment, light etc. Take after*: resemble Take off: 1) remove clothing 2) leave on a trip 3) leave the ground (aeroplane) Take out: 1) take someone on a date 2) remove Take over: take control Take up: begin a new activity TEAR DOWN: demolish, reduce to nothing Tear up: tear into many little pieces Think over: consider Throw away: discard; get rid of Throw out: discard; get rid of Throw up: vomit

Try on: put on clothing to see if it fits Turn down: decrease volume Turn in: 1) submit classwork 2) go to bed Turn off: stop a machine, equipment, light etc. Turn on: start a machine, equipment, light etc. Turn out: extinguish a light Turn up: increase volume or intensity OBS: Observe que todos os verbos marcados com asterisco (*) so no-separveis, por exemplo: I called on Paul o correto e no I called Paul on. Os demais verbos podem ser usados juntos ou separados: I brought the children up OU I brought up the children, as duas formas podem ser usados. Para facilitar, tenha em mente que a maioria pode ser separado.

Absence / presence (*) Abundance / lack (* / lk) Affirmative / negative (*) After / before (*) Attack / defend (*) Birth / death Bitter / sweet (biter/suit) Break / fix (breik / fiks) Buy / sell (bai /sl) Catch / throw (ktx / trou) Dangerous / safe (dangirus / seife) Dark / bright (dark / brait) Deep / shallow (dip / xalou) Dirty / clean (drti / klin) East / west (ist / uest) Easy / difficult (izi / dificult) Exciting / boring (ekaitin / brin) Expensive / cheap (ekspensive / xip) Fast / slow (fest / islou) Female / male (fimeiol / meiol) Ausncia / presena Abundncia / falta Afirmativo / negativo Antes / depois Atacar / defender Nascimento / morte Amargo / doce Quebrar / consertar Comprar / vender Pegar / jogar, atirar Perigoso / seguro Escuro / brilhante Profundo / raso (gua,rio) Sujo / limpo Leste / oeste Fcil / difcil Emocionante / chato(aborrecido) Caro / barato Rpido / lento Fmea / macho

Find / lose (fain/ luze) First / last (frst / lst) Friendly / unfriendly (frendli / anfrendli) Frown / smile (fraun / ismaiol) Full / empty (*) Generous / mean (generous / mim) Go / come (gou / kame) Greedy / generous (gridi/ generus) Heavy / light (rvi / lait) (**) Helpful / unhelpful (**) High / low (rai / lou) (**) Hurt / heal (rrt / ril)(**) Lazy / hardworking (leizi / rarduorkin)(**) Narrow / wide (nrrou / uaidi) Near / far (niar / far) Never / always (never / lueis) Noisy / quiet (noizi kuaiet) North / south (nort / saut) Optimistic / pessimistic (*) Pleased / unpleased (plized / anplized) Poor / wealthy (pur / uelti) Put on / take off (puton/ teikof) Real / fake (rial / feik) Sad / happy (sd / rpi) (**) Selfish / unselfish (selfixi / anselfixi) Shy / extrovert (xai / ekstrovert) Soft / hard (soft / rard)(**) Spend / save (money or time) (ispend/seivi) Strong / weak (istrong / uik) Talkative / quiet (talkative / kuaiet) To admit / to deny (admit / dinai) To allow / to forbid (alau / fbid) To borrow / to lend (borrou / lend) To love / to hate (love / reit)(**) True / false (tru / flse)

Achar / perder (coisas) Primeiro / ltimo Amigavel / no amigvel Franzir a testa / sorrir Cheio / vazio Generoso / mesquinho Ir / vir Avarento / generoso Pesado / leve Prestativo / no prestativo Alto baixo Ferir / curar Preguioso / trabalhador Estreito / largo Perto / longe Nunca / sempre Ruidoso / quieto Norte / sul Otimista / pessimista Satisfeito / insatisfeito Pobre / rico (afortunado) Colocar / tirar (roupas) Real (de verdade ) / falso Triste / contente (feliz) Egosta / no egosta (generoso) Tmido / extrovertido Macio / duro, rgido Gastar / ecnomizar (dinheiro ou tempo) Forte / fraco Falador / quieto Admitir / negar Permitir / proibir Tomar emprestado / emprestar Amar / odiar Verdadeiro / falso

Turn on / turn off (trnon / trnof) War / peace (uar / pis) Wet / dry (uet / drai) Worst / best (uorst/best)

Ligar / desligar Guerra / paz Molhado / seco O pior / o melhor

Some words have more than one opposite. Here are some of them: Algumas palavras tem mais de um oposto. Aqui esto algumas delas: Opposites of right (direito / certo) Opposites of hard (duro / dificil) Opposites or short (curto / baixo) Opposites of to go-( ir) Opposites of thin (fino / magro)(pessoas) Opposites of to cry (gritar / chorar) left esquerdo wrong (rong) errado smooth (ismut) macio difficult (*) difcil long (*)- longo (coisas) tall (tl)- alto (pessoas) come vir stay ficar thick (*) espesso fat (ft) gordo (pessoas) to whisper (uisper) sussurar,suspirar to laugh ( lf) - Rir

Actually (adv) - na verdade ..., o fato que ... Adept (n) - especialista, profundo conhecedor Agenda (n) - pauta do dia, pauta para discusses Amass (v) - acumular, juntar Anticipate (v) - prever; aguardar, ficar na expectativa Application (n) - inscrio, registro, uso Appointment (n) - hora marcada, compromisso profissional Appreciation (n) - gratido, reconhecimento Argument (n) - discusso, bate boca Assist (v) - ajudar, dar suporte Assume (v) - presumir, aceitar como verdadeiro Attend (v) - assistir, participar de Audience (n) - platia, pblico Balcony (n) - sacada

Atualmente - nowadays, today Adepto - supporter Agenda - appointment book; agenda Amassar - crush Antecipar - to bring forward, to move forward Aplicao (financeira) - investment Apontamento - note Apreciao - judgement Argumento - reasoning, point Assistir - to attend, to watch Assumir - to take over Atender - to help; to answer; to see, to examine Audincia - court appearance; interview Balco - counter Batom - lipstick

Baton (n) - batuta (msica), cacetete Beef (n) - carne de gado Cafeteria (n) - refeitrio tipo universitrio ou industrial Camera (n) - mquina fotogrfica Carton (n) - caixa de papelo, pacote de cigarros (200) Casualty (n) - baixa (morte fruto de acidente ou guerra), fatalidade Cigar (n) - charuto Collar (n) - gola, colarinho, coleira College (n) - faculdade, ensino de 3 grau Commodity (n) - artigo, mercadoria Competition (n) - concorrncia Comprehensive (adj) - abrangente, amplo, extenso Compromise (v) - entrar em acordo, fazer concesso Contest (n) - competio, concurso Convenient (adj) - prtico Costume (n) - fantasia (roupa) Data (n) - dados (nmeros, informaes) Deception (n) - logro, fraude, o ato de enganar Defendant (n) - ru, acusado Design (v, n) - projetar, criar; projeto, estilo Editor (n) - redator Educated (adj) - instrudo, com alto grau de escolaridade Emission (n) - descarga (de gases, etc.) Enroll (v) - inscrever-se, alistar-se, registrar-se Eventually (adv) - finalmente, conseqentemente Exciting (adj) - empolgante Exit (n, v) - sada, sair Expert (n) - especialista, perito Exquisite (adj.) - belo, refinado Fabric (n) - tecido Genial (adj) - afvel, aprazvel Graduate program (n) - Curso de psgraduao Gratuity (n) - gratificao, gorjeta Grip (v) - agarrar firme Hazard (n,v) - risco, arriscar Idiom (n) - expresso idiomtica, linguajar Income tax return (n) - declarao de imposto de renda

Bife - steak Cafeteria - coffee shop, snack bar Cmara - tube (de pneu) chamber (grupo de pessoas) Carto - card Casualidade - chance, fortuity Cigarro - cigarette Colar - necklace Colgio (2 grau) - high school Comodidade - comfort Competio - contest Compreensivo - understanding Compromisso - appointment; date Contexto - context Conveniente - appropriate Costume - custom, habit Data - date Decepo - disappointment Advogado de defesa - defense attorney Designar - to appoint Editor - publisher Educado - with a good upbringing, well-mannered, polite Emisso - issuing (of a document, etc.) Enrolar - to roll; to wind; to curl Eventualmente - occasionally Excitante - thrilling xito - success Esperto - smart, clever Esquisito - strange, odd Fbrica - plant, factory Genial - brilliant Curso de graduao - undergraduate program Gratuidade - the quality of being free of charge Gripe - cold, flu, influenza Azar - bad luck Idioma - language Devoluo de imposto de renda income tax refund Ingenuidade - naivet / naivety Injria - insult Inscrio - registration, application

Ingenuity (n) - engenhosidade Injury (n) - ferimento Inscription (n) - gravao em relevo (sobre pedra, metal, etc.) Intend (v) - pretender, ter inteno Intoxication (n) - embriaguez, efeito de drogas Jar (n) - pote Journal (n) - peridico, revista especializada Lamp (n) - luminria Large (adj) - grande, espaoso Lecture (n) - palestra, aula Legend (n) - lenda Library (n) - biblioteca Location (n) - localizao Lunch (n) - almoo Magazine (n) - revista Mayor (n) - prefeito Medicine (n) - remdio, medicina Moisture (n) - umidade Motel (n) - hotel de beira de estrada Notice (v) - notar, aperceber-se; aviso, comunicao Novel (n) - romance Office (n) - escritrio Parents (n) - pais Particular (adj) - especfico, exato Pasta (n) - massa (alimento) Policy (n) - poltica (diretrizes) Port (n) - porto Prejudice (n) - preconceito Prescribe (v) - receitar Preservative (n) - conservante Pretend (v) - fingir Private (adj) - particular Procure (v) - conseguir, adquirir Propaganda (n) - divulgao de idias/fatos com intuito de manipular Pull (v) - puxar Push (v) - empurrar Range (v) - variar, cobrir Realize (v) - notar, perceber, dar-se conta, conceber uma idia Recipient (n) - recebedor, agraciado Record (v, n) - gravar, disco, gravao, registro Refrigerant (n) - substncia refrigerante usada em aparelhos

Entender - understand Intoxicao - poisoning Jarra - pitcher Jornal - newspaper Lmpada - light bulb Largo - wide Leitura - reading Legenda - subtitle Livraria - book shop Locao - rental Lanche - snack Magazine - department store Maior - bigger Medicina - medicine Mistura - mix, mixture, blend Motel - love motel, hot-pillow joint Notcia - news Novela - soap opera Oficial - official Parentes - relatives Particular - personal, private Pasta - paste; folder; briefcase Polcia - police Porta - door Prejuzo - damage, loss Prescrever - expire Preservativo - condom Pretender - to intend, to plan Privado - private Procurar - to look for Propaganda - advertisement, commercial Pular - to jump Puxar - to pull Ranger - to creak, to grind Realizar - to carry out, make come true, to accomplish Recipiente - container Recordar - to remember, to recall Refrigerante - soft drink, soda, pop, coke Requerimento - request, petition Resumir - summarize Resumo - summary Retirado - removed, secluded Senhor - gentleman, sir

Requirement (n) - requisito Resume (v) - retomar, reiniciar Rsum (n) - curriculum vitae, currculo Retired (adj) - aposentado Senior (n) - idoso Service (n) - atendimento Stranger (n) - desconhecido Stupid (adj) - burro Support (v) - apoiar Tax (n) - imposto Trainer (n) - preparador fsico Turn (n, v) - vez, volta, curva; virar, girar Vegetables (n) - verduras, legumes

Servio - job Estrangeiro - foreigner Estpido - impolite, rude (Rio Grande do Sul) Suportar (tolerar) - tolerate, can stand Taxa - rate; fee Treinador - coach Turno - shift; round Vegetais - plants

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