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Kajian buku teks kurikulum Sains pendidikan rendahTahun 5 Objektif

1. Merangsang rasa ingin tahu murid dan mengembangkan minat mereka tentang dunia di sekeliling mereka. Buku praktikal Pg. 21 (Praktikal 7) [What do I want ?] To observe which bulbs will light up in a series circuit and a parallel circuit when various switches are switched off. Pg. 13 (Praktikal 5)

2. Membentuk kreativiti pelajar.

3. Memupuk penghargaan terhadap sumbangan Sains & teknologi ke arah pembangunan Negara & kesejahteraan manusia.

Pg. 4 (Praktikal 2) [What do I need ?] Mikroskop

4. Sedar keperluan untuk mencintai dan menjaga alam sekitar.

Pg. 23 (Buku teks) Enrichment activity

Pg. 24 (Buku teks) At the end of the unit, I will learn: The importance of organisms in a food web.

5. Menyemai sikap saintifik dan nilai-nilai positif.

a) Scientific attitude Having an interest & curiosity towards the environment. Pg. 26 (Buku teks)



Science Process Skills Memerhati Buku teks Pg 5 Activity Zone Pg. 17 Activity Zone Pg. 5 [What do I do?] Pg. 3 Buku praktikal

Mengelaskan Pg. 19 Activity Zone 4. Group them according to their ways of dispersal. Pg 122

Pg.19 [What do I do?] 4. Compare the brightness of the bulbs between the two circuits. Pg. 36 [Further Activity] 8. Arrange the materials according to the sharpness of the shadows formed. Pg. 29 6) Count the no of squares on the screen covered by the shadow. Pg. 30 5) Count the no. of squares on the screen covered by the shadow. Pg. 39 [What do I conclude?] 1. When water is heated, it (gains / loses) heat and its temperature (increases / decreases) 2. When water is cooled, it (gains / loses)

Mengukur & menggunakan nombor Pg.71

Membuat inferens Pg. 94 Pg.113, Ques 5 (b)

heat and its temperature (increases / decreases) Pg. 31

Meramal Pg 113, Ques 5 (c)

Pg.39 C Predict the temperature of the cooking oil at 35 min.

Berkomunikasi Pg: 22 Pg 3 Pg:12 The picture below shows the area covered by fungi growing on four slices of bread. Each slice of bread is put in different conditions as shown.

Pg 41

Menggunakan kaitan antara ruang dan masa Pg 71, Ques 5 Pg 60,Ques 3 6. Measure the temperature every minute for 5 3. How does the length of shadow change minutes. according to time Pg 74

Interpreting data Pg 44

Pg 55 Danial tasted 5 different food substances. The table shows the result.

(a) Which food substances are acidic? The graph above shows the amount of petroleum produced in an oil refinery from the year 2002 to 2006. (a) What is the trend in the amount of petroleum produced? (b) Predict the amount of petroleum produced in the year 2007. (c) Why is the petroleum a non-renewable

energy? Pendefinisian secara operasi Pg 70 - pendefinisiansuhu.

Mengawal pembolehubah Pg 71

Pg 44

Pg 79

Membuat hipotesis Pg 81 (Cloth dries faster in hot sunny day, windy day and when it has large surface area)

Menjalankan eksperimen Pg 82Pg 79

Kemahiran Berfikir Kritis Ms 8 (Thinking hat: Why sptting can cause diseases to spread) Ms 26 (Why carnivore cannot be the first animal in food chain) Kreatif Ms 17 ( membuat kad Hari Ibu)

Ms 54 (membuat poster menjimatkan elektrik) Strategipembelajaran Inkuiri-penemuan Ms 9 ( buku praktikal ) Chin Fei places 2 nipah fruits in 2 separate containers of water. The husk of the nipah fruit in container Q is removed.

(a) What happens to the nipah fruits in the 2 containers? (b) Explain the differences in the observation.


Ms 52 (murid-murid membina Miners Lamp)

JERIS Jasmani


ms 117 (murid-murid diminta berjalan di sekeliling sekolah) Ms 80-81 (perasaan inkuiri)


Ms 58 (buku praktikal) melihat kebesaran tuhan dengan aktiviti star gazing


Ms 19 ( buku teks)


Ms 59 (buku praktikal) aktiviti berkumpulan

Ms 17 (buku teks)

Rumusan: KEBAIKAN Kandungan buku teks selari dengan apa yang dikehendaki dalam sukatan pelajaran.Tujuan pembelajaran tercapai. Buku teks banyak mengandungi info-info tambahan, kosa kata/kamus; memudahkan lagi pemahaman muridmurid. KELEMAHAN Dalam setiap topik pembelajaran, nilai tidak ditonjolkan secara jelas. PENAMBAHBAIKAN :Masukkan nilai-nilai kerohanian dalam penerangan buku teks agar murid lebih jelas.

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