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Miraculous Healing

Can the mind affect people healing? Do we have a real power to self that allows you to
defeat the ailments that allopathic medicine is unable to resolve? There are numerous
extraordinary testimonies of reported miracles, for example, the case of young Italian
soldier with a cancer: Vittorio Micheli. He has known to be affected by left pelvic bone
sarcoma. He went to Lourdes, the famous pilgrimage place and catholic shrine south west

When young man made the trip, the disease was in advanced stage; Indeed femur had
become detached pelvic bone sick and Vittorio prevented it to walk. When Vittorio
arrived at Lourdes, he was immersed in a swimming pool and he immediately noticed
two changes in their conditions: when he was sickened, desire to eat was shutting down,
but from that moment appetite has returned normal, the pain disappeared. The sensation
that the femur was being reconnect to the pelvic bone.
Within a few months, under the gaze of the unbelieving doctors, He began to walk. After
two month, X-rays showed pelvic bone regeneration. After 5years, a medical control
confirmed that the sarcoma had disappeared. Now, it would is necessary to understand if
the healing is the result of a miracle or the conviction that the treatment could cure. An
other patient, a man of 61 years suffering from a throat cancer, has not responded to
previous treatment and therefore he had accepted to try a experimental method of the
doctor O.Carl Simonton.

This treatment has working through short “mental exercises “ to repeat three times per
day. Following the procedure, the patient must meditate for two minutes and a half in
silence, repeating like mantra the word "relax" every exhalation, trying to relax muscles
of the throat, jaw and the eyes muscles. Then he had to represent him something pleasant
in the mind per a minute and half. After which, pleasant mental image had to be replaced
with his cancer image. When the cancer image had been perfectly focused in his mind, he
would have to imagine particle radiation bombing cancer and afterwards white blood
cells carried by the malignant dead cells killed by radiation. For seven week, therapy had
to be followed scrupulously. The doctors visited him yet and see that tumor growth was
arrested. Before you rely on the doctor O.Carl Simonton., the patient had a low
probability of surviving. After treatment he was ready to leave the hospital.
In these situations it is difficult to tell whether this is a miracle or power of the mind
however these are extraordinary events. These cases are characterized by a strong faith
and determination to heal. Modern medicine is increasingly oriented to recognize as
fundamental the psychological states of the patient. In fact, there was a strong correlation
between stress and weak immune systems.
The idea of powers of healing has its origin far, for example, in Europe, from 11. th.
Century, people believed that kings and queens had the power to cure certain diseases by
the laying on of hands: a tubercular inflammation, la scrofula. Scrofula was also known
as the King's Evil because it was believed that the royal touch could heal. That power
was not exclusive of the sovereign. In fact, Valentine Greatrakes, he was born 1629 in
Ireland, a famous healer became not being noble origins.
He was nicknamed "The Stroker". His methods of healing have been carefully studied by
Franz Mesmer Antom: he graduated in medicine 1766 in Vienna, he had already begun
to formulate a theory according to which all things of the universe would be crossed by a
stream of invisible magnetic current.

Health, according to the theory of Mesmer, depended on harmony between internal

individual fluid and external, between individual vital force and the universe. That
indefinable substance could be manipulated with magnets and in his therapeutic sessions
was able to force the fluid, that flowing in the body, in the right direction. This similarity
lies in the Chinese tradition, the subtle energy that pervades our body. During the studies,
he actually found that the power of suggestion influence healing. In fact, Mesmer
convinced his patients to cure their ailments by itself. The magnet, the soft music and
massage were the equivalent of treatments that many therapists now use.
The Mesmer's theories were adopted by a watchmaker in the U.S., more specifically in
New England, his name was Phineas Parkhurst Quimby and he expanded those ideas by
building an entire philosophy of influences and ideas
Quimby noted that the human mind and body can be handled with some ease. In fact, he
demonstrated through the help of a young man, that boy suffering from a mania for
sucking lemons, could be reprogrammed to suck imaginary lemons, one after another,
until the patient could no longer bear (like an indigestion). This brings to mind the
modern techniques of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). In the world of orthodox
medicine, there was a person who was very interested in the potential of psychic healing:
Dr. Dolores Krieger, teacher in the course for nurses at the University of New York and
long time scholar of Eastern religions.

She was very interested by the similarity between hemoglobin and prana. In 1975 she
wrote: "In the Eastern literature, the person in good health would have an abundance of
prana, while the poor would become ill. In fact, this shortage is what determines the
disease"; also found a strong link between prana and oxygen seems obvious.
From these premises, Krieger conducted some research to find any changes in
hemoglobin subjects, before and after treatment with the laying on of hands of Oscar
Estebany healer. He formed a group of 19 people sick (which was discontinued medical
therapy) and a group of 9 healthy; these people were conducted in a farm of
Massachusetts. Estebany submitted all the sick people in daily sessions for 6 days. Both
groups followed the same diet and the same hours of rest. In the end the results were
interesting: sick people got better health and an increase in the level of hemoglobin. Dr.
Krieger concluded that treating these practices were acting with a mysterious force that
balance the health of the patient previously altered. That power resides in each one of us
and manifests itself if the healer wants to help heal others and must be in good physical
condition. The Krieger began practicing this therapy as "therapeutic touch". The
technique was developed and was made real courses to train nurses. These techniques
spread in hospitals in the United States. Biofeedback is another proof of intervening
factors such as external or internal to the body, producing cures from disease or an
improvement in their general state of health: it is a system that trains the patient to control
many functions and processes of your body, such as body temperature, blood pressure,
the contraction of muscles and even the beats of the heart, a time, these actions were
regarded as purely accidental or automatic. The biofeedback training is to link a patient
with electrodes to monitor; the monitor's task is to see the individual vital functions. Then
the therapist asks the patient to imagine what action wants to take (e.g., lowering blood
pressure or beats of the heart). The monitor will report on the changes, giving an
immediate response to the subject. Changes shown in the monitor provides the
practitioner a tangible proof of its real potential latent. Doctors Elmer and Alice Green
are the first exponents of this discipline and co-founders of the center of the psycho
physiological and biofeedback Menninger Foundation in Kansas.

The applications are in different fields, such as muscular rehabilitation, to reduce

headaches and migraines, to accelerate the postoperative course of patients suffering from
cardiovascular disease. Presbyterian Medical Center of Columbia in New York, Dr.
Kenneth Greenspan, a psychiatrist and director of the Center for the stress treatment,
taught to patients with cardiovascular complications, to use the biofeedback: he taught
them to raise the temperature in the lower limbs so as to direct a greater amount of blood
in the areas affected and use the jars healthy to derive the blood flow blocked by blood
clots. This produced a significant reduction of pain and the risk of cardiac arrest. At the
end of treatment, all patients had achieved a marked reduction of pain and increased
mobility of the affected limbs. On the same theme, are the theories and studies conducted
by Dr. Bates collected in his book "Perfect Sight without glasses (perfect sight without
glasses) New York 1920.
Starting from the premise that all parts of the body, which has suffered a trauma it can
regenerate, such as a broken arm, a wound etc ... why couldn’t eyes do the same thing?
We use the crutches to resolve a rift in the giving nature time to run its course, in the
same manner with a view you can improve it with an appropriate mental and physical
coordination and a proper understanding functional. The large number of experiments
conducted by the ophthalmologist Bates, led him to conclude that most of the visual
defects were due to bad habits. When the patient learned to relax and obtain correct visual
habits, this produced an improvement and sometimes complete healing of the visual
faculties were in close relations with the stress. Why is there a strong correlation between
stress and power vision? Because the main factor to fix a bad visual function was not a
speech to the crystal inside the eyeball but the extrinsic muscles of eyeball and focus the
eye than objects far away and was coming through the lengthening and shortening of the
entire globe

Thus actions such as walking, speaking, are the result of a process that starts from birth
that it is difficult to change: it is difficult to change a correct movement or how to speak,
and instead may be easier to get used to visually incorrect posture that ultimately require
psychophysical reeducation

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