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Abuse in international marriages

The increasing number of in- to regulate matchmaking has ment’s mandate to decide fill their responsibilities as re-
ternational marriages is a nat- Susan Kim been enacted by the Korean gov- whether a marriage between spectful residents of Korea, the
ural phenomenon that, of on Human Rights ernment and is awaiting imple- foreign nationals — having al- problems above can be resolved
course, does not constitute any mentation on June 15. ready taken place in another at least partially in the present
inherent sort of human rights money from one party in order However, the National Human country — can be forbidden. and near future.
violation in and of itself. In to select a foreign spouse-to-be, Rights Commission concluded Fortunately, the Ministry of Korean society has to create a
Korea, however, many interna- who is treated more like a com- that the drafts of the bill’s presi- Foreign Affairs quickly recog- foundation and atmosphere that
tional marriages are arranged modity than a person with fun- dential decree and enforcement nized the problem and told the is friendly to foreign spouses so
by matchmakers, and some of damental rights. Matchmakers regulations have to be improved. Commission that it would take as to encourage them to stand
these lead to grave human have also been known to fail to This April, the Commission pre- measures to prevent reoccur- up for themselves as empowered
rights concerns. present foreign spouses-to-be sented its opinion to the Ministry rences of such incidences. and competent individuals.
Expat living is a page dedicated First, the tradition of match- with adequate information of Health, Welfare and Family Ultimately, the Korean govern- Also, this society must be one
making in Korea has existed for about the Korean nochonggak, Affairs, proposing that the bill ment allowed the complainant’s in which spouses can comfort-
to the issues that affect expats'
a long time. With respect to in- given that these marriages are include some clauses to ensure wife to accompany him to ably and easily question the
daily lives. It is your page,
ternational marriages, we must quickly arranged for purposes of that spouses, both Korean and Korea. Yet, despite the success government, report domestic or
where you can share stories about question what differentiates in- convenience. foreign, disclose critical informa- of his case, almost half of the physical abuse, and demand
your life in Korea. Send story ternational from domestic mar- The lack of protection for hu- tion to each other, especially complaints filed by foreigners that their rights be respected.
ideas to Matthew Lamers riages, as well as the specific man rights in international criminal records involving do- are related to the immigration This will result in a new percep-
at mattlamers@heraldm.com problems we could have when marriages in Korea sometimes mestic and sexual violence, prior process, many of which must be tion of foreign spouses as mem-
Koreans and foreigners marry results in relationships that are to the marriage. processed by the National bers of our society who are fully
each other. The difficulties that unequal, hierarchical, and pos- The second issue of concern is Human Rights Commission. capable and undeniably deserv-
originate from matchmaking sessive. There have been report- that a variety of human rights The third issue is one that has ing of proper respect.
arise at the onset, when match- ed cases in which Korean hus- issues arise in the immigration not been met with an appropri-

Can we learn from makers promote international

marriage as the “alternative” to
getting out of the status of “ag-
ing single bachelor,” which is
bands have taken theirs spous-
es’ passport or forbade their
wives from meeting with fellow
foreign nationals because they
process for foreign spouses. In
July 2007, one Pakistani who
was sojourning in Korea on a
business investment visa filed a
ate amount of consideration —
the empowerment of foreign
spouses by Korean society. The
current outlook of this society on
Susan is an investigator with
the Migration & Human Rights
Team at the National Human

migrant workers? called nochonggak in Korea. Of

course, most brokered match-
making between Koreans and
want to prevent the spouses
from fleeing the country.
In other cases, foreign spouses
complaint to the National
Human Rights Commission. He
claimed that the Korean em-
foreign spouses is that such peo-
ple need assistance from the
Korean government; they are
Rights Commission. Before
working as an investigator from
2002-2005, she worked for the
foreigners is between a Korean have been the victims of verbal bassy in Pakistan had refused not seen and treated as digni- International Affairs Division at
By Lairam Vapual volunteer was among them — man and a woman from abroad. and physical abuse, and this has to issue a visa that would allow fied individuals and rightful the Commission. She has an
despite his lively conversa- These unwed males usually sometimes culminated in the his wife to accompany him be- members of this society. M.A. in Area Studies from the
We don’t learn from you; you tions with them. want to escape from a status murder or suicide of some wives. cause marriages between close However, if foreign spouses Graduate School of Interna-
learn from us. That is the gen- Bik Te always gave a helping that has a social stigma. To put an end to the vicious relatives, like cousins, are pro- continue to demand that their tional Studies at Seoul National
eral perception most natives, hand to other migrant work- Additionally, matchmakers practices that characterize some hibited by Korean law. But it is rights be honored by all sectors University, and a B.A. in French
the world over, have of migrant ers, and assisted with lan- ask for a considerable amount of international marriages, a bill not within the Korean govern- of Korean society, and they ful- from Paichai University. — Ed.
workers who have come to guage classes and as an inter-
their land for mostly demand- preter for those who found
ing physical labor. But, as long themselves faced with social
aged hand holds a baduk
as they are willing and hum- problems such as industrial ac-
stone in the traditional man-
ble, and if pride and a sense of cidents, poor health, workplace
ner — between the index
superiority do not get in the abuses, and unpaid or delayed
and middle fingers — in
way, host people can, and in wages.
Jongno, Seoul last weekend.
many cases do, learn valuable When the young man bid his
Tomasz Roszkowski
lessons from their guest popu- farewell to his company and to
lation. Korea in October 2007, his col-
When it comes to the issues leagues were not very happy at
of immigrants, many are quick his departure and at the
to detect different cultures, thought of losing one of the
lifestyles, ways of thinking, company’s most valuable as-
and language barriers, and sets. Now, in a different Asian
then to express critical opin- country, Bik Te is enjoying a
ions. But, by deliberately different experience and life.
blinding ourselves from seeing But when his former boss was
the essence and meaning of finally able to track him down
pluralism, we are effectively in February, he called Bik Te
barring ourselves from enjoy- more than a dozen times, try-
ing the scintillating beauty ing to persuade him to come
that diversity offers. back to Korea to work for the
It is very important to look company, with promises of
beyond the notion of immi- higher wages and more bene-
grants as learners only. fits, this time including legal
Immigrants — migrant work- costs and transportation back
ers in particular — bring with to Korea.
them their skills, their sense In another case, a migrant
of responsibility, volunteerism worker named Bawi Lian did
and other qualities that are not hesitate to sign up to help
positive contributors to soci- in Taean, where the country’s
ety. worst-ever oil spill took place

It is very important to get beyond the

notion of immigrants as learners only.

When Bik Te began his ca- late last year. The young man
reer at a mid-sized company in considered himself lucky to be
Gwangju city, Gyeonggi able to join other volunteers in
Province, at a lower-than-aver- cleaning oil off rocks one by
age wage, not one of his one, despite the icy January
Korean coworkers had ever winter.
imagined that he would later On another occasion, when
become a master in his field of
work. After years of obedience,
loyalty, hard work and perse-
verance, he slowly and steadily
he and another migrant friend
were going home around 10
p.m. in a city in Gyeonggi
Province in early February,
Torch riot extravaganza In focus:
moved his way up to one of the
highest places, in terms of
skills and quality. His experi-
ence and expertise had carried
the men encountered a drunk-
en man who was vandalizing
cars parked along a roadside
in the quiet of a Chinese New
The Olympic torch relay
came and went, and, as hap-
pened elsewhere, the main
Robert Koehler’s
Talking Points
indicate that the North
Korean leg of the relay went
without a hitch.
Sunny f16
him through the financial ups Year night. Intolerant of van- event was overshadowed by In case anyone has forgot- By David Smeaton 1/200 or 1/250. If your ISO is 800,
and downs of the company, dalism, he and his friend side festivities involving anti- Needless to say, the scenes ten, the torch relay began in then your shutter speed should be
which saw many native work- shouted the vandal down. But China protesters and what ap- of organized bands of young 1936 for the Summer Olympic I heard about a photography 1/800 or slightly higher.
ers come and go. the two young men could not pear to be well-organized foreigners running riot, at- Games in Berlin. Yes, those rule called ‘Sunny f16’. It has On a bright sunny day, using
Every time the company re- stop the middle-aged man groups of mostly Chinese stu- tacking civilians and police Summer Olympic Games in something to do with light. What a low ISO combined with sunny
ceived important orders, often from damaging more vehicles. dents. personnel alike have not gone Berlin. exactly is it? — Jenny, Seoul f16 will produce very good re-
during the weekend, his boss Eventually, a passer-by called The fun kicked off in over particularly well with the sults. There are also some use-
would plead with Bik Te — not the police. Olympic Park, where pro- Korean media and public. More pot-smoking The sunny f16 rule is a very ful variations on sunny f16. Try
demand or order — to give a Aware of the imminent ar- Beijing Chinese students Police say they will take legal English teachers useful guide for photographers. using:
few extra hours to the compa- rival of the police, the drunken clashed with members of a action against the Chinese It’s useful because it can help you f11 for slightly overcast condi-
ny, which the young Asian man tried to flee, but the mi- North Korean human rights students who participated in You’d think, given the fre- shoot without the assistance of tions;
gladly did. He also shared his grant workers were in hot pur- group protesting China’s repa- the attacks. One English-lan- quency of reports of English light meters. Measuring ambient f8 for moderately overcast
expertise with his Korean col- suit while the whistleblower triation of North Korean guage daily, meanwhile, teachers getting nabbed for light that enters your camera, conditions;
leagues, earning him the re- remained behind to guide the refugees. Perhaps clash is too warned of rising anti-Chinese drugs, that people would have the light meter decides on the de- f5.6 for heavily overcast con-
spect of all those within the police. When, with the help of kind a word; reports indicate sentiment in the wake of the wised up by now, but appar- sired settings for your photo. ditions;
company. the three men, the police final- that the Chinese attacked the disturbances. ently not. Police recently bust- The light meter inside a cam- f4 for sunrise and sunset (or
Back in 1998, when he and ly apprehended the vandal and protesters with water bottles, For its part, the Korean ed six English teachers, a era can make mistakes. in low ambient light).
another migrant friend were checked the vehicles, they saw stones and garbage. A photo Foreign Ministry called in the Korean national and an illegal Professional photographers and All of those aperture settings
waiting for a train at Ichon large cracks on the front win- reporter with a Korean daily Chinese ambassador to ex- alien from Ghana for violating studio photographers also use work when the ISO and shutter
Station in Seoul — bound for a dows of three expensive paper was injured after he press its displeasure over the Korean drug laws. hand-held light meters, which speed are set to the same number.
morning church service not far sedans. was hit in the head with a incident. The ambassador in The Korean served as a are bigger and more accurate. The sunny f16 rule also has a
away — a Korean lady in her The police thanked the mi- stone. turn expressed regret over the middleman between the Light meters are indispensable few extra advantages. Most
20s fainted and fell off the plat- grant workers after registering Next, it was the pro-Tibet behavior of some of the young Ghanaian supplier and the these days and most photogra- lenses have a “sweet spot” be-
form onto the track. The two Bawi Lian as one of the key protesters’ turn. In front of Chinese involved in the distur- English teachers who were the phers can’t shoot without them. tween f8 and f16 where the
men immediately risked their witnesses of the incident. “It’s Deoksu Palace, a couple of bances. users. The teachers lived So, what do you do if you want to colour and sharpness of the lens
lives by jumping down to res- my responsibility to protect Western protesters wearing The police, meanwhile, have mostly in Seoul and Gyeonggi- shoot without a light meter? Many is at its best. Most lenses —
cue her, while other passersby public and private property, de- pro-Tibet T-shirts were sur- come under some fire for being do, while the ganja was being older cameras don’t have light me- even expensive ones — tend to
idly looked on. The lady later spite my being a foreigner rounded and assaulted by a ill-prepared to deal with the ri- supplied from — you guessed ters. Or, if the light meter is bro- be softer at extreme apertures.
expressed her heartfelt thanks here,” he recounted. large band of young Chinese. ots, which some say were pre- it — Itaewon. ken, then the camera is unusable. Sunny f16 is also useful if the
to the men. It is true that hardworking They were fortunately able to dictable, given what took place One of the English teachers Well, not exactly ... shooting conditions are fooling
A man with a sense of re- and responsible ordinary peo- escape before anyone sus- in San Francisco, London and arrested, an American, told a This is where sunny f16 your camera’s light meter. F16
sponsibility, Bik Te had never ple like Bik Te and Bawi Lian tained serious injury. elsewhere. Yonhap News quot- local internet broadcaster that comes in. Sunny f16 is a general will give your shots a nice depth
let himself be confined to his have proved that, contrary to The worst round came in ed one police official as saying he smoked for the same reason guide for shooting conditions of field, which is perfect for land-
work alone. Fluent in Korean, the stereotype, migrant work- front of City Hall, where stu- that the cops thought the people drank — because it felt without a light meter. To set scape photography .
there were even many occa- ers do have valuable lessons dents attacked more protest- Chinese embassy would be good. your camera using sunny f16, Happy Shooting.
sions when he was mistaken and services to offer their host ers. One protester made the able to control the demonstra- Congratulations. Now you’ll you need to know three things:
for a Korean. society. mistake of trying to escape tors. This is somewhat bewil- likely be deported. Firstly, your camera’s ISO (or
When he joined a one-day We can take them or leave into the lobby of the Seoul dering. News reports on ASA for film cameras). Secondly, Send David a message at
volunteer trip to a city in them. The choice is ours. Plaza Hotel, where he was cor- Tuesday morning carried ac- shutter speed. Thirdly, aperture. davidsmeaton@gmail.com or visit
Gangwon Province in 2006 to nered and beaten by a crowd cusations (thus far unsubstan- Robert is the editor-in-chief Sunny f16 is an aperture of f16 his website at www.david-
help the locals in their efforts of chanting Chinese. This inci- tiated) that the Chinese em- of SEOUL magazine, and the with a shutter speed that is the smeaton.com. If you want to be a
to repair flood-damaged The writer is a foreign resi- dent was caught on video. It bassy helped organize the administrator of The Marmot’s same, or slightly higher, than your part of the weekly Photo Challenge,
buildings and plantations, no dent in Gyeonggi Province. His does not make for pleasant protests. Hole blog (www.rjkoehler.com). ISO. For example, if your camera’s join the “Seoul Photo Club” group at
Korean in his group noticed e-mail is indochina777@ya- viewing. On a positive note, reports — Ed. ISO (or film ASA) is set to 200, flickr (flickr.com/groups/seoulpho-
until very late that a foreign hoo.com — Ed. then your shutter speed should be toclub). — Ed.

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