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FnoM 1ur Pns1ons Drsk

I nd myself in a melancholy mood this weekend,

because I am saddened that the Church has lost
Benedict XVI as the Supreme Pon, yet not nearly as
saddened as if we were preparing to celebrate his
funeral. Its strange because for 800 years the rst was
always associated with the later, but not this me.

Many of the things surrounding the resignaon of
Benedict XVI that have been considered important by
parts of the mediahis tle and dress post
resignaon, where hell live, what hell dohave been
answered...but sll the Church waits in expectaon for
the Conclave to begin, and the white smoke to signal
the elecon of a new Roman Pon.

In the life of the Church, the elecon of a new Pope is
a signicant event, one that doesnt come around all
that oen, and so we might be tempted to focusor
xateon the next few weeks and what will happen. I
know that I will certainly be waing to see what the
white smoke will herald for the life of the Church.

Of course, thats not the only thing the Church is
waing for. During the Season of Lent, the Church is
waing to celebrate the Resurrecon, the gi of new
life that comes with Jesus being raised from the dead.

And so, as we await the gi of new life to the
Churchthrough the elecon of a new Popewe
might remember that were sll awaing and
preparing for the gi of new life that will be ours on
the day of Easter.

Lets pray for the College of Cardinals as the prepare
for Conclave and the elecon of a new Pon, but
lets also pray for ourselves as well as we prepare to
embrace the new life that comes to us each and every
me we celebrate the Great Feast of Easter.

Unl next week Fr Andrew
Fr Andrew Doohan (Parish Priest)
Mr Greg Byrne (Pastoral Associate)
Mrs Sharon Fowle (Administraon)
Sr Kathryn McCabe (Aboriginal Catholic Ministry)

The Parish Oce is at the rear of the Parish Hall and is
staed on Wednesday and Friday from 10am to 4pm.

33 Lake Street, Forster NSW 2428
PO Box 67, Forster NSW 2428
P: (02) 6554 6304
F: (02) 6554 6425
E: forstertuncurryparish@gmail.com or
fr.andrew.doohan@bigpond.com (Fr Andrew)
W: www.forstertuncurrycatholic.org.au

Holy Name Parish School (K6)
Mr Mark Mowbray (Principal)

41 Lake Street, Forster NSW 2428
PO Box 243, Forster NSW 2428
P: (02) 6554 6504
F: (02) 6554 8895
E: admin@forster.catholic.edu.au

Items for inclusion in Bridgeside Bullen can be sent
to the Parish Oce or Fr Andrew, preferably by email
or wrien note, by midday on Thursday.

Bapsms are celebrated on Sundays, either during
any of our Sunday Masses or aer the 9am Mass.
Bapsmal Preparaon meengs are held on the
second Monday of each month at 7pm in the Meeng
Rooms of the Parish Hall at Forster. Please contact the
Parish Oce for more details, or visit the Parish

Weddings are celebrated by arrangement and with at
least three (and preferably more) months noce.
Please contact Fr Andrew for more details, or visit the
Parish website.
Sunday 3rd March, 2013
Third Sunday of Lent, Year C
Bridgeside Bulletin
The weekly bullen of the Catholic community of
Forster and Tuncurry
Holy Name of Jesus Parish Church
33 Lake Street, Forster
St Mary, Star of the Sea Church
Cnr Kent & Peel Streets, Tuncurry
Proclaiming Christ to the communies of Forster, Tuncurry and the surrounding districts
Find the
Parish on
EvrNiNc Pnnvrn & BrNroic1ioN
Our monthly celebraon of Solemn Evening Prayer
(Vespers from the Divine Oce) & Benedicon will
take place today 3rd March in the Tuncurry church
commencing at 5:30pm. All welcome.
Tur Pnnisu Dinnv(for the week ahead)
Today (3/3) 5:30pm Evening Prayer &
Benedicon @ Tuncurry

Tue (5/3) 9am Chrisan Meditaon
(Bob 6555 5914)
3:30pm Holy Hour @ Tuncurry
4:30pm Mass @ Tuncurry
5:30pm Chrisan Meditaon
(Bob 6555 5914)

Wed (6/3) 9am Mass @ Forster
9:30am Men Alive @ Forster
9:30am Secular Franciscans
Meeng @ Forster
11:15 Novena to Our Lady of
Perpetual Help @ Forster
2pm Mass @ Kularoo Gardens
4pm Pastoral Team meeng
@ Forster

Thu (7/3) 9am Mass @ Forster
11am Copyright Workshop @
Parish Hall
7pm Copyright Workshop @
Parish Hall

Fri (8/3) 9:30am Mass @ Forster

Sat (9/3) 8:30am Reconciliaon @
9am Mass @ Tuncurry
4:45pm Reconciliaon @ Forster
(unl 5.15pm)
6pm Vigil Mass @ Tuncurry

Sun (10/3) 7am Mass @ Tuncurry
9am Mass @ Forster
IN voun cunni1v, rtrnsr rnnv ron:

Recently Deceased: Calvin Boyd, Kevin Brown

Anniversaries: Dale McCarthy, Ron Campbell

and all those who are sick in our parish.
Hosri1nt & HoMr Visi1s
We rely on family and friends to inform us about
those who are unwell in our community. If you know
of anyone needing a visit or Communion in hospital or
home please contact the Parish Oce.
Music Corvnicu1 Wonksuor
The Parish will be hosng a workshop that will cover
the legislave requirements in the Australian
copyright law as it relates the church/school music,
with details of the various copyright licensing schemes
in Australia and risks associated with noncompliance.

The workshop will be held in the Parish Hall on
Thursday 7th March from 11am1pm. The session
will be repeated from 7pm9pm. All are welcome to
FnirNosuir Gnour (SrNions)
Next meet for lunch is at Frothy Coee, Smiths Lake
on Tuesday 5th March, meeng at the Forster Church
at 11.30am to car pool. New members and friends
most welcome. NB: Bookings open for the bus trip on
16th April. Total cost $55.00 which covers bus, lunch
and cruise on Hasngs River. Deposits to conrm
booking to Lorraine 6554 7056 or Ley 6554 9670.
CunNcr 1o Pnnisu Orricr Houns
Please note that with immediate eect the Parish
Oce will be open on Wednesday and Friday each
week from 10am to 4pm.
A11rN1ioN SiNcrns nNo MusicinNs
The next gathering to look at the new Mass seng
and music for Easter will be at the Tuncurry Church at
7pm next Tuesday 5th March. All most welcome.
Srcutnn FnnNciscnNs
The Secular Franciscans will next meet on Wednesday
6th March, coming together for the 9am Mass,
followed by a cuppa at 9:30am and then the meeng.
Tur MrN Ativr Gnour
The Men Alive movement is a Naonal Catholic
Ministry for men. It provides a supporve community
for men who meet to pray, read the scriptures and
share their lifes journey. There are two groups
meeng in our Parish, one will next meet on
Wednesday 6th March aer 9am Mass and the other
on Wednesday 27th March at 7.30pm. New members
always welcome. Enquiries at the Oce.
Dnitv Missnts
Those who have ordered a Daily Missal can collect it
from the Parish Oce. The nal cost is $42 each.
AovnNcr No1icrCunisM Mnss
The annual Chrism Mass will be celebrated on
Tuesday 26th March in the Cathedral Church
beginning at 7pm. All members of the diocesan
community are welcome to join with the Bishop to
celebrate this important event in the yearly life of our
Hotv Wrrk & Ens1rn TniouuM

Sat (23/3) 6pm MassTuncurry

Sun (24/3) 7am MassTuncurry
9am MassForster
3pm Ecumenical Staons of
the CrossKilaben Bay

Mon (25/3) 4:30pm MassTuncurry

Tue (26/3) 9am MassForster
7pm Chrism MassCathedral

Wed (27/3) 9am MassForster
6pm Staons of the Cross

Thu (28/3) 7pm Evening Mass of the
Lords SupperForster
10pm Night PrayerParish Hall

Fri (29/3) 10am Morning PrayerForster
3pm Celebraon of the Lords

Sat (30/3) 10am Morning PrayerForster
7:30pm Easter VigilTuncurry

Sun (31/3) 6am Ecumenical ServiceThe
Tanks, Forster
8am MassTuncurry
10am MassForster
5pm Evening PrayerForster
Hrtr Rrquinro
We are fortunate and grateful to have a number of
cleaners who have commied their me over many
years to maintaining the cleanliness of our Churches.
We are in desperate need of addional help and are
eager to hear from anyone who would be willing to
assist with this important task. If you are available to
help, please can you contact the Parish Oce on 6554
6304 or email forstertuncurryparish1@gmail.com.
DrrrrNiNc Oun Fni1u
The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference have
produced the Deepening Our Faith video series as an
introducon to the Compendium of the Catechism of
the Catholic Church. It has been produced to make the
20th anniversary of the publicaon of the Catechism
of the Catholic Church of which the Compendium is a

The Parish is going to host a group study of these
sessions on the following dates:

21st March Introducon & The Profession of Faith
4th April The Celebraon of the Chrisan
18th April Life in Christ
2nd May Prayer

Each session will commence aer the 9am Mass, and
will run for about an hour. They will be held in the
Meeng Room of the Parish Oce (or the Hall if
numbers require it).

For more informaon, please contact the Parish
HvMN Givr TunNks
(Henry Smith)

Give thanks with a grateful heart.
Give thanks to the Holy One.
Give thanks because hes given Jesus Christ, his
Son. (x 2)

And now, let the weak say, I am strong,
let the poor say, I am rich,
because of what the Lord has done for us. (x 2)
Pnnvrns n1 1ur TnNks
Please join us for prayers at the Tanks every Thursday
at 8am, in preparaon for the Ecumenical Easter
CoMniNro Cuuncurs MrNs Bnrnkrns1
Saturday 9th March at 7.30am at Ormsby House,
Commerce Street, Taree. Guest speakers is Dan
Naveau, a man with a story to tell. Cost $10. Contact
Geo on 0412 681 700.
CrN1rNnnv Mnss
Centenary Mass for Our Ladys Nurses for the Poor at
St Marys Cathedral at 10am Saturday 13th April.
Founded in 1913 by Eileen OConnor and Fr. Edward
McGrath, the community has performed a unique
ministry of healthcare, advocacy and friendship for
the poor and disadvantaged throughout Sydney,
Brisbane, Newcastle and Wollongong.
Oun Li1uncv Toonv

Responsorial Psalm
Response: With the Lord there is mercy, and fullness
of redempon.

Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord,
Lord, hear my voice!
O let your ears be aenve
to the voice of my pleading.

If you, O Lord, should mark our guilt,
Lord, who would survive?
But with you is found forgiveness:
for this we revere you.

My soul is waing for the Lord,
I count on his word.
My soul is longing for the Lord
more than watchman for daybreak.

Because with the Lord there is mercy
and fullness of redempon,
Israel indeed he will redeem
from all its iniquity.

Gospel Acclamaon
Glory to you, Word of God, Lord Jesus Christ!
Repent, says the Lord;
the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Glory to you, Word of God, Lord Jesus Christ!
IN1rncrssonv Pnnvrn Gnour
To request prayers for someone, or to join the Group,
please contact Bob Cashman on 6555 5914 leaving
your name and contact details.
Cn1uotic Lrnorn & Cn1uotic Wrrktv
The Catholic Leader (Brisbane) and Catholic Weekly
(Sydney) newspapers are available at the rear of the
churches at a cost of $2 each.
Scnir1unr RrnoiNcs

Today Exodus 3:18, 1315
1 Corinthians 1:16, 1012
Luke 13:19
Monday 2 Kings 5:115
Luke 4:2430
Tuesday Daniel 3:25, 3443
Mahew 18:2135
Wednesday Deuteronomy 4:1, 59
Mahew 5:1719
Thursday Jeremiah 7:2328
Luke 11:1423
Friday Hosea 14:210
Mark 12:2834
Saturday Hosea 5:156:6
Luke 18:914
Next Sunday Joshua 5:912
2 Corinthians 5:1721
Luke 15:13, 1132
SitrNcr iN 1ur Li1uncv
We observe silence during our liturgy (on Sundays and
weekdays) at the following mes:

1. During the Penitenal Act, aer the Presider invites
us to prepare ourselves to celebrate the sacred
mysteries, in order to recollect ourselves;
2. During the Collect, aer the invitaon of the
Presider to Let us pray, again in order to recollect
ourselves; and
3. During the Liturgy of the Word, at the conclusion of
the rst & second reading and the homily, in order
that we might meditate on what we have heard.
Oun Pnnisu Cottrc1ioNs
a) The Parish Collecon, providing for the needs of the
parish and its ministry, is taken up during the
presentaon and preparaon of the gis (the
oertory). This is the envelope collecon.

b) The Diocesan Clergy Collecon, providing for the
remuneraon and support of the clergy of the
diocese, will be taken up aer communion (during the
Thanksgiving Hymn or a similar me).
RrcriviNc CoMMuNioN
So that we might receive Communion in a t and
proper way, please be aware of the following:

When we process forward to receive Communion,
we are asked by the Australian Bishops to adopt a
common and unied gesture of reverence before
doing so. In Australia that gesture is a bow of the
head and shoulders (GIRM, 160). Any other form of
reverence, including a genuecon, should be
Communion by selfinncon is never permied,
since we never take Communion but rather receive
Communion. Please refrain from this inappropriate
We regret that we do not have the physical
facilies to oer communion while kneeling, and
would respecully ask you to refrain from kneeling
to receive Communion while in procession, since
this is contrary to the nature of the Communion
procession. Your cooperaon with this request is
very much appreciated.

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