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Copyright© Mark S Filby.



Quantum economics is a totally radical alternative to current global economic

platforms. A unique combination of free market and closed economic policies, coupled
with total reformation of our traditional methods of banking and thinking towards
money. Quantum economics recognises the fundamental errors in current economic
policies which are collapsing globally. Quantum economics addresses the critical error
of allowing a currency to become a commodity, which allows for manipulation from
external forces, of which we may not know their agendas. It fully addresses the
inherent problems with open economies and finally establishes total accountability from
every sector of human endeavour, the legal and illegal activities of corporations,
governments and individuals.
Quantum utilises an intangible medium of exchange instead of tangible paper money,
notes, cheques, cash or coinage. Electronic 'money' is available to all levels of society
from government and business to consumer alike. Another method of classifying this
means of accounting for commerce is a form of "e" currency. Meaning the actual
currency is not material but electronic. Therefore quantum as such is an alternative to
cash or money. Quantum is the only viable future reality for today's electronic global
economy. It is the new global currency available to everyone with access to the internet
or telephone.

The current structure of the global economy, has at its base, a critical error in the usage
of money, which is a debt based money creation and supply. With the tradability of the
medium of exchange, money was allowed to become a commodity. Put in very simple
terms this means that once money became a commodity it allowed for people with an
abundant supply to loan money at exorbitant rates, sometimes enslaving the borrower.
This meant that current economic policies allowed people to become dependent off
other peoples efforts. Whoever could create a shortage of money, and then supply the
demand, with interest, actually became a non productive member of society and
survived or even prospered at someone else's expense. One only has to casually
observe the current global economic policies and the resultant imbalances to observe
this fact taken to its extreme. Resource rich third world countries are servicing
impossible outcome debt scenarios, with the third world populations as virtual slaves
to businessmen, bankers and their dictators.

What's wrong with money/ banking/ cash?

There is a perceived shortage of money or capital, when in actual fact; there is no

shortage but a creation and usage problem. We have allowed banking to create debt
instead of governments actually creating sufficient money for society to function for
the sake of its citizens.
Capital flows around society often go undetected from country to country and bank to
bank. There is no central registry to monitor the origin or destination of transactions.
This allows 'laundering' of funds. This is how wars and all other illegal activities are
financed. The fundamental error of globalisation without accountability. Overseas
banks, diverse taxation laws- no common ground between global financial systems.
The 'global village’ requires a 'closed' economy as opposed to the current 'open'
economy. A system designed to be open to scrutiny and closed to fraudulence or crime.
The elite use these so called individual 'rights' to hide their abuses of wealth.
From fraud, forgery, theft, crime and the many abuses of wealth, the current economic
platforms fall drastically short of being 'smart' or humane in today's society. In
essence, printed money and banking have reached their sensible use by dates. Cash
money requires be printing, handling and physically transporting which makes it non-
competitive with an electronic currency. As a tangible product it also means it can be
removed from circulation and laundered into other economies or utilised for illegal
activities. This is exactly how and why our planet is being gripped by drug usage and
crime. Printed and coined money has been abused since its inception. It was the best
thing available at the time, but today's society needs accountability from every level of
society, and will embrace the solution. Put in simple terms cash and the current
banking system are obsolete. Only complete denial from the reader could dispute the
current global situation.

Why will we change?

We will change when we see a real advantage for ourselves and the democratic
majority. When we see that this system surpasses the current economic model and
when we are prepared to accept the truth about how inadequate our current system is.
When we as a society decide to take responsibility for our lives and decide to correct
society's problems. When we acknowledge that most of our crimes, poverty, fraud and
inequalities are rooted in our economic policies. Economic discrimination is potentially
society’s greatest problem.
This new system will remove privilege and force some to become useful functionaries
of society just like the majority. On the other end of the scale, it will also signal the end
of unemployment. If we have the capacity to rectify many of our social ills and the only
limitation that currently exists is our 'shortage of money' and the quantum system
rectifies this problem and practically removes any fiscal problems, then why would the
democratic majority support a system for elitists or people evading their responsibility?

What is this new system based on?

A new system based on total accountability, will help work towards eliminating crime.
The implications are incredible. The banking industry as you know it will be
transformed. The new system will have only one point of record for every transaction,
globally. This will eliminate fraudulent activities. As a society we can fully trace every
economic transaction on a global basis, we can then eliminate the so called tax evasion
havens, money laundering and most illegal transactions. Accountability from the
bottom right up to and including the record keepers. A system that is totally open to
inspection. If there is nowhere to hide money, there are very few areas for lies.
This will be a non-profit banking system for the world.
Why will it be non-profit?

Our global village needs a new system to rectify the current shortfalls being
experienced in every sector of our communities. We need a new way to address
unemployment, poverty and crime on a global basis. We no longer are individual
countries with our own internal economies. It is time we accepted our role in society
beyond short term profit outcomes. In essence we have to remove our bankers for the
democratic majority. We can no longer disclaim our knowledge of how severe life is
for our fellow man, when we are presented with a solution. Can we tolerate people
starving to death because of profit? There could be no justification for change, if
quantum was only changing the power base, not rectifying the problem. The actual
'power' should be within the hands of the democratic majority, not with some elitist
minority group of bankers, dictators or people who accept a system based on keeping
people as slaves by utilising economic principles which were forced on society many
years ago. Nothing justifies this behaviour.
Current economic budgetary controls hinder mankind from solving its problems.
Therefore if we remove the banking industry and maintain the medium of exchange as
an institution for the benefit of society, then society would never again have to play the
existing banking game. The end of the current system. Current global economics prove
that the current method is fundamentally flawed and failing pathetically. Imagine our
global society with the 'profits' from banking being redistributed through all sectors of
society. No longer would there be so many financial restrictions placed on society's
endeavours. Imagine a world freeing itself from poverty, starvation and “economic
rationalisation", all because we decided to make a change.

Why did this problem arise?

The answer is basic ignorance. "The way it is" mentality and the non availability of
computers and technology meant that society was not ready, willing, or able to solve
the problem.
The current economic and monetary systems have not changed from the past. We still
basically have the original system only modified for our times. Wealth was originally
based on ones ability to conquer or steal. Today's society does not call for survival of
the fittest anymore, but beckons us into the 21st century caring for each other. Whilst
we have evolved on a mental level of compassion, we unfortunately carry our primitive
past within the confines of our economic policies.
The reality of today’s society says that whoever has the most money rules. Not much
different from our primitive past, when the biggest club or sword ruled. Money is
coined liberty. The masters control.
Today’s economic platforms are based on feudal mentalities.

Why should it change?

We should change when it will be better for the majority; this is the essence of a
democratic society. We have fallen into the false belief that society is functioning
because of money. When in actual fact society functions because we decide within our
minds to make things happen. Money transformed from representing actual material
wealth in the form of gold or silver, to being a means of transferring value. Quantum
economics is an advanced way of electronically measuring worth, a form of
transportable barter. Society only requires accountability to function equitably.

How could society exist without money?

Society existed before money was invented. This new system does not actually
eliminate "money", it only changes what we perceive and accept the medium to be. In
times gone 'money' has assumed many different forms. From teeth, shells, salt and
paper notes to credit cards and ultimately to electronic credits registered within the
confines of a computer system. Money has changed forms many times. We have here
an opportunity to make real changes for ourselves. This is the first time we as a society
are being presented with an opportunity to end the primitive ways of our past.

How come people starve?

Greed and ignorance................. How do we justify telling our children that we cannot
afford to feed people? We justify our actions because there is insufficient profit in the
process, so we let real people starve to death. Everyday we casually go about our own
business and resign ourselves to the situation. We really have to look long and hard at
ourselves and ask ourselves a simple truth, are we prepared to fix our system? Our
governments and business leaders tell us that we don't have enough money to feed
people. So we let them die. Profit before life itself!

Why do people fear change?

Society has been plagued with fear ever since time began. Fear has been the ultimate
control mechanism. Fear is still used today by all levels of society. There is no logic to
fear. The people running our global banking system will attempt every method of
ridiculing this system. They will attempt to tell you that it is impossible to replace
them. They rule you with fear. They will always insist that money is not only necessary
for survival, but that our society would be overthrown by anarchy if society lost its
status quo. They are only telling you half the truth. Our society needs checks and
balances, rules and regulations, but it does not need such blatant imbalances between
the haves and the have nots. This is the last bastion of prejudice existing within our
society. In our society today, our friends, place of residence, lifestyle and future are
determined by the amount of money we have. If you are born into a poor family, you
will be prejudiced against. This is blatant discrimination equally as twisted as
discrimination based on skin colour, race or religion. If you are continually fooled into
believing that everything only happens because of money, then you will be held captive
by your bankers from the cradle to your grave. The essence of this system is simply a
non-profit banking system. How well is the current system working for the democratic



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