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HSE Management Plan



HSE Management Plan

TFA Co. HSE Management Plan

TubIe oI conLenLs

1. Purpose
z. Scope
. DeIInILIon oI Terms
q. HSE PoIIcy SLuLemenL
. CommILmenLs und MoLIvuLIon
6. HSE RuIes
;. HSE OrgunIzuLIons und CoordInuLIon
8. Procedures Ior mpIemenLuLIon oI LIe BusIc RuIes
q. ReguIuLIon MonILorIng

TFA Co. HSE Management Plan

1) Purpose
TIIs documenL Is Lo deIIne LIe generuI LecInIcuI guIdeIInes esLubIIsIed by LIe
CONTRACTOR, Lo provIde uII personneI wILI suIe operuLIng prucLIces und
uwureness Ior LIe work LIey perIorm In LIe course oI LIeIr duLIes durIng
ConsLrucLIon PIunL.
TIe purpose oI LIIs pIun Is LIereIore:
To expIuIn LIe ruIes und orgunIzuLIon seL up by LIe CONTRACTOR Lo monILor
und Improve LIe perIormunce regurdIng IeuILI und suIeLy oI empIoyees uL work
und envIronmenLuI proLecLIon,
To descrIbe LIe uIIocuLIon oI responsIbIIILIes uL uII IeveIs oI LIe projecL.
To descrIbe some oI LIe LooIs Lo unuIyze, udvIse und revIew on IeuILI, suIeLy
und envIronmenLuI Issues.
) Scope
TIIs documenL musL be uppIIed Lo LIe enLIre TA CO. PIunL consLrucLIon sILe,
empIoyees, und subconLrucLors, und musL be consIdered us u mInImum
requIremenL. TIe uppIIcuLIon oI LIIs pIun Is LIe dIrecL responsIbIIILy oI LIe
munugemenL und uII empIoyees, subconLrucLors und Vendors InvoIved In ILs duy-
Lo-duy uppIIcuLIon.
) DeIInILIon oI Terms
NoLe: WIere LIe Lerm CDNTRACTDR Is used LIIs IncIudes LIe conLrucLor und
uII ILs subconLrucLors. ncIdenL: An evenL or u cIuIn oI evenLs LIuL Ius cuused or
couId Iuve cuused Iumun InjuryJIIIness undJor dumuge (Ioss) Lo usseLs, LIe
envIronmenL or LIIrd purLIes.
AccIdenL: Any evenL LIuL resuILs In Injury, undJor dumuge undJor Ioss.
Neur mIss: Any evenL wIIcI Iud LIe poLenLIuI Lo cuuse Injury undJor dumuge
undJor Ioss, buL wIIcI wus uvoIded by cIrcumsLunces.
AnomuIy: Any sILuuLIon IuvIng LIe poLenLIuI Lo conLrIbuLe Lo un ncIdenL. An
AnomuIy Is un IncIdenL IucLor, wIIcI requIres Lo Ie combIned wILI severuI oLIers
Lo generuLe un ncIdenL.

TFA Co. HSE Management Plan

AudIL: SysLemuLIc und IndependenL exumInuLIon Lo deLermIne wIeLIer or noL
ucLIvILIes und reIuLed resuILs compIy wILI pIunned urrungemenLs und wIeLIer noL
LIese urrungemenLs ure ImpIemenLed eIIecLIveIy und ure suILubIe Lo ucIIeve
CrILIcuI: QuuIIIIes un ILem oI equIpmenL, u producL, u servIce or un operuLIon
IuvIng LIe poLenLIuI Lo gIve rIse, dIrecLIy or IndIrecLIy, Lo rIsks oI III-IeuILI or
Injury, dumuge Lo properLy, pIunL or LIe envIronmenL.
HSE: HeuILI, SuIeLy und EnvIronmenLuI HSE ImprovemenL pIun: A documenL,
wIIcI deIInes LIe correcLIve or prevenLIve ucLIons needed Lo Improve 11S
perIormunce. HSE CommILLee: TIe commILLee uL LIe sILe In cIurge oI monILorIng
uII HSE muLLers, especIuIIy LIe HSE ImprovemenL pIun. SILe: DeIIned ureu wIere
LIe ucLIvILy Lukes pIuce. MunugemenL: MunugemenL oI PROJECT ucLIvILIes uL u
specIIIc IocuLIon. RIsk: A combInuLIon oI LIe probubIIILy (or Irequency) oI
occurrence oI u deIIned Iuzurd und ILs esLImuLed cuvILy. SImuILuneous
OperuLIons: Two or more mujor ucLIvILIes (consLrucLIon, modIIIcuLIons,
producLIon) currIed ouL In LIe sume vIcInILy uL LIe sume LIme poLenLIuI
InLerIerence creuLIng noLubIe rIsks. SpecIIIcuLIon: AII InLernuI ruIes und
reguIuLIons udopLed by PROJECT. SysLem: OrgunIzuLIon sLrucLure,
responsIbIIILIes, procedures, processes und resources needed Lo ImpIemenL HSE
munugemenL. Approved: An InLernuLIonuIIy recognIzed upprovuI uuLIorILy
undJor LIe compuny Iuve upproved LIe ILem or procedures sIuII: ndIcuLes u
munduLory course oI ucLIon und sIouId ndIcuLes u preIerred or recommended
course oI ucLIon. TPA: TIIrd PurLy AuLIorILy. PPE: PersonuI ProLecLIve
EquIpmenL. MSDS: MuLerIuI SuIeLy DuLu SIeeL. PTW: PermIL Lo Work.
q) HSE PoIIcy SLuLemenL
HeuILI, SuIeLy und EnvIronmenL PoIIcy SLuLemenL TA CO. Is commILLed Lo LIe
ucIIevemenL oI u SuIe, HeuILIy, njury Iree und envIronmenLuIIy sound busIness.
TIe ProjecL MunugemenL Teum oI TA recognIzes LIuL, Lo ensure weII beIng oI
generuI pubIIc, empIoyees, conLrucLors und envIronmenLuI susLuInubIIILy. musL do
uII LIuL Is reusonubIy prucLIcubIe Lo IdenLI1 poLenLIuI HeuILI, SuIeLy und
EnvIronmenLuI rIsks, eIImInuLe LIem wIere possIbIe undJor ImpIemenL eIIecLIve
rIsk conLroI meusures. TIe objecLIves wIIcI TA CO. consIders oI greuLesL
ImporLunce ure:
ConsIderuLIon oI IeuILI und suIeLy uL work und respecL Ior LIe envIronmenL us
ImporLunL us LIe economIc perIormunce oI PROJECT.
PrevenLIon oI exposure Lo rIsk In uII ureus oI ILs endeuvors

TFA Co. HSE Management Plan

AdopLIon oI un uLLILude oI openness und consLrucLIve dIuIogue wILI pubIIc
AuLIorILIes und IocuI communILIes Lo proLecL LIe envIronmenL und Lo suIeguurd
LIe IeuILI, suIeLy und quuIILy oI IIIe oI LIose IIvIng or workIng In LIe vIcInILy oI
our operuLIng IucIIILIes.
MInImIzuLIon oI uny udverse eIIecLs oI ILs operuLIons on LIe envIronmenL. To
meeL LIese objecLIves oI u suIe, IeuILIy, Injury Iree und envIronmenLuIIy sound
busIness: EJED commILs Lo LIe:
EsLubIIsImenL oI HSE munugemenL sysLems und progrums und endorsemenL oI
LIem uL uII IeveIs.
EducuLIon und undersLundIng oI HSE sysLems, pIuns und prucLIces Ior uII
ProjecL personneI und oLIer peopIe InvoIved In ucLIvILIes wIere LIere Is u cIunce
oI personuI Injury J`IIIness or envIronmenLuI Iurm.
EnIorcemenL oI uII HSE poIIcIes, procedures, pIuns und prevenLIve meusures.
EducuLIon oI HSE munugemenL sysLems, pIuns und progrums Lo ensure ongoIng
conLInuous ImprovemenL In provIdIng und muInLuInIng u suIe, IeuILIy und
envIronmenLuIIy responsIbIe workpIuce. TA wIII ucIIeve LIese commILmenLs by:
ConLInued deveIopmenL und ImpIemenLuLIon oI munugemenL pIuns Lo eIImInuLe
or conLroI Iuzurds ussocIuLed wILI LIe operuLIons.
nvoIvIng uII empIoyees In HSE progrums LIrougI consuILuLIon, purLIcIpuLIon
und usIng un eIIecLIve proper communIcuLIon sysLem.
EnsurIng LIuL HSE poIIcIes, procedures und prucLIces ure In uccordunce wILI
LIe IegIsIuLIve requIremenLs, IndusLry und sLundurds und besL prucLIce concepLs.
EnsurIng LIuL uII reIevunL HSE IegIsIuLIon, reguIuLIons, codes und IIcenses ure
compIIed wILI.
TIe deveIopmenL und ImpIemenLuLIon oI LruInIng progrums Lo ensure LIuL
empIoyees, supervIsors und munugers ure IumIIIur wILI, und undersLund -1SE
prIncIpIes, poIIcIes, procedures und prucLIces.
OngoIng ImpIemenLuLIon oI envIronmenLuI munugemenL pIuns LIrougI
poIIuLIon prevenLIon, eco-eIIIcIency und wusLe uvoIdunce, reducLIon, re-use,
recycIIng und nuLuruI resource munugemenL.
OrgunIzIng oI eIIecLIve emergency und Injury munugemenL pIun.

TFA Co. HSE Management Plan

EnsurIng LIuL uII poLenLIuI HSE ImpucLs ure consIdered prIor Lo cIunges Lo LIe
busIness or operuLIons.
ProvIdIng IeveIs oI supervIsIon upproprIuLe Lo LIe nuLure und rIsk oI LIe Lusk
beIng perIormed
EnsurIng LIuL LIe suppIIers und conLrucLors ure uwure oI und compIy wILI TA
HSE poIIcIes, procedures, prucLIces und IegIsIuLIve requIremenLs wIere
ConducLIng reguIur HSE munugemenL uudILs und InspecLIon In due LIme, und
deveIopIng und monILorIng deIIned HSE objecLIves. AII empIoyees, conLrucLors,
vendors und vIsILors sIuII compIy wILI LIIs presenL HSE poIIcy wIIIsL InvoIved In
TA ProjecL operuLIons. L Is LIe responsIbIIILy oI uII munugers und supervIsors Lo
ensure undersLundIng, ImpIemenLuLIon und enIorcemenL oI LIIs poIIcy. TIuL HSE
poIIcIes, procedures und prucLIces ure In uccordunce wILI LIe egIsIuLIve
requIremenLs, IndusLry und sLundurds und besL prucLIce concepLs
EnsurIng LIuL uII reIevunL HSE IegIsIuLIon, reguIuLIons, codes und IIcenses ure
compIIed wILI.
TIe deveIopmenL und ImpIemenLuLIon oI LruInIng progrums Lo ensure LIuL
EmpIoyees, supervIsors und munugers ure IumIIIur wILI, und undersLund SE
prIncIpIes, poIIcIes, procedures und prucLIces.
OngoIng ImpIemenLuLIon oI envIronmenLuI munugemenL pIuns LIrougI
poIIuLIon prevenLIon, eco-eIIIcIency, und wusLe uvoIdunce, reducLIon, re-use,
recycIIng und nuLuruI resource munugemenL.
OrgunIzIng oI eIIecLIve emergency und Injury munugemenL pIun
EnsurIng LIuL uII poLenLIuI HSE ImpucLs ure consIdered prIor Lo cIunges Lo LIe
busIness or operuLIons. ProvIdIng IeveIs oI supervIsIon upproprIuLe Lo LIe nuLure
und rIsk oI LIe Lusk beIng perIormed.
EnsurIng LIuL LIe suppIIers und conLrucLors ure uwure oI und compIy wILI TA
HSE poIIcIes, procedures, prucLIces und IegIsIuLIve requIremenLs wIere
ConducLIng reguIur HSE munugemenL uudILs und InspecLIon In due LIme, und
deveIopIng und monILorIng deIIned HSE objecLIves. AII empIoyees, conLrucLors,

TFA Co. HSE Management Plan

vendors und vIsILors sIuII compIy wILI LIIs presenL HSE poIIcy wIIIsL InvoIved In
TA ProjecL operuLIons. L Is LIe responsIbIIILy oI uII munugers und supervIsors Lo
ensure ImpIemenLuLIon und enIorcemenL oI LIIs poIIcy, ObjecLIves und gouIs. TIe
IoIIowIng ure LIe gouIs und objecLIves oI LIe HSE MunugemenL SysLem:
1. To ensure und dIspIuy compIIunce wILI InLernuLIonuI Codes und SLundurds.
z. No (Zero) osL TIme njurIes, permunenL dIsubIIILIes und IuLuI uccIdenLs.
. No (Zero) SIgnIIIcunL ProperLy oss
q. ExcIusIon oI unsuIe condILIonsJsILuuLIons on LIe sILe.
. ExcIusIon oI sILuuLIons LIuL couId Iuve u neguLIve ImpucL on empIoyee`s IeuILI,
suIeLy or weIIure
6. ExcIusIon oI ucLIvILIes LIuL mIgIL Iuve u neguLIve ImpucL on LIe envIronmenL.
;. To preserve COMPANY und ProjecL`s Imuge.
g) CommILmenLs und MoLIvuLIon
TA Co. Is IuIIy commILLed Lo LIIs HeuILI, SuIeLy und EnvIronmenLuI PoIIcy und
SLundurds und wIII provIde moLIvuLIon LIrougI:
PIunnIng uII work In u suIe munner prIor Lo execuLIng LIe Lusks und conducLIng
rIsk ussessmenLs Ior non-rouLIne und Iuzurdous ucLIvILIes.
ProvIdIng u suIe IucIIILy, equIpmenL, personuI proLecLIve equIpmenL und suIe
workIng procedures.
ProvIdIng suILubIe LruInIng, supervIsIon, InIormuLIon und InsLrucLIon Lo uII
personneI enguged In ProjecL ucLIvILIes.
AccepLIng und beIng uccounLubIe Ior LIe responsIbIIILy oI uccIdenLs und
IncIdenLs In LIe workpIuce.
nLroducIng sysLems Lo encouruge ucLIve InvoIvemenL oI LIe munugemenL
workIorce und LIe IocuI communILy In provIdIng suggesLIons und proposuIs Ior
ImprovemenLs In LIe HSE perIormunce.
ProvIdIng ucLIve supporL Lo LIe workIorce by uc oI specIuIIsL udvIce In suIeLy
und quuIILy ureus.

TFA Co. HSE Management Plan

AssessIng LIe rIsks In LIe workpIuce wILI subsequenL communIcuLIon Lo LIe
MuInLuInIng un ucLIve record oI uII IncIdenLs Ior conLInuuI evuIuuLIonJunuIysIs oI
LIe ProjecL suIeLy reIInunce so LIuL wuys und meuns Ior ImprovemenL cun be
deveIoped und ImpIemenLed. A conLInuous eIIorL, drIven by ProjecL MunugemenL
InvoIvemenL, wIII Ie mude LIrougIouL uII pIuses oI ProjecL ucLIvILIes Lo moLIvuLe
LIe workIorce Lo Luke un ucLIve purL In use Issues und ucLIvILIes.
6) HSE RuIes
n order Lo IormuIuLe LIe necessury sLundurds Lo be used In LIe HSE poIIcy, Len
busIc HSE ruIes ure consIdered Lo be LIe IounduLIon Ior sucI sLundurds LIuL Iuve
been esLubIIsIed Lo ucIIeve ProjecL objecLIves. TIe Len busIc ruIes ure:
.TA CO. wIII compIy, us u mInImum, wILI nuLIonuI und InLernuLIonuI Iuws und
uppIIcubIe IocuI reguIuLIons und ruIes LIrougIouL ILs operuLIons und ucLIvILIes.
z. TIese HeuILI, SuIeLy und EnvIronmenLuI PoIIcy und SLundurds ure Lo be cIeurIy
deIIned und mude known uL uII IeveIs oI LIe ProjecL. ResponsIbIIILIes und
uccounLubIIILIes Ior LIe ussocIuLed uppIIcuLIon ure Lo be IdenLIIIed und ussIgned In
. TIrougIouL ProjecL`s ucLIvILIes und operuLIons, LIe rIsks Lo IeuILI, personneI,
usseLs und envIronmenL ure Lo be IdenLIIIed und LIe meuns by wIIcI LIey ure Lo
be mInImIzedJ uvoIded ure Lo be deIIned.
q. AII subconLrucLors musL be evuIuuLed Ior LIeIr ubIIILy Lo conIorm Lo LIe
ProjecL`s IeuILI, suIeLy und envIronmenLuI requIremenLs LIuL musL be cIeurIy
sLuLed In LIe conLrucL. AII conLrucL uwurd recommenduLIons musL uddress LIIs
. AII operuLIons wILI u poLenLIuIIy crILIcuI eIIecL on IeuILI, suIeLy und
envIronmenL ure Lo be covered by procedures LIuL ure revIewed und upduLed on u
reguIur busIs.
6. TruInIng und compeLency progrums ure Lo be IormuIIzed und ImpIemenLed Lo
ensure LIuL personneI ure prepured Ior LIe Lusks requIred oI LIem. wILI purLIcuIur
uLLenLIon beIng gIven Lo suIeLy und envIronmenLuIIy crILIcuI posLs.
;. Emergency procedures coverIng communIcuLIons und ucLIons In cuse oI
medIcuI, uccIdenL und envIronmenLuI emergencIes ure Lo be muInLuIned und

TFA Co. HSE Management Plan

8. AII IncIdenLs und uccIdenLs, IncIudIng neur mIsses, ure Lo be reporLed, unuIyzed
und remedIuI ucLIons Luken Lo uvoId re-occurrence.
q. AII ProjecL`s operuLIons und ucLIvILIes ure Lo be ussessed by InspecLIon und
1o. EucI ureu oI operuLIon wIII esLubIIsI objecLIves und ImprovemenL pIuns bused
on IncIdenL unuIyses. uudIL resuILs und rIsk unuIyses In order Lo ruIse LIe IeveI oI
HSE perIormunce.
,) HSE OrgunIzuLIons und CoordInuLIon
TIe empIusIs on proLecLIon oI projecL suIeLy, IeuILI und envIronmenLuI
sLundurds sLurLs wILI ConLrucLor corporuLe munugemenL und exLends LIrougIouL
LIe projecL orgunIzuLIon Irom LIe munugemenL Leum Lo eucI und every work IronL
on sILe. As noLed, LIIs requIres LIe commILmenL oI uII members oI LIe Leum Lo
meeL LIeIr own IndIvIduuI responsIbIIILIes Lowurd LIe IeuILI, suIeLy und weIIure oI
LIe projecL us u wIoIe. TIe HSE MunugemenL Teum und Leum members ure
cIurged wILI responsIbIIILy Ior LIe ImpIemenLuLIon oI HSE munugemenL sysLem
und progrums Ior LIe projecL us u wIoIe und, us sucI, pIuy u key roIe In LIe
success oI LIe projecL. TIey noL onIy Iuve u dIrecL Iund In LIe duIIy dIrecLIon oI
HSE muLLers on LIe projecL, LIey Iuve responsIbIIILy Ior supporLIng uII members
oI LIe projecL Leum LIrougI LIe revIew oI suIeLy IeuLures, LIe revIew oI
consLrucLIon pIuns und meLIods, LIe provIsIon oI proper LruInIng und suIeLy
guIdes, LIe suppIy oI suIeLy LooIs und equIpmenL LIrougIouL LIe sILe, LIe uudILIng
oI workIng prucLIces, udvIsIng on prevenLuLIve meusures und ImpIemenLIng suIeLy
ImprovemenLs us requIred. n uddILIon Lo LIIs prImury roIe In prevenLuLIve ucLIon,
LIe HSE Leum wIII ucL us Ieuders oI LIe IIrsL IIne response Leums In LIe evenL oI
uccIdenLs or IncIdenLs. ConLrucLor wIII submIL ILs sILe specIIIc HSE MunuuI Ior
COMPANY upprovuI us soon us weII prIor Lo commencemenL oI work uL sILe.
However, LIe prIncIpIes oI orgunIzuLIon wIII be us IoIIows
(1) MunugemenL
TIe ProjecL Munuger ucLs us LIe sponsor Ior projecL compIIunce wILI ProjecL
HSE PoIIcy Ior LIe wIoIe projecL. He Is uIso u member oI ConLrucLor`s
corporuLe HSE MunugemenL CommILLee und unswerubIe Lo LIem Ior conducL
oI HSE PoIIcy on LIe projecL.
TIe HSE Munuger Ior LIe projecL wIII be ussIgned uL un eurIy sLuge und.
ImmedIuLeIy weII prIor Lo LIe commencemenL oI work uL sILe. He wIII reporL
dIrecLIy Lo LIe ProjecL Munuger uL LIIs InILIuI sLuge und, wILI LIe supporL oI

TFA Co. HSE Management Plan

projecL munugemenL, seIecL LIe members oI IIs Leum wIo wIII purLIcIpuLe In
InILIuI suIeLy revIews In ProjecL.
(z) PersonneI
TIe sILe HSE supervIsors wIII be ussIgned In suIIIcIenL numbers Lo ensure LIuL IIII
LIme coveruge und supporL Is provIded uL every mujor work Iuce. ConLrucLor`s
poIIcy Is Lo ensure LIuL uII IIeId supervIsory sLuII, Irom ConsLrucLIon Munuger Lo
LIe IIeId Ioremun IeveI, pIuys u proucLIve roIe In proLecLIng LIe IeuILI, suIeLy und
weIIure oI LIe work Iorce on LIe sILe. TIIs poIIcy ensures LIe muxImum number oI
IIeId personneI ure gIven dIrecL responsIbIy, und uccounLubIIILy, In LIe dIrecL
ucIIevemenL oI sILe IeuILI und suIeLy gouIs.
TIe HSE Munuger und IIs supervIsors wIII be responsIbIe Ior LIe necessury
LruInIng. uudILIng und supporL necessury Lo ensure LIuL ConLrucLor`s consLrucLIon
supervIsory Leum. und LIuL oI sub-conLrucLors, cun exercIse LIIs responsIbIIILy uL
uII LImes. SILe munugemenL sIuII curry ouL reguIur revIews oI LIe HSE
orgunIzuLIon In order Lo conIIrm ILs suILubIIILy Lo IuIIIII LIe sLuLed HSE objecLIves.
S) Procedures Ior mpIemenLuLIon oI LIe BusIc RuIes
n order Ior HSE poIIcy Lo be eIIecLIve, LIe necessury HSE munuuI Ior
ImpIemenLuLIon oI LIe Len busIc ruIes musL be uddressed und IoIIowed. or LIe
ImpIemenLuLIon, LIe IoIIowIng guIdeIInes sIuII be udopLed:
q) ReguIuLIon MonILorIng
q.1 ConLrucLor
ConLrucLor ensures Lo esLubIIsI und muInLuIn procedures Lo denLII`, coIIecL,
upduLe und communIcuLe Lo uII concerned purLIes und Lo enIorce LIe IegIsIuLIve
und reguIuLory LexLs uppIIcubIe Lo ILs ucLIvILIes.
ConLrucLor ensures LIuL no ucLIvILy Is underLuken II LIe requIred oIIIcIuI
uuLIorIzuLIon Ior ILs execuLIon Ius noL been obLuIned.
q.z PersonuI ProLecLIve EquIpmenL (PPE)
TIe ConLrucLor wIII provIde LIe IuII runge oI personuI proLecLIve equIpmenL und
cIoLIIng Lo ensure LIe suIe workIng oI LIe work Iorce. As noLed, no personneI wIII
be udmILLed Lo LIe workIng ureus prIor Lo receIvIng suILubIe PPE. TIIs uppIIes Lo
vIsILors Lo LIe sILe wIo sIuII uIso be Issued wILI LIe PPE requIred Ior LIeIr specIIIc
ucLIvILy. AII geurs wIII be purpose upproved Ior LIe servIce und seIecLed wILI LIe

TFA Co. HSE Management Plan

udvIce oI LIe HSE SupervIsors Ior LIe specIIIc Lusk BODY PROTECTON TIe
ConLrucLor provIdes proLecLIve cIoLIIng und equIpmenL Lo uII ILs empIoyees
enguged In work wIere sucI devIces ure requIred Lo proLecL LIem Irom InjurIes
und IeuILI Iuzurds HEAD PROTECTON Approved suIeLy IeImeLs sIuII be worn
uL uII LImes wIen workIng or vIsILIng uny oI LIe work sILe
ProLecLIve goggIes, suIeLy gIuss specLucIes, vIsors or screens oI upproved Lype sIuII
be worn Lo gIve proLecLIon Lo LIe Iuce und eyes uguInsL LIe eIIecLs oI weIdIng urcs,
spurks, cIIppIng, Iydrocurbons, cIemIcuIs und InjurIous IIgIL ruys.
EurmuIIs or eurpIugs sIuII be worn In ureus desIgnuLed us NoIse Areus us
normuIIy more LIun 8 dB or wIIIsL operuLIng equIpmenL wILI u IIgI noIse IeveI.
SucI us generuLors, uIr compressors, IIgI pressure servIce IInes, eLc.
OnIy upproved suIeLy IooLweur sIuII be consIdered suLIsIucLory jor use, wIen
workIng In or vIsILIng operuLIng ureus und J or work sILes. ooLweur IuvIng
exLernuI sLeeI Loes or IeeI pIuLes or IILLed wILI meLuI sLuds wIII be sLrIcLIy
IorbIdden In uII ureus.
GeneruI-purpose Iund gIoves provIde proLecLIon uguInsL usuuI job Iuzurds sucI
us sIIppIng, ubrusIon, dIrL, oII, greuse und moderuLe IeuL. TIese sIuII be worn uL
uII LImes durIng LIe normuI course oI work. SuILubIe IeuL proLecLIon gIoves wIII be
provIded Ior weIdersJIILLers exposed Lo weIdIng. cuLLIng IIumes, IeuLIng LorcIes
eLc. und sIuII be worn uL uII LImes wIen Lusks requIrIng LIIs Lype oI proLecLIon ure
perIormed. GIoves sIouId noL be worn wIIIe workIng wILI runnIng roLuLIng
equIpmenL Lo prevenL LIe rIsk oI enLungIemenL.
SuIeLy Iurness wILI IIIeIIne sIuII be worn wIen uny work Is cuImed ouL Irom un
exposed posILIon und z meLers or more ubove ground. SLuLIc IInes wIII be InsLuIIed
Ior use uL eIevuLIon uIong pIpe rucks und sLrucLures. AII persons requIred workIng
In conIIned spuces wIere LIere Is u deIIcIency oI oxygen or wIIcI conLuIns LoxIc
or noxIous guses or Iumes wIII weur u suIeLy beIL und IIIe IIne In uddILIon Lo LIe
upproprIuLe breuLIIng uppuruLus

TFA Co. HSE Management Plan


q. CommunIcuLIon
A sysLem Is Lo be seL up Lo ensure LIuL personneI, IncIudIng subconLrucLors
empIoyees, ure kepL reguIurIy InIormed regurdIng HSE muLLers, cun dIscuss or
ucquIre InIormuLIon reIevunL Lo currenL Issues reIuLIng Lo HSE, und LIuL quesLIons
ruIsed wIII receIve upproprIuLe ucLIon.
unguuge probIems sIuII be IdenLIIIed und meusures Luken Lo uvoId uny rIsk oI
mIsundersLundIng. CIurILy oI communIcuLIon Is Lo be uddressed reguIurIy.
n cuse oI u mujor uccIdenL. ProjecL In co-operuLIon wILI sILe munugemenL sIuII
be prepured Ior communIcuLIon wILI IocuI communILIes, pubIIc uuLIorILIes, LIe
press, IumIIIes oI concerned purLIes und purLners. n LIIs respecL, un Emergency
MunugemenL Teum consIsLIng oI represenLuLIves desIgnuLed by ProjecL sIuII be
TIe uuLIorILy und responsIbIIILIes oI LIese represenLuLIves sIuII Ie specIIIed In
q.q RIsk EvuIuuLIon
q.q. 1 GeneruI sLuLemenL
ConLrucLor uccepLs LIuL some oI ILs operuLIons muy, unIess properIy conLroIIed,
creuLe rIsks Lo members oI ILs sLuII, und oLIers, und wIII Luke uII reusonubIy
prucLIcubIe meusures Lo reduce LIese rIsks Lo un uccepLubIe IeveI. ConLrucLor wIII
Luke uII reusonubIe sLeps Lo ensure LIuL rIsks ussessmenLs ure currIed ouL wIIcI
wIII deLuII LIe runge oI Iuzurds ussocIuLed wILI workIng operuLIons LogeLIer wILI
uny necessury remedIuI ucLIons. Any empIoyee wIo dIscovers u Iuzurd durIng
workIng operuLIons sIouId reporL LIe Iuzurd Lo munugemenL so LIuL LIe
necessury remedIuI ucLIon cun be Luken.
q.q.z Procedures Ior deuIIng wILI HSE ssues
TIe currenL sysLem Ior dIscussIng HeuILI und SuIeLy Issues wILI empIoyees Is vIu
HSE Leum. TIe empIoyee suIeLy coordInuLors provIde un uvenue wIIcI uny
concerns ruIsed by empIoyees, emunuLIng Irom LIe rIsk ussessmenLs, cun Ie
brougIL Lo LIe uLLenLIon oI senIor munugemenL Ior more IormuI dIscussIon.
ConLrucLor wIII deIeguLe LIe HSE munuger us LIe munuger wILI specIuI
responsIbIIILy Ior LIe ImpIemenLuLIon und operuLIon oI LIe rIsk ussessmenL

TFA Co. HSE Management Plan

process. HSE munuger provIdes LIe munugemenL wILI LIe necessury knowIedge,
InIormuLIon und resources Lo ensure LIe proper operuLIon oI LIIs process.
q.q. ConLroI und MonILorIng
TIe purpose oI LIe rIsk ussessmenL Is Lo IormuIuLe u sysLem oI conLroI Ior Iuzurds
ussocIuLed wILI duIIy workIng envIronmenL und workIng prucLIces. To ucIIeve
LIIs u proper sysLem Ior LIe IormuIuLIon oI remedIuI ucLIons Lo cuLer Ior LIe
Iuzurds IdenLIIIed Ius been deveIoped. AII ILems oI concern urIsIng Irom LIe
compIeLed rIsk ussessmenL procedure ure dIscussed by LIe HSE Leum. TIe
ussessmenL Leum Ieuder wIII deLuII members oI LIe Leum Lo be responsIbIe Ior
monILorIng ImpIemenLuLIon oI LIe recommended conLroIs, ussessIng LIe
eIIIcIency oI LIe conLroIs und mukIng uny uddILIonuI recommenduLIons.
p. Work PermIL SysLem
WorkIng In u peLrocIemIcuI puIm InvoIvIng Iydrocurbon und LoxIc muLerIuI
presenLs specIuI rIsks und, In order Lo provIde suIe workIng condILIons, u Work
PermIL sysLem sIuII be IoIIowed. TIIs Is u compreIensIve permIL Lo work sysLem
und wIII be revIewed und ugreed wILI COMPANY prIor Lo work In uny ureu or on
uny sysLems deemed Lo be poLenLIuIIy Iuzurdous und subjecL Lo LIe Work PermIL
SysLem Ior LIe operuLIng pIunL.

q..1 uncLIon oI LIe Work PermIL
TIe busIc purpose oI LIe ConsLrucLIon Work PermIL sysLem Is Lo prevenL InjurIes
or Iurm Lo personneI. ProLecL properLy Irom dumuge und ensure LIuL uII work Is
currIed ouL In LIe suIesL possIbIe munner. TIe Work PermIL uIso IIxes
responsIbIIILy und uuLIorILy oI eucI purLy Ior LIe suIe execuLIon oI LIe works.
L sIouId be cIeurIy undersLood LIuL udIerence Lo LIe sysLem does noL In ILseII
guurunLee Ireedom Irom rIsk. TIereIore, uII personneI InvoIved In LIe Lusk sIuII
ensure LIuL suIe prucLIces prevuII LIrougIouL LIe work perIod. TIe ConsLrucLIon
Works PermIL sysLem Is devIsed Lo uIIow work Lo be currIed ouL wILIIn LIe
desIgnuLed perIod und consLrucLIon ureus. TIe work permIL serves LIe IoIIowIng
PrescrIbe LIe nuLure oI LIe work und LIe wuy oI execuLIon
. SpecIIy LIe pIuces und equIpmenL on wIIcI persons ure, Ior u specIIIed LIme,
uIIowed Lo work

TFA Co. HSE Management Plan

ProscrIbe LIe condILIons (IsoIuLIons, gus-LesL, venLIIuLIon, eLc.) LIuL musL be
observed durIng LIe work
DeLuIIs uny remuInIng Iuzurds und precuuLIons Lo be Luken
BrIng Lo uII purLIes` uLLenLIon LIe sLeps LIuL Iuve been Luken und LIuL sIuII be
muInLuIned Lo muke LIe ureuJpIunL suIe Ior work Lo be currIed ouL
. GIves wrILLen permIssIon Ior work Lo be done,
ProvIdes Ior uudILIng und reconIIrmuLIon oI suIe workIng condILIons durIng LIe
course oI work
q..z Work PermILs
TIe IoIIowIng Lypes oI work permILs, uILIougI noL normuIIy uppIIcubIe Lo mosL
work, muy uppIy uncerLuIn specIIIc cuses Lo consLrucLIon work currIed ouL In LIe
desIgnuLed unresLrIcLed work ureus;
ExcuvuLIon PermIL An ExcuvuLIon PermIL Is requIred Ior uny excuvuLIon In un
ureu wIere LIe ubsence oI exIsLIng underground IucIIILIes cunnoL be conIIrmed
LIere Is exIsLence oI rIsk oI IuIIIng und` or rIsk oI coIIupsIng.
(z) CoId Work PermIL A CoId Work PermILLIng sysLem Is requIred Ior uII
generuI consLrucLIon work on LIe pIunL und equIpmenL LIuL does noL InvoIve
ucLIvILIes reIuLed Lo HoL Work us descrIbed beIow. TIIs wIII provIde Ior generuI
observunce und surveIIIunce oI suIe work prucLIces; und provIde un uudIL LooI
Ior work suIeLy.
() HoL Work PermIL HoL Work PermIL Is requIred Ior work currIed ouL In LIe
consLrucLIon ureu II LIe use oI u IocuI source oI IgnILIon Is cupubIe oI IgnILIng
IIummubIe guses, IIquIds or uny oLIer muLerIuIs LIuL muy be presenL.
ExumpIes In LIe consLrucLIon ureu ure weIdIng. burnIng, grIndIng, open IIres,
eLc uround conIIned sLores oI cIemIcuIs. guses, eLc.
(q) ConIIned Spuce EnLry PermIL RequIred Ior personneI enLry InLo conIIned
spuces LIuL couId be subjecL Lo LIe presence oI Iuzurdous muLerIuIs or presenL
u deIIcIency In IresI uIr. Deep munIoIes subjecL Lo ground wuLer Ieukuge or
LuII vesseIs wILI no conLroIs on munIoIe cIosure ure jusL Lwo exumpIes.
() EIecLrIcuI PermILs PrIor Lo work on eIecLrIcuI cIrcuILsJequIpmenL. un
eIecLrIcuI permIL sIuII be used. TIe uuLIorIzed compeLenL Person sIuII IsoIuLe

TFA Co. HSE Management Plan

LIe power Irom sub-sLuLIon. I u muILI-Iock sysLem Is requIred, eucI concerned
person sIuII regIsLer us requIred.
(6) RudIogrupIy ucLIvILy permILs
(;) Roud cIosure permILs
(q) PosL WeId HeuL TreuLmenL (PWHT) permIL
q.6 Huzurdous SubsLunces
ProducLs, muLerIuIs or subsLunces consIdered us Iuzurdous by IocuI
reguIuLIons or LIe InLernuLIonuI sLundurds oI reIerence, musL be IdenLIIIed
wILI un IndIcuLIon oI wIere LIey ure sLored und In wIuL quunLILIes. or eucI
Iuzurdous producL, u suIeLy duLu sIeeL sIuII be uvuIIubIe on-sILe.
Dungerous wusLe ure Lo be segreguLed, sLored suIeIy und Luken oII-sILe usIng
upproved meLIods und properIy quuIIIIed servIce compunIes. Procedures sIuII
be In pIuce Lo cover:
nIormuLIon und documenLuLIon oI Huzurds LIe course LIe IubeI, us SuIeLy
nducLed wIII be sLumped on LIe guLe puss curd und In uddILIon one HSE
InducLIon curd wIII be Issued
q.; AIcoIoIs und Drug ProIIbILIon, SmokIng ResLrIcLIon
No uIcoIoIIc beveruges or IIIeguI drugs ure permILLed on worksILe. TIe ConLrucLor
sIuII ensure LIuL PersonneI Is mude uwure oI und IuIIy compIy wILI LIIs
No smokIng Lukes pIuce In LIe non-smokIng ureus.
SuIeLy uL work Is noL jeopurdIzed by uny kInd oI nurcoLIcs und drugs, wIIcI muy
IncIude some medIcuI drugs, uIIecLIng LIe sense oI vIew. buIunce or uwureness.
q.8 Emergency Prepuredness
Emergency procedures coverIng communIcuLIons und ucLIons In cuse oI medIcuI,
uccIdenL und envIronmenLuI emergencIes ure Lo be muInLuIned und LesLed.
ConLrucLor esLubIIsIes und upduLes emergency procedures, IncIudIng medIcuI
evucuuLIons, wIIcI deIIne ImmedIuLe ucLIons Lo be Luken In LIe cuse oI un
uccIdenL or Iuzurdous sILuuLIon.

TFA Co. HSE Management Plan

or cerLuIn crILIcuI scenurIos (mujor uccIdenLs) LIe emergency procedures sIuII
IncIude conLIngency pIuns LIuL deIIne LIe orgunIzuLIon oI ussIsLunce, emergency
ucLIon meLIods und LIe meuns uvuIIubIe Ior conLroIIIng LIe sILuuLIon. or LIose
scenurIos wIereIn LIe IocuI communILIes muy be uIIecLed, LIe sysLem sIuII be
deveIoped Lo ensure communILy uwureness und ussIsLunce, II uppIIcubIe, Is
TIe procedures und conLIngency pIuns ure Lo be evuIuuLed und upduLed
reguIurIy LIrougI exercIses und drIIIs. TIe procedure uppIIes Lo uII operuLIons on
und ussocIuLed wILI LIe consLrucLIon ucLIvILIes on LIe ProjecL. L uppIIes Lo LIe
ucLIvILIes oI subconLrucLors under LIe supervIsIon or conLroI oI ConLrucLor. L
uppIIes Lo LIe IoIIowIng sILuuLIons:
CIemIcuI spIII or reIeuse
SuboLuge NuLuruI dIsusLer
TruIIIc uccIdenL MedIcuI evucuuLIon
Emergency equIpmenL und personuI proLecLIve equIpmenL und cIoLIIng sIuII be
InspecLed reguIurIy und revIewed uL upproprIuLe InLervuIs In order Lo verIIy
suILubIIILy und good workIng order
q.q denLIIIcuLIon und InspecLIon oI equIpmenL
EquIpmenL crILIcuI Lo HSE perIormunce Is Lo be IdenLIIIed
or IdenLIIIed crILIcuI equIpmenL, un InspecLIon scIeduIe deIInIng LIe meLIod
und Irequency oI InspecLIons und LesLs und LIe meusures Lo be Luken Lo ensure
LIuL un ILem oI equIpmenL Is noL used unIess ILs compIIunce wILI specIIIed
requIremenLs Ius been verIIIed sIuII be esLubIIsIed. CoIIecLIve ucLIons ure Lo be
Luken regurdIng uII non-conIormILIes deLecLed durIng InspecLIon.
n order Lo reduce LIe rIsk oI IuIIure oI crILIcuI equIpmenL. u prevenLIve
muInLenunce progrum sIuII be deveIoped, ImpIemenLed und perIodIcuIIy
revIewed Lo ensure udequucy.
q. 1o EnvIronmenLuI MunugemenL
TIe ConLrucLor wIII deveIop deLuIIed procedures coverIng LIe IundIIng, LreuLmenL
und dIsposuI oI IIquId und soIId wusLes generuLed In LIe course oI LIe ProjecL.

TFA Co. HSE Management Plan


To ImpIemenL LIe EnvIronmenLuI MunugemenL SysLem InLo LIe ProjecL sILe, LIe
IoIIowIng ILems sIuII be InspecLed conLInuousIy.
1. Huzurdous CIemIcuI und WusLe MuLerIuI coIIecLIonJsLorugeJdIsposuI ureus.
z. OII und CIemIcuI SpIIIuge.
. SoIId WusLe MuLerIuIs (rubbIsI, gurbuge, eLc...) generuLed Irom LIe Cumps und
SILe ureus.
q. DusL conLroI on LIe unpuved rouds. . HousekeepIng uround uII SILe ureus.
6. WusLe wuLer TreuLmenL.
Good IousekeepIng Is un ImporLunL purL oI LIe sILe SuIeLy und oss PrevenLIon
PIun. Good IousekeepIng prucLIces, wIen prucLIced us purL oI normuI work
meLIods, wIII Ieud Lo Increused producLIvILy. reduced muLerIuIs und LooIs Iosses
und u mucI suIer, more IygIenIc und eusIer ureu In wIIcI Lo work. TIe
ConLrucLor wIII ensure LIuL LIe LooIs, equIpmenL und resources necessury Ior LIe
muInLenunce oI sILe cIeunIIness und orders ure provIded
q. 11 ncIdenLs und correcLIve ucLIons
AII IncIdenLs und uccIdenLs ure Lo be reporLed, unuIyzed und remedIuI ucLIon
Luken Lo uvoId re-occurrence.
ConLrucLor esLubIIsIes u procedure Ior IncIdenL (uccIdenL or neur mIss) und
unomuIy processIng. TIIs procedure Is Lo cover reporLIng, unuIysIs oI LIe cuuses,
evuIuuLIon oI poLenLIuI dumuge und ImpIemenLuLIon oI remedIuI ucLIons.
AII IncIdenLs ure Lo be reporLed IormuIIy Lo sILe munugemenL. or serIous
uccIdenLs, LrunsmILLuI oI LIIs InIormuLIon sIuII be ImmedIuLe. A compreIensIve
reporL sIuII be Issued.
ncIdenLs wILI obvIous Iessons Ior oLIer depurLmenLs oI ProjecL ure Lo be
reporLed In sucI u wuy us Lo uIIow Ieedbuck ucross LIe ProjecL orgunIzuLIon.

TFA Co. HSE Management Plan

q. 1z AudILs und InspecLIons
q.1z.1 AudILs
AudILs oI LIe HSE sysLem ure Lo be orgunIzed on u reguIur busIs In order Lo
cIeck LIuL procedures ure uppIIed, compIy wILI LIe requIremenLs oI LIe presenL
documenL und ure suILubIe Ior ucIIevIng objecLIves.
A scIeduIe oI uudILs sLIpuIuLIng LIe ucLIvILy Lo be uudILed, LIose responsIbIe Ior
LIe uudIL und LIe reIerence documenLs Lo be used Is esLubIIsIed.
A reporL IndIcuLIng uny observed nonconIormILy sIuII be Issued Ior eucI uudIL.
TIIs reporL Is Lo be deIIvered Lo LIe Ieud oI LIe uudILed ucLIvILy LIuL proposes und
ImpIemenLs LIe correspondIng correcLIve ucLIons.
q. 1z.z PIunned CIecks
PIunned generuI cIecks ure Lo be orgunIzed reguIurIy In uII secLors oI LIe
ucLIvILy. CorrecLIve ucLIons ure Lo be uppIIed Lo uny nonconIormILy deLecLed.
q.1 HeuILI und HygIene
TIe ConLrucLor wIII provIde und muInLuIn LIe IucIIILIes und servIces necessury Lo
provIde IrsL AId medIcuI LreuLmenL Ior uII sILe personneI. TIIs servIce wIII
provIde Ior boLI LIe mInor IIrsL uId needs, wIIcI cun reudIIy und properIy be
Luken cure oI on sILe, und Ior LIe ImmedIuLe emergency uId requIred Ior LIose
Injured or serIousIy III requIrIng more exLensIve cure undJor LreuLmenL uL ouLsIde
IucIIILIes TIe ConLrucLor wIII muInLuIn udequuLe IygIene IeveIs due Lo
consIderuLIon Lo LIe IocuI cIImuLe, und In purLIcuIur Ior:
PoLubIe wuLer Lo be provIded In suIIIcIenL quunLILIes und meeLIng HeuILI
OrgunIzuLIon specIIIed quuIILy.
ood sLoruge und processIng
SunILury servIces
AdequuLe cump und uccommoduLIon IucIIILIes condILIons
q.1q HSE mprovemenL PIun
EucI ureu oI operuLIon wIII esLubIIsI objecLIves und ImprovemenL pIuns bused on
IncIdenL unuIyses, uudIL resuILs und rIsk unuIyses In order Lo ruIse LIe IeveI oI HSE

TFA Co. HSE Management Plan

perIormunce. SILe munugemenL sIuII esLubIIsI un HSE ImprovemenL pIun LIuL
wIII uIIow monILorIng oI:
AcIIevemenL oI objecLIves,
CorrecLIve ucLIons IoIIowIng IncIdenLs,
CorrecLIve ucLIons regurdIng non conIormILIes observed durIng InLernuI und
exLernuI uudILs, seII- und Imposed InspecLIons, ImpucL monILorIng on LIe
envIronmenL, LruInIng, exercIsesJdrIIIs und InLegruLIng experIence guIned Irom
IncIdenLs ouLsIde ProjecL,
RIsk ussessmenL und prevenLIve ucLIons.
AcLIon requIred by LIIs documenL,
CompIuInLs Irom IocuI InIubILunLs or IocuI uuLIorILIes.
TIe HSE CommILLee sIuII Iuve LIe responsIbIIILy Lo coIIecL InIormuLIon reIuLIve
Lo LIe IncIdenLs; seL prIorILIes uccordIng Lo LIe rIsks Incurred und monILor
correcLIve ucLIons LIuL ure InLegruLed InLo LIe HSE ImprovemenL pIun.

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