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Amazing Discovery Of A Free Energy Source Suppressed By Scientists:

bosnian Sun Pyramid (all pictures courtesy bosnianpyramid.com)

A history - changing discovery that offers humanity a totally free and clean energy source has gone totally unreported in mainstream media. A recent study involving four years of comprehensive geo-archaeological research reveals energy beams transmitting electromagnetic signals unexplainable to current scientific understanding in what is now documented as the largest Pyramid complex in the world. The discovery of the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids looks set to change the understanding of European and world history forever. Radiocarbon dating that proves the Bosnian Pyramid Complex is at least 25,000 years has been revealed by an international team of scientists led by Dr. Sam Osmanagich. Discovered in 2005, the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Archaeological Park, which houses the largest pyramid in the world, is now the most active archaeological site on the planet. The team's findings also reveal an energy beam, 13 feet in radius that transmits an unexplainable electromagnetic signal measuring 28 kilohertz coming from the center of the Pyramid of the Sun. This phenomenon has been independently confirmed by physicist Dr. Slobodan Mizdrak, Ph.D. from

Croatia, Professor Paolo Debertolis, anthropologist from University of Trieste in Italy, sound engineer Heikki Savolainen from Finland and electrical engineer GoranMarjanovic from Serbia. In view of the fuss about CO 2 emissions over the past couple of decades we must ask why news of these discoveries has failed to reach mainstream audiences. The existence of a pyramid complex in Europe alone out to have kept this story in the news and been enough to ensure books were written and television documentaries made about what finds on the site might mean. Throw in the free energy source and we are into news almost as big as aliens landing or God revealing himself! The pyramid site has also provided scientific evidence supporting the theory that the pyramids were used as an energy source. This theory has long been advanced in connection with the Giza Pyramid complex but in spite of supporting evidence and the fact that the Egyptian Pyramids were not burial chambers, scientists, as dogmatic and reactionary a profession as any on the planet, have always dismissed the idea. Overwhelming evidence, supported by scientific research from all over the archaeological community proves that our recorded history is wrong concerning ancient cultures which in turn changes religion, science and academics. That of course is what the scientists and history academics are afraid of. Careers and reputations have been staked on preserving the status quo in the face of increasingly credible challenges. The clergy are not so worried, they can always fall back on the old The Lord moves in mysterious ways, get out of jail card.

Energy beam (photoshopped, energy is invisible)

The mysterious source of energy discovered at the Bosnian Pyramid complex appears on first reading as if it may be something similar to the discoveries made by Nicola Tesla over a hundred years ago. This potential source of free, non polluting energy which Tesla dubbed Scalar Waves was never developed for domestic or industrial use but it did have a major role in the Star Wars missile defence system and is rumoured to have been harnessed for other military applications. Dr. Osmanagich has investigated pyramids all over the world, however his recent discovery of the Bosnian pyramids in Visoko, is his greatest achievement to date. What might seem more remarkable to many people however is the way he and his team have been attacked in the media, by scientists and researchers desperately trying to discredit his find. The very first thing governments and their lapdogs in the scientific and academic communities do when their control of technology, information and ideas is threatened and they can't simply erase the news story is set up a campaign of diversion, disinformation, deception and denial to create the impression that the discoveries are a hoax. The way prominent archaeologists, people who solemnly claim to have dedicated their working lives to increasing our knowledge and understanding of early human development conducted smear campaigns against Dr. Osmanagich's work.

There are masses of evidence that the standard versions of early history are largely if not totally false, the work of English writer Graham Hancock is a prime example. Hancock too was attacked by the scientific community when he revealed discoveries of ruined cities under the Indian Ocean that showed advanced civilisations existed during the ice age when sea levels were between 400 and 500 feet lower than at present. His book Underworld: The Flooded Kingdoms Of The Ice Age is well worth reading. Hancock is on record as saying had he been part of the academic community his career would have been trashed for challenging the orthdoxies. Because he was a writer and journalist they could not touch him and his discoveries struck a chord with many curious people for whom the smug platitudes of othodox academic teaching made little or no sense. Much of what Hancock was ridiculed for saying has now been deonstrated as truth. In spite of the work done by Graham Hancock and many others there are still vast divisions between the establishment the more radical researchers who will not be told what they can and cannot publish that friction between the two camps has escalated, cause the orthodox groups to regress in the understanding of ancient technology rather let new discoveries lead their thinking forward.

Partly excavated: the thing 'scientists' tried to dismiss as a hoax and just a funny shaped hill.

Sources: Bosnian Pyramid Of The Sun Foundation Interview with Dr. Sam Osmanagich YouTube The Giza Power Plant Bosnia Pyramids website Bosnia Pyramid Energy Radiation (explore this site for more aspects of the discovery) Faster than the speed of light? Tesla's Scalar waves RELATED POSTS:
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