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ActionScript 2.

0 code:
// This is our MovieClipLoader object var imageLoader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader(); // Array of possible images from which one gets randomly selected. var imagesArr:Array = new Array("http://www.helpexamples.com/flash/images/image1.jpg", ... ; var listener:Object = new Object(); // The onLoadInit() method is called once the image loads. listener.onLoadInit = function(imageClip:MovieClip):Void { // Here: Code that gets called once the image has loaded } imageLoader.addListener(listener);

ActionScript 3.0 code:

imageLoader = new Loader(); requestURL = new URLRequest(imagesArr[index]); imageLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoadImg); imageLoader.load(requestURL); function onLoadImg(evt:Event):void{ // Here: Code that gets called once the image has loaded }

Creating the puzzle pieces

After the image has loaded, you need to convert it into a BitmapData object. This is so that you can then split this bitmap image into eight equal parts and then draw them individually. These are your puzzle pieces. What you need to note here is the way to actually display those individual puzzle pieces on the Stage. In ActionScript 2.0, you have to create empty movie clips to which you can attach the created bitmapand repeat this eight times, once for each puzzle piece. The code looks similar in ActionScript 3.0 but you use the addChild method instead, which adds the specified movie clip to the Stage. The holder movie clip is an empty movie clip that holds all the puzzle pieces. The addChild method already puts the specified movie clip at the highest depth. ActionScript 2.0 code:
var puzzlePieceClip:MovieClip = puzzlePiecesClip.createEmptyMovieClip("puzzlePiece" + index, puzzlePiecesClip.getNextHighestDepth()); puzzlePieceClip.attachBitmap(puzzlePieceBmp, 1);

ActionScript 3.0 code:

var puzzlePieceClip:Bitmap = new Bitmap(puzzlePiece); holder.addChild(puzzlePieceClip);

Creating the puzzle board

Once you create the puzzle pieces and shuffle them, you need to create the puzzle board and create mouse handlers so that you can drag the pieces around. The puzzle board is drawn using the beginFill and lineTo methods in both ActionScript 2.0 and ActionScript 3.0. The only difference is that these methods now reside in the new graphics class in ActionScript 3.0. ActionScript 2.0 code:
puzzleBoardSpaceClip = puzzleBoardClip.createEmptyMovieClip("puzzleBoardSpace" + i, i); puzzleBoardSpaceClip.lineStyle(0); puzzleBoardSpaceClip.beginFill(0xFFFFFF, 100); puzzleBoardSpaceClip.lineTo(widthPuzzlePiece, 0); ...

ActionScript 3.0 code:

puzzleBoardSpaceClip = new MovieClip(); puzzleBoardSpaceClip.graphics.lineStyle(0); puzzleBoardSpaceClip.graphics.beginFill(0xFFFFFF,100); puzzleBoardSpaceClip.graphics.lineTo(widthPuzzlePiece,0);

Dragging the puzzle pieces

To apply the mouse dragging functionality to the game application, create an onPress function for each of the puzzle pieces movie clips and an onRelase function when the mouse button is released. In ActionScript 3.0 you use movie clip mouse events to detect if there is a mouse click on that specific puzzle piece. First attach a mouseDown and mouseUp event handler to the main puzzle piece movie clip holder (a movie clip that holds the puzzle pieces) and then use the event.target property to move the appropriate puzzle piece. ActionScript 2.0 code:
puzzlePieceClip.onPress = function():Void { this.startDrag(); puzzlePieceClip.swapDepths(topDepth); }; puzzlePieceClip.onRelease = function():Void { ... }

ActionScript 3.0 code:

holder.addEventListener("mouseDown", pieceMove); holder.addEventListener("mouseUp", pieceMove); function pieceMove(evt:Event):void{ if(evt.type == "mouseDown"){ evt.target.startDrag(); } else if(evt.type == "mouseUp"){ evt.target.stopDrag(); ... }

Solving the puzzle

When all the puzzle pieces are in their correct postions, a timer starts. After 50 milliseconds the image slowly dissolves, relevealing the puzzle board underneath, and the game starts over. The timer functionality is achieved using the setInterval function in ActionScript 2.0. The setInterval function takes a function name and an interval as parameters. Once you are done, you can call the clearInterval function to remove the timer. In ActionScript 3.0 there is now a Timer class that can be used to create a timer. A timer object is created, to which you can attach an event handler that triggers a function at each tick of the timer. You can specify the interval, as in ActionScript 2.0, and the function to be called. Once you're done, you can call the stop() method to stop the timer. ActionScript 2.0 code:
intervalID = setInterval(puzzleThreshold, 100); } function puzzleThreshold():Void { ...}

ActionScript 3.0 code:

var timer:Timer = new Timer(50); timer.start(); timer.addEventListener("timer", puzTrash); } function puzTrash(evt:Event):void{ ... }

Examining the Puzzle Game sample application code

Below is the complete code for each version of the Puzzle Game. ActionScript 2.0 code:
//************************************************************************* *** //Copyright (C) 2005 Macromedia, Inc. All Rights Reserved. //The following is Sample Code and is subject to all restrictions on //such code as contained in the End User License Agreement accompanying //this product. //************************************************************************* *** /* To avoid security restrictions, test this document using Ctrl+Enter, or upload the SWF file to a server. If you test it in a local browser window (F12), make sure that this FLA file is in an *already* trusted directory, or set the file to "Access local files only" in Publish settings, which will prompt the Global Security Settings Manager, where you can select the directory this FLA file is

in to trust. */ System.security.allowDomain("http://www.helpexamples.com"); import flash.display.BitmapData; import flash.geom.Matrix; import flash.geom.Rectangle; import flash.geom.Point; // The puzzlePiecesArr array stores references to each of the puzzle piece movie clips. var puzzlePiecesArr:Array; // Store the top depth of each of the puzzle pieces. var topDepth:Number; // The puzzle consists of 8 puzzle pieces. var totalPuzzlePieces:Number = 8; // Use a variable to determine how many puzzle pieces are correctly in place. var correctPuzzlePieces:Number; // A BitmapData object stores the image data used for the puzzle. var puzzleBmp:BitmapData; var intervalID:Number; var threshold:Number; // Use an array of possible images from which one gets randomly selected. var imagesArr:Array = new Array("http://www.helpexamples.com/flash/images/image1.jpg", "http://www.helpexamples.com/flash/images/image2.jpg", "http://www.helpexamples.com/flash/images/image3.jpg"); var listener:Object = new Object(); // The onLoadInit() method is called once the image loads. listener.onLoadInit = function(imageClip:MovieClip):Void { // Determine the width and height of each puzzle piece. Each puzzle consists // of four columns and two rows. var widthPuzzlePiece:Number = imageClip._width/4; var heightPuzzlePiece:Number = imageClip._height/2; // Draw the image from the movie clip into a BitmapData object. puzzleBmp = new BitmapData(imageClip._width, imageClip._height); puzzleBmp.draw(imageClip, new Matrix()); var puzzlePieceBmp:BitmapData; var x:Number = 0; var y:Number = 0; // Loop 8 times to make each puzzle piece. for(var i:Number = 0; i < 8; i++) { // Copy a section of the puzzle image into a new BitmapData object. Use the x and y variables, which // are updated with each iteration, to determine the rectangular region to copy. puzzlePieceBmp = new BitmapData(widthPuzzlePiece, heightPuzzlePiece); puzzlePieceBmp.copyPixels(puzzleBmp, new Rectangle(x, y, widthPuzzlePiece, heightPuzzlePiece), new Point(0, 0)); // Pass the BitmapData object and the puzzle piece index to the custom makePuzzlePiece() function // to make the movie clip. makePuzzlePiece(puzzlePieceBmp, i); // Update x and y appropriately so each iteration draws a new region of the puzzle. x += widthPuzzlePiece;

}; var imageLoader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader(); imageLoader.addListener(listener); // Call resetPuzzle() initially. resetPuzzle(); function resetPuzzle():Void { puzzlePiecesArr = new Array(); // If the movie clip instances were already created previously, delete them. puzzlePiecesClip.removeMovieClip(); imageClip.removeMovieClip(); puzzleBoardClip.removeMovieClip(); // Create the movie clip instance to hold the puzzle pieces and the puzzle board, and to load the image. this.createEmptyMovieClip("puzzleBoardClip", this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.createEmptyMovieClip("puzzlePiecesClip", this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.createEmptyMovieClip("imageClip", this.getNextHighestDepth()); // Initialize correctPuzzlePieces to 0 since no puzzle pieces are yet in place. correctPuzzlePieces = 0; // Initialize threshold. threshold = 0xFFFF; // Select a random index from the imagesArr array, and load that image into imageClip. var index:Number = Math.floor(Math.random() * imagesArr.length); imageLoader.loadClip(imagesArr[index], imageClip); } function makePuzzlePiece(puzzlePieceBmp:BitmapData, index:Number):Void { // Make a new puzzle piece movie clip using the specified index as the last character in the // instance name. The index in the instance name is used to check if the puzzle piece is placed // in the correct space since the spaces have instance names with corresponding indices. var puzzlePieceClip:MovieClip = puzzlePiecesClip.createEmptyMovieClip("puzzlePiece" + index, puzzlePiecesClip.getNextHighestDepth()); // Display the bitmap in the puzzle piece. puzzlePieceClip.attachBitmap(puzzlePieceBmp, 1); // With each puzzle piece update topDepth. Once the 8th puzzle piece is made, topDepth will have // the value of the top depth within puzzlePieceClip. topDepth = puzzlePieceClip.getDepth(); // When the puzzle piece is pressed it starts dragging, and it

} // Make the imageClip instance invisible once the bitmap data is copied. imageClip._visible = false; // Draw the puzzle board. makePuzzleBoard(puzzleBmp.width, puzzleBmp.height); // Arrange the puzzle pieces randomly. arrangePuzzlePieces();

if(x >= puzzleBmp.width) { x = 0; y += heightPuzzlePiece; }

} function arrangePuzzlePieces():Void { // Determine the dimensions of the puzzle pieces. var widthPuzzlePiece:Number = puzzlePiecesArr[0]._width; var heightPuzzlePiece:Number = puzzlePiecesArr[0]._height; // Define an array of locations for the puzzle pieces such that they will appear in a 2 by 4 // grid on the left. var locationsArr:Array = new Array(); locationsArr.push({x: 10, y: 10}); locationsArr.push({x: 10 + widthPuzzlePiece + 5, y: 10}); locationsArr.push({x: 10, y: 10 + heightPuzzlePiece + 5}); locationsArr.push({x: 10 + widthPuzzlePiece + 5, y: 10 +

uses swapDepth() to place the // clip above the others. puzzlePieceClip.onPress = function():Void { this.startDrag(); puzzlePieceClip.swapDepths(topDepth); }; puzzlePieceClip.onRelease = function():Void { // Stop dragging the clip when released. this.stopDrag(); // Get the index of the puzzle piece as well as the index of the puzzle space over which the // puzzle piece was dropped (via the _droptarget property.) var puzzlePieceIndex:Number = this._name.substring(this._name.length - 1); var puzzleBoardSpaceIndex:Number = this._droptarget.substring(this._droptarget.length - 1); // If the indices are equal that means the puzzle piece was placed in the correct space. if(puzzlePieceIndex == puzzleBoardSpaceIndex) { var puzzlePieceSpaceClip:MovieClip = eval(this._droptarget); // Get the coordinates of the puzzle space movie clip, and convert them to the corresponding // global coordinates. Since puzzlePiecesClip aligns with the global coordinate space (it's // (0,0) coordinate is placed at the global (0,0)) it's not necessary to convert from global // to the local coordinates of puzzlePiecesClip, though technically you could do so. Once the // coordinates are converted to the corresponding global coordinates, move the puzzle piece to // those coordinates to "snap" the piece to the space. var coordinate:Object = {x: puzzlePieceSpaceClip._x, y: puzzlePieceSpaceClip._y}; puzzleBoardClip.localToGlobal(coordinate); this._x = coordinate.x; this._y = coordinate.y; // Increment the number of puzzle pieces correctly placed. correctPuzzlePieces++; // If the number of correctly-placed pieces equals the total, then the puzzle is solved. // In that case, call the custom puzzleSolved() function. if(correctPuzzlePieces == totalPuzzlePieces) { puzzleSolved(); } } }; puzzlePiecesArr.push(puzzlePieceClip);

heightPuzzlePiece + 5}); locationsArr.push({x: 10, y: 10 + (heightPuzzlePiece + 5) * 2}); locationsArr.push({x: 10 + widthPuzzlePiece + 5, y: 10 + (heightPuzzlePiece + 5) * 2}); locationsArr.push({x: 10, y: 10 + (heightPuzzlePiece + 5) * 3}); locationsArr.push({x: 10 + widthPuzzlePiece + 5, y: 10 + (heightPuzzlePiece + 5) * 3}); var puzzlePieceClip:MovieClip; var index:Number = 0; var coordinates:Object; // Loop through each of the elements of locationsArr and puzzlePiecesArr. For each // element in puzzlePiecesArr, assign it the coordinates of one of the randomly-selected // elements from locationsArr. while(locationsArr.length > 0) { puzzlePieceClip = puzzlePiecesArr[index++]; // Use the splice() method to select and remove an element from locationsArr. That way // the same coordinates are not used twice. coordinates = locationsArr.splice(Math.floor(Math.random() * locationsArr.length), 1)[0]; puzzlePieceClip._x = coordinates.x; puzzlePieceClip._y = coordinates.y; } } function makePuzzleBoard(width:Number, height:Number):Void { // Determine the dimensions of each puzzle piece. var widthPuzzlePiece:Number = width/4; var heightPuzzlePiece:Number = height/2; var puzzleBoardSpaceClip:MovieClip; var x:Number = 0; var y:Number = 0; // Loop 8 times - once for each puzzle piece space. For each iteration, make a new movie clip // within puzzleBoardClip, and draw a rectangle within it. Note that each puzzle board space // movie clip has an instance name with an index that corresponds to the index of the puzzle // piece that can be correctly placed within the space. for(var i:Number = 0; i < 8; i++) { puzzleBoardSpaceClip = puzzleBoardClip.createEmptyMovieClip("puzzleBoardSpace" + i, i); puzzleBoardSpaceClip.lineStyle(0); puzzleBoardSpaceClip.beginFill(0xFFFFFF, 100); puzzleBoardSpaceClip.lineTo(widthPuzzlePiece, 0); puzzleBoardSpaceClip.lineTo(widthPuzzlePiece, heightPuzzlePiece); puzzleBoardSpaceClip.lineTo(0, heightPuzzlePiece); puzzleBoardSpaceClip.lineTo(0, 0); puzzleBoardSpaceClip.endFill(); puzzleBoardSpaceClip._x = x; puzzleBoardSpaceClip._y = y; x += widthPuzzlePiece; if(x >= width) { x = 0; y += heightPuzzlePiece; }

} // When the puzzle is solved, set the puzzlePiecesClip object as invisible, attach the puzzle bitmap // to the puzzle board, and set an interval by which the threshold of the bitmap is continually updated // to make an interesting fade effect. function puzzleSolved():Void { puzzlePiecesClip._visible = false; puzzleBoardClip.attachBitmap(puzzleBmp, puzzleBoardClip.getNextHighestDepth()); intervalID = setInterval(puzzleThreshold, 100); } function puzzleThreshold():Void { // Once the threshold is greater than 0xFFFFFF then clear the interval, and reset the puzzle. if(threshold > 0xFFFFFF) { threshold = 0xFFFFFF; clearInterval(intervalID); resetPuzzle(); } // Use the threshold() method to make an interesting fade effect. With each call to puzzleThreshold() // the threshold variable is updated until it reaches 0xFFFFFF. The effect is that the image dissolves // to white. Note that some bitwise operations are used to combine 0xFF000000 with the threshold // variable. That's because the threshold() method requires a threshold specified as 0xAARRGGBB. However, // the images have 100 alpha, so the AA portion is always 0xFF000000. puzzleBmp.threshold(puzzleBmp, new Rectangle(0, 0, puzzleBmp.width, puzzleBmp.height), new Point(0, 0), "<=", 0xFF000000 | threshold); threshold *= 1.2; }

} // Move the puzzle board to the right side of the stage. puzzleBoardClip._x = 350; puzzleBoardClip._y = 200 - puzzleBoardClip._height/2;

ActionScript 3.0 code:

var puzzlePiecesArr:Array; var puzzlePiecesFound:Array; var topDepth:Number; var totalPuzzlePieces:Number; var correctPuzzlePieces:Number; var puzzleBmp:BitmapData; var intervalID:Number; var threshold:Number; var imagesArr:Array; var imageLoader:Loader; var requestURL:URLRequest; var puzzleBoardClip:MovieClip; var holder:MovieClip; init(); function init(){ puzzleBoardClip = new MovieClip(); addChild(puzzleBoardClip); totalPuzzlePieces = 8;

imagesArr = new Array("http://www.helpexamples.com/flash/images/image1.jpg", "http://www.helpexamples.com/flash/images/image2.jpg", "http://www.helpexamples.com/flash/images/image3.jpg"); //imagesArr = new Array("image1.jpg", "image2.jpg", "image3.jpg"); puzzlePiecesArr = new Array(); puzzlePiecesFound = new Array(); correctPuzzlePieces = 0; threshold = 0xFFFF; /* Create the image Loader */ imageLoader = new Loader(); imageLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoadImg); /* Create the URL Request */ var index:Number = Math.floor(Math.random() * imagesArr.length); requestURL = new URLRequest(imagesArr[index]); // Load the image imageLoader.load(requestURL); // Setup a holdery mc to hold the puzzle pieces holder = new MovieClip(); addChild(holder); } function onLoadImg(evt:Event):void{ // Determine the width and height of each puzzle piece. // Each puzzle consists of 4 columns and 2 rows. var widthPuzzlePiece:Number = imageLoader.width / 4; var heightPuzzlePiece:Number = imageLoader.height / 2; // Draw the image from the movie clip into a BitmapData Obj. puzzleBmp = new BitmapData(imageLoader.width, imageLoader.height); puzzleBmp.draw(imageLoader, new Matrix()); var puzzlePieceBmp:BitmapData; var x:Number = 0; var y:Number = 0; // Loop 8 times to make each piece for (var i:Number = 0; i < 8; i++) { puzzlePieceBmp = new BitmapData(widthPuzzlePiece, heightPuzzlePiece); puzzlePieceBmp.copyPixels(puzzleBmp, new Rectangle(x,y,widthPuzzlePiece,heightPuzzlePiece), new Point(0,0)); makePuzzlePiece(puzzlePieceBmp, i); x += widthPuzzlePiece; if(x >= puzzleBmp.width) { x = 0; y += heightPuzzlePiece; } } makePuzzleBoard(puzzleBmp.width, puzzleBmp.height); arrangePuzzlePieces(); } function makePuzzlePiece(puzzlePiece:BitmapData, index:int){ var puzzlePieceClip:Bitmap = new Bitmap(puzzlePiece); var tmp2:MovieClip = new MovieClip(); tmp2.addChild(puzzlePieceClip); tmp2.name = String(index) // Added for Strict Mode holder.addChild(tmp2); holder.addEventListener("mouseDown", pieceMove);

} function pieceMove(evt:Event):void{ if(evt.type == "mouseDown"){ evt.target.startDrag(); } else if(evt.type == "mouseUp"){ evt.target.stopDrag(); var puzzlePieceIndex:Number = evt.target.name; // ADDED VV 4.3. Check if droppped inside of the grid if(evt.target.dropTarget){ var puzzleBoardSpaceIndex:Number = evt.target.dropTarget.name; } if(puzzlePieceIndex == puzzleBoardSpaceIndex) { var coordinate:Point = new Point(evt.target.dropTarget.x, evt.target.dropTarget.y); var coordinateGlobal:Point = new Point(); coordinateGlobal = puzzleBoardClip.localToGlobal(coordinate); evt.target.x = coordinateGlobal.x; evt.target.y = coordinateGlobal.y; if(puzzlePiecesFound.length != 0) { for(var i:int = 0;i < puzzlePiecesFound.length; i++) { if(puzzlePiecesFound[i] == puzzlePieceIndex) { puzzlePiecesFound[i] = "Correct"; correctPuzzlePieces++; } } } if(correctPuzzlePieces == totalPuzzlePieces) { puzzleSolved(); } } } } function arrangePuzzlePieces():void { var widthPuzzlePiece:Number = puzzlePiecesArr[0].width; var heightPuzzlePiece:Number = puzzlePiecesArr[0].height; var locationArr:Array = new Array(); locationArr.push({x:10, y:10}); locationArr.push({x:10 + widthPuzzlePiece + 5, y: 10}); locationArr.push({x:10, y:10 + heightPuzzlePiece + 5}); locationArr.push({x:10 + widthPuzzlePiece + 5, y:10 + heightPuzzlePiece + 5}); locationArr.push({x:10, y:10 + (heightPuzzlePiece + 5) * 2}); locationArr.push({x:10 + widthPuzzlePiece + 5, y:10 + (heightPuzzlePiece + 5) * 2}); locationArr.push({x:10, y:10 + (heightPuzzlePiece + 5) * 3}); locationArr.push({x:10 + widthPuzzlePiece + 5, y:10 + (heightPuzzlePiece + 5) * 3}); var index:Number = 0;

holder.addEventListener("mouseUp", pieceMove); puzzlePiecesArr.push(tmp2); // This is used to check if the same piece has been placed puzzlePiecesFound.push(tmp2.name);

var coordinates:Object; while(locationArr.length > 0) { coordinates = locationArr.splice(Math.floor(Math.random() * locationArr.length), 1)[0]; puzzlePiecesArr[index].x = coordinates.x; puzzlePiecesArr[index].y = coordinates.y; index++; } } function makePuzzleBoard(width:Number, height:Number):void{ var widthPuzzlePiece:Number = width / 4; var heightPuzzlePiece:Number = height / 2; var puzzleBoardSpaceClip:MovieClip; var x:Number = 0; var y:Number = 0; for(var i:Number = 0; i < 8; i++) { puzzleBoardSpaceClip = new MovieClip(); puzzleBoardSpaceClip.graphics.lineStyle(0); puzzleBoardSpaceClip.graphics.beginFill(0xFFFFFF,100); puzzleBoardSpaceClip.graphics.lineTo(widthPuzzlePiece,0); puzzleBoardSpaceClip.graphics.lineTo(widthPuzzlePiece,heightPuzzlePiece); puzzleBoardSpaceClip.graphics.lineTo(0,heightPuzzlePiece); puzzleBoardSpaceClip.graphics.lineTo(0,0); puzzleBoardSpaceClip.graphics.endFill(); puzzleBoardSpaceClip.x = x; puzzleBoardSpaceClip.y = y; x += widthPuzzlePiece; if(x >= width) { x = 0; y += heightPuzzlePiece; } puzzleBoardSpaceClip.name = String(i); // Added for Strict Mode puzzleBoardClip.addChild(puzzleBoardSpaceClip); } puzzleBoardClip.x = 350; puzzleBoardClip.y = 200 - puzzleBoardClip.height/2; } function puzzleSolved():void{ holder.visible = false; var tmp:Bitmap = new Bitmap(puzzleBmp); puzzleBoardClip.addChild(tmp); var timer:Timer = new Timer(50); timer.start(); timer.addEventListener("timer", puzTrash); } function puzTrash(evt:Event):void{ if(threshold > 0xFFFFFF) { threshold = 0xFFFFFF; evt.target.stop(); init(); } puzzleBmp.threshold(puzzleBmp, new Rectangle(0,0, puzzleBmp.width, puzzleBmp.height), new Point(0,0), "<=", 0xFF000000 | threshold); threshold *= 1.2;

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